Trisha Brown

American choreographer and dancer.
Died on Monday March 20th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Trisha Brown:

@pastorjes718: trisha.brown.3979 had to repost. Some people r controlled by the… - 8 years ago

@madamemaura: @trishapaytas Trisha, I think you would look just as good with your natural brown hair because you have beautiful blue eyes... - 8 years ago

@aCCeSsions_bot: McCall, Trisha Baga, Ben Thorp-Brown, for staying with the awnin g, smoking a multipart, multimedia series created by the - 8 years ago

@BWWDanceWorld: Choreographer Trisha Brown Dies at Age 80... - 8 years ago


@aliciaperris: Música, arte y cultura: DISPARITION DE TRISHA BROWN. LA MONNAIE / DE MUNT - 8 years ago

@GlobltrvlReport: Postmodern dance pioneer Trisha Brown dies at age 80 - Trisha Brown, one of postmodern dance’s greatest pioneer... - 8 years ago

@JustinSuicoArt: RT @Tate: Rauschenberg worked with choreographer Trisha Brown on the project Glacial Decoy. Photos were projected onto the stage #TateTour - 8 years ago

@OaklandJazz: Postmodern dance pioneer Trisha Brown dies at age 80 - 8 years ago

@koosiljakoosilj: RT @TrishaBrown: It is with great sorrow that we share the news that artist Trisha Brown died on March 18. She will be missed by all. https… - 8 years ago

@csermet2: RT @MA_Theatres: Vue sur les marches : Trisha Brown - - 8 years ago

@DanceFilms: #TrishaBrown will never leave our thoughts. Thank you @wperrondancemag for this beautiful reflection. - 8 years ago

@MA_Theatres: Vue sur les marches : Trisha Brown - - 8 years ago

@MinnPostArts: RT @walkermag: Accumulated Vision: From 2014, Susan Rosenberg's look at #TrishaBrown and the visual arts - 8 years ago

@walkermag: Accumulated Vision: From 2014, Susan Rosenberg's look at #TrishaBrown and the visual arts - 8 years ago

@katzenauge_nya: 今日のレッスンは人が少なかったからこれをコピーして踊ったよ。なんて軽くて綺麗なんだ。R.I.P Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@msargus88: Postscript: Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@faceandact: RT @MagnumPhotos: Choreographer and dancer Trisha Brown has passed away at age 80. © @vinkjohn/#MagnumPhotos - 8 years ago

@amamiAlfredocom: - 8 years ago

@ph_carreira: TRISHA BROWN "O złożony, O composite" - 8 years ago

@borisnoskov72: RT @Artforum: In Memoriam | Douglas Crimp's cover feature on Trisha Brown (JAN '11) - 8 years ago

@colibrideorito: RT @philippenoisett: Trisha Brown tire son irrévérence .par Marie Christine Vernay. Et c est beau. - 8 years ago

@PrixdeLausanne: Postscript: Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@Serafina1791: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Joan Acocella: The Mercurial Trisha Brown: “At the same time as she was becoming more difficult, she was also bec… ht… - 8 years ago

@clouddancefest: RT @JudithFlanders: Weirdest obit ever? Trisha Brown, erm, memorialized? in the New Yorker: - 8 years ago

@JudithFlanders: Weirdest obit ever? Trisha Brown, erm, memorialized? in the New Yorker: - 8 years ago

@e_bouchez: RT @dansesplume: "Dans les pas de Trisha Brown" documentaire sur le travail de la chorégraphe @BalletOParis en salles le 6 septembre https:… - 8 years ago

@MadelineVaccaro: RT @solangeknowles: Rest in movement Trisha Brown. Seeing "In Plain Sight" gave me so much confidence in the power of peace through dance.… - 8 years ago

@TocyBulles: RT @dansesplume: "Dans les pas de Trisha Brown" documentaire sur le travail de la chorégraphe @BalletOParis en salles le 6 septembre https:… - 8 years ago

@TammieRubin: News | Trisha Brown (1936–2017) - 8 years ago

@IMDTJohnScott: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Joan Acocella: The Mercurial Trisha Brown: “At the same time as she was becoming more difficult, she was also bec… ht… - 8 years ago

@TheArtsToday: Joan Acocella: The Mercurial Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@marinermn: RT @AndreaBescond: Respect Éternel Trisha Brown ... - 8 years ago

@SwanWhisperr: RT @BostonGlobe: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@CherieIrieDance: RT @DanceTeacherWeb: Another dance pioneer lost. Thank you Trisha Brown for your incredible contribution to our beloved art form.... https:… - 8 years ago

@JamesRoy: BostonGlobe: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 … - 8 years ago

@falvoshoutlove: RT @BostonGlobe: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@aliciaperris: Música, arte y cultura: DISPARITION DE TRISHA BROWN. LA MONNAIE / DE MUNT - 8 years ago

@bhaltdance: RT @nytimesarts: Trisha Brown, choreographer and pillar of American postmodern dance, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@Marcebaila: Agregué un video a una lista de reproducción de @YouTube - 8 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @MovementAsMuse: Read Wendy Perron's tribute to the late Trisha Brown: - 8 years ago

