Tony Morris

British newsreader
Died on Monday August 3rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Tony Morris:

@ryan_morris_: RT @woIvern: “you changed” bro tony stark died - 5 years ago

@only1txd: @morris_atc @candid_ATC Tony Stark all day!! The mechanic plus quick wit, sounds about right to me. - 5 years ago

@tprideau: RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@WARPGS: 2000-01 CELTICS STARTERS: PG Kenny Anderson (80), SG Morris Peterson (75), SF Paul Pierce (90), PF Antoine Walker (… - 5 years ago


@_Tony_Morris_: I love my job(s). - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Today’s OMAD carnivorgy: Bison, bacon, salmon, beef filet mignonette, wilted organic green, stuffed jalapeños. All… - 5 years ago

@seanyodarouse: RT @MouseInfo: TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Baxter, Tom Morris - 5 years ago

@kookyemj: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@aliwilgus: @Jordan_Morris @TangoCharlie Tony did a reading of this at Comics Camp last year and I was DESTROYED by CHARM, it's a really wonderful book! - 5 years ago

@ryo04250131: RT @Staggs13665329: TEA @ USCがトニーバクスター、トムモリスと#Disneyland65ライブストリームパネルをホスト TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Baxter,… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: This right here. You can’t fake confidence with bluster; it can be easily popped like a balloon. Wins begat confide… - 5 years ago

@Staggs13665329: TEA @ USCがトニーバクスター、トムモリスと#Disneyland65ライブストリームパネルをホスト TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Bax… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Small daily wins are still wins. And they'll take you farther then sporadic big wins. Just be sure they're DAILY wi… - 5 years ago

@chrisloganOU812: @_Tony_Morris_ 🤠 - 5 years ago

@tonymorris1212: RT @_avclaire: @tonymorris1212 THE tony morris? honored 😌 - 5 years ago

@avclairee: @tonymorris1212 THE tony morris? honored 😌 - 5 years ago

@MouseInfo: RT @MouseInfo: TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Baxter, Tom Morris - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Classical Guitar Alive! listeners in Puerto Rico: Tonight's broadcast at 10pm on @radioupr ! - 5 years ago

@radioupr: A continuación: 05:30 p.m. - Hasta las piedras hablan 06:00 p.m. - Te doy una canción 08:00 p.m. - Performance Toda… - 5 years ago

@kts_racing: Another thank you to Tony Morris from CMS Blackburn for helping us out with chains Tony and his wife jean are GOOD… - 5 years ago

@MagMasterclass: RT @MouseInfo: TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Baxter, Tom Morris - 5 years ago

@GoodwoodTed: @myles_morris But Martial has a cool name .... like ... Tony 🤪 - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Beautiful. - 5 years ago

@MouseInfo: TEA@USC to host #Disneyland65 live stream panel with Tony Baxter, Tom Morris - 5 years ago

@SalesProAudio: RT @SalesProVideo: #Sales #Podcast via @pathelmers Cold Calling is Not Dead with Tony Morris #333 - Sales Babble Podcast #Selling #Insight… - 5 years ago

@B2B_SalesTips: RT @SalesProVideo: #Sales #Podcast via @pathelmers Cold Calling is Not Dead with Tony Morris #333 - Sales Babble Podcast #Selling #Insight… - 5 years ago

@poppypie1: Just caught up with @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris. Beautiful programme for a lovely man. RIP x - 5 years ago

@SalesProVideo: #Sales #Podcast via @pathelmers Cold Calling is Not Dead with Tony Morris #333 - Sales Babble Podcast #Selling… - 5 years ago

@MarkGre20794066: @GranadaReports Has much as we love Granada Reports it just doesn't seem the same without Tony Morris... Miss you Mozza 💙 - 5 years ago

@TkayaGreen: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Whuuut?! I thought I ordered Hank Williams Jr.’s biography! - 5 years ago

@laura_brown1979: ⁦@GranadaReports⁩ ⁦@lucymitv⁩ ⁦@CroneyITV⁩ Bret Parker is raising money for Bury Hospice in memory of Tony Morris,… - 5 years ago

@BtsFabs: RT @BtsFabs: Ii posted these Vantage CWCT tested panels for Rockwood Academy last week on our automated panel bender. This is the final pro… - 5 years ago

@gothqore: call tony morris to the stand i fucking dare you - 5 years ago

@Wheyderpro: @InquiryCSA @cedarsjwsurvey He's definitely an evil man like his boss tony morris - 5 years ago

@pathelmers: Cold Calling is Not Dead with Tony Morris #333 - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Training 1st thing in the morning makes the rest of the day go better. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: This combo at least 2x every morning, (no sugar!) No breakfast. - 5 years ago

@HuwGriffith2: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@JurgenAhBelieve: @Blvckpilled @danieldp05 @myles_morris MATE BOBBY HAS BEEN BETTER IN THE PL CAN U READ LMAOOOO NO MATTER WHAT COMP… - 5 years ago

@ThomasTilling: @JurgenAhBelieve @Blvckpilled @danieldp05 @myles_morris Tony was a left winger before this season btw and mourinho… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @AJA_Cortes The term is “gray rock”ing. One acts as ordinary “as a gray rock” in order to defuse fanatical obsessio… - 5 years ago

@KgapzSonopo: @myles_morris I want Tony at Barca - 5 years ago

@BtsFabs: Ii posted these Vantage CWCT tested panels for Rockwood Academy last week on our automated panel bender. This is th… - 5 years ago

