Velichko Cholakov

Bulgarian weightlifter
Died on Sunday August 20th 2017

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Velichko Cholakov:

@scottweetney: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 7 years ago

@BruknerKhan: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 7 years ago

@fiparo666: Шампиони изпратиха Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@edinburghfest: [scotsman] Obituary: Velichko Cholakov, Bulgarian weightlifter - 8 years ago


@TPCduluth: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@LaRafanoSpirito: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@EnfinityHealth: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@fiparo666: Величко Чолаков - железният великан с добро сърце - 8 years ago

@ErinMcclure1: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@NewsMixerBG: Хиляди се сбогуваха с големия щангист на България Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@BITELEVISION: Хиляди се сбогуваха с големия щангист на България Величко Чолаков - Би Ай Телевизия - 8 years ago

@dunavmost: България изпрати Величко Чолаков - ВИДЕО След днешното поклонение, щангистът беше погребан в родния си град - 8 years ago

@jaimeandresroa: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@kmeta_bg: Шампиони изпратиха Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@smolyandnes: Простихме се с Величко Чолаков ! - 8 years ago

@smolyandnes: Простихме се с Величко Чолаков ! - 8 years ago

@SurtoOlimpico: Morre o ex-levantador de peso medalhista olímpico Velichko Cholakov - 8 years ago

@almanewsBG: Елитът на българските щанги, силните мъже на България, се събраха, за да изпратят Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@NewsMixerBG: Взехме си сбогом с Железния Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@Rathmorepe: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@PosokiMedia: RT @NewsMixerBG: Родопите се простиха с Величко Чолаков (ГАЛЕРИЯ) - 8 years ago

@btvnovinite: Родопите се простиха с Величко Чолаков (ГАЛЕРИЯ) - 8 years ago

@NewsMixerBG: Родопите се простиха с Величко Чолаков (ГАЛЕРИЯ) - 8 years ago

@todor7: Хиляди се стичат за поклон пред своя шампион Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@celebsrumor5: Former European champion Velichko Cholakov dies at 35 - 8 years ago

@fakti_bg: 35-годишният Чолаков почина в неделя сутринта. Имал е проблеми със сърцето, за което се е лекувал. - 8 years ago

@todor7: Смолян се прощава с олимпийския шампион Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@FOCUSBG: В Смолян ще се състои поклонението пред Олимпийския шампион по вдигане на тежести Величко Чолаков. - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 16 502) #Former #European #champion #Bulgarian #Velichko #Cholakov #dies #August 20, 2017 at 35 - 8 years ago

@cathcam: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@grant_dillon: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@Gina_Crawford: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@sarahearlys: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@ChazClare: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@bluser12: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@AndrewB95435490: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@InnerFirePod: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@Highbury_heroes: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@guyelliott88: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@GibraltarZA: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@JetTech33: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@wildebeest6: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@singhtosh: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@rideupgrades: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@johnsmyth3d: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@NestleProDerick: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@Andytheyank: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@UltracoachSA: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@waweru: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@johndavidscc: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@marinavanzyl: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@abilityphysio: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@baileyrsa: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@KelvinCushman: ProfTimNoakes: RT TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban … - 8 years ago

@ProfTimNoakes: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@homersham: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@threewhitestv: Velichko Cholakov passed away - 8 years ago

@NewsMixerBG: In Memoriam – Величко Чолаков - 8 years ago

@Mark_Yale: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@Emma4815: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@RadioBulgariaES: Fallece el medallista olímpico de levantamiento de pesas Velichko Cholakov: - 8 years ago

@antena3: ȘOC în lumea sportului. A MURIT! - 8 years ago

@racing_h: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@rbr1979: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@myblueteapot: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@shayanimal: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

@AlastairHorabin: RT @TheRaceRadio: For the "Just let them dope" crowd. Velichko Cholakov, who served a four-year ban for doping, died on Sunday at 35 https:… - 8 years ago

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