Viola Smith

American drummer.
Died on Friday October 23rd 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Viola Smith:

@RhythmChimp: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JosheFoods_USA: RT @v65ify: So it is time to pick my apples, much as I enjoy seeing them on the tree they have been called for a higher purpose, to become… - 4 years ago

@yyynagaoka: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@tg_dr_iwa: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago


@Vallin: - 4 years ago

@Vallin: - 4 years ago

@satomi_yamasaki: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@shonadotie: Viola Smith's passion is just something else! 🤩 - 4 years ago

@waltzofgnon: Drummer Viola Smith sadly died at the age of 107 a few weeks ago. She led a long and interesting life. #swing… - 4 years ago

@attherealChris: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bohinosoba: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@Kyoko1962: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@PeterJr08819224: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JoeyRamune: RT @crowleydrums: 世界で最初のジャズドラマーであり最高齢現存ドラマーでもあった女性ドラマーのヴィオラスミスがお亡くなりになったそうです。107歳だって。。。俺なんてまだまだヒヨッコだな...って思った。。。凄いよ、マジに.....。合掌。 - 4 years ago

@AShane84: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@Alshymi: RT @theestallioran: @Alshymi Yep Will Smith revient souvent mais ouais Viola, Lupita etc c’est crickets💀💀💀💀 - 4 years ago

@theestallioran: @Alshymi Yep Will Smith revient souvent mais ouais Viola, Lupita etc c’est crickets💀💀💀💀 - 4 years ago

@TimothyPGreen: Viola Smith died last week at staggering 107 years old of age, one month shy to turn 108. She was born in November 1912 👇👇 - 4 years ago

@emimetaller: RT @crowleydrums: 世界で最初のジャズドラマーであり最高齢現存ドラマーでもあった女性ドラマーのヴィオラスミスがお亡くなりになったそうです。107歳だって。。。俺なんてまだまだヒヨッコだな...って思った。。。凄いよ、マジに.....。合掌。 - 4 years ago

@crowleydrums: 世界で最初のジャズドラマーであり最高齢現存ドラマーでもあった女性ドラマーのヴィオラスミスがお亡くなりになったそうです。107歳だって。。。俺なんてまだまだヒヨッコだな...って思った。。。凄いよ、マジに.....。合掌。 - 4 years ago

@YamoReverse: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@andrew69music: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@sugimotosan: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@KUWA00000: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@kma_twi: いまリツイートしたViola Smithさんの演奏動画見てたんだけど、なにげに木管隊が全員サックスとクラリネットの持ち替えとかえげつないことしてる あと1:05あたりの楽器なに クラリネットの一種? - 4 years ago

@ksn92_tym: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@kma_twi: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@KT10_umahone_15: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@umaibocafe: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@ys_music: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@jdoijisjhspiej: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@iam_result: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@isagiyoku1: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@Ogu_Ra_Ank: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@Stargazing0215: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@bridmaster: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@mt1q7q: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@SanoMayumi: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@pinoto30: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@JackNatsuaki: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@yamahen: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@StudioLiteDrum: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@jaar24_luis: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@edgar_groove: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@SLR_722: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@DidjazaJon: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@loves_maimai: RT @Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興味ある方、… - 4 years ago

@moloko8551: RT @Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: https:/… - 4 years ago

@Ibero909FM: #LasMásLeídas #Ibero909 Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota:… - 4 years ago

@Beat_Mikanabe: 悲しいお知らせ。 推定世界最高齢の女性ドラマー Viola Smith氏、ご逝去されたそう。 1930年代に女性ビッグバンドで叩いていたお方。107歳。 YouTubeでViola Smithと検索すると色々な動画があります。 興… - 4 years ago

@GeorgeManka: Wonderful! Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - 4 years ago

@mareah50519641: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@conserpiazzolla: Desde el 9º Encuentro de Ensambles de Percusión compartimos este homenaje a la gran baterista y pionera Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@majugregorio_: qualquer filme que tenha will smith e viola davis juntos eu tô aqui p passar pano - 4 years ago

@abridbu: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@wmzeon: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SteveeGeeVee: Viola Smith 1912 - 2020 - 4 years ago

@MemoDylan: @rafflesgomez @chocodonte La escuela de Gene Krupa (el mejor) es el referente de los mejores batacas de todos los t… - 4 years ago

@BoomStickC2: @TheArmoryBand @ComicBook @UrbanAcolyte Actually the story for the original cut is different they also combined mul… - 4 years ago

@MauraBatson: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@SteveeGeeVee: KEEP BEATING THE DRUMS FOR TRUMP #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola S… - 4 years ago

@HerrPrysselius: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@waltien: Viola Smith rabbit hole. This is worth 14 minutes of your time. - 4 years ago

@kikinhov: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Mr_K_Twig: Sen hade jag missat att trumdrottningen Viola Smith gått bort för någon vecka sedan. 😢 Må hennes minne vila i fripe… - 4 years ago

@brien_tilly: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@christymcgill: “Smith and a sister formed the Coquettes, an all-female orchestra, in 1938. They traveled the country for four year… - 4 years ago

@InghamBrett: RIP Viola Smith. Check this! 😍 - 4 years ago

@AchilleTalon: - 4 years ago

@jugutier70: Morre aos 107 anos Viola Smith, pioneira da bateria - A Rádio Rock - 89,1 FM - SP - 4 years ago

@david_aristegui: RT @The_AFM: Viola Smith: @The_AFM member, drummer, and trailblazer. Billed as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” playing for big ban… - 4 years ago

@ZaneRyland: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith The amazing an… - 4 years ago

@cpalmedo: RT @listenonrepeat: Frances Carroll Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer🥁🥁 Viola Smith 🆕#review #listenonrepeat 💯 #repeat 🔁#loop #songs #youtub… - 4 years ago

@cpalmedo: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@cpalmedo: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@listenonrepeat: Frances Carroll Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer🥁🥁 Viola Smith 🆕#review #listenonrepeat 💯 #repeat 🔁#loop #songs… - 4 years ago

@KazeQqr389ed: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@radioledfmrock: - 4 years ago

@IRespectMusicLA: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@tacatacall: RT @NewsJerrySmith: Ontem(29) foi lançada a música “Toquinho Da Viola” da dupla Pedro & Paraná, um FunkNejo com um toque eletrônico, e o me… - 4 years ago

@Porvocejerry: RT @NewsJerrySmith: Ontem(29) foi lançada a música “Toquinho Da Viola” da dupla Pedro & Paraná, um FunkNejo com um toque eletrônico, e o me… - 4 years ago

@MissScarlet72: RT @RichardFrady1: @Karminatarian @misskristinruth @MissScarlet72 @kdill74 @RDill74 @_ILikeFastCars @quickbear @MarkKoops @The_Savage1 @Ric… - 4 years ago

@maestrobantor: RT @mariafcanet: Sigue dándole a las baquetas allí donde estés, Viola. - 4 years ago

@RichardFrady1: @Karminatarian @misskristinruth @MissScarlet72 @kdill74 @RDill74 @_ILikeFastCars @quickbear @MarkKoops @The_Savage1… - 4 years ago

@DShojiNakamoto: RT @The_Madisons: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@SFSK8rGrrl: The Smartest Man In The World Podcast... Are You Experienced? ICMY: @GregProops & Jennifer; Bootsy Collins to op… - 4 years ago

@NewsJerrySmith: Ontem(29) foi lançada a música “Toquinho Da Viola” da dupla Pedro & Paraná, um FunkNejo com um toque eletrônico, e… - 4 years ago

@JGuilloSalinas: RT @freerockin: Esta semana nos ha dejado una pionera a las baquetas, Viola Smith, con 107 años. El rock and roll era esto 🥁 - 4 years ago

@SaintPierrot_: RT @MonsieurPompier: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107. Story: - 4 years ago

@EREpifania: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Music_d20: Ahh heck, Viola Smith died! A midwesterner who kicked ass at the drums when women *really* didn't often get a chanc… - 4 years ago

@PlanetDrum: - 4 years ago

@PEDRO_JAVIER_RC: RT @freerockin: Esta semana nos ha dejado una pionera a las baquetas, Viola Smith, con 107 años. El rock and roll era esto 🥁 - 4 years ago

@ObregonArtur: RT @mariafcanet: Sigue dándole a las baquetas allí donde estés, Viola. - 4 years ago

@freerockin: Esta semana nos ha dejado una pionera a las baquetas, Viola Smith, con 107 años. El rock and roll era esto 🥁 - 4 years ago

@mariafcanet: Sigue dándole a las baquetas allí donde estés, Viola. - 4 years ago

@HowlinIzzy: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@EIBertaCaceres: En la Pared Propia de hoy traemos a la pionera Viola Smith (1912-2020), una de las primeras #mujeres bateristas pro… - 4 years ago

@Tyflor3: RT @gisb_sus: Viola Smith Baterista Pionera en su instrumento, ha muerto a los 107 años sin haber dejado de tocar - 4 years ago

@nacchan198: RT @VAMPGRRRL: かつて“世界最速の女性ドラマー”と言われていたというヴィオラ・スミスのマインドロックなドラミングが最高すぎて、毎日これを観ている。残念ながら、先日107歳で他界されたのだそう...どうか安らかに🥲 Frances Carroll & Her Co… - 4 years ago

@herrcstein: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Viola_Liuzzo: RT @AntheRhodes: Lamar Smith, a 63-year-old World War I veteran, farmer and voting rights activist was shot to death outside the courthouse… - 4 years ago

@LuciaLuce5: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JoeStrange17: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - 4 years ago

@CBuittner1993: For Halloween at work... Cassandra Buittner Violet Viola-Violette Violaceous Paisley Cakins Rachel Smith Candleligh… - 4 years ago

@MillieR37555320: RT @Local_802_AFM: Viola Smith, the oldest member of @Local_802_AFM and @The_AFM, died on Oct. 21, 2020 at the age of 107. She was one of… - 4 years ago

@MatthewJeffreyB: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mbarba_com: RT @kultrumlibros: Viola Smith RIP - 4 years ago

@kultrumlibros: Viola Smith RIP - 4 years ago

@Julianvl: Viola Smith RIP - 4 years ago

@Kurutyoko11go: RT @VAMPGRRRL: かつて“世界最速の女性ドラマー”と言われていたというヴィオラ・スミスのマインドロックなドラミングが最高すぎて、毎日これを観ている。残念ながら、先日107歳で他界されたのだそう...どうか安らかに🥲 Frances Carroll & Her Co… - 4 years ago

@ReplacementKate: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@iam_kevv: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@JennyClarinet: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This Week’s Honorary Unsubscribe: Viola Smith was a lot more than the “fastest girl drummer in the world.” Her stor… - 4 years ago

