Vince Steckler

American businessman (CEO of Avast Software)
Died on Thursday June 17th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Vince Steckler:

@UCIHumanities: We mourn the loss of @UCIrvine alumnus Vince Steckler, whose dedication to inclusion and opportunities for students… - 4 years ago

@ucicreate: With great sadness, we mark the loss of Vince Steckler, whose philanthropy established CREATE at UCI. - 4 years ago

@janklesla: Vince Steckler byl jeden z nejlepších lidí, které jsem v IT byznysu potkal. A věřím, že exkolegové by souhlasili. D… - 4 years ago

@News36U: Vincent Steckler death - obituary, Vincent Steckler has passed away, cause of death - burial The UCI community mou… - 4 years ago


@MojoShmoe: RT @UCIbrenICS: The UCI community mourns the loss of Vincent Steckler, beloved alumnus, friend, & supporter. Vince graduated from UCI in… - 4 years ago

@UCI_Informatics: RT @UCIbrenICS: The UCI community mourns the loss of Vincent Steckler, beloved alumnus, friend, & supporter. Vince graduated from UCI in… - 4 years ago

@UCIbrenICS: The UCI community mourns the loss of Vincent Steckler, beloved alumnus, friend, & supporter. Vince graduated from… - 4 years ago

@IngZenskychDusi: @enkocz Jdou jim nějak po krku - 4 years ago

@i_e8m: RT @AvastJapan: アバストの前CEO、Vince Steckler氏が今月15日、急逝されました。同僚であり、素晴らしいリーダーであった彼に追悼の意を表すとともに、心からご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 4 years ago

@AvastJapan: アバストの前CEO、Vince Steckler氏が今月15日、急逝されました。同僚であり、素晴らしいリーダーであった彼に追悼の意を表すとともに、心からご冥福をお祈り致します。 - 4 years ago

@UCIPhysAstro: RT @jbprime: All of us in @UCIPhysSci are mourning the loss of @ucimath alum Vince Steckler. He had given back so much to @UCIrvine - such… - 4 years ago

@CompanyNewsHQ: Remembering Vince Steckler | Avast - 4 years ago

@UCIrvine: RT @MillerTyrus: We in the UCI School of Humanities & Department of Art History mourn the tragic loss of Vince Steckler and send his family… - 4 years ago

@UCIHumanities: RT @MillerTyrus: We in the UCI School of Humanities & Department of Art History mourn the tragic loss of Vince Steckler and send his family… - 4 years ago

@ucimath: RT @jbprime: All of us in @UCIPhysSci are mourning the loss of @ucimath alum Vince Steckler. He had given back so much to @UCIrvine - such… - 4 years ago

@UCIPhysSci: RT @jbprime: All of us in @UCIPhysSci are mourning the loss of @ucimath alum Vince Steckler. He had given back so much to @UCIrvine - such… - 4 years ago

@UCIChemistry: RT @jbprime: All of us in @UCIPhysSci are mourning the loss of @ucimath alum Vince Steckler. He had given back so much to @UCIrvine - such… - 4 years ago

@jbprime: All of us in @UCIPhysSci are mourning the loss of @ucimath alum Vince Steckler. He had given back so much to… - 4 years ago

@MillerTyrus: We in the UCI School of Humanities & Department of Art History mourn the tragic loss of Vince Steckler and send his… - 4 years ago

@shotgunner101: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@CP_Redaktion: Autounfall in Kalifornien: Ehemaliger Avast-CEO Vince Steckler verunglückt - 4 years ago

@stars24cz: Zemřel Vince #Steckler: Exšéf velké české firmy měl autonehodu! - 4 years ago

@AvastFrance: Vince Steckler, PDG d'Avast entre 2009 et 2019, nous manquera profondément. - 4 years ago

@TomCironis: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@LadilaLada: RT @BathoryBetka: Bývalý šéf Avastu zemřel při autonehodě - 4 years ago

@me_yamamogumo: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 22 437) #American #businessman #Vince #Steckler 62 #dies #traffic #collision #June 15, 2021… - 4 years ago

@BathoryBetka: Bývalý šéf Avastu zemřel při autonehodě - 4 years ago

@CasualSec: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@kevinrj: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Vince Steckler Death - Obituary - Cause of Death : Vince Steckler has Died . Click link to read full story… - 4 years ago

@NordNewsroom: RT @NordVPN: We are truly saddened by the news of Vince Steckler passing away. Vince was already a great source of inspiration for many her… - 4 years ago

@NordVPN: We are truly saddened by the news of Vince Steckler passing away. Vince was already a great source of inspiration f… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Vince Steckler - #VinceSteckler #Vince #Steckler #rip - 4 years ago

@panchich1: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@parknfly07: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@JeffreyMeursing: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@Katrina5Mm: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@lellingw: RT @Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd just re… - 4 years ago

@maresovo: Vince Steckler, exCEO Avastu a hlavní motor růstu firmy a jejího vstupu na burzu, byl strašně fajn chlap. Je mi to líto. #RIP - 4 years ago

@Kasparov63: Devastated to hear of the death of a friend and inspiration, Vince Steckler, who first brought me in at Avast. He'd… - 4 years ago

@netsecu: - 4 years ago

@aktualnizpr: Bývalý generální ředitel antivirové firmy Avast Vince Steckler zemřel ve věku 62 let při autonehodě v kalifornském… - 4 years ago

@cipherstorm: Remembering Vince Steckler 1958 – 2021 | Avast | Blog: It is with deep sadness that I must share that Vince Steckle… - 4 years ago

@itbizcz: Bývalý generální ředitel Avastu Vince Steckler zemřel při autonehodě - 4 years ago

@security_inside: Remembering Vince Steckler 1958 – 2021 | Avast | Blog - 4 years ago

@SeznamZpravy: ⚫️ Bývalý generální ředitel antivirové firmy Avast Vince Steckler zemřel ve věku 62 let při autonehodě v kalifornsk… - 4 years ago

@alleisab: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@radovan_be: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@AldoMedia: Remembering Vince Steckler 1958 - 2021 | Avast | Blog: It is with deep sadness that I must share that Vince Steckle… - 4 years ago

@BonoTena: Remembering Vince Steckler 1958 - 2021 | Avast | Blog - 4 years ago

@GodivaDeluxe: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

@auke_grondsma: RT @avast_antivirus: With great sadness, we announce the sudden and tragic death of former Avast CEO, Vince Steckler. Friend, colleague and… - 4 years ago

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