Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

Taiwanese-born Tibetan teacher from Malaysia
Died on Thursday September 5th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tsem Tulku Rinpoche:

@wtliang1: Hamster Care: An #Introduction (Part 1) #Hamster care, whilst relatively simple, would require some thought, plann… - 5 years ago

@alicettyy: RT @LaiPhooi: 10 Best Beaches in Malaysia Batu Feringghi, Penang #traveladventure #travelinspiration #Yoga #beac… - 5 years ago

@alicettyy: RT @LaiPhooi: Ksitigrabha is widely worshipped in East Asian Buddhism in the form of a Mahayana Buddhist monk. His name Kṣitigarbha literal… - 5 years ago

@alicettyy: RT @penangstar: Beautiful Ucheyma (Severed Head Vajra Yogini) from #tsemtulku rinpoche's personal shrine #Dalai… - 5 years ago


@kem_2018: Your Holiness @DalaiLama If Not Now, When? Please clear the false accusation and misunderstanding against His Emin… - 5 years ago

@Jacintagoh: The Promise – H.E. the 25thTsem Rinpoche’s life story... - 5 years ago

@Jacintagoh: This is the story of a man who has turned a life of vicissitudes into one that is lived in service of others ~ His… - 5 years ago

@LaiPhooi: RT @LaiPhooi: He took the form of a Dharma Protector in order to safeguard the Buddha’s teachings, especially the important teachings on th… - 5 years ago

@LaiPhooi: RT @LaiPhooi: Ksitigrabha is widely worshipped in East Asian Buddhism in the form of a Mahayana Buddhist monk. His name Kṣitigarbha literal… - 5 years ago

@LaiPhooi: RT @LaiPhooi: 10 Best Beaches in Malaysia Batu Feringghi, Penang #traveladventure #travelinspiration #Yoga #beac… - 5 years ago

@sweekeong81: Without the permission of my guru, I may not abandon any meditations, prayers, yogas and paths given to me by him.… - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: Photo-Rare form of Lady Sindongma or Simhamuka practised in the Bodong Sengdong lineage. Please read more on the pr… - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: It is a must read on this incredible master Tagpu Pemavajra who was a great Mahasiddha- - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: A special prayer on Tibet's Saint Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen to calm the mind daily. This short prayer was compassionate… - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: How the incomparable yet down to earth Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen changed my life forever- - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: Starting on Vajra Yogini now. Practicing Vajra Yogini without initiation. Find out more- - 5 years ago

@ckkhor_71: How I made my beautiful Kyabje Zong Rinpoche statue in Nepal in 1987. I have many more photos for you to see here-… - 5 years ago

@nicholasyu12: Dialogue between Catholic and Buddhist religious and social action leaders at the Vatican - 5 years ago

@nicholasyu12: ‘Selfie Addiction’ Is No #3Laughing Matter, #Psychiatrists Say #currentaffairs #news… - 5 years ago

@nicholasyu12: Prevent Snakes in Your Backyard #diy #forest #naturalrepellent #repellent #snakes #nature… - 5 years ago

@nicholasyu12: Improve Your Vision #TsemRinpoche #currentaffairs #health #news #eyes #health #healthcare… - 5 years ago

@nicholasyu12: Animal Lovers Rejoice: US Court Upholds Law Forcing Phoenix Pet Stores to Sell Rescue Cats and Dogs… - 5 years ago

@SuetMoi: Scorned yet loyal #tsemrinpoche #tsemtulku #dharma #care #tibet #china - 5 years ago

@SuetMoi: Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden #tsemrinpoche #tsemtulku #dharma… - 5 years ago

@ac1773: RT @PastorChia: Favourite Dorje Shugden Thangkas #FreeDownload #Download #tibetanart #spiritual #spirituality #Ar… - 5 years ago

@samfoonheei: Are We All Obliged to Listen to the Dalai Lama? - 5 years ago

@samfoonheei: Vajra Bhagawan Rudra or Dorje Shugden, the special protector who is the emanation of Buddha of Wisdom Manjushri.yea… - 5 years ago

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