Victor Navasky

American journalist (The Nation).
Died on Wednesday January 25th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Victor Navasky:

@ellenbollinger: - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@Laurenm57: Learning from Victor Navasky (1933-2023), by @Mlsif - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago


@shortisequal: Learning from Victor Navasky (1933-2023), by @Mlsif - 2 years ago

@mbalter: Learning from Victor Navasky (1933-2023), by @Mlsif - 2 years ago

@Mlsif: The Connector: Learning from Victor Navasky (1933-2023) - 2 years ago

@PatricioMuozNa6: RT @soniagoldenberg: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@soniagoldenberg: RT @soniagoldenberg: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@soniagoldenberg: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@josephdrennan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better per… - 2 years ago

@TheNewRobPinto1: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@judy_armes: 🥀✏️🕊 - 2 years ago

@TheTadDaley: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation… - 2 years ago

@TheTadDaley: @KatrinaNation Just heard about this today with the obituary in the @latimesopinion Katrina. My condolences to yo… - 2 years ago

@MyPrisillaspace: RT @RalphNader: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@JoanPennnative: - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: RT @TheProspect: As @eric_alterman’s Altercation newsletter comes to an end, he recounts his editorial beginnings and remembers the late bu… - 2 years ago

@TheProspect: As @eric_alterman’s Altercation newsletter comes to an end, he recounts his editorial beginnings and remembers the… - 2 years ago

@Skel531: RT @thenation: Elizabeth Pochoda and colleague pay tribute to Victor Navasky. Vic, Pochoda writes, was a "complex, enigmatic knot, to be su… - 2 years ago

@thenation: Elizabeth Pochoda and colleague pay tribute to Victor Navasky. Vic, Pochoda writes, was a "complex, enigmatic knot,… - 2 years ago

@suzygra: @iXeno @kemminnick @MichaelWarbur17 He refused to name names, too, and had a falling out with Burl Ives over that.… - 2 years ago

@iTweetyNerd: How Clark and Navasky do it? By breaking almost all the rules of politics. Clark’s campaign set a $100 limit on cam… - 2 years ago

@larry_lbeh: @mtomasky @newrepublic Appreciated your tribute to Victor Navasky. In the summer of 1960 he hired me as an unpaid… - 2 years ago

@alstarkey: RT @thenation: Calvin Trillin asks why he and so many other writers, fully aware of the pay scale, wrote for Victor Navasky? The overriding… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@thenation: Calvin Trillin asks why he and so many other writers, fully aware of the pay scale, wrote for Victor Navasky? The o… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor S. Navasky, a powerful liberal voice in journalism who has died at 90, was the longtime editor and later pub… - 2 years ago

@g_ichtertz: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a courageous ma… - 2 years ago

@YQuidnunc: @DavidCornDC Just caught up with obits. Broke my heart to see we lost Victor Navasky. He impacted your life persona… - 2 years ago

@groveatlantic: “For a 20-year-old gay man like myself, who had never read anything positive about gay people in the New York Times… - 2 years ago

@CMargaronis: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a courageous ma… - 2 years ago

@RonBrownstein: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a courageous ma… - 2 years ago

@manson_marina: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a courageous ma… - 2 years ago

@MichaelWinship: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a courageous ma… - 2 years ago

@thenation: Victor Navasky's colleagues remember the great editor. Victor "was a good man, a political man, a moral man, a cour… - 2 years ago

@myBigBlueHammer: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@EricaPetry3: RT @GuardianUS: Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history - 2 years ago

@jasonmshepard: RT @spj_tweets: "'Since you hated the piece so much,' Navasky told Miller, 'you should write the response to it.' Miller did so...[he] was… - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better per… - 2 years ago

@extnsv_opinion: Victor Navasky, Who Saved “The Nation,” Tried to Save the World. - 2 years ago

@kenkircher1: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@gogh2666: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@arvinvreyes: RT @newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better person. ht… - 2 years ago

@hkeybsg: RT @thenation: In 1979, Navasky published 300 words from former President Gerald Ford’s upcoming 500-page memoir, "A Time To Heal," reveali… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@dunnclan: RT @joanwalsh: A wonderful piece by Victor Navasky, who left us this week. - 2 years ago

@dunnclan: RT @DavidCornDC: In case you missed my farewell to the incomparable Victor Navasky. - 2 years ago

@dunnclan: RT @joanwalsh: Victor Navasky: An Avatar of the American Left, 1932–2023 - 2 years ago

@gkealey: RT @SteveHewittUK: RIP: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@DaminEsper: RT @newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better person. ht… - 2 years ago

