Upendra Devkota

Nepalese neurosurgeon
Died on Monday June 18th 2018

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Upendra Devkota:

@BasantaDevkot10: Tribute to late Dr.Upendra Devkota in his 6th day of passing by Villagers and well wishers in his village Pandit G… - 7 years ago

@arundadhikary: The Soul drives the Mind. The Mind drives the Brain. The Brain drives the Body....(Dr. Upendra Devkota) Finding the… - 7 years ago

@sachdevchhetri1: Dr. Upendra Devkota Lifestory.................. - 7 years ago

@rohitkarkii: RT @nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota knew the end was near. He asked one last time two weeks ago to be taken to his parents' village in Gorkha… - 7 years ago


@Nabina56672569: RT @nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota knew the end was near. He asked one last time two weeks ago to be taken to his parents' village in Gorkha… - 7 years ago

@LuitelBibhu: Rama Singh on Dr. Upendra Devkota - 7 years ago

@TheNepal: Dr. Upendra Devkota Speaks About Royal Massacre – Old Interview - 7 years ago

@nkjourneyman: RT @nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota knew the end was near. He asked one last time two weeks ago to be taken to his parents' village in Gorkha… - 7 years ago

@sewa_ditee: RT @nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota knew the end was near. He asked one last time two weeks ago to be taken to his parents' village in Gorkha… - 7 years ago

@tirtharaj_n: What a Interview #DR_Upendra_devkota - 7 years ago

@nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota knew the end was near. He asked one last time two weeks ago to be taken to his parents' village in… - 7 years ago

@uttamozan: #restinpeace #prof.dr.Upendra_Devkota #hepaliheight #condolencestohisfamily @ Bansbari - 7 years ago

@Nepal_ko_banda: Tribute to Late Dr. Upendra Devkota at Nepal Medical College - 7 years ago

@HariKri83797157: समाज बदल्ने छोरीहरु - Daughters of Dr. Upendra Devkota - 7 years ago

@TheNepal: Dr. Upendra Devkota lost to Dr. Baburam Bhattarai again for the last time - 7 years ago

@nkjourneyman: RT @nepalitimes: As a doctor, he seemed to know exactly when his time was up, and asked to be put on sedatives two days ago. The great neur… - 7 years ago

@min_khadka: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@utsav_rai77: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@utsav_rai77: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@tankadhakal: जसले अाफ्नै सर्तमा जीवन बाँचे ॥ Dr. Upendra Devkota - 7 years ago

@BasselZebian: RT @PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurgeon . Trai… - 7 years ago

@GilesCritchley: RT @PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurgeon . Trai… - 7 years ago

@thapasurya14: RT @lovely_bhawana: ठुला मान्छेको खडेरी परेको बखत एउटा ठूलो मान्छे खोज्दै गर्दा साँच्चै एउटा महान मान्छे धर्तीबाट विदा लिएर गए । #हार्दिक… - 7 years ago

@DebWill33354066: RT @PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurgeon . Trai… - 7 years ago

@DocstoryNepal: #Rest in peace _Prof.Dr.upendra Devkota sir Candle light in the Memories of great Asian famous neurosurgeon By Ne… - 7 years ago

@ajd90: RT @nepalitimes: Upendra Devkota’s lives The great neurosurgeon and great Nepali, Upendra Devkota is gone. He passed away at 5:35 pm on Mon… - 7 years ago

@DanielWalshFRCS: RT @PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurgeon . Trai… - 7 years ago

@natvktm: RIP Respected Dr. Upendra Devkota - 7 years ago

@kaushaloli: Heartfelt condolences to family and friends of Dr.Upendra devkota who inspired alot and led the field of neurosurg… - 7 years ago

@MaryWWhitt: RT @Richard_Nepal: Deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the remarkable Dr Upendra Devkota. Visionary neurosurgeon,… - 7 years ago

@realadvnepal: Dr. Upendra Devkota Speaks About Royal Massacre - Old Interview - 7 years ago

@NishSri09: RT @PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurgeon . Trai… - 7 years ago

@nepalktmhealth: I liked a @YouTube video - 7 years ago

@RepublicaNepal: Neuro hospital to be renamed after Upendra Devkota's name posthumously | - 7 years ago

@fluctuating: बजारमा यस्तो आएछ। - 7 years ago

@DocstoryNepal: You left us but your honesty and intelligence is immortal. Rest in Peace Prof. Dr. Upendra Devkota sir(1954-2018 A.… - 7 years ago

@rohit_bogati: RT @kathmandupost: Veteran neurosurgeon Dr Upendra Devkota was accorded full state honours as his mortal remains were consigned to flames i… - 7 years ago

@Harishc99705976: RT @RONBupdates: Tribute to World's renowned Nepali neurosurgeon " Dr Upendra Devkota" who is struggling with cancer.. Get well soon sir <3… - 7 years ago

@PaulMay11: Prof Upendra Devkota , @The_SBNS @nepalitimes A wonderful man and leader of neurosurgery. Nepal’s first Neurosurge… - 7 years ago

@PaulMay11: RT @kundadixit: Dr Upendra Devkota's Lives Tribute to a great neurosurgeon, and a great Nepali: - 7 years ago

@RonJoy01: RT @nepalitimes: As a doctor, he seemed to know exactly when his time was up, and asked to be put on sedatives two days ago. The great neur… - 7 years ago

@kathmandupost: Veteran neurosurgeon Dr Upendra Devkota was accorded full state honours as his mortal remains were consigned to fla… - 7 years ago


@Davidbhai: RT @globalhlthtwit: RIP Upendra Devkota. Devastated to hear the news that Upendra has died at only 65. A brilliant UK-trained neurosurgeon,… - 7 years ago

@Loveyou18662771: RT @xNepaliOfficial: 3 Daughters carried Dr. Upendra Devkota to Pashupati Aryaghat - 7 years ago

@nepalktmhealth: Dr Upendra Devkota Antesti: - 7 years ago

@LekhnathPathak: Thank you so much @YubarajGhimire3 for this obituary on Upendra Devkota. Glad that at least your paper covered him… - 7 years ago

@DocstoryNepal: RIP Prof. Dr Upendra Devkota sir #candle_light Universal college of medical sciences Thank you @s.a.n.t.o.s.h_17… - 7 years ago

@ekata2012: समाज बदल्ने छोरीहरु - Daughters of Dr. Upendra Devkota - 7 years ago

@jagannathlc: Upendra Devkota’s lives - 7 years ago

@BaburamFC: Dr Upendra Devkota cremated at Aryaghat - Himalayan Times - 7 years ago

@Loveyou18662771: RT @APDNepal: Friends and families pay tribute to deceased Dr Upendra Devkota, senior neurosurgeon, on the the premise of Neuro Hospital at… - 7 years ago

@mahimanambiar: RT @globalhlthtwit: RIP Upendra Devkota. Devastated to hear the news that Upendra has died at only 65. A brilliant UK-trained neurosurgeon,… - 7 years ago

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