Vester Flanagan

American news reporter and murderer
Died on Wednesday August 26th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Vester Flanagan:

@nickmullen: I have an airbrushed seven XL t-shirt with Vester Flanagan and Rachel Dolezal giving each other daps in heaven and it says Dream Achieved - 10 years ago

@_laurengram: RT @BlackInformant: Why Aren't the Families of Vester Flanagan's Murder Victims Being Asked if They Forgive Him Yet? - 10 years ago

@cubicle_bc: RT @BlackInformant: Why Aren't the Families of Vester Flanagan's Murder Victims Being Asked if They Forgive Him Yet? - 10 years ago

@TeriAmour: RT @BlackInformant: Why Aren't the Families of Vester Flanagan's Murder Victims Being Asked if They Forgive Him Yet? - 10 years ago


@Sthrn_Drawl: RT @BlackInformant: Why Aren't the Families of Vester Flanagan's Murder Victims Being Asked if They Forgive Him Yet? - 10 years ago

@BlackInformant: Why Aren't the Families of Vester Flanagan's Murder Victims Being Asked if They Forgive Him Yet? - 10 years ago

@ManuelaRanford: RT @m_vantilikator: Lone Survivor's Harrowing Tale of Virginia On-Air Shooting; Years Before Shooting, Vester Flanagan's Big TV Break Turne… - 10 years ago

@AgnesPhilp: Lone Survivor's Harrowing Tale of Virginia On-Air Shooting; Years Before Shooting, Vester Flanagan's Big TV Break Turned Sour; Why Vester - 10 years ago

@LifeRenaissance: A Tragedy for Mental Health - 10 years ago

@noahvail: Inside the Warped Mind of Vester Flanagan and Other Shooters - 10 years ago

@BavoMami: Vester Lee Flanagan, Bryce Williams and the psychology of celebrity murder - via @Telegraph - 10 years ago

@Ayywallmaos: #PedoGate @POTUS, You can personally thank an Iranian boy for giving away fruit but you don't say any thing about Vester Flanagan or Pedos - 10 years ago



@CelticKiltie: Investigate why Vester Flanagan wasn't informed that White Genocide is supposed to be carried out non-violently - 10 years ago

@zalidahusif: Part 4: After killing Alison Parker and Adam Ward, Vester Flanagan faxed ABC News a suicide note and took off. - 10 years ago

@RamZar1: Vester Lee Flanagan, Bryce Williams and the psychology of celebrity murder - via @Telegraph - 10 years ago

@newsmanity: Former Ivy League Professor: Vester Flanagan Shooting Spree Caused by “Love Deficit” - 10 years ago

@rockco_soul: I liked a @YouTube video - 10 years ago

@DougEloise: The man who killed two broadcast journalists in Virginia was indentified as Vester Lee Flanagan, a former employee at the station where - 10 years ago

@pikester45: RT @BreitbartTexas: Why Won't ABC Release 'Race War' Executioner's Full Manifesto? - 10 years ago

@LeonardCondor: All-American insanity: Vester Flanagan, aka Bryce Williams, is the umpteenth example - 10 years ago

@scmttusc03: Former co-workers say Vester Flanagan had problems with work, anger, racism - 10 years ago

@klozz_: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 10 years ago

@gregcolor30: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 10 years ago

@IanWaterson1: Vester Flanagan wrote bizarre 8-page rant to gun shop: owner - 10 years ago

@Scrufey21: Vester Lee Flanagan: Can a Gay Black Man Commit a Hate Crime? - 10 years ago

@mrsouthpole89: RT @An0nKn0wledge: Let me get this straight Reporter ignored seeing her ex co-worker there holding a gun out moments before?: - 10 years ago

@Naticris55: Virginia Shooting Hoax: Vester Lee Flanagan II Staged For Gun Control Ex... via @YouTube - 10 years ago