@MatthewSitman: RT @newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better person. ht… - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better per… - 2 years ago

@spj_tweets: "'Since you hated the piece so much,' Navasky told Miller, 'you should write the response to it.' Miller did so...[… - 2 years ago

@jestedm1: RT @PhilipTerzian: 'Witty ... contrarian ... .. influential ... droll ... irreverent ... influence ... wry iconoclasm ... well-written ...… - 2 years ago

@JoyceCarolOates: my dear friend and excellent book reviewer John Leonard used to say fondly of Victor Navasky that he paid John for… - 2 years ago

@robertwrighter: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@StigmabaseU: UniTwo : AM — Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history: The earliest long-form reaction t… - 2 years ago

@TheProspect: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@MitchelCCharles: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@raynayler: This was a wonderful conversation with Francesca Rheannon about THE MOUNTAIN IN THE SEA. @WritersVoice @mcdbooks… - 2 years ago

@farrellmcmanus: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@matthewisles: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@wjantholis: RT @Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@BeladonnaRogers: RT @PhilipTerzian: 'Witty ... contrarian ... .. influential ... droll ... irreverent ... influence ... wry iconoclasm ... well-written ...… - 2 years ago

@ChrisCrandall19: RIP “the wily and parsimonious” Victor Navasky, Editor of The Nation, Columbia Journalism Review, and best of all,… - 2 years ago

@LEastsound: RT @thenation: Strongmen from Hitler to Napoleon have been unnerved by the political cartoon. Victor Navasky, a man of words, was fascinate… - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: My goodbye to Altercation, columnizing and my friend, mentor and role model Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: RT @chrismartin100: @ddayen @Eric_Alterman @TheProspect Cheers to @Eric_Alterman! I deeply appreciate his news criticism, and his lovely re… - 2 years ago

@thenation: In 1979, Navasky published 300 words from former President Gerald Ford’s upcoming 500-page memoir, "A Time To Heal,… - 2 years ago

@carolekingnyc: RT @adamshatz: Victor Navasky - Nation editor, author, historian, civil libertarian - has passed at 90. My former boss and an avuncular pre… - 2 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @thenation: Strongmen from Hitler to Napoleon have been unnerved by the political cartoon. Victor Navasky, a man of words, was fascinate… - 2 years ago

@GhayasM73: RT @thenation: Strongmen from Hitler to Napoleon have been unnerved by the political cartoon. Victor Navasky, a man of words, was fascinate… - 2 years ago

@ClimatePad: RT @thenation: Strongmen from Hitler to Napoleon have been unnerved by the political cartoon. Victor Navasky, a man of words, was fascinate… - 2 years ago

@thenation: Strongmen from Hitler to Napoleon have been unnerved by the political cartoon. Victor Navasky, a man of words, was… - 2 years ago

@nobarburgeritem: Victor Navasky: A Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius - 2 years ago

@casketart_3: RT @thenation: Victor Navasky wrote several important books, but he devoted his life to the art of magazine editing. He did so by calmly an… - 2 years ago

@AnnWilc42687012: Victor Navasky, Who Saved “The Nation,” Tried to Save the World - 2 years ago

@thenation: Victor Navasky was not the only writer to leap into politics during this period. And he proved to be an able manage… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor S. Navasky, a powerful liberal voice in journalism who has died at 90, was the longtime editor and later pub… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@SteveHewittUK: RIP: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Maria_Hinojosa: RT @adamshatz: Victor Navasky - Nation editor, author, historian, civil libertarian - has passed at 90. My former boss and an avuncular pre… - 2 years ago

@LewWelge: RT @RalphNader: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: "Victor was the captain; affable and self-effacing, but certainly the figure toward whom everyone turned to when a… - 2 years ago

@lynnchu: RT @RalphNader: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@ytali_: RT @CoseIberiche: Fu interprete dell’intreccio tra giornalismo e attivismo, importanti in un paese in cui un grande partito di sinistra, pa… - 2 years ago

@eunjiiikim: RT @typemediacenter: We mourn the loss of our long time board member and colleague Victor Navasky who inspired so many journalists at Type… - 2 years ago

@SusanRogersMH: RT @stevebrodner: This week in The Nation: My Nhan, Half Moon, Pokey Men, Midnight Mass, Victor Navasky. Get The Gr… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@familygrowing1: RT @DavidCornDC: In case you missed my farewell to the incomparable Victor Navasky. - 2 years ago

@familygrowing1: RT @DavidCornDC: My remembrance of Victor Navasky. From my days working for him at @thenation. With cameos from Allen Ginsberg, Susan Sonta… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@jp_activist: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@Sagacious_O: We Mourn the Passing of Victor Navasky: Long-Time Board Member, Crusading Journalist, Historian of the McCarthy Era… - 2 years ago

