Travis Nelsen

American drummer (Okkervil River).
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Travis Nelsen:

@MusicTechPolicy: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@thetrichordist: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@IRMAustin: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@ArtistRights: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago


@troyhyde44: @RobLuther8 @TLindy009 @cdamman24 @KKelly_24 @carter_nelsen @braydonaker @jeremiah_souder Travis is having a good t… - 5 years ago

@theMetz: I have to take a moment to share this playlist OR made in memory of Travis Nelsen, a Madison buddy who passed away… - 5 years ago

@IgnoreFunction: RT @pivic: Lovely article about Travis NELSEN by Katie Angermeier Haab. I mourn and miss Travis immensely. WHEN A DRUMMER FALLS DURING A P… - 5 years ago

@FreakSceneRadio: Nelsen’s “special power was his ability to wrap his friends in love and to hurl himself out into the world with eve… - 5 years ago

@FreakSceneRadio: #FreakSceneFriday 7am preview: Moaning, Wire, Sorry, Echo & The Bunnyment, Mirror Pictures, Shadow Show, Best Coast… - 5 years ago

@LyndsiLambert: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@Playback_Austin: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@AustinChronicle: RT @rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could pull… - 5 years ago

@plettre: I didn't know him, but my friends did, and they loved him. He was an undeniable presence on stage, gave the impress… - 5 years ago

@rachelrascoe: this week! City Council creates a relief fund to eventually give grants to musicians. Contentious part was it could… - 5 years ago

@fluxistrad: It's tempting to say that I hope he had time to connect with people before he died. But really, I hope that everyon… - 5 years ago

@mdielem: - 5 years ago

@dgaboriau: Very sad to hear that Travis Nelsen has passed. A fantastic person, a force of life. I’ll always remember his big s… - 5 years ago

@jeffhulettstory: This is a beautiful tribute about an old friend of my group Snowglobe. We met him early on in NOLA and he ended up… - 5 years ago

@MrSouljacker: RT @ShearwaterBand: This past week, my old friend & compatriot Travis Nelsen passed away. He was the wild & wonderful drummer for @okkervil… - 5 years ago

@burnptcruisers: RT @ShearwaterBand: This past week, my old friend & compatriot Travis Nelsen passed away. He was the wild & wonderful drummer for @okkervil… - 5 years ago

@vidiot_: RT @ShearwaterBand: This past week, my old friend & compatriot Travis Nelsen passed away. He was the wild & wonderful drummer for @okkervil… - 5 years ago

@ShearwaterBand: This past week, my old friend & compatriot Travis Nelsen passed away. He was the wild & wonderful drummer for… - 5 years ago

@davedoughman: “Well Mr Nelsen, the bad news is the typo was in the spelling of YOUR name on my list. I AM here for Travis N.E.L.S… - 5 years ago

@davedoughman: a few minutes later the Grim Reaper returns and says “You were right Mr Nelsen, my list did have a typo...” Travis… - 5 years ago

@davedoughman: “Hey buddy!” Laughing and explaining “...this happens all the time. I’m pretty certain you’re looking for somebod… - 5 years ago

@davedoughman: So, I’ve grown tired of people asking, “what happened?” so I’ve been sharing MY version of the story. Last Tuesday… - 5 years ago

@slamminmusic: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@JeremyB1: RT @LukeyBonner: Man. RIP Travis. 💔 - 5 years ago

@RadioSmirne: Okkervil Rivers langjähriger Schlagzeuger Travis Nelsen ist gestorben - 5 years ago

@EdinburghWatch: RT @arborgreen_: Really beautiful long tribute to Travis Nelsen, who died last week. I realise he's one of my all-time favourite drummers.… - 5 years ago

@arborgreen_: Really beautiful long tribute to Travis Nelsen, who died last week. I realise he's one of my all-time favourite dru… - 5 years ago

@JrgenNaeve: RT @MUSIKEXPRESSde: Der Drummer Travis Nelson ist tot. „Er wurde von allen in der Okkervil-River-Familie und von so vielen anderen sehr gel… - 5 years ago

@MUSIKEXPRESSde: Der Drummer Travis Nelson ist tot. „Er wurde von allen in der Okkervil-River-Familie und von so vielen anderen sehr… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Travis Nelsen (September 23, 1975 - April 7, 2020) - 5 years ago

@pivic: Travis Nelsen: a lovely article about my beloved friend - 5 years ago

@anthonycgreen: RT @SAMotorists: some nice words from friends and a playlist of Trav’s favorite music #riptravisnelson - 5 years ago

@davedoughman: RT @SAMotorists: some nice words from friends and a playlist of Trav’s favorite music #riptravisnelson - 5 years ago

@SAMotorists: some nice words from friends and a playlist of Trav’s favorite music #riptravisnelson - 5 years ago

@emilymieure: ‘During a pandemic when you can’t leave your house for fear of death by handshake, stories help’ - 5 years ago

@Randomerican: I'm pretty remiss about not knowing much about the people behind the bands I love. This beautiful piece about the l… - 5 years ago

@briancseemann: This is a beautiful memorial. I had a chance encounter w him years ago and this piece reminded me how cool it was.… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Travis Nelsen - #TravisNelsen #Travis #Nelsen #rip - 5 years ago

