Uri Zohar

Israeli film director (Hole in the Moon
Died on Thursday June 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Uri Zohar:

@Ofdelasalle: RT @IlanBlock: a publication wanted to use my uri zohar pic, but it was nixed for being"too realistic" so i made version 2 but then they… - 3 years ago

@GoldinGoyo: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@haaretzcom: Uri Zohar didn't die now. He passed in 1978, when he began to repent - 3 years ago

@IlanBlock: a publication wanted to use my uri zohar pic, but it was nixed for being"too realistic" so i made version 2 but… - 3 years ago


@rabfel: RT @benjilovitt: At 3 pm, the Jerusalem Pride Parade will begin marching downtown, just one hour before the funeral of Haredi Rabbi Uri Zoh… - 3 years ago

@alltuntun: RT @JavierPortaFouz: Adiós al israelí Uri Zohar, uno de los cineastas más singulares -por su cine y por su biografía- que hayan existido. E… - 3 years ago

@plebeyoardiente: RT @JavierPortaFouz: Adiós al israelí Uri Zohar, uno de los cineastas más singulares -por su cine y por su biografía- que hayan existido. E… - 3 years ago

@JavierPortaFouz: Adiós al israelí Uri Zohar, uno de los cineastas más singulares -por su cine y por su biografía- que hayan existido… - 3 years ago

@LaboniaLuka: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@AscencioVela: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@plexaleOK: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@elzeide: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@martdf5: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@JonathanBerim: RT @yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humorista más… - 3 years ago

@yaacovlips: Imagínense si Olmedo/Francella o su comediante favorito se volviera religioso. Eso mismo hizo Uri Zohar, el humori… - 3 years ago

@8minutedaf: Yevamos 92 - R’ Uri Zohar #EliClassics - 3 years ago

@abbaleksandr: Saying farewell to Rabbi Uri Zohar zt"l* | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva - 3 years ago

@Mabatim78: « L’homme le plus heureux du monde » : Uri Zohar et le secret de l’identité israélienne - 3 years ago

@MichelA55980663: “L’homme le plus heureux du monde” : Uri Zohar et le secret de l’identité israélienne - 3 years ago

@MarvLBluechip: RT @UniteWithIsrael: Israeli President Isaac Herzog called Uri Zohar a “man of culture and Torah,” one who “made an important contribution… - 3 years ago

@sabaokang: New video by: 薩保康 Сабаоканг סבאוקנג New video by Cinemascope 342: RIP Uri Zohar | שירים ומערכונים לזכר אורי זוהר ז״… - 3 years ago

@sabaokang: New video by: 薩保康 Сабаоканг סבאוקנג - 3 years ago

@sabaokang: A new episode is available - Cinemascope 342: RIP Uri Zohar | שירים ומערכונים לזכר אורי זוהר ז״ל… - 3 years ago

@edrormba: Arik Einstein and Uri Zohar in the film 'Metzitzim' (Peepers) 1972: Gote and Eli are two aging friends who don't wa… - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: MLB's Costen Shockley; santoor player Bhajan Sopori; director Uri Zohar; photographer Takeyoshi… - 3 years ago

@ElisaT09429026: RT @ReichmanShmuel: It is with great sadness that I regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar.   He was an inspiration to so m… - 3 years ago

@AishGlobal: RT @DovidRosman: Uri Zohar zt"l with Rav Noach Weinberg zt"l (third picture shaking hands with Yitzchak Shamir) - 3 years ago

@Yitzchak33: @netanyahu Mr prime Minister, I appreciate you posted about the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar,Baruch Dayan Haemet. Bu… - 3 years ago

@mayerwinter: @tamar_marvin Oi! I’m sorry to hear about Uri Zohar. I was in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim when my roommate in the dor… - 3 years ago

@JewishIndTalk: RT @RabbiPoupko: Mourning the loss of Rabbi Uri Zohar who went from being one of Israel's most successful actors to one of Israel's most su… - 3 years ago