@rinkumathew: Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Victor S. Navasky, a powerful liberal voice in journalism who has died at 90, was the longtime editor and later pub… - 2 years ago

@JaneHWBB: RT @DavidCornDC: My remembrance of Victor Navasky. From my days working for him at @thenation. With cameos from Allen Ginsberg, Susan Sonta… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is too Marxist… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: What gives the political cartoon its power? That’s the animating question of Victor Navasky’s 2013 book "The Art of Controve… - 2 years ago

@townlecat: RT @DavidCornDC: I was just told Victor Navasky, the former publisher/editor of The Nation, died. He plucked me out of the intern program &… - 2 years ago

@Grrl_Herstorian: RT @thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is too Marxist… - 2 years ago

@susanstewartw: RT @thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is too Marxist… - 2 years ago

@Dante_The_K9: RT @thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is too Marxist… - 2 years ago

@TheRhinosHorn: RT @thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is too Marxist… - 2 years ago

@thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is to… - 2 years ago

@chrismartin100: @ddayen @Eric_Alterman @TheProspect Cheers to @Eric_Alterman! I deeply appreciate his news criticism, and his lovel… - 2 years ago

@thenation: What gives the political cartoon its power? That’s the animating question of Victor Navasky’s 2013 book "The Art of… - 2 years ago

@KathrynMD7: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: .@mtomasky remembers the day he met Victor Navasky @thenation: Navasky “smiled; in fact he smiled awkwardly, shyly,… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@ShadowingDC: RT @RalphNader: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@RalphNader: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@NatalieGarfiel1: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@deetee128: RT @typemediacenter: We mourn the loss of our long time board member and colleague Victor Navasky who inspired so many journalists at Type… - 2 years ago

@JoeConason: RT @typemediacenter: We mourn the loss of our long time board member and colleague Victor Navasky who inspired so many journalists at Type… - 2 years ago

@MarkMad68206950: RT @NicholsUprising: When Victor Navasky managed Ramsey Clark’s 1974 US Senate bid in NY, Clark won the Democratic nomination and mounted a… - 2 years ago

@WiccanMethusela: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@rufuspolk: RT @press4change: Naming Names...was an account of the cold war & blacklisting praised as thorough & fair-minded. He called the book a “mor… - 2 years ago

@sandra_eudave: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@DonMaryEllen1: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@odaraia: RT @MonikaBauerlein: There are so many great moments in this @DavidCornDC remembrance of Victor Navasky. - 2 years ago

@rr9281: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@jftaveira1993: .@ddguttenplan: "On the issues he cared about—free speech, the tragedy of the Cold War, and the terrible danger of… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@rebellegrrl: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@xanarres: RT @davidgura: Appended to @DavidCornDC's lovely remembrance of Victor Navasky in @MotherJones ( - 2 years ago

@FARKnnDB: RT @stevebrodner: This week in The Nation: My Nhan, Half Moon, Pokey Men, Midnight Mass, Victor Navasky. Get The Gr… - 2 years ago

@PodTap: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@macbeestje: Statement on the Passing of Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@jadzia_1: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@SupprtLeftMedia: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@ChrisAlbertoLaw: RT @JFKLibrary: Remembering Victor Navasky, who also wrote about Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General in "Kennedy Justice." His research… - 2 years ago

@JohnSherArt4109: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@rozmcdermott: RT @press4change: Naming Names...was an account of the cold war & blacklisting praised as thorough & fair-minded. He called the book a “mor… - 2 years ago

@press4change: Naming Names...was an account of the cold war & blacklisting praised as thorough & fair-minded. He called the book… - 2 years ago

@LisleMcDee: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@stevebrodner: This week in The Nation: My Nhan, Half Moon, Pokey Men, Midnight Mass, Victor Navasky. Get… - 2 years ago

@dawso007: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@deeeanm: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@HeinzJufer: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@hippylibrarian: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@KatrinaNation: RT @TravisIrvineUSA: Victor Navasky may have been a literary legend and a journalism giant, but he was also one of the greatest and funnies… - 2 years ago

@CCB5Keithfan34: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@LAmag: RT @MaerRoshan: Victor Navasky was a journalistic legend. Proud to have known him. One Nation via @thenation - 2 years ago

@robinleeu: RT @RalphNader: Our country has lost a great writer and public citizen. Victor Navasky, long time editor of @thenation magazine, author of… - 2 years ago

@WBAI: Victor Navasky, Who Saved “The Nation,” Tried to Save the World - 2 years ago

