Toshi Ichiyanagi

Japanese composer and pianist.
Died on Saturday October 8th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Toshi Ichiyanagi:

@SHIPMEANT2B: RT @PostWorld: Toshi Ichiyanagi, experimental composer who straddled cultures, dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @hhhhhennies: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@omykappa: Toshi Ichiyanagi, experimental composer who straddled cultures, dies at 89 Mr. Ichiyanagi, who was married to art… - 2 years ago

@CribbageForum: Composed music tonite on Flotation Device: -@SaariahoKaija at 70: famous & obscure works -@IgorPianist plays Henze… - 2 years ago


@rojochajari: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@gagarciap: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@off_maboroshi: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@DiChristine: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@IBELIEVEME2: RT @omndtprdcts: 日本現代音楽の星、一柳慧氏、RIP 1967年にこれはやばい。もう既に音響派である Toshi Ichiyanagi - Appearance [1967] - 2 years ago

@aIIQc9VMQRP5PHz: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@Douglas_Ent_Law: - 2 years ago

@Gehirnverander: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@cyrus333444: RT @washingtonpost: Toshi Ichiyanagi, who was married to artist Yoko Ono from 1956 to 1962, often allowed musicians to pick the notes and p… - 2 years ago

@VerdantTom: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@pilavachi1: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@Tim_Devin: @alexxkittle seen this record he designed? - 2 years ago

@CHUOQuidNovi: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From Washington Post Obituaries - Toshi Ichiyanagi, experimental composer who straddled cultures, dies at 89… - 2 years ago

@jazz_life_love: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@hariattery: RT @operamagazine: Slightly belated news of the death last week at the age of 89 of the Japanese avant garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who… - 2 years ago

@Z65637082: RT @omykappa: Toshi Ichiyanagi, experimental composer who straddled cultures, dies at 89 Mr. Ichiyanagi, who was married to artist Yoko O… - 2 years ago

@yourfavflu: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@yabooarat: 東小金井。Toshi Ichiyanagi - Eros + Massacre (1969) Main Theme 一柳 慧 - エロス+虐殺 - 2 years ago

@Nerdshala: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP | Boing Boing - 2 years ago

@_nanntokanaruyo: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@wata052301: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@Ahrmv7Fn2mjtpKF: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@BTapered: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@frolowladislav: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@kthdream: RT @BoingBoing: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @BoingBoing: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@nomfup: RT @BoingBoing: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@FelDaCougar: RT @BoingBoing: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@BoingBoing: Avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono, RIP - 2 years ago

@alice_cochrane: RT @ABC: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who studied with John Cage and went on to lead Japan’s advances in experimental… - 2 years ago

@strikingthings: RT @RupertPupkin__: Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) "Yoko Ono at her Chambers Street loft in Soho with her first husband, Toshi Ichiyanagi (at… - 2 years ago

@ichiishi2: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@a_isshu: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@y2kourtney: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi as well... - 2 years ago

@C9Mq7c: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@CHUOQuidNovi: RT @Diapasonmag: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@3uYUoVfu4WbldYZ: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@alocaltheater: RT @tsukasaxt_x: Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 - 2 years ago

@SnipeLatham: RT @t_NickAkers: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Galaxy  for solo shō, 1983 RIP 一柳 慧🙏 (1933-Oct 7, 2022) - 2 years ago

@APT95713758: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@tsukasaxt_x: Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 - 2 years ago

@unusualsbrana: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@sweetter6340: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@sgbpGItQtDBFtpx: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@v_aw1r: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@ZugolJannone: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@NatFyt: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@OnceForAlll: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@flor_ali: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@yokonxz: RT @Estefano_lopes: Toshi Ichiyanagi (Kobe, 3 de fevereiro de 1933 - 7 de outubro de 2022) foi um compositor japonês de música clássica que… - 2 years ago

@EditionPeters: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@d0htanuk1: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@EditionPetersUK: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@lovemus25330202: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@Haruka0801D: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@PTeruuchi: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@nuts_and_chews: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@takashi531: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@legalcanibalism: RT @ThreatNotation: Music for Electric Metronome, Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@Entscheidenicht: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@hshinoda: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@MusicClerk: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@sevenfour777: RT @EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avant-g… - 2 years ago

