Umberto Lenzi

Italian film director
Died on Thursday October 19th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Umberto Lenzi:

@frame_diver: RT @CamilaBurman: Así era New York en los 80. Marquesina gigante de Make Them Die Slowly, mejor conocida como Cannibal Ferox, gema ultragor… - 7 years ago

@TrashFilmGuru: RT @CamilaBurman: Así era New York en los 80. Marquesina gigante de Make Them Die Slowly, mejor conocida como Cannibal Ferox, gema ultragor… - 7 years ago

@TrashFilmGuru: RT @GrindhouseFilm: Umberto Lenzi RIP - 7 years ago

@TrashFilmGuru: RT @GrindhouseFilm: Enjoy the theme from Umberto Lenzi's CANNIBAL FEROX - 7 years ago


@Slippery_Jack: It’s a cider (no J&B here) & EuroCrime night. Starting with the late Umberto Lenzi’s VIOLENT NAPLES... - 7 years ago

@toddbert: Horror movie confession : I love Umberto Lenzi’s “Nightmare City”— everything about it is a kind of terrible genius. - 7 years ago

@MinervaPictures: RT @thefilmclub_it: Umberto Lenzi. #UmbertoLenzi - 7 years ago

@amesmonde: Just heard Italo-shlock director Umberto Lenzi died last week, 19 October, at age 86. Fond memories of #NightmareCity - 7 years ago

@video__man: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@FanatiskFilm: #InMemoriam - Umberto Lenzi - 1931-2017 is up at - 7 years ago

@shiigeeboo: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@vincenzodepalma: RT @tomasmilian33: Una preziosa foto dal set de "Il giustiziere sfida la città" (1975) Da sinistra: Tomas Milian, Olga Pehar e Umberto Lenz… - 7 years ago

@DrisSkull: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@Cinevidence: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@ravnos: Wait, Umberto Lenzi passed? - 7 years ago

@RichardMetzger: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@AFizgig: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@ameiasuja: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@ggsdungeon: RT @WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh! http… - 7 years ago

@WestgatePosters: Carroll Baker terrorized by lusty French trash! Sexy 1969 Umberto Lenzi Giallo classic ORGASMO! Rare X-rated 1sh!… - 7 years ago

@SpooksandChills: RT @englishgent001: Films from the weekend. Needed to get a couple in from the late Umberto Lenzi, #Horror #Giallo #Vampires #Mutants https… - 7 years ago

@JamesDCortez: RT @DreadCentral: Rest in Peace: Umberto Lenzi - 7 years ago

@MikeHauss3: RT @ShamelessFilms: Umberto Lenzi's CANNIBAL FEROX aka MAKE THEM DIE SLOWLY playing at the 42nd street Liberty Theater in New York ❤️ https… - 7 years ago

@steve_giallo: @88_Films As a tribute to Umberto Lenzi, how about ROME, ARMED TO THE TEETH, VIOLENT NAPLES, KNIFE OF ICE and EYEBALL? - 7 years ago

@VoyevodaVladIII: I was very sad to hear of Umberto Lenzi's passing this past week. As with so many of his peers he'll live on forever through his art. - 7 years ago

@chrisgaona74: Watching this zombie movie about non-zombies in honor of the late Umberto Lenzi. - 7 years ago

@PEPLUM: The PEPLUM films of Umberto Lenzi Geneviève Grad and Steve Reeves - Sandokan the Great - 7 years ago

@CineArte_BsAs: RT @CineMaldito: Todo subgénero brilló bajo su mirada. Dani Rodríguez le dedica un adiós al maestro Umberto Lenzi - 7 years ago

@Jonvarkoss: RT @DimQuinzel: #RIP Umberto Lenzi . I just see the news. 😞😔One of my favorite movie. - 7 years ago

@bencarson_ben: RT @DimQuinzel: #RIP Umberto Lenzi . I just see the news. 😞😔One of my favorite movie. - 7 years ago

@ShannaMagdalita: RT @DimQuinzel: #RIP Umberto Lenzi . I just see the news. 😞😔One of my favorite movie. - 7 years ago

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