Vittorio Gregotti

Italian architect
Died on Sunday March 15th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Miika Elomo

Tweets related to Vittorio Gregotti:

@Fijicatalog: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@RonaldClarke: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti left an indelible mark on the field of architecture, writes Peter Lang, and his co-curation of the 1964 Mi… - 5 years ago

@guitaaron75: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago


@meticulousarch: Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus at 92 #covid19 #vittoriogregotti - 5 years ago

@Beeingjoy: RT @architectrader: Legendary Italian architect(urbanist, thinker and curator) Vittorio Gregotti has fallen to Covid19. May he rest in peac… - 5 years ago

@DrMaryJoRoss: RT @KLStorey: Italian architect and urban planner Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus at 92 - 5 years ago

@KLStorey: Italian architect and urban planner Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus at 92 - 5 years ago

@clemdorglandes: RT @BernardVisscher: Covid-19 : mort de l’architecte italien Vittorio Gregotti Le Centre culturel de Belem, et son musé… - 5 years ago

@sukaldetik: RT @katakrak54: 🕯️Martxoaren 15ean koronabirusarengatik hil zen Vittorio Gregotti arkitektoa Milanen. Italiako komunismoaren erreferente na… - 5 years ago

@itscomplicated: Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus (designed Palermo's ZEN neighbourhood and the Barcelona Oly… - 5 years ago

@magbaq: RT @BernardVisscher: Covid-19 : mort de l’architecte italien Vittorio Gregotti Le Centre culturel de Belem, et son musé… - 5 years ago

@andergortazar: RT @katakrak54: 🕯️Martxoaren 15ean koronabirusarengatik hil zen Vittorio Gregotti arkitektoa Milanen. Italiako komunismoaren erreferente na… - 5 years ago

@kaibakun: RT @katakrak54: 🕯️Martxoaren 15ean koronabirusarengatik hil zen Vittorio Gregotti arkitektoa Milanen. Italiako komunismoaren erreferente na… - 5 years ago

@KnowWhatEyeMeme: Noteworthy Italian COVID-19 corona virus deaths 3/9 Italo De Zan, 94, racing cyclist 3/12 Giovanni Battista Rabin… - 5 years ago

@argumento_: RT @katakrak54: 🕯️Martxoaren 15ean koronabirusarengatik hil zen Vittorio Gregotti arkitektoa Milanen. Italiako komunismoaren erreferente na… - 5 years ago

@katakrak54: 🕯️Martxoaren 15ean koronabirusarengatik hil zen Vittorio Gregotti arkitektoa Milanen. Italiako komunismoaren errefe… - 5 years ago

@_Natalene_: RT @BernardVisscher: Covid-19 : mort de l’architecte italien Vittorio Gregotti Le Centre culturel de Belem, et son musé… - 5 years ago

@SuyenAguilar86: RT @ADMEXICO: Gregotti es principalmente conocido por haber trabajado en el proyecto de remodelación del Estadio Olímpico de Barcelona. htt… - 5 years ago

@ShafqatDad_: A tragic event - 5 years ago

@ADMEXICO: Gregotti es principalmente conocido por haber trabajado en el proyecto de remodelación del Estadio Olímpico de Barc… - 5 years ago

@eleventh_fr: L'architecte italien Vittorio Gregotti est mort le dimanche 15 mars, l'occasion de lui rendre hommage en vous parta… - 5 years ago

@BibliothecaO: È pericoloso l’abbandono del disegno a mano. Con il computer si è precisi, è vero, ma non si arriva all’essenza del… - 5 years ago

@BibliothecaO: It is dangerous to abandon the hand drawing. With the computer you are precise, it's true, but you don't get to the… - 5 years ago

@trouw: Vittorio Gregotti (1927-2020), de supercreatieve architect met een nogal sterk karakter. - 5 years ago

@ErdyMcHenry: Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus at 92 - 5 years ago

@BibliothecaO: The materials of architecture are not just concrete or glass. They are also needs, hopes and historical knowledge.… - 5 years ago

@BergVincentvd: Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti dies of coronavirus at 92 - 5 years ago

@DaynaLiffey: Italian architect Vittorio Gregotti dies of #coronavirus at 92 - 5 years ago

@ADM_assdemxmi: RT @unimib: Iniziamo la settimana con un omaggio a Vittorio Gregotti, architetto che ha realizzato il progetto del quartiere di Milano-Bico… - 5 years ago