@EditionPetersUS: The Edition Peters Group is saddened to learn of the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi, a key figure in music's global avan… - 2 years ago

@Author_Bell: Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@the5zal: RT @HipzMy: Legendary Japanese pianist Toshi Ichiyanagi has died - 2 years ago

@archimusiques: Figure majeure de l’avant-garde de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est m… - 2 years ago

@merely_mary_: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@vrenanan: RT @Diapasonmag: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@SophieWallez: RT @Diapasonmag: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@encre_sportive: RT @Diapasonmag: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@Diapasonmag: Le compositeur japonais Toshi Ichiyanagi est mort - 2 years ago

@taeshinobu: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@naokobuhne: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@ladolcevita416: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@caecilia1003: RT @t_NickAkers: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Galaxy  for solo shō, 1983 RIP 一柳 慧🙏 (1933-Oct 7, 2022) - 2 years ago

@h1228ka: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@oct10pus: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@garance77: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@QP_honey99: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@maisels: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@HiranoTaichiro: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@hiroshi55021311: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@kazsugiyamacomp: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@KanakenOpera: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@kanaken_ballet: RT @OrganKenminhall: #浜辺のアインシュタイン 初日の前日、芸術総監督の一柳慧が逝去しました。本公演は、一柳芸術総監督が生前最後に企画した公演の第一弾でした。ご冥福をお祈りします。 May you Rest In Peace, Mr. Toshi Ich… - 2 years ago

@uzunzn: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@FaniKosona: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@spinearstudios: PODCAST『NOTEBOOK』 An anchor belonging to a Mongolian ship, part of a fleet attempting to invade Japan in 1281, wa… - 2 years ago

@hinaininnovati1: How Did Toshi Ichiyanagi Die? Japanese Composer & Pianist Dies Aged 89 - 2 years ago

@kabbala69: 人間の限界を筋肉で捻じ伏せた快演。 GEN HIRANO Toshi Ichiyanagi - Piano Media - 2 years ago

@Norther71098328: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@leezzarice: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@dannna_o: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@bandotunez: RT @EdSunspot: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi, think about this piece all the time. - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @hhhhhennies: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@wuemme: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@CumbreMedia: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@hinaasl61991361: How Did Toshi Ichiyanagi Die? Japanese Composer & Pianist Dies Aged 89 - 2 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Artist Brigida Baltar; arts writer Grace Glueck; writer Anna Wahlgren; pianist/composers Jure… - 2 years ago

@musica_tao: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@_SETENV_: 一柳慧さんのご逝去 - 2 years ago

@EmteePlays: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@duradon: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@lellaperra: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@OVERTON89502701: RT @hhhhhennies: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@SonogramaMGZN: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@umahh: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@pedro_vian: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@tanukibon: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@QuinnRod: RT @Steven__C: Toshi Ichiyanagi, avant garde composer (Yoko Ono’s first husband) has died, aged 89. - 2 years ago

@italkthewind: RT @schottmusic: Schott Music mourns death of composer Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@Latestcelebart1: Toshi Ichiyanagi, an avant-garde pianist and composer who trained under John Cage and helped Japan lead the world i… - 2 years ago

@kuklademetra: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@Ttareureung: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @ABC: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who studied with John Cage and went on to lead Japan’s advances in experimental… - 2 years ago

@janwenlu: RT @ABC: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who studied with John Cage and went on to lead Japan’s advances in experimental… - 2 years ago

@mEKdxZ0eQOo3E7M: RT @KAMUTAN: "一柳慧 交響曲第7番 イシカワパラフレーズ / Toshi Ichiyanagi Symphony No.7 ISHIKAWA PARAPHRASE" を YouTube で見る - 2 years ago

@racc9nti: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@bichuelo: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@BebuCesco: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@Gaapiiiii1: RT @IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@dirty_kudo: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@Manservant_K: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@FuckMyFuture: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@h0111s: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@bichuelo: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@magicalmako: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@buntefu: RT @syusyu950: 一柳慧 / 《風の軌跡》(Toshi Ichiyanagi / 《Wind Trace》) - 2 years ago

@gmoll183: RT @xi_124C41: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Music for Electric Metronomes - 2 years ago

@umahh: Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 一柳慧先生、この方もNHK電子音楽スタジオで、これでもかと功績を残された方ですなぁ。 コラージュと電子音を駆使して、本当刺激的なんですよ・・・。 - 2 years ago

@xi_124C41: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Music for Electric Metronomes - 2 years ago

@RanruBoro: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@ludgerkm: RT @CHculturaCH: DER JAPANISCHE KOMPONIST TOSHI ICHIYANAGI IST GESTORBEN Mehr: Bild: Toshi Ichiyanagi, 1960 - Foto:… - 2 years ago

@CHculturaCH: DER JAPANISCHE KOMPONIST TOSHI ICHIYANAGI IST GESTORBEN Mehr: Bild: Toshi Ichiyanagi, 1960… - 2 years ago

@bichuelo: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@shimerson: フラワーズの演奏は、自身のアルバムとは違い一柳慧氏の意図をくんでか、かなりアヴァンでフリーキー、サイケなものになっているんですよね。 Toshi Ichiyanagi - The Flowers [内田裕也とザ・フラワーズ], P… - 2 years ago

@shimerson: 昨日訃報に接したオノヨーコさんの前夫一柳慧さん、ほぼ氏の音楽を聴いたことは無いのだが、アルバム「オペラ横尾忠則を歌う」で内田裕也とザ・フラワーズが参加している部分は音源をよく聴いてました。 Toshi Ichiyanagi - T… - 2 years ago

@wolfganghesse55: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@audiotecna: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@mochivation: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@DSV___: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@Higeoyaji_ymo: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@Higeoyaji_ymo: RT @CTVNews: Japanese avant-garde pioneer composer Toshi Ichiyanagi dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@Higeoyaji_ymo: RT @JapanToday: Yoko Ono's ex-husband, avant-garde pioneer composer Ichiyanagi, dies at 89: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyana… - 2 years ago

@Higeoyaji_ymo: RT @ABC: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi, who studied with John Cage and went on to lead Japan’s advances in experimental… - 2 years ago

@SeriousSpidey: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@Ryoanji2: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@RuthRobinsonLon: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@HudsonJones_: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@miyabikoutarou: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@eternityreplica: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@sawayakamaemuki: 一柳慧先生が死去… 偉大な芸術家でした こんな音楽は聴いた事が無いと感じた作品がいくつもありました GEN HIRANO Toshi Ichiyanagi - Piano Media - 2 years ago

@drbrignall: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi. The first Mr. Yoko Ono, and so much more. - 2 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@mctsonic: RT @ubuweb: Toshi Ichiyanagi (b. 1933): Opera "From The Works Of Tadanori Yokoo" (1969); Music for Tinguely; Sapporo (1962); Life Music (19… - 2 years ago

@mariatontini1: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@syusyu950: 一柳慧 / 《風の軌跡》(Toshi Ichiyanagi / 《Wind Trace》) - 2 years ago

@TheBeatlesWomen: RT @Steven__C: Toshi Ichiyanagi, avant garde composer (Yoko Ono’s first husband) has died, aged 89. - 2 years ago

@TheBeatlesWomen: RT @HIPICofficial: With great sadness, we announce the passing of Toshi Ichiyanagi. He served as a jury member and the chairperson of the m… - 2 years ago

@TheBeatlesWomen: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace to avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933 - 2022), who led advances in experimental music… - 2 years ago

@toshiyuka: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@TheBeatlesWomen: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@TheBeatlesWomen: Rest in Peace Toshi Ichiyanagi First husband of Yoko Ono With Toshirô Mayuzumi - 2 years ago

@NobutakaYoszawa: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace to avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933 - 2022), who led advances in experimental music… - 2 years ago

@mikefazio8: - 2 years ago

@mikefazio8: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi Toshi Ichiyanagi, Michael Ranta, Takehisa Kosugi – Extract from Improvis... - 2 years ago

@kulmcorient: 一柳慧 Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@TAlexander_Fox: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@wtcwtcwtcwtc: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@WillYager: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@anitanataly: RT @koukyoutanshi: Toshi Ichiyanagi : Paganini Personal for 2 pianos。 楽譜も出版されたので演奏機会が増えると良い曲。 - 2 years ago

@NO_NOinfo: 🏴 NONOのN Toshi Ichiyanagi - Farewell to the Summer Light (1968) 一柳 慧 - さらば夏の光 - 2 years ago

@Soy_Luchick: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@kmctee: RT @IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@cspenceryeh: RT @IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@NO_NOinfo: 🏴 NONOのN Toshi Ichiyanagi - Confessions Among Actresses (1971) 一柳 慧 - 告白的女優論 - 2 years ago

@ATGBrokers: Whatsup about... (Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89on 8. October 2022 at 16:24) h… - 2 years ago

@NO_NOinfo: 🏴 NONOのN Toshi Ichiyanagi - Eros + Massacre (1969) Main Theme 一柳 慧 - エロス+虐殺 - 2 years ago

@RanxZeVox: bye bye toshi ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@usanoise: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@ohasm1: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@MartynYesSept: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@MCasadeus: RT @Sheppardskaerve: The great composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died. Here the lovely 'Perspectives', which I have played for many years, and… - 2 years ago

@marsworldmp4: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@gossipingcelebb: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 Read more: - 2 years ago

@WGXC: RT @EdSunspot: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi, think about this piece all the time. - 2 years ago

@edgarumtcrps: RT @EdSunspot: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi, think about this piece all the time. - 2 years ago

@MomiraMonika: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@keiadss: 一柳慧といえば、ちょうマッチョなピアニストがめちゃくちゃ繊細でミニマルな曲を弾くコンサートが思い出される。 GEN HIRANO Toshi Ichiyanagi - Time Sequence - 2 years ago

@ryleywalker: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@news_type_c: Japanese avant-garde composer Toshi Ichiyanagi dies at 89 - Shropshire Star #WorldNews… - 2 years ago

@justgotloud: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@mtsan_savage: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@AyethAlqhhtani1: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@MusicClerk: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@cspenceryeh: RT @EdSunspot: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi, think about this piece all the time. - 2 years ago

@lesbeatnet: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@3particles: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@a_saba78: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@janwenlu: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@_SCVSCV: RT @IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@TheOGGuru: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@TheOGGuru: Read Full Story: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 8 Oct… - 2 years ago

@black_mcxal: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@ta_re_zoh: RT @IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@QuintonBarnes: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@TheosophyP: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi (一柳 慧, 4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) Spiritual Sight II Live at Tenryū-ji in 2002 Japanes… - 2 years ago

@mikamikapipi: 若かりし頃、武満より先に名前を認知した現代音楽家が、NHK-FMで偶然流れてきた一柳慧だった。電子音楽の使い方もスマートで、後にケージとの交流やオノ・ヨーコとの結婚やらを知って、なるほどなぁと思ったものです。ご冥福をお祈りします。… - 2 years ago

@SBPMusicUK: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@Sarahyd17: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@ednawood0505: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@SilkDiamond3: RT @billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@billboard: Avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died at age 89. - 2 years ago

@audionauts: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@WGXC: RT @issueproject: Rest In Peace to avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933 - 2022), who led advances in experimental music… - 2 years ago

@celebspkrs4u: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@clppng: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@issueproject: Rest In Peace to avant-garde pianist and composer Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933 - 2022), who led advances in experimental… - 2 years ago

@concert_next: #Music #MusicNews #Global #News #obituary Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@BluePurpleMusic: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@wwwCharlieNu: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 Hit Radio Charlie:… - 2 years ago

@astudyofarpeg: RT @RupertPupkin__: Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@micaelamiau: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Sapporo (1962) - 2 years ago

@Herman0929: Improvisation Sep. 1975 Part. 2 Toshi Ichiyanagi · Michael Ranta · Takehisa Kosugi - 2 years ago

@thedextazlab: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Japanese Avant-Garde Pioneer Composer, Dies at 89 - 2 years ago

@ornumtrauts: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@Herman0929: Improvisation Sep. 1975 Part. 1 Toshi Ichiyanagi · Michael Ranta · Takehisa Kosugi - 2 years ago

@shigekzishihara: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@katagillyooo: 一柳慧の存在自体は知ってたんですけど、コレで ただ、まったく別の切り口で痺れてしまったもんです 一柳慧 (Ichiyanagi Toshi) – オペラ横尾忠則を歌う [Opera "From The Works Of Tadan… - 2 years ago

@katagillyooo: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Music for Electric Metronomes 一柳慧といえばこれ、これは松平敬さんや新垣隆さんによる演奏です… - 2 years ago

@dirtyfacetreeho: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@GrainSand_Anja: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@louise43678507: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@IRCAM_official: rest in peace toshi ichiyanagi (john cage, buddha, ichiyanagi, david tudor) - 2 years ago

@xxssdollsxx: RT @w_attt_mss: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Eros + Massacre [エロス+虐殺 ] (1970) - 2 years ago

@Schott_NY: We mourn the loss of the great @schottmusic composer, Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022). - 2 years ago

@poem_japan: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@Asami13760579: RT @HIPICofficial: With great sadness, we announce the passing of Toshi Ichiyanagi. He served as a jury member and the chairperson of the m… - 2 years ago

@kuragaki: Why Not (A Serenade of Eschatological Ecology) Film written and directed by Arakawa Girl: Mary Window, Music: Toshi… - 2 years ago

@gregorg: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@Carmela_oltre: RT @caecilia1003: ■Toshi Ichiyanagi #RIP (4 February 1933 – 7 October 2022) "In Memory of John Cage" (1992) - 2 years ago

@scott1scott2: RT @matteoboscarol: previous RT the power of Atman comes also from the music/sound by Ichiyanagi Toshi. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@linernotesdanny: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@iammattsmiley: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@HnHZRXItr2bJAWm: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@_GregStuart: RT @DDDrewDaniel: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi, one of the best to ever do it. This blew my mind the first time I heard it and it still shreds.… - 2 years ago

@jawara6330: GEN HIRANO Toshi Ichiyanagi - Time Sequence 一柳慧さんで思い出した、平野弦さんの超絶技巧&超絶筋肉。上腕三頭筋と腕橈骨筋が素晴らしい。 - 2 years ago

@KatherineThra11: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@Dengerow: Ichiyanagi Toshi, the composer who also wrote film scores for directors such as Yoshida Kiju and Matsumoto Toshio,… - 2 years ago

@thepalaceat4am: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@tavofree: #RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi Glorifying noise, altered dissonance. hard noise without beat - 2 years ago

@kokutoumaru: 聴いたら結構良かった。 一柳慧「森の肖像 」Portrait of Forest / Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@petsounds99: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Love Blinded Ballad (Enka 1969) - 2 years ago

@gismontiparker2: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Eye Music / Sapporo - 2 years ago

@sao_rikine: RIP Herr Toshi Ichiyanagi. Ich hatte eher eine bittere Erinnerung an ihn. Allerdings war er ein sehr offener Mensch… - 2 years ago

@Kielce14: RT @_hino_rei_: Ichiyanagi Toshi, Appearance (1967) もちろんピアノ・メディアは好きだけどこの曲が最も好きだ。 - 2 years ago

@_hino_rei_: Ichiyanagi Toshi, Appearance (1967) もちろんピアノ・メディアは好きだけどこの曲が最も好きだ。 - 2 years ago

@tavofree: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@carolannelennie: The death has been announced of Toshi Ichiyanagi, first husband of Yoko Ono. He was 89. RIP. - 2 years ago

@petsounds99: Toshi Ichiyanagi - The Flowers [内田裕也とザ・フラワーズ], Part 1 - 2 years ago

@takutomurom_m: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Life Music (1966) for various modulators, tape and orchestra - 2 years ago

@machaaki1968: 先程バンドキャンプフライデー用に上げた「ゲンダイオンガデリック」のオリジナル音源を見つけるべく色々自分の音源を調べてて、この音源を聴いてる時に一柳さんの訃報を聞いたので、捧げてしまった。 「一柳慧の為に」(2015) - 2 years ago

@ModernObscure: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@petsounds99: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Ken Takakura Sings On Tadanori Yokoo [高倉健、横尾忠則を歌う] - 2 years ago

@onriedo16: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@syokooyes: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@sawakohome: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@AbstractTruth: RT @house_apartment: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@duradon: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@GavriloX: RT @Z65637082: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @ubuweb: Toshi Ichiyanagi (b. 1933): Opera "From The Works Of Tadanori Yokoo" (1969); Music for Tinguely; Sapporo (1962); Life Music (19… - 2 years ago

@rkmt: めちゃかっこいい😍 TOSHI ICHIYANAGI, MICHAEL RANTA, TAKEHISA KOSUGI Improvisation Sep. 1975 Part. 2 - 2 years ago

@ciurlionis: RT @HIPICofficial: With great sadness, we announce the passing of Toshi Ichiyanagi. He served as a jury member and the chairperson of the m… - 2 years ago

@hatesummer: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @Gingersalt27: Shock! John Cage & Yoko Ono: Live Japan 1962 John Cage Yoko Ono David Tudor Toshi Ichiyanagi Ke… - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@ichiishi2: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@HIPICofficial: With great sadness, we announce the passing of Toshi Ichiyanagi. He served as a jury member and the chairperson of… - 2 years ago

@yshdykhr: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Eros + Massacre (1969) Main Theme 一柳 慧 - エロス+虐殺 #一柳慧 #吉田喜重 #大杉栄 #伊藤野枝 #細川俊之 #岡田茉莉子 - 2 years ago

@geocham: RT @seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredibly beau… - 2 years ago

@NikiZohdi: Ahhh, RIP, Toshi Ichiyanagi. - 2 years ago

@seanlclancy: Am sorry to read about the death of Toshi Ichiyanagi. For a long time I’ve found his scores from the 1960s incredib… - 2 years ago

@Crane1L: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@Gingersalt27: Shock! John Cage & Yoko Ono: Live Japan 1962 John Cage Yoko Ono David Tudor Toshi Ichiyan… - 2 years ago

@nosword: Whoa, RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi. He composed a lot of great pieces for Japanese instruments. Here’s “Transfiguration of… - 2 years ago

@gismontiparker2: Toshi Ichiyanagi, Michael Ranta, Takehisa Kosugi / Improvisation Sep. 1975 - 2 years ago

@Gingersalt27: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Music for "Coup d'Etat" (1973) - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @daiakasaka: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi "Toshi Ichiyanagi trying his hand at psych rock made me want to have sex. Sorr… - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @daiakasaka: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - Music for "Heroic Purgatory" (1970) - 2 years ago

@takutomurom_m: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Pratyāhārā Event (1963/73) - 2 years ago

@l_dunn1: RT @house_apartment: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@mukinko: RT @house_apartment: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@house_apartment: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi (1933-2022) - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@l_dunn1: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: RT @Sheppardskaerve: The great composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died. Here the lovely 'Perspectives', which I have played for many years, and… - 2 years ago

@TakuroWatanabe1: 昔、友達にこれを聴かされて以来、一柳慧は好きな作曲家 Toshi ICHIYANAGI / Piano Media(一柳慧 / ピアノメディア / 演奏:須藤英子) - 2 years ago

@Lirographe: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@MAX_P_E: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@sanshusha: 一柳慧 交響曲第7番 イシカワパラフレーズ / Toshi Ichiyanagi Symphony No.7 ISHIKAWA PARAPHRASE - 2 years ago

@n_peeq_t: RT @paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1962)… - 2 years ago

@etiashk: Toshi Ichiyanagi Shock! John Cage & Yoko Ono: Live Japan 1962 - 2 years ago

@EstherHawdon: Toshi Ichiyanagi, a Japanese avant-garde composer and pianist died. He was married to Yoko Ono (1956-1962) - 2 years ago

@porkpiepres: RT @ubuweb: Toshi Ichiyanagi (b. 1933): Opera "From The Works Of Tadanori Yokoo" (1969); Music for Tinguely; Sapporo (1962); Life Music (19… - 2 years ago

@nanodomain: Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 / 'Music For Living Space' 1969 - 2 years ago

@nanodomain: Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 - 2 years ago

@janwenlu: RT @ubuweb: Toshi Ichiyanagi (b. 1933): Opera "From The Works Of Tadanori Yokoo" (1969); Music for Tinguely; Sapporo (1962); Life Music (19… - 2 years ago

@dyshetgdehochet: RT @an_archives: Toshi Ichiyanagi - 1933-2022 RIP - 2 years ago

@Sheppardskaerve: The great composer Toshi Ichiyanagi has died. Here the lovely 'Perspectives', which I have played for many years, a… - 2 years ago

@paulodafonseca: RIP Mr Ichiyanagi (John Cage, Toshi Ichiyanagi and David Tudor at the temple of the Great Buddha, outside Tokyo, 1… - 2 years ago

@taqueshix: Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 - 2 years ago

@taqueshix: Toshi Ichiyanagi: Sapporo (1962) - 2 years ago

@lesondugrisli: RT @an_archives: Toshi Ichiyanagi - 1933-2022 RIP - 2 years ago

@composeryokkun: RT @notreconciled: Toshi Ichiyanagi, IBM for Merce Cunningham, 1960. - 2 years ago

@pole_wired: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@48262: Toshi ICHIYANAGI / Piano Media(一柳慧 / ピアノメディア / 演奏:須藤英子) 私にとってはこの曲が衝撃でした。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 2 years ago

@Skipper_bfly: RT @enkaizankumazou: そんな風ののように現代音楽界を流れ、何処となく役目を終えた長い偏西風の一柳氏を思い。 一柳慧 / 《風の軌跡》(Toshi Ichiyanagi / 《Wind Trace》) - 2 years ago

@notreconciled: Toshi Ichiyanagi, IBM for Merce Cunningham, 1960. - 2 years ago

@7M4ZrAHNKPmgcnD: 一柳さんというとこれ。 当時の東京を見事に表現していた。 Toshi Ichiyanagi - TOKYO1969 - 2 years ago

@enkaizankumazou: そんな風ののように現代音楽界を流れ、何処となく役目を終えた長い偏西風の一柳氏を思い。 一柳慧 / 《風の軌跡》(Toshi Ichiyanagi / 《Wind Trace》) - 2 years ago

@policedoog1971: RT @BugsGroove: RIP Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@daiakasaka: RT @janwenlu: Toshi Ichiyanagi - Music for "Coup d'Etat" (1973) Toshi Ichiyanagi's unreleased soundtrack for Yoshishige Yoshida's film "Co… - 2 years ago

@sHIauSgwNUmaxqA: RT @calimerowhite2: @fKn97TODzfQrlxh Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 Music For Living Space" (1969) was composed for the inne… - 2 years ago

@NagoyaOutermost: 作曲家の一柳慧さんが死去 89歳│OutermostNAGOYA 名古屋×アート、舞台、映像… - 2 years ago

@August2_Rush: 一柳慧さん亡くなられたのね… 現代音楽の授業で教えてもらったpiano media、好きでずっと聴いてたなぁ。 piano media toshi ichiyanagi - Google 検索 - 2 years ago

@afmyc: 一柳さん、オノ・ヨーコの最初の結婚相手…という語られ方ばかりされてしまうのだけど、バリバリの現代音楽家で、これは大阪万博のために作られた曲。ぜひ、なんだこれは?!とたまげてほしい。 "Toshi Ichiyanagi 一柳慧 /… - 2 years ago

@Z65637082: R.I.P. Toshi Ichiyanagi - 2 years ago

@davidbernabo: Seeing tweets that Toshi Ichiyanagi passed away. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Kielce14: GEN HIRANO Toshi Ichiyanagi - Time Sequence - 2 years ago

@Beatgrrrl: RT @KazumaroYoshida: @Beatgrrrl Toshi Ichiyanagi died. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Toshi Ichiyanagi - #ToshiIchiyanagi #Toshi #Ichiyanagi #rip - 2 years ago

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