Vern Rumsey

American bassist (Unwound
Died on Thursday August 6th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Vern Rumsey:

@Nick_McGurk: RT @normanbrannon: So gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey from Unwound. One of my favorite bass players of all time and one of my all-time fav… - 5 years ago

@h8_wa: RT @coldburn123: #nowplaying Blonde Redhead / Fake Can Be Just as Good このアルバムのベース、UnwoundのVern Rumseyが弾いてるの ‘97年リリースだからUnwound在籍中か https:/… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: #nowplaying Blonde Redhead / Fake Can Be Just as Good このアルバムのベース、UnwoundのVern Rumseyが弾いてるの ‘97年リリースだからUnwound在籍中か - 5 years ago

@PunkRevNow: 🍂🍂🍂ALBUM REVIEW🍂🍂🍂 Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You Thought I’d review this masterpiece by one of the greatest ba… - 5 years ago


@Spoopy_Mulder_: @johnhutch I was sad thinking about Vern Rumsey, and came across this: - 5 years ago

@Spoopy_Mulder_: @Evanryt hey, I was feeling sad about Vern Rumsey so I read your write up on EMPIRE at pitchfork and holy hell, tha… - 5 years ago

@paperhouse7: RT @coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumsey逝去に寄せて、6年前に書いた渾身のUnwoundのアルバム紹介記事に追記しました。 サブスク音源や写真なども加えてアップデート。 Vern最後のバンドのHousehold Godsや、JustinとSara… - 5 years ago

@tremoloepjp: RT @coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumsey逝去に寄せて、6年前に書いた渾身のUnwoundのアルバム紹介記事に追記しました。 サブスク音源や写真なども加えてアップデート。 Vern最後のバンドのHousehold Godsや、JustinとSara… - 5 years ago

@flashram1978: Listened to A Tribute to Vern Rumsey... from Conan Neutron's Protonic... @Stitcher @conanneutron - 5 years ago

@bends_the: RT @coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumsey逝去に寄せて、6年前に書いた渾身のUnwoundのアルバム紹介記事に追記しました。 サブスク音源や写真なども加えてアップデート。 Vern最後のバンドのHousehold Godsや、JustinとSara… - 5 years ago

@h8_wa: RT @coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumsey逝去に寄せて、6年前に書いた渾身のUnwoundのアルバム紹介記事に追記しました。 サブスク音源や写真なども加えてアップデート。 Vern最後のバンドのHousehold Godsや、JustinとSara… - 5 years ago

@shibblorr: @killrockstars @glidemag RIP Elliott Smith. RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumsey逝去に寄せて、6年前に書いた渾身のUnwoundのアルバム紹介記事に追記しました。 サブスク音源や写真なども加えてアップデート。 Vern最後のバンドのHousehold Godsや、Just… - 5 years ago

@stalecooper: still sad about Vern Rumsey's death and finished listening through all my Unwound discs, I started looking into the… - 5 years ago

@LeCriDeLaLyonne: Vern Rumsey, le bassiste d'Unwound, est mort à 47 ans - 5 years ago

@philisaphical: vern rumsey from unwound passed away last week... - 5 years ago

@WhereDidJennyGo: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@unquietskull: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@WockenfussWins: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@DevinDBooth: Live in ~16 minutes on @hollowearth with everything mentioned below + a mini-tribute to the late Vern Rumsey, music… - 5 years ago

@AEarlesWriter: Belated R.I.P. to one of my all time favorite bassists, Vern Rumsey, who passed on the 6th. Unwound was largely con… - 5 years ago

@killrockstars: Vern Rumsey - Unwound, Long Hind Legs. @TheeQuasi. @Palehound. @mirahmusic. Elliott Smith. Check out this week's m… - 5 years ago

@Novacula_Occami: È morto Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound - RUMORE - 5 years ago

@SethTisue: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: UnwoundのVern Rumseyの死を最初に公表した、VernとのHousehold Godsのバンドメイト、Conan Neutron はラジオホストをやってるみたいで、昨日Vernトリビュートの番組をやったみたい。ここで… - 5 years ago

@OlyTownFC: RT @freeradiooly: Playing Unwound and Fitz of Depression tonight in honor of the life of bassist Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@freeradiooly: Playing Unwound and Fitz of Depression tonight in honor of the life of bassist Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@interbellamusic: RT @conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@evilive7: With my health issues & hospital stay coinciding with my return to work crap and anxiety, I haven’t had a chance to… - 5 years ago

@interbellamusic: RT @conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey is airing right now on All music selected by me and live. Jump in the… - 5 years ago

@TFUL282: vern rumsey hit me almost as hard as dan johnston. im fuckin heartbroken - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey is airing right now on All music selected by me and live. Jump in the… - 5 years ago

@texclarkpdx: RT @OhMessyRadShow: Really deeply grateful for the intermittent Vern Rumsey tributes on @xrayfm. Taking long detours or even just pulling o… - 5 years ago

@t3dy: RT @conanneutron: I'm doing this tonight, a 2 hour show to honor Vern Rumsey of Unwound/Long Hind Legs/Red Rumsey/HHG, etc.. It is a small… - 5 years ago

@tapesandtubes: RT @conanneutron: I'm doing this tonight, a 2 hour show to honor Vern Rumsey of Unwound/Long Hind Legs/Red Rumsey/HHG, etc.. It is a small… - 5 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @conanneutron: I'm doing this tonight, a 2 hour show to honor Vern Rumsey of Unwound/Long Hind Legs/Red Rumsey/HHG, etc.. It is a small… - 5 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue (Dave Pajo of Slint/Papa M, Vern Rumsey of Unwound, LKN and myself) is now available on… - 5 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey is airing right now on All music selected by me and live. Jump in the… - 5 years ago

@conanneutron: A tribute to Vern Rumsey is airing right now on All music selected by me and live. Jump i… - 5 years ago

@RadioNOPE: Radio Nope...RIGHT NOW: This is a tough one for us at Radio Nope. Join us for a remembrance of Vern Rumsey, hosted… - 5 years ago

@AndAllMusicIs: RT @StrangeBabes: Tune into @xrayfm from 4-6pm PDT for a @magicbeans solo show in tribute to Vern Rumsey (Unwound/Long Hind Legs) who passe… - 5 years ago

@xrayfm: RT @OhMessyRadShow: Really deeply grateful for the intermittent Vern Rumsey tributes on @xrayfm. Taking long detours or even just pulling o… - 5 years ago

@OhMessyRadShow: Really deeply grateful for the intermittent Vern Rumsey tributes on @xrayfm. Taking long detours or even just pulli… - 5 years ago

@JenOlesen: RT @StrangeBabes: Tune into @xrayfm from 4-6pm PDT for a @magicbeans solo show in tribute to Vern Rumsey (Unwound/Long Hind Legs) who passe… - 5 years ago

@StrangeBabes: Tune into @xrayfm from 4-6pm PDT for a @magicbeans solo show in tribute to Vern Rumsey (Unwound/Long Hind Legs) who passed last week. - 5 years ago

@ranchodelaluna: RT @conanneutron: I'm doing this tonight, a 2 hour show to honor Vern Rumsey of Unwound/Long Hind Legs/Red Rumsey/HHG, etc.. It is a small… - 5 years ago

@conanneutron: I'm doing this tonight, a 2 hour show to honor Vern Rumsey of Unwound/Long Hind Legs/Red Rumsey/HHG, etc.. It is a… - 5 years ago

@LifTBeats: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey Dead At 47 - 5 years ago

@asuna_aotoao: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@SalvatoreC1970: RT @IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su @R… - 5 years ago

@carynrose: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@andyedelson: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@UnFuoricorso: RT @IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su @R… - 5 years ago

@xopublicity: RT @jonroth76: I'm hosting #GoodCleanFun on @WDIYFM tonight, 8-11 pm EDT. The best in new & old #indie & #alternative, including new music… - 5 years ago

@jimgroom: Now streaming on #ds106radio Unwound's last show on April 1, 2002 in honor of the late Vern Rumsey. @therealunwound… - 5 years ago

@RadioQuar: RT @IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su @R… - 5 years ago

@Mas313: RT @IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su @R… - 5 years ago

@Ni_Matsu: RT @IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su @R… - 5 years ago

@IlSignorPalomar: Settimana scorsa il fulmine a ciel sereno della morte di Vern Rumsey, ex bassista degli Unwound 💔 Oggi dalle 17 su… - 5 years ago

@ChrisEstrada85: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@floydianbend: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@inversevictor: @nao_ubermensch foi esse aqui, é um album com o david pajo e o vern rumsey do unwound felizmente o vocal que me inc… - 5 years ago

@x_carriages: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@CozyMane: RT @Nyaargacuga: I've been listening to a lot of Unwound ever since the news about Vern Rumsey last week, and man, they were such a great b… - 5 years ago

@Nyaargacuga: I've been listening to a lot of Unwound ever since the news about Vern Rumsey last week, and man, they were such a… - 5 years ago

@SEBurnham: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@xrayfm: RT @DJFGQBNYJs: Tune in 4-6 on @xrayfm for What I Like. Lots of new music on today’s show, a small tribute to Vern Rumsey and lots more!… - 5 years ago

@DJFGQBNYJs: Tune in 4-6 on @xrayfm for What I Like. Lots of new music on today’s show, a small tribute to Vern Rumsey and lots… - 5 years ago

@AntlerCrafts: Now playing "Demolished" by Unwound - RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@Big_Joanie: RT @f_fiallos: Coming up at 11:00AM on @CJLO1690AM: a brand new Superconnected! Featuring music by: 🐙 @Big_Joanie 🐙 New Fries / @TeleExp… - 5 years ago

@f_fiallos: Coming up at 11:00AM on @CJLO1690AM: a brand new Superconnected! Featuring music by: 🐙 @Big_Joanie 🐙 New Fries /… - 5 years ago

@FuriousFingers: @jvharris_1965 Not sure but I think Gene Wilder and Robin Williams were the hardest ones...Prince was tough,Lemmy a… - 5 years ago

@chamsz: Vern Rumsey, bassiste d'Unwound :( - 5 years ago

@skylabops: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@VictorRVillar: Vern Rumsey, le bassiste d'Unwound, est mort à 47 ans - 5 years ago

