Viktor Gorbatko

Russian cosmonaut.
Died on Wednesday May 17th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Viktor Gorbatko:

@plurissom: Ciência e saúde: Morre Viktor Gorbatko, cosmonauta soviético e parceiro de Yuri Gagarin - - 8 years ago

@bellatmg: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@MuhammadMonir2: RT @RusEmbVietnam: #Vietnam mourns over #Russia'n #astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death - 8 years ago

@RusEmbVietnam: #Vietnam mourns over #Russia'n #astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death - 8 years ago


@hyroshima67: RT @AiretCosmos: Disparition du cosmonaute Viktor Gorbatko - 8 years ago

@jfilipev: RT @FilipeBGuerra: Faleceu Viktor Gorbatko, um dos primeiros cosmonautas(Soyuz 7, 24, 37)e duas vezes 'Herói da URSS'. (na foto com o vietn… - 8 years ago

@fverissimo: Morre Viktor Gorbatko, cosmonauta soviético e parceiro de Yuri Gagarin - 8 years ago

@IzabelaFerraz19: Morre Viktor Gorbatko, cosmonauta soviético e parceiro de Yuri Gagarin - 8 years ago

@HarshYagnik1: - 8 years ago

@gordanasamsono3: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@apaulagils: RT @FilipeBGuerra: Faleceu Viktor Gorbatko, um dos primeiros cosmonautas(Soyuz 7, 24, 37)e duas vezes 'Herói da URSS'. (na foto com o vietn… - 8 years ago

@chrisweston: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@GlezMayt: Muere Viktor Gorbatko, uno de los primeros cosmonautas rusos - La Jornada - 8 years ago

@netti811: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@wombleway: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@NudgerSS: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@NMewsik4: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@shornwoody: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@atscmc: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@sedsusa: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@adrianginger: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@chickenBOOMdawg: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@ChrisBaxi: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@MarieAnneLeCler: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@ReenJChan: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@KosmicKris: RT @spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed away at… - 8 years ago

@spaceanswers: Viktor Gorbatko, who flew aboard Soyuz 7, Soyuz 24 and Soyuz 37 as one of the first cosmonauts, has sadly passed aw… - 8 years ago

@yukihiko1953: RT @TalkVietnamBuzz: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@ROI992: RT @FilipeBGuerra: Faleceu Viktor Gorbatko, um dos primeiros cosmonautas(Soyuz 7, 24, 37)e duas vezes 'Herói da URSS'. (na foto com o vietn… - 8 years ago

@sakagan: RT @TalkVietnamBuzz: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@vietmaz: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@TalkVietnamBuzz: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@VNBreakingNews: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@net9669: Скончался член первого состава отряда космонавтов Виктор Горбатко / Телерадиокомпания "Крым" - 8 years ago

@oatrapado: RT @FilipeBGuerra: Faleceu Viktor Gorbatko, um dos primeiros cosmonautas(Soyuz 7, 24, 37)e duas vezes 'Herói da URSS'. (na foto com o vietn… - 8 years ago

@FilipeBGuerra: Faleceu Viktor Gorbatko, um dos primeiros cosmonautas(Soyuz 7, 24, 37)e duas vezes 'Herói da URSS'. (na foto com o… - 8 years ago

@TalkVietnamBuzz: Vietnam mourns over Russian astronaut Viktor Gorbatko’s death at - 8 years ago

@ManuelAlmecija: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Ahmadafraz1987: RT @collectSPACE: Viktor Gorbatko, one of the first Soviet-era cosmonauts, dies at 82: - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 854) #Russian #Cosmonaut #Viktor #Gorbatko 82 #dies #May 17, 2017 in #Moscow - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 853) #One Of #First #Soviet #Cosmonauts #Viktor #Gorbatko #Dead #May 17, 2017 At 82 - 8 years ago

@v_gayarre: Viktor Gorbatko, one of the first Soviet-era cosmonauts, dies at 82 | collectSPACE - 8 years ago

@Amateurster: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@igor_nieminen: Умер летчик-космонавт Виктор Горбатко. ФОТО. ВИДЕО - 8 years ago

@richardbraastad: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Daveww47: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ekaerospacenews: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@QuinnQuantum: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Furfuroll: RT @ShuttleAlmanac: Noting the date May 17, 2017. Cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko has died. Veteran of Soyuz-7, Soyuz-24 & 37 to Salyut-5 & 6. ht… - 8 years ago

@TranscendTales: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Bronson006: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@tkbva: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@rnitsch: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@AvWeek: One of first Soviet cosmonauts, Viktor Gorbatko, dies - The Times of Israel (blog) : - 8 years ago

@Ai2047: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@yoossie: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@CuriousTester: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@robert_stock7: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@katka_nedbal: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@Azstu: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@samanthabaines: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@RegardSurTerre: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@GregSachse: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@InfoSomniac2: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@spacecom: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@ell_teacherpros: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@SpaceTales: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@sosanjin: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@HdAnchiano: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@IvyzMom: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@paynemorrow: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@satchmo35: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@royhenderson4: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@black_cat46: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@citizen_steel: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@GStephenson_Wx: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@DennisLathan: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@12pt9: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@MugenTalks: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@PabloH_A: RT @SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

@SPACEdotcom: Viktor Gorbatko, One of the First Soviet-Era Cosmonauts, Dies at 82 - 8 years ago

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