@JewishIndy: RT @RabbiPoupko: Mourning the loss of Rabbi Uri Zohar who went from being one of Israel's most successful actors to one of Israel's most su… - 3 years ago

@IsraelTorahJew7: @abekay2 @Yahrtzeits Yesterday you coulda issued a release on rav uri zohar before shkia - 3 years ago

@BJLife: Sivan Rahav-Meir / The Daily Portion / Erev Shavuot: Separation from Rabbi Uri Zohar, zt"l (Video) - 3 years ago

@AishJewish: Israeli cultural icon, Uri Zohar, who embraced religious observance at the height of his career, passed away earlie… - 3 years ago

@elinadoff: There’s a fascinating treatment of R Uri Zohar’s contribution and worldview RE Jewish outreach in contrast to R Noa… - 3 years ago

@SZ_Kultur: Der Verwandelte: Als Filmemacher und Schauspieler wurde Uri Zohar berühmt, als Rabbi berüchtigt. Ein Nachruf. - 3 years ago

@LucaSpitz: RT @shalomroma: #UriZohar, uno dei più grandi attori e registi della storia del cinema israeliano che all’apice della sua carriera decise d… - 3 years ago

@YWN: Rabbi Uri Zohar: Makom sh’baalei Teshuvah Omdin – ain Tzaddikim Gmurim Omdin - 3 years ago

@AzrealKing: incidentally; The family members of the late Rabbi Uri Zohar sit shiva (abbreviated) only until the beginning of Sh… - 3 years ago

@shalomroma: #UriZohar, uno dei più grandi attori e registi della storia del cinema israeliano che all’apice della sua carriera… - 3 years ago

@gabrielpadillal: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@RavJesseHorn: Ravi Noach Weinberg learning with Uri Zohar - 3 years ago

@HasidicA: Chabad taking credit for Uri Zohar! - 3 years ago

@ChaiJudas: Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet on the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar (ZTL) - 3 years ago

@AppShema: RT @Itongadol: El famoso actor convertido en rabino #UriZohar muere a los 86 años #Israel - 3 years ago

@ArriegoChe: RT @Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada día… - 3 years ago

@KakunYehuda: RT @newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim http… - 3 years ago

@benavu54: Israel mourns passing of Uri Zohar, movie star who became ultra-Orthodox rabbi | World Israel News - 3 years ago

@RabinoGarmon: RT @fmjai: La figura de Uri Zohar Z.L ▶️ - 3 years ago

@israelvalley: IsraelValley. Tristesse après l’annonce de la mort de l’artiste devenu Rabbin, Uri Zohar. - 3 years ago

@YannBreheret: RIP Uri Zohar (4 novembre 1935 - 2 juin 2022). Merci @Malavida_Films de m'avoir permis de découvrir ce cinéaste maj… - 3 years ago

@RadioJFrance: L'adieu à Uri Zohar - 3 years ago

@ozgurcelaleddin: Bu ikiliden Uri Zohar da bugün öldü. Detaylarıyla takip ettiğim tek magazin olayı artık tarihin malzemesi oldu. B… - 3 years ago

@IsrPalestin: RT @LahavHarkov: Brilliant actor and director turned rabbi Uri Zohar died today: Heres' a classic sketch that you c… - 3 years ago

@BeerBaron14: Rabbi Uri Zohar, Gifted Trailblazer in Comedy, Film, and Teshuva, Dead at 86 - 3 years ago

@dcd123456: RT @Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada día… - 3 years ago

@JoopSoesan: Hij heeft veel betekend: Voormalig acteur en regisseur Uri Zohar, die de wereld van entertainment de rug toekeerde… - 3 years ago

@realBillWhite: RT @ShirynGhermez: #Israeli Filmmaker Turned Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Uri Zohar Dies in Jerusalem - 3 years ago

@cauchiphilippe: RT @ShirynGhermez: #Israeli Filmmaker Turned Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Uri Zohar Dies in Jerusalem - 3 years ago