@pathelmers: Cold Calling is Not Dead with Tony Morris #333 - 5 years ago

@dell_morris: RT @mynamesnotgordy: @PeterMacKay It’s commendable to see someone from your wing finally speaking out against this truly troubling - and th… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: RT @MindTendencies2: If you lose your religion, but you found God, you won. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: If your spouse or significant other’s parents don’t approve of you, then you’re doing something right. Or, you’re just a jerk. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Read an hour every day. If, for only this reason: all super-achievers do this, ignorant poor idiots never do. I kno… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: If you haven’t wept over the death of a beloved pet, or talked in a silly voice to one, you’re a soulless bastard/bitch. Don’t @ me. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: In order to make progress, it may be necessary for you to hate your old self. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Not all salt is the same. Pink Himalayan salt is my favorite so far. Salt is good for you. This is important. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: My dad, Jimmy Morris, as a young man in the Air Force. - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: 1st time I’ve ever loved my license plate more than the car. Totally worth the 200 bucks extra. #Mangoré - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Classical Guitar Alive! broadcast now via @SCPublicRadio network and streaming online here: - 5 years ago

@sandicandice: RT @GranadaReports: Support has been pouring in for Tony Morris' family following the news of his death yesterday. @ElaineWITV has been lo… - 5 years ago

@sandicandice: So sad R.I.P. Tony Morris . - 5 years ago

@FalliveneEdward: RT @TeamCodrai: Never meet Tony morris but gonna miss his face on the news 😢 RIP MATE #tonymorris - 5 years ago

@TheRealAc96: Watching a tribute to Tony Morris teats in my eyes, lovely memories of watching him and @lucymitv on Granada report… - 5 years ago

@EmDStowers: @tony_magoni @The_book_girl @Jordan_Morris - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Today’s OMAD carnivorgy: Smoked salmon, bison patty (way leaner than beef) filet mignonette, one organic brown egg,… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: A little light reading. Books arrived today: - 5 years ago

@Janet_Morris_: RT @scopedbylarry: If you need something positive and hopeful to start your week off, I encourage you to clear 45 mins from your day and li… - 5 years ago

@rawe_tony: @TheKenoAccount @LobCityBlake Marcus Morris been pissing me off - 5 years ago

@Danny10466129: RT @lucymitv: @FDinenage @stuartITV A very warm welcome to Twitter @FDinenage and thank you for your lovely messages to my lovely friend To… - 5 years ago

@sirbernardh: @_GarethWilliams @terrychristian @badly_drawn_boy He was a bloody good News Presenter as well. Strange how Tony Mor… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: There were a lot more patients than usual here today, so Mark Cruz and I split up, went around and played solo outs… - 5 years ago

@lucymitv: @FDinenage @stuartITV A very warm welcome to Twitter @FDinenage and thank you for your lovely messages to my lovely… - 5 years ago

@marsden64: @JD_Central @HowlinDibsHawk Only 57 the same age as tony morris and both had kidney cancer that's so… - 5 years ago

@KamrynAdams: @screencrafting Ricky, @Morris_Chestnut Boyz n the Hood.... and Tony Stark, of course. I’m also still reeling ove… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Classical Guitar Alive! streaming live on @CJSF radio in Vancouver now for another 22 minutes, cool tango piece now… - 5 years ago

@UCFKnight2010: RT @UCFSportsInfo: 4-star players (per Rivals, 247 or ESPN) on UCF Football's roster in 2020: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tre Nixon Parker Boudreaux Jaylon R… - 5 years ago

@MakeBirdiePutt: RT @rtralphy: Gold. All the Mitch Cleary AFL stand-down highlights on #mediawatch including defence from Tony Shaw, Tom Morris, Brad Gree… - 5 years ago

@rtralphy: Gold. All the Mitch Cleary AFL stand-down highlights on #mediawatch including defence from Tony Shaw, Tom Morris,… - 5 years ago

@Anja_Popp: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Today’s OMAD carnivorgy: Smoked salmon, filet mignonette, beef patty, bacon, 2 organic eggs, wilted organic greens,… - 5 years ago

@ngover316: @tony_bicycle @EdJones48623160 @krystalball @ryangrim I don’t know why this is so hard for you to understand. The O… - 5 years ago

@o0ragman0o: 😳 "Tony Morris QC, told the court #Australian law protected consular officials from being prosecuted for a range o… - 5 years ago

@tdbboysles: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@GrandOldMovies: You *know* it's the Sixties when the wives start to wonder what hubbys TONY RANDALL, HOWARD DUFF, & HOWARD MORRIS,… - 5 years ago

@TonyMorris20: Check out my latest blog about how the film "Heaven Can Wait," reminds me that destined relationships can happen. "… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: RT @CtrlAltIkigai: Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart. - 5 years ago

@Qldaah: RT @rosannakingsun: Tony Morris QC has praised the judge’s decision, despite it being in the Consul-General’s favour: “The misconduct of th… - 5 years ago

@files_garner: RT @GrandOldMovies: It's those Marriage-Strayin' Blues, as sung by TONY RANDALL, HOWARD DUFF, and HOWARD MORRIS (with JAMES GARNER as backu… - 5 years ago

@NoelBt: RT @rosannakingsun: Tony Morris QC has praised the judge’s decision, despite it being in the Consul-General’s favour: “The misconduct of th… - 5 years ago

@7NewsBrisbane: RT @rosannakingsun: Tony Morris QC has praised the judge’s decision, despite it being in the Consul-General’s favour: “The misconduct of th… - 5 years ago

@rosannakingsun: Tony Morris QC has praised the judge’s decision, despite it being in the Consul-General’s favour: “The misconduct o… - 5 years ago

@AdAmDUCKLOL: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@Kwhatsgoingon1: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Andy94191178: God rest your soul Tony... missing your smile and professional journalism. TONY MORRIS A TRUE GENTLEMAN😇 - 5 years ago