@XaviiGutz: RT @Ibero909FM: #PorSiTeLoPerdiste Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: - 4 years ago

@The_Madisons: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@HeinerMichaelis: RT @sblogga: Long before the Go-Gos and The Bangles, these trail-blazing women had their own big band! Viola Smith, pioneering swing and b… - 4 years ago

@sblogga: Long before the Go-Gos and The Bangles, these trail-blazing women had their own big band! Viola Smith, pioneering… - 4 years ago

@Akram_Tweets: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Fewmaster: Viola Smith. 29. November 1912 - 21. Oktober 2020. Hundertundacht? - 4 years ago

@Fewmaster: Frauen halt! Auch die Schlagzeugende Viola Smith kann in ihrem Arbeitsumfeld nicht auf die vertrauten optischen Mu… - 4 years ago

@goatsheadsoup59: RT @PetrosVanRipper: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SpreadMusicNow: Viola Smith, "The World's Fastest Girl Drummer", has died at the age of 107. Celebrate the amazing life of Viola w… - 4 years ago

@learead1: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@ubbi20115: Los británicos van a tener el plus de poder participar por el sorteo de una viola firmada por Robert Smith . ( no p… - 4 years ago

@bharcourt: - 4 years ago

@ECO_ROCKS: Viola Smith la pionera batería que abrió camino a otras mujeres en tocar instrumentos predominantementes masculino… - 4 years ago

@nycdoublebassis: RT @Local_802_AFM: Viola Smith, the oldest member of @Local_802_AFM and @The_AFM, died on Oct. 21, 2020 at the age of 107. She was one of… - 4 years ago

@sinohablodemi: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - - 4 years ago

@BildatHopgen: Bom dia. Torcedores do Vasco: LeBron James Martin Luther King Jr Julius o pai do Cris Terry Crews Ice cube Tupac… - 4 years ago

@P_Dreadful: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mennoheetveld: - 4 years ago

@SteveALee: Drum pioneer Viola Smith in 1939 - - 4 years ago

@Vespaboy: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@chokodoc: @Mar_Goth_ @Le_Figaro Ici, ils parlent de son engagement pour qu'il y ait plus de femmes dans les orchestres : - 4 years ago

@chokodoc: @Mar_Goth_ @Le_Figaro Hop, tu vas voir c'est une vraie reine 👑 - 4 years ago

@chokodoc: "Super un article sur Viola Smith une des premières batteuses de Jazz" *lis "femme BATTEUR" * 🚮 C'est dommage d'… - 4 years ago

@DEW_MAKINO3: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Broadwaybandit5: @FeministaJones She and Bessie Smith bonded over it, The biopic Queen Latifah did as her didnt shy away from it eit… - 4 years ago

@DoorWay2Fandom: RT @alancross: #MusicHistory Viola Smith, “the world’s fastest girl drummer,” has died at the age of 107 - 4 years ago

@alancross: RT @alancross: #MusicHistory Viola Smith, “the world’s fastest girl drummer,” has died at the age of 107 - 4 years ago

@VAMPGRRRL: かつて“世界最速の女性ドラマー”と言われていたというヴィオラ・スミスのマインドロックなドラミングが最高すぎて、毎日これを観ている。残念ながら、先日107歳で他界されたのだそう...どうか安らかに🥲 Frances Carroll… - 4 years ago

@SteinSoFine: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@bp_three: We all love our female rock bands, but this is off the hook! It's an all female orchestra from 1939, and the drumme… - 4 years ago

@BeetSamantha: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ArthurSimpkins: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Jordan_Chaos: RT @Ibero909FM: #PorSiTeLoPerdiste Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: - 4 years ago

@hbetocruzmtz: RT @Ibero909FM: #PorSiTeLoPerdiste Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota: - 4 years ago

@Ibero909FM: #PorSiTeLoPerdiste Viola Smith, “la niña baterista más rápida del mundo”, muere a los 107 años. Lee la nota:… - 4 years ago

@McGly1: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TheFutureHeart: RT @TheFutureHeart: "Now is the time for all girl musicians to seek to be recognized." This editorial by Viola Sm… - 4 years ago

@amyrhodabrown: RT @EccentricFlower: Someayall may have seen that Viola Smith died. Here's what the fuss was about. (Don't be fooled by the gentle and unre… - 4 years ago

@Viola_Bosun: RT @Harryslaststand: From my dad-Harry Leslie Smith- 22 days before he died. #Poppy #RememberInNovember - 4 years ago

@coffey_: I somehow missed this news last week but I just learned of Viola Smith’s passing. What an absolute inspiration. I s… - 4 years ago

@LilianaGreenOk: La baterista Viola Smith falleció a los 107 años: tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@Joe_Smith_Avila: RT @martibatres: Muy importante el anuncio del Presidente de la República en el sentido de que enviará una iniciativa para impedir el outso… - 4 years ago

@EccentricFlower: Someayall may have seen that Viola Smith died. Here's what the fuss was about. (Don't be fooled by the gentle and u… - 4 years ago

@djheather: #WordUpWednesday #GiveTheDrummerSome Peace to the legend #Viola Smith, trailblazing drummer from Wisconsin, dies… - 4 years ago

@clivedeamer: @ZildjianCompany Rest in peace Viola Smith. Another wonderful drumming pioneer from the early golden age of drumming. - 4 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @GuardianUS: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@MMangioneMusic: What a legend 💔 #RIPViolaSmith - 4 years ago

@miss_scottie: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@rosstell: RT @Rich3Dawg: OTHER GREAT AMERICAN RESISTORS: George Lee Lamar Smith Bob Moses Herbert Lee Paul Guihard Will Moore Medgar Evers Bruce Klun… - 4 years ago

@joelizaharrison: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@pippajbanham: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@DimityCarmody: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@aberamentho: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SMcgadget: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@paca_tricio: RT @MatiaFundazioa: Este pasado fin de semana ha fallecido Viola Smith, la mujer baterista más longeva del mundo, con 107 años. Tocó en div… - 4 years ago

@charann130: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - 4 years ago

@charann130: Viola Smith Drummer Death - Know Everything about It! - 4 years ago

@CabanillasCM: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - 4 years ago

@NRMA298: RT@The_AFM Viola Smith: @The_AFM member, drummer, and trailblazer. Billed as the “fastest girl drummer in the world… - 4 years ago

@Agata_Clemente: Snake Charmer - Viola Smith Drums (Drum and Bass Remix) - 4 years ago

@Piyokodokusai: RT @ecodaren: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@bookofjoe: Viola Smith, 'Fastest girl drummer in the world' - 4 years ago

@DanGraur: In the early 1970s, my father told me that listening to rock music with loud drums will damage my health. He was ri… - 4 years ago

@CFuga: RIP Viola Smith, baterista. Falleció el pasado 21 de octubre, a unas semanas de cumplir 108 años. Una muestra ... - 4 years ago

@LatinStrategies: RT @The_AFM: Viola Smith: @The_AFM member, drummer, and trailblazer. Billed as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” playing for big ban… - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @SyncopatedTimes: Viola Smith died Wednesday at age 107. She was likely the last living link to the jazz stage of the 1920s. – The Synco… - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @The_AFM: Viola Smith: @The_AFM member, drummer, and trailblazer. Billed as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” playing for big ban… - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@The_AFM: Viola Smith: @The_AFM member, drummer, and trailblazer. Billed as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” playing… - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@ecodaren: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@tilbots: Viola Smith, who began her career as a drummer in the 1920s, featured on the cover of Billboard magazine in 1940, p… - 4 years ago

@Local_802_AFM: Viola Smith, the oldest member of @Local_802_AFM and @The_AFM, died on Oct. 21, 2020 at the age of 107. She was on… - 4 years ago

@listenonrepeat: Frances Carroll Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer🥁🥁 Viola Smith 🆕#review #listenonrepeat 💯 #repeat 🔁#loop #songs… - 4 years ago

@BillyhANLUAIN: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@_caaddss: - 4 years ago

@RiittaIlonen: “My dad said, ‘Now, we need a drummer!’ Thank God, I was it.” - 4 years ago

@IngeniousChi: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Viola Smith, Who Blazed A Path For Women Drummers In Big Band And Swing, 107: Smith was called a “hep girl” and bill… - 4 years ago

@julietwoodjazz: Raise a glass to pioneering drummer Viola Smith who died last week aged 107. Perhaps the regular exercise of her vi… - 4 years ago

@TheXFriends666: RT @ThisSideAnarchy: In case you missed it. - 4 years ago

@SteveALee: Great life story, fighting entrenched sexism though. Love the side drums in the video "Viola Smith, pioneering s… - 4 years ago

@dagadgetboi: #RIPVIOLASMITH #RIPLegend - 4 years ago

@AnnaArioGarri: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@giannisalvioni1: L'incredibile storia della batterista Viola Smith, morta a 107 anni - 4 years ago

@martin_roulet: Viola Smith Has Passed Away - 4 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@dougomez: Viola Smith (1912 – 2020), pioneering female swing drummer - - 4 years ago

@MusicVidNet: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@DebAbides: RT @GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola Smith g… - 4 years ago

@MJJMorris: RT @metroensemble: Now playing: Battered Prophet (for John Lewis)* Composed and created by: @amBROSEire and @WadadaLeoSmith Performed by… - 4 years ago

@amBROSEire: RT @metroensemble: Now playing: Battered Prophet (for John Lewis)* Composed and created by: @amBROSEire and @WadadaLeoSmith Performed by… - 4 years ago

@fexisdesertmoon: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@david_teledu: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@K_Leonard_PhD: Viola Smith, Who Blazed A Path For Women Drummers In Big Band And Swing, 107 - 4 years ago

@metroensemble: Now playing: Battered Prophet (for John Lewis)* Composed and created by: @amBROSEire and @WadadaLeoSmith Perform… - 4 years ago

@G60Angie: Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@TheeOtherBIll: RT @GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola Smith g… - 4 years ago

@megwilhoite: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@alitos77: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@davidduarte1br1: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@PrimateEstoico: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@nixus_nrw: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@todopoderosx: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@MrCoolLooking75: RT @GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola Smith g… - 4 years ago

@sebastianRNF: RT @radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es considerada la pr… - 4 years ago

@radionica: Viola Smith tocaba con un kit de doce tambores que incluía tom-toms de alto montaje 🥁. Veloz y precisa, es consider… - 4 years ago

@TrainingForReal: This is amazing! The all woman Swing band from the '40s, Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Sm… - 4 years ago

@ThibertLyne: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@NosferAchoo: Some Viola Smith for y'all - 4 years ago

@thekidshouldsee: RT @thekidshouldsee: #ViolaSmith was a trailblazer as one of America’s 1st professional female #drummers and a champion for female musician… - 4 years ago