@Fede_Curatrice: NUOVO ARTICOLO Per leggere copia-incolla 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 - 5 years ago

@50LCA: RT @FundacionArquia: Muere el arquitecto Vittorio Gregotti, a los 92 años a causa del coronavirus. En homenaje a Gregotti, os proponemos… - 5 years ago

@50LCA: RT @FundacionArquia: Día 7 #YoMeQuedoEnCasa En homenaje a Vittorio Gregotti. La notte (M. Antonioni, 1961, 122´) "El argumento trata la i… - 5 years ago

@50LCA: RT @FundacionArquia: Día 8 #YoMeQuedoEnCasa - En homenaje a Vittorio Gregotti Happy Family (Gabriele Salvatores, 2010, 90´). "en esta p… - 5 years ago

@pladur_ES: Vittorio Gregotti, el arquitecto italiano de estadios olímpicos como el de Barcelona y el Anillo de Monjuic, ha fal… - 5 years ago

@FundacionArquia: Día 9 #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #LaCulturaEnTuCasa Documental "Vittorio Gregotti: il disegno della ragione" ( Ultrafragola… - 5 years ago

@MondoArchiBlog: #23marzo #BuongiornoATutti Vi ricordo che domani uscirà un nuovo blog post dedicato all' #architetto Vittorio Grego… - 5 years ago

@dianebassdesign: RT wallpapermag: Remembering Vittorio Gregotti: architect, thinker, Italian - 5 years ago

@olympicswim1: RT swimswamnews: Fallece Vittorio Gregotti, Arquitecto Del Estadio Olímpico De Barcelona 1992 - 5 years ago

@aad2a456f0f04d0: RT @murifigueroa: En memòria de Vittorio Gregotti que va morir la setmana pasada per #coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@maggibanuelos: RT @ActualidadRT: Muere por coronavirus el famoso arquitecto italiano que diseñó el Estadio Olímpico de Barcelona - 5 years ago

@mar10_lopez: RT @el_pais: Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, padre de la arquitectura moderna italiana y diseñador del anillo olímpico de Barcelon… - 5 years ago

@freespeechisok: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@TomasFRoBeltran: RT @SwimSwamES: Fallece Vittorio Gregotti, Arquitecto Del Estadio Olímpico De Barcelona 1992 - 5 years ago

@SwimSwamES: Fallece Vittorio Gregotti, Arquitecto Del Estadio Olímpico De Barcelona 1992 - 5 years ago

@swimswamnews: Fallece Vittorio Gregotti, Arquitecto Del Estadio Olímpico De Barcelona 1992 - 5 years ago

@Sergio07234649: RT @elsoldepuebla1: ✝️Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, maestro de la arquitectura italiana - 5 years ago

@AmyAyers16: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@elsoldepuebla1: ✝️Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, maestro de la arquitectura italiana - 5 years ago

@7velask: @ANEP_Uruguay @RobertSilva1971 Crónica del coronavirus en Euskadi | El Correo… - 5 years ago

@sundene: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@CelebrityPool: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@TMwheelsup: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@Oli1Tita: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@Rayn3ll: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@Cathyham01Cathy: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@Ladeegem01: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@Destini41: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@HitchNNorth: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@DarbyPhillipps: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@jdzlindeed2: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@delta2768: RT @NYTObits: Vittorio Gregotti has died: he was a major Italian architect. Coronavirus was blamed. - 5 years ago

@mgalzuru: RT @COACatalunya: Dedicamos nuestro primer #JuevesDeArquitectura versión #Quédateencasa a Vittorio Gregotti, el gran arquitecto italiano mu… - 5 years ago

@Silvia___Garcia: RT @FundacionArquia: Día 7 #YoMeQuedoEnCasa En homenaje a Vittorio Gregotti. La notte (M. Antonioni, 1961, 122´) "El argumento trata la i… - 5 years ago

@sam_rsam: RT @elsoldepuebla1: ✝️Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, maestro de la arquitectura italiana - 5 years ago

@elsoldepuebla1: ✝️Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, maestro de la arquitectura italiana - 5 years ago

@Capelvenere1: RT @arialuce1: “lo stato delle possibili fenomenologie dei processi di costruzione del progetto in quanto pratica artistica” Consapevolezz… - 5 years ago