@porcupiny: Unwound's Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@ToesBrian: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ToesBrian: RT @ryan_gothling: I spent countless hours listening and learning Vern Rumsey’s basslines. Its a huge influence on the bassist i am. This s… - 5 years ago

@ToesBrian: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@ToesBrian: - 5 years ago

@the_beest32: - 5 years ago

@strictface: R.I.P. VERN RUMSEY - 5 years ago

@artofhunger75: Fucking Hell this year. Rest easy Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@SEBurnham: What a loss. Such a nice guy. Terrific bass player. - 5 years ago

@f_fiallos: Working on a new Superconnected! Unexpectedly (but understandably), it has a somber mood to it. Vern Rumsey tribu… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Activist Aida Kancepolski; bassist Vern Rumsey; artist Mario Chianese; songwriter Rajko Dujmi… - 5 years ago

@NOATSny: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@thereisnomap: RIP Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@florry666: Shocked beyond words to learn about Vern Rumsey, New Plastic Ideas was one of my most played albums in high school.… - 5 years ago

@florry666: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@ChelsCathcart: RT @danielmakabe: Dear Twitter Listen to Unwound’s “Repetition” LP (1996) Thanks RIP Vern Rumsey ✌️❤️ - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: あ、最初のツイート、Vern Rumseyです!綴り打ち間違えた! - 5 years ago

@trillyrobinson: RT @danielmakabe: Dear Twitter Listen to Unwound’s “Repetition” LP (1996) Thanks RIP Vern Rumsey ✌️❤️ - 5 years ago

@danielmakabe: Dear Twitter Listen to Unwound’s “Repetition” LP (1996) Thanks RIP Vern Rumsey ✌️❤️ - 5 years ago

@kndtsk: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@DavidAdams_AU: Thinking about Vern Rumsey and Unwound. Great bassist, great band - 5 years ago

@notan_illass: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@ihatesunburn: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@card_jp: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@MataMataMusikID: Penyebab kematiannya belum terungkap, @vernrumsey meninggal pada usia 47 tahun 😢 #VernRumsey - 5 years ago

@KarlrulShaqif: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@henahena1021: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@kusk223: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@h8_wa: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@d_stockhausen: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@kouichikomaki: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@cloe_song: RT @depressionfan93: RIP Vern Rumsey. Unwound are probably a perfect band. When they weren't writing absolute bangers, they were challengin… - 5 years ago

@bends_the: RT @stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ対策し… - 5 years ago

@ranchodelaluna: RT @HarMarSuperstar: RIP Vern Rumsey Unwound was a major influence on me, and my world flipped when I discovered Long Hind Legs. Listen to… - 5 years ago

@stiffslack: 【本日】 UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge… - 5 years ago

@iflma: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@KateyTheRatGirl: god it just hit me that unwounds bassist (vern rumsey) passed away fuck.. - 5 years ago

@truly_sufi: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@tglannon: Looking forward to #GoodCleanFun on @WDIYFM this evening playing #Unwound songs in tribute to Vern Rumsey. Can’t de… - 5 years ago

@BiigD23: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@larrybobsf: RT @goldnurse: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died, aged 47 | NME - 5 years ago

@seismicwave: RT @conanneutron: Absolutely stunned and shocked. Vern Rumsey is gone. I don’t have a lot of details. One of the sweetest and most pure hea… - 5 years ago

@miquelgobe: Song#1108 Unwound #onesongaday En 3 dies ens han deixat 2 grans baixistes. Avui l’Alan Peters dels Agnostic Front i… - 5 years ago

@_Iury30: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@oranjegulius: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Vern RUMSEY (1973-2020), American musician and the bassist for the band Unwound. He was also a recording en… - 5 years ago

@talk1nghe4ds: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@WDIYFM: RT @jonroth76: I'm hosting #GoodCleanFun on @WDIYFM tonight, 8-11 pm EDT. The best in new & old #indie & #alternative, including new music… - 5 years ago

@BloodPartiest: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@_deadastronaut_: @dirkpeloquin As you should, RIP Vern Rumsey 😔 - 5 years ago

@dinanoir: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Perennialband: Rest In Peace Vern Rumsey. A brilliant, inspiring, singular artist. Unwound Forever. Vern Rumsey Forever. - 5 years ago

@KarlSteel: @blackfaurest @DDDrewDaniel on a grimmer note, uh ..... Vern Rumsey -- bassist from Unwound -- died the other day,… - 5 years ago

@RealNeeraTanden: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@jonroth76: I'm hosting #GoodCleanFun on @WDIYFM tonight, 8-11 pm EDT. The best in new & old #indie & #alternative, including n… - 5 years ago

@Iranipunxunite: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mnmdistro: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@rftckb: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@AMarzin: In loving memory to Vern - 5 years ago

@ThomFGrogan: RT @notreble: Sad news to report today: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has passed away from undisclosed causes. He was 47 years old. - 5 years ago

@9coVOkFc6TNSaAZ: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@notreble: Sad news to report today: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has passed away from undisclosed causes. He was 47 years old. - 5 years ago

@kusk223: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@tremoloepjp: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@AntonBondaren18: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@KnoxRotzloffel: UNWOUND-Bassist Vern Rumsey verstorben Rumsey starb am Donnerstag (06.08.20) im Alter von 47 Jahren. Wie sein HOUSE… - 5 years ago

@Arc_Atlantique: RT @lesinrocks: La nouvelle a été annoncée sur la page Facebook de son ami et collègue Conan Neutron - 5 years ago

@lesinrocks: La nouvelle a été annoncée sur la page Facebook de son ami et collègue Conan Neutron - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Vern Rumsey (January 24, 1973 – August 6, 2020) - 5 years ago

@1overf_noise: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@bombpopmai: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@pudding_maguro: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@lofi_bri: @MHoganSays Seems like a good time to catch a copy of Vern Rumsey’s band Household Gods - 5 years ago

@nofrills: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@nofrills: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@ray_pangburn: rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@urigagarn: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@urigagarn: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@egobatake: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@m_eeeeee_tang: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@holamanacho: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Opuscules1: RT @lelojbatista: Vern Rumsey, l'homme, la légende. Il parlait peu, défonçait tout le monde au baby-foot et faisait accessoirement partie d… - 5 years ago

@V4Ccu2pWh1ePFkf: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@kndtsk: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@tapidisliketati: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@h8_wa: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@SAZAEMOTION: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@d_stockhausen: RT @stiffslack: 明日急遽やります UNWOUND albums and singles loud play party RIP Vern Rumsey 2020.8.9 @ stiffslack VENUE Start 17:00 no charge コロナ… - 5 years ago

@hornetleg: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@leguizamou: Se nos fue el gran Vern Rumsey. Gracias por tu bajo furioso. Unwound por siempre 💔 - 5 years ago

@Lobsterdeth: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@RadioTaskForce: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@brotherfyodor: RT @thebradacohan: @Iheartnoise RIP Vern Rumsey and Lauren K Newman who passed last year. Bought it today on Bandcamp - 5 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @thebradacohan: @Iheartnoise RIP Vern Rumsey and Lauren K Newman who passed last year. Bought it today on Bandcamp - 5 years ago

@thebradacohan: @Iheartnoise RIP Vern Rumsey and Lauren K Newman who passed last year. Bought it today on Bandcamp - 5 years ago

@ibis_mummy: @Rick_Daddy wondering if you could play something for either Vern Rumsey or Bobby Barnard, both of whom passed yes… - 5 years ago

@HarMarSuperstar: RIP Vern Rumsey Unwound was a major influence on me, and my world flipped when I discovered Long Hind Legs. Listen… - 5 years ago

@1st_Reduce_Harm: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@mannsplaining: RT @exfkaty: I do not have words right now. We spoke on the phone days ago; he was happy and sounded good. My heart is absolutely broken.… - 5 years ago

@Kips72: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@jonkkaff: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@tomom_22: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@bluewoodwood: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@GrimaceTulpa: RT @Talent_Musician: Vern Rumsey has passed away at 47 / More here! - 5 years ago

@noctambulando: rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@mdevens: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@whatchubeenlis2: RT @RazorcakeGorsky: Vern Rumsey RIP. - 5 years ago

@jahoda_: RT @gvsbnyc: Sorry to hear the news about Unwound’s Vern Rumsey. Life is short-tell the people you love that you love them. @ Los Angeles,… - 5 years ago

@joe_sepi: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@rockNHocommies: RT @atlajala: Rest in Power Vern Rumsey love to friends who were close & are hurting now. we only met once & had a long conversation long a… - 5 years ago

@gringorecs: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@AranEpochal: RT @gvsbnyc: Sorry to hear the news about Unwound’s Vern Rumsey. Life is short-tell the people you love that you love them. @ Los Angeles,… - 5 years ago

@allyrecordsnc: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@cCanks: In Memoriam: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has passed away - 5 years ago

@dreamslips: rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@spikeoss666: RT @gvsbnyc: Sorry to hear the news about Unwound’s Vern Rumsey. Life is short-tell the people you love that you love them. @ Los Angeles,… - 5 years ago

@gvsbnyc: Sorry to hear the news about Unwound’s Vern Rumsey. Life is short-tell the people you love that you love them. @ Lo… - 5 years ago

@yathrk: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@bogeymanweather: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@PiersLeSueurArt: RT @Draplin: DDC11767: For Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@seismicwave: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@gavinisnotcool: rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago


@shit_rock: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@davidnaylor: So, I never saw Unwound live, despite the fact they played in Leicester in 1999. And I blame Zane Lowe. Why? Well… - 5 years ago

@_space_plans: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@kenosist: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@wh0fckingcares: meu sonho era ter uma banda pra poder homenagear uma das bandas mais importantes pra mim e infelizmente uma das ban… - 5 years ago

@comeawaywithEMD: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@NedRaggett: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@rannabowie: RIP Vern Rumsey 🖤 - 5 years ago

@logatwork: Vern Rumsey, le bassiste d'Unwound, est mort à 47 ans - 5 years ago

@RemyHoutin: Vern Rumsey, le bassiste d'Unwound, est mort à 47 ans - 5 years ago

@Kiddieriot: RT @conanneutron: Household Gods - Palace Intrigue was Vern Rumsey's last record as well as LKNs. The other players are myself & Dave Pajo… - 5 years ago