@ponxhito3360: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 10 years ago

@_5xo_25161: RT @Bobbyh214: Dylann Roof had a Confederate Battle Flag ban the Confederate Battle Flag Vester Lee Flanagan had a Gay Flag in his home… - 10 years ago

@hossain_noman12: Portrait Emerges of Gunman in Shooting of Virginia TV Reporter, Photographer - - 10 years ago

@mrsouthpole89: RT @LindaSuhler: ANOTHER Dem Hate-Killer! Flanagan Was Chastised for Wearing Obama Pin on Air #WakeUpAmerica - 10 years ago

@TechGamer93: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 10 years ago

@lastmango3598: RT @MichaelHill51: Vester Flanagan is a product of #blacklivesmatter and the radical homosexual movement. Both should be condemned. - 10 years ago

@Northvike: - 10 years ago

@Atheist_Roo: @BibleReloaded Hello? Third time asking, was Vester Lee Flanagan a racist? Yes or no. Simple question. - 10 years ago

@gfmtllc: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 10 years ago

@AlexFisch4: RT @BanCollectivism: Obama on Dylann Roof: "He is a racist terrorist." Obama on Vester Lee Flanagan: "We need gun control now!" - 10 years ago

@steaknbacon13: @DocThompsonShow @skiplacombe I think Gandorf was Vester Flanagan's online name #whatilearnedtoday - 10 years ago

@JoongWu: Virginia gunman followed TV station's order to seek outside help, boss says - 10 years ago

@LJesus12: Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed ON AMERIKA'S NO TOUCH TORTURE COINTELPRO PROVOCATION PROGRAM? - 10 years ago

@LJesus12: Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed ON AMERIKA'S NO TOUCH TORTURE COINTELPRO PROVOCATION PROGRAM? - 10 years ago

@LJesus12: Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed ON AMERIKA'S NO TOUCH TORTURE COINTELPRO PROVOCATION PROGRAM? - 10 years ago

@LJesus12: Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed ON AMERIKA'S NO TOUCH TORTURE COINTELPRO PROVOCATION PROGRAM? - 10 years ago

@CHBilhorn: RT @CathyYoung63: If Vester Flanagan thinks "out in the field" is a racial slur and you disagree, you've committed a microinvalidation http… - 10 years ago

@ClarkHat: RT @CathyYoung63: If Vester Flanagan thinks "out in the field" is a racial slur and you disagree, you've committed a microinvalidation http… - 10 years ago

@brian_carnell: RT @CathyYoung63: If Vester Flanagan thinks "out in the field" is a racial slur and you disagree, you've committed a microinvalidation http… - 10 years ago

@AverieTweets: RT @ShermanLeaJr: Serious media mistake puts people's lives in danger I am not Vester Lee Flanagan - 10 years ago

@usarubric: RT @DLoesch: Vester Flanagan Threatened Colleagues, Played the Race Card for Years - 10 years ago

@MarcArque: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 10 years ago

@kenmclaughlin_: RT @historykev: My piece in @spikedonline on Vester Flanagan's self-pity. - 10 years ago

@sawmilltaters: RT @cbanks420lol: You're in the club and Vester "Vester" Lee Flanagan slaps your gf's ass. What do you do? - 10 years ago

@spikedonline: RT @historykev: My piece in @spikedonline on Vester Flanagan's self-pity. - 10 years ago

@historykev: My piece in @spikedonline on Vester Flanagan's self-pity. - 10 years ago

@OSDRIFSERT: Police recovered disturbing items from the car of Vester Flanagan, who shot and killed a news crew in Roanoke, Va - 10 years ago

@tweetonpolitics: Virginia: the culture of complaint turns lethal: The most striking thing about Vester Flanagan was his self-pity. - 10 years ago

@_HotStuffs: Virginia: the culture of complaint turns lethal: The most striking thing about Vester Flanagan was his self-pity. - 10 years ago

@MdlMurray: Gun Control Hypocrisy after the Vester Flanagan Murders - 10 years ago

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