@realChaim_Rubin: @ShirynGhermez @Algemeiner . Those who know, know Those who don't can find out in Rabbi Zohar's book that describe… - 3 years ago

@MariadelPoste: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@QueenSarahSatur: RT @ShirynGhermez: #Israeli Filmmaker Turned Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Uri Zohar Dies in Jerusalem - 3 years ago

@Algemeiner: RT @ShirynGhermez: #Israeli Filmmaker Turned Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Uri Zohar Dies in Jerusalem - 3 years ago

@yosgold: A great thread on the relationship of Arik Einstein and R’ Uri Zohar, z”l - 3 years ago

@yosgold: RT @shaynamalka: One of the most fascinating people in Israeli culture. Baruch Dayan Emet - 3 years ago

@yosgold: RT @MeaningfuPplPod: Spending time reflecting on the amazing life and Neshoma of R’ Uri Zohar Ztl - 3 years ago

@Oma_Hamou: RT @rachelhalinasor: Jerusalem on high alert ahead of confluence of Gay Pride Parade and rabbi’s funeral The annual march under heavy secur… - 3 years ago

@ShlomoArgamon: Beautiful thread on a beautiful friendship of two beautiful souls, that also encapsulate (much of) the soul of Isra… - 3 years ago

@citizenyid: Former film personality Uri Zohar dies at 86, after decades as ultra-Orthodox rabbi - 3 years ago

@LaboniaLuka: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@Ettis4: RT @shaynamalka: One of the most fascinating people in Israeli culture. Baruch Dayan Emet - 3 years ago

@ShirynGhermez: #Israeli Filmmaker Turned Ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Uri Zohar Dies in Jerusalem - 3 years ago

@BJLife: BDE: Rabbi Uri Zohar, z"l, Leader of the Teshuvah Movement - 3 years ago

@rockingoren: A master of cinema. I wish his films were more available abroad, particularly BIG EYES (1974) which is possibly the… - 3 years ago

@jid722: Israel mourns passing of Uri Zohar, movie star who became ultra-Orthodox rabbi | World Israel News - 3 years ago

@BerkleyBearNews: 6/3/2022: Uri Zohar, secular actor turned vocal ‘ba’al teshuva,’ dead at 86 - 3 years ago

@RavD_Berkovich: RT @newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim http… - 3 years ago

@fmjai: El ex actor #UriZohar, muere a los 86 años, después de décadas como rabino ultraortodoxo ▶️ - 3 years ago

@omriTV: RT @newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim http… - 3 years ago

@joshua613: RT @KolHaolam: ISRAEL: Rav Uri Zohar zt"l, the world's most famous baal teshuva, was niftar at age 86. A former top Israeli movie star, he… - 3 years ago

@DovidRosman: Video of interview of Rav Uri Zohar zt"l about his relationship with Rav Noach Weinberg zt"l - 3 years ago

@MemeMonsalve: RT @IsraelHayomEng: Israeli cultural icon turned rabbi Uri Zohar has died. (Photo: Meir Partush) #Israel #cinema #RIP - 3 years ago

@Mamlakhtee: RT @newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim http… - 3 years ago

@MemeMonsalve: RT @enlacejudio: Su amigo el cantante Arik Einstein le dedicó una canción cuando se retiró del espectáculo para hacerse rabino. - 3 years ago

@GushEmunim: RT @RabbiPoupko: Mourning the loss of Rabbi Uri Zohar who went from being one of Israel's most successful actors to one of Israel's most su… - 3 years ago

@news_addict_app: RT @newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim http… - 3 years ago

@newsisrael13: מלהקת הנח"ל דרך חבורת לול ועד החזרה בתשובה: פרידה מאורי זוהר לכתבה המלאה - @AvishayBenHaim - 3 years ago

@PhillyZionists: RT @MoshePhillips3: Shattered this morning to read about the passing of the great Rav Uri Zohar ZT"L. A true hero of the Ba'al Teshuva move… - 3 years ago

@JimKruger7: RT @TheBelaaz: ✡️ — VIDEO: At the Levaya of Reb Uri Zohar Ztz”l, taking place now in Yerushalayim. - 3 years ago

@JimKruger7: RT @TheBelaaz: ✡️🕯 — LIVE NOW: The Levaya of Rabbi Uri Zohar Zatzal taking place now in Yerushalayim. - 3 years ago

@agbudeufuoma: RT @AdamMilstein: My dear friend, Rabbi Uri Zohar, an actor, comedian, and director who was a cultural icon in Israel before embracing reli… - 3 years ago

@justgotloud: Lament for Uri Zohar - 3 years ago

@mamel_nevado: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@RabbiKolakowski: RT @ReichmanShmuel: It is with great sadness that I regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar.   He was an inspiration to so m… - 3 years ago

@faustianovich: Peli (Uri Zohar) del día: FISH, FOOTBALL & GIRLS, las andanzas de un modesto equipo de fútbol israelí, sus entrenam… - 3 years ago

@ReichmanShmuel: It is with great sadness that I regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar.   He was an inspiration to… - 3 years ago

@RavKahaneDaily: RT @BoroPark24: BDE: Shock and mourning in Klal Yisroel with the passing of Rav Uri Zohar, zt"l, legend of Kiruv movement - 3 years ago

@NLebrecht: Lament for Uri Zohar - 3 years ago

@TorahLectures: A tzaddik. Who tasted the "sweetness" of sin and still left it. - 3 years ago

@Israelkicksass: Rabbi Uri Zohar laid to rest. "God hugged you with a great embrace" - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Rabbi Uri Zohar laid to rest: Thousands gather in Jerusalem to pay their last respects to legendary Israeli perform… - 3 years ago

@246Theater: RT @246Theater: RIP Uri Zohar famed Israeli actor, entertainer and film director who in midlife left his secular life behind and became a r… - 3 years ago

@lisabdandeker: Uri Zohar: The Dustin Hoffman of Israel who became a haredi Rabbi. - 3 years ago

@lisabdandeker: Uri Zohar - Trailer - 3 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: RT @LahavHarkov: Brilliant actor and director turned rabbi Uri Zohar died today: Heres' a classic sketch that you c… - 3 years ago

@immigrants24: RT @LahavHarkov: Brilliant actor and director turned rabbi Uri Zohar died today: Heres' a classic sketch that you c… - 3 years ago

@lisabdandeker: Arik Einstein & Uri Zohar (Aliyah w/Subtitles) - 3 years ago

@LahavHarkov: Brilliant actor and director turned rabbi Uri Zohar died today: Heres' a classic sketch tha… - 3 years ago

@lisabdandeker: RIP. Uri Zohar death|Uri Zohar has passed away|Uri Zohar, Israeli Comedian-tu... - 3 years ago

@KolHaolam: ISRAEL: Rav Uri Zohar zt"l, the world's most famous baal teshuva, was niftar at age 86. A former top Israeli movie… - 3 years ago

@Moledet_USA: RT @ymedad: Uri Zohar has died. - 3 years ago

@Moledet_USA: RT @RabbiPoupko: Mourning the loss of Rabbi Uri Zohar who went from being one of Israel's most successful actors to one of Israel's most su… - 3 years ago

@NatiDinnar: RT @streamisrael: Rabbi Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent voices in #Israeli cinema for generations, passed away today at the age of 86.… - 3 years ago

@PearlmanYeC: Rabbi Uri Zohar laid to rest - 3 years ago

@BarnatanMR: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@immobiliercoil: Rabbin et immense cinéaste Uri Zohar za’l n’est plus | - 3 years ago

@JOI_JewOpInc: - 3 years ago

@nycphotog: Famed actor to Observant Rabbi who changed thousands of lives passes away at the age of 86. Rabbi Uri Zohar bd'e. - 3 years ago

@sashargs: In honor of Uri Zohar’s one of the greatest comedy sketches of all time - 3 years ago

@mayanotbfor7da1: RT @edrormba: Uri Zohar z"l was an Israeli film director, actor and comedian who left the entertainment world to become an Orthodox rabbi.… - 3 years ago

@jeremyn1000: RT @edrormba: Uri Zohar z"l was an Israeli film director, actor and comedian who left the entertainment world to become an Orthodox rabbi.… - 3 years ago

@YRovner: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@Melvin60310284: RT @AdamMilstein: My dear friend, Rabbi Uri Zohar, an actor, comedian, and director who was a cultural icon in Israel before embracing reli… - 3 years ago

@4annegs: RT @AdamMilstein: My dear friend, Rabbi Uri Zohar, an actor, comedian, and director who was a cultural icon in Israel before embracing reli… - 3 years ago

@news_addict_app: RT @newsisrael13: בנו של אורי זוהר הספיד בדמעות עם תחילת מסע הלוויה מחוץ לבית הרב: "אני רוצה לספר על היופי הזה שהולך להיטמן בעפר" כל העדכו… - 3 years ago

@newsisrael13: בנו של אורי זוהר הספיד בדמעות עם תחילת מסע הלוויה מחוץ לבית הרב: "אני רוצה לספר על היופי הזה שהולך להיטמן בעפר" כל… - 3 years ago

@zpyarom: RT @HaMeturgeman: BDE Rabbi Uri Zohar, a man who actually left a life of celebrity behind for a life of meaning & godliness. - 3 years ago

@ws_hel: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@YuvalLeshem: RT @newsisrael13: פרידה מאגדת תרבות ישראלית: הרב אורי זוהר מובא למנוחות לידיעה המלאה - @yishaiporat (צילום: יניב… - 3 years ago

@LevantineTimes: Imagine if Dustin Hoffman at the height of his career, after winning an Oscar for 'Rain Man', dropped it all and be… - 3 years ago

@peppo101: @judilerner Uri Zohar noooooooooooooo Me mataste - 3 years ago

@news_addict_app: RT @newsisrael13: פרידה מאגדת תרבות ישראלית: הרב אורי זוהר מובא למנוחות לידיעה המלאה - @yishaiporat (צילום: יניב… - 3 years ago

@newsisrael13: פרידה מאגדת תרבות ישראלית: הרב אורי זוהר מובא למנוחות לידיעה המלאה - @yishaiporat (צילום… - 3 years ago

@damian_damib: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@AishGesher: RT @DovidRosman: Uri Zohar zt"l with Rav Noach Weinberg zt"l (third picture shaking hands with Yitzchak Shamir) - 3 years ago

@RandomWhig: RT @HaMeturgeman: BDE Rabbi Uri Zohar, a man who actually left a life of celebrity behind for a life of meaning & godliness. - 3 years ago

@IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Zohar. Der israelische Schauspieler, Filmemacher und spätere Rabbiner ist heute im Alter von 86… - 3 years ago

@0Informations: Les archives de Tsahal au ministère de la Défense publient aujourd'hui (jeudi) de rares photos du service militaire… - 3 years ago

@estadoisrael: La antigua celebridad del cine, Uri Zohar, fallece a los 86 años tras décadas como rabino ultraortodoxo - 3 years ago

@TheBelaaz: ✡️🕯 — LIVE NOW: The Levaya of Rabbi Uri Zohar Zatzal taking place now in Yerushalayim. - 3 years ago

@Shmarya: …(I lucked into my spot at his table. I was very late to lunch one day and he arrived just after me. I got the only… - 3 years ago

@Shmarya: Zohar used to eat lunch at Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. He ate with a book open in front of him, silent other than be… - 3 years ago

@hvaces42: RT @shaynamalka: One of the most fascinating people in Israeli culture. Baruch Dayan Emet - 3 years ago

@elfinarfer: RT @Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada día… - 3 years ago

@246Theater: RIP Uri Zohar famed Israeli actor, entertainer and film director who in midlife left his secular life behind and be… - 3 years ago

@twpolanco: RT @Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada día… - 3 years ago

@AldoPTY: RT @Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada día… - 3 years ago

@martdf5: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@rachelhalinasor: Jerusalem on high alert ahead of confluence of Gay Pride Parade and rabbi’s funeral The annual march under heavy se… - 3 years ago

@Defensa_Israel: La Policía de Jerusalén informa que la ciudad se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima (como si no lo estuviese cada… - 3 years ago

@Ysajar: Ex personaje del cine Uri Zohar muere a los 86 años como rabino ultraortodoxo - 3 years ago

@ARomirowsky: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former film personality Uri Zohar dies at 86, after decades as ultra-Orthodox rabbi - 3 years ago

@DovidRosman: RT @jacklanger: I’m sad to wake up to the news of the passing of Rabbi Uri Zohar ZTL. He is a person who gave it all up for a real connect… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsraelFR: Décès de l’ancien acteur, réalisateur et rabbin ultra-orthodoxe Uri Zohar à 86 ans - 3 years ago

@LopezRAlexander: RT @AgenciaAJN: El famoso actor convertido en rabino #UriZohar muere a los 86 años #Israel - 3 years ago

@AgenciaAJN: Famed actor-turned-rabbi #UriZohar dies at 86 #Israel - 3 years ago

@BerthaLuciaQui2: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Uri Zohar Children: Does Uri Zohar Have Kids? - 3 years ago

@sh2mz1701: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@Itongadol: El famoso actor convertido en rabino #UriZohar muere a los 86 años #Israel - 3 years ago

@AgenciaAJN: El famoso actor convertido en rabino #UriZohar muere a los 86 años #Israel - 3 years ago

@BreslevEnglish: BDH Rav Uri Zohar Ztl his energy, true mission and message will be greatly missed. Comfort to all who knew him... w… - 3 years ago

@ianai310757: for those of us who grew with Arik Einstein's songs, Uri Zohar was part of the myth; a myth of his own. - 3 years ago

@tuviaf: Former film personality Uri Zohar dies at 86, after decades as ultra-Orthodox rabbi - 3 years ago

@ianai310757: Murió Uri Zohar el gran "socio" de Arik Einstein, Z'L, hasta que el primero decidió volver a las fuentes (Torá) Ade… - 3 years ago

@techjaun: Former film personality Uri Zohar dies at 86, after decades as ultra-Orthodox rabbi - 3 years ago

@JewishPress: Rabbi Uri Zohar, Gifted Trailblazer in Comedy, Film, and Teshuva, Dead at 86 - @JewishPress -… - 3 years ago

@AkivaBA90: RT @JonathanBerim: TRISTEZA: Tras sufrir un infarto en su casa, fallece el rabino Uri Zohar. Fue uno de los directores de cine y artistas m… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: Former film personality Uri Zohar dies at 86, after decades as ultra-Orthodox rabbi - 3 years ago

@countUP: Top story: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies | Reuters - 3 years ago

@RadioJFrance: Le réalisateur israélien Uri Zohar devenu rabbin est décédé à 86 ans - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Uri Zohar, avant-garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies: Once a bawdy icon of the Israeli bohemian scene of the… - 3 years ago

@ikimhi: RT @haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent Israeli directors of the 1960s and 1970s, was once a symbol of wild Tel Aviv before be… - 3 years ago

@psmadar: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Rabbi Uri Zohar, a famous film director and entertainer in the 1970s from a secular background who later became religio… - 3 years ago

@haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent Israeli directors of the 1960s and 1970s, was once a symbol of wild Tel Aviv b… - 3 years ago

@ynetnews: Uri Zohar, avant-garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky) - 3 years ago

@BNN_Breaking: #BreakingSad - Famed actor-turned-rabbi Uri Zohar dies at 86 - 3 years ago

@YWN: BDE: HaRav HaGaon Uri Zohar, Z’tl, Head Of Lev L’Achim, Mezake HaRabbim - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Rabbi Uri Zohar z"l has passed away: Legendary performer who became observant later in life has passed away at the… - 3 years ago

@benavu54: Famed actor-turned-rabbi Uri Zohar dies at 86 - 3 years ago

@DovidRosman: Uri Zohar zt"l with Rav Noach Weinberg zt"l (third picture shaking hands with Yitzchak Shamir) - 3 years ago

@DrHimanshuParm2: RT @ChannelNewsAsia: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@ChannelNewsAsia: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@ZyiteGadgets: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@AuriteK: RT @DanWilliams: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@ittay78: The funeral of Uri Zohar and the LGBT Pride March will both begin today at 16:00 in Jerusalem. - 3 years ago

@MyInfo75815757: @netanyahu Today netanyahu to contribution our Arthur for our thaut create for better generation future opportuniti… - 3 years ago

@DanWilliams: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Uri Zohar - #UriZohar #Uri #Zohar #rip - 3 years ago

@omriTV: RT @newsisrael13: אמנים ופוליטיקאים נפרדים מאורי זוהר: "מורנו ורבנו, היה לנו לכבוד" לידיעה המלאה - @NeriaKraus @… - 3 years ago

@dev_discourse: Uri Zohar, avant garde Israeli director turned rabbi, dies - 3 years ago

@YuvalLeshem: RT @newsisrael13: אמנים ופוליטיקאים נפרדים מאורי זוהר: "מורנו ורבנו, היה לנו לכבוד" לידיעה המלאה - @NeriaKraus @… - 3 years ago

@Amani90__: Sad to see Uri Zohar passing away may his memory be a blessing - 3 years ago

@DovidRosman: Uri Zohar with Rav Noach Weinberg - 3 years ago

@DovidRosman: Uri Zohar with Rav Noach Weinberg and Yitzchak Shamir. BDE - 3 years ago

@24JEWISH: - 3 years ago

@LakewoodScoop: BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: Petirah of Rav Uri Zohar Zatzal, one of the world’s largest Kiruv figures - - 3 years ago

@news_addict_app: RT @newsisrael13: אמנים ופוליטיקאים נפרדים מאורי זוהר: "מורנו ורבנו, היה לנו לכבוד" לידיעה המלאה - @NeriaKraus @… - 3 years ago

@newsisrael13: אמנים ופוליטיקאים נפרדים מאורי זוהר: "מורנו ורבנו, היה לנו לכבוד" לידיעה המלאה - - 3 years ago

@PolishchukVlady: RT @haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent Israeli directors of the 1960s and 1970s, was once a symbol of wild Tel Aviv before be… - 3 years ago

@AnnaChaouat: Barouh dayan Aemet Le rabbin Uri Zohar, qui fut l'un des cinéastes israéliens les plus importants du pays est qui… - 3 years ago

@HeimishCon: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Rabbi Uri Zohar, a famous film director and entertainer in the 1970s from a secular background who later became religio… - 3 years ago

@MiriamSafta: Baruch Dayan Emet Funeral at 4:00 in Jerusalem. Rabbi Uri Zohar, one of Israel's most famous performers and later,… - 3 years ago

@haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, Israeli comedian-turned-rabbi, dies at 86 - 3 years ago

@Qum_ran: RT @haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent Israeli directors of the 1960s and 1970s, was once a symbol of wild Tel Aviv before be… - 3 years ago

@haaretzcom: Uri Zohar, one of the most prominent Israeli directors of the 1960s and 1970s, was once a symbol of wild Tel Aviv b… - 3 years ago

@Qum_ran: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Rabbi Uri Zohar, a famous film director and entertainer in the 1970s from a secular background who later became religio… - 3 years ago

@ymedad: Uri Zohar has died. - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:Famed actor-turned-rabbi Uri Zohar dies at 86 - 3 years ago

@omriTV: RT @newsisrael13: מותה של אגדת קולנוע: השחקן והבמאי, הרב אורי זוהר, הלך לעולמו בגיל 86 לידיעה המלאה - @Yossi_eli… - 3 years ago

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