@marcosarellano: Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@kcdeforge: RT @GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola Smith g… - 4 years ago

@The_Madisons: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@wclvnowplaying: Concerto Viola d'amore and Lute by Vivaldi. Barton Pine; H.Smith (@RBPviolinist). - 4 years ago

@HolzmanK: RT @RoyKenagy: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107: Smith, who died in California on Wednesday, has been cred… - 4 years ago

@5lawslib: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107: Smith, who died in California on Wednesday, has… - 4 years ago

@RoyKenagy: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107: Smith, who died in California on Wednesday, has… - 4 years ago

@taliailan: Viola Smith. RIP is not for you.... just KEEP DRUMMING! - 4 years ago

@Emilce15172: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@Wood0132: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@zcogris: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bruxilda666: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@OctavioDiav: RT @LaFaroJazz: A los 107 años murió Viola Smith, una de las primeras mujeres bateristas - Sumario en Red«La técnica de esta artista, carac… - 4 years ago

@sayntmykl: RT @GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola Smith g… - 4 years ago

@GregProops: New Proopcast. Happy Birthday Bootsy and Hillary, Diane DiPrima, Kushner persists in being a racist criminal, Viola… - 4 years ago

@marianaclaussen: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@pierrebri: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Larpvtv: Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@marcalpraca: A baterista mais rápida de sua época, vivas para Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@DJ_Thundercat: RT @jenn_swann: Drink some red wine, eat some salty caramel ice cream, and listen to some jazz music today in honor of the inimitable Viola… - 4 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Viola Smith, Who Blazed A Path For Women Drummers In Big Band And Swing, 107: Smith was called a “hep girl” and b… - 4 years ago

@icimusique: RT @RC_Arts: Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@dinaprestonband: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JohnFirewalker: "Look here you patriarchal cats, I'm going to beat you like a rented drum." Viola Smith #NationalBlackCatDay - 4 years ago

@BigOrangePruitt: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - 4 years ago

@LarryFolk: RT @heatherbambrick: Legendary drummer and pioneer/advocate for women in jazz Viola Smith passes away at 107 due to complications from Alzh… - 4 years ago

@LyllaLima: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@mooga41: RT @mxdwn: RIP: Legendary Female Swing Drummer Viola Smith Dead at 107 #swingdrummer #violasmith #legendary - 4 years ago

@MarcoGorgar: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos - 4 years ago

@arturomartialis: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@MarcusSouzaMelo: RT @Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@lolaoltra: @gisb_sus ¡Fantástica Viola Smith!!🙌🏻🙌🏻 #CadaVezMásIguales💜 - 4 years ago

@frankp316: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Jazztouruy: RT @JAZZFM91: From @guardian: Viola Smith, the swing and big-band drummer who has been credited with blazing a path for women in music, has… - 4 years ago

@ralphbenmergui: RT @JAZZFM91: From @guardian: Viola Smith, the swing and big-band drummer who has been credited with blazing a path for women in music, has… - 4 years ago

@c90blank: RT @mxdwn: RIP: Legendary Female Swing Drummer Viola Smith Dead at 107 #swingdrummer #violasmith #legendary - 4 years ago

@iveyjanette_207: RT @JAZZFM91: From @guardian: Viola Smith, the swing and big-band drummer who has been credited with blazing a path for women in music, has… - 4 years ago

@TaleFinn: RT @JAZZFM91: From @guardian: Viola Smith, the swing and big-band drummer who has been credited with blazing a path for women in music, has… - 4 years ago

@JAZZFM91: From @guardian: Viola Smith, the swing and big-band drummer who has been credited with blazing a path for women in… - 4 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: 🎼🥁 #RIP - Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: 🎼🥁#RIP - Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@mxdwn: RIP: Legendary Female Swing Drummer Viola Smith Dead at 107 #swingdrummer #violasmith #legendary… - 4 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: 🎼🥁Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@karenleespree: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@h_quintas: RT @Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@UrbanSoundSuite: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@sosbiglietti: L'incredibile storia della batterista Viola Smith, morta a 107 anni - 4 years ago

@PAZLLORIA: RT @gisb_sus: Viola Smith Baterista Pionera en su instrumento, ha muerto a los 107 años sin haber dejado de tocar - 4 years ago

@dudaastrid: RT @Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@Dorimene2: RT @DianeDelavallee: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@BersaniLeda: RT @bonfigliolimas2: "Date un'opportunità alle ragazze musiciste" Il 21 ottobre si spegne, a 107 anni, la stella l… - 4 years ago

@LenaLutaud: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@Alcyone_viola: RT @caecilia1003: ©︎Rodney Smith - 4 years ago

@bulcadora: RT @gisb_sus: Viola Smith Baterista Pionera en su instrumento, ha muerto a los 107 años sin haber dejado de tocar - 4 years ago

@JPLaurin: @Nandi_Bushell RIP Drummer Viola Smith 107 - 4 years ago

@bonfigliolimas2: "Date un'opportunità alle ragazze musiciste" Il 21 ottobre si spegne, a 107 anni, la stell… - 4 years ago

@IsabAmaglio: RT @archimusiques: Pionnière du jazz, Viola Smith était «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde». Elle est morte, à l’âge de 107 ans https:/… - 4 years ago

@mariiblueana: RT @Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@k0pernikus: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Whiplash_Net: Viola Smith: morre, aos 107 anos, a baterista mais rápida do mundo - 4 years ago

@ratherbeapear: RT @MonsieurPompier: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107. Story: - 4 years ago


@Chilitemple: Está semana murió Viola Smith a los 107 años, la chica más rápida en los tambores! - 4 years ago

@Malherbiere: RT @chaussisfamily: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@anthroxlove: RT @CelebDeathAlert: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@BluebeatShelter: Morning, stumbled across this article, sorry that it's in German, but I thought it's worth sharing. RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@secretdead_pool: RT CelebDeathAlert "Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@DLukaszewicz: RT @CelebDeathAlert: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@chaussisfamily: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@adeforsan: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@CelebDeathAlert: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@TelevisionMan4: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@WB_Markus: RT @Buschaeff: Die Schlagzeugpionierin Viola Smith ist im Alter von 107 Jahren gestorben. Watch her once again playing, amazing! #DrummerGi… - 4 years ago

@listenonrepeat: Frances Carroll Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer🥁🥁 Viola Smith 🆕#review #listenonrepeat 💯 #repeat 🔁#loop #songs… - 4 years ago

@AlbertoCocido: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Jipiboi: Hace poco escribía sobre esta grande de la música, 107 años de genialidad, descansa en paz. - 4 years ago

@marisa_2012: RT @eldestape_radio: #Sonorama | Recordamos a Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujer bateristas💚 🗣️📱1125809360 📻FM107.3 AM1050 | - 4 years ago


@Kadmonband: RT @LaFaroJazz: A los 107 años murió Viola Smith, una de las primeras mujeres bateristas - Sumario en Red«La técnica de esta artista, carac… - 4 years ago

@DarylCarter55: RT @UndercoverIndi: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 RIP 🕊️ - 4 years ago

@lauravanderbilt: RT @journalsentinel: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@quintapeich: Acabo de enterarme de que la semana pasada ha muerto Viola Smith. ¡¡107 años y seguía en activo!! 🙆 - 4 years ago

@petalspumpkin: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@3rdCoastChick: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@khalilrivers1: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@ElenaHabib3: RT @OnthePrisonLine: May we all pause and take in how badass every part of this is - 4 years ago

@drorre: RT @LaFaroJazz: A los 107 años murió Viola Smith, una de las primeras mujeres bateristas - Sumario en Red«La técnica de esta artista, carac… - 4 years ago

@FeinViolins: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 #viola - 4 years ago

@levi_mccormick: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ItsaTradeThing: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@who_cayres: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@BoydCoy32: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@viajeliviano: RT @eldestape_radio: #Sonorama | Recordamos a Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujer bateristas💚 🗣️📱1125809360 📻FM107.3 AM1050 | - 4 years ago

@eldestape_radio: #Sonorama | Recordamos a Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujer bateristas💚 🗣️📱1125809360 📻FM107.3 AM1050 |… - 4 years ago

@PaulBacon30: #ViolaSmith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 #RIPViolaSmith #RIPViola - 4 years ago

@SaintCamara: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@tonyaiex: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@richardjfoster: Not really knowing much about drummers and their skill / influence, I wonder if @GeorgeHrab would care to provide a… - 4 years ago

@RC_Arts: Viola Smith, « la batteuse la plus rapide du monde », s’est éteinte à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@letitrollcast: - 4 years ago

@tommyberesford: Viola Smith (1912-2020) - 4 years ago

@sebastiaopint13: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith 'FALECEU DIA 21… - 4 years ago

@JJFromVilla: @elocinaryk Fences with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis or The Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith and Jaden Smith - 4 years ago

@mobang: Viola Smith - Honorary Unsubscribe - 4 years ago

@RePao: 107 Jährig nun ewige Ruhe gefunden RIP! Viola Smith on Drum Talk TV at 102 Years Young! - 4 years ago

@srigop8: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RuthKeszia: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@RogerSprong: Check out this article: Viola Smith (1912 – 2020), pioneering female swing drummer - - 4 years ago

@JuhaSiltala: Ei se aina niin mene että parhaiden pitää kuolla nuorena. Viola Smith 107. - 4 years ago

@FirstSarasota: RT @FirstSarasota: - 4 years ago

@Nexus1N87: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@etguenni: Schlagzeugerin Viola Smith mit 107 Jahren verstorben - 4 years ago

@deanprocter: RT @mdp4202: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - YouTube - 4 years ago

@10Z35: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@GemmaRoss93: RT @jenn_swann: Drink some red wine, eat some salty caramel ice cream, and listen to some jazz music today in honor of the inimitable Viola… - 4 years ago

@rbpavam: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos - 4 years ago

@GemmaRoss93: RT @jenn_swann: .@GemmaRoss93 wrote the definitive piece on Viola Smith, and she is, to my knowledge, the last journalist to have interview… - 4 years ago

@Philippe_Caen: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@mdp4202: RT @mdp4202: Viola Smith, dynamo on the drums in the swing era, dies at 107 - The Boston Globe - 4 years ago

@mdp4202: RT @mdp4202: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - YouTube - 4 years ago

@mdp4202: RT @mdp4202: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - YouTube - 4 years ago

@mdp4202: RT @mdp4202: Viola Smith on Drum Talk TV at 102 Years Young! - YouTube - 4 years ago

@Queen_Bruna: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@Hogtown: RT @RadioMilwaukee: A nice tribute to #Wisconsin native and "fastest girl drummer in the world" #ViolaSmith: - 4 years ago