@andrewbell33: RT @TravisIrvineUSA: Victor Navasky may have been a literary legend and a journalism giant, but he was also one of the greatest and funnies… - 2 years ago

@extnsv_opinion: Victor Navasky: a Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius. - 2 years ago

@jinxiejae: RT @jilevin: Victor Navasky: a Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius via thenation - 2 years ago

@thenation: Victor's response to an article I submitted arguing Major League Baseball should be nationalized: “This piece is to… - 2 years ago

@TravisIrvineUSA: RT @TravisIrvineUSA: Victor Navasky may have been a literary legend and a journalism giant, but he was also one of the greatest and funnies… - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: RT @TheProspect: In the final installment of Altercation, @eric_alterman draws lessons from his decades-long career and remembers his frien… - 2 years ago

@suzotchka67: RT @ElieNYC: Sad day here at @thenation - 2 years ago

@manifestoglobal: Victor Navasky, 'luminary' of the American left - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: I made the mistake most people have made with Victor Navasky—at least once. “How will I get paid,” I asked. “You’ll have t… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: "Victor decided I would become Director of Fundraising for the Ramsey Clark campaign—the first in a succession of jobs Victo… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: Victor had some unlikely enthusiasms: vodka martinis, good restaurants, literary gossip—any gossip really—and boxing. And if… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: “The initial impact that these drawings have is like a sledgehammer to the brain.” @HeerJeet discusses "The Art of Controver… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: In 1979, Navasky published 300 words from former President Gerald Ford’s upcoming 500-page memoir, "A Time To Heal," reveali… - 2 years ago

@WritingLife_b: Victor Navasky: An Avatar of the American Left, 1932-2023 (The Nation) I first met Victor in the spring of 1978 wh… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @thenation: I learned early on that it was a big mistake to confuse Victor’s enormous affability with pliability or sentimentality. On t… - 2 years ago

@TravisIrvineUSA: Victor Navasky may have been a literary legend and a journalism giant, but he was also one of the greatest and funn… - 2 years ago

@thenation: I made the mistake most people have made with Victor Navasky—at least once. “How will I get paid,” I asked. “You’… - 2 years ago

@jilevin: Victor Navasky: a Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius via thenation - 2 years ago

@dcb1995: RT @Eric_Alterman: I don't recall seeing this profile of Victor Navasky before (then again, I don't remember much) - 2 years ago

@TheProspect: In the final installment of Altercation, @eric_alterman draws lessons from his decades-long career and remembers hi… - 2 years ago

@pandaemoniumnow: ‘Victor wondered, and he wondered with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better person… - 2 years ago

@pandaemoniumnow: Navasky ‘…opened a whole universe up to me…Victor was the captain; affable and self-effacing but certainly the figu… - 2 years ago

@itsrohitchouhan: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 #Nation, #Monocle #New - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: Victor Navasky wondered about things with a humility and openness that made him a great journalist and a better per… - 2 years ago

@NDandigital: Fallece Victor Navasky, activista contra la guerra de Vietnam. El reportero y activista famoso de Estados Unidos, V… - 2 years ago

@stevebrodner: FRIDAY. Victor. #navasky Dailies: - 2 years ago

@finnalden: Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history - 2 years ago

@iamOtherGuy: RT @NicholsUprising: When Victor Navasky managed Ramsey Clark’s 1974 US Senate bid in NY, Clark won the Democratic nomination and mounted a… - 2 years ago

@BersaniLeda: RT @ytali_: Percorrendo la lunga vita di Victor #Navasky scorrono i capitoli più intensi e appassionanti della storia della sinistra americ… - 2 years ago

@MickieSteeler74: RT @JFKLibrary: Remembering Victor Navasky, who also wrote about Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General in "Kennedy Justice." His research… - 2 years ago

@ODehaviland: RT @DavidCornDC: This is a good companion piece to my mini-memoir: - 2 years ago

@ODehaviland: RT @DavidCornDC: In case you missed my farewell to the incomparable Victor Navasky. - 2 years ago

@Dogrunner47: Progressive passionate publisher The Nation. Victor Navasky – RIP - 2 years ago

@newrepublic: .@mtomasky remembers the day he met Victor Navasky @thenation: Navasky “smiled; in fact he smiled awkwardly, shyly,… - 2 years ago

@Marianhouk: RT @mariaramirezNY: “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘That’s the way it is.’ Well, I wanted… - 2 years ago

@PamAnde29517684: RT @ClaraJeffery: Read @DavidCornDC's tribute to Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@heyjeffdavidson: RT @ClaraJeffery: Read @DavidCornDC's tribute to Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@rebellegrrl: RT @ClaraJeffery: Read @DavidCornDC's tribute to Victor Navasky - 2 years ago

