Val Joyce

Irish radio broadcaster.
Died on Monday October 17th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Val Joyce:

@Val_Do: RT @CardColm: A Rap Tribute to James Joyce by Frank Delaney - 2 years ago

@val_treewillow: RT @SpeechUnion: In an unprecedented intervention, Professor Pippa Rogerson, master of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University, ha… - 2 years ago

@J7Radio: Tom & Joyce - Val Minha Tristeza (Jazzy Vocal Mix) - 2 years ago

@obbhughes: @murraycathal I was a regular listener to Late Date with Val Joyce back in the 90s. I moved to Perth, Australia and… - 2 years ago


@val_spl: RT @PierreBellemere: Le fait que Gabriel Attal et Joyce Jonathan aient été en couple c’est mon multivers de la folie - 2 years ago

@tortiiecat: pj, eli, zavie, eren, zelda, saph, janelle, joyce, miles (both), ava, jun, grayson, daniela, val, cherry, vallery,… - 2 years ago

@botti_joyce: RT @fred_guttenberg: For those who missed it, last night I had a chance to discuss my reaction to the debate between Rubio & @valdemings.… - 2 years ago

@joyce_pugh: Great retort, Val! - 2 years ago

@botti_joyce: RT @davidhogg111: I will be on MSNBC tonight to talk about my work raising over $600,000 for Val Demings campaign to defeat NRA puppet Marc… - 2 years ago

@Quizzlerian: @JoyceWhiteVance @AWeissmann_ Joyce, I think all of sound mind and judgment and love of U.S. constitutional democra… - 2 years ago

@Fopol_SE: RT @snafu_ftw: Medvetet val av #NSA att dela underrättelser med #Ukraina angående #Ryssland "NSA cyber chief says Ukraine war is compelli… - 2 years ago

@snafu_ftw: Medvetet val av #NSA att dela underrättelser med #Ukraina angående #Ryssland "NSA cyber chief says Ukraine war is… - 2 years ago

@pruitt_joyce: RT @NoLieWithBTC: Damn. Val Demings is done with Marco Rubio. - 2 years ago

@joyce_kellett: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKIMG: At tonight’s debate, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio’s Democratic challenger Val Demings publicly sco… - 2 years ago

@Joyce_Motherof5: Vote for Val! Please! Save us! - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 126) #Death #October 8, 2022 of #Irish #former #RTÉ #broadcaster #Val #Joyce 91 #described as the #end… - 2 years ago

@Joyce_Hackett: @shannonrwatts @valdemings Val demings - 2 years ago

@jshellem_joyce: RT @mmpadellan: Straight FIRE from Val Demings. ELECT THIS WOMAN. - 2 years ago

@botti_joyce: RT @AaronParnas: Val Demings is right: Marco Rubio has never run anything but his mouth. - 2 years ago

@princebullock: RT @PBazleyBethea: From historical greats, former Congresswomen Shirley Chisholm & Barbara Jordan to Reps Joyce Beatty, Yvette Clark, Val D… - 2 years ago

@bephillip33: RIP. Death of former RTÉ broadcaster Val Joyce described as the end of an era – The Irish Times - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Val Joyce dies - #ValJoyce #Val #Joyce #rip - 2 years ago

@BROPHONTHEBEAT: @Michael_O_Regan @RTERadio1 It certainly beats the weekdays. John Bowman’s tribute to Val Joyce this morning was just fantastic! - 2 years ago

@PRMiddleton: John Bowman's programme on Val Joyce and Oliver S. Gogarty was excellent. - 2 years ago

@John71610523: RT @John71610523: @Michael_O_Regan @RTERadio1 John Bowman's tribute to Val Joyce and St John Gogarty brought so many names from the past. U… - 2 years ago

@John71610523: @Michael_O_Regan @RTERadio1 John Bowman's tribute to Val Joyce and St John Gogarty brought so many names from the p… - 2 years ago

@Val_Do: RT @LdaaYa: @Joyce_Karam Evin prison is burning deliberately by Mulla's regime of Iran and gun shots are fired. This is where most of the p… - 2 years ago

@Fernand34487139: @realpfigueiredo EM 4 anos muitas máscaras estão caindo. Alckmin, Joyce, Arthur do Val, MBL, marinho, frota, e tantos outros - 2 years ago

@meredith_val: @nicky_retro And Barnaby Joyce - 2 years ago

@EvelynSpring8: RT @Independent_ie: Declan Lynch: "Val Joyce, indeed, who died last week, didn’t seem to be doing much wrong when RTÉ retired him from Late… - 2 years ago

@Independent_ie: Declan Lynch: "Val Joyce, indeed, who died last week, didn’t seem to be doing much wrong when RTÉ retired him from… - 2 years ago

@IndoEnts: Declan Lynch: "Val Joyce, indeed, who died last week, didn’t seem to be doing much wrong when RTÉ retired him from… - 2 years ago

@SanaQue11886405: How Did Val Joyce Die? Former RTÉ Radio 1 Presenter Cause Of Death? - 2 years ago

@Joyce_HansonCA: RT @ProjectLincoln: Being 'tough on crime' and 'backing the blue' means fighting against criminals like Donald Trump and the January 6th ri… - 2 years ago

@botti_joyce: RT @davidhogg111: UPDATE: Our efforts to help raise Val Demings the funds to defeat Marco Rubio have now raised over $600,000 thanks to you… - 2 years ago

@colm007: RT @fobraonain: His warm late night conversation kept me hanging on every word when his Late Date on ⁦@RTERadio1⁩ was the soundtrack to my… - 2 years ago

@J7Radio: Tom & Joyce - Val Minha Tristeza (Jazzy Vocal Mix) - 2 years ago

@AdrianAmcgold: RT @PowellLeo: So sad to learn of the death of Val Joyce. He was predeceased by his wife Vera. Great friends of my late parents. Val was a… - 2 years ago

@latstbollywood: Val Joyce Age:- Val Joyce was famous for working for RTE. Recently he passed away at the weekend. He was also prese… - 2 years ago

@messi00seven: How Did Val Joyce Die? Former RTÉ Radio 1 Announcer Death Cause? - 2 years ago

@amoflano: @martylyricfm Val Joyce on Late Date leading you gently into the wee hours. His dulcet tones and casual, easy style… - 2 years ago

@thecontel: Broadcaster Val Joyce had long lasting connections with Castlebar - 2 years ago

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