@AntheRhodes: RT @RadioMilwaukee: A nice tribute to #Wisconsin native and "fastest girl drummer in the world" #ViolaSmith: - 4 years ago

@ArquiIena: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@sensegabz: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@mr_paul_psmith: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@JuniorGros: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@MeshuggePup: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107. Frances Carroll… - 4 years ago

@marcin_souza: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@amobrejas: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@aryahxx: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@luvcr_: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@eliseac: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@sound3vision: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@MOVIMA82: RT @MatiaFundazioa: Este pasado fin de semana ha fallecido Viola Smith, la mujer baterista más longeva del mundo, con 107 años. Tocó en div… - 4 years ago

@QuickCarLoanz: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bmg43: @JohnKelly John, as band drummer, have you read recent WashPost obit on Viola Smith, passing at 107? She was a drum… - 4 years ago

@gabrielacanob: RT @515ALF: Pionera del BlueS, Jazz y Principalmente SwinG; falleció a los 107 años. Viola SmitH, de las primeras bateristas profesionales… - 4 years ago

@MsT1870: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@marcocalil: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@SylvieGeo: RT @DydierDefaye: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@656888813: RT @DydierDefaye: Viola Smith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@FirstSarasota: - 4 years ago

@raquelkeks: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@OnthePrisonLine: May we all pause and take in how badass every part of this is - 4 years ago

@RosaizumiRosa: - 4 years ago

@RafaUrge: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@SouperDrummer: RT @UndercoverIndi: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 RIP 🕊️ - 4 years ago

@AntjeDoerfner: Viola Smith - was für eine beeindruckende Frau! Die Schlagzeugerin ist mit 107 Jahren gestorben. #ViolaSmith 🥁 - 4 years ago

@jappidj: RT @alta_fidelidad: Fue una de las primeras mujeres bateristas profesionales y pionera en la lucha por la incorporación de las mujeres en… - 4 years ago

@Adrix_: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@Maelrocker: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@Trumpton_camra: RT @UndercoverIndi: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 RIP 🕊️ - 4 years ago

@portaluppi4ever: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@pheramos2: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@CmteBittencourt: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@Simonefilo: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@sIaxyer: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@pandorasnewsbox: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107. #ViolaSmith #music - 4 years ago

@CarrionSoul: RT @UndercoverIndi: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 RIP 🕊️ - 4 years ago

@SherryFleming2: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@aln204: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@Peresdrums: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@ZarainTZ: Emakume bateria jolea. 107 urterekin hil da Viola Smith. 🎩 - 4 years ago

@DenisDvezine: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 | Music | The Guardian - 4 years ago

@ThisSideAnarchy: In case you missed it. - 4 years ago

@karaadama: RT @alta_fidelidad: Fue una de las primeras mujeres bateristas profesionales y pionera en la lucha por la incorporación de las mujeres en… - 4 years ago

@armycop1973: R.I.P. Viola Smith ! - 4 years ago

@LeiaJaOnline: Artista tocou com ícones da música, como Ella Fitzgerald, Chick Webb e Bob Hope. - 4 years ago

@marcocatalini2: - 4 years ago

@alta_fidelidad: Fue una de las primeras mujeres bateristas profesionales y pionera en la lucha por la incorporación de las mujeres… - 4 years ago

@citizenveurm: RT @60sPsychJukebox: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@maverickdrumma: RT @PlanetDrum: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@jwigderson: "I was born in 1912 in Mount Calvary, Wisconsin. I planned my escape when I found out where I was." RIP - 4 years ago

@VernagliaJunior: Viola Smith, conhecida como a primeira mulher a trabalhar como baterista profissional, morreu aos 107 anos na últim… - 4 years ago

@AlphaKitty: Viola Smith, Pioneer Drummer, Original “Hep Girl” of the Swing and Big Band Era, Dies at 107 | The “Fastest Girl Dr… - 4 years ago

@danielwisser: RT @georgjajus: Mit 107 Jahren: #Schlagzeug-Pionierin #ViolaSmith ist tot Weil sie in den Dreißigern extrem präzise und gut Schlagzeug spie… - 4 years ago

@georgjajus: Mit 107 Jahren: #Schlagzeug-Pionierin #ViolaSmith ist tot Weil sie in den Dreißigern extrem präzise und gut Schlagz… - 4 years ago

@pierre_bourlet: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@WeathersbyWI: RT @RadioMilwaukee: A nice tribute to #Wisconsin native and "fastest girl drummer in the world" #ViolaSmith: - 4 years ago

@LasBiolocas: Nos ha dejado a los 107 años Viola Smith, una de las primeras mujeres bateristas profesionales de la historia y fun… - 4 years ago

@arto7: RT @RadioMilwaukee: A nice tribute to #Wisconsin native and "fastest girl drummer in the world" #ViolaSmith: - 4 years ago

@cr8erh8er: RT @modern_drummer: Drummer Viola Smith, one of the first female drummers of note, has passed away. She was an astounding 107 years old. Mo… - 4 years ago

@TheSentinel909: RT @modern_drummer: Drummer Viola Smith, one of the first female drummers of note, has passed away. She was an astounding 107 years old. Mo… - 4 years ago

@candle383838: RT @modern_drummer: Drummer Viola Smith, one of the first female drummers of note, has passed away. She was an astounding 107 years old. Mo… - 4 years ago

@modern_drummer: Drummer Viola Smith, one of the first female drummers of note, has passed away. She was an astounding 107 years old… - 4 years ago

@RadioMilwaukee: A nice tribute to #Wisconsin native and "fastest girl drummer in the world" #ViolaSmith: - 4 years ago

@lokeloski: RT @davi4ntonio: - 4 years ago

@e_newsUS: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - - 4 years ago

@RFEKinder: Mrs Smith had a substitute today! Miss Viola Swamp filled in and made sure the children knew rowdy behavior was no… - 4 years ago

@GigglezBG: #Rooftop #Shoutout - WATCH The Video! Viola Smith was overwhelmingly outstanding! She was nearly 108, shy by a few… - 4 years ago

@VieiraMike: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@NAMMShow: Remembering Viola Smith, an uber-talented drummer who delighted us every year by playing on her birthday, passed aw… - 4 years ago

@LaPorres: RT @MatiaFundazioa: Este pasado fin de semana ha fallecido Viola Smith, la mujer baterista más longeva del mundo, con 107 años. Tocó en div… - 4 years ago

@DiarioNorteCom: 🥁Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas 📱Más info en @DiarioNorteCom… - 4 years ago

@olufunmiie: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@sea_pathfinder: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@StevenTietz: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@anniepierre17: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@RebekahViRo: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@p_mayur: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@hofnerbass: RT @js_newswatch: Smith was one of the world's first professional female drummers, performing on "Ed Sullivan," with Billie Holiday, and at… - 4 years ago

@LadyKatherineUC: RT @Ivycottagebaker: RiP Viola Smith 107.... pioneering female drummer 🥁🥁 @davehill_56 @FisherP22 @Confarreo @TheG… - 4 years ago

@DupyVon: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Clouchicloucha: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@peg_Iwonderwhy: RT @Ivycottagebaker: RiP Viola Smith 107.... pioneering female drummer 🥁🥁 @davehill_56 @FisherP22 @Confarreo @TheG… - 4 years ago

@InorbitMick: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@c_mattie: RT @pophistory: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107. - 4 years ago

@TheGablesDuddo: RT @Ivycottagebaker: RiP Viola Smith 107.... pioneering female drummer 🥁🥁 @davehill_56 @FisherP22 @Confarreo @TheG… - 4 years ago

@ZippYvonne: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@debarino28: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@SOULGURUsounds: R.I.P. Viola Smith – die schnellste Schlagzeugerin der Welt ist gestorben 🥁 - 4 years ago

@suptmoran: RT @usatodaylife: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Drumdrivensurf: RT @60sPsychJukebox: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@magda_riga: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@jenn_swann: May we all be blessed with as many female friendships and as many good years as Viola Smith, a drumming legend who… - 4 years ago

@Le_Figaro: RT @Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@KKushner29: 🥁RIP🥁 Viola Smith (Go show the boys in heaven's band how it's done🎶🥁😇) - 4 years ago

@starclusterr: RT @journalsentinel: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@E_RODRIGUEZ_IG: 🥁 Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Delcroixx: DISPARITION - #ViolaSmith, «la batteuse la plus rapide du monde», meurt à 107 ans - 4 years ago

@stereolabtshirt: RT @journalsentinel: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@jenn_swann: .@GemmaRoss93 wrote the definitive piece on Viola Smith, and she is, to my knowledge, the last journalist to have i… - 4 years ago

@KKushner29: 🥁RIP Viola Smith🥁 “I really had a charmed life.I can’t believe it,Unless people call drummi… - 4 years ago

@DanineSpencer: Ok, this is awesome. Thank you, Viola Smith. RIP, ma’am - 4 years ago

@queequeg0295: RT @ftrc: Viola Smith, a pioneering drummer and original “hep girl” of the swing and big band era, died on Wednesday in Costa Mesa, Califor… - 4 years ago

@MatiaFundazioa: Este pasado fin de semana ha fallecido Viola Smith, la mujer baterista más longeva del mundo, con 107 años. Tocó en… - 4 years ago

@ftrc: Viola Smith, a pioneering drummer and original “hep girl” of the swing and big band era, died on Wednesday in Costa… - 4 years ago

@jenn_swann: Drink some red wine, eat some salty caramel ice cream, and listen to some jazz music today in honor of the inimitab… - 4 years ago

@CarolErmel: Oh não! Maior respeito por uma baterista que se manteve na ativa até os 103 anos ✨ Morre aos 107 anos Viola Smith,… - 4 years ago

@rationaldoge: “In these times of national emergency, many of the star instrumentalists of the big name bands are being drafted. I… - 4 years ago

@gpettey: RT @journalsentinel: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@dan_kwas: RT @journalsentinel: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer from Wisconsin, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@pophistory: Viola Smith, trailblazing female drummer, dies at 107. - 4 years ago

@renanaugustodia: Hoje morreu, aos 107 anos, a grande Viola Smith, a primeira baterista mulher a se profissionalizar. Em entrevista,… - 4 years ago

@Cazkolik: RT @Cazkolik: PUL: 12 davullu kitiyle bugün bile şaşırtıcı gelen kadın caz davulcusu Viola Smith 107 yaşında öldü. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@TonyRenner: Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Parendejoder1: RT @izquierdadiario: La baterista #ViolaSmith falleció a los 107 años: tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@FensterDJ: RIP Jazz woman, you seemed amazing - 4 years ago

@licasnt: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@dylanghostave: VIOLA SMITH WAS 107 WHATTTTT - 4 years ago

