Travis Hirschi

American sociologist.
Died on Monday January 16th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Travis Hirschi:

@banyabaaanya: ハーシ[Travis Hirschi] ・統制理論 - 8 years ago

@suz_uma: コントロール理論で知られるTRAVIS W. HIRSCHIが年明けに逝去されていたのか。。 - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Travis Hirschi, American sociologist, Died at 81 - 8 years ago

@coryishappy: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago


@DLCCrim: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@dpyrooz: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@RealJonBrauer: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@DrSusanMcNeeley: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@angieptaylor: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@rwortley1: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@aaltmik: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@cefortes: RT @chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@chrisuggen: From John Laub & Mike Gottfredson: a moving personal & scientific tribute to Travis Hirschi (& desert tortoises). - 8 years ago

@sincadaver: RT @eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Travis Hirschi - #TravisHirschi #Travis #Hirschi #rip - 8 years ago

@jofre_andreu: RT @eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@AroaRuizM: RT @eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@tuamigonacho: RT @eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@gerardvivo: RT @eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@eCrimiUAB: Travis #Hirschi, un dels autors més influents en la història de la #Criminologia, va morir el 2 gener als 81 anys: - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Travis Hirschi (1935 - 2017), died at age 81 years - 8 years ago

@banyabaaanya: ハーシ[Travis Hirschi] ・統制理論 - 8 years ago

@Maelagon: RT @PedroCTorrente: Travis Hirschi passed away. Sadness. One of the most important and brilliant criminologists - 8 years ago

@PedroCTorrente: Travis Hirschi passed away. Sadness. One of the most important and brilliant criminologists - 8 years ago

@deathkwondork: aahhh so kaning gagama sa control theory, si travis hirschi, nakagama pud diay siyag chocolate - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Travis Hirschi has ceased to be: - 8 years ago

@sociology_agent: Travis Hirschi (R.I.P.) and ?Acting White? #travis - 8 years ago

@tarayou72679746: RT @Hitchmagee: Sad to hear of the passing of Travis Hirschi. There was no better criminologist in my view. He advanced the field miles in… - 8 years ago

@Suat_Cubukcu: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@HickmanSeattleU: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@AddyHip: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@MattAHall: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@crimsonchat: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@DefiantCrimGrad: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@SimonHoldaway1: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@criminology: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

@CrimProfSC: RT @LoyolaCJC: Immortalized through his seminal scholarship, Dr. Travis Hirschi's passing is an immense loss to criminology & criminal just… - 8 years ago

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