Victor Hayden

American artist and musician (Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band).
Died on Sunday December 9th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Victor Hayden:

@bluesdemercurio: RT @MrPaulDuane: The paintings of Victor Hayden, otherwise known as The Mascara Snake from Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band. I love em. h… - 6 years ago

@celluloidsoul: Yup, more Canadian contributors to early or classic American film: Ben Blue Del Lord Henry MacRae Barbara Kent Harr… - 6 years ago

@haverhilltrack: HHS track had a good day at the MSTCA Winter Festival. Sean Glass and Hayden Makarow finished 2nd and 4th in the 30… - 6 years ago

@dbananza11: RT @NickRoxNRX: I bid farewell to my uncle Victor Hayden, also known as The Mascara Snake. He taught me what art is, was, and has the infin… - 6 years ago


@zappadan: - 6 years ago

@lunedelapins: RT @dannykellywords: The world is a little less lustrous tonight. Victor Hayden (the Mascara Snake, one fifth of Captain Beefheart And The… - 6 years ago

@lastnametaco: RT @uvray1: Victor Hayden aka Mascara Snake of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band RIP - Louder Than War - 6 years ago

@RichAtkinsonMD: RT @CaptBeefheart: Victor Hayden RIP » Captain Beefheart Radar Station - 6 years ago

@JasonMPeck1: RT @roberthamwriter: RIP Victor Hayden aka the Mascara Snake - 6 years ago

@roberthamwriter: RIP Victor Hayden aka the Mascara Snake - 6 years ago

@ttexed: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@Beatgrrrl: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@pweefs: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@jrees04: RT @destroyernoah: RIP Victor Hayden (The Mascara Snake). Known as Don Van Vilet's (Captain Beefheart's) cousin that played bass clarinet a… - 6 years ago

@takasama1x: RT @soulflowerunion: RIP Victor Hayden - 6 years ago

@Violett73697376: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@Violett73697376: RT @Paytress: Victor Hayden with his original artwork for the Bluejeans & Moonbeams album. Beefheart later said the image was the best thin… - 6 years ago

@victor_olawole: RT @librarycongress: NEWS: @LibnOfCongress Carla Hayden has added 25 national treasures of cultural, historic & aesthetic importance to our… - 6 years ago

@onecup0621: RT @soulflowerunion: RIP Victor Hayden - 6 years ago

@soulflowerunion: RIP Victor Hayden - 6 years ago

@BerryStBernard: RT @Paytress: Victor Hayden with his original artwork for the Bluejeans & Moonbeams album. Beefheart later said the image was the best thin… - 6 years ago

@museumface: R.I.P. Victor Hayden AKA THE MASCARA SNAKE - 6 years ago

@RobCoddy: RT @louderthanwar: Victor Hayden aka Mascara Snake of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band RIP - 6 years ago

@butter_dumpster: RT @ReticentTurnip: RIP Victor Hayden, aka The Mascara Snake (fast and bulbous), who died on December 7. Hayden was a member of Captain Bee… - 6 years ago

@60sPsychJukebox: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@ttexed: RT @tnpcollection: Art by Victor Hayden aka The Mascara Snake. And here’s some serious blowing on ‘Hair Pie: Bake One’ Farewell fast and b… - 6 years ago

@CulturBisZ: Victor Hayden aka Mascara Snake of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band RIP - Louder Than War - 6 years ago

@wednesday_club: RT @CaptBeefheart: Victor Hayden RIP » Captain Beefheart Radar Station - 6 years ago

@Aunty__Em: ►►► R.I.P. ◄◄◄ - 6 years ago

@uvray1: Victor Hayden aka Mascara Snake of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band RIP - Louder Than War - 6 years ago

@jtancik: RT @ReticentTurnip: RIP Victor Hayden, aka The Mascara Snake (fast and bulbous), who died on December 7. Hayden was a member of Captain Bee… - 6 years ago

@EdieBushwick: RT @tnpcollection: Art by Victor Hayden aka The Mascara Snake. And here’s some serious blowing on ‘Hair Pie: Bake One’ Farewell fast and b… - 6 years ago

