Viju Khote

Indian actor.
Died on Monday September 30th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Viju Khote:

@bidyutk2001: Veteran Actor Viju Khote Dies At 77. 'Sholay's Kalia Is Immortal' - Twitter Remembers His Best Roles - 5 years ago

@pakoraboy: Bollywood acteur Viju Khote overleden - 5 years ago

@ayazkhanFIN: RT @TehzeebTvIndia: Veteran actor Viju Khote passes away in Mumbai. He was 77 years old. #tehzeebtvindia - 5 years ago

@AmitKhapra: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago


@sanjayuvacha: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@natashasamani: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@antonette_souza: RT @TOIMumbai: Noted actor Viju Khote passes away; he is best known for his act as Kalia in Sholay movie - 5 years ago

@Shashimasale: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@anadi1984: RT @BOLLYWOODCOLLE2: #RIP#Viju Khote Ji. - 5 years ago

@nirbhaysharma: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@Mallu_mafia: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@logicalindianz: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@MikeDesai: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@vishramrm: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@pavan_sethi: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@yogee_vincent: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@jainanil1968: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@Sandeep71121431: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@ZimplyRajan: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@sanjai2july: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@natashasamani: RT @sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak khaya h… - 5 years ago

@sanjayuvacha: .@virsanghvi This article on salt would have been more complete with a reference to the "Sardar maine aapka Namak k… - 5 years ago

@mac7mohan: 9月30日に77歳で亡くなった ヴィジュー・コーテー。姉はシュバー・コーテー。故ドゥルガー・コーテーは叔母(叔父の妻)にあたる。 - 5 years ago

@Shailen99050639: RT @TehzeebTvIndia: Veteran actor Viju Khote passes away in Mumbai. He was 77 years old. #tehzeebtvindia - 5 years ago

@DeepNandre: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@hindi2news: Veteran actor Viju Khote, the Kalia of Sholay, dies | नहीं रहे कालिया, दिग्‍गज अभिनेता विजू खोटे का 77 की उम्र में… - 5 years ago

@MainHiHoon: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

@SinghamUniverse: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@Iamcedricboy: RT @RajaSen: From Sholay to Andaz Apna Apna... Viju Khote, thank you for the movies. RIP. - 5 years ago

@sowika71: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

@TracyHamming: Viju Khote prayer meet: Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever, Jackie Shroff pay last respects. See pictures… - 5 years ago

@Nitika_A: RT @shekhardeolekar: @Varunaajbola @manshasingh_in @ketan83 @terence_fdes @cassynaz @tanmay_shinde99 @absolutpop @SaveMumbaifore1 @sunnyagr… - 5 years ago

@The_Chill_Place: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

@shekhardeolekar: @Varunaajbola @manshasingh_in @ketan83 @terence_fdes @cassynaz @tanmay_shinde99 @absolutpop @SaveMumbaifore1… - 5 years ago

@HiteshB62966648: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @htshowbiz: Viju Khote prayer meet: Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever, Jackie Shroff pay last respects. See pictures - 5 years ago

@Dnyaneshwar_pac: RT @htshowbiz: Viju Khote prayer meet: Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever, Jackie Shroff pay last respects. See pictures - 5 years ago

@yuvrajs88105332: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@RatanKumarINC: RT @akankshaolaINC: मराठी व हिन्दी फ़िल्म जगत के बहुचर्चित व वरिष्ठ कलाकार विजू खोटे जी के देहान्त से एक युग का अंत हो गया है। मेरी ओर से… - 5 years ago

@bollywood_b: Photos: Celebs attend Viju Khote’s prayer meet - 5 years ago

@Bollywo67992507: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@suraj0504: RT @htshowbiz: Viju Khote prayer meet: Shreyas Talpade, Johnny Lever, Jackie Shroff pay last respects. See pictures - 5 years ago

@PeepingMoon: #VijuKhote की याद में शामिल हुए #JackieShroff #Shreyastalpde के साथ ये सितारे भी, तस्वीरों में देखिये श्रद्धांजलि… - 5 years ago

@TBReporter: Viju Khote Prayer Meet: Jackie Shroff, Johnny Lever and other celebs attend - 5 years ago

@bollybubble: #VijuKhote Prayer Meet: #JohnyLever, #ShreyasTalpade, #SachinPilgaonkar and others pay last respects #RIPVijuKhote… - 5 years ago

@TweetOfGandhi_: RT @BubbleHindi: दिग्गज अभिनेता विजू खोटे की प्रार्थना सभा में पहुंचे ये सितारे #vijukhote - 5 years ago

@BubbleHindi: दिग्गज अभिनेता विजू खोटे की प्रार्थना सभा में पहुंचे ये सितारे #vijukhote - 5 years ago

@Showbiz_IT: Viju Khote prayer meet: Celebrities pay last respects | - 5 years ago

@ranjeetnegi66: @aapkadharam Now enjoying Evergreen movie "SHOLAY" at Movies ok Channel. My favorite movie. . Remembering Sanjeev… - 5 years ago

@BaswalKeshav: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@nimspatel1410: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago


@itsPB7: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@AdvSeemaRavind1: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@percyseloane: RT @AmanKayamHai_ET: Always respected Kalia for being the only one to speak up when Gabbar was about to shoot him - Maine aapka namak khaya… - 5 years ago

@ani7709: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@v4frnz17: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@keviv2109: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@O_O_The_Box: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

@GyIpcw: RT @globalyouthmum1: Viju Khote is remembered for his role as kalia in the classic Sholay. In a career that spanned more than 50 years, Kho… - 5 years ago