@IvyVFHK: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@YHkpc: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@GrandOldMovies: It's those Marriage-Strayin' Blues, as sung by TONY RANDALL, HOWARD DUFF, and HOWARD MORRIS (with JAMES GARNER as b… - 5 years ago

@FiL1426: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@DallasLukeThom1: @DrewPavlou Good luck mate. Tell Tony Morris 'you are a deadset legend'. - 5 years ago

@jackgevertz: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@KC01071997: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@wilder_tony: RT @JoyKirr: This one from @BrittneyMMorris kept me up last night, and I finished tonight (three-day read). Riveting YA including video gam… - 5 years ago

@wilder_tony: RT @BrittneyMMorris: GUESS WHAT. 👀 My sophomore book baby has a face! 😍 introducing the cover for THE COST OF KNOWING (and an exclusive ex… - 5 years ago

@bundleofjoy007: @Morris_Monye When Tony Umez spirit is inside him 🤣 - 5 years ago

@dooshdashcams: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@wilder_tony: RT @bookdutchesses: Buddy Review | Slay – Brittney Morris - 5 years ago

@candyekanoye: RT @showbizshel: Goodbye to one of the loveliest and the smiliest man on the telly, Tony Morris. Sending so much love from all of us @YourM… - 5 years ago

@GrandOldMovies: Will They Or Won't They? TONY RANDALL, HOWARD DUFF, & HOWARD MORRIS take on the Swingin' Sixties & test their marri… - 5 years ago

@readingwave1: RT @readingwave1: @lucymitv @GranadaReports @Nmozz @JamAntonioITV Tony Morris passed me, my partner and a grandchild on our way to the Scie… - 5 years ago

@PyYpy2: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Michae1S: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@itsmeandyg: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Nate_T_Morris: RT @AndrewFishBooth: @pattonoswalt @tonyhawk @Lizziearmanto @MeredthSalenger @andymacdonald My new favorite photo of Tony Hwak and Patton O… - 5 years ago

@GrandOldMovies: New Grand Old Movies post now up: It's 1962 and KIM NOVAK decides to take on JAMES GARNER, TONY RANDALL, HOWARD MO… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: This is bone-crushingly beautiful: They kept the original 16th Century melody by John Dowland, sung by an Early Mu… - 5 years ago

@ukdionnecocozza: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Gorgeous new double concerto for violin & guitar by young Italian composer Giovanni Albini. It can be heard at the… - 5 years ago

@Fallengrunt: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@DanielDawack: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@LudwigSprung: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@TibetanPanda: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@GodBlessHK0630: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@KyriakosKyriac1: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Skrull15939585: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@HumeDawson: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@DanBree91158354: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Red75271347: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@jhcai613: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@rottenbanana101: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@LouLouLee3: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@ugorevenge: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Sana_dx: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@66lW_hk: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Janine23815667: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@tckeung234: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@kietchayla: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@curlybo2: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@MRSWONG10: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@AbellRobyn: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Biblioventurer: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@anncann1234: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Nemesis96866679: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@Christi71386739: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@qaraqurum: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@ShumPris: RT @DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining order again… - 5 years ago

@DrewPavlou: I will be in court tomorrow August 10 at 9 am with my legal team headed by Tony Morris QC to seek a restraining ord… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @EdLatimore Damn! - 5 years ago

@paulhay77745039: @martinkelner @talkSPORT It was very sad to hear that Tony Morris who took over as the news anchor for Granada repo… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Just posted a photo - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: The world is afraid of strong men. Do your best to disappoint them. - 5 years ago

@Accademick: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Am I the only one who gets about 15 texts a day, trying to sell CBD oil? Good Lord, man, Give it a damn rest! I’m p… - 5 years ago

@PawTapmaebe: I am appalled even very sickened I heard that a 27 yrs Mississippi Hwy Patrolman was working a part time job driv… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Just posted a photo - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: The process of creativity is way more mundane and methodical than most people think. I now track every project in X… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Just as refining Gold creates furnace slag, so does creation of other things of great value. - 5 years ago

@TommyTalksTelly: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: RT @SoberAFGame: @Pat_Stedman I like that: think average, follow average, be average - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: 8-8 is the date of the Lion’s Gate. #LionsGate #LionsGatePortal . - 5 years ago

@sarahc_tv: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Classical Guitar Alive! broadcast & streaming world wide now via @WOSU WOSU Public Media in Columbus, Ohio. INCREDI… - 5 years ago

@ScreenNation: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: Classical Guitar Alive! broadcast & streaming world wide now via KUCO Classical Radio in Oklahoma City. Here's the… - 5 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@twilightgroupuk: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@smmoorehead: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@smmoorehead: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@naturalgirl51: RT @helenpidd: “Known for his cheeky asides and huge laugh, Tony Morris – known to his colleagues as Mozzer – asked powerful people the no-… - 5 years ago

@samdownie: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@WindrushPreston: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@RadwayRachael: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@mrs_sb: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@billygrove2: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@mrs_sb: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@NewheyMilnrow: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@SallyStanleyJon: RT @DidsburyFMandD: RIP to 3 manchester greats, Denise Johnson singer with Primal scream and other bands and also Tony Morris Journalist at… - 5 years ago

@BibaRudis: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@callmesuenadia: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@CRMann78: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@ElneilSuzy: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@tony_mtz06: RT @BleacherReport: Pat Bev and Marcus Morris' reactions to Dame missing potential game-winning free throws 😅 - 5 years ago

@FlintyRich: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Emmanuel_O14: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@edge2_edge: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@bevbett68: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@KevinEaves15: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@shaan_rickard: RT @ChaseEckerdt: Draw a line between these two moments in CSU time and ask yourself what the single constant leadership point is? Was it… - 5 years ago

