Uri Orlev

Polish-born Israeli children's author and translator.
Died on Tuesday July 26th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Uri Orlev:

@_Marco2808: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@GiuliaConti88: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@mcnaughtongunn: "Polish native wrote dozens of books capturing his experiences as a youth in the Shoah, and later during the early… - 3 years ago

@Shulim78: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago


@IlariaPiperno: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@lidiafera1975: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@giuntina1980: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@emanuelebellato: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@ScrivereVivere: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@BookstorieRoma: RT @LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissuto alla… - 3 years ago

@LuciaLibri: Riconcilia con la grande tradizione israeliana "Canaglia" di Itamar Orlev (@giuntina1980), figlio di un sopravvissu… - 3 years ago

@Estefano_lopes: Uri Orlev ( nascido em 24 de fevereiro de 1931 – 25 de julho de 2022) foi um escritor e tradutor israelense nascido… - 3 years ago

@Sleepy89456952: RT @StandWithUs: We are saddened to hear of the passing of renowned #Israeli author Uri Orlev, who died on July 26th at 91. PM @yairlapid n… - 3 years ago

@kwkatiwe: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@cote_langues: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@LehiRed: RT @StandWithUs: We are saddened to hear of the passing of renowned #Israeli author Uri Orlev, who died on July 26th at 91. PM @yairlapid n… - 3 years ago

@bituur_esztreym: RT @SabineHuynh: Je viens de retrouver cette petite vidéo, avec mon cher Uri Orlev à Paris il y a onze ans (librairie Tschann), à l'occasio… - 3 years ago

@LesMiserables39: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: Mon cher et regretté Uri Orlev en visite en Pologne il y a cinq ans. - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: Dans cette vidéo, mon cher et regretté Uri Orlev lit en hébreu "Et la vie continue", l'un de ses Poèmes écrits à Be… - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: Mon cher Uri Orlev lit un poème qu'il a écrit à Bergen-Belsen, en polonais. C'était chouette d'être ensemble à la l… - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: Je viens de retrouver cette petite vidéo, avec mon cher Uri Orlev à Paris il y a onze ans (librairie Tschann), à l'… - 3 years ago

@PIEROGUGLIELMI1: Uri Orlev 📚🖤 (Varsavia, 24 febbraio 1931 – 26 luglio 2022) - 3 years ago

@RobertsBlog: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@uzora5: RT @uzora5: Zwischen Traumata und unbändiger Lebenskraft Über den am 26.07. verstorbenen Kinder- und Jugendbuchautor Uri Orlev im @dlfkult… - 3 years ago

@CompluL: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@pubspotlight: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@GryglewskiElke: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@TakeMeToTelAviv: RT @kampsabine: Uri #Orlev ist im Alter von 91 Jahren gestorben. Der Zeitzeuge war einer der größten Kinder- & Jugendautoren in #Israel.… - 3 years ago

@belsenmemorial: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@DianaGring: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@EricRittatore: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@RisikoS21: RT @MemorialsNds: Als Kind überlebte Uri Orlev das Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen. Nun ist der bekannte Schriftsteller und Übersetzer im… - 3 years ago

@sedlacek_d: Uri Orlev ist tot - 3 years ago

@sedlacek_d: Aus dem Warschauer Ghetto nach Jerusalem: Zum Tod des Kinderbuchautors Uri Orlev - 3 years ago

@tomokilove: @IwanamiJidosho おなじく7月26日、イスラエルの英語紙 The Times of Israel の記事。 -- Uri Orlev, acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust… - 3 years ago

@sedlacek_d: Aus dem Warschauer Ghetto nach Jerusalem: Zum Tod des Kinderbuchautors Uri Orlev - 3 years ago

@arunKirans: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: News (Kinderbuchautor Uri Orlev gestorben) has been published on - 3 years ago

@worldkidlit: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@jelsamina: Uri Orlev, acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books, dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@_IsabellaPaez_: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@xavicuevas: RT @sashenka76: Qué tristeza enterarme de la muerte del escritor Uri Orlev. Sus libros me han acompañado desde niña. Descanse en paz. - 3 years ago

@LS3841: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@doragranadillo: RT @sashenka76: Qué tristeza enterarme de la muerte del escritor Uri Orlev. Sus libros me han acompañado desde niña. Descanse en paz. - 3 years ago