@garry_thomas: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@stephanie_trip: RT @ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@virariany: RT @ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Sugihoktavian10: RT @ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@monique_barret: RT @LeHuffPost: L'architecte Vittorio Gregotti est mort d'une pneumonie liée au coronavirus - 5 years ago

@septemberblue_: RT @ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@maharanidz: RT @ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@ArsitekMenulis: RIP Architect Vittorio Gregotti, died in Milan of coronavirus - 5 years ago

@saintlaurents: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, died to… - 5 years ago

@CAUE_Aveyron: #RIP Vittorio Gregotti Architecte. La forme du territoire : une analyse de paysage à travers l'œuvre de Vittorio Gr… - 5 years ago

@good1_lucy: RT @MidnightOil: Vittorio Gregotti, Modernist Architect, Dies in Pandemic at 92 - 5 years ago

@ReporterPhoenix: RT @MidnightOil: Vittorio Gregotti, Modernist Architect, Dies in Pandemic at 92 - 5 years ago

@ricgomes: Vittorio Gregotti, Modernist Architect, Dies in Pandemic at 92 - 5 years ago

@ilhanDALGIC1: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@osmaprada: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@VonricFontana: - 5 years ago

@LaserInformatv: Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, maestro de la arquitectura italiana - 5 years ago

@ogob04: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@ofarry: @obrien_jonathan Architect Vittorio Gregotti died in Milan a week ago from it. Designed Barcelona’s Olympic Stadium… - 5 years ago

@member_spring: RT @MAJID_Moumad: Covid-19 : mort de l’architecte italien Vittorio Gregotti Agé de 92 ans. - 5 years ago

@Lou87473795: RT @thalassa2008: 🇫🇷 Pandémie de coronavirus : - la député LR Valérie Boyer est infectée par le COVID19 et est hospitalisée à Marseille, so… - 5 years ago

@8Kari: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@gillespaolini: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@ReyGorez: RT @camillereygorez: ❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@ArchNRG: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@MtnMod: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@BRT_1999: RT @andra_ann: สถาปนิกชื่อดังของอิตาลี Vittorio Gregotti เสียชีวิตแล้วเพราะอาการปอดจากการติดเชื้อโคโรน่า - 5 years ago

@benri: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@LuceJansen: RT @architectrader: Legendary Italian architect(urbanist, thinker and curator) Vittorio Gregotti has fallen to Covid19. May he rest in peac… - 5 years ago

@morgan_forde_: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@Blackitect: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@niccolopoletto: RT @archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale, passed… - 5 years ago

@archpaper: Vittorio Gregotti, the architect, urbanist, and writer who laid the groundwork for the Venice Architecture Biennale… - 5 years ago

@LuisHum90928114: Muere por coronavirus Vittorio Gregotti, el arquitecto que conjugó vanguardia, historia y compromiso social… - 5 years ago

@jaimegti16v: @laperricornio @Northern_Sky3 Siendo italiana puede ser Vittorio Gregotti pero no es taaaaan famoso. - 5 years ago

@Alberto10051681: @tercosmicqueen murió vittorio gregotti de coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@pabloaltikes: RT @HiddenArchitect: En Memoria de Vittorio Gregotti : Olympic Stadium Barcelona, Spain. 1984 - 5 years ago

@OpenLinkArtData: RT @artlawyers: Vittorio Gregotti, the last modern architect of Venice, dies of coronavirus aged 92: - 5 years ago

@franklinmood: RT @SesiMimar: İtalya’da Luigi Ferraris Stadyumu, Barcelona olimpiyat Stadyumu ve Arcimboldi Tiyatrosu mimarı Vittorio Gregotti, Koronadan… - 5 years ago

@VirginiaMason1: RT @internaeco: Vittorio #Gregotti, stroncato, all’età di 92 anni, da una polmonite da #coronavirus . Quella della scorsa domenica è la pri… - 5 years ago

@ElOrigenDiario: Vittorio Gregotti: adiós al maestro de la Arquitectura - 5 years ago

@carlo_cozzani: bello insieme. era una meraviglia ascoltare i racconti di Gianni. Domenica scorsa Vittorio Gregotti, ieri Gianni Mu… - 5 years ago

@Jboadar: RT @ActualidadRT: Muere por coronavirus el famoso arquitecto italiano que diseñó el Estadio Olímpico de Barcelona - 5 years ago

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