Vincent Warren

Canadian dance historian and lecturer.
Died on Friday October 27th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Vincent Warren:

@cdornthierry: Le @RWBallet présente Un homme de danse, film documentaire de Marie Brodeur @spiraquebec sur le danseur Vincent Wa… - 7 years ago

@vincent_goetz: RT @johncardillo: 1. CI’s NDA lifted 2. Papadopolous pleas guilty of lying to FBI 3. HRC changes dossier story 4. Brazile & Warren throw… - 7 years ago

@ChrisLalumiere: RT @GrandsBallets: Les Grands Ballets perdent l'un des leurs. Toutes nos condoléances aux proches de Vincent Warren, homme d'exception. htt… - 7 years ago

@quebecdanse: Le grand Vincent Warren nous a quittés le 25 octobre. Le RQD lui a rendu #hommage lors de son RDV annuel.… - 7 years ago


@ChrisLalumiere: RT @Ecole_sup: Vincent Warren (1938-2017) un grand homme de danse - 7 years ago

@Jtackettdnt: RT @WHSjacks: 25 yd TD run by Vincent Steppes. XP good Warren 28 Dollarway 0 2nd. #arpreps - 7 years ago

@_daquandaniels: RT @WHSjacks: 25 yd TD run by Vincent Steppes. XP good Warren 28 Dollarway 0 2nd. #arpreps - 7 years ago

@JeremyMuckADG: RT @WHSjacks: 25 yd TD run by Vincent Steppes. XP good Warren 28 Dollarway 0 2nd. #arpreps - 7 years ago

@WHSjacks: 25 yd TD run by Vincent Steppes. XP good Warren 28 Dollarway 0 2nd. #arpreps - 7 years ago

@CanadianFoodies: Obituary: Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit - 7 years ago

@Ecole_sup: Hommage à Vincent Warren 2017/11/17 #grandsballets #bibliodanse #quebecdanse #ballet #Dance - 7 years ago

@vincent_millay: RT @politico: .@SenWarren says the Supreme Court has an ethic problem - 7 years ago

@ZippyZey: RIP Vincent Warren, dancer and ballet historian extraordinaire. - 7 years ago

@crystalcsk: RIP Vincent Warren. An extraordinary #dance artist. I missed phonecalls from him last month—no voicemail. How I wis… - 7 years ago

@tinaweit: @BoycottUtah @PeterCRauth Strong Vincent, Gouverneur Warren as well as the others New York was one in the center. - 7 years ago

@KnightsOfArabia: @LenaBlue9 @faiza_n_ali @lsarsour @TamikaDMallory @msladyjustice1 @bobblanddesign @womensmarch State-sanctioned vio… - 7 years ago

@VanPresents: Just announced: @SFU_W & Visions Ouest Productions presents A Man of Dance-Vincent Warren (Nov 3) -… - 7 years ago

@RecruitLouisian: RT @RecruitLouisian: 2019 DE 6'3" 225 Nile Vincent Warren Easton 3.75 GPA @NileTheDon Hudl HLs: #RecruitLouisiana… - 7 years ago

@CinemaVancouver: @CBCRadioCanada @WIFTV @VancityBuzz @VancouverSun Homage to a great canadian dancer Vincent Warren with director Ma… - 7 years ago

@GenVP: Obituary: Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit - 7 years ago

@VelmaCandyass: #vincentwarren #dancer RIP generous person always happy to chat about any style of dance he loved his gossip! - 7 years ago

@miroir_cie: RT @DanseDanseMTL: Nous perdons un grand homme de la danse aujourd'hui - Vincent Warren. #rip #vincentwarren #danse - 7 years ago

@Report24CA: Obituary Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit. #RT - 7 years ago

@Report24CA: Obituary Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit... #D29 - 7 years ago

@LemieuxLau: RT @simon_brault: Un artiste et un homme talentueux! - 7 years ago

@luigi_warren: RT @41Strange: Devil on my shoulder - Vincent Price Starring in 'Champagne for Caesar' (1950) directed by Richard Whorf - 7 years ago

@Report24CA: Obituary Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit. #D28 - 7 years ago

@Report24CA: Obituary Vincent Warren an elegant dancer with a generous spirit... - 7 years ago

@lesleychestrman: Goodbye Vincent Warren - 7 years ago

@dansomanie: RIP Vincent Warren, Etoile @GrandsBallets Canadiens et ancien soliste du Théâtre Français de la Danse de J. Lazzini… - 7 years ago

@FOTOISO3200: #Montréal : Mort du danseur étoile Vincent Warren - 7 years ago

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