Vic Vogel

Canadian jazz pianist
Died on Monday September 16th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Vic Vogel:

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: iOS 13 Supported Devices - Check your iPhones, iPods and iPads in the List Right Now #PleaseAW… - 5 years ago

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: IPhone XR Review: The Next Phone In Your Pocket – IhaveiPhone #PleaseAWomanIn5Words Seinfeld E… - 5 years ago

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: How To Take A Screenshot On iPhone XR – IhaveiPhone #PleaseAWomanIn5Words Seinfeld Ezra Levant… - 5 years ago

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: Get Premium Apps Absolutely Free - Download And Install Emus4u App For IPhone? #PleaseAWomanIn… - 5 years ago


@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: iOS 13 Supported Devices – Check Your iPhone, iPod And iPad in The List Now #PleaseAWomanIn5Wo… - 5 years ago

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: How To Clear Cache On IPhone And IPads – IhaveiPhone #PleaseAWomanIn5Words Seinfeld Ezra Levan… - 5 years ago

@adnanmehmoodk: RT @thefanmanshow: We are Accepting Guest Sponsored Posts #PleaseAWomanIn5Words Seinfeld Ezra Levant #MondayMotivation Ben Shapiro Vic Vog… - 5 years ago

@linitiativemtl: Hommage à la légende montréalaise du jazz : Vic Vogel, adieu l’artiste !Dans sa demeure à Montréal, le 16 septembre… - 5 years ago

@vic_hartbart: This thread. Another reason to follow @kurteichenwald Kurt Eichenwald. He writes about subjects he understands and… - 5 years ago

@Medardo_Cardona: @mtlblog I post regularly on FB. I have encountered Canadians from the west who told me I’m not a “real Canadian” b… - 5 years ago

@JnLLnd: Just uploaded "241) Le Dessus de la pile (Vic Vogel) - Musique de Montreal" to @mixcloud - 5 years ago

@lechefwayne: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@DanRowswell: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@forloveofjazz: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@Augustlands: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@cbctorontomusic: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@Mr_realB: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@kinnon: RT @lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Saturday Nig… - 5 years ago

@lailabiali: We lost two greats this week: Vic Vogel & Harold Mabern. We will be sure to tribute them in future episodes of Satu… - 5 years ago

@Skateboard4hope: RT @Skateboard4hope: RIP VIC VOGEL. 🎼 🎵 🎹 . . . My mentor and secret keeper lost his battle to cancer. Vic Vogel was bigger than legend. He… - 5 years ago

@anderscorenews: Décès de Vic Vogel, grand homme du #jazz canadien - 5 years ago

@carmelarappazzo: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival, has d… - 5 years ago

@jacquesjazz44: @TheNorman8 @Lacnessal Surtout pas Vic Vogel - 5 years ago

@JazzNBluesMusic: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival, has d… - 5 years ago

@BitterFree: RT @JAZZFM91: Tune in to The Big Band Show this Sunday as host Glen Woodcock pays tribute to Vic Vogel et le Jazz Big Band - 5 years ago

@Jazzigator: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival, has d… - 5 years ago

@PitchBiteMusic: #JazzTimes "ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal… - 5 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival, has d… - 5 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festival, has d… - 5 years ago

@JazzTimes: ICYMI: Vic Vogel, the pianist and bandleader who holds the record for most performances at the Montreal Jazz Festiv… - 5 years ago

@JAZZFM91: Tune in to The Big Band Show this Sunday as host Glen Woodcock pays tribute to Vic Vogel et le Jazz Big Band - 5 years ago

@BridgeCantin: RT @DenisCoderre: Ai vécu un moment des plus émouvants aujourd’hui lorsque J’ai reçu une lettre signé de mon ami Vic Vogel. D’autant plus q… - 5 years ago

@la_patilla: Murió Vic Vogel, un pilar del jazz en Canadá a los 84 años - 5 years ago

@la_patilla: Murió Vic Vogel, un pilar del jazz en Canadá a los 84 años - 5 years ago

@la_patilla: Murió Vic Vogel, un pilar del jazz en Canadá a los 84 años - 5 years ago

@pcychung: Tune in to The Big Band Show this Sunday as host Glen Woodcock pays tribute to Vic Vogel et le Jazz Big Band #jazz… - 5 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: RT @JazzTimes: Farewell to the leader of Le Jazz Big Band, and a proud son of Montreal. #VicVogel #RIP - 5 years ago

@dupuisj: RT @JazzTimes: Farewell to the leader of Le Jazz Big Band, and a proud son of Montreal. #VicVogel #RIP - 5 years ago

@PitchBiteMusic: #JazzTimes "Farewell to the leader of Le Jazz Big Band, and a proud son of Montreal. #VicVogel #RIP - 5 years ago

@OnYourTurntable: RT @JazzTimes: Farewell to the leader of Le Jazz Big Band, and a proud son of Montreal. #VicVogel #RIP - 5 years ago

@JazzTimes: Farewell to the leader of Le Jazz Big Band, and a proud son of Montreal. #VicVogel #RIP - 5 years ago

@JAZZFM91: RT @JAZZFM91: Canada is saying goodbye to a jazz legend this week following the death of master musician Vic Vogel. - 5 years ago

@FortierFlore: “Dans l'œil de Michel Désautels : Hommage à Vic Vogel et Yanick Nézet-Séguin” @Toutunmatin - 5 years ago

@alainclavet: RT @EnsembleMtl: L'équipe d'#EnsembleMtl tient à offrir ses plus sincères condoléances aux proches et à la famille de Vic Vogel, légende du… - 5 years ago

@BitterFree: RT @JAZZFM91: Canada is saying goodbye to a jazz legend this week following the death of master musician Vic Vogel. - 5 years ago

@M9kaZUrbCblzo2U: RT @DenisCoderre: Ai vécu un moment des plus émouvants aujourd’hui lorsque J’ai reçu une lettre signé de mon ami Vic Vogel. D’autant plus q… - 5 years ago

@JAZZFM91: Canada is saying goodbye to a jazz legend this week following the death of master musician Vic Vogel. - 5 years ago

@agile_lounge: Ah? Je pensais que les snowflakes et soyboy étaient plus à gauche... Faut pas juger en papa @jacquesjazz44 y a des… - 5 years ago

@PaulDuMesnil1: RT @DenisCoderre: Ai vécu un moment des plus émouvants aujourd’hui lorsque J’ai reçu une lettre signé de mon ami Vic Vogel. D’autant plus q… - 5 years ago

@bamartistik: Hommage au pianiste de jazz Vic Vogel - 5 years ago

@boulanger_lise: RT @DenisCoderre: Ai vécu un moment des plus émouvants aujourd’hui lorsque J’ai reçu une lettre signé de mon ami Vic Vogel. D’autant plus q… - 5 years ago

@_marie_etc: RT @editionsducram: L'hommage de Marie Desjardins à VIC VOGEL - 5 years ago

@DenisMorinMots: RT @editionsducram: L'hommage de Marie Desjardins à VIC VOGEL - 5 years ago

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