@forastieri: RT @SergiusAugustus: R.I.P., Victor S. Navasky, 90, jornalista. Ex-editor do semanário ⁦@thenation⁩ e uma das maiores autoridades em macar… - 2 years ago

@mhgoremau357: RT @alawriedejesus: "When his piece, What It Means To Be a Homosexual, appeared in January 1971, James Baldwin and Allen Ginsberg were two… - 2 years ago

@thisishellradio: Victor Navasky, publisher emeritus of @thenation, passed away on Jan 23. Chuck spoke to him in 2005, and that conve… - 2 years ago

@editor13x: Top story: Remembering Victor Navasky, the Unflappable Ringmaster of “The Nation” – Mother Jones… - 2 years ago

@RonMwangaguhung: RT @DavidCornDC: This is a good companion piece to my mini-memoir: - 2 years ago

@ricardonotes: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@RonMwangaguhung: RT @DavidCornDC: My remembrance of Victor Navasky. From my days working for him at @thenation. With cameos from Allen Ginsberg, Susan Sonta… - 2 years ago

@brouss0201: RT @joanwalsh: A wonderful piece by Victor Navasky, who left us this week. - 2 years ago

@Nietzscherules: RT @KatrinaNation: Michael Tomasky’s moving reflections…(I ran his intern group:)) Victor Navasky’s Vast Intellectual Universe - 2 years ago

@PatricioEspnoza: Top story: Remembering Victor Navasky, the Unflappable Ringmaster of “The Nation” – Mother Jones… - 2 years ago

@karlfenske: RT @MotherJones: Remembering Victor Navasky, the unflappable ringmaster of "The Nation" - 2 years ago

@BlueTurbanStone: Top story: Remembering Victor Navasky, the Unflappable Ringmaster of “The Nation” – Mother Jones… - 2 years ago

@BlueTurbanStone: Top story: Remembering Victor Navasky, the Unflappable Ringmaster of “The Nation” – Mother Jones… - 2 years ago

@SBethlenfalvay: RT @DavidCornDC: My remembrance of Victor Navasky. From my days working for him at @thenation. With cameos from Allen Ginsberg, Susan Sonta… - 2 years ago

@badler: RT @gregggonsalves: Wow, this piece by Charles Kaiser on Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history. - 2 years ago

@continimarco: In evidenza per Marco Contini Remembering Victor Navasky, the Unflappable Ringmaster of “The Nation” – Mother Jones… - 2 years ago

@RobertMackey: RT @gregggonsalves: Wow, this piece by Charles Kaiser on Victor Navasky, the New York Times and a key moment in gay history. - 2 years ago

@sunraysunray: RT @AnthonyBarnett: Victor Navasky has died. A steady, generous editor, his outstanding achievement was to save and then make The Nation a… - 2 years ago

@fairsherrr: RT @maggieNYT: RIP - 2 years ago

@philbc3: RT @sunraysunray: This is such a terrible loss. Among his many excellent personal and intellectual qualities, Victor Navasky was a friend o… - 2 years ago

@JakubPatocka: RT @AnthonyBarnett: Victor Navasky has died. A steady, generous editor, his outstanding achievement was to save and then make The Nation a… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: Victor Navasky has died. A steady, generous editor, his outstanding achievement was to save and then make The Natio… - 2 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @jkirchick: Victor Navasky, RIP - 2 years ago

@thePumamama: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@davidneustadt: RT @tommy_robb: The sight of his bobbing bald head and mischievous grin amid the crowd brightened every room he entered. Thankful to have b… - 2 years ago

@gregmroscoe: RT @GrantSwanson88: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Frank66Stanton: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@MimoCT: Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 ⁦@YaleAlumni⁩ - 2 years ago

@Rosainsitu: RT @kjsturr: Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@kjsturr: Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@kjsturr: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - POLITICO - 2 years ago

@MitchHorowitz: Interned for @thenation at 19 and saw Victor as a model diplomat and source of encouragement. Elbert Hubbard wrote,… - 2 years ago

@LRosenberg3: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@cathleenschine: Earthquakes and the death of Victor Navasky and the usual horrors of politics. But here is something nice in my lif… - 2 years ago

@Mandahl: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@JulieBlattberg: RT @westsiderag: Victor Navasky was born on the Upper West Side and remained there until his death this week. - 2 years ago

@explore_archive: Navasky was the eminent former editor of The Nation and a National Book Award winner. - 2 years ago

@westsiderag: Victor Navasky was born on the Upper West Side and remained there until his death this week. - 2 years ago

