Travis Basevi

Australian cricket statistician and historian
Died on Friday October 28th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Travis Basevi:

@YeshwantChitte: RT @ACScricket: 'Travis changed cricket.' To find out exactly how Travis Basevi transformed our experience of the sport he loved, read Vis… - 2 years ago

@ACScricket: RT @ACScricket: 'Travis changed cricket.' To find out exactly how Travis Basevi transformed our experience of the sport he loved, read Vis… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@hawkraw104: RT @CricViz: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travis’ contribu… - 2 years ago


@Cric_Karthikk: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@krithika0808: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@cricketingview: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@SaGomesh: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@PeteG_cricket: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@bloggeray23: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@yutranjit: RT @jobsworth: Loved reading this piece by ⁦@vishalmisra⁩, about Travis Basevi, who passed away recently. I’ll always be grateful for what… - 2 years ago

@ACScricket: 'Travis changed cricket.' To find out exactly how Travis Basevi transformed our experience of the sport he loved,… - 2 years ago

@NiacinDoc: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@Mareeswj: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@PakCricPodcast: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@andymcg_cricket: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@srinathsripath: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@raghavitis: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@senantix: But for StatsGuru 99.94% of cricket fans would still parrot the inane "scoreboard is an ass" & believe whatever the… - 2 years ago

@kirannataraj: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@jobsworth: Loved reading this piece by ⁦@vishalmisra⁩, about Travis Basevi, who passed away recently. I’ll always be grateful… - 2 years ago

@shahharshil: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@ACScricket: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@kunal_jt: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@prasreporter: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@Uttejsayz: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@CoolYogi7: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@bekbekagain: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@bhogleharsha: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@neeran: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@neeran: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@syrambles: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@erajisnot: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@mathaijv: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@atlasdanced: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@MShortleg: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@srini_r_twit: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@hganjoo_153: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@hganjoo_153: RT @vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share and do… - 2 years ago

@vishalmisra: A memorial has been set up for Travis Basevi online with a link to donations for Brain Tumor research. Please share… - 2 years ago

@rickeyrecricket: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@flipkarthik: RT @vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked chasing hi… - 2 years ago

@vishalmisra: I wrote a piece on Travis Basevi for @ACScricket - our friendship, partnership, and how long and hard he worked cha… - 2 years ago

@TimdeLisle: After that stirring comeback, #MarkWood now has the best strike rate of any England bowler with 20 wickets in T20 i… - 2 years ago

@Mareeswj: RT @cricketingview: Here's @vishalmisra on Travis Basevi... - 2 years ago

@cricketingview: Here's @vishalmisra on Travis Basevi... - 2 years ago

@hganjoo_153: RT @ajarrodkimber: Here is @vishalmisra on Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@kunal_jt: RT @ajarrodkimber: Here is @vishalmisra on Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@ajarrodkimber: Here is @vishalmisra on Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@emmetrd: I'll have to raise a few glasses considering all the time this has saved me down the years! > The Spin | Travis Bas… - 2 years ago

@ibounds73: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@Sazzle: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket ❤️ RIP - 2 years ago

@Richard06769607: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@willl: RT @guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred http… - 2 years ago

@HNTweets: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket: - 2 years ago

@winsontang: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@hn_frontpage: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket L: C: - 2 years ago

@luaxs4: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@steve_shaw5: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@zoomnclick: "Travis was also incredibly modest and unassuming, very few people knew of the contributions he had made" The archi… - 2 years ago

@shahfiz50868182: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@maddyisms: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@KOCricket528: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@afidelf: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@pyaswalla: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@andrewphall: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@Rhyzhm: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@ultradesi_: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@sarath_sarepaka: RT @OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@OsmanSamiuddin: Really nice tribute to the genius that was Travis Basevi, from @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@Pranav_Kass: RT @sambitbal: Terrible morning. Travis Basevi, one of Cricinfo’s early champions, progamming genius, and creator of StatsGuru is gone. Rem… - 2 years ago

@bulletin_ex: Travis Basevi: The Statsguru Visionary Who Transformed Cricket | Cricket - 2 years ago

@SnehalokSahoo: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@fomaramteke: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@dhanushgopinath: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@RandomCricketP1: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@saurabh_view: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@krithika0808: RT @vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too early. ⁦… - 2 years ago

@conalhanna: Which Aussie did more in the 1990s to revolutionise how cricket was played? Shane Warne? Adam Gilchrist? Nah, proba… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@vishalmisra: A fantastic tribute to Travis Basevi - the man who quietly transformed Cricket and then left us early. Way too ear… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@Sandra_Sully: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@styjt_: RT @guardian: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@yesbananas: RT @guardian: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@Globalnewslk: RT @guardian: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@guardian: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@tjaldred: RT @guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred http… - 2 years ago

@techinjektion: #Tech #NewsFlash 11/02 The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket… - 2 years ago

@sharkastic: RT @iucounu: A reminder that the internet and the people who make it can be pure and good. RIP Travis Basevi, who built something remarkabl… - 2 years ago

@cdashton: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@iucounu: A reminder that the internet and the people who make it can be pure and good. RIP Travis Basevi, who built somethin… - 2 years ago

@TSF_Com: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@JimFrayling: Another lovely write up of Travis Basevi, this time by @tjaldred in The Spin, the @guardian_sport 's cricket email… - 2 years ago

@jonathanallsopp: RT @guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred http… - 2 years ago

@AnniePageVA: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@tomdaviesE17: RT @guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred http… - 2 years ago

@FreoPope: RT @guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred http… - 2 years ago

@360mediaX: The Spin | Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket - 2 years ago

@guardian_sport: Travis Basevi: the Statsguru visionary who transformed cricket From this week's edition of The Spin, by @tjaldred - 2 years ago

@radicalbyte: RIP sports data nerd legend Travis Basevi and FUCK CANCER. - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@bephillip33: RIP. Travis Basevi, the architect of StatsGuru and one of Cricinfo's pioneers, passes away - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@ajmalsamilife: RT @ajarrodkimber: Someone you don't know passed away during this World Cup. Travis Basevi was my friend and colleague at Cricinfo. But des… - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 233) #Australian #cricket #statistician #and #historian #Travis #Basevi 47 , #the #architect #of… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@kashnarayana: Cricinfo's Statsguru is easily the single most web feature I have ever used in my life. Having already spent 1000s… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@IPLT2022: RT @slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travis’ co… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@OldProfSports: If you are a cricket fan, you have almost certainly used the Cricinfo Statsguru - sadly, Travis Basevi, its creator… - 2 years ago

@ZamanX90: RT @andymcg_cricket: This a lovely edition of #AskSteven (@AskStevenSport) in memory of Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@kiwi_kali: RT @andymcg_cricket: This a lovely edition of #AskSteven (@AskStevenSport) in memory of Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@andymcg_cricket: This a lovely edition of #AskSteven (@AskStevenSport) in memory of Travis Basevi - 2 years ago

@slogoverindia: We are deeply saddened by the news that our CTO Travis Basevi has passed away following a battle with cancer. Travi… - 2 years ago

@Shahin91: RT @sambitbal: Terrible morning. Travis Basevi, one of Cricinfo’s early champions, progamming genius, and creator of StatsGuru is gone. Rem… - 2 years ago

@tiwarijee14: RT @sambitbal: Little more about what he did for @ESPNcricinfo - 2 years ago

@El_Chopernos: Come for the Travis Basevi tribute, enjoy the cute intros by @muralisatagopun but stay for the Drunk @notytony Mono… - 2 years ago

@Yash_45x10: RT @SaySaurav: A heartfelt tribute to Cricinfo's old boy. Cricket in the internet age will be eternally grateful to you. You will continue… - 2 years ago

@_ShahulHameed_: RT @sambitbal: Terrible morning. Travis Basevi, one of Cricinfo’s early champions, progamming genius, and creator of StatsGuru is gone. Rem… - 2 years ago

@HatTrickStats: My own cricket stats obsession developed about the same time as Travis', and I enjoyed our brief interactions on IR… - 2 years ago

@cgoma_stock: RT @vishalmisra: It is with incredible sadness I write these words: Travis Basevi - the creator of Statsguru and my partner in crime for @E… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Travis Basevi - #TravisBasevi #Travis #Basevi #rip - 2 years ago

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