@LairdD0yle: Hello @arghkid - I’ve just watched the tribute to Tony Morris. I listened to your poem and it was just beautiful ma… - 5 years ago

@shirleyjones999: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@prestwichpig: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@RogerJo04012332: RT @Jim_Adnitt: Wonderful piece about my friend & colleague from @GranadaReports in todays @guardian from @helenpidd with contributions fr… - 5 years ago

@Filmne2: RT @LifeMulier: Tony Morris married and did he have any children? Tony Morris left behind two adult daughters, who have made touching trib… - 5 years ago

@vicwhittamITV: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@naturalgirl51: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@GraleyLorraine: RT @JamAntonioITV: An absolute honour to talk about the inspiration of our beloved friend and colleague Tony Morris in @guardian today at t… - 5 years ago

@GiryiBrown: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@WHOA4REAL: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@LunaRoseHD: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@YshoneShoney: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@lynchmike78: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@jajtorry: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@BorisMellor: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@CIoJournalist: Helen Pidd Guardian’s North of England editor reports: "Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Mo… - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Smallbrainfield: RT @helenpidd: “Known for his cheeky asides and huge laugh, Tony Morris – known to his colleagues as Mozzer – asked powerful people the no-… - 5 years ago

@Meish52: Grew up with him on Granadaland news. Sad . - 5 years ago

@BradGrantITV: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Euro_Visionary: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@Liamfoxactor: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Natalie91231732: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@NWAmb_Equality: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@09EA63: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@andie1105: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@natalie_17: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@jennyambrose2: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@amandaT94594405: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@hypedatkb: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@Lauralovestelly: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@Tiff5757: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@aaronfac51: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Jackiewhithurst: RT @BBCRadioManc: A charity shop is appealing for help with repairs, after a burglary 😢 The @BuryHospice furniture showroom was broken int… - 5 years ago

@Cup_of_brew: RT @Nmozz: Amazing tribute to our wonderful dad: 'Morris became a hero to the black communities of the north-west: "Having people like Ton… - 5 years ago

@MenAreNuts1: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@RealNatalieRowe: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Nmozz: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@Arsenal_WLD: RT @vicderbyshire: Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris | TV news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@so_rahman: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@gulturner: RIP Tony Morris. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@Miles_Negus: RT @lucymitv: A special connection with viewers. Tributes paid to 'role model' ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris @GranadaReports @Nmozz @Ja… - 5 years ago

@capt1991: RT @UCFSportsInfo: 4-star players (per Rivals, 247 or ESPN) on UCF Football's roster in 2020: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tre Nixon Parker Boudreaux Jaylon R… - 5 years ago

@BurnerUcf: RT @UCFSportsInfo: 4-star players (per Rivals, 247 or ESPN) on UCF Football's roster in 2020: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tre Nixon Parker Boudreaux Jaylon R… - 5 years ago

@UCFSportsInfo: 4-star players (per Rivals, 247 or ESPN) on UCF Football's roster in 2020: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tre Nixon Parker Boudreaux Jay… - 5 years ago

@wiganmuse_o: @ClaireHouse @lucymayhewmusic Ive just donated £20 in memory of Tony Morris the Granada TV gentleman and all round… - 5 years ago

@wiganmuse_o: @lucymitv i just noticed @clairehouse had a play day today im sure tony morris wont mind but i donated in his memor… - 5 years ago

@LizShelby: Why do some people have to bring colour into everything. He was a human being with a family, who loved him dearly.… - 5 years ago

@XANDERV6: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@JoanBarber05: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Spiranidancer: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@thedailystar: Today's obituaries: Doris Whitney Hewitt, 90, Roxbury. Tony R. Hoag, 52, New Berlin. Charles Richard Sheldon Sr., 7… - 5 years ago

@andreaharris007: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@andreaharris007: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@andreaharris007: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@ojosdeagua95: RT @bvKv6IKx3eRUacf: Que morro tienes Tony Morris...JAJAJA - 5 years ago

@bvKv6IKx3eRUacf: Que morro tienes Tony Morris...JAJAJA - 5 years ago

@StaceMichelle: Still can’t believe Tony Morris is dead - 5 years ago

@SarahCallander: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@ParrockLumbCott: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@rooITV: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Tony_Stank23: RT @JMatthews_10: Wanna see obnoxious? Let Arkansas football beat Chad Morris and Auburn this year. Hog fans will lose their mind. - 5 years ago

@MonicadeBattis3: @DrewPavlou One small step in the right direction. Congratulations Drew Pavlou, Tony Morris and all your supporters… - 5 years ago

@music_ash89: Goodnight Godbless Tony Morris. Character; intelligence; strength and style - what a gentleman with an infectious l… - 5 years ago

@monkeynuts_21: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@lesley53029978: @AndyBurnhamGM now the footage of the police body cam has been leaked showing the death of George Floyd can we remo… - 5 years ago

@tony_divine81: @Morris_Monye This is one of this most stupid post I've seen here this year - 5 years ago

@LoveDJMello: RT @kemoywalker: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on ITV Granada Report… - 5 years ago

@DidsburyFMandD: RT @DidsburyFMandD: RIP to 3 manchester greats, Denise Johnson singer with Primal scream and other bands and also Tony Morris Journalist at… - 5 years ago

@CraigJones1966: @MENnewsdesk Don't play on the death of Tony Morris for money. That's low! Charity CEO's are paid what... £100k a… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: RT @KetoAurelius: “One May conquer millions in battle, but he who conquers himself is the greatest of conquerors” - 5 years ago

@thelegendnedk: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@Miles_Negus: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@KindLeader: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@Barney344: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @TRICCAR_CEO @usmint @realDonaldTrump Agreed. - 5 years ago

