Vahakn Dadrian

Armenian-American sociologist and historian.
Died on Sunday August 4th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Vahakn Dadrian:

@Armenia_Better: Taner Akçam on passing of Vahakn Dadrian: I owe him so much | - 6 years ago

@Armenia_Better: Խոնհարվում եմ հայ ցեղասպանագետի հիշատակին. Թաներ Աքչամ | - 6 years ago

@ChristStructure: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@asuvakci: RT @senolkarakas: “Vahakn Norair Dadrian, işte bize hakikat ile yüzleşmemiz için ortaya bir yaşam boyu çalışma koyan, bize bu olanağı sağla… - 6 years ago


@umit_k: RT @senolkarakas: “Vahakn Norair Dadrian, işte bize hakikat ile yüzleşmemiz için ortaya bir yaşam boyu çalışma koyan, bize bu olanağı sağla… - 6 years ago

@senolkarakas: “Vahakn Norair Dadrian, işte bize hakikat ile yüzleşmemiz için ortaya bir yaşam boyu çalışma koyan, bize bu olanağı… - 6 years ago

@MugeEgeli: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@AGOSgazetesi: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@ara_ashjian: Taner Akçam on passing of Vahakn Dadrian: I owe him so much - 6 years ago

@sarkisk11: RT @ArtsakhPress: Taner Akçam on passing of Vahakn Dadrian: I owe him so much #ArmenianGenocide - 6 years ago

@ArtsakhPress: Taner Akçam on passing of Vahakn Dadrian: I owe him so much #ArmenianGenocide - 6 years ago

@NAASR1955: Saturday, August 17, at Ararat-Eskijian Museum "Celebration of the Life of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian"… - 6 years ago

@ArmenianCouncil: RT @MassisPost: Celebration of the Life of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian - - 6 years ago

@Surgunleri: Vahakn N. Dadrian, O Hep Bizimle – Ragıp Zarakolu - 6 years ago

@tolstoysbicycle: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Taner Akçam Vahakn N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: Anısı önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum - 6 years ago

@umit_k: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Taner Akçam Vahakn N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: Anısı önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum - 6 years ago

@AGOSgazetesi: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Taner Akçam Vahakn N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: Anısı önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum - 6 years ago

@Giannista: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@HyeTert: Celebration of the Life of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian • MassisPost - 6 years ago

@sosican: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@AnushMargaryan1: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@muvaffakiyet: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@umit_k: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@AGOSgazetesi: Ragıp Zarakolu Vahakn. N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: O hep bizimle - 6 years ago

@learnmathdo: Genocide Studies Pioneer Vahakn Dadrian Dies – The Armenian Mirror-Spectator - 6 years ago

@HyeTert: Çorumlu Vahakn Dadrian’ı Kaybettik - 6 years ago

@AGOSgazetesi: Taner Akçam Vahakn N. Dadrian'ın ardından yazdı: Anısı önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum - 6 years ago

@sino_dinoo: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Seçmen listelerinin yenilenmesi için vakıflara çağrı.. Vahakn N. Dadrian'ı kaybettik: Taner Akçam, Ragıp Zarakolu, Edvin… - 6 years ago

@DoGoodPoints: RT @ARAMAC_DC: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Institute (ANI) join in paying tribute to Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, the… - 6 years ago

@AravotEN: AGBU Marks the Loss of a Towering Figure in Genocide Studies: Vahakn Dadrian - 6 years ago

@FoundIshami: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@yozgatedirnetra: RT @AGOSgazetesi: Seçmen listelerinin yenilenmesi için vakıflara çağrı.. Vahakn N. Dadrian'ı kaybettik: Taner Akçam, Ragıp Zarakolu, Edvin… - 6 years ago

@AGOSgazetesi: Seçmen listelerinin yenilenmesi için vakıflara çağrı.. Vahakn N. Dadrian'ı kaybettik: Taner Akçam, Ragıp Zarakolu,… - 6 years ago

@GaryGrigoryan: RT @TMkrtchyan: Vahakn #Dadrian, one of the biggest scholars of #ArmenianGenocide& one of most respected authorities of #genocide studies,i… - 6 years ago

@SurenSeropian: RT @ARAMAC_DC: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Institute (ANI) join in paying tribute to Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, the… - 6 years ago

@ARAMAC_CA: RT @ARAMAC_DC: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Institute (ANI) join in paying tribute to Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, the… - 6 years ago

@MassisPost: Celebration of the Life of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian - - 6 years ago

@Anyechka: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@ArmeniaUN: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@armemblit: RT @TMkrtchyan: Vahakn #Dadrian, one of the biggest scholars of #ArmenianGenocide& one of most respected authorities of #genocide studies,i… - 6 years ago

@rj_cardenas: Se fue uno de los pioneros en el estudio sistemático del genocidio armenio, don Vahakn Dadrian. Indispensable conoc… - 6 years ago