@csketches: Trisha Brown, Choreographer and Pillar of American Postmodern Dance, Dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@KathrynBoland2: Just finished drafting a piece on Trisha Brown. What a labor of love. Stay tuned for the piece live on Dance Informa! ❤💃😊✌ - 8 years ago

@CultureAtWork: RT @countsapp: Vale Trisha Brown. A pioneering choreographer whose postmodern work changed the landscape of art & influenced generations of… - 8 years ago

@DelvingDance: RT @GWDanceWriter: ICYMI My appreciation of Trisha Brown and her deconstruction and dislocation of dance - - 8 years ago

@thenewobjective: "Postscript: Trisha Brown" - 8 years ago

@BecketTodd: RT @wperrondancemag: Good night, Trisha. - 8 years ago

@wperrondancemag: Good night, Trisha. - 8 years ago

@thenewobjective: "trisha brown (1936 - 2017)" - 8 years ago

@Marc75015: RT @afpfr: Disparition de la grande dame de la danse américaine Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@Merilynjune: #dance Majeur Trisha Brown As Collaborator: Five Artists Pay Tribute - 8 years ago

@PaulyPaulFilms: Congratulations to Tyler Brown, son of Mayor & Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@dramatourist: RT @NYTObits: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Laurie Anderson and others speak on working with the choreographer Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@compartearte: L'Amour au théâtre (Excerpt) - TRISHA BROWN DANCE COMPANY - 8 years ago

@ArtNewsdaily5: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - The Boston Globe - 8 years ago

@ash_walker11: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@HubBoston: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@icutyourhair: RT @samsamuels071: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@ARTFIFA: RT @lemonde_culture: Trisha Brown, figure galvanisante de la scène chorégraphique depuis les années 1960 - 8 years ago

@rogerolmos9: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@samsamuels071: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@tomasbrawn376: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@mcleodj837: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@kentadam76: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@fajalecool: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@smithbrad730: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@burtontim327: Trisha Brown, choreographer who revolutionized dance in the 20th century, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@mcbride_con: Trisha Brown (1936-2017) – Glasstire - 8 years ago

@CAP_UCLA: West Coast premiere of 'In the Steps of Trisha Brown' @DanceCameraWest 16th Annual Dance Media Festival. Apr 20-23… - 8 years ago

@JustinSuicoArt: RT @steveESPOpowers: TrIsha Brown, who choreographed Roof Piece, a dance across 10 rooftops in Soho in 1971, danced into the tomb yesterday… - 8 years ago

@nyfacurrent: .@Dance_Magazine remembers late Fellow Trisha Brown, a "sacred figure" for many in the dance world: - 8 years ago

@solangepedreir1: RT @Tate: We're sad to hear of the death of Trisha Brown. 'Set and Reset' (pictured here) was performed by her dance company at Tate this p… - 8 years ago

@MarinesStrasser: Trisha Brown : In Plain Site - le 18 septembre 2016/ Captation de la performance de la Trisha Brown Dance Company - 8 years ago

@danceplug: A Tribute to Trisha Brown: The dance world is mourning this week as news of Trisha… - 8 years ago

@Diavolo_LA: #love to the #legacy of the incomparable Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@Lauralives20: RT @nytimesarts: Trisha Brown, choreographer and pillar of American postmodern dance, dies at 80 - 8 years ago

@travtrain: the only consolation i feel in a world where trisha brown is now dead is that susan howe is still alive i got to be in an elevator with her - 8 years ago

@kleckskuchen: RT @Lois_Greenfield: #DanceonCamera Closing Night & N. American premiere of IN THE STEPS OF TRISHA BROWN @ 8PM at the @FilmLinc - 8 years ago

@djpopsky: Sad day to lose Trisha Brown. One of the greats from Judson. I treasure the interview I had with her and her dances that I saw. Dance on TB. - 8 years ago

@ballerinaX: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@Merilynjune: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@MarinFavre: R.I.P. Trisha Brown #Choreographer and Pillar of American Postmodern Dance, Dies at 80 - The New York Times - 8 years ago

@Statuesque_Arts: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@camballet: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@GWDanceWriter: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@membermeister: RT @DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMallinson ht… - 8 years ago

@DanceTabs: ICYMI... Obituary: Trisha Brown, 1936-2017 - An appreciation by @GWDanceWriter: Pic © JMal… - 8 years ago

@SouplesseOblige: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker neemt afscheid van de Amerikaanse choreografe Trisha Brown - 8 years ago

@EsAndresMx: RT @TrishaBrown: It is with great sorrow that we share the news that artist Trisha Brown died on March 18. She will be missed by all. https… - 8 years ago

@TiknisArts: RT @elsieman: "she framed the sense of discovery she got from improvisation with a rigorous visual or mathematical order" #dance - 8 years ago

@Paddy34621221: RT @noe_soulier: Un bref hommage à une immense artiste ! - 8 years ago

@AndreaChaimnawn: RT @TrishaBrown: It is with great sorrow that we share the news that artist Trisha Brown died on March 18. She will be missed by all. https… - 8 years ago

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