@deusexspirit: @DarrenCastleton @_Tony_Morris_ @TheRedIntrovert You fear women with little life experience because you do not have… - 5 years ago

@ALittleSliceOf6: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@justme5768: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@pagechord: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@justinalake: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@sophiejax: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@CarriageMag: Our finalists for the Event Organiser of the Year at the Carriage Driving Awards 2020 are Caroline Dale Leech MBE,… - 5 years ago

@DrAdamChapman: @NathenAmin You might spot a bit of affection for Glamorgan here - we used to get live commentary on their Sunday l… - 5 years ago

@TINYWEND: Break in at shop for hospice that cared for ITV's Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@Ruth_M_Robinson: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@rooITV: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@rooITV: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@SalesldMgmtAssn: FunnelRadioLive: Listen now: Tony Morris Asking is a Super Power VanillaSoft ohpinion8ted _TMITraining… - 5 years ago

@tvlive: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@rooITV: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@FunnelRadioLive: Listen now: Tony Morris Asking is a Super Power @VanillaSoft @ohpinion8ted @_TMITraining #INSIDEInsideSales - 5 years ago

@lulamamondi1: @DarrenCastleton @_Tony_Morris_ @TheRedIntrovert Nah fam ..she friendzoned your Ass. - 5 years ago

@Riivrrr: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@sparrowlegs1234: RT @RunWithGeorgeUK: Tony Morris. You were the first person to ever say my name on tv. You supported me all the way along. You were kind, f… - 5 years ago

@Tony_Tsoukalas: Elite class of 2022 QB @mj_morris7 on #Alabama OC Steve Sarkisian's offense: “His offense is definitely something y… - 5 years ago

@19MW98: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Tony_Tsoukalas: RT @bamainsider: - 5 years ago

@ChrisAccy: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@dangreousbrain: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@MyGenerationGM: Community contributor, Debbie Williams has written a beautiful poem in memory of the late television presenter, Ton… - 5 years ago

@carowhititv: RT @GaryOrmiston1: @GranadaReports very moving but well done to all those involved in putting tonights tribute to Tony Morris together @luc… - 5 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @_MikeMcCartney_: Thanks (very much!) to Steve Rutter for finding the interview Tony (Morris) & I did on #Granada Reports about #”Thank… - 5 years ago

@2020Exposure: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@2020Exposure: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@marsden64: RT @RunWithGeorgeUK: Tony Morris. You were the first person to ever say my name on tv. You supported me all the way along. You were kind, f… - 5 years ago

@jwoodfilm: RT @HOME_mcr: We were so sad to hear the news about Tony Morris - he was a much-loved visitor to HOME and a truly great broadcaster, and wi… - 5 years ago

@catherinemurp11: RT @_MikeMcCartney_: Thanks (very much!) to Steve Rutter for finding the interview Tony (Morris) & I did on #Granada Reports about #”Thank… - 5 years ago

@preyeyinkore: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@sjpwhitehead: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@_MikeMcCartney_: Thanks (very much!) to Steve Rutter for finding the interview Tony (Morris) & I did on #Granada Reports about #”Tha… - 5 years ago

@BabyNikki1811: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'He was our best friend': Daughters of Tony Morris share heartbreaking tribute to beloved news anchor - 5 years ago

@Julie_birch1210: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@herahussain: Very shocked & saddened to hear of the passing away of Tony Morris. He interivewed me at the start of lockdown and… - 5 years ago

@RunWithGeorgeUK: This made my day to read these lovely words from Lucy about Tony Morris. Thank you so much x - 5 years ago

@HOME_mcr: We were so sad to hear the news about Tony Morris - he was a much-loved visitor to HOME and a truly great broadcast… - 5 years ago

@WalktheTalk999: Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@Sue14Roberts: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@Sue14Roberts: RT @GranadaReports: The woman to give Tony Morris his first job in TV, Marilyn Comrie, has paid tribute to him. Watch more on Granada Repo… - 5 years ago

@DarrenCastleton: @_Tony_Morris_ @TheRedIntrovert I’ve had male friends in their late 30’s dating/marrying 20-somethings. Sometimes i… - 5 years ago

@ClareCummins5: I’ll be taking the 24 hours in 24 days @BuryHospice challenge. Tony Morris was a Kind and Humble man gone to soon,… - 5 years ago

@987DZFE: Tony Morris’ CLASSICAL GUITAR ALIVE! (1600) features music by Italian composers: Vivaldi, Giuseppe Vaccari, Giulian… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @DarrenCastleton @TheRedIntrovert Welp, when I was 36, I dated an 18-year-old, and ended up marrying her, for 13 ye… - 5 years ago

@cares_jersey: RT @MartinBarrow: The brilliant Tony Morris, who spent much of his childhood in foster care - 5 years ago

@zimba_morris: RT @1king_illest: SUPREME LEADER OF THE NEW SCHOOL #BIGCHIKWAMA #SMALLCIRCLE #LESSPRESSURE. 📷 tony davies - 5 years ago

@LJR1626: RT @sallypenni1: The poem on @itv @granada made me cry. It was on This week’s @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was the most watched… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @AJA_Cortes Sorry to hear that. - 5 years ago

@JayEBrannon1: RT @Nick_Metcalfe: That emotional Granada Reports in tribute to Tony Morris tonight said so much about how powerful those early evening reg… - 5 years ago

@Janet_Morris_: RT @artscentremelb: #TBT - Tune in to @ArchieRoach's Youtube series to hear him chat with Paul Kelly, a long-time friend and collaborator.… - 5 years ago

@fazakfletch: @theglamityjane Tony Morris RIP - 5 years ago

@GarethE438529: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@Heather33755018: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@wmcbridephoto: 📷 Photo Blast From The Past … Anita Morris Anita Morris attends the Tony Awards on June 1, 1982 in New York City. P… - 5 years ago