@prpnews: - 6 years ago

@ARAMAC_DC: The Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Institute (ANI) join in paying tribute to Dr. Vahakn Dad… - 6 years ago

@FLHairabedian: •En Memoria del Dr. Vahakn Dadrian• El sábado 3 de agosto falleció el Doctor Vahakn Dadrian, uno de los académicos… - 6 years ago

@DiarioArmenia: Falleció el investigador Vahakn Dadrian - 6 years ago

@KirianSev: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@Iam1Immigrant: RT @EIHonors: A leader in the Armenian community and an expert on Armenian Genocide, 2005 Medalist Vahakn Dadrian has passed away. - 6 years ago

@A_Institute: The Armenian Institute, London, offers its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian… - 6 years ago

@Lydia91436965: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@linkedlibrary: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@FairishGodmum: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@JuanCandida: Falleció el investigador Vahakn Dadrian - 6 years ago

@pfeuilly: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@Okwonga: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@OlivetteOtele: RT @wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out extens… - 6 years ago

@wienerlibrary: We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, the American-Armenian historian who carried out e… - 6 years ago

@TestHaris: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@COAGfilm: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@Mardirosev0505: RT @FArmenie: L’historien américain Vahakn N. Dadrian est décédé le 2 aout 2019. Il a été directeur des recherches sur le génocide au Zor… - 6 years ago

@hasmikch: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@_mhiebert: RT @TMkrtchyan: Vahakn #Dadrian, one of the biggest scholars of #ArmenianGenocide& one of most respected authorities of #genocide studies,i… - 6 years ago

@HOVLANE1963: RT @KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019 #Armenian #Am… - 6 years ago

@KirianSev: Rest in peace #RIP Vahakn N. Dadrian (Վահագն Տատրեան) Born 26 May 1926 in #Istanbul #Turkey Died 2 August 2019… - 6 years ago

@HyeTert: Vahakn Dadrian, American-Armenian Historian and Genocide Researcher Passed Away • MassisPost - 6 years ago

@lifeindiaspora: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@HyeTert: Garo Paylan tweets tribute to late historian Vahakn Dadrian - 6 years ago

@muvaffakiyet: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@GenocideReport: RT @GenocideReport: “The paramount fact is that a crime does not dissipate or disappear because it is denied, or even because it is denied… - 6 years ago

@RedditArmenia: Armenian genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian has died at 93 years of age. (Article in French). - 6 years ago

@babayan_roza: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@ValDelacretaz: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@2015_Project: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@2015_Project: RT @GenocideReport: “The paramount fact is that a crime does not dissipate or disappear because it is denied, or even because it is denied… - 6 years ago

@NAASR1955: In Memoriam: Dr. Vahakn N. Dadrian, 1926-2019 - 6 years ago

@berjoalb: RT @tolmajian: C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Vahakn #Dadrian, grand historien, directeur de recherche… - 6 years ago

@timeofthereason: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@PaulaChertok: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@rutiteitel: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@daddykool: RT @USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study of the… - 6 years ago

@USCShoahFdn: Renowned Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian passed away at 93. His dedication to the interdisciplinary study… - 6 years ago

@SHovhannisyan: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@Jackie_Lizzz: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@camargovemuri: Vahakn #Dadrian, a prominent #genocide scholar, expert on the #ArmenianGenocide, sociologist, historian, professor,… - 6 years ago

@esqbremen: RT @manuel_guerrero: Prominent Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian dies aged 93 - 6 years ago

@manuel_guerrero: Prominent Armenian Genocide scholar Vahakn Dadrian dies aged 93 - 6 years ago

@ara_ashjian: Garo Paylan tweets tribute to late historian Vahakn Dadrian - 6 years ago

@BabkenArm: RT @BedrosGesaratsi: The pioneer of #ArmenianGenocide studies, Constantinople born VAHAKN DADRIAN is no longer with us. Լոյս ի Լուսոյ: "Մ… - 6 years ago

@ZoryanInstitute: President Armen Sarkissian has written a letter of condolences for "Honorary Doctor of the RA Academy of Sciences,… - 6 years ago

@sarkisk11: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@BedrosGesaratsi: The pioneer of #ArmenianGenocide studies, Constantinople born VAHAKN DADRIAN is no longer with us. Լոյս ի Լուսոյ:… - 6 years ago

@ara_ashjian: Armenian-American historian and genocide researcher Vahakn Dadrian dies aged 93 - 6 years ago

@LucyGrace888: RT @ArtyomTonoyan: Wow, just found out about the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, a scholar whose work on the sociology of mass violence was sing… - 6 years ago

@mruthkrik: What a huge loss for the #Armenian community. I am grateful to have heard him speak and meet him on several occasio… - 6 years ago

