Toshiko Fujita

Japanese actress
Died on Friday December 28th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Toshiko Fujita:

@ThisIsFair99: RT @JapaneseStation: Selamat jalan, Toshiko Fujita pengisi suara Taichi Yagami untuk seri Digimon Adventure | - 6 years ago

@yarispeksih: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@jslindquist: Estuve tecleando por si daba con la serie a la que pertenece este gif... y he dado con una serie de 1984 llamada "M… - 6 years ago

@lutfinw: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago


@adikadwijaya: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@motchan_ks: この人もか、今年も訃報が続くな  【訃報】一休さん・キテレツ・八神太一・マライヒなど数々のキャラクターを演じた藤田淑子さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@DarkwingGeese: 'Digimon' Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Dies at Age 68 - 6 years ago

@luuz_marin: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@rags751: 'Digimon' Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Dies at Age 68 - 6 years ago

@Richerd22923238: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@BlueKaiserr: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@hacker_zodiac: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@CUAnimeSoc: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@EditorMikeO: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@TheSilverWingx: This year 2018 2 approved - 6 years ago

@ThatKidKho: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@RockRodz: RT @LaloGarx: Descanse en paz Toshiko Fujita. Gran actriz japonesa. :( - 6 years ago

@ScitoonsAnimate: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@carsunsbazaar: Toei Animation Comments on Passing of 'Digimon' Voice Actor Toshiko Fujita - 6 years ago

@John_Venator: RT @LaloGarx: Descanse en paz Toshiko Fujita. Gran actriz japonesa. :( - 6 years ago

@DugDuga14: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@TooningJapanese: Sad news - 6 years ago

@luvakiio: RT @Jrnotjnr18: Legendary Japanese actress, voice actress, singer and narrato, Toshiko Fujita, dead at age 68 due to struggle with breast c… - 6 years ago

@hakeshchan: Falece dubladora de Digimon, Toshiko Fujita, vítima de câncer - 6 years ago

@HUNNYARMSTRONG: ‘Digimon’ Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Passes Away Due to Cancer ⋆ Anime & Manga - 6 years ago

@MagnoliaMango: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@Isakblu2: RT @PreviouslyOtaku: #Digimon | #Anime 📺 Toshiko Fujita, la actriz de doblaje japonesa que dio voz a Tai en "Digimon" y "Digimon02" así co… - 6 years ago

@thekoga33: RT @Animeland_mag: RIP ☹ - 6 years ago

@sean150490: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@VoiceTalentHOF: #inmemoriam #ToshikoFujita - 6 years ago

@gc161kid: #inmemoriam #ToshikoFujita - 6 years ago

@Sandro_Kun95: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@collectorrainy1: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@KatsVoice: 'Digimon' Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Dies at Age 68 - 6 years ago

@nyaalettie: Falece dubladora de Digimon, Toshiko Fujita, vítima de câncer - 6 years ago

@LadyAverno: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@dharani_dkp: RT @newworldartur: Toshiko Fujita, the voice actress that played Big Mom during her debut in the FI arc (Big Mom was then recasted to Mami… - 6 years ago

@Animebrity: 'Digimon' Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Dies at Age 68 - 6 years ago

@SolTheSensei: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@hafizah_9204: RT @DigimonWorldEsp: @ToeiAnimation Digimon is life. RIP Toshiko Fujita, always on our hearts! - 6 years ago

@hafizah_9204: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@Brunattos: Vuela alto :( - 6 years ago

@Spec_wulf: RT @DigimonPeru: En memoria de Toshiko Fujita 5/04/1950 - 28/12/2018 - 6 years ago

@AravindUzumaki1: Digimon and Dragon Quest Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Passes Away - 6 years ago

@MarkAllenJr: RIP Toshiko Fujita. Lost a very memorable voice from my childhood today to breast cancer. While you may never have… - 6 years ago

@monga7777: 【訃報】一休さん・キテレツ・八神太一・マライヒなど数々のキャラクターを演じた藤田淑子さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 6 years ago

@DigiWorld_ITA: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@DigiWorld_ITA: RT @himechui: saw the news today, and just had to stop what I was doing to make a small doodle , the voice actor Toshiko Fujita for tai fro… - 6 years ago

@Alberto99163664: RT @CuriosidadesOP: Desgraciadamente ha fallecido Toshiko Fujita, la seiyuu que interpretó a Big Mom en su primera aparición en #OnePiece.… - 6 years ago

@TMascarenha: RT @garotasgeeks: Uma grande perda para o mundo dos animes ): - 6 years ago

@supalinocelosu: RT @MagicBox_67: Required Reading: "Memories of Our Digimon Adventure" with Toshiko Fujita and Chika Sakamoto, translated by onkei: https:/… - 6 years ago

@miloucomehome: RT @MagicBox_67: Required Reading: "Memories of Our Digimon Adventure" with Toshiko Fujita and Chika Sakamoto, translated by onkei: https:/… - 6 years ago

@Gerardo_itachi: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@Pata_Ookami: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@carsunsbazaar: 'Digimon' Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Dies at Age 68 - 6 years ago

@yves_alann: RT @LundulaK: Fuck !!! Toshiko Fujita est mort, conclusion l’épisode 867 de one piece sortira seulement le 6 janvier 😭😭😭 - 6 years ago

@LundulaK: Fuck !!! Toshiko Fujita est mort, conclusion l’épisode 867 de one piece sortira seulement le 6 janvier 😭😭😭 - 6 years ago

@I_so_Nothing: RT @garotasgeeks: Uma grande perda para o mundo dos animes ): - 6 years ago

@Digimon_Gen: 🎼Canción: ~Yuuki wo Tsubasa ni Shite~ (Convertiré mi valor en alas) 🎤Cantante: Fujita Toshiko 📀álbum: Digimon Adve… - 6 years ago