@Swerve_Ben: Tony Morris is typing... - 5 years ago

@ItsaWalshThing1: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@carlbrewergemh: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@AliBarbuti: Very sad to read this. RIP Tony. - 5 years ago

@Jess_Nevin: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@tonycory152: RT @BeccyBarr1: Heartbreaking news. I last saw Tony last year clambering out of Salford Quays in a wetsuit as I was getting in for a swim.… - 5 years ago

@JCucurnia_: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@JCucurnia_: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@SixBitProxyWax: This has a very "BUSH IS HITLER...NO WAIT...TRUMP IS HITLER NOW! BUSH WAS ACTUALLY OK" kind of vibe. Jon Prett… - 5 years ago

@lpool39: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@cueball147147: RT @_MikeMcCartney_: So sad to hear of Tony (Morris) passing..only 57! Used to like him on BBC NW with Gordon Burns & then found him to be… - 5 years ago

@InnocuousTweets: Only just learnt of Tony Morris' death... He was the ultimate news warrior. - 5 years ago

@debbie1171: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@fran_youle: RT @thisisrammysite: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@ginayashere: Absolutely gutted to hear of the death of Tony Morris. He was the host of my first regular TV gig & he was kind, ge… - 5 years ago

@DawnusVito: RT @thisisrammysite: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@MrMitch619: So sad, loved watching him; a credit to himself & his family! #tonymorris Tony Morris: Obituary | ITV News… - 5 years ago

@mrs_sb: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@PhilBirdBFC: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@Gdee177: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Littleteapig: RT @GranadaReports: Support has been pouring in for Tony Morris' family following the news of his death yesterday. @ElaineWITV has been lo… - 5 years ago

@Littleteapig: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@kivlin46: RT @sthelensstar: St Helens' tributes to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@gardenmum7: RT @LisaSchofield76: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@gemma_m_dyson: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@LiamEversedge11: RT @TheSunShowbiz: Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV news reporter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@MrMitch619: So sad, loved watching him and I credit to himself & his family! #tonymorris Tony Morris: Obituary | ITV News… - 5 years ago

@Miles_Negus: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@surf_n_waves: RT @DidsburyFMandD: RIP to 3 manchester greats, Denise Johnson singer with Primal scream and other bands and also Tony Morris Journalist at… - 5 years ago

@Maxdancemumuk: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@PartingtonSarah: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@thedesireexo: Truly devastated by the passing of Tony Morris, it's almost as if I knew him, I can't believe we won't see him agai… - 5 years ago

@ImagesAl: What a great chap such a lose for our region. Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died a… - 5 years ago

@WesMcardle: RT @LisaSchofield76: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@releasedexpress: A must see. Kirk Franklin talks with Matt Crouch, Robert Morris, and Dr. Tony Evans ... - 5 years ago

@Claryette: RT @BuryHospice: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@cursednumber7: RT @BuryHospice: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@GillH1973: RT @LisaSchofield76: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@LisaSchofield76: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@BuryHospice: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@LaraOyedele: RT @lyndacuba: @WalkerSam @beckyland @LaraOyedele @ViswanathanAC @LovejitD @Bodderings Yesterday I heard a former colleague Tony Morris had… - 5 years ago

@SimonJguthrie: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@XxxChikaIshii: RT @WomenintheLawUK: @sallypenni1 @lucymitv @GranadaReports Another northern son is taken and a manchester legend just like Denise Johnson… - 5 years ago

@bobbiehough: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@Stacker829: RT @sthelensstar: Tributes have been paid in the town to @GranadaReports Tony Morris pictured here 'signing for @Saints1890' on April Fool'… - 5 years ago

@sallypenni1: RT @WomenintheLawUK: @sallypenni1 @lucymitv @GranadaReports Another northern son is taken and a manchester legend just like Denise Johnson… - 5 years ago

@nick00teen: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@IanTheInventor: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@robsmithitv: I still can’t believe Tony Morris is gone, despite having to read those very words on TV. Every moment of the past… - 5 years ago

@THFM5683: RT @thisisrammysite: TV presenter backs Bury Hospice challenge in memory of Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@headshotsbywat1: RT @GranadaReports: The woman to give Tony Morris his first job in TV, Marilyn Comrie, has paid tribute to him. Watch more on Granada Repo… - 5 years ago

@jackyant: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@EmmaJessonTV: RT @GranadaReports: Support has been pouring in for Tony Morris' family following the news of his death yesterday. @ElaineWITV has been lo… - 5 years ago

@EmmaJessonTV: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@EmmaJessonTV: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@syleste2: RT @CaribCookSchool: Blouse & Skirt! Tony Morris host of BBC 2 comical topical panel show passed away @angielemar @CurtisWalkerDon @EddieN… - 5 years ago

@WomenintheLawUK: RT @WomenintheLawUK: @sallypenni1 @lucymitv @GranadaReports Another northern son is taken and a manchester legend just like Denise Johnson… - 5 years ago

@HotSpotQuiz: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@LyndaHa06578205: @lucymitv how will you ever find a right hand man to replace Tony Morris? I don’t know what to say anymore Lucy,exc… - 5 years ago

@TwoStoreyVolvo: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@mike_taylor11: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@ljchoquette: Watch Praise | Kirk Franklin, Dr. Tony Evans, & Robert Morris | March 12, 2020 from @tbn - 5 years ago

@vikingsandrad: RT @sthelensstar: Tributes have been paid in the town to @GranadaReports Tony Morris pictured here 'signing for @Saints1890' on April Fool'… - 5 years ago

@TheSunShowbiz: Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV news reporter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@vikingsandrad: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@TanyaWhiles: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Thatcherselbow2: RT @ianfagan: R. I. P. Tony Morris YNWA - 5 years ago

