Trevor Martin

Scottish actor (Doctor Who).
Died on Friday October 13th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Trevor Martin:

@WhovianLeap: RT @KasterBeyond: ICYMI: 288: Shada, Trevor Martin, and Clayton Hickman's Red Bubble - 7 years ago

@KasterBeyond: ICYMI: 288: Shada, Trevor Martin, and Clayton Hickman's Red Bubble - 7 years ago

@DoctorWhoRR: 288: Shada, Trevor Martin, and Clayton Hickman’s Red Bubble - 7 years ago

@hailstormsports: RT @PerthWildcats: Trevor Gleeson, Damian Martin and Bryce Cotton show off the special pink game jerseys in today's The Sunday Times! https… - 7 years ago


@Sophie60762662: RT @PerthWildcats: Trevor Gleeson, Damian Martin and Bryce Cotton show off the special pink game jerseys in today's The Sunday Times! https… - 7 years ago

@WhovianLeap: RT @CompanionsDW: The latest @kasterbeyond PodKast with a K discusses Shada, Trevor Martin and more. - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @Truthseeker126 I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @RWPUSA I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @gabriella_akat I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @ElisaMichaels I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @USAloveGOD I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @TerreBehlog I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@TopPerthNow: Trevor Gleeson, Damian Martin and Bryce Cotton show off the special pink game jerseys in today's The Sunday Times! - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @Janefonda I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @thebradfordfile I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @alozrasT I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @lsmith4680 I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @MichellePiper18 I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @SHSanders45 I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@WifredoBermudez: @SarahHuckabee I believe Trevor Martin mother Shoud have an honest look atvho his son was;he was young man with misguided behavior - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Facebook is for trolling. Twitter is for talking to myself online. Instagram is for photos of cars, motorcycles, tattoos and firearms. - 7 years ago

@knickel_: @ TREVOR CHASE MARTIN - 7 years ago

@sledgeja: @BleacherReport @okcthunder the Trevor thug Martin look 😂😂😂😂 - 7 years ago

@trevor_babin27: RT @Chirp_X_Fest: Marner & Martin 😂😂 #beauties - 7 years ago

@Antonelamagali_: en la lista entran ellos tmb, shawn mendes, trevor dahl, martin garrix y justin bieber - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @MichaelG_Scott7: You know what they say, fool me once, strike one, but fool me twice...strike three - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: I always feel like a Douche when I involuntarily chirp my tires at a green light. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @ForPhilosophyy: Why do I not seek some real good; one which I could feel, not one which I could display? Seneca - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: I miss having a car I enjoyed driving. That was one of my favorites and I never go for drives any more. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: But I have shit to do in the garage so either way I’ll be indoors. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: It’s a nice day out and I’m stuck in the shop. - 7 years ago

@trevor_gmeiner: RT @wheelingprobs: Matt Martin and Mitch Marner are hilarious - 7 years ago

@Trevor_taggart: RT @Chirp_X_Fest: Marner & Martin 😂😂 #beauties - 7 years ago

@shane45smith: @trevor_ferriman @brooklyn4734 @Anna___Martin - 7 years ago

@ThornKatelyn: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 7 years ago

@trevor_ferriman: @brooklyn4734 @Anna___Martin Bruh you act like that’s hard - 7 years ago

@OscarBlakeman: Obituary: Trevor Martin - Actor Trevor Martin (b.1929) died on October 5. Martin is best known for portraying t... - 7 years ago

@trevor_ferriman: @brycerrush @Anna___Martin - 7 years ago

@SFSiteNews: Obituary: Trevor Martin - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: I always encourage alisha to drink more. She finds me much funnier and less annoying after a few glasses of wine. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: That old bitch didn’t give two fucks about the school zone. Could’ve mowed down 5 kids and a substitute and she’d still be goin 60 - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: I’m looking forward to the beer that’s in my fridge. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Scrapping my parts car that’s been in my garage but gotta remove the gas tank. Scrap yard doesn’t take gas tanks. •______• - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: At work talking about waxing assholes. On twitter talking about my buddy getting pegged. Today is a day for the booty. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley @stfujessie Cmon brad, it’s not that bad. Just start small. Work your way up. Tickle that prostate - 7 years ago

@Blahhdley: @stfujessie @_trevor_martin_ I would pucker so hard not even bacteria would get in - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @stfujessie @Blahhdley If you ever need anyone to record that, I’m your guy. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley @stfujessie I need your email - 7 years ago

@Blahhdley: @_trevor_martin_ @stfujessie Do it - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley @stfujessie I can send you the link brad. That way you and Jess and pick out what toys you want. - 7 years ago

@Blahhdley: @stfujessie @_trevor_martin_ Better be placing that order tonight then! - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @Blahhdley: I want a bumper stick that says ISwerve4Turtles - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley I have an irrational fear of running over a turtle with my car. This tweet speaks to me dawg - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @stfujessie Back door sluts 9?! - 7 years ago

@WhosOnTV: ITV3: Inspector Morse is on right now. Trevor Martin (Alan Sowden) guested as Second Time Lord in The War Games in… - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @sabo11_: when your legs don't work like they used to before - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: EVERYBODY’S WORKING FOR THE WEEKEND - 7 years ago

@timetravel_tv: MYTH MAKERS 130 - TREVOR MARTIN  OUT NOW! - The latest MYTH MAKERS release, featuring actor TREVOR MARTIN,... - 7 years ago

@arudilyonaml: RT @afnan_elsheikh: The past 4 days of midterm week, Northwestern has brought Lil Uzi Vert, Trevor Noah, and Martin O’Malley on campus. - 7 years ago

@showcaller: @FredrikSewell Hi Rufus, not sure if u remember lovely Ben & Trevor Martin from RHOTS days, but just to let u know Trevor has passed away x - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @stfujessie I’m with you dawg. I feel it. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Gerard Way carried me through middle school and high school. - 7 years ago

@martin_skara: @Permii_Casswan @trevor_mnini He chowed the divas and the actual team what a man😂 - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @BLVCKMATTERS: Twitter, do your thing - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @BLVCKMATTERS: First of all, I just threw up in my mouth - 7 years ago

@WelshMotorsport: RT @JD_Photographs: @WelshMotorsport division 2 @TruckSportUK action from @PembreyCircuit last Saturday - Adam Bint, Brad Smith, Trevor Mar… - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @lizofthelake @_alisha_martin I’m sure it does. But my Xbox is my primary console. I’ve always preferred the contro… - 7 years ago

@lizofthelake: @_trevor_martin_ @_alisha_martin i have a switch and a playstation and playstation wins - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @_alisha_martin But I’d rather buy a switch before a PlayStation - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @_alisha_martin Only played Spyro a handful of times growing up. But crash bandicoot is cool. - 7 years ago

@Trevor_Reilly17: RT @ayyy_west: Republic of Ireland's manager is Martin O'Neill and Northern Ireland's manager is Michael O'Neill are y'all doing this on pu… - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: The only reason I’d buy a PlayStation would be to play kingdom hearts. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Really wanna go back to the casino. - 7 years ago

@JD_Photographs: @WelshMotorsport division 2 @TruckSportUK action from @PembreyCircuit last Saturday - Adam Bint, Brad Smith, Trevor… - 7 years ago

@bonijos_iahfant: RT @afnan_elsheikh: The past 4 days of midterm week, Northwestern has brought Lil Uzi Vert, Trevor Noah, and Martin O’Malley on campus. - 7 years ago

@DeanPlunkettTHW: RT @MSmithCanes: Based on what we've seen in practice, it looks as if Martin Necas, Josh Jooris and Trevor Carrick will all be in the #Cane… - 7 years ago

@dr_who_stuff: Obituary - Trevor Martin, Scottish actor who played Doctor Who on stage - 7 years ago

@heraldobits: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley Most of the time when it is used, it’s in reference to the job description and the lifestyle that consists of military life. - 7 years ago

@natedigidy89: Martin Atkinson refereeing this like Trevor fucking Kettle - 7 years ago

@Blahhdley: @_trevor_martin_ 😏 - 7 years ago

@TennisCombi: .@vegastennisopen🇺🇸🎾 🇻🇪Luis David Martinez@ 1.071€ 🇺🇸Trevor Allen Johnson@ 1.083€ 🇺🇸Martin Redlicki@ 1.28€ (continues) #TennisCombi - 7 years ago

@doctorwhoUScom: RT @planetmondas: Obituary - Trevor Martin, Scottish actor who played Doctor Who on stage - 7 years ago

@gallifreyforums: RT @planetmondas: Obituary - Trevor Martin, Scottish actor who played Doctor Who on stage - 7 years ago

@planetmondas: Obituary - Trevor Martin, Scottish actor who played Doctor Who on stage - 7 years ago

@notta_Michele19: てか並びおかしくないか 特集の Trevor Horn二週して The beatlesとGeorge Martin で、 今回がElvis Presly の並びからの次回が The Strypesてあり? - 7 years ago

@MiwkPublishing: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@40EA: @adamson_trevor He should've done an Aston Martin badge. C'mon man lol - 7 years ago

@paydaygotnohoes: RT @hunterjepsen: Listen to Gold Medal (feat. Trevor Martin) by Pay Day #np on #SoundCloud - 7 years ago

@hunterjepsen: Listen to Gold Medal (feat. Trevor Martin) by Pay Day #np on #SoundCloud - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Blahhdley Civilians just don’t get it. - 7 years ago