@SlctrDubNarcot: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@kat_ar_z_yna: Super gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey :( - 5 years ago

@rannabowie: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@bmeeth: RIP Vern Rumsey. One of the greatest bassists of all time. Unwound is officially dead. Horrible day for the history of post-hardcore. - 5 years ago

@wordisbond: RT @flieldy: Shit. RIP Vern Rumsey 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@lesinrocks: La nouvelle a été annoncée hier, sur la page Facebook de son ami et collègue Conan Neutron - 5 years ago

@charliebomber: Vern Rumsey was a major stylistic influence on how I played my instrument, maybe the single biggest. And damn he ma… - 5 years ago

@stevie_chick: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@flieldy: Shit. RIP Vern Rumsey 🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@MangumIP: So sad to hear of the passing of Vern Rumsey. Unwound is one of my all-time favorites and Vern is an unforgettable… - 5 years ago

@rorykingetc: Unwound was one of the best bands ever. Simply listening to their music (especially “Katina/Were, Are and Was or Is… - 5 years ago

@johngoodmanson: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@wikimetal: Vern Rumsey, baixista do Unwound, morre aos 47 anos - - 5 years ago

@heygetrhythm: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020. These bass lines are etched in my brain forever... - 5 years ago

@ryanonionling: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@abstraktions: RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@mvlhollanddrive: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@tobiascunt: this really sucks. rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@NJMeatandCheese: RIP Vern Rumsey. I'll definitely be listening to some Unwound today. Everyone should check out the bassline on corp… - 5 years ago

@shouldlistenemo: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@NJMeatandCheese: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@endIessbIues: RT @NME: Rumsey formed the legendary post-hardcore act in 1991 - 5 years ago

@xotheband: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@idklizzie: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@MonolitoMutante: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@jeanbart2959: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@jeanbart2959: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@isoscelesmax: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@klangbild: #goodbye, vern rumsey. - 5 years ago

@StevenWallaby: Rest in peace Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@mawalters: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Hal4: RT @WaywardWinifred: This is sad news. - 5 years ago

@imogenbadger: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@DenkpanzerNK: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@xmbshwll: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@pjbeardsley: RIP Vern Rumsey. Those Unwound albums were huge for me and his basslines were fundamental. The bridge on this track… - 5 years ago

@Iheartnoise: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@medusaeditions: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@franzmurder: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@brooklynvegan: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@PacoWolfrom: RT @barroer: Descansa en paz Vern Rumsey❤️❤️ Unwound forever - 5 years ago

@PolkaDotPlanet: RT @prathloons: RIP to vern rumsey bassist of unwound. described by his bandmates as a flawless player who never made mistakes even when he… - 5 years ago

@oda_nobunigga: rip Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@sltd0: Challenge For a Civilized Society by Unwound (1998) #NowPlaying ベーシストのVern Rumseyが亡くなったのか… - 5 years ago

@liketbhkillme: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@bloodytosser: the death of Vern Rumsey has got me on an Unwound/Slint/Polvo kick and I can’t complain I have such a soft spot for this sound - 5 years ago

@punkademic: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@SkylerWestwood: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@raffamad81: RT @RadioQuar: Su chiude omaggiando Vern Rumsey degli UNWOUD. Spazio dopo alla musica di @raffamad81… - 5 years ago

@RadioQuar: Su chiude omaggiando Vern Rumsey degli UNWOUD. Spazio dopo alla musica di… - 5 years ago

@kiq: RT @loaded: ベーシストVern Rumseyの訃報を受け、今日はUnwoundをずっと聴いていた。ポストハードコアとはいうが、その’ポスト'たる真意を無意識に、インスピレーショナルに実践&拡張したおヒトだった。凄いベースラインだ。 - 5 years ago

@hardlistening: RT @loaded: ベーシストVern Rumseyの訃報を受け、今日はUnwoundをずっと聴いていた。ポストハードコアとはいうが、その’ポスト'たる真意を無意識に、インスピレーショナルに実践&拡張したおヒトだった。凄いベースラインだ。 - 5 years ago

@bends_the: RT @loaded: ベーシストVern Rumseyの訃報を受け、今日はUnwoundをずっと聴いていた。ポストハードコアとはいうが、その’ポスト'たる真意を無意識に、インスピレーショナルに実践&拡張したおヒトだった。凄いベースラインだ。 - 5 years ago

@loaded: ベーシストVern Rumseyの訃報を受け、今日はUnwoundをずっと聴いていた。ポストハードコアとはいうが、その’ポスト'たる真意を無意識に、インスピレーショナルに実践&拡張したおヒトだった。凄いベースラインだ。 - 5 years ago

@CHUOFM: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@youblewit0808: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@nakeddizastar: Vern Rumsey氏が死去。合掌 - 5 years ago

@KingMobBCn: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@LouderPosts: Vern Rumsey’s Household Gods bandmate Conan Neutron confirms the news that the bassist has died - 5 years ago

@MDR666ZM: RT @ZachMoonshine: Unwound and Household Gods bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: Vern Rumsey’s Household Gods bandmate Conan Neutron… - 5 years ago

@ZachMoonshine: Unwound and Household Gods bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: Vern Rumsey’s Household Gods bandmate Conan Neutron… - 5 years ago

@kulavira: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@RickGates281: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@RupertPupkin__: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@lindiependente: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@thediscovertab: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@BarkinEngin: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@enruine: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@xabi35: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@notnshawyer: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@malaiseforever: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@mapledeath: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@Infinitejest19: È morto a 47 anni Vern Rumsey degli Unwound - 5 years ago

@teildestextes: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@SkylerWestwood: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@iamAbacus: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@SickSadDword: RT @StephenBrodsky: Sad to hear of Vern Rumsey’s passing. This jam by Unwound inspired the @cave_in_boston songs “The End of Our Rope Is A… - 5 years ago

@shimozr: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@caroline_f0ley: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@catthousand: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@Laika_09: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@amvanimere: I never knew Vern Rumsey but today was a day I worried about for years. I’m going to put on Leaves Turn Inside You… - 5 years ago

@Rumsey1976: Just an fyi I haven't posted this but should have since I think it is biblical. Yesterday my cousin died. In the bi… - 5 years ago

@SanrioCrackPipe: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@weedhitler: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@ThenKillCaesar: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@cyanidedansen: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@skeletongirl91: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@djembadje: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@AaSmoj: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@lucasbezrocha: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mtzk_tkak: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@Rockslashjeffry: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@AntiQftr: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@lizardfufu: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@NUCLEARCRISIS16: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@perennialdeath: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@Rockslashjeffry: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@zingiberfeel: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ScaredApes: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@carlosalonso: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@cardrossmaniac2: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@negitolo11: RT @NME: Rumsey formed the legendary post-hardcore act in 1991 - 5 years ago

@johnpmerrick: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@RiccardoDellaT1: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@allBVposts: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey (Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, more) - 5 years ago

@Balfeater: Fa unes setmanes em vaig fer una llista de reproducció que portava per títol #BaixosiSoroll, i estaven els Unwound… - 5 years ago

@metalrockmusic2: Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@lostsoundtapes: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@MoM_Mastering: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@LosJalifax: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@kkbakkbakk: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@sixstringthry: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey (Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, more) - 5 years ago

@Hypah__: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Talent_Musician: Vern Rumsey has passed away at 47 / More here! - 5 years ago

@R_n_RSongbird: RT @subversia: Unwound is probably my favorite band, so the news about Vern Rumsey's death is like a body blow to me. Man. This really hurt… - 5 years ago

@terramelos: R. I. P. Vern Rumsey, bassist one of the best rock bands from the '90s. Unwound's music influenced us a lot, we wil… - 5 years ago

@miquelgobe: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@braindedwarrior: RT @ultradamno: RIP Vern Rumsey Unwound - Pure Pain Sugar - 5 years ago

@VictorRVillar: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey, Founding Unwound Bassist Dies at 47 - 5 years ago

@meowrika: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Ladybug972: RT @DRALA_Barny: Vern Rumsey nous a quittés ce matin. A 47 ans, putain. Je suis en deuil. Au sein du trio post-hardcore Unwound, légende de… - 5 years ago

@subversia: Unwound is probably my favorite band, so the news about Vern Rumsey's death is like a body blow to me. Man. This re… - 5 years ago

@millennyem: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@TrackRivals: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@angelrivrss: RIP Vern Rumsey man - 5 years ago

@katomandlc: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@ken_tominaga: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@georgethechen: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died, aged 47 - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@ghoul_drops: r.i.p. vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@teraflonk: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@TFUL282: - 5 years ago

@jon2bad: I know it might seem a little over the top how hard Vern Rumsey's death feels for me, but you've got to account for… - 5 years ago

@nacchan198: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@joe_culver: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago


@janmanisdead: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@HansRotten: Goodbye Vern Rumsey(Unwound),thanks for the chit chat chats we had a couple of years ago on FB!What a horrible year… - 5 years ago

@Multiphasic: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@wolfxscrawl: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@joejanecek: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@freshkitty3: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@John1789: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@dschwentker: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@hayashimokacity: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@gleamstate: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@michaelbuice: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@RojoyNegroRecs: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@allyrecordsnc: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@zekkan_: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@nojardimderosas: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@matadorrecords: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@cab_____: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@SlayerRules_420: Oh Jesus Christ no, Vern Rumsey 😔 - 5 years ago

@hardlistening: RT @StephenBrodsky: Sad to hear of Vern Rumsey’s passing. This jam by Unwound inspired the @cave_in_boston songs “The End of Our Rope Is A… - 5 years ago

@HansRotten: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@SilentRefusal: RT @StephenBrodsky: Sad to hear of Vern Rumsey’s passing. This jam by Unwound inspired the @cave_in_boston songs “The End of Our Rope Is A… - 5 years ago

@patricfallon: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@patricfallon: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@maile_male: Rip Vern Rumsey. Fake Can Be Just As Good has been on permanent rotation since as long as I can remember. Thank you. - 5 years ago

@maruiwa_ht: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@nnhbg876: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@danishrun: RT @NME: Rumsey formed the legendary post-hardcore act in 1991 - 5 years ago

@6degrees_lastfm: #RIP Vern #Rumsey He died yesterday at age 47 He was the #bassist for the #posthardcore band #Unwound. - 5 years ago

@1st_Reduce_Harm: When artists die, even at a ripe old age, the world becomes a colder, more muted place. This one went far too young… - 5 years ago

@semiabstract: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@nerdsattack: Vern Rumsey - RIP {Unwound} #vernrumsey - 5 years ago

@smashedplastic: RT @numerogroup: This one goes out to our friends @killrockstars, without whom the world might never have heard Unwound or Vern Rumsey. htt… - 5 years ago

@kiq: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@howrad: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@hammond1216: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@daytrending: RT @NME: Rumsey formed the legendary post-hardcore act in 1991 - 5 years ago

@likeafoolrec: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@jaymorrisdesign: VERN RUMSEY 1973—2020 #VernRumsey #RIPVernRumsey #Unwound - 5 years ago

@subnoise: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Rockette_Morton: RT @Robinstigator: Thanks for the music Vern Rumsey. RIP. Unwound is eternal. I consider myself lucky to have these albums and singles, as… - 5 years ago

@schrijfbehoeft: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@sjpurtill: RIP Vern Rumsey. Absolutely brilliant bassist for one of the best American bands of all time. - 5 years ago

@ZENMAIDAISUKI: RT @d_stockhausen: 大ショック… 大好きなベーシスト。しかも私より年下だったんだ…。彼の作るリフは最高だった。 Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@CJNICKOLAS: RT @LITTLENlCKY: rip vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@LITTLENlCKY: rip vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@Landingtryyps: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@goldnurse: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died, aged 47 | NME - 5 years ago

@Coffinessence: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@NME: Rumsey formed the legendary post-hardcore act in 1991 - 5 years ago

@AmigoMusic: - @NME - #MusicNews #News # Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died, aged 47 - 5 years ago

@TBonesCafe: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Spoopy_Mulder_: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@DownNthevalley: RT @DownNthevalley: Very sad to hear about the passing of Vern Rumsey of @therealunwound. Everything this band has released is essential li… - 5 years ago

@SmittyTheKami: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@sav_pickard: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Kuruluvv: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@RossRaihala: RIP Vern Rumsey. He was a great guy. - 5 years ago

@kissthevoidx: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@ryan_gothling: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@comeawaywithEMD: Haven't posted an acapella tribute to a dead person since Leonard Cohen left us right as Trump was coming into powe… - 5 years ago

@elguetajj: Hoy se murio Vern Rumsey, y pos que sad :( - 5 years ago

@CoralSeason8: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@hallzach: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@Ozymetsdias: RIP, Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@vjanbazian: RT @invisoranges: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey (Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, more) - 5 years ago

@theotherjude: Bringing my rock b.s. on here again, but Unwound was an amazing band and this is one of the greatest videos on the… - 5 years ago

@arwithutarid: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@jordwhyjames: Painful to hear about the passing of Vern Rumsey, the superior bassist from my favorite band (@therealunwound). He… - 5 years ago

@xan_chewer: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@unrealsamy: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@dhartist88: RT @Draplin: DDC11767: For Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@kemalsntso: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@ballsonparade69: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@igattaneee: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@shibblorr: We love you, Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@__h__i__: RT @dfrieldfriel: RIP Vern Rumsey. Thinking about formative experiences seeing Unwound a few times as a teen, and it's wild to think that h… - 5 years ago

@tyler_tyler_tyl: RIP vern rumsey. - 5 years ago

@br8kdownbby: devastated about unwound's vern rumsey passing away.. - 5 years ago

@CHIRPRadio: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Jethruuuuu: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@jontildeath: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@SoryRawyer: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@maudlinkarma: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@_honeypotband: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mondocurry: Really sad to hear about the passing of Vern Rumsey, bassist of Unwound, today. Floored, actually. I was aware of U… - 5 years ago

@neohardline: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@_SELVEDGE: RT @misterminsoo: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@blueleechingbs: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@glueebybladee: RT @vvvpavlic: kinda disappointing news abt vern rumsey, the bassist from unwound, passing away. but his legacy of having made some of the… - 5 years ago

@JamieSchwesnedl: Valentine Card / Kantina / Were, Are and Was or Is Vern Rumsey, R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@DairyRiver: Sad to hear about Vern Rumsey. Future of What is a monumental record. - 5 years ago

@whitwatts: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@roboticarm: RT @Draplin: DDC11767: For Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@thisisyudhis: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@__sivan__: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@tremoloepjp: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@bjaudette: The bass line to Corpse Pose isn't all you need to know about @therealunwound's late Vern Rumsey, but it's a damn g… - 5 years ago

@BoboChimpan: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@bjaudette: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@rosasemvida: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@cassettepilled: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@DieRoboter_: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@sumpussyfooting: RT @vvvpavlic: kinda disappointing news abt vern rumsey, the bassist from unwound, passing away. but his legacy of having made some of the… - 5 years ago

@doreizigoku: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@PedroH_COYS: rip vern rumsey - fuckin incredible bass player - 5 years ago

@Phillip_Nation: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@kidkyros: RT @vvvpavlic: kinda disappointing news abt vern rumsey, the bassist from unwound, passing away. but his legacy of having made some of the… - 5 years ago

@vvvpavlic: kinda disappointing news abt vern rumsey, the bassist from unwound, passing away. but his legacy of having made som… - 5 years ago

@ProggesiveAlien: RT @WaywardWinifred: This is sad news. - 5 years ago

@rjber15: RT @WaywardWinifred: This is sad news. - 5 years ago

@RIVIN_EM: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@HumbertoDeLaHo8: RT @WaywardWinifred: This is sad news. - 5 years ago

@junlowzer: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@danishrun: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 - 5 years ago

@soundclamp: For Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@MattBunker2: Unwound - Swan - 5 years ago

@AASAADAA: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Ishumaeru_r: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@SeanDack: RIP Vern Rumsey. There aren’t many bands from the 90’s that I revisit often but Unwound is one of the few and they… - 5 years ago

@____fabiano: “Sometimes you’ll laugh so hard you’ll cry” RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago


@the_galvanizer: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@christiansager: I'm sorry to hear that Vern Rumsey has passed. I got to see Unwound twice: once in 1995 opening for Fugazi, and aga… - 5 years ago

@JonRussell97: I always hate when we lose a post-hardcore hero. RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@illeone69: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@kree10: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@orxata_: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@_DANIELLOUIS: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@slowdived: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@krautcat: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@e_f_bartlam: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@br8kdownbby: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Schamgegend: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@yoagenoutapunkk: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@planetwhat: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@fuzzyou13: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@kerosene_around: RIP Vern Rumsey from Unwound :( - 5 years ago

@atravelcalled: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@atravelcalled: Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You Vern Rumseyが亡くなってしまった… - 5 years ago

@bnjinthepark: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@legallag2: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@msilver: RT @walnutbatard: wow damn RIP vern rumsey. all timer - 5 years ago

@TTPC: RT @brooklynvegan: Artists pay tribute to Unwound’s Vern Rumsey: Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Cave In, Blur, Calvin Johnson, The Van Pelt & more… - 5 years ago

@roachcraft: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@____fabiano: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@genjitsu_na: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@hotlinechamber: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@zdes_holodno: Эм Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@hotlinechamber: I am so devastated - 5 years ago

@No_ser_: RT @comeupkinch: In Memoriam: Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@RyanGibbs89: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@icpetrie: RT @dansinker: FUCKKKKKKKKKK. RIP Vern Rumsey. Unwound was one of my very favorite bands. Got me through a lot. - 5 years ago

@alecfeldherr: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@five_hole: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@psychward3: RT @amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@amass_jp: 米ワシントン州オリンピアを拠点に1990年代〜2000年代初頭にかけて活動したポスト・ハードコア・バンド、Unwound。創設メンバーであるベーシストのヴァーン・ラムゼイ(Vern Rumsey)が死去。47歳でした  - 5 years ago

@paulisded: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@junnosukeamai: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MikeFennelly: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@thats_harakiri: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@CaptFamous: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@IMDibe: Damn. Say it ain’t so. RIP Vern, one of the best. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Unwound and Long Hin… - 5 years ago

@kidkyros: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@skramz182: REST IN PEACE VERN RUMSEY - 5 years ago

@modernistwitch: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@TuxedoSlav: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@cortexas: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@captainsdead: Ugh... Rip :( Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@nag_ram: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@PacoWolfrom: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@leilclark: RT @KaraVernor: RIP Vern. In addition to loving your music, I used to scheme about marrying you & convincing you to take my last name so yo… - 5 years ago

@LouieRGR: Vern Rumsey, RIP. - 5 years ago

@thehellsiteboi: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Straynerd: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@annett_tim: Unwound was a life-changing band for me, I just love them. RIP, Vern. - 5 years ago

@JustinSRFC: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@JustinSRFC: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@flashram1978: RT @conanneutron: Absolutely stunned and shocked. Vern Rumsey is gone. I don’t have a lot of details. One of the sweetest and most pure hea… - 5 years ago

@SlowMassMusic: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@jon2bad: I sometimes forget that many of my indie rock idols from the 90s are only like 5-10 years older than I am. Ppl like… - 5 years ago

@DerekOwenDoss: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Jastroch: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@t3dy: Gutted to hear of the passing of Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@fschmnn: Sorry to hear about the passing of Vern Rumsey. No info on cause but he’d been ill for a few months. This is my f… - 5 years ago

@bayoubabylon: The bassist for Unwound, Vern Rumsey, passed away. I feel like there's probably some fans on the tl. Everyone I kno… - 5 years ago

@gibranthony: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Kaneda_Syotaro: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@MaxBurke: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@roughtradedoc: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@handnumberedle: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@SchizonegroD: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@j0hb0t: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@7ep_records: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@jahoda_: RT @AranEpochal: "Rumsey byl prototypem indie baskytaristy 90. let. To, co Hooky začal na konci 70. let v Joy Division, přeložil Vern do hu… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @FILTERMexico: Vern Rumsey, bajista de #Unwound e integrante de Household Gods y Fitz Of Depression, falleció a los 47 años de edad: htt… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@itssunnyand7_5: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MaxIsTheWorst: Damn, Unwound were the fucking best. RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@JuniorTidal: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@MikeFennelly: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@spiralmojo: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@MattMontie16: Rest in peace Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @Stereo73: Mañana pillo vacaciones pero la noche se ha ensombrecido lo suficiente para tumbarme y escuchar mi disco favorito de Unwound,… - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@vertearboles: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@subpop: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@pconnors: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@drumstickbilly: rip vern rumsey aka possibly my favorite bass player of all time... - 5 years ago

@drumstickbilly: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@birchfield_k: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@bradleysalmanac: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@birchfield_k: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@WarmingDog: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@sdbcraig: RT @trouble_in_mind: Extremely sad to hear that Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist has passed away. GREAT, great band that always brought it 100%… - 5 years ago

@edward_estlin: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@nonsatoru: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@nakano_donut: RT @kexp: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. The powerhouse bassist of influential Northwest band Unwound (@therealunwound, @killrockstars) has passed awa… - 5 years ago

@killrockstars: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mars_e_l: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@schlortman333: vern rumsey :( - 5 years ago

@zamegaflow: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@VisceralVolume: Fuck. First Lauren (LKN), and now #Vern? Love your friends and those you cross on the musical inspiration Highway… - 5 years ago

@cyanidetooth: RT @ultradamno: RIP Vern Rumsey Unwound - Pure Pain Sugar - 5 years ago

@Ghoulardi_13: RT @numerogroup: This one goes out to our friends @killrockstars, without whom the world might never have heard Unwound or Vern Rumsey. htt… - 5 years ago

@williamham: RT @NedRaggett: A good friend of mine of many years (not on Twitter) has written a short piece about Vern Rumsey. It's worth your time. htt… - 5 years ago

@isarealboy7: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@hayashimokacity: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@fabriek: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@gEEEEEERa: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@grinningmouths_: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@Blackllulaby: RT @NedRaggett: A good friend of mine of many years (not on Twitter) has written a short piece about Vern Rumsey. It's worth your time. htt… - 5 years ago

@briansholis: Lovely reminiscence about Vern Rumsey, the bass player for Unwound and other bands, who has just died aged 47. “The… - 5 years ago

@eliotfromppg: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@fabriek: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@auniqueting: RT @mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@DtWalker28: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Chimpanzeesband: RT @StephenBrodsky: Sad to hear of Vern Rumsey’s passing. This jam by Unwound inspired the @cave_in_boston songs “The End of Our Rope Is A… - 5 years ago

@_deadastronaut_: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AranEpochal: RT @thevanpelt: Rest in restless power you magnificent bassist Vern Rumsey. We watched you many times and learned more about what the bass… - 5 years ago

@thesoniccloth: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@cyanuro: RT @NedRaggett: A good friend of mine of many years (not on Twitter) has written a short piece about Vern Rumsey. It's worth your time. htt… - 5 years ago

@troopandtrouble: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mfriedrichnyc: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@cemeza: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@Kiddieriot: RT @NedRaggett: A good friend of mine of many years (not on Twitter) has written a short piece about Vern Rumsey. It's worth your time. htt… - 5 years ago

@polvo626: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Warsaw_Cubicle: Goodbye, Vern Rumsey. Those few Unwound shows I saw were massive sonic onslaughts. Time to put on Repetition. - 5 years ago

@MMMmsSskKgGggGG: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@JohnMassel666: RIP to a true master of the craft, Vern Rumsey. Unwound were hugely important, and Vern’s work after Unwound is jus… - 5 years ago

@dj_beab: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@alex_itto: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@TreeBeerd: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Goatinheadlight: 起きたらUnwoundのベーシストVern Rumseyの訃報………残念過ぎる。俺はFor Your Entertainmentの偉大なリフを忘れない。 - 5 years ago

@loubobitt: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@ChelsCathcart: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@sportofkings: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@hiraoka_332: RT @brooklynvegan: Members of Blur, Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Kimya Dawson & more pay tribute to Unwound's Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@scootgator51: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@daysofheaven_: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@sportofkings: RT @SlctrDubNarcot: "Who put the punk, the punk in my vitamins?" Vern Rumsey. Thank you Vern for putting out Hands on the Dial cassette on… - 5 years ago

@hiraoka_332: RT @Tomoki_in_OC: 90年代から2000年に活躍したポストハードコアUnwoundの結成メンバーでベーシスト/マルチ奏者だったVern Rumseyが他界。享年47歳。Unwound以外にもBlonde Redhead、Fitz Of Depression、近年… - 5 years ago

@ARETNA27: RT @Tomoki_in_OC: 90年代から2000年に活躍したポストハードコアUnwoundの結成メンバーでベーシスト/マルチ奏者だったVern Rumseyが他界。享年47歳。Unwound以外にもBlonde Redhead、Fitz Of Depression、近年… - 5 years ago

@hiraoka_332: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@sportofkings: RT @PatC: Woke up to find out my friend Vern Rumsey died, and of course now I'm reflecting on everyone I've known but haven't talked to in… - 5 years ago

@sportofkings: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@AsymptoteOfNow: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@thedeafhorse: RT @TheoCraig: “Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended.” - 5 years ago

@Tomoki_in_OC: 90年代から2000年に活躍したポストハードコアUnwoundの結成メンバーでベーシスト/マルチ奏者だったVern Rumseyが他界。享年47歳。Unwound以外にもBlonde Redhead、Fitz Of Depress… - 5 years ago

@kasracritical: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@MrMutantes: RT @thevanpelt: Rest in restless power you magnificent bassist Vern Rumsey. We watched you many times and learned more about what the bass… - 5 years ago

@bends_the: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@sfiorata82: RT @rockolpoprock: Addio a Vern Rumsey, bassista degli Unwound - 5 years ago

@FromisSlime: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Bonfil: RT @lelojbatista: Vern Rumsey, l'homme, la légende. Il parlait peu, défonçait tout le monde au baby-foot et faisait accessoirement partie d… - 5 years ago

@NeetTsuri: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AusteinAlex: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@LingoIndoors: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@FauxIDs: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@washedupemo: RT @thevanpelt: Rest in restless power you magnificent bassist Vern Rumsey. We watched you many times and learned more about what the bass… - 5 years ago

@atamadarake: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@MDenRyu: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@tomekmusic: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@iamjoshphillips: RT @post_trash_: RIP TO A LEGEND. - 5 years ago

@atamadarake: RT @killrockstars: A heartbreak today. Vern Rumsey’s influence is felt by many. - 5 years ago

@FauxIDs: Rest in Peace, Vern Rumsey 😭 - 5 years ago

@_dominator: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@TomFordCollins: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@CHIRPRadio: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@getaroomyoufuck: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@RustBeltVersion: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Wikifo: Vern Rumsey is trending on Wikipedia with 21 edits from 7 contributors. Read more: - 5 years ago

@MxHamx: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@SeanMMAhon: RIP - 5 years ago

@CJNICKOLAS: RT @kittyracket: rest in peace vern rumsey, best known as the bassist in iconic underground noise rock group unwound :-( </3 - 5 years ago

@hullllllllllllI: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@triplealias: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@CJNICKOLAS: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@seanpadilla: Unwound’s music helped me get through high school and college with my sanity intact, and Vern Rumsey is one of my f… - 5 years ago

@d_stockhausen: 大ショック… 大好きなベーシスト。しかも私より年下だったんだ…。彼の作るリフは最高だった。 Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@stadsbeeld: 2020 just won’t let up. RIP Vern. - 5 years ago

@knowacki: RT @Japanther: Rest In Peace to my buddy Vern Rumsey. He was inspiration at smoking a cigarette and changing a bass string (on stage) at th… - 5 years ago

@PatC: Woke up to find out my friend Vern Rumsey died, and of course now I'm reflecting on everyone I've known but haven't… - 5 years ago

@claariae: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@tuffgnarl: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@TimVerhoeff: RT @Bandcamp: Celebrating the legacy of Unwound's Vern Rumsey, whose music meant so much to so many 🙌 - 5 years ago

@sassiaco: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@CJNICKOLAS: RT @Robinstigator: Thanks for the music Vern Rumsey. RIP. Unwound is eternal. I consider myself lucky to have these albums and singles, as… - 5 years ago

@planetroya: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@whitenoise25: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@rollmottle: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@PeacefulMoron: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@JohnnyDessu: RT @Pepo_Marquez: Ha muerto Vern Rumsey, el bajista de UNWOUND, una de mis bandas más más favoritas. No iban a volver a tocar y nunca le co… - 5 years ago

@KnoxRotzloffel: RT @post_trash_: RIP TO A LEGEND. - 5 years ago

@JohnnyDessu: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@JonatanGameAud: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Pepo_Marquez: Ha muerto Vern Rumsey, el bajista de UNWOUND, una de mis bandas más más favoritas. No iban a volver a tocar y nunca… - 5 years ago

@BIGANDER: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MaxDenari: Rip Vern Rumsey what the fu— ☹️ - 5 years ago

@Hefff88: Shocked by the news that one of my favourite bassists of all time, Vern Rumsey, has died at 47. He was an incredibl… - 5 years ago

@nirsetony: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@gnuchu: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@real_repo_man: El meu menu dels propers dies Rest in power, Vern Rumsey! 🙌 @therealunwound @numerogroup - 5 years ago

@thedeafhorse: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@pit_police: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@AdultRockist: Lost an absolute giant. - 5 years ago

@mURABERG: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@SebTheLodgeMN: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mURABERG: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@washedupemo: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@StephenBrodsky: Sad to hear of Vern Rumsey’s passing. This jam by Unwound inspired the @cave_in_boston songs “The End of Our Rope I… - 5 years ago

@checho_esteban: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@washedupemo: RT @Antonharmony: My old band was lucky enough to play with Unwound several times. They were my favorite band, and Vern Rumsey was my favor… - 5 years ago

@thedeafhorse: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@thedeafhorse: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@Sonnytheironman: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@travisjnichols: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@1funeral2many: RIP Vern Rumsey, he was an absolute powerhouse - 5 years ago

@1funeral2many: RT @mcguilloteen: Just learned Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist and one of the greatest to ever play the instrument, has passed. I'm heartsick. - 5 years ago

@taxidriverstore: Unwound, morto il bassista Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@haikaizombie: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@post_trash_: RIP TO A LEGEND. - 5 years ago

@fernocity: The reason I put a black guard on my Jazz bass is because Vern had one on his too. - 5 years ago

@articiavela: #Unwound Bassist #VernRumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@gleamstate: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@markofthemind: RIP Unwound bass player Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@RomulusNotNuma: Unwound's seminal 2001 post-hardcore album, Leaves Turn Inside You. (If this isn't your style, push through the lon… - 5 years ago

@philipdisalvo: Vern Rumsey forever. - 5 years ago

@bxnnymxxlls: RT @_deadastronaut_: RIP Vern Rumsey from one of my favorite bands of all time 😰 - 5 years ago

@Maxwell_stal: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@caffienator: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Andy60ten: RT @PhilipSherburne: This is so sad. I never knew him but I saw Unwound a number of times; for a time there in the mid '90s they were one o… - 5 years ago

@ansiedvd: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@alaforca: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: Vern Rumseyのwiki、もう更新されてる 死因はヘリコプターの衝突? なんてこった… - 5 years ago

@amishrecords: absolutely gutted :( - 5 years ago

@flesar_B: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@god469suck: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@8hoursaway: RT @unwedsailor: I wanted to pay my respects to Vern Rumsey from the great Unwound. His ferocious, smart, groove centered, angular lines le… - 5 years ago

@apchap_15: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@TheoCraig: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@RideLikeJehu: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@dduncil: Damn - 5 years ago

@camslamwich: Vern Rumsey was one of my favorite bassists of all time. Unwound played a huge part in how I approach bass and song… - 5 years ago

@ermacthegooner: Fuck. Vern Rumsey. Love Unwound. That sucks. - 5 years ago

@EmpireExtreme1: Unwound founder and bassist Vern Rumsey dies at age 47 - 5 years ago

@Pradajames: RIP Vern Rumsey. For me, Unwound is one of the most important bands of all time. Absolute legends. - 5 years ago

@theMetz: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@g_e_howard: Listening to and then seeing Unwound were formative experiences of my life. I remember buying a record from Vern Ru… - 5 years ago

@snakesoreilly: Farewell, Vern Rumsey. The Pacific Northwest lost another real one. Thanks for yr music over the years. - 5 years ago

@RickGates281: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@NCVPalma: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@unwedsailor: I wanted to pay my respects to Vern Rumsey from the great Unwound. His ferocious, smart, groove centered, angular l… - 5 years ago

@henryrage: RT @Loudwire: R.I.P.: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47: - 5 years ago

@carterlovesyou_: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@geoffwilt: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@GrunnenRocks: RT @brooklynvegan: Members of Blur, Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Kimya Dawson & more pay tribute to Unwound's Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@deadinsidedad: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@crishayword: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@nrvscrcts: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@grungegus: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@meat_ube: I know it’s probably ridiculous to be so overcome by emotion from the death of someone you… - 5 years ago

@drewtewksbury: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@redcrayon20: RT @RumoreMagazine: È morto #VernRumsey: è stato bassista degli #Unwound e da pochissimo suonava con David Pajo e Conan Neutron negli House… - 5 years ago

@SeppeDams: RT @brooklynvegan: Members of Blur, Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Kimya Dawson & more pay tribute to Unwound's Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@tltrtltr: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@brooklynvegan: Members of Blur, Thursday, Speedy Ortiz, Kimya Dawson & more pay tribute to Unwound's Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@DomainCLE: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - #dcle #todaysboondoggle - 5 years ago

@muzzaonthebeat: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@theageofbronze: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@FuriousFingers: Rest in Power Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@jesshopp: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mfriedrichnyc: Unwound was and remains an unshakeable influence on me. 'Leaves Turn Inside You' is a post-punk masterpiece. RIP Ve… - 5 years ago

@drowseportland: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@yarrhanna: RT @mgalinsk: I only had a couple of short conversations with Vern Rumsey from Unwound, but i was a fan of his from the moment I took photo… - 5 years ago

@DRALA_Barny: Vern Rumsey nous a quittés ce matin. A 47 ans, putain. Je suis en deuil. Au sein du trio post-hardcore Unwound, lég… - 5 years ago

@AranEpochal: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@daMusic: Vern Rumsey werd amper 47.... 😪 - 5 years ago

@ericpahl: The news of Vern Rumsey's passing is hard to take. My heart goes out to his family and band mates past and present.… - 5 years ago

@cortexas: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@drbrandonclark: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@barneygrubbs: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@worm_b0y: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@omstart: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@TwerkDouglas: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@maura: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@HunterFelt: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Jo__ran: RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@ChrisPolPsych: Vern Rumsey, RIP. - 5 years ago

@ferndoge562: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Math_Irr: Requiescat Vern Rumsey. #unwound - 5 years ago

@mikebaehr: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Math_Irr: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@wonderinboypoet: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@wonderinboypoet: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AndAllMusicIs: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@loopfindingjazz: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ian_bock: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@xxsxxpxxkxx: RT @_deadastronaut_: RIP Vern Rumsey from one of my favorite bands of all time 😰 - 5 years ago

@FarioIsAnIdiot: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AmrRockx: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@CTosomo: RIP Vern Rumsey. Did listen to this thousands of times. - 5 years ago

@DmanRog: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mosreeves: RT @PhilipSherburne: This is so sad. I never knew him but I saw Unwound a number of times; for a time there in the mid '90s they were one o… - 5 years ago

@onthemapAR: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Hansuuuuuuuuu: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MOOzikmktr: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@KarlSteel: well, this sucks - 5 years ago

@maurris: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@e_prime: RIP Vern Rumsey - A beautiful tribute follows. - 5 years ago

@grainv1ctim: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mewithoutFugazi: Rest In Peace Vern Rumsey ❤️❤️❤️ #unwound #vernrumsey 1973-forever - 5 years ago

@KankatoRYM: RT @_deadastronaut_: RIP Vern Rumsey from one of my favorite bands of all time 😰 - 5 years ago

@depressionfan93: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@JucheMane: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@FreeJazz_DK: RT @trouble_in_mind: Extremely sad to hear that Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist has passed away. GREAT, great band that always brought it 100%… - 5 years ago

@mapledeath: RT @PhilipSherburne: This is so sad. I never knew him but I saw Unwound a number of times; for a time there in the mid '90s they were one o… - 5 years ago

@FreeJazz_DK: RT @mcguilloteen: Just learned Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist and one of the greatest to ever play the instrument, has passed. I'm heartsick. - 5 years ago

@Lidalgirl: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@publi_sist: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@craftpug: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@hexenszene: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Scroggles: RIP Vern Rumsey. Legendary bass of legendary post-hardcore. #unwound - 5 years ago

@Sarabia_Saudi: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@clusteronetv: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey, Founding Unwound Bassist Dies at 47 - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey, Founding Unwound Bassist Dies at 47 - 5 years ago

@okobboji: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@paxfulbitminers: RT @cortneyharding: Rest in power Vern Rumsey, I’ve loved your music since I was 17. Unwound remains one of the most innovative bands I’ve… - 5 years ago

@paxfulbitminers: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@paxfulbitminers: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@oscarhaboni: RT @CelebrityDead2: Vern Rumsey  Fue un músico estadounidense y bajista de la banda #Unwound, #FitzOfDepression y #HouseholdGods, fue inge… - 5 years ago

@paxfulbitminers: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@letterstapehead: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@f_fiallos: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@DrPlatypus_: Sucks I could never see Unwound live. Sucks even more that Vern Rumsey passed away. - 5 years ago

@_space_plans: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ledouxville: Just heard about Vern Rumsey. Crushing. - 5 years ago

@chaboirolin: RIP Vern Rumsey. I’ll never forget the first time I heard Leaves Turn Inside You. Perfect album. - 5 years ago

@sacred_trench: RIP Vern Rumsey .. listen to him play bass - 5 years ago

@FreeJazz_DK: I probably saw Unwound more time in the 90s than any other band. Loved them then and now. Bassist Vern Rumsey's pla… - 5 years ago

@NEET_GF: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@UNDOmusic: - 5 years ago

@rubiconseaside: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@tricksudds: RIP Vern Rumsey of the monolithic Unwound, I am so saddened I didn't get the opportunity to see them live, one of t… - 5 years ago

@Stereo73: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ChrustopherH: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@allenmmurray: RT @scntfc: this one hits hard. RIP vern rumsey. one of my all time favorite bass players. - 5 years ago

@rob_rubsam: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@scntfc: this one hits hard. RIP vern rumsey. one of my all time favorite bass players. - 5 years ago

@radekbkoba: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@mateus_exploder: o dia, que já estava ruim, piorou ainda mais com a morte do vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@heavyconsequenc: Sad news: Bassist Vern Rumsey of the influential post-hardcore band Unwound, has passed away at the age of 47. Deta… - 5 years ago

@martadpno: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@ScottMWest: RT @AndFeedback: Vern Rumsey was a friend and early supporter of our band, Tall Toad. A huge presence in the Northwest music scene. Best kn… - 5 years ago

@RecordExchange: RIP Vern Rumsey. Thanks for the music. - 5 years ago

@julien_campan: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@acceptabledebut: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@somerandomdegen: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@kw1979: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey of Unwound - 5 years ago

@peterbruyn: Unwound-bassist Vern Rumsey overleden: - 5 years ago

@lordsteele: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@letitrollcast: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@thebanderson: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@trappedinlight: Just catching up on the news about Vern Rumsey. Unwound are one of my favourite bands of all time & he's a massive… - 5 years ago

@_SELVEDGE: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@theOzcorp: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@tandooriflesh: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AndFeedback: Vern Rumsey was a friend and early supporter of our band, Tall Toad. A huge presence in the Northwest music scene.… - 5 years ago

@ALLSHDWS: Ik had het een paar dagen geleden nog over Unwound en nu blijkt bassist Vern Rumsey overleden te zijn en dat pakt m… - 5 years ago

@sufferinjukebox: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@verycum_: rip vern rumsey i love unwound so much i cannot believe this shit man - 5 years ago

@hippiestunt: sad to hear about vern rumsey passing. without hesitation always my first answer for all time favorite bassist. was… - 5 years ago

@tototool: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Keemron1: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@yungmagii: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@Nick_McGurk: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@pbalonon_rosen: 💔 one of the best out there - 5 years ago

@meowmays: Truly sad news. I feel lucky to have seen them play in the late 90s. So many amazing albums, and Corpse Pose & Enve… - 5 years ago

@somelanguage: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@vomenisalive: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@shoegazero: VEY. VAI TOMAR NO CU. - 5 years ago

@PaulSchwarte: RT @notesonnoise1: bassist van Unwound Vern Rumsey overleden #RIP - 5 years ago

@AmonduulUS: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@prathloons: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@DrMystery99: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@HuskerMonk: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@inhaler2: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@universal_punk: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@flaminggogurts: RT @EZSnappin: As far as I know, "Rest In Power" is the last tune released with Vern Rumsey's playing on it. I just can't. - 5 years ago

@Basic_Chunnel: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@HLDRMM: @shoegazero O Vern Rumsey morreu Bruno estou triste - 5 years ago

@omeubigode: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@SenorTrev: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Weird_Idioteque: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RIP Vern Rumsey Unwound forever 上の黒いLeaves Turn Inside Youは黒地に光沢のある黒でUnwoundとプリントされてるので、斜めにして光を当てました - 5 years ago

@mattbaumstein: This is awful. Unwound was seminal listening for me back in the early 2000's. Hate to lose someone this talented th… - 5 years ago

@spykidelic: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@shibblorr: RIP Vern Rumsey. Unwound is legendary. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. This one really hurts. - 5 years ago

@bowiesongs: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@equallystupid: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@VeganAtTheBBQ: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@deliverychris: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey. Thank you for being a part of one of my favorite bands and helping to create one of my favorite… - 5 years ago

@thebradacohan: RIP Vern Rumsey - one of the top bass kings. I used to try to rip off his bass riffs for a band I was in in the lat… - 5 years ago

@exclaimnews: Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@sisario: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@Deege3000: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@EZSnappin: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@forsatellites: RT @RazorcakeGorsky: Vern Rumsey RIP. - 5 years ago

@FirestarCS: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@pkpatnaik: RT @numerogroup: Losing Vern Rumsey is a reminder that an era has ended. That everyone gets old and and no longer fits into their shredded… - 5 years ago

@pkpatnaik: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@BuyMeABurrito: Vern Rumsey. This one hurts. - 5 years ago

@nao_ubermensch: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@theapparatus: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@swamipat: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@usenincrease: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@_don_aman: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@damezumari: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@tape: Vern Rumsey, RIP. - 5 years ago

@vvicthor: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@JuliusFnDiamond: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@selftitledmag: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@kayjaycee69: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@MacDara: Numero Group (who released the excellent Unwound discography box set) with a thread on Vern Rumsey, RIP - 5 years ago

@bshoup: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@_ben519_: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@RealLowVibe: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@shaneparishgtr: RT @j_hnst_rl_ng: i think the appropriate response to today's news is to simply play the entire Unwound catalog from front to back while i… - 5 years ago

@totalvibration: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@StevenEsquire: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@xryanfinex: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@OhPipeDown: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@max_bryla: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@conanneutron: Absolutely stunned and shocked. Vern Rumsey is gone. I don’t have a lot of details. One of the sweetest and most pu… - 5 years ago

@MaxMunzoWhite: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@JessScrambles: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@flaminggogurts: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@jonasymir: - 5 years ago

@BostonHassle: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@tasty_gigabyte7: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@marg_gra: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@DanBoeckner: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@AranEpochal: Setlist Unwound z 26. 4. 1998 ze Sedmicky. Vern Rumsey tyvole odesel. Dejte si dneska aspon jedno jejich album, ta… - 5 years ago

@80sRampwalk: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@imLeor: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@SBCGlobalDotNet: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@miles__bryan: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@sebharp: gracias x responder unas preguntas a este unwound nerd hace 11 años - 5 years ago

@mattsebastian: RT @normanbrannon: So gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey from Unwound. One of my favorite bass players of all time and one of my all-time fav… - 5 years ago

@alpargatagazer: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@DocFallout: RT @numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olympia, Was… - 5 years ago

@K_recs: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@numerogroup: Vern Rumsey 1973-2020 My longtime friend, and Unwound bassist, Vern Rumsey passed away this morning outside Olymp… - 5 years ago

@ScamHarbor: RIP Vern Rumsey. I can't say I'm an Unwound superfan, but the albums I know RIP and his bass playing was incredible. - 5 years ago

@acidtrapg1raffe: RT @AltPress: Vern Rumsey, a founding member and bassist for the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died at the age of 47 - 5 years ago

@rise804: RT @thebanderson: Rest in power Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@Rose_E_Kross: RT @beckadiamond: LEAVES TURN INSIDE YOU 🍁 RIP VERN RUMSEY 🍁 one of my favorite bassists ever. This album changed my life 🖤 #unwound https… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @beckadiamond: LEAVES TURN INSIDE YOU 🍁 RIP VERN RUMSEY 🍁 one of my favorite bassists ever. This album changed my life 🖤 #unwound https… - 5 years ago

@thebanderson: Rest in power Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@davematson: - 5 years ago

@AmbuletteA: Damn. Just super sad Vern Rumsey no longer stalks the earth with his melodically menacing bass lines. An integral p… - 5 years ago

@jimychangas: RIP Vern :( I've chased that bass tone since the 90s, and he's the reason I bought a Jazz Bass even though I think… - 5 years ago

@susboihours: playing the whole unwound discog today in honor of Vern Rumsey, truly a tragic loss - 5 years ago

@kennycooks: RT @davematson: Absolutely brilliant band, horrified to lose Vern Rumsey at 47. - 5 years ago

@susboihours: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@_craw4d4_: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@Culex_DK: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@n_a_schroeder: Tragic stuff. Unwound was one of my early favorite bands after seeing them with Fugazi at USM in 1995, iirc. Loved… - 5 years ago

@Bisonjewlog: RIP Vern “Red” Rumsey - 5 years ago

@intoitoverit: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@hvnIydaze: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@DJFGQBNYJs: Vern Rumsey was the bass player in one of my all time favorite bands Unwound. His heavy bass lines got me through a… - 5 years ago

@davematson: Absolutely brilliant band, horrified to lose Vern Rumsey at 47. - 5 years ago

@sebharp: Vern Rumsey forever - 5 years ago

@StrdustPipeline: Incredibly sad news today 😢 - 5 years ago

@Blackllulaby: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@andrewhughesor: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@susboihours: RIP Vern Rumsey, Unwound is unmatched to this day. i play leaves turn inside you like everyday - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@braveabacus: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@yousuiandakimi: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @EZSnappin: As far as I know, "Rest In Power" is the last tune released with Vern Rumsey's playing on it. I just can't. - 5 years ago

@thats_harakiri: RT @mcguilloteen: Just learned Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist and one of the greatest to ever play the instrument, has passed. I'm heartsick. - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @erickjpressman: Damn. RIP Vern Rumsey. Unwound’s “New Plastic Ideas” got me through high school. - 5 years ago

@theOzcorp: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@jaydieguez: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@barroer: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@exclaimdotca: R.I.P. Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey  - 5 years ago

@SlowMassMusic: No cause of death has been reported yet and I don’t want to unfairly infer too much, but it’s hard not too when som… - 5 years ago

@MusicCurationX: RT @exfkaty: I do not have words right now. We spoke on the phone days ago; he was happy and sounded good. My heart is absolutely broken.… - 5 years ago

@AltPress: Vern Rumsey, a founding member and bassist for the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died at the age of 47 - 5 years ago

@thedeathcoveter: RT @beckadiamond: LEAVES TURN INSIDE YOU 🍁 RIP VERN RUMSEY 🍁 one of my favorite bassists ever. This album changed my life 🖤 #unwound https… - 5 years ago

@mexicaneaux: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Fenyll_: Holy shit rip vern rumsey. Music wouldn't be the same without you - 5 years ago

@wheresmygift: RT @mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@Mictlan86: RT @RumoreMagazine: È morto #VernRumsey: è stato bassista degli #Unwound e da pochissimo suonava con David Pajo e Conan Neutron negli House… - 5 years ago

@feathersiron: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@texastential_sm: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@barroer: Descansa en paz Vern Rumsey❤️❤️ Unwound forever - 5 years ago

@LaLatencia: Falleció el influyente bajista Vern Rumsey a los 47 años. Conocido principalmente por formar parte de la banda de c… - 5 years ago

@FILTERMexico: Vern Rumsey, bajista de #Unwound e integrante de Household Gods y Fitz Of Depression, falleció a los 47 años de eda… - 5 years ago

@DoomPredictions: RT @olsonpower: RIP VERN RUMSEY Unwound - New Energy - 5 years ago

@velvetsheep: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@beckadiamond: LEAVES TURN INSIDE YOU 🍁 RIP VERN RUMSEY 🍁 one of my favorite bassists ever. This album changed my life 🖤 #unwound - 5 years ago

@Lobsterdeth: AH FUCK MAN NOT VERN NO - 5 years ago

@jon2bad: God damn it. - 5 years ago

@dansette: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@Culex_DK: RIP Vern Rumsey, Unwound had some of the best basslines a band could ever ask for - 5 years ago

@sadiwn: This comp was one of the first 10 things in my little box of records back in 9th grade when all these new post Nirv… - 5 years ago

@moormother: RT @mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@norock: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@ArneKittler: Very sad about the passing of one of my favourite rock bassists, Vern Rumsey. He was 47. RIP. - 5 years ago

@dynamic_mike: RT @AMJeremy1023: Well, this is awful. RIP, Unwound's Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@leilclark: - 5 years ago

@colas: Gli Unwound ma pure i dischi più belli dei Blonde Redhead. Ci mancherà - 5 years ago

@kennycooks: Saddened to hear this news. - 5 years ago

@prromono: Vern Rumsey :( - 5 years ago

@NateLippens: Dammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@FugetSudoJr: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@dschwentker: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@jonahtfried: whenever i played bass in bands, i was always shooting to sound like Vern Rumsey. i never got there and neither wil… - 5 years ago

@talkofthetizzy: RT @mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@goatithro: RT @misterminsoo: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@CallumBarnes29: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Bedhead82: Terra lieve Vern Rumsey. Sei stato un grande in una delle band più grandi di sempre - 5 years ago

@reverendentity: - 5 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@sairsyr: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@ericjlawrence: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@pseudobulbo: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@jon2bad: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: Household Gods / Palace Intrique これだ…6月に出たばっか こんなん好きに決まってるじゃん Vern Rumseyのベースラインはすぐ分かる - 5 years ago

@killrockstars: RT @marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was kind a… - 5 years ago

@turnknob: RT @EZSnappin: As far as I know, "Rest In Power" is the last tune released with Vern Rumsey's playing on it. I just can't. - 5 years ago

@ssaantizo: will always remember the fun times listening to unwound. RIP Vern Rumsey. - 5 years ago

@leilclark: So sad to hear the news about Vern Rumsey. Unwound had absolute grip on my heart for years. I saw them every time t… - 5 years ago

@bktandem: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@StevenEsquire: Absolutely devastated to hear about Vern Rumsey's passing. Unwound were one of the greatest bands of all-time. What… - 5 years ago

@ColmaSatchel: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@buttfumbIe: Rest in peace Vern Rumsey. Unwound were such an imaginative and ambitious band. When I first heard their music I wa… - 5 years ago

@Remote_Interior: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@forsatellites: NO -- this is terrible news -- RIP Vern Rumsey 🖤 - 5 years ago

@calt289: fuck, rip vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@evanhlevine: Requiescat in pace, Vern Rumsey. I was overjoyed to meet and speak with you a couple times in 2005/2006. I will nev… - 5 years ago

@janmanisdead: Hasta siempre, Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@Johnavs: Unwound Bassist Vern Rumsey Dead at 47 - 5 years ago

@oats23: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Jeff_Albertson: RIP: Vern Rumsey, bassist in Unwound. Your bass playing was a huge influence. - 5 years ago

@ruopnadzay: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@BlackAcesOtt: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@seanieviola: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@DeathofLit: Sad news - 5 years ago

@nicole_rifkin: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@slimeboy420: Rest In Peace Vern Rumsey. I love Unwound so much, and their rhythm section were untouchable. - 5 years ago

@FuckFrancois: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@KennethWaid: Goddamn, this is such sad news. Unwound occupies a place in my soul in a way no other band ever has. Devastating. - 5 years ago

@Rondo581: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@j_hnst_rl_ng: i think the appropriate response to today's news is to simply play the entire Unwound catalog from front to back wh… - 5 years ago

@bdhoben: RT @gp________: RIP Vern Rumsey. There are Unwound jams with more prominent bass, but this one embodies Vern’s gift. The bass does what bas… - 5 years ago

@jdhughez: - 5 years ago

@fak3r: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@brandonstosuy: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@XylitoLdrink: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@WaluigisNacht: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@cuhreenah: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@hydraulic_yimbo: RT @pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@RumoreMagazine: È morto #VernRumsey: è stato bassista degli #Unwound e da pochissimo suonava con David Pajo e Conan Neutron negli H… - 5 years ago

@pitchfork: Vern Rumsey, who played bass with the post-hardcore band Unwound, has died - 5 years ago

@marcus_fischer: really sad to hear about the passing of vern rumsey from unwound. he was one of my favorite bass players and was ki… - 5 years ago

@Evanryt: The apparent inevitability of this only makes it more heartbreaking. No cause of death, but Vern was always open ab… - 5 years ago

@thats_harakiri: RT @exfkaty: I do not have words right now. We spoke on the phone days ago; he was happy and sounded good. My heart is absolutely broken.… - 5 years ago

@afiqj: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@thats_harakiri: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@puffin_captain: RIP Vern Rumsey - 5 years ago

@hammersmashsage: RT @invisoranges: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@RonBenTovim: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@treblezine: R.I.P. Vern Rumsey of Unwound - 5 years ago

@thekingoftimbs: Unreal, its gonna be hard to grasp. RIP Vern Rumsey who you may know from Unwound. His bass work was fantastic and… - 5 years ago

@esecarlo: RT @omstart: No te pases de verga :( - 5 years ago

@thats_harakiri: absolutely devastated that vern rumsey is gone, fuck - 5 years ago

@ssaantizo: RIP vern rumsey. I just burned an unwound cd not too long ago. very unfortunate. will always be an influence. - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: Unwound Last Show Thekla, Olympia Washington 4-1-2002 この最後のライブは本当に素晴らしいし泣きそうになる。 いつか一時的でも… - 5 years ago

@TurnVolume2016: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@crs68: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@electricalsband: Unwound are a super important band to us. Rest in Peace Vern Rumsey. Thank you for the audio. - 5 years ago

@philebloomfield: RIP Vern Rumsey of Unwound. Leaves Turn Inside You remains astounding even after nearly 20 years. - 5 years ago

@tapesandtubes: - 5 years ago

@malcsp76: Awful news. Rest in power, Vern Rumsey. Such towering bass lines. Unwound has meant a lot to me over the years.… - 5 years ago

@gillenleeriggs: RT @getxwell: Unwound is a big influence, particularly the songs we’re hoping to release soon and some in the future. Some of our favorite… - 5 years ago

@scaryterriX: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@Multiphasic: @dearjerksmusic I remember when I saw them in 97, the internet had started rumors of Vern's death. I got Vern to d… - 5 years ago

@omstart: No te pases de verga :( - 5 years ago

@Spoopy_Mulder_: RT @YNGLegionnaire: Completely gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey. His playing was everything: swagger, rhythm, attitude, melody. All things… - 5 years ago

@ben_stas: awful news about vern rumsey. I know unwound were super resistant to any kind of reunion in the first place, but to… - 5 years ago

@Ceasepool: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@PrioBombDair: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@DemianJohnston: RT @bbcbubblegutz: Goddammit. RIP Vern Rumsey. A true bass inspiration. Guess I'll be listening to Unwound all day and getting lost in thos… - 5 years ago

@RainstormBlues: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago


@xfournierx: RT @RazorcakeGorsky: Vern Rumsey RIP. - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@synthmalicious: RT @VorheesMusic: RIP VERN RUMSEY 🥀 One of the most beguiling bass players I’ve ever listened to/seen. I got to open for Unwound once, a… - 5 years ago

@RazorcakeGorsky: Vern Rumsey RIP. - 5 years ago

@BrassClouds: Rip to Vern Rumsey. Unwound is still one of the most underrated bands of all time IMO - 5 years ago

@synthmalicious: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@sunshinexnerd: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@floraposting: RT @normanbrannon: So gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey from Unwound. One of my favorite bass players of all time and one of my all-time fav… - 5 years ago

@ZacharyLipez: RT @normanbrannon: So gutted to hear about Vern Rumsey from Unwound. One of my favorite bass players of all time and one of my all-time fav… - 5 years ago

@DarkRon93: Noticia bastante triste. QEPD, Vern Rumsey de Unwound y otros proyectos más. Si les gusta el Post-Hardcore y no co… - 5 years ago

@_sadfields: D.E.P. Vern Rumsey, extraordinario bajista de la banda Unwound. Gracias por influenciarnos en muchas maneras difere… - 5 years ago

@Ceasepool: RT @mcguilloteen: Just learned Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist and one of the greatest to ever play the instrument, has passed. I'm heartsick. - 5 years ago

@megwood: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@livingtogether_: not vern rumsey... such a next level bass player. i so wish i had discovered unwound earlier back when i actually p… - 5 years ago

@themrpatty: RT @joegross: Rest in peace the great Vern Rumsey. I have listened to this song more times than I can count and it still works as well as t… - 5 years ago

@DonGiovanniRecs: RT @mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@sahanicyouth: there are a few bands who i yell about constantly because i love them that much. unwound are one of those bands & t… - 5 years ago

@dustanddisquiet: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died. — Damn. What a loss. Rest easy, Vern. - 5 years ago

@gooch_pube: godspeed vern rumsey - 5 years ago

@sxetia: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@keeve_nachman: here's more: - 5 years ago

@equallystupid: RT @EZSnappin: RIP, Vern Rumsey. You were something special. - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Vern Rumsey - #VernRumsey #Vern #Rumsey #rip - 5 years ago

@catthousand: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@SBCGlobalDotNet: RT @trouble_in_mind: Extremely sad to hear that Vern Rumsey, Unwound bassist has passed away. GREAT, great band that always brought it 100%… - 5 years ago

@imLeor: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@gp________: RIP Vern Rumsey. There are Unwound jams with more prominent bass, but this one embodies Vern’s gift. The bass does… - 5 years ago

@jonroth76: RT @brandonstosuy: seeing from multiple people vern rumsey died. i didn't know him personally, but love his music with unwound. i saw that… - 5 years ago

@coldburn123: RT @stereogum: Former Unwound bassist Vern Rumsey has died at 47 - 5 years ago

@CHB8367: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@hospitalsauna: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@chamamron: RT @sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@sea_shanty: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@wipeoutbeat: RT @Alex_Moskos: Vern Rumsey/Sara Lund were the dopest rhythm section in modern punk/emo whatever you wana call it. Rip Vern. - 5 years ago

@gutnone: rip vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@mentaljewelry1: RIP Vern Rumsey. Today I will make my bass sound like a tractor for u - 5 years ago

@antelopehunting: This one is hitting me hard. RIP Vern Rumsey. Your bass playing had an enormous influence on me. - 5 years ago

@mikepropst: RT @brooklynvegan: Unwound’s Vern Rumsey has died - 5 years ago

@sad13: terrible terrible news. a tremendous musician in the band i would’ve most liked to see reunite. RIP vern rumsey 💔 - 5 years ago

@mentaljewelry1: RT @brandonstosuy: seeing from multiple people vern rumsey died. i didn't know him personally, but love his music with unwound. i saw that… - 5 years ago

@bigwestern: RT @attackonmemory: rest in peace to unwound bassist vern rumsey <3 truly fantastic bassist and vital part of a truly fantastic band https:… - 5 years ago

@sahanicyouth: there are a few bands who i yell about constantly because i love them that much. unwound are one of those bands & t… - 5 years ago

@danpigeon__: RT @kittyracket: rest in peace vern rumsey, best known as the bassist in iconic underground noise rock group unwound :-( </3 - 5 years ago

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