Victor Skrebneski

American photographer
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Victor Skrebneski:

@Marialovessea: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@juanjosemarquez: Uno de los fotografos que admire mientras me formaba como fotógrafo en los años 80's Víctor Skrebneski, descanse en… - 5 years ago

@cgartadvisory: Victor Skrebneski, who captured stars in striking photos, dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@j_a_barrueco: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago


@DouganErika: RT @NYTObits: Of David Bowie, he said, “He absolutely loved being naked" - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Of David Bowie, he said, “He absolutely loved being naked" - 5 years ago

@kw1979: - 5 years ago

@cabara: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and O… - 5 years ago

@abeautyfeature: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@tconnieg: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@WaldoKanto: RT @PaganHollywood: RIP, Photographer Victor Skrebneski (1929 - 2020) Dennis Hopper, John Ford & John Huston, 1971 - 5 years ago

@cristianafarias: RT @cristianafarias: “The black turtleneck became his signature: He photographed Orson Welles, Bette Davis, Andy Warhol and many others wea… - 5 years ago

@UtterBooks: RT @wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@MadameFigaroGr: Έφυγε από τη ζωή ο Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@lemon2sang: RT @nytimesmusic: “He absolutely loved being naked,” he said of photographing David Bowie. “When he goes to everybody else’s photography st… - 5 years ago

@nytimesmusic: “He absolutely loved being naked,” he said of photographing David Bowie. “When he goes to everybody else’s photogra… - 5 years ago

@AndrewW66619812: RT @ykomska: “One woman said she was redecorating her living room to match one in an ad and asked if the company could photograph the other… - 5 years ago

@ykomska: “One woman said she was redecorating her living room to match one in an ad and asked if the company could photograp… - 5 years ago

@TurtleManes: RT @cristianafarias: “The black turtleneck became his signature: He photographed Orson Welles, Bette Davis, Andy Warhol and many others wea… - 5 years ago

@cristianafarias: “The black turtleneck became his signature: He photographed Orson Welles, Bette Davis, Andy Warhol and many others… - 5 years ago

@pixiespalette: RT @nytimesarts: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@Mandiblesat140: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@MaztotheMax: Taken by Victor Skrebneski rest in power my dear friend. You were one of the most wonderful human beings out there. - 5 years ago

@MaztotheMax: RIP Victor Skrebneski. You were one of a kind - 5 years ago

@krisinin: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@DHWendyGoodman: RT @TheCut: Victor Skrebneski died at the age of 90 in Chicago on April 4. @DHWendyGoodman remembers the legendary photographer: “His legac… - 5 years ago

@thewidowstanton: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@crane4306: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @nytimesmusic: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. - 5 years ago

@BL0NDAMBITION: RT @nytimesmusic: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. - 5 years ago

@jsgjames: RT @nytimesmusic: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. - 5 years ago

@ChrisLepageCali: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@nytimesmusic: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. - 5 years ago

@janlp: A class ACT!! All the way!! Remembering the Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@galaxietoots: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@luigi_warren: RT @PaganHollywood: RIP, Photographer Victor Skrebneski (1929 - 2020) Dennis Hopper, John Ford & John Huston, 1971 - 5 years ago

@luigi_warren: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@BarbaraNairn: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos. He Died at 90 His career began when he… - 5 years ago

@DrAlakbarov: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos. He Died at 90 His career began when he… - 5 years ago

@jwomack: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@selfstyledsiren: RT @NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and Orson Welle… - 5 years ago

@peterhayes123: RT @wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@maurbelle: RT @ninagarcia: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor Skrebneski, whose striking photographs of celebrities and models including Cindy Crawford, Bette Davis and O… - 5 years ago

@kikocasa844: RT @wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@LetterwriterMe: RT @wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@UNofPhoto: RT @wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@wayneford: “I like accidents in photographs — most kids don’t understand that” Victor Skrebneski (1929-2020). - 5 years ago

@nerdsattack: Victor Skrebneski - RIP #victorskrebneski - 5 years ago

@creed_xero: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@familygrowing1: RT @NYTObits: “He absolutely loved being naked,” Mr. Skrebneski said of David Bowie. “He told me he didn’t know what he looked like. When h… - 5 years ago

@LuisSocorro2: RT @h_posner: Victor Skrebneski, Photographer Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90, via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@MorganJerkins: I tried to interview Victor a few months ago for my Darine Stern story because according to her sister, he really l… - 5 years ago