@dutypo: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Nicol_et_al: RT @PetrosVanRipper: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@WietseFloris: Wat een fantastische beelden en wat een swing had deze dame. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer,… - 4 years ago

@PetrosVanRipper: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@jujumengardo: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@partyends: RIP Viola Smith, "fastest girl drummer in the world.” - 4 years ago

@BlogBookMark: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@heylipemoreno: RT @mayarabastosj: A Viola Smith foi a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo. Acabei de ver que ela faleceu aos 107 anos por comp… - 4 years ago

@Gimperita: RT @faustianovich: Adiós (con 107 años) a la increíble Viola Smith, a la batería en orquestas de jazz desde los años 30. En cine estuvo jun… - 4 years ago

@George_Ranalli: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@LucianaRamones: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@cornelia_kramer: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith Wie cool ist das… - 4 years ago

@_gabelrosa_: RT @mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@McBarren: RT @der_fisch001: Wow. Einfach nur Wow. - 4 years ago

@mdiscosqamigos: Morre Viola Smith, a primeira mulher baterista profissional do mundo, aos 107 anos > - 4 years ago

@BStrangiato: - 4 years ago

@mondx: Mit 107 Jahren: Schlagzeug-Pionierin Viola Smith ist tot - 4 years ago

@MrBenvolus: - 4 years ago

@MrBenvolus: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@telefemdp: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas. - 4 years ago

@cumfycritter09: RT @v65ify: So it is time to pick my apples, much as I enjoy seeing them on the tree they have been called for a higher purpose, to become… - 4 years ago

@iamzip: - 4 years ago

@AndreaAlvarezAA: Dijo Carla Azar " Viola Smith fue y es el epítome del feminismo en su forma más honesta demostrando su innegable ig… - 4 years ago

@True_Stereo: RT @izquierdadiario: La baterista #ViolaSmith falleció a los 107 años: tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@der_fisch001: Wow. Einfach nur Wow. - 4 years ago

@Buschaeff: Die Schlagzeugpionierin Viola Smith ist im Alter von 107 Jahren gestorben. Watch her once again playing, amazing!… - 4 years ago

@Lisielba1: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@joanblanewater: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@FodorKatherine: “We girls have as much stamina as men. There are many girl trumpet players, girl saxophonists and girl drummers who… - 4 years ago

@cropp77: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@FerLLaneza: RT @Dirodel: Pionera de tantos estilos que para la época era solo estrictamente manejado por orquestas masculinas. Revolucionaria, innovado… - 4 years ago

@AbbYukicF: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@caiomilan: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@rocilayne: RT @izquierdadiario: La baterista #ViolaSmith falleció a los 107 años: tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@izquierdadiario: La baterista #ViolaSmith falleció a los 107 años: tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@golden_glades: RT @ByteFM: Viola Smith, die „schnellste Schlagzeugerin der Welt“, ist tot. Die erste professionelle Schlagzeugerin in der Geschichte des P… - 4 years ago

@biber_ffm: RT @SPIEGEL_alles: Viola Smith: Schnellste Schlagzeugerin der Welt gestorben - 4 years ago

@auntiefixesit: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Louisewhyte7: RT @NYJOuk: Read about Viola Smith in @guardianmusic today. A really great story 👍 - 4 years ago

@twobigboysblog: RT @v65ify: So it is time to pick my apples, much as I enjoy seeing them on the tree they have been called for a higher purpose, to become… - 4 years ago

@thrystero: R.I.P. badaas drummer Viola Smith at 107! #drumming #drumlegend @ - 4 years ago

@nenesalcedo: Fue una pionera del instrumento entre las mujeres. Comenzó su carrera siendo una niña, formó parte de distintas for… - 4 years ago

@ByteFM: Viola Smith, die „schnellste Schlagzeugerin der Welt“, ist tot. Die erste professionelle Schlagzeugerin in der Gesc… - 4 years ago

@pressepfarrerin: Viola Smith. - 4 years ago

@FronziniMaria: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@FWWinterberg: Mit 107 Jahren: Schlagzeug-Pionierin Viola Smith ist tot R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@Tiemponline: - 4 years ago

@PatKirwanCBS: Viola Smith: Schnellste Schlagzeugerin der Welt gestorben - 4 years ago

@AlikaGroup: Murió Viola Smith, a los 107 años: pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@martu_kohei: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@faktoider: Trummisen i klippet från 1939 får en särskild presentation: Viola Smith. Hon dog häromdagen, 107 år gammal. - 4 years ago

@tommixhelsinki: RT @FTersmeden: Något för @sunkitklubb att uppmärksamma? - 4 years ago

@FTersmeden: Något för @sunkitklubb att uppmärksamma? - 4 years ago

@carlyebaines: RT @M0X1: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@MoneyandHammer: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@denio_vale: Morreu Viola Smith, baterista que a dada altura foi considerada "a mais rápida do mundo". Tinha 107 anos e faleceu… - 4 years ago

@stefaniamorles: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@FranciscoPunzi: RT @MCeciliaBazan: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@MCeciliaBazan: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@juliocf28: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@KenRossJohnston: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@coopfmlibre: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@portouniversal: Numa altura onde nada disto era aceite, Viola Smith abriu o caminho para todas as Cindy Blackmans, as Dawn Richards… - 4 years ago

@OrtigozaBruno: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@Flor_dannun: RT @telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@telefenoticias: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@blitz_twit: Morreu aos 107 anos Viola Smith, “a mais rápida baterista do mundo” - 4 years ago

@RupertPupkin__: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@C1ipHead: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@OndaVerdeRadio1: - 4 years ago

@Mr_NME: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@Mr_NME: @HammondCharcute @MIkef45 Same here, not heard of Viola Smith before. Our UK equivalent I guess would be Ivy Benson. - 4 years ago

@rockolpoprock: L'incredibile storia della batterista Viola Smith, morta a 107 anni. - 4 years ago

@Martina84377221: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@evilscootus: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@KevAAdamson: - 4 years ago

@mjpartera: RT @MaiteMolinaN: Viola Smith, pionera de las mujeres bateristas y de las "All Girls Band" murió este sábado a la edad de 107 años Empecem… - 4 years ago

@RutlandArmsChef: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@goldfinches12: RT @v65ify: So it is time to pick my apples, much as I enjoy seeing them on the tree they have been called for a higher purpose, to become… - 4 years ago

@PlanetDrum: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@DrJanet_A_Ward: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@MIkef45: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@OurCultureOC: Viola Smith, Boundary-Breaking Swing and Big Band Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@BerwickLitFest: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@v65ify: So it is time to pick my apples, much as I enjoy seeing them on the tree they have been called for a higher purpose… - 4 years ago

@ker_goz: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@jonathanwestrup: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JimJamGin: RT @HammondCharcute: I'm sorry I hadn't heard of her until now. I want to be a hep girl. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drumme… - 4 years ago

@paddybts: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@diva_ex_machina: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@dogshala: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Nissemus: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@v65ify: @HammondCharcute Being a Drummer and touring with an all girl band before I had the kids and sick of Evelyn Glennie… - 4 years ago

@PatrinaC: - 4 years ago

@gretagarbled: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@GijLyons: Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@MaiteMolinaN: Viola Smith, pionera de las mujeres bateristas y de las "All Girls Band" murió este sábado a la edad de 107 años E… - 4 years ago

@MoM_Mastering: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@lobotero: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Kustom_Kitten: RT @punkgirldiaries: “The girls of today are not the helpless creatures of earlier generations.” Viola Smith proposing that women musicians… - 4 years ago

@elvbustamante: RT @faustianovich: Adiós (con 107 años) a la increíble Viola Smith, a la batería en orquestas de jazz desde los años 30. En cine estuvo jun… - 4 years ago

@MIfigeneia: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@squashypigeon: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@Johanna_Moore: RT @punkgirldiaries: “The girls of today are not the helpless creatures of earlier generations.” Viola Smith proposing that women musicians… - 4 years ago

@polac: RT @pitchfork: Viola Smith, the trailblazing percussionist once heralded as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” has died - 4 years ago

@punkgirldiaries: “The girls of today are not the helpless creatures of earlier generations.” Viola Smith proposing that women musici… - 4 years ago

@theKnotter: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@bill_slawski: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@bewoproject: Murió Viola Smith, pionera y virtuosa baterista. La llamaban la Gene Krupa femenina en referencia al músico de jazz… - 4 years ago

@albertoseixo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós (con 107 años) a la increíble Viola Smith, a la batería en orquestas de jazz desde los años 30. En cine estuvo jun… - 4 years ago

@CARTRASHTNJNKNS: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@tse_samantha: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@wienna: RIP Viola Smith. Schönes Interview mit ihr hier: - 4 years ago

@ThisMisfit: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@paula_cainzos: #Baterista #ViolaSmith Las pioneras en todas partes 💜🥁 - 4 years ago

@jynyates: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@_orocha_: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@scotteeglover: @kalieshorr Y'all, Viola Smith passed away at the age of 107 here in Costa Mesa, CA in OC on Oct 21, 2020. She was… - 4 years ago

@JansevenMusic: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mattiaswac: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@yusi63: RT @pablomartin007: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - Clarin https… - 4 years ago

@Marco_Lot: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@SH40L1N: Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@RedQueensRace: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@sammykohn: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@CharcoDulce: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@Agustin49043938: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@camballet: RT @trumpetworld: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - Yahoo Entertainment - 4 years ago

@spontaneousswan: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TheRyanAston: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@iradiophilly: Pioneering swing and big band drummer, Viola Smith, passed away last Wednesday. She was 107. Watch her perform wi… - 4 years ago

@DStone2RC: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 #ViolaSmith #Jazz #Drums - 4 years ago

@James_MalRlds: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@albertodiaznino: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@SebastinTesta1: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@trumpetworld: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - Yahoo Entertainment - 4 years ago

@wackymoe: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@analuzvelez: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@HeresTheThing17: - 4 years ago

@LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@HeresTheThing17: I just read that drummer Viola Smith died at the age of 107. I found out about her a few years ago and was complete… - 4 years ago

@shefik_info: Viola Smith #ShefikPresentsInvocation #Person #Music - 4 years ago

@joselinares279: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@JaviLedesma97: RT @cronica: 😢[DOLOR]😢 Murió la baterista Viola Smith a los 107 años >>> Fue una pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y falleció en su casa… - 4 years ago

@nipperdawg: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@jillweindorf: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@gnatsstang: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@KamikazeTextual: - 4 years ago

@hwyonemedia: And Viola Smith on the drums. - 4 years ago

@lmsm_: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@CakesTed: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@lucierfly: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@LordGroundhog: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@ubaass: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@PipoCalderon__: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@sorciere74: RT @cronica: 😢[DOLOR]😢 Murió la baterista Viola Smith a los 107 años >>> Fue una pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y falleció en su casa… - 4 years ago

