Victor Malu

Nigerian military officer.
Died on Monday October 9th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Victor Malu:

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: IMIEMH lleva a cabo plática de alerta de violencia en genero en la colonia bosques del Alba @Victor_EstradaG @IMIEMHizc… - 7 years ago


@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: ¡Buenos días! Iniciamos la semana con las actividades de @NFL en la EscPrim Acamapichtli de Claustros SnMiguel. @Victor_… - 7 years ago

@alam3178: Malu Gutierrez Medina Alam Gabriel Toledo Christiam Hijo De Dios - 7 years ago


@newsdirect411: Welcome to NewsDirect411: Victor Malu Is Dead Former Chief Of Army Staff. - 7 years ago

@chiemerie613: RT @chimbiko_jerome: If the Nigerian Army are well equipped medically, why medical tourism abroad Lt General Victor Malu rtd died in E… - 7 years ago

@Blueprintngr: Chief of Army Staff , Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai signing the condolence register, while widow… - 7 years ago

@BlueprintNewsNG: Chief of Army Staff , Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai, signing the condolence register, while widow of the late Chief of... - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Debemos mantener limpia nuestra ciudad. @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Alcalde Víctor Estrada entrega reconocimientos a medallistas olímpicos y campeones nacionales de Taekwondo. #SegundaCopa… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Alcalde Víctor Estrada y autoridades deportivas dan inicio a la Segunda Copa de Taekwondo, en Gimnasio Pablo Colín. http… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Servicios que ofrece la Defensoría Municipal de Derechos Humanos de Cuautitlán Izcalli. @Victor_EstradaG @DMDHCI https:/… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Hay mil maneras de decir te quiero. @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: El Ballet Folclórico Tiempo Libre da muestra de las tradiciones dancísticas de nuestro país. #FiestaPatronal de San Luca… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Teléfonos de Emergencia de Cuautitlán #Izcalli @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: El grupo de Rock La Mezcla Perfecta pone ambiente en la #FiestaPatronal de Valle San Lucas en esta noche de celebración.… - 7 years ago

@alatare_muftau: RT @todayng: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@akinto70: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@bbello2015: NigeriaNewsdesk: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@El_Chanzo: RT @NigeriaNewsdesk: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@mazinice: RT @NigeriaNewsdesk: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@MediaSleed: RT @NigeriaNewsdesk: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@NigeriaNewsdesk: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@todayng: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@PulseNigeria247: Buratai: COAS pays condolence visit to late Gen. Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@breakingnewsnig: Army chief Tukur Buratai visits late General Victor Malu’s family - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @INMUDECIzcalli: El Alcalde Víctor Estrada saluda al director del Cufide, Carlos Acra, en inauguración de #SegundaCopaTkdCI #MunicipioC… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @INMUDECIzcalli: #SegundaCopaTkdCI Personalidades del TKD mexicano y mundial reciben reconocimientos del Medallista Olímpico Víctor Est… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: ¡Ya inició el programa cultural en la Fiesta Patronal de Valle San Lucas! @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: Inicia la 2da Copa de Tae Kwon Do en el Gimnasio Pablo Colin. @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Oseni_Babatunde: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@gyonlineng: RT @gyonlineng: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of… - 7 years ago

@gyonlineng: RT @gyonlineng: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of National Hero - 7 years ago

@SundiataPOST: Ex Army Chief, Victor Malu Dies In Egypt Hospital - 7 years ago

@gyonlineng: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of National Hero - 7 years ago

@clebin_manso: @Victor_Hnrique Isso tem cara de malu - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: Solicitamos tu apoyo para localizarlo @IMIEMHizcalli @Victor_EstradaG @FiscalEdomex @FiscaliaEdomex - 7 years ago

@gyonlineng: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of National Hero… - 7 years ago

@iam_realgy: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of… - 7 years ago

@FinniBeatz: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of… - 7 years ago

@MankindDahudboi: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of… - 7 years ago

@gyonlineng: How the Death of Gen Victor Malu Divide Nigerians on Social Media Over True Definition of… - 7 years ago

@SundiataPOST: Buhari mourns Victor Malu - 7 years ago

@Victor_ViAns: Cukup senyum aja Hatinya malu - 7 years ago

@DavidTitiloye: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@D_Lawan: - 7 years ago