@nealedelstein: RT @ccohanlon: Dennis Hopper, John Ford and John Huston in bed together, Palm Springs, California, 1971. Photo by Victor Skrebneski. https:… - 5 years ago

@h_posner: Victor Skrebneski, Photographer Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90, via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@trashhhologram: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@pcooney55: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@Elmatibecker: Andy Warhol, 1972. Ph: Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@PeeBee_Proton: RT @NYTObits: “He absolutely loved being naked,” Mr. Skrebneski said of David Bowie. “He told me he didn’t know what he looked like. When h… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “He absolutely loved being naked,” Mr. Skrebneski said of David Bowie. “He told me he didn’t know what he looked li… - 5 years ago

@camillou_06: RT @TATJANASL: "Black women" #painting, #film and #photography (1901-1904) Edward Hopper Nude Walking through Doorway (1902) Edward Hopp… - 5 years ago

@Panchogalactico: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@blpkst: RT @dark_shark: David Bowie, Chicago, 1991 by Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@MySouthernHeels: RT @PaganHollywood: RIP, Photographer Victor Skrebneski (1929 - 2020) Dennis Hopper, John Ford & John Huston, 1971 - 5 years ago

@MoniqueRaven76: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@Gazzettino: Morto Victor Skrebneski, fotografo di moda di fama internazionale: lanciò Cindy #Crawford - 5 years ago

@inginfgil: Addio al fotografo Victor Skrebneski. L'occhio che scoprì Cindy Crawford - 5 years ago

@see_venice: RT @NYTObits: “Everybody wanted to be photographed in the black turtleneck." It became one of Victor Skrebneski's signature images. https:/… - 5 years ago

@hung0ver4evr: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@PLg37S0sRHImrHZ: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@poppymasselos: RIP Victor Skrebneski, the Photographer Who Launched Cindy Crawford’s Career | W Magazine | Women's Fashion & Celeb… - 5 years ago

@poppymasselos: Obit: Remembering Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@poppymasselos: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@renecyr74: Top story: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@alcinx: RT @LaStampa: E' stato uno dei grandi nomi della fotografia di moda a livello internazionale. - 5 years ago

@dubvNOW: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@DRepubblicait: E' morto Victor Skrebneski, il fotografo del glamour che scoprì Cindy Crawford [aggiornamento delle 17:08] - 5 years ago

@LaStampa: E' stato uno dei grandi nomi della fotografia di moda a livello internazionale. - 5 years ago

@rickysamp69: RT @LaStampa: Addio a Victor Skrebneski, nei suoi scatti il glamour anni 80 - 5 years ago

@DaytonArt: RT @NYTObits: “Everybody wanted to be photographed in the black turtleneck." It became one of Victor Skrebneski's signature images. https:/… - 5 years ago

@MLGcopyright: RT @LaStampa: Addio a Victor Skrebneski, nei suoi scatti il glamour anni 80 - 5 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @LaStampa: Addio a Victor Skrebneski, nei suoi scatti il glamour anni 80 - 5 years ago

@LaStampa: Addio a Victor Skrebneski, nei suoi scatti il glamour anni 80 - 5 years ago

@londonfilmuk: RT @PaganHollywood: RIP, Photographer Victor Skrebneski (1929 - 2020) Dennis Hopper, John Ford & John Huston, 1971 - 5 years ago

@sephisunset: RT @NYTObits: “Everybody wanted to be photographed in the black turtleneck." It became one of Victor Skrebneski's signature images. https:/… - 5 years ago

@ShON25486781: RT @NYTObits: “Everybody wanted to be photographed in the black turtleneck." It became one of Victor Skrebneski's signature images. https:/… - 5 years ago

@guy_renaissance: - 5 years ago

@BeckatSage: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@gagarciap: RT @nytimesmusic: “He absolutely loved being naked,” he said of photographing David Bowie. “When he goes to everybody else’s photography st… - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @nytimesmusic: “He absolutely loved being naked,” he said of photographing David Bowie. “When he goes to everybody else’s photography st… - 5 years ago

@777gOdlike_: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@nytimesmusic: “He absolutely loved being naked,” he said of photographing David Bowie. “When he goes to everybody else’s photogra… - 5 years ago