@m1a_ve: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@BufferingJuffy: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@GrinningDuchess: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@dperez_ing: RT @ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCES CARRO… - 4 years ago

@ivannieblas: Falleció VIOLA SMITH, genial y veloz pionera baterista de una de las primeras orquestas femeninas de los 30, FRANCE… - 4 years ago

@maldomariela: RT @cronica: 😢[DOLOR]😢 Murió la baterista Viola Smith a los 107 años >>> Fue una pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y falleció en su casa… - 4 years ago

@AliceHicksRoach: RT @theechohillband: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@RochiPeralt: RT @MusicayFotos: Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@K_ar_im: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@jamesabernard: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@JobdeWit: RT @pitchfork: Viola Smith, the trailblazing percussionist once heralded as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” has died - 4 years ago

@nikotrotsky: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@HansiF: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@MsSemicolon: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@J0nasF: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@peterliversidge: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@mfrost11: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@Drumchik84: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@MichaelByrnes: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@CriticalMassPG: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@eldritchhousek1: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@UrbaniteAlaska: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@lobaoeletrico: RT @pitchfork: Viola Smith, the trailblazing percussionist once heralded as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” has died - 4 years ago

@agnesbookbinder: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@vogels4: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@cmurgueitio: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@e_lorac: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@rmroppert: RT @openculture: Meet Viola Smith, the World’s Oldest Drummer: Her Career Started in the 1930s, and She Played Until She Was 107. She sadl… - 4 years ago

@MixingChris: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@indiemusicplus: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@fwtoney: Viola Smith, Trailblazing Swing Drummer, Dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@KlaatuNectarine: RT @KE6ZGP: Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@MABELSUSANAHERR: RT @LANACION: Murió Viola Smith, a los 107 años: pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@RobbJMacKay: RT @pitchfork: Viola Smith, the trailblazing percussionist once heralded as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” has died - 4 years ago

@domsinfinite: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@adelmagc: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@Ezquimal: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@samquitter: RT @kleptones: Quite the trailblazer - RIP Viola Smith, age 107, one of the first professional female drummers - 4 years ago

@wra5: RT @LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@Lenoreanabel: Se ha ido Viola Smith. Una de las pioneras a la batería. 107 años tenía y seguía tocando. #violasmith #batería… - 4 years ago

@TessS1313: RT @bearschoice2020: - 4 years ago

@leungpublishing: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@kleptones: Quite the trailblazer - RIP Viola Smith, age 107, one of the first professional female drummers - 4 years ago

@LosAndesDiario: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia de la música - 4 years ago

@gmnewse: Murió Viola Smith, a los 107 años: pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@mannbitesdog67: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SimonJeffries9: - 4 years ago

@eareyeam: RT @pitchfork: Viola Smith, the trailblazing percussionist once heralded as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” has died - 4 years ago

@ConLaGenteRos: 🥁 La música falleció a los 107 años en su casa de California. Famosa por la gran cantidad de tambores que utilizaba… - 4 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: RT @PaulDBrazill: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@PaulDBrazill: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SoberZY: RT @Cazkolik: PUL: 12 davullu kitiyle bugün bile şaşırtıcı gelen kadın caz davulcusu Viola Smith 107 yaşında öldü. ➡️ - 4 years ago

@FervanBuuren: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@leilamaartinez: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@7cd7: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@negritadekilmes: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@segundoo30: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@karinegomez7: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@selkasa: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@zaratesistemas: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió tocand… - 4 years ago

@SanhuezaL: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@gabriela_sgv: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@todonoticias: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@abdala_gabriel: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@monteleoneagus2: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@islasmalvinas01: Murió a los 107 años Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas - 4 years ago

@blogdocarlosca1: - 4 years ago

@YanetIngravallo: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@Laleyesotra: RT @tnLaViola: Murió a los 107 Viola Smith, pionera entre las mujeres bateristas y una leyenda de la música - 4 years ago

@KillianCurran: @redOrly He's talking utter garbage, never heard of him, and frankly don't want too. As a musician I have played wi… - 4 years ago

@BibiLynch: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@DifolcoSharon: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@deweysurewedo: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@rothdrums: Viola Smith! - 4 years ago

@kleinertod: RT @kampsabine: Viola Smith ist letzte Woche im Alter von 107 Jahren verstorben. Sie war eine der ersten weiblichen Profi-Schlagzeugerinnen… - 4 years ago

@606club: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LiamShalloo: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@pfaurenc: RT @kampsabine: Viola Smith ist letzte Woche im Alter von 107 Jahren verstorben. Sie war eine der ersten weiblichen Profi-Schlagzeugerinnen… - 4 years ago

@SwanstonRobert: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SimonsWsim2323: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@Anmaelle: RIP #ViolaSmith died 107yrs old Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@AndreasHeerup: RT @louise_munk: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@AndreasHeerup: RT @louise_munk: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV - 4 years ago

@26pglt: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@annaplantan: RT @stellapolaris10: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@sammelmappe: RT @kampsabine: Viola Smith ist letzte Woche im Alter von 107 Jahren verstorben. Sie war eine der ersten weiblichen Profi-Schlagzeugerinnen… - 4 years ago

@fernsehchat: RT @kampsabine: Viola Smith ist letzte Woche im Alter von 107 Jahren verstorben. Sie war eine der ersten weiblichen Profi-Schlagzeugerinnen… - 4 years ago

@garrie_coleman: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@arielgrv: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@msdood2: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@kerrieannelove: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@cwarchasky: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JamesMcKissic: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Aye_Doolz: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@NevaKin31948416: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SammySlipschit: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@bluedillygal: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@VMcpanda: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@NIMHrat: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@taxbod: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107. - 4 years ago

@LuisWells71: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@HansiF: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@straitarrow10: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@knuckles82: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@MaryAnneGruen: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@secretgcd: - 4 years ago

@annikaG14: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@beatlebabe49: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@kbaileyjava2: RT @guardianculture: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Vivmab: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@AraTannya: RT @gaby_arguedas: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@LennaLeprena: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@evernewecon: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 has: goo… - 4 years ago

@67erro: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@vfeliciano71: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@LoriHahnel: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@danolivadoti: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@o4cast: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - The Guardian - 4 years ago

@carolynstebbing: Just amazing. - 4 years ago

@PaulWardPhoto70: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@StvResistance: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@dilanesper: RT @vacall: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mevrouw_bee: Oh wow, check this lady out, @aitch_ell! - 4 years ago

@JaimeMazzoni: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SharkBaitSeaYou: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@coogan_nancy: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@dorishazard: RT @dannykellywords: Sad. Just found out that Viola Smith, big band drummer (and the original "hep girl") has died, aged 107😲. - 4 years ago

@Carzoo: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Azulvictoria: RT @Censelio: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Medienstuebchen: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@BenVotesBlue: RT @PirateWench_RP: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@elizabethcav07: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@_RogueMermaid: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TheMainstand: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RoseCityBand: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@GWolyner: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@StacyCloyd: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@kenpaquette: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@gabrielwilder: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@trigorosa: RT @Censelio: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JahFurry: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@belgatherial: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@efd: @WFMU Obituary from The Washington Post: - 4 years ago

@SusiB45: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@CayoCornelio: RT @Censelio: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@batyabrigitte: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@GuilleAravena: RT @Censelio: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@drsigmund1: Viola smith falleció hoy a los 107 años "Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith" en YouTube - 4 years ago

@camlawnman: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@DanPatonMusic: - 4 years ago

@meneame_net: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses… - 4 years ago

@jpcenzato: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@SwitchForGood: Drummer Viola Smith died on Wednesday at the age of 107 years old! What a little top-shelf genetics, good luck, and… - 4 years ago

@johnfeath: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mjwatts1983: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@VaderLove77: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@delabahia915: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - - 4 years ago

@maxwellhoffmann: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@kunzler_mike: Viola Smith, revolutionary big band drummer, dead at 107 - 4 years ago

@dabreakradio: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@kateweb: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RobbJMacKay: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@cartogeek: RT @eyebeat: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@irishetchings: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Yantofullpelt33: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Mpassy_JR: RT @NYDailyNews: Boundary-breaking swing drummer Viola Smith, who worked with legendary jazz entertainers Ella Fitzgerald and Chick Webb, h… - 4 years ago

@fakebook: "I really had a charmed life. Unless people call drumming work. Then I worked hard in my life." –Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Clearpreso: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@annemccue: RT @FannysHouse: Rest In Peace to drum pioneer Viola Smith. In 1942, she wrote a now-legendary article for Down Beat magazine titled "Give… - 4 years ago

@stevedrumscork: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@anzhr: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@katiaabcd1: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@octaveresonance: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@stevedrumscork: @abbiehive - 4 years ago

@LizVereth: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@ImAngela_2: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Xilaire: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Toonaciliata: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@TinyMorrisMann: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@panistarkova: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Jaume_papaya: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@retrogrrl: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Nami7865: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mehoyminoymee: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TosinDrums: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@toniled: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Nami7865: RT @guardian: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@NellyRincnRuiz: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió tocand… - 4 years ago

@prejidentyogi: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@starck_patrick: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@colleenmenzies: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mstepczyk: RT @blmohr: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@felipeseverin: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@dfhilario: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@cahbuzelim: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ZyxommaNYC: May her memory always be a blessing. Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Snktupperwarev1: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Katheri48033429: RT @MissDumezweni: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@Carolewalker13: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@olisassa: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@enchantrasand: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@max358: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JjrfloresJo: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@clicky_here: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mlex: RIP Viola Smith. we have lost a giant! dig her 1939 drum solo with Frances Carroll and her Coquettes… - 4 years ago

@expired_data: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@JazzfromScot: RT @guardiannews: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@CustodianEnsto1: What a fascinating life & interesting woman. Won’t be many like Viola Smith again; pioneering swing and big band dr… - 4 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @MissDumezweni: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@CalebParkin: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@godbluffo: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@saperle: RT @sigridellis: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@FlorencioSoy: RT @clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@de_nogueira25: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JPaterninaC: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió tocand… - 4 years ago

@Afeged: RT @MariaEizaguirre: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia. Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió toc… - 4 years ago

@BcDotim: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@fielderblank: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ytregaws: RT @VisceralVolume: #RIPViolaSmith #drumminglegend - 4 years ago

@silvinamanzi: Cuando sos feliz, los años pasan sin achaques. - 4 years ago

@inspiringirlsco: RT @MariaEizaguirre: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia. Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió toc… - 4 years ago

@nachotorres232: RT @clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@BAyshah: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107 - 4 years ago