@bradleyzeve: RIP Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@GregMitch: RT @GregMitch: As I noted yesterday, the late Victor Navasky led The Nation in taking over our Crawdaddy office on 13th and 5th Avenue afte… - 2 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: RT @PhilipTerzian: 'Witty ... contrarian ... .. influential ... droll ... irreverent ... influence ... wry iconoclasm ... well-written ...… - 2 years ago

@_jfarrell: RT @thisishellradio: THIS WEEK on @thisishellradio on @Patreon: Sound is a powerful drug and our 2005 with @thenation's late, great Victor… - 2 years ago

@thisishellradio: THIS WEEK on @thisishellradio on @Patreon: Sound is a powerful drug and our 2005 with @thenation's late, great Vict… - 2 years ago

@NaomiDanis: <he[Victor Navasky] & a friend founded a satirical magazine...During the 1963 newspaper strike in New York City, Mo… - 2 years ago

@Thooleramawn: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@RossReySea: Victor Navasky, former publisher of The Nation Magazine has died at the age of 90. In this interview from 1997, Nav… - 2 years ago

@thenation: What gives the political cartoon its power? That’s the animating question of Victor Navasky’s 2013 book "The Art of… - 2 years ago

@rickshenkman: via @NYTimes Journalist and historian. - 2 years ago

@ranumpowerplay: Victor Navasky, Journalist, Author & The Nation Publisher, Dies at 90 | Democracy Now! - 2 years ago

@jbodi_: RT @thenation: “The initial impact that these drawings have is like a sledgehammer to the brain.” @HeerJeet discusses "The Art of Controver… - 2 years ago

@fauxbeatpoet: RT @jonathanshainin: One of the last true giants of American liberalism (and history's greatest Swarthmore graduate). Victor taught me and… - 2 years ago

@writesaacson: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation… - 2 years ago

@OmarWaraich: RT @jonathanshainin: One of the last true giants of American liberalism (and history's greatest Swarthmore graduate). Victor taught me and… - 2 years ago

@BenWeiserNYT: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@_hildemara_: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian - 2 years ago

@BOBOWATO: RIP Victor Navasky. Naming Names/National Book Award 1982. Cold War blacklisting of alleged USA Communists. Navasky… - 2 years ago

@thirdcoast: RT @amarchivepub: Historian, journalist, and keen observer of mid-20th century US politics Victor Navasky has passed away at age 90. See ra… - 2 years ago

@isles_CC53: - 2 years ago

@amarchivepub: Historian, journalist, and keen observer of mid-20th century US politics Victor Navasky has passed away at age 90.… - 2 years ago

@minouroufail: RT @CityLightsBooks: Saddened to hear news of the passing of Victor S. Navasky, longtime publisher of @thenation, journalist, author, educa… - 2 years ago

@Mac_Kill_i_can: RT @AuthorsGuild: With great affection and gratitude, we remember Victor Navasky, a member of the Guild since 1972 and active Council membe… - 2 years ago

@AuthorsGuild: With great affection and gratitude, we remember Victor Navasky, a member of the Guild since 1972 and active Council… - 2 years ago

@MariaBr6184: RT @CityLightsBooks: Saddened to hear news of the passing of Victor S. Navasky, longtime publisher of @thenation, journalist, author, educa… - 2 years ago

@baghoolat8: RT @KatrinaNation: Christopher Hitchens once lamented,”only thing I don’t like about Victor is fact that everybody likes him…he should have… - 2 years ago

@JackSussek: Victor Navasky was the longtime editor and later publisher of The Nation magazine and wrote an acclaimed book about… - 2 years ago

@nwchap: RT @CityLightsBooks: Saddened to hear news of the passing of Victor S. Navasky, longtime publisher of @thenation, journalist, author, educa… - 2 years ago

@RaucousRooster: RT @KatrinaNation: Christopher Hitchens once lamented,”only thing I don’t like about Victor is fact that everybody likes him…he should have… - 2 years ago

@LMegaparsec: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation… - 2 years ago

@ReneWes47393430: RT @Holly500: #VictorSNavasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90. 🙏 - 2 years ago

@DrAmyParish: Grateful to have known Victor Navasky Saddened by his passing Convener maven @kccole314 brought us together (w/Jon… - 2 years ago

@trottaround: RT @CityLightsBooks: Saddened to hear news of the passing of Victor S. Navasky, longtime publisher of @thenation, journalist, author, educa… - 2 years ago

@CityLightsBooks: Saddened to hear news of the passing of Victor S. Navasky, longtime publisher of @thenation, journalist, author, ed… - 2 years ago