@denisefisio: RT @garotasgeeks: Uma grande perda para o mundo dos animes ): - 6 years ago

@garotasgeeks: Uma grande perda para o mundo dos animes ): - 6 years ago

@CerberusNora: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@nemurenukobuta: 嘘…全然、知らなかった… ショックだわ… 【訃報】声優の藤田淑子さん死去 彼女が演じたキャラクターたち - 6 years ago

@ramahernandez_: RT @ItsSpoilerTime: Muere la actriz que dio vida a la voz de Tai de Digimon - 6 years ago

@Azhura__: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@Colorgasmatic: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@Legeekotaku1: RT @Animeland_mag: RIP ☹ - 6 years ago

@pxlo_lebarjo: RT @Animeland_mag: RIP ☹ - 6 years ago

@Itachi9440: RT @Animeland_mag: RIP ☹ - 6 years ago

@Animeland_mag: RIP ☹ - 6 years ago

@Hitsujinu: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@LucienBenot1: Avec la coupure, AnimeLand n’a pu relayer une 😔 nouvelle confirmée par Aoni Production le vendredi 28 décembre : la… - 6 years ago

@Zenshukun: ขอร่วมไว้อาลัยให้กับ ฟุจิตะ โทชิโกะ ผู้พากย์ตัวการ์ตูนดังๆหลายตัวครับ - 6 years ago

@anime_comicsfan: RT @Jrnotjnr18: Legendary Japanese actress, voice actress, singer and narrato, Toshiko Fujita, dead at age 68 due to struggle with breast c… - 6 years ago

@Lady_mlzlzh: RT @EMUNOPLA: وفاة مؤدية صوت اليونكو بيغ ماما ( السابقة ) التي ظهرت في آرك جزيرة البرمائيين السيدة Toshiko Fujita بعمر 68 . - 6 years ago

@pilar_mQ92: RT @AnimeGameTwits: El mundo #Digimon está de luto, falleció la Seiyu Toshiko Fujita quien interpretara a Taichi Yagami (Tai Kamiya para al… - 6 years ago

@kenhtingame: Vĩnh biệt Toshiko Fujita, “Tứ Hoàng Big Mom” trong lòng nhiều fan hâm mộ One Piece: Vào… - 6 years ago

@ketnoitatca: Vĩnh biệt Toshiko Fujita, “Tứ Hoàng Big Mom” trong lòng nhiều fan hâm mộ One Piece - 6 years ago

@RadioShinka: #NOTICIA #RadioShinka #Otaku - 6 years ago

@NaranjaRA: RT @Areajugones: Muere a los 68 años Toshiko Fujita, la emblemática voz de Tai en #Digimon ¡Hasta siempre maestra! - 6 years ago

@csrisawat13: RT @Jrnotjnr18: Legendary Japanese actress, voice actress, singer and narrato, Toshiko Fujita, dead at age 68 due to struggle with breast c… - 6 years ago

@NewniverseINT: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@SakuraRurouni: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@imnayeonism: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@TeNShIkA: RT @MagicBox_67: Required Reading: "Memories of Our Digimon Adventure" with Toshiko Fujita and Chika Sakamoto, translated by onkei: https:/… - 6 years ago

@yzkahchimir: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@OliveEyedDemon: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@ElChicoNugget: RT @DigimonWorldEsp: Hoy es un día muy triste para la comunidad. Nos ha dejado Toshiko Fujita, la actriz de doblaje japonesa que dió Voz y… - 6 years ago

@dina_sour: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@MONKEYD28079064: RT @EMUNOPLA: وفاة مؤدية صوت اليونكو بيغ ماما ( السابقة ) التي ظهرت في آرك جزيرة البرمائيين السيدة Toshiko Fujita بعمر 68 . - 6 years ago

@ariamuhammads: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@RJBailey: 📷 gioiaercoli: A few days ago I learned the sad news that Mrs Fujita Toshiko has left us. I would just... - 6 years ago

@xxKi_chan: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@sinji_touhou: @animint @Namineeyes Rip toshiko fujita - 6 years ago

@ansolutionsMX: Fallece Toshiko Fujita, voz original de Tai en Digimon - 6 years ago

@X3_Michiaki: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@st_ambrosius: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@morochosve: Fallece Toshiko Fujita, voz original de Tai en Digimon - 6 years ago

@KylaSmi89913281: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@Kurenai240: RT @pKjd: Renown voice actor Toshiko Fujita has passed away at the age of 68 due to a struggle with breast cancer - 6 years ago

@quietguyjosh: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@MagicBox_67: In Remembrance Of Toshiko Fujita (1950–2018) - 6 years ago

@sylphieee: Digimon Adventure Voice Actress Toshiko Fujita Passes Away This... though kinda late... RIP... The Digimon series u… - 6 years ago

@AlveinRyo: RT @ToeiAnimation: Deepest respects to the passing of the beautiful Toshiko Fujita, voice of Taichi Yagami from Digimon Adventure and many… - 6 years ago

@Estanison: RT @GrupoDINAMOblog: La renombrada seiyuu Toshiko Fujita falleció a los 68 años, luego de luchar contra un cáncer de seno - 6 years ago

@shadowkiller126: RT @RayanaWorks: Yesterday night I learnt the news that we have sadly lost Mrs Fujita Toshiko (Taichi's original Voice) to breast cancer.… - 6 years ago

@constanzavivien: RT @DigimonWorldEsp: Su Emblema del Valor seguirá brillando tanto como brilló en los últimos años...Gracias por todo, por impregnar a este… - 6 years ago

@constanzavivien: RT @DigimonWorldEsp: @ToeiAnimation Digimon is life. RIP Toshiko Fujita, always on our hearts! - 6 years ago

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