@flu_xus: RT @GaroPaylan: Ermeni Soykırımı üzerine çalışmalarıyla tanınan, İstanbul doğumlu ünlü akademisyen Prof. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian hayatını kaybet… - 6 years ago

@FLHairabedian: RT @ZoryanInstitute: Geneseo, NY—With great sadness, the Zoryan Institute announces the passing of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian. He joined the I… - 6 years ago

@hragv: I just learned of the passing of Prof. Vahakn Dadrian, one of the world's most important Armenian Genocide scholars… - 6 years ago

@ChVanetzian: RT @tolmajian: C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Vahakn #Dadrian, grand historien, directeur de recherche… - 6 years ago

@EIHonors: A leader in the Armenian community and an expert on Armenian Genocide, 2005 Medalist Vahakn Dadrian has passed away. - 6 years ago

@tkmatik: RT @GaroPaylan: Ermeni Soykırımı üzerine çalışmalarıyla tanınan, İstanbul doğumlu ünlü akademisyen Prof. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian hayatını kaybet… - 6 years ago

@hai_helene: RT @tolmajian: C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Vahakn #Dadrian, grand historien, directeur de recherche… - 6 years ago

@abenizib: RT @GaroPaylan: Ermeni Soykırımı üzerine çalışmalarıyla tanınan, İstanbul doğumlu ünlü akademisyen Prof. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian hayatını kaybet… - 6 years ago

@livenewsturkey: - #Gazeteci ve #yazar #CüneytCEBENOYAN trafik kazasında hayatını kaybetti 04 AĞUSTOS 2019 PAZAR - #HDP #Mardin İl… - 6 years ago

@GenocideReport: RT @GenocideReport: “The paramount fact is that a crime does not dissipate or disappear because it is denied, or even because it is denied… - 6 years ago

@livenewsturkey: - #Gazeteci ve #yazar #CüneytCEBENOYAN trafik kazasında hayatını kaybetti 04 TEMMUZ 2019 PAZAR - #HDP #Mardin İl B… - 6 years ago

@Araratonlinecom: IN MEMORIAM / Renumitul istoric și cercetător Vahakn Dadrian s-a stins din viață la vârsta… - 6 years ago

@seiranian: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@AlenTM76: RT @ArtyomTonoyan: Wow, just found out about the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, a scholar whose work on the sociology of mass violence was sing… - 6 years ago

@ArmenS_Papikyan: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@annagrigorian_: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@armembnl: RT @ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankful fo… - 6 years ago

@ZMnatsakanyan: Deeply saddened by the passing of Vahakn #Dadrian, legendary Armenian American scholar and historian. Hugely thankf… - 6 years ago

@DarknessKrystal: RT @tolmajian: C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Vahakn #Dadrian, grand historien, directeur de recherche… - 6 years ago

@tamerche: Vahakn Dadrian hayatını kaybetti | Agos - 6 years ago

@AlenTM76: RT @tolmajian: C’est avec une immense tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Vahakn #Dadrian, grand historien, directeur de recherche… - 6 years ago

@HyeTert: Expert on Armenian Genocide Vahakn Dadrian passes away - 6 years ago

@TweeterTalin: RT @ZoryanInstitute: Geneseo, NY—With great sadness, the Zoryan Institute announces the passing of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian. He joined the I… - 6 years ago

@arsl67593739: RT @GaroPaylan: Ermeni Soykırımı üzerine çalışmalarıyla tanınan, İstanbul doğumlu ünlü akademisyen Prof. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian hayatını kaybet… - 6 years ago

@dRWarp: RT @dRWarp: ağustos 4, belleğimizin toparlayıcısı, soykırım meselinde kaynakçalarımızdan vahakn n. dadrian hakka yürüdü. bildiğimizi sandığ… - 6 years ago

@PrevGenocide: RT @GenocideReport: “The paramount fact is that a crime does not dissipate or disappear because it is denied, or even because it is denied… - 6 years ago

@ANCToronto: RT @ZoryanInstitute: Geneseo, NY—With great sadness, the Zoryan Institute announces the passing of Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian. He joined the I… - 6 years ago

@lucine_geron: Breaking News: The dean of Armenian Genocide studies, Prof. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian has just passed away, Հայկական Ցեղաս… - 6 years ago

@XavierRiondet: RT @armenews_NAM: Disparition du célèbre l'historien Vahakn Dadrian (93 ans) grand spécialiste du génocide des Arméniens - 6 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @ArtyomTonoyan: Wow, just found out about the passing of Vahakn Dadrian, a scholar whose work on the sociology of mass violence was sing… - 6 years ago

@muvaffakiyet: RT @TMkrtchyan: Vahakn #Dadrian, one of the biggest scholars of #ArmenianGenocide& one of most respected authorities of #genocide studies,i… - 6 years ago

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