@thenation: Victor Navasky's book "The Art of Controversy" prods what gives political cartoons the power to excite violent pass… - 2 years ago

@boodster: RT @SusanRogersMH: @JeffSharlet @thenation Thanks for your memory of your time at @thenation, @JeffSharlet! Here's the NY Times obituary of… - 2 years ago

@ggoodliffe1: RT @SusanRogersMH: @JeffSharlet @thenation Thanks for your memory of your time at @thenation, @JeffSharlet! Here's the NY Times obituary of… - 2 years ago

@daymonjhartley: RT @DaleMaharidge: RIP Victor Navasky. He published me @thenation in the 1980s and later was a colleague at @columbiajourn. The word "mensc… - 2 years ago

@KSITESL: RT @SusanRogersMH: @JeffSharlet @thenation Thanks for your memory of your time at @thenation, @JeffSharlet! Here's the NY Times obituary of… - 2 years ago

@MartinPengelly: RT @Justin_Vogt: A finely crafted Guardian profile of Victor Navasky, written in 2005 by @oliverburkeman. It grapples well with the complex… - 2 years ago

@thenation: RT @SusanRogersMH: @JeffSharlet @thenation Thanks for your memory of your time at @thenation, @JeffSharlet! Here's the NY Times obituary of… - 2 years ago

@alanbullion2: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@continimarco: In evidenza per Marco Contini Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | T… - 2 years ago

@Ahclem53: Witty and contrarian, he was the longtime editor and later publisher of The Nation and wrote an acclaimed book abou… - 2 years ago

@Justin_Vogt: A finely crafted Guardian profile of Victor Navasky, written in 2005 by @oliverburkeman. It grapples well with the… - 2 years ago

@MediagazerChat: RT @tommy_robb: The sight of his bobbing bald head and mischievous grin amid the crowd brightened every room he entered. Thankful to have b… - 2 years ago

@YosemiteBailey: RT @SamSifton: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@AkmillerCt: Great telling of a life. Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through t… - 2 years ago

@InRodWeTrustMTL: RT @maggieNYT: RIP - 2 years ago

@DariusRadzius: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@jftaveira1993: .@HeerJeet: "If there is a divide between words and pictures, Navasky started off on the literary side of the fence… - 2 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @GuardianAus: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@greigforbes: RT @SamSifton: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Glenn__Kenny: RT @SamSifton: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@jilevin: Mike's Blog Round-Up: The Victor S. Navasky Memorial Edition "The story no one wants to touch: Why the Capitol Poli… - 2 years ago

@angieptaylor: RT @guardian: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@gmochkofsky: RT @tommy_robb: The sight of his bobbing bald head and mischievous grin amid the crowd brightened every room he entered. Thankful to have b… - 2 years ago

@angieptaylor: RT @Eric_Alterman: The world of journalism and liberal politics will soon have a great deal to say about unique and wonderful character of… - 2 years ago

@IndelibleScroll: Top story: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@jmattos2001: Top story: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 | Books | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@JTraversDevine: Victor Navasky, award-winning author and editor of the Nation, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@ccadelago: RT @bernsteinobits: #obit Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@bermudezlievano: Victor Navasky, un periodista, ensayista, editor -y para algunos amigo, mentor- brillante. - 2 years ago

@PoliticalCrapp1: Victor Navasky Recognized the Power of Cartooning - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: I don't recall seeing this profile of Victor Navasky before (then again, I don't remember much) - 2 years ago

@michaelscherer: RT @bernsteinobits: #obit Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@johnteri196: RT @washingtonpost: As editor and then publisher, Victor Navasky presided over the Nation from 1978 to 2005. He also wrote an acclaimed his… - 2 years ago

@GrantSwanson88: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@bermudezlievano: RT @mariaramirezNY: “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘That’s the way it is.’ Well, I wanted… - 2 years ago

@bermudezlievano: RT @hofrench: RIP to my esteemed former colleague, Victor Navasky, who had a tremendous career in magazines and remained deeply generous th… - 2 years ago

@michaelscherer: RT @MartinPengelly: Victor Navasky: How I Brought Hitchens to The Nation in 1978 - 2 years ago

@bermudezlievano: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation… - 2 years ago

@Eric_Alterman: RT @Eric_Alterman: The world of journalism and liberal politics will soon have a great deal to say about unique and wonderful character of… - 2 years ago

@MartinPengelly: Victor Navasky: How I Brought Hitchens to The Nation in 1978 - 2 years ago

@Luis_Fierro_C: RT @washingtonpost: As editor and then publisher, Victor Navasky presided over the Nation from 1978 to 2005. He also wrote an acclaimed his… - 2 years ago