@Tamla101: A most memorable Skrebneski shot. - 5 years ago

@fultonjr: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@SofiaGeorgiado8: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos. He Died at 90 His career began when he… - 5 years ago

@neildrewitt: Victor Skrebneski obit: 90. His striking photographs of celebrities and models, including Cindy Crawford, Bette Dav… - 5 years ago

@oscar_sux: RT @Posteritati: RIP Victor Skrebneski (1929–2020) legendary Chicago-based fashion and portrait photographer, created posters for the Chica… - 5 years ago

@UKJAMschool: RT @NYTObits: “Everybody wanted to be photographed in the black turtleneck." It became one of Victor Skrebneski's signature images. https:/… - 5 years ago

@Utbon: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@dckath: RT @nytimesarts: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@bluelaces: RT @nytimesarts: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@NinaSchindler9: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@JoriahGoad: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@nickyskye: RT @NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@altereggo: RT @NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@varvaraephemera: RT @NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@tofuzombieyuki: RT @NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@Jonas62712964: RT @NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski h… - 5 years ago

@NYTNational: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skreb… - 5 years ago

@ArmandoRoqueCcs: RT @Posteritati: RIP Victor Skrebneski (1929–2020) legendary Chicago-based fashion and portrait photographer, created posters for the Chica… - 5 years ago

@Killeroftrolls: RT @PaganHollywood: Dennis Hopper & David Bowie by Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@RedmondMichael: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NinianReid: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@JimWiser: RT @nytmedia: A kid finds a camera in a park. He grows up to become a leading advertising and portrait photographer. Victor Skrebneski has… - 5 years ago

@thohnt8: RT @PaganHollywood: RIP, Photographer Victor Skrebneski (1929 - 2020) Dennis Hopper, John Ford & John Huston, 1971 - 5 years ago

@GayLibMan: RT @Margoandhow: A Chicago fixture and a nice man. (From his living room I got the idea to hang a large painting on a mirrored wall.) http… - 5 years ago

@Margoandhow: A Chicago fixture and a nice man. (From his living room I got the idea to hang a large painting on a mirrored wall.… - 5 years ago

@xfashionkillazs: Victor Skrebneski, Who Captured Stars in Striking Photos, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@lramsay: One of the greats. - 5 years ago

@TheCut: Victor Skrebneski died at the age of 90 in Chicago on April 4. @DHWendyGoodman remembers the legendary photographer… - 5 years ago

@DanielNavasSund: Remembering the Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@katannsky2: RT @secretcinema1: #botd Bette Davis, 1971, Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@Dama30394612: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@gushigo: 📷 distributedaccesscontrolsystem: Victor Skrebneski, Diana Ross, 1977 - 5 years ago

@imcdownsound: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@TheQHBlend: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@mshouston: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@TeeJaines: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@blackcow80: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@NathanMillion: RT @jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a legendari… - 5 years ago

@jodywatley: #TBT 1995 Photography for Saks Fifth Avenue Fall Catalog (1 page of 16) by Victor Skrebneski (Rest In Peace) to a l… - 5 years ago

@RAntoshak: #Fashion Industry - Remembering the Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@banzib: - 5 years ago

@plazaro13: VÍCTOR SKREBNESKI,el fotógrafo de modas, ídolos del cine y de Estée Lauder falleció a los 90 años - 5 years ago

@CandyGreer17: RT @ivy_terska: Remembering the Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@shytowngirl: Remembering Chicago-based photographer Victor Skrebneski.. - 5 years ago

@IITDesign: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@TachyonEvan: RT @chifilmfest: Victor Skrebneski‘s iconic black and white images captured such #ChiFilmFest poster subjects as Orson Welles, @sharonstone… - 5 years ago

@chifilmfest: Victor Skrebneski‘s iconic black and white images captured such #ChiFilmFest poster subjects as Orson Welles,… - 5 years ago

@TheCut: Victor Skrebneski died at the age of 90 in Chicago on April 4. @DHWendyGoodman remembers the legendary photographer… - 5 years ago

@ivy_terska: Remembering the Legendary Photographer Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@a_stjames: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@NNik90: RT @T__twitt: Paulina Porizkova photographed by Victor Skrebneski,1988 - 5 years ago