@lettylakesyde: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@PandaBiia: RT @FlaviadeSousa21: Thaís, dory, hannya, marlon, ariana, gb, victor, lucas, malu, may, mylena, julia, brendo 💕 - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: La 2da torre del campanario del Templo de Sn Mateo Iztacalco aún conserva las campanas originales, que datan de 1851.… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: ¡Ven y descubre las maravillas culturales que tiene #Izcalli para ti! #PaseoNovohispano @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: Su primer campo de fútbol se instaló en 1943 y esta, la Escuelita Vieja en 1940. @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@simeonboxco: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@YemieFASH: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@thinkright9ja: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@1eedriz: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@Rolex7Michael: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@1morebuch: RT @DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy is how… - 7 years ago

@DemolaRewaju: Almost did this for Victor Malu recently but decided it wasn’t worth it. The bigger picture of heroism vs villainy… - 7 years ago

@ProfVed: Adieu Lt. Gen. Victor Leonardo MALU(RTD)... May your soul continue to rest in perfect Peace. Amen... PRESS CLUB INTERNATIONAL... RT.REV.P... - 7 years ago

@Victor_7drAGON: @hariankompas Malunya jadi Pejabat PU dan Walikota Medan. Kalau ada malu bah🤷‍♂️😔 - 7 years ago

@ToniMoorehub: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@strongnaija: Former Chief of Army Staff, Victor Malu is Dead - - 7 years ago

@NigeriaTodayNG: General Victor Malu: A life of spectacular ironies – Dr. Ugoji Egbujo - - 7 years ago

@Pamurekeji: General Victor Malu: A life of spectacular ironies – Dr. Ugoji Egbujo - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Te invitamos al "Paseo Izcalli" en el Parque de la Familia. Ubicación: @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@PayB4Service: General Victor Malu: A life of spectacular ironies – Dr. Ugoji Egbujo - 7 years ago

@Ateutiv: #Tiv #Benue General Victor Malu: A life of spectacular ironies – Dr. Ugoji Egbujo… - 7 years ago

@HerRoyaleFlynes: RT @Techpointdotng: This week on social media: NNPC saga 2.0, the death of Victor Malu, celebrating the girl child and more. - 7 years ago

@aruwanpeterbege: @atiku True....Victor Malu Was A Brave And Competent Tactical Officer - 7 years ago

@FabmimiBlog: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@VictorTerhemba: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos.… - 7 years ago

@PMernyi: Major General Victor Malu Adoor is DEAD!!! - 7 years ago

@FabmimiBlog: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@FabmimiBlog: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @OPERAGUA: Buenos días! Acércate a #Operagua y pregunta por las campañas de regularización y descuentos @OblioRivera @Victor_EstradaG @… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: ¡Tierra a la vista! Un día como hoy, de 1492, Cristóbal Colón llegó a América. #DíaDeLaRaza @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Festival Cultural Cuautitlán Izcalli. 20 de octubre a las 15:00 horas en la Explanada Isidro Fabela 9 años Radio Mexique… - 7 years ago

@echemfa: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: 250 alumnos de la EscPrim José Vasconcelos, Bosques del Alba disfrutan activación física que trae @NFL a @CIzcalli_Mpio… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Hay mil maneras de decir te quiero. @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @OPERAGUA: PARTICIPA OPERAGUA EN PROGRAMA EDUCATIVO INTERNACIONAL @OblioRivera @Victor_EstradaG @CIzcalli_Mpio - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Te invitamos al "Paseo Izcalli" en el Parque de la Familia. Ubicación: @Victor_EstradaG - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: Pruebas de agilidad para los chic@s de la PrimJoséVasconcelos @Victor_EstradaG @NFL 💪🏼🌟 - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @DGDesHum_CIzc: Ofrecer espacios para el desarrollo integral de niñas, niños y adolescentes es una prioridad. .@Victor_EstradaG https:/… - 7 years ago

@VictorTerhemba: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@VictorTerhemba: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@FabmimiBlog: Gov Ortom pays condolence visit to family of Late former Chief of Army Staff,Lt Gen Victor Malu. Photos. - 7 years ago

@Techpointdotng: RT @Techpointdotng: This week on social media: NNPC saga 2.0, the death of Victor Malu, celebrating the girl child and more. - 7 years ago