@cestlavie486: RT @washingtonpost: As editor and then publisher, Victor Navasky presided over the Nation from 1978 to 2005. He also wrote an acclaimed his… - 2 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @washingtonpost: As editor and then publisher, Victor Navasky presided over the Nation from 1978 to 2005. He also wrote an acclaimed his… - 2 years ago

@washingtonpost: As editor and then publisher, Victor Navasky presided over the Nation from 1978 to 2005. He also wrote an acclaimed… - 2 years ago

@RStatecraft: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky, historian and Nation editor, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: 'Witty ... contrarian ... .. influential ... droll ... irreverent ... influence ... wry iconoclasm ... well-written… - 2 years ago

@ChristinaPlett: RT @pressfreedom: We mourn the loss of Victor S. Navasky, longtime editor and later publisher of @thenation, who died Monday in New York at… - 2 years ago

@continetti: Among his legacies: bringing Christopher Hitchens to America. - 2 years ago

@richbarbieri: RT @PatcohenNYT: RIP the great Victor Navasky: “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘That’s the… - 2 years ago

@PatcohenNYT: RIP the great Victor Navasky: “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘Tha… - 2 years ago

@gascondaniel: RT @aguilarandreaf: Ha fallecido Víctor Navasky genial editor y maestro. Rescato mi entrevista con él. - 2 years ago

@RAKAELBEY13: - 2 years ago

@pietrospina: can't underestimate the role of periodicals –an optimal journalism format– in the education of this child of the tw… - 2 years ago

@arsetechnica: RT @michaelscherer: More on the great legacy of Victor Navasky. - 2 years ago

@BrianLemaire2: RT @DavidCornDC: It continues to be a sad day for me. But I am buoyed by reading the comments of so many excellent journalists who Victor e… - 2 years ago

@BooksByKDWaring: Victor S. Navasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism, Dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@SusanRogersMH: Rest In Power #VictorNavasky, a Leading Liberal Voice in Journalism. His was the very definition of a life well l… - 2 years ago

@kfxkfox51: Victor Navasky, historian and Nation editor, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@WinkowitschSara: RT @joshtpm: Victor Navasky, historian and Nation editor, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@nadiamartinezd1: RT @DavidCornDC: I was just told Victor Navasky, the former publisher/editor of The Nation, died. He plucked me out of the intern program &… - 2 years ago

@jbodi_: RT @cathyarnst: Journalism loses a giant. “I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘That’s the way… - 2 years ago

@ScottSnyder_CMG: Article “In fact, the only thing I don’t like about Victor is the fact that everybody likes him. I think he should… - 2 years ago

@AugustaHollywd: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky changed my life, and 1000s of others who embarked on their informal journalistic education at @thenation… - 2 years ago

@malialazu: RT @KatrinaNation: Victor Navasky, historian and Nation editor, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@Renois: RT @PENamerica: PEN America mourns the loss of Victor Navasky—a stalwart defender of the freedom to write—who led @thenation for many years… - 2 years ago

@Deb_57: RT @realTuckFrumper: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@anniecohensolal: Victor Navasky, mi amigo - 2 years ago

@summedupkenya: Victor Navasky, historian and Nation editor, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@anniecohensolal: RT @aguilarandreaf: Ha fallecido Víctor Navasky genial editor y maestro. Rescato mi entrevista con él. - 2 years ago

@amywilentz: RT @StudsArchive: RIP Victor Navasky, the former editor and publisher of @thenation who has passed away at the age of 90. Listen to him dis… - 2 years ago

@MarineauMary: RT @realTuckFrumper: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@RuleHistorians: RT @TJStiles_Author: RIP W&P. A good man who shaped my college years. I only knew him as an active member of the Authors Guild council. Thi… - 2 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: Victor Navasky, editor of the Nation and voice of the left, dies at 90 - The Washington Post - 2 years ago

@TJStiles_Author: RIP W&P. A good man who shaped my college years. I only knew him as an active member of the Authors Guild council.… - 2 years ago

@KarikariIshmael: RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Victor Navasky, who for decades edited and published the left-leaning magazine The Nation, died at 90. - 2 years ago

@drmarguerite1: RT @realTuckFrumper: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@quokkadragon: RT @realTuckFrumper: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@lisarcohen: RT @columbiajourn: The @Columbia community mourns the loss of Victor Navasky, the George T. Delacorte Professor Emeritus of Professional Pr… - 2 years ago

@rozmcdermott: RT @realTuckFrumper: Victor Navasky, journalist and historian, dies at 90 - 2 years ago

@daswenson: RT @hiltzikm: RIP Victor Navasky. He will be missed. - 2 years ago

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