@anyothercity: RT @LukeyBonner: Man. RIP Travis. 💔 - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @SIMSfoundation: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Travis Nelsen, who meant so much to the Austin music community and well beyond.… - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @conrad: A beautiful remembrance of Travis Nelsen, Okkervil River drummer/family member, and friend to many. - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @Evanryt: I saw Okkervil River maybe a half dozen times during this era (they were really a force on stage), and it was always a delight… - 5 years ago

@EricSwedlund: RT @thewrens: R.I.P. Travis Nelsen, drummer for Okkervil River and truly one of the sweetest people I've ever known... - 5 years ago

@heavyvisuals: ‘SWANSON iN ViBRATiONLAND: a tribute to TRAViS NELSEN’ on #SoundCloud #np - 5 years ago

@alexcards79: @aswb83 this is good - 5 years ago

@LukeyBonner: Man. RIP Travis. 💔 - 5 years ago

@MusicREDEF: When A Drummer Falls During A Pandemic, Does He Make A Noise? Travis Nelsen Does (Katie Angermeier Haab -… - 5 years ago

@SIMSfoundation: We're deeply saddened by the passing of Travis Nelsen, who meant so much to the Austin music community and well bey… - 5 years ago

@DavidOfromNJ: RT @conrad: A beautiful remembrance of Travis Nelsen, Okkervil River drummer/family member, and friend to many. - 5 years ago

@conrad: A beautiful remembrance of Travis Nelsen, Okkervil River drummer/family member, and friend to many. - 5 years ago

@pivic: Lovely article about Travis NELSEN by Katie Angermeier Haab. I mourn and miss Travis immensely. WHEN A DRUMMER FAL… - 5 years ago


@fyang: A beautiful tribute to late Okkervil River drummer Travis Nelsen, courtesy of @aquadrunkard When a drummer falls… - 5 years ago

@wegerleswiggle: @Rovers fans ..How about a Shithouse 11 from the last 20 years.. I will go with Friedel Neill Todd Nelsen Gresko Mo… - 5 years ago


@KJPGarcia: RT @FarOutMag: Travis Nelsen, the former drummer of indie rock group Okkervil River, has died: - 5 years ago

@24shaz: RT @indiemusicplus: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@24shaz: RT @fak3r: - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Travis Nelsen - 5 years ago

@CalvinHits: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@EndiNewton: RT @nerdsattack: Travis Nelsen - RIP [Okkervil River] #travisnelsen #okkervilriver - 5 years ago

@nerdsattack: Travis Nelsen - RIP [Okkervil River] #travisnelsen #okkervilriver - 5 years ago

@Stevoflo: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@indiemusicplus: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@fak3r: - 5 years ago

@mattsebastian: RT @Evanryt: I saw Okkervil River maybe a half dozen times during this era (they were really a force on stage), and it was always a delight… - 5 years ago

@Evanryt: I saw Okkervil River maybe a half dozen times during this era (they were really a force on stage), and it was alway… - 5 years ago

@skybeat_travel: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Dies - 5 years ago

@sosbiglietti: È morto Travis Nelsen, ex batterista degli Okkervil River - 5 years ago

@MoM_Mastering: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@mondo_sonoro: Las redes sociales de los estadounidenses Okkervil River @okkervilriver han dado a conocer la muerte de Travis Nel… - 5 years ago

@FarOutMag: Travis Nelsen, the former drummer of indie rock group Okkervil River, has died: - 5 years ago

@Johnavs: RT @Johnavs: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@benjamin_gosbee: shit, what a loss. RIP - 5 years ago

@marcocatalini2: Morto Travis Nelsen, ex batterista degli Okkervil River - 5 years ago

@LinkOnTheM: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Dies - 5 years ago

@alioscia16: È morto Travis Nelsen, ex batterista degli Okkervil River | Rolling Stone Italia - 5 years ago

@Piergiulio58: È morto Travis Nelsen, ex batterista degli Okkervil River. - 5 years ago

@BabsSheKing: RT @pitchfork: Former Okkervil River drummer Travis Nelsen has died - 5 years ago

@fyang: RIP to Travis Nelsen, drummer for my favourite lineup of Okkervil River, from “Black Sheep Boy” through “The Stage… - 5 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Muere Travis Nelsen de los Quencher y los Okkervil River - 5 years ago

@Blaugast: Currently jamming: #musicvidya RIP Travis Nelsen - 5 years ago

@SLennon573: RT @LukeyBonner: Earlier this week, I found out Travis Nelsen passed away. As anyone who knew him could attest, Travis was one of the kinde… - 5 years ago

@slamminmusic: Travis Nelsen, Former Okkervil River Drummer, Has Died - 5 years ago

@kr1277: RT @thewrens: R.I.P. Travis Nelsen, drummer for Okkervil River and truly one of the sweetest people I've ever known... - 5 years ago

@treesdallas: RT @pitchfork: Former Okkervil River drummer Travis Nelsen has died - 5 years ago

@theshoegazer: Rest in peace Travis Nelsen, drummer who played on some of @okkervilriver's most celebrated records. - 5 years ago

@themusicway_mag: È morto Travis Nelsen, ex batterista degli Okkervil River - 5 years ago

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