@DeepakDd131193: @chintskap R.I.P VIJU KHOTE SIR - 5 years ago

@MarkandayTrust: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: नहीं रहे फिल्म 'शोले' के 'कालिया', हार्ट अटैक से हुआ विजू खोटे का निधन #RIP #VijuKhote #RIPKaalia - 5 years ago

@abdulwasay230: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@PintuSa43211223: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: नहीं रहे फिल्म 'शोले' के 'कालिया', हार्ट अटैक से हुआ विजू खोटे का निधन #RIP #VijuKhote #RIPKaalia - 5 years ago

@boom_boom_buddy: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@Shivaay2598: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@AjDevgnfan: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@moviesneh: "Galti se mistake ho gaya," and other hits of the underrated Viju Khote... #VijuKhote #Sholay #AndaazApnaApna… - 5 years ago

@ShaikhS67909587: RT @F3NewsOfficial: #Veteran_Actor #Viju_Khote Ka Hua #Dehant - 5 years ago

@imMustaqeemRaza: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@RvSoni06: RT @Rajat75670009: @sonakshisinha @BeingSalmanKhan @arbaazSkhan @saieemmanjrekar @PDdancing @KicchaSudeep @Nikhil_Dwivedi @SKFilmsOfficial… - 5 years ago

@SarfarazSultan: RT @sahiljoshii: Famous and renowned actor who played role of Kaaliya in the movie Sholay, Viju Khote died in Mumbai today. He lived in Gao… - 5 years ago

@Nikulpatel9500: RT @bomanirani: Darling colleague Viju Khote is no more. Hilarious on stage, iconic on screen and a darling of a human being in real life.… - 5 years ago

@chetans38710468: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@DevgnDeewana: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@sivikassingh: RT @bnm1960: Ab Tera Kya ho ga Kalia ? Kalia Chla gaya The wonderful movie of 20th century - SHOLEY and the unknown but wonderful actors… - 5 years ago

@70shees: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@sauravsingh_3: RT @inFeed: Veteran actor Viju Khote, best known as Kalia in Sholay, dies – inFeed #VijuKhote - 5 years ago

@AjaydevgnFandom: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@deepakDLuffy: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@IamKitto0: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@Fresh_Horizons_: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

@Rajat75670009: RT @Rajat75670009: @DishPatani @CalvinKlein Rip viju khote Sir (actor best known for playing kaalia in Sholay and Robert in andaz apna apna… - 5 years ago

@Rajat75670009: @DishPatani @CalvinKlein Rip viju khote Sir (actor best known for playing kaalia in Sholay and Robert in andaz apna… - 5 years ago

@RajSing18164962: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@KusumikaDutta: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@DivyaSh90369861: RT @ananthmahadevan: Goodbye my friend Viju Khote. Be at peace...will miss you - 5 years ago

@DivyaSh90369861: RT @ananthmahadevan: Memories and tributes.... - 5 years ago

@ASuyog79: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@Rohanbahl123: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@ArghyaJadav: - 5 years ago

@shaikhshadababc: Viju Khote aka Samba of Sholay Passes Away; Sister Shubha Khote is Distraught - 5 years ago

@alok786kgupta: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@shaikhshadababc: Viju Khote aka Samba of Sholay Passes Away; Sister Shubha Khote is Distraught - 5 years ago

@bollywoodmantra: Heartbroken Shubha Khote remembers her brother Viju Khote #VijuKhote - 5 years ago

@OpenviewOpen: Incredible human being, thorough professional: Priyanka Chopra remembers Viju Khote - 5 years ago

@AbhaySh00917460: @manojksharma2 @ajaydevgn Viju khote sir. Very super actress - 5 years ago

@WBAD_FC: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@OpVerma16460893: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@Panchal92632386: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@AnilKum32483114: RT @ZeeNewsHindi: नहीं रहे फिल्म 'शोले' के 'कालिया', हार्ट अटैक से हुआ विजू खोटे का निधन #RIP #VijuKhote #RIPKaalia - 5 years ago

@Writelings: Viju Khote sir, you are immortal as Kalia 💘. After all, हमने आपका नमक खाया है, सरदार। 🙏 #vijukhote #kalia #sholay #RestInPeace #RIP - 5 years ago

@shivam_suthar7: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@Shingla: RT @abhic4ever: Marathi actor Viju Khote no more :( From Kaliya of Sholey to Robert of Andaz apna apna, he played many roles in Hindi cin… - 5 years ago

@henian3: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@lt2AwW5OkAKCh4H: RT @ajaydevgn: Actors like Viju Khote were institutions by themselves. Their large body of work will always be remembered. I’m fortunate to… - 5 years ago

@KirankalidasK: RT @ZeeNews: Rest in peace #vijukhote - 5 years ago

@PravinMane7: RT @chintskap: RIP. Viju Khote. Dear friend over the years. Though much elder,we used to bike together along with sister Shobha Khote ji,wh… - 5 years ago

@alayaran: Distraught sister Shubha Khote remembers her brother Viju Khote :Bollywood Latest News - - 5 years ago

@aniltiwari7273: RT @republic: Viju Khote RIP: Priyanka Chopra Says, "Incredible Human Being" - 5 years ago

@SantoshPanday: RT @republic: Viju Khote RIP: Priyanka Chopra Says, "Incredible Human Being" - 5 years ago

@republic: Viju Khote RIP: Priyanka Chopra Says, "Incredible Human Being" - 5 years ago

@Eat_Pray_Tw33t: RT @FilmHistoryPic: #RIP VIJU KHOTE passes away at 77. He portrayed supporting roles in 340+ films, most famous being ‘Kalia’ in film Shol… - 5 years ago

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