@JimRoseVSOP: RT @CaptBeefheart: Victor Hayden RIP » Captain Beefheart Radar Station - 6 years ago

@CaptBeefheart: Victor Hayden RIP » Captain Beefheart Radar Station - 6 years ago

@tnpcollection: Art by Victor Hayden aka The Mascara Snake. And here’s some serious blowing on ‘Hair Pie: Bake One’ Farewell fast… - 6 years ago

@Hayden_000: RT @caprisonnn: Victortia's Secret NOT Victor's Secret - 6 years ago

@1Mgl69: RT @dannykellywords: The world is a little less lustrous tonight. Victor Hayden (the Mascara Snake, one fifth of Captain Beefheart And The… - 6 years ago

@tomo_cat01: RT @destroyernoah: RIP Victor Hayden (The Mascara Snake). Known as Don Van Vilet's (Captain Beefheart's) cousin that played bass clarinet a… - 6 years ago

@olentuul: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@Urrff: RT @dannykellywords: The world is a little less lustrous tonight. Victor Hayden (the Mascara Snake, one fifth of Captain Beefheart And The… - 6 years ago

@bluesizappa: RT @dannykellywords: The world is a little less lustrous tonight. Victor Hayden (the Mascara Snake, one fifth of Captain Beefheart And The… - 6 years ago

@gongplanet: RT @dannykellywords: The world is a little less lustrous tonight. Victor Hayden (the Mascara Snake, one fifth of Captain Beefheart And The… - 6 years ago

@1Mgl69: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@1Mgl69: RT @Paytress: A rare piece of Beefheart-related history up for sale. The Mascara Snake/Victor Hayden’s original artwork for the Bluejeans &… - 6 years ago

@Laurence99: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@misternop: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@TheOwlett: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@yoursoutherncan: Victor Hayden追悼ということで。ビーフハートはエキセントリックな所が注目されがちだけどこれとか普通にカッコいいし、後期なんかは普通にオーソドックスなブルースやってたりして結構幅広いです - 6 years ago

@grayjam68: RT @Paytress: More info here: - 6 years ago

@grayjam68: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@bvb1123: RT @ReticentTurnip: RIP Victor Hayden, aka The Mascara Snake (fast and bulbous), who died on December 7. Hayden was a member of Captain Bee… - 6 years ago

@Cuquisade: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@gongplanet: RT @Paytress: A rare piece of Beefheart-related history up for sale. The Mascara Snake/Victor Hayden’s original artwork for the Bluejeans &… - 6 years ago

@gongplanet: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@lacopen: RT @tanukibon: マスカラ・スネーク、従兄弟のビーフハーフ同様、音楽は引退して絵を描いていたそうです。 - 6 years ago

@rwberry84: RT @Paytress: Victor Hayden with his original artwork for the Bluejeans & Moonbeams album. Beefheart later said the image was the best thin… - 6 years ago

@max_ono: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@Paytress: Gotta be done. In memory of the recently departed Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake. A prize moment of R&R rep… - 6 years ago

@AnttiSaloniemi: RIP The Mascara Snake of Captain Beefheart fame. #ripmascarasnake #captainbeefheart - 6 years ago

@dannykellywords: RT @Paytress: Victor Hayden with his original artwork for the Bluejeans & Moonbeams album. Beefheart later said the image was the best thin… - 6 years ago

@MrPaulDuane: The paintings of Victor Hayden, otherwise known as The Mascara Snake from Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band. I lov… - 6 years ago

@Paytress: A rare piece of Beefheart-related history up for sale. The Mascara Snake/Victor Hayden’s original artwork for the B… - 6 years ago

@stanyanfan49: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@stanyanfan49: RT @Paytress: Victor Hayden with his original artwork for the Bluejeans & Moonbeams album. Beefheart later said the image was the best thin… - 6 years ago

@AgeingRaver: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

@robmesure: RT @Paytress: A legend has fallen. RIP Victor Hayden, alias The Mascara Snake, bass clarinetist and the ‘fast ‘n’ bulbous’ quip-man on Beef… - 6 years ago

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