@pialabatera: RT @clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@VisceralVolume: #RIPViolaSmith #drumminglegend - 4 years ago

@hagamosloya: RT @RCR750: #Duelo Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia Pionera de las «all girl bands», siguió tocand… - 4 years ago

@Patynarfer: RT @clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@anaconda825: RT @clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@JTresCaminos: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@pgfoals: RT @MonsieurPompier: Viola Smith, pioneering swing and big band drummer, dies aged 107. Story: - 4 years ago

@clarincom: Murió Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia: tenía 107 años y tocó hasta hace pocos meses - 4 years ago

@cvermar: Rest in peace, viola smith. - 4 years ago

@The_Audiofiles: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TekinDeniz_: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@serdartiyek: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@electric_knife: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Richard_Linear: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@zen_saadet: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Pennychops1: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@sarapkuyusu: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@j_davies_66: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ThusSpakeBrosef: Looking at a pic of Viola Smith and her huge drumset and seeing a clear line right to Peart, Lee, Van Halen like 40 years later. - 4 years ago

@elcontrafactual: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SophieLeviPaint: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gonca_vuslateri: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@joanna_m9: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LauraCummingArt: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@StoooC: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@leehorton33: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@japhek: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SimondsViolin: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mattleinwohl: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@informa85320132: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@char_haz: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@_EvaErdbeer: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SebAlexanderAFC: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RevBradshaw: Viola Smith, Costa Mesa resident and pioneering musician of the swing era, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@gabihelmchen: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@james_rockola: We all know who Buddy Rich, Gene Krupa, Louie Belson etc. were. Well,I grew up listening to big band swing music an… - 4 years ago

@TheImpossebulls: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ianblurton: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @APassion4Jazz: ♪♫ R.I.P. #Jazz drummer Viola Smith dead at 107. - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @postobits: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@HiteshGngr18: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@grant_911: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Sherman8tr: This is a Wisconsin girl! What a story! I love the big band era; I didn't know anything about her. - 4 years ago

@LoisLeafyLane: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@InspiralGraham: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@MattWJAllen: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@hackerhowroyd: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@katefromberlin: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@_jockr: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@DNAtkinson: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TrendsFM: @tedgioia: 'Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. '… - 4 years ago

@habitacionjazz: RT @REVISTA_HRB: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - 4 years ago

@irienisotte: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LizanneLloyd: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RobertMWalker2: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Massinissa1973: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@alirob_al: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@NorthCrayMal: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@itziaryague: RT @REVISTA_HRB: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - 4 years ago

@DominicanosNYC: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - 4 years ago

@muteboy: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@neilcyoung: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@adehodges: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@caleroje: Ahí es nada: muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia. Un siglo de baquetas, timba… - 4 years ago

@lamapaul: RT @postobits: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@BigFatArts: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@EdithHiom: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@beadybeadylogan: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@ensemblebash: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TMphotography8: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ProducersIKnow: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SadiettStage: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@NevalainenShane: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@leelayloo: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ang_bia: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@WTFdrums: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@deborahvaile: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@pulssil: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SabinaStent: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LightHealing: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@inkbotkowalski: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@KikiFumpklong: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gotcankles: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gravity20191: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@reyoutwest: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@thelightinlife: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@johnthejack: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@lecomandant2: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@bbeath: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@kalamahina: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@thelightinlife: @untonplusbas @tedgioia "..the beating heart of a threshing machine took 107 years to stop.." #jyl #ruff… - 4 years ago

@DemazyW: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Darrow_M: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ASHCOOP3R: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gitarra: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gillyarcht: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@IOnlyMain___: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@BerrunIlimsever: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JeffersonLars: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@808marv: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@andreincolombia: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@joeperainojr: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@kamillekoji007: Viola Smith🥁 あった😮 Viola Smith Has Passed Away #ViolaSmith #NowPlaying - 4 years ago

@15minrecbooks: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@MISSZUKY: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@kamillekoji007: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@gitrithm: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Tifosi_Dan_RPI: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mornietari: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RootsmanBob: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@MovingDillon: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@bonetentacle: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@punkademic: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@lamarianap: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SupremeGREAM: RT @tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@neuromanso: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@tedgioia: Here’s a rare film clip of drummer Viola Smith, who left us this week at age 107. - 4 years ago

@deeperbeats: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@tonom6230: RT @APassion4Jazz: ♪♫ R.I.P. #Jazz drummer Viola Smith dead at 107. - 4 years ago

@Eselsdistel: RT @APassion4Jazz: ♪♫ R.I.P. #Jazz drummer Viola Smith dead at 107. - 4 years ago

@TheEndofCinema: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@joaopedroramos: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@paper_sleeves: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @APassion4Jazz: ♪♫ R.I.P. #Jazz drummer Viola Smith dead at 107. - 4 years ago

@RethinkPlaces: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@jovenesteta: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@domali3: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@APassion4Jazz: ♪♫ R.I.P. #Jazz drummer Viola Smith dead at 107. - 4 years ago

@alonsodeblas: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@adlermusic: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@JAPollard1: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RenaudMachart: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@titusfilm: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@TedNesi: RT @postobits: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@briaskonberg: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@thedesserttray: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@GuySomerset: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@CraigCamp: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@cpsouthon: RT @DrumsAndNerding: A life well lived! Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@VintageGuitar: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@yarrhanna: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@Marte_Ven1: Muere a los 107 años Viola Smith, la baterista más longeva de la historia - 4 years ago

@gravity20191: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Drumsupply: #rip #ViolaSmith Legendary drummer Viola Smith was one of the first pro female drummers when she came on to the sce… - 4 years ago

@ckboo2: RT @MrJimmyStewart: I'm so sad to hear about the passing of Viola Smith. As a female drummer who loves jazz she, (along w/ Karen Carpenter… - 4 years ago

@taddihno: Swing era’s “The Fastest Girl Drummer in the World” Viola Smith passed away at 107 yrs old. Bang the drum all day i… - 4 years ago

@ashnat_: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@jama1176: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@nowvoyager_: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mrmonkmonk17: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@kingcolton13: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@BeatriceNoire: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@spatnaizer: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LiseRaven: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@PelleGinaSTL: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@oldfilmsflicker: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@AnnaCelenza: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@cspencef: This is a story worth reading. - 4 years ago

@beachydreamer: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@bdriesdm: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@adventuretom: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@andreincolombia: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@tonyakay: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@Mccoy_Metal: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @MrJimmyStewart: I'm so sad to hear about the passing of Viola Smith. As a female drummer who loves jazz she, (along w/ Karen Carpenter… - 4 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@PomCountyIrregs: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@MrJimmyStewart: I'm so sad to hear about the passing of Viola Smith. As a female drummer who loves jazz she, (along w/ Karen Carpen… - 4 years ago

@NickyD: RIP Viola Smith, at 107. - 4 years ago

@GrandmaCyd: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@roughouse23: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@sozoik: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@agarciablanco1: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@SegWuffREVO: RT @Runtt1: Damn. She was a dynamo. I thought she passed years ago. One of the greatest swing drummers of all time. - 4 years ago

@Ariasvilla: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@jaimeurquijo: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LucindaLC: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@taiggoth: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@overlookedpics: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@saffszyp: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@ko_yuki_unyanya: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@MYMIMISTHEBEST: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@Ms_Golightly: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@AnotherCinna: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@FizzyKell: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@rudetuesday: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@rudetuesday: Viola Smith (1912-2020) was something ELSE. #RIP #Drums #Jazz - 4 years ago

@markhlong: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@alvisezuani: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@witchcitydad: RT @tedgioia: Viola Smith, pioneering drummer of the Swing Era, is dead at age 107. - 4 years ago

@smontoya1970: Viola Smith QEPD... 🥁🥁🥁 - 4 years ago

@KyotoTrad: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@DrumminMuppet: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@CrooksMcGee: - 4 years ago

@jczamora: RT @MarinaWalkerG: She championed greater inclusion of women in the almost completely male preserve of big bands - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @MarinaWalkerG: She championed greater inclusion of women in the almost completely male preserve of big bands - 4 years ago

@hipcelt: - 4 years ago

@raju: More on Viola Smith @wikipedia: - 4 years ago

@MarinaWalkerG: She championed greater inclusion of women in the almost completely male preserve of big bands - 4 years ago

@lpkitty: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@TheShakyArtist: RIP, Viola! Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@mammusic: - 4 years ago

@Mandelitap: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@35capade: RT @biscuitkitten: Must watch interview with Viola Smith: - 4 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Olaf_HB: #ViolaSmith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107... she was the 1st & the oldest #female… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Viola Smith Death – Dead :Viola Smith Obituary :Legendary drummer has passed away at 107. - 4 years ago

@RhythmChimp: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@TheMadYokai: RT @Runtt1: Damn. She was a dynamo. I thought she passed years ago. One of the greatest swing drummers of all time. - 4 years ago

@freitano: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@_DavidValdes_: Legendary drummer Viola Smith has passed away at 107. May she rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@cate940: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@sjvdefender: - 4 years ago

@norahmauss: We are so proud of my Great Aunt Vi. Rest in Peace! 💕 - 4 years ago

@clynch940: - 4 years ago

@WeAreOneBand1: RT @Runtt1: Damn. She was a dynamo. I thought she passed years ago. One of the greatest swing drummers of all time. - 4 years ago

@Runtt1: Damn. She was a dynamo. I thought she passed years ago. One of the greatest swing drummers of all time. - 4 years ago

@isinouenimo_99: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@Claire_White_99: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@FossilFoolTerry: RT @drummerwhitey: Always loved this footage and the talent of this amazing drummer , Viola Smith RIP age 107 . - 4 years ago

@ph_pa: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@gvidalmante: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@KinoWatson: - 4 years ago

@stigmabase: Fighting stigma — Viola Smith, swing era's 'fastest girl drummer in the world,' dies at 107: The cause was complic… - 4 years ago

@LHBrok: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bookwyrm102571: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@julieabarton: Viola Smith, a swing-era musician who was promoted in the 1930s as the #fastestgirldrummerintheworld and who champi… - 4 years ago

@the0_9: Viola Smith  (November 29, 1912 – October 21, 2020) - 4 years ago

@GarrettDeNardo: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@MediaHistoryNow: RT @bernsteinobits: #drumming #music Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@SamLitzinger: RT @bernsteinobits: #drumming #music Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@davedrumsatx: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@passed_present: RT @bernsteinobits: #drumming #music Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: @JazzTimes Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: @RhythmMagazine Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@ninny0410: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith Viola Smith - N… - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: @AllAboutJazz Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: #jazz Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: @drummagrocks Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: #drumming #music Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@laylah_al: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@TobysFundChoice: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@HRepeating: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@FontaineDirk: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@vepoppins: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@aly_hell: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@CindyPhyillaier: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@SVRaoMD: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@nebdy1: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 | MusicRadar - 4 years ago