@FashionUnitedNL: Modefotograaf Victor Skrebneski (90) overleden - 5 years ago

@FashionUnitedNL: Modefotograaf Victor Skrebneski (90) overleden - 5 years ago

@SuzanneFelicia2: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@MarkKrajnak: RT @PhotogsAtWork: #RIP Victor Skrebneski (1929 – April 4, 2020)🇺🇸 #celebrity #fashion #photography #victorskrebneski - 5 years ago

@teriacav: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@jennymandel82: RT @jenniferbeals: Thank you Victor for showing this South Side girl how big the world could be...and that the journey must start from the… - 5 years ago

@emiko_castillo_: RT @FIDMMuseum: Remembering legendary fashion photographer Victor Skrebneski, known for his dramatic and sensual ad campaigns and portraits… - 5 years ago

@bugdreams: Victor Skrebneski. - 5 years ago

@PhotogsAtWork: #RIP Victor Skrebneski (1929 – April 4, 2020)🇺🇸 #celebrity #fashion #photography #victorskrebneski - 5 years ago

@chicagophotog: I'm very sad to have learned the passing of an extremely talented and renowned Chicago-based photographer, Victor S… - 5 years ago

@APAnational: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@rodrodjar: rip victor skrebneski, there used to be a chicago fashion photo scene - 5 years ago

@MNpolite: Bette Davis - Born April 5, 1908 by Victor Skrebneski "Hell is lowering your standards and getting comfortable wit… - 5 years ago

@MoCP_Chicago: RT @FIDMMuseum: Remembering legendary fashion photographer Victor Skrebneski, known for his dramatic and sensual ad campaigns and portraits… - 5 years ago

@TheChefSean: RT @FIDMMuseum: Remembering legendary fashion photographer Victor Skrebneski, known for his dramatic and sensual ad campaigns and portraits… - 5 years ago

@FIDM: RT @FIDMMuseum: Remembering legendary fashion photographer Victor Skrebneski, known for his dramatic and sensual ad campaigns and portraits… - 5 years ago

@FIDMMuseum: Remembering legendary fashion photographer Victor Skrebneski, known for his dramatic and sensual ad campaigns and p… - 5 years ago

@randolphmarket: 📸 Chicago and the fashion world lost one if its most celebrated with the passing of superstar photographer Victor S… - 5 years ago

@fernandomunioz7: RT @FashionUnitedBE: Modefotograaf Victor Skrebneski (90) overleden - 5 years ago

@FashionUnitedBE: Modefotograaf Victor Skrebneski (90) overleden - 5 years ago

@IITDesign: RIP Victor Skrebneski, who attended ID's pioneering photography program, created iconic images with people like Ors… - 5 years ago

@HumanFashionabl: Famed Fashion Photographer, Victor Skrebneski, best known for his dramatic black and white celebrity dies at 90.… - 5 years ago

@edelmangallery: RT @MoCP_Chicago: The MoCP is deeply saddened by the passing of Chicago-based photographer Victor Skrebneski last Saturday at the age of 90… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Photographer Victor Skrebneski; writer, adventurer, and activist C.W. Nicol; writers Rodrigo… - 5 years ago

@ActorsWkspDet: Growing up in Detroit, I loved Skrebneski’s work. Cool that he stayed in Chicago. Beautiful work, with gorgeous sig… - 5 years ago

@markf_wallace: Photographer Victor Skrebneski, 90 - 5 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Photographer Victor Skrebneski, 90: He first attracted notice for shooting supermodels in famous ad campaigns for… - 5 years ago

@ChuckJordan4: ‘My heart is broken’: Friends remember legendary photographer and lifelong Chicagoan Victor Skrebneski - 5 years ago

@Tejees_Studio17: Victor Skrebneski, Celebrity Photographer, Dies at 90 - 5 years ago

@CaterBrian: RT @AniSWISSarts: #BetteDavis - Photographed by Victor Skrebneski, 1971 - 5 years ago

@TeeJaines: RT @LeonPZambrano: Victor Skrebneski - Jody Watley @jodywatley Remembers Legendary Photographer. - 5 years ago

@hdpr2016: RT @suntimesobits: Supermodel #CindyCrawford on Victor #Skrebneski, her '1st mentor': 'Those years I spent on his set... being directed by… - 5 years ago

@AndiParsons: RIP Victor Skrebneski 🙏🏽🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@LeonPZambrano: Victor Skrebneski - Jody Watley @jodywatley Remembers Legendary Photographer. - 5 years ago

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