@PeteCityPrice: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@victoriagITV: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@Wellens1: RT @MelBarhamITV: If you missed our special programme last night in tribute to our wonderful friend Tony Morris, you can watch it here. Hu… - 5 years ago

@TodayBeKind: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@JamesSwarbrick5: RT @peterfury: - 5 years ago

@mersey_mermaid: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@McCabe_Morris: RT @MarveIFacts: The last message from Tony Stark in 'Avengers: Endgame' - 5 years ago

@JanetBromelow: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@ALifeLongRecord: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@johnburgess1977: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@SheffieldExpo: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@HazelTraining: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@ElaineWITV: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@nickthewhat: @RogerJ_01 @GranadaReports @lucymitv @lucywestITV Very sad news, RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@DavidJ_Roberts: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@DavidJ_Roberts: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@danchadchad: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@DavidJ_Roberts: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@DavidJ_Roberts: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Tkymobile: RT @Leetasizan: 因為撐香港抗爭運動,多次批評中國人權問題,後來被澳洲昆士蘭大學停學兩年(後改為一學期)的Drew Pavlou,獲御用大律師莫裡斯(Tony Morris, QC)無償擔辯護律師,並已向昆州最高法庭對昆大校長和校董事會主席提出訴訟。 Pavlou… - 5 years ago

@DavidJ_Roberts: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@SusieQ_86112: RT @chrisshipitv: This tribute to Tony Morris has just been released by our colleagues at @GranadaReports: “You clocked off too early this… - 5 years ago

@Buryboy6: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@LindyBrooks20: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@akosnyarko6489: RT @CharleneWhite: Tony Morris was an utterly wonderful man, & brilliant journalist. Two attributes that his daughter @Nmozz has in bucketl… - 5 years ago

@WaterWorxUK: RT @NWAirAmbulance: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony was… - 5 years ago

@kivlin46: RT @sthelensstar: Tributes have been paid in the town to @GranadaReports Tony Morris pictured here 'signing for @Saints1890' on April Fool'… - 5 years ago

@KayshaThomas: A legend from my childhood. I used to nap so that I could stay up late and watch Blouse & Skirt ♥️ Rest in peace To… - 5 years ago

@c6db05f38ac7451: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@DavidBaugh10: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Thegirldreams: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@nerdenterprises: RT @Nimble: Don't be afraid to ask questions! Darryl Praill & Tony Morris talk about the powerful aspects of asking & how to ask the questi… - 5 years ago

@Staircase2: RT @carmel_prescott: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - BBC News..... this is very sad 😞 only 57yrs old - 5 years ago

@Nimble: Don't be afraid to ask questions! Darryl Praill & Tony Morris talk about the powerful aspects of asking & how to as… - 5 years ago

@BlaBlaHollywood: Kate Garraway's tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV reporter Tony Morris - Follow @BlaBlaHollywood for more celebri… - 5 years ago

@IomMediaTVRadio: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@keithwr48617926: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Denise_1955: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the sea of messages we're receiving & the kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & condolence… - 5 years ago

@ElvisFadden: @Lordsofthering1 No wonder no cunt puntin 141% Dick Turpin atleast had the decency woear a mask ,N not for Covid ,t… - 5 years ago

@peterba00: @FtblNeville Who does Tony Morris vote for mate - 5 years ago

@LyndaHa06578205: @lucymitv who can ever take Tony’s place ? Nobody,but after Tony Wilson you found Tony Morris, I loved them both, L… - 5 years ago

@SuperRichio83: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@TheJackSullivan: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@voix_metamatic: RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@las2950: RT @carmel_prescott: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - BBC News..... this is very sad 😞 only 57yrs old - 5 years ago

@RedshawAmanda: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@liambradley16_: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: This Morning host Ruth Langsford opens up on ‘very sad’ news 'We held each other’s hands' - 5 years ago

@NicoleMCFC: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@coach_harvey18: Kenny Gant (Landshark and cousin of @terrance_gant), ST Billy Bates, RB Tony Dorsett, S Dennis Smith, CB Dave Deurs… - 5 years ago

@SaraCurlyWurly: RT @dailystar: GMB's Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@dailystar: GMB's Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@LVoicesi: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@mikehallitv: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@theBootlegacy: RIP Tony Morris 😢 - 5 years ago

@AnnOConnorITV: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@JamAntonioITV: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@trev2talk_tc: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@OpomaMoses: RT @Daily_Express: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@robsmithitv: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@LeeRoyBurrell: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@redsonya241: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@tc1242000: RT @LisaSchofield76: So sad to hear about Tony Morris. Heart goes out to his family and the ITV Granada team past and present x - 5 years ago

@JackieHal: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@LiseMcNally: RT @GranadaReports: The woman to give Tony Morris his first job in TV, Marilyn Comrie, has paid tribute to him. Watch more on Granada Repo… - 5 years ago

@Monty_Dodge: Tony Morris Obituary - 5 years ago

@LisaSchofield76: So sad to hear about Tony Morris. Heart goes out to his family and the ITV Granada team past and present x - 5 years ago

@_FootballTheory: Terry Hurlock Kevin Nolan Darren Huckerby Mark Noble Tony Coton Steve Bruce Billy Bonds Chris Armstrong Craig Joh… - 5 years ago

@catherinehay: RT @BuryHospice: Thank you for the lovely messages we are receiving & kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & love are with… - 5 years ago

@BenjiRose5: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@givemepie360: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@SSnedHayman: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Daily_May: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SareBall: Ah this is very sad. Touching tribute from ITV. #TonyMorris - 5 years ago