@aly_hell: RT @RevivalDrumShop: RIP, Viola Smith. Thanks for being a complete Legend! - 4 years ago

@Hellodcnauta: @DCverso1 Viola Davis and Will Smith. - 4 years ago

@chirese2000: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@dennismartinnyc: RIP Viola Smith. Keep swingin'! #violasmith - 4 years ago

@Darren_Fewins: Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @davidhajdu_: Time was paramount in swing, and she was a master. A historic loss. “Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in t… - 4 years ago

@f_leest: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @JohnKelly: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107. Get a load of that drum kit! - 4 years ago

@GuitarCafe: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@mediajorge: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@KwallevandWDAY: RT @JohnKelly: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107. Get a load of that drum kit! - 4 years ago

@mullenmj: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@DiamondDaibhidJ: RIP to Viola Smith, the Female Gene Krupa, still active at age 107 and the worlds oldest drummer; #RIPViolaSmith… - 4 years ago

@MichaelRaymondX: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@useful_noise: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@ratzkywatzky: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@DRedecopp: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@DelphicDeb: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@prbpnews: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@iDrumMag: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@TadeOKuuMushi: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@javi_decastro: RT @autsaidercomics: Mira que soy poco de efemérides funerarias, y no es que esta sea inesperada, ayer palmó Viola Smith a los 107 palos, l… - 4 years ago

@jessepasternack: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@WeCutHeadsPod: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@drummindj_j: @ThatEricAlper Hey Eric! Did you hear that Viola Smith died? She was one of the first professional, female drummers… - 4 years ago

@DjThunderDragon: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@HeartAsArena: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@c001357: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@neil_prudence: RT @MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately is a wor… - 4 years ago

@ascannerburkely: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@kid_k_: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@scrawfish: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Glenn__Kenny: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@MusicRadar: Pioneering drummer, Viola Smith has passed away aged 107. "The idea of girls being able to play only legitimately… - 4 years ago

@teraleiding1980: - 4 years ago

@josepablo_x: RT @autsaidercomics: Mira que soy poco de efemérides funerarias, y no es que esta sea inesperada, ayer palmó Viola Smith a los 107 palos, l… - 4 years ago

@bmardis1950: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@mikeconaty: RIP Viola Smith. A true pioneer that every modern drummer owes a debt to. - 4 years ago

@A_BroadSpectrum: RIP Viola Smith. - 4 years ago

@autsaidercomics: Mira que soy poco de efemérides funerarias, y no es que esta sea inesperada, ayer palmó Viola Smith a los 107 palos… - 4 years ago

@sueludad: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 May She R.I.P. - 4 years ago

@SyncopatedTimes: Viola Smith died Wednesday at age 107. She was likely the last living link to the jazz stage of the 1920s. – The Sy… - 4 years ago

@boozynerd: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@guitarmaniax111: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@dr_fionac: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@OGBRyMcfly: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@chiwasu5963: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@davidhajdu_: Time was paramount in swing, and she was a master. A historic loss. “Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drumm… - 4 years ago

@bettypotter: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Grantpa23: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@claco: - 4 years ago

@HilaryBarta: R.I.P. Viola Smith (November 29, 1912 -- October 21, 2020) - 4 years ago

@erica_severns: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bgblueeyes: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@_SmartUK: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@SWEETPOTAT0314: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@psparolin: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@hugobertopache1: Hoy comparto un video de la gran Viola Smith, de las mejores baterias de su generación. - 4 years ago

@marianatimony: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@zezrie: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@RisaxePhon: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@sultryglebe: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@GoldstarTMG: RT @harrisondsmith: Viola Smith, swing-era musician promoted as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” dies at 107. She championed women… - 4 years ago

@r0cketD1G1TAL: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@thx3188: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bluemoonquartet: RT @junjioji: R.I.P. Viola Smith 女流ドラマーの先駆けヴィオラスミスさんが先日亡くなられたそうです。 何と107歳まで現役ドラマーだったそうな! しかしこのドラムキットほんまたまらんですね。 - 4 years ago

@LaniKaiDuck: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@theangrymick: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@alwaysamartini: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Lipsna1: RT @biscuitkitten: RIP Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: RT @harrisondsmith: Viola Smith, swing-era musician promoted as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” dies at 107. She championed women… - 4 years ago

@tvsteve: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - The Washington Post - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Viola Smith, swing era's 'fastest girl drummer in the world,' dies at 107 - - 4 years ago

@harrisondsmith: Viola Smith, swing-era musician promoted as the “fastest girl drummer in the world,” dies at 107. She championed wo… - 4 years ago

@georgenewell: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@scythekell: @eujomba will smith, idris elba, chadwick boseman, viola davis - 4 years ago

@MattSchudel: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@postobits: Viola Smith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@RevivalDrumShop: RIP, Viola Smith. Thanks for being a complete Legend! - 4 years ago

@bernsteinobits: #ViolaSmith, swing era’s ‘fastest girl #drummer in the world,’ dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Glasgow_Watch: RT @ImperfProduct: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@ImperfProduct: Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@TCLangWrites: @ApokolipsPimp Jared Leto, Will Smith, and Viola Davis individually are bigger names than Fukuhara. Half the randos… - 4 years ago

@ImperfProduct: RT @DrumsAndNerding: A life well lived! Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@KinnardDl: RT @RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@RadioMilwaukee: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💔 - 4 years ago

@DrumsAndNerding: A life well lived! Pioneering drummer Viola Smith has died, aged 107 - 4 years ago

@RebeccaDeRosa00: Viola Smith: America's Original Hep Girl on Tom Tom TV The music world lost a… - 4 years ago

@cflinnds: Farewell Viola Smith, world's oldest jazz drummer (107), pro 1920s-70s. Why did we not know more about you, Krupa-c… - 4 years ago

@AnayansyMijares: Ejerciten la mente 🧠 ¿Pueden ver la persona escondida? 🤔 escuchamos a la legendaria baterista 🎶 Viola Smith (107*)… - 4 years ago

@sharondnell: Legendary woman drummer Viola Smith has passed away at 107--mentioned on @CBSThisMorning today. Want to know more a… - 4 years ago

@drummindj_j: RIP Viola Smith. 🌹 - 4 years ago

@StevenHerbert3: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@DJRae13: Rest in Peace Viola Smith (Drummer). - 4 years ago

@drummerwhitey: Always loved this footage and the talent of this amazing drummer , Viola Smith RIP age 107 . - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Viola Smith Drummer Death | Viola Smith Obituary – Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@FaithTwenty20: RT @tedgioia: Drummer Viola Smith on the cover of Billboard in 1940. As recent as last year, she was reportedly still gigging at age 104. h… - 4 years ago

@FaithTwenty20: RT @deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Viola Smith - #ViolaSmith #Viola #Smith #rip - 4 years ago

@BoontonKaT: Rest in Power, Viola Smith 💜 Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes Featuring Drummer Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@Kate_Terry725: RIP Viola Smith, one of the best drummers to ever beat the skins. Gone one month before her 108th birthday. A role… - 4 years ago

@HermannRosner: RT @WFMU: An interview with 107-year-old jazz drumming legend Viola Smith: - 4 years ago

@FlybubbleTeam: "Even in rough air or thermic conditions, having the Viola was a dream, whether for just a quick decent or tipping… - 4 years ago

@FlybubbleTeam: "In the air the Viola feels both stable but also forgiving in inputs, and at the same time finding when out with mo… - 4 years ago

@FlybubbleTeam: "Having flown on a few other wings now (Cert A's, low B's) it just underscores how fantastic the Viola really is, b… - 4 years ago

@sticks4hire: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@cozy610: RT @RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in all-… - 4 years ago

@RhythmMagazine: RIP Viola Smith, who passed away on October 21, aged 107. She was one of the first pro female drummers, playing in… - 4 years ago

@FlybubbleTeam: Charlie Smith used our MATCH service: "I couldn't have asked for a better entry into the sport both in terms of the… - 4 years ago

@Sysoon: Viola Smith (1912 - 2020), died at age 107 years - 4 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Hey check this out - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Viola Smith - #ViolaSmith #Viola #Smith #rip - 4 years ago

@perfxctbIue: pqp vários will smith, jamie foxx, viola davis, etc etc - 4 years ago

@foIkloretae: sza, megan, zendaya, viola davis, taraji henson, jada p. smith - 4 years ago

@GavinNettlefold: Of this list, who is most likely to achieve the EGOT? Tony: Common Kate Winslet Grammy: Viola Davis Christopher P… - 4 years ago

@jpbellanger777: Viola Smith Has Passed Away - 4 years ago

@jpbellanger777: - 4 years ago

@anc110: Viola Smith Has Passed Away - 4 years ago

@TempusDrums: R.I.P. Viola Smith  November 29, 1912 – October 21, 2020 A truly remarkable woman who led a truly remarkable life… - 4 years ago

@ellisonleao: E morreu hoje Viola Smith, 107 anos, a baterista mais velha do mundo - 4 years ago

@xanda_lemos: RT @CRIATURASCWB: Mais uma triste perda de 2020. Viola Smith, faleceu na madrugada de hoje com 107 anos muito bem vividos! Considerada a pr… - 4 years ago

@CRIATURASCWB: Mais uma triste perda de 2020. Viola Smith, faleceu na madrugada de hoje com 107 anos muito bem vividos! Considerad… - 4 years ago

@ztacy1: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@jynyates: Viola Smith Y’all. #RIP #Pioneer #Drumming #Lady 107 years old. She passed away today. Drummed for many includi… - 4 years ago

@FurnaceDan: R.I.P Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere la legendaria baterista, Viola Smith - 4 years ago

@patdorcean: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@RAH_HELL: indeed a very charming little drummer: viola smith #drummer #femaledrummer - 4 years ago

@GirlsOnDrums: VIOLA SMITH, morreu noite passada, com 107 anos, nos EUA. Uma verdadeira lenda da bateria, pioneira e inspiração pa… - 4 years ago

@Ladysticks: RT @DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola passed aw… - 4 years ago

@DrumTalkTV: Hi everyone, this is Dan Shinder, Founder of Drum Talk TV. I was just informed by Viola Smith's nephew that Viola p… - 4 years ago

@jynyates: I just got word that female drumming pioneer Viola Smith, 107, has passed away. The book Women Drummers, which we… - 4 years ago

@antoinetteniles: @right_movies Hmmm, definitely no 1 & 8 Then it’s a toss up between Viola Davis/Sanaa Latham/Cicely Tyson/Phylicia… - 4 years ago

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