Unusual Heat

American racehorse
Died on Wednesday May 17th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Unusual Heat:

@Blogonoffskicom: Saving my summer hair since 2014 💁🏻 In this humidity, and unusual 28 degree heat in Scotland,… - 8 years ago

@Jockeybant: RT @AuerHeat: The 54th Stakes Winner for Unusual Heat is Grecian Fire who won the Alcatraz Stakes today @GGFracing for Hollendorfer, Nish &… - 8 years ago

@mschoenf: @SFist For SF and OAK to be neck and neck in murders this late in the year is unusual, but OAK likely to pull away… - 8 years ago

@Unusual_Crate: "D-dammit, I think I'm going into heat." - 8 years ago


@_HeyCharrlie: This is considered Unusual for our area & people often die during heat waves here so I don't want to hear any one of you tell us we're weak. - 8 years ago

@brywaxman: Mars is joining in on the spicy #trend with @Skittles and Starburst "Sweet Heat:" - 8 years ago

@Sully27gp: @Tweeter7746 @matoxley Thanks mate :) I always checked hot pressures after gloves came off. Not unusual to have ris… - 8 years ago

@shamshiadad: @spyguy8080 Very strange thing happened to me. In the heat of that exchange they locked my account, claiming "unusual activity." WTH? - 8 years ago

@DhakanSiddharth: Am I the only one whose balls hanged soggy due to very unusual heat and humidity in mumbai? #mumbai #heat #humidity #unbearable - 8 years ago

@Pat_Francis: RT @RockSolidShow: Album a Day in 2017 with @Pat_Francis @ForeignerMusic "Unusual Heat" Released in 1991 #RockSolidAlbumADay2017 144/365 h… - 8 years ago

@RockSolidShow: Album a Day in 2017 with @Pat_Francis @ForeignerMusic "Unusual Heat" Released in 1991 #RockSolidAlbumADay2017 144/… - 8 years ago

@thre3D: @Freeethinkin3 @KimDotcom He had to 'apologize' since fox officially retracted the story. Like I said, unusual heat… - 8 years ago

@SachinMalavade: @India_Yamaha I feel more heat in this part of my fz25 which seems unusual to me.. No part gets so much heat in les… - 8 years ago

@LookerCherry: @KrisNation I found it unusual that peak heat comes around 5 o'clock here in Eugene and it comes on fast. It's cool than BAM your sweating. - 8 years ago

@radius_apts: Yesterday's unusual heat was tough, but the #Sunset made the whole day! PC: wood.corey - 8 years ago

@Zoe_o_Ebot: I have placed your marker near some unusual heat signatures at the other end of this corridor. (1-5) - 8 years ago

@mmvoiceofreason: Don't get me wrong, I am not ready for summer heat, but morning temps in the mid 40's is not only unusual, the... - 8 years ago

@KetaHagen: RT @UnusualHeat: Thank you to all of our followers for your support over the years. With the passing of Unusual Heat we will be terminating… - 8 years ago

@Forego137: RT @UnusualHeat: Thank you to all of our followers for your support over the years. With the passing of Unusual Heat we will be terminating… - 8 years ago

@AuerHeat: RT @UnusualHeat: Thank you to all of our followers for your support over the years. With the passing of Unusual Heat we will be terminating… - 8 years ago

@amysruffian: RT @UnusualHeat: Thank you to all of our followers for your support over the years. With the passing of Unusual Heat we will be terminating… - 8 years ago

@KeeliCurtis: RT @KHayhoe: One episode of unusual heat doesn't prove the planet's warming, nor does cold episode disprove it. Climate = average of weathe… - 8 years ago

@harasgransol: RT @DRFLivingston: Goodbye to legendary California sire UNUSUAL HEAT, euthanized earlier today due to the infirmities of old age. He was r… - 8 years ago

@dmw_3747: @UnusualHeat Just such a very sad loss to all ❤️ Be free in the clouds Unusual Heat - 8 years ago

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