@MartinDaubney: @RMCunliffe @martin_drax 1. "Poor white boys are the new oppressed" Out this week, by Trevor Phillips, re Theresa… - 7 years ago

@NORTHTRENTON: Happy Birthday to Scott Cooper, Trevor Hoffman, Javier Sotomayor, Steve Vickers, Kate Walsh, Tisha Campbell-Martin and Cady McClain. - 7 years ago

@KazenRoundy5: RT @lukeskywalka114: @martin_danton Me and @daxton_eyre and @trevor_yardley were not receipients of an invitation - 7 years ago

@daxton_eyre: RT @lukeskywalka114: @martin_danton Me and @daxton_eyre and @trevor_yardley were not receipients of an invitation - 7 years ago

@lukeskywalka114: @martin_danton Me and @daxton_eyre and @trevor_yardley were not receipients of an invitation - 7 years ago

@Blahhdley: Sorry, @_trevor_martin_ if this offends you 😘 - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: A close friend of mine, a man I idolize as a fantastic person has given up his faith in Jesus Christ and I couldn’t be more happy/proud. - 7 years ago

@ADalekAteMyBaby: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@drjdove: Obituary - Trevor Martin, Scottish actor who played Doctor Who on stage @TobyHadoke - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @tbhdaphne: He just wants to help 😩 - 7 years ago

@Tomfan_photos: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: RT @kxthleen: tfw pornhub is more wholesome about mental health than twitter - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @_alisha_martin Is he? I know Tommy is. We are having that conversation right now. - 7 years ago

@ryantwatts95: @_trevor_martin_ The greatest 8 years of our lives were under a Bush. - 7 years ago

@DWAS63: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: A poll on pubic hair for men and women. - 7 years ago

@thesimonjay: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@Deltasphere41: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@DamnThackeray: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@mcphillr: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@Trevor_rr: RT @mediocentroEN: Özil has clearly said something to Martin behind the scenes. Bloke won't let it go. - 7 years ago

@dondreak: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@ScratchNTweet: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@MAW_H: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@WhovianLeap: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@EmperorDonlek: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@TomSpilsbury: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@MarcDoctor: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@IanMcArdell: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@PercyIvorWoo: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@johnfreeman_dtb: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@davadsteel: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@QPRReport: @OldFootball11 @footieonthisday 40 Years later (1968): Record Fee £150,000 for Alan Clarke..1970: £200,000 for Mart… - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Trevor Martin, you will be missed - #TrevorMartin #Trevor #Martin #rip - 7 years ago

@0tralala: RT @TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@TobyHadoke: I have written a newspaper obituary for that fine actor, with whom I enjoyed the odd social drink, Trevor Martin: - 7 years ago

@HealhGlyn: RT @Who_News: Trevor Martin 1930 – 2017: The DWC are sad to report the passing of Trevor Martin, the first… - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Let’s blow a hole in this town and do our talkin with the laser beams. - 7 years ago

@planetmondas: Trevor Martin 1930 – 2017 - 7 years ago

@search4charles: RT @JamesHawkinsMus: Our Missing People Choir is going to be performing at a very special Carol Service at St Martin-in-the-Fields on... ht… - 7 years ago

@CTSNWW: Trevor Morris Edd Jeffcoat Martin O'Hara Dave Oakey Tony Martindale Paul Swain Paul Levy - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Has @DaneClagg ever told you guys about the time we ran from the cops? - 7 years ago

@e__nai: @e__nai NEW LIST W WOKE BAES ONLY 1. Martin Sensmeier 2. Trevor Noah 3. tie between Anthony Joshua and Hasan Piker - 7 years ago

@johngwyland: Trevor Martin meme I made yrs back. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @MrGreenGenez Lol the stone men are basically leppers. I’ve never looked at it like that. - 7 years ago

@MrGreenGenez: @_trevor_martin_ Leprosy biker gangs are the new rage - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: Saw a dude on a motorcycle that looked just like jorah mormont - 7 years ago

@trevor_conrad_: RT @OhEmmeG: Trayvon Martin is dead. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @_alisha_martin Potatoes too. - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @elijohnson4L I broke my point of no return when I tied a belt around my neck and had alisha choke me during sex. - 7 years ago

@MyMadmanBlueBox: RT @Who_News: Trevor Martin 1930 – 2017: The DWC are sad to report the passing of Trevor Martin, the first… - 7 years ago

@_trevor_martin_: @Piparocious @brandonx_7 I would love to go to quakersteak. Haven’t been in quite some time. - 7 years ago

@brandonx_7: @Piparocious @_trevor_martin_ Those triple atomics 👌🏻 - 7 years ago

@Piparocious: @_trevor_martin_ @brandonx_7 I expect that I will lose my life in a Quakersteak on a Tuesday night - 7 years ago

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