@kayodetijani200: RT @thecableng: #Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@Techpointdotng: This week on social media: NNPC saga 2.0, the death of Victor Malu, celebrating the girl child and more. - 7 years ago

@HerRoyaleFlynes: Social media roundup: What is Nigeria’s definition of a national hero? - 7 years ago

@iyanu_emmanuel: Social media roundup: What is Nigeria’s definition of a national hero? - 7 years ago

@ShimaDemekaa: RT @thecableng: #Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@WizzyBalogun: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@Buchi73748294: RT @cchukudebelu: After Victor Malu enthusiastically carried out Obasanjo's order to level Odi, Obasanjo later did the same to Zaki Biam, h… - 7 years ago

@thecableng: #Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@VOFNKatsina: Obaseki Commiserates With Benue People Over Victor Malu’s Death ...KATSINA STATE! - 7 years ago

@Juscoville: Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@Child83261517: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@kayodetijani200: RT @thecablestyle: Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@thecablestyle: Monkeypox, Victor Malu dominate Google Trends - 7 years ago

@najeebyunusa: A BEAUTIFUL EULOGY FOR LIEUTENANT GENERAL VICTOR MALU by Jamilah Nasir Nine years before he bade goodbye to... - 7 years ago


@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Octubre y noviembre regularízala sin multas ni recargas, en pagos de predial y traslado de dominio. Hasta el ejercicio 2… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: Solicitamos tu apoyo para localizarlos @IMIEMHizcalli @Victor_EstradaG @FiscalEdomex @FiscaliaEdomex - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: Solicitamos tu apoyo para localizarla @IMIEMHizcalli @Victor_EstradaG @FiscalEdomex @FiscaliaEdomex - 7 years ago

@Biafra51: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@demanaladi: RT @Franeb: Victor Malu is now a Nigerian Hero? we forget our history quickly I won't be surprised when Obj dies and they imprint him on… - 7 years ago

@VOFNKatsina: Victor Malu: The Fighter Who Sentenced Diya to Death, Ordered Odi... ...KATSINA STATE! - 7 years ago

@ejire_o: The late Gen. Victor Malu played God NY sentencing GE Oladipo Diya to death. That is God at work. - 7 years ago

@Nwala4life11: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@nwokolo_leo: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: Solicitamos tu apoyo para localizarla @IMIEMHizcalli @Victor_EstradaG @FiscalEdomex @FiscaliaEdomex - 7 years ago

@benakabogu: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @CIzcalli_Mpio: Paseo Novohispano sábado 14 de octubre. Visita guiada gratuito. Informes. 58642500 Ext. 5750 @DGDesHum_CIzc @Victor_Est… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @adn40mx: Uno de los grandes retos que tiene la política es reivindicarla con valores: @Victor_EstradaG. #EsTendencia con @LeonardoCurzi… - 7 years ago

@Malu_GonPs: RT @IMIEMHizcalli: Solicitamos tu apoyo para localizarlas @IMIEMHizcalli @Victor_EstradaG @FiscalEdomex @FiscaliaEdomex - 7 years ago

@VOFNKatsina: Ex-Army Chief, Victor Malu Is Dead ...KATSINA STATE! - 7 years ago

@EmmasatBiafra: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@AreleeyouIbrer2: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@ik_jacob: RT @Alexander2Fredo: Obasanjo's zaki Biam invasion was a recompense to victor Malu for his extremism in Odi,he never knew,karma,is @MBuhari… - 7 years ago

@bewitaye: RT @SaharaReporters: FLASH: Retired Lt. General Victor Malu, a former Nigerian Chief of Army Staff who instigated the infamous Odi massacre… - 7 years ago

@DEMSYahya: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@Muhammad9072955: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@TheNewYola: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@MAIZANKOT: A BEAUTIFUL EULOGY FOR VICTOR MALU by Jamilah Nasir Nine years before he bade goodbye to the world, Victor... - 7 years ago

@SundiataPOST: Buhari mourns Victor Malu - 7 years ago

@MoodyDavid1: Fear well General Victor Malu, never knew I won't see you again. - 7 years ago

@AuwalAb64041562: RT @atiku: I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Gen. Victor Malu. He was a brave soldier and a true Nigerian hero. - 7 years ago

@rev_tunji: REST IN PEACE! GENERAL VICTOR MALU - 7 years ago

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