@IslingtonMayor: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@larsen_316: @cedarsjwsurvey More like "Watchtower's Most Wanted"... you are definitely near the top of Tony Morris' kill list at Armageddon! 😅 - 5 years ago

@wireinthebrain: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CongletonCW12: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@StephhLou: RT @KatyRickittITV: Absolutely gutted to hear this news. Tony was a gorgeous human being: kind, humble and always greeted you with a smile… - 5 years ago

@CathOBrien1: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@RyanLangton14: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@muzzamints1: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@shrideepghogare: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GabriellaJLee: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@GabriellaJLee: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@s0ngb1rd: RT @angielemar: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ - 5 years ago

@beverleyoswin31: "ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - BBC News" - 5 years ago

@justincreates: Tony Morris Dead: ITV Granada Reports Host Dies at 57 - - 5 years ago

@paisleymarley18: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@MillseyBlog: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@lucymitv: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@lucymitv: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@laurensim3008: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@dominic91002523: Tony Morris: Obituary | ITV News - 5 years ago

@GerardMcCaffer1: RT @timotierney: Years ago. Me and me dad seen Tony Morris. My dad shouted “tony Portsmouth have sighed a new keeper” tony said “really who… - 5 years ago

@GoogleExpertUK: RT @ProlificNorth: An emotional and heartfelt programme aired on ITV Granada Reports last night following news that presenter Tony Morris d… - 5 years ago

@olap001: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@MrsTcarole: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@NeilTowler8: @lucymitv Just watched your tribute to Tony Morris , well done Lucy you did him proud . A very moving tribute I had… - 5 years ago

@fizzogian: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@AndyCla80169645: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@AndyCla80169645: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@AndyCla80169645: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@burnleycouk: It comes with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Tony Morris. A loving father and hugely popular presente… - 5 years ago

@Tmelody1K: @GranadaReports @arghkid RIP Tony Morris gone but never forgotten you meant so much to all that knew you in partic… - 5 years ago

@darren_leyland: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@PompeyNewsNow: Tributes paid to ITV presenter and Portsmouth FC fan Tony Morris #Pompey Portsmouth News - 5 years ago

@BoltonFashion1: RT @KatiexMcGlynn: So sad to hear the tragic news of Tony Morris 😔 My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. What a legend @GranadaRe… - 5 years ago

@NathanJCBurgess: RT @Daily_Express: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@ProlificNorth: An emotional and heartfelt programme aired on ITV Granada Reports last night following news that presenter Tony Mor… - 5 years ago

@vivi62: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@Garywal88365729: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@aquarterof: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@AndrewNoble16: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@APFaz: RT @MelBarhamITV: If you missed our special programme last night in tribute to our wonderful friend Tony Morris, you can watch it here. Hu… - 5 years ago

@wbhospice: Rip Tony Morris, we send our deepest condolences to Tony's family and friends. 💚💙 - 5 years ago

@Andrew___Morris: @da_667 @GreyNoiseIO @CRV thank you tony. i am so so so proud. - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: Adam Rickitt and GMB wife 'gutted and upset' over tragic news 'Wish I was as nice as you' - 5 years ago

@BlaBlaHollywood: ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris dies after battle with kidney cancer - Follow @BlaBlaHollywood for more celebrity… - 5 years ago

@R_o_M: RT @IanBarber88: Yesterday's @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris was our most watched programme of 2020, with almost 40% of those watchi… - 5 years ago

@Gerard27B: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@Nanaman25449446: RT @TheVoiceNews: The much-loved broadcaster featured in a special programme last night - 5 years ago

@JimmyR85: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@PONewsHub: Tributes paid to ITV presenter and Portsmouth FC fan Tony Morris #Portsmouth - 5 years ago

@dcpkato75: Still can’t get over Tony Morris passing away. So sad 🖤 - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: Adam Rickitt and GMB wife 'gutted and upset' over tragic news 'Wish I was as nice as you' - 5 years ago

@MelBarhamITV: If you missed our special programme last night in tribute to our wonderful friend Tony Morris, you can watch it her… - 5 years ago

@ged_mason: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@LisaRBriscoe: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@AnnePrenderga10: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@shirleyhelliwe1: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@Leesiddall: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@djaup: Genuinely gutted to hear about the passing of Tony Morris. I talked to him a few times because of our mutual love o… - 5 years ago

@EmmaLouiseWebb3: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@AMlCKS: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@BoldSt3p: RT @MENnewsdesk: Lucy Meacock has paid tribute to Tony Morris in emotional clip tonight - latest tributes to the ITV presenter - 5 years ago

@DOckerby1: I live in Manchester, I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear of the death of Local news anchor Tony Morris, I di… - 5 years ago

@DelsolNatalie: I almost cried so many times during last nights @GranadaReports. So sad. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@iseankyle: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@MCATEER4: RT @Realaldo474: So sad to see the passing away of Tony Morris from Granada Reports.!What a gentleman,and great broadcaster👌We will all mi… - 5 years ago

@DonnaQu55063784: I’ve just read the news about Tony Morris from Granada Reports, it is so sad, he was a very lovely guy, I will miss… - 5 years ago

@b3n1b0y: RT @BBCNWT: Tony Morris, presenter of ITV Granada Reports, has died aged 57. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2019 and presented the… - 5 years ago

@BuryHospice: Thank you for the sea of messages we're receiving,& the kind donations in memory of Tony Morris. Our thoughts & con… - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: Gemma Atkinson: Hollyoaks star addresses sad news 'He was part of our household' - 5 years ago

@foxxie75: RT @foxxie75: Fundraiser for @BuryHospice in memory of Tony Morris #TonyMorris #RIPTonyMorris #granadareports #… - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: Gemma Atkinson: Hollyoaks star addresses sad news 'He was part of our household' - 5 years ago

@PamