Tony Pringle

British-American jazz musician
Died on Wednesday May 23rd 2018

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tony Pringle:

@hopeful_pringle: RT @yoonminskit: an au where yoongi is known as agust d and jimin is the biggest fanboy of agust d (who was blasting tony montana at 3 am)—… - 7 years ago

@murphy_marita: @pringle_leon @DaChucksta32 Now you're cookin'...I've personally known pastors who don't walk the walk and they are… - 7 years ago

@murphy_marita: @pringle_leon @DaChucksta32 Try Tony Evans, Arthur Price, Calvin Butts, Bishop Joseph Walker, and Bishop T.D. Jakes… - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: Tony Pringle, britisch-amerikanischer Jazzmusiker, am 04.05.2018 im Alter von 81 Jahren - - 7 years ago


@ryanlaing95: RT @DarceyHay: Fact 6 - debi palfrey wants to pump Tony Pringle - 7 years ago

@DarceyHay: Fact 6 - debi palfrey wants to pump Tony Pringle - 7 years ago

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