@sashenka76: Qué tristeza enterarme de la muerte del escritor Uri Orlev. Sus libros me han acompañado desde niña. Descanse en paz. - 3 years ago

@vale1052007: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@FangirlRika: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@gonzaloyarzun: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@GiRodari: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@Beltz_Verlag: Wir trauern um Autor Uri Orlev. Am 26. Juli ist er in Jerusalem verstorben: - 3 years ago

@agorathauma: RT @IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, he was 91 ye… - 3 years ago

@IEICedano: RT @JonathanBerim: MEMORIA: a los 93 años, dejó este mundo Uri Orlev (Yerzy Henryk Orlowski). Sobrevivió al Holocausto (Gueto de Varsovia y… - 3 years ago

@IBBYINT: IBBY is sorry to learn that the 1996 Hans Christian Andersen Award winning author Uri Orlev died on 26 July 2022, h… - 3 years ago

@buechereiwien: Er erzählte vom Grauen des Kriegs, von Verrat und Menschlichkeit, und von alleingelassenen Kindern. Nun ist der isr… - 3 years ago

@Davis147Sara: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@LaboniaLuka: RT @JonathanBerim: MEMORIA: a los 93 años, dejó este mundo Uri Orlev (Yerzy Henryk Orlowski). Sobrevivió al Holocausto (Gueto de Varsovia y… - 3 years ago

@GregoryBaudouin: in memoriam : Uri Orlev, auteur de livres pour enfants sur la Shoah, meurt à ... - 3 years ago

@LilianeGiraudon: RT @joachimsene: Bergen-Belsen, c'est là où Robert Keller est mort, du typhus, la veille de la libération du camp. Uri Orlev, que @SabineHu… - 3 years ago

@yehuda_feldmann: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@yakarot1: RT @StandWithUs: We are saddened to hear of the passing of renowned #Israeli author Uri Orlev, who died on July 26th at 91. PM @yairlapid n… - 3 years ago

@uzora5: RT @litberlin: Aus dem Warschauer Ghetto nach Jerusalem: Zum Tod des Kinderbuchautors Uri Orlev - 3 years ago

@jmfrankfurt: Der israelische Kinderbuchautor Uri Orlev ist gestorben. In seinen Büchern verarbeitete er auch seine eigene, schie… - 3 years ago

@ginugiola: RT @laregione: Morto lo scrittore Uri Orlev, raccontò la Shoah ai bambini - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsraelFR: Uri Orlev, auteur de livres pour enfants sur la Shoah, meurt à l’âge de 91 ans - 3 years ago

@JFRDirector: RT @CotlerWunsh: So sad at loss of Uri Orlev, survivor & author, who found words to describe atrocities of Holocaust to children, knowing w… - 3 years ago

@emet_news_press: RT @IsraelinMunich: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev, der heute im Alter von 91 Jahren starb. Er war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderb… - 3 years ago

@metuka49: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@CMGrassi: Uri Orlev (1931-2022) - Moked - 3 years ago

@betty_bbq: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@arletevonkries1: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@jmescoda: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israeli children's author and translator Uri Orlev died on Monday aged 91. - 3 years ago

@persad_info: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@IsraelinMunich: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev, der heute im Alter von 91 Jahren starb. Er war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kin… - 3 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Uri Orlev has passed away - #UriOrlev #Uri #Orlev #rip - 3 years ago

@rachelhalinasor: Uri Orlev, acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books, dies at 91 The Polish native has written dozens of books… - 3 years ago

@bendorim5: RT @IsraelenFrance: « Hier, nous perdions l'un des plus grands auteurs israéliens de livre de jeunesse, Uri Orlev. Nos enfants ont eu la ch… - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: I loved it when my friend Uri Orlev used to call me "motek." May his memory be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@iradevito: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@visavistv: Tristeza por la muerte de Uri Orlev, escritor judío de libros infantiles sobre el Holocausto - 3 years ago

@tovahlazaroff: RT @LahavHarkov: Said news: Israeli children's author, Holocaust survivor Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@Mangakiko12: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@IsraelinCM: RT @IsraelenFrance: « Hier, nous perdions l'un des plus grands auteurs israéliens de livre de jeunesse, Uri Orlev. Nos enfants ont eu la ch… - 3 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@46judeds: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@rgrus: Умер детский писатель и сценарист Ури Орлев - 3 years ago

@Ananasi01: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@thejpc: May the memory of Uri Orlev remain a blessing for his family, his friends, his fans, and for all of us who cannot f… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@SID402SID: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@RenzoGraciani: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@AusSpanienniks1: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@Ralph28692729: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@Lindisf69834883: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@LiatNadel: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@bipollol: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@Chilhon2016Lap: RT @TimesofIsrael: Acclaimed author of children’s Holocaust books Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@emet_news_press: RT @IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte mehr… - 3 years ago

@IsraelinGermany: Wir trauern um Uri Orlev. Orlev war einer der beliebtesten 🇮🇱 israelischen Kinderbuchautoren. Er veröffentlichte me… - 3 years ago

@CCGButterfly: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@AmitFudim: RT @LahavHarkov: Said news: Israeli children's author, Holocaust survivor Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@Michael_Wgd: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@bold_counsel: RT @LahavHarkov: Said news: Israeli children's author, Holocaust survivor Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@ValerieLaval: RT @IsraelenFrance: « Hier, nous perdions l'un des plus grands auteurs israéliens de livre de jeunesse, Uri Orlev. Nos enfants ont eu la ch… - 3 years ago

@IsraelenFrance: « Hier, nous perdions l'un des plus grands auteurs israéliens de livre de jeunesse, Uri Orlev. Nos enfants ont eu l… - 3 years ago

@JayJayM45817680: RT @bristolisrael: We are saddened by the news of Uri Orlev's death. Orlev was one of the most beloved #Israeli children's literature autho… - 3 years ago

@bristolisrael: We are saddened by the news of Uri Orlev's death. Orlev was one of the most beloved #Israeli children's literature… - 3 years ago

@Bee2Lee2: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@scheiers: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@CanfieldKenny: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@SabineHuynh: Mon cher ami écrivain et traducteur Uri Orlev est parti hier, à l'âge de 93 ans. 21 ans qu'on se connaît, presque l… - 3 years ago

@CureT1Diabetes: RT @CotlerWunsh: So sad at loss of Uri Orlev, survivor & author, who found words to describe atrocities of Holocaust to children, knowing w… - 3 years ago

@kampeas: RT @CotlerWunsh: So sad at loss of Uri Orlev, survivor & author, who found words to describe atrocities of Holocaust to children, knowing w… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Uri Orlev has passed away - #UriOrlev #Uri #Orlev #rip - 3 years ago

@mirabarhillel: RT @gilibugg: Vale, Uri Orlev. One of Israel's finest writers, winner of the Andersen award for contribution to Children's Literature, prom… - 3 years ago

@BoxxOfMeng: RT @LahavHarkov: Said news: Israeli children's author, Holocaust survivor Uri Orlev dies at 91 - 3 years ago

@BeerShevaReal: Умер известный израильский детский писатель Ури Орлев Ури Орлев родился в Польше под именем Ежи Хенрик Орловский,… - 3 years ago

@meydele1: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@jonashstn: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@wendy161966: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@pollsstar: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@lokshensoupjek: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@IsraelinLT: RT @IsraelinUK: We are saddened by the news of Uri Orlev's death. Orlev was one of the most beloved #Israeli children's literature authors.… - 3 years ago

@godlessbutsunny: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@JuedStudien: RT @IsraelinUK: We are saddened by the news of Uri Orlev's death. Orlev was one of the most beloved #Israeli children's literature authors.… - 3 years ago

@GrantdeGraf: RT @CotlerWunsh: So sad at loss of Uri Orlev, survivor & author, who found words to describe atrocities of Holocaust to children, knowing w… - 3 years ago

@LibramoonSnoopy: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@a_grzybowska_w: Nie żyje Uri Orlev-Jerzy Henryk Orłowski. Pamiętam, kiedy odwiedził Zakład. Bardzo chciał mówić do nas po polsku (s… - 3 years ago

@HannaLuden: De Israelische schrijver Uri Orlev is overleden, 93 jaar jong. Holocaustoverlevende, schreef hij over zijn jeugd, v… - 3 years ago

@AynRand2022: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@lawrenceschimel: RT @gilibugg: Vale, Uri Orlev. One of Israel's finest writers, winner of the Andersen award for contribution to Children's Literature, prom… - 3 years ago

@jblakeslee1: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@collywolly41: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

@Whitney_Barbra: RT @EBluemountain1: Uri Orlev, Holocaust survivor, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto and Bergen Belsen concentration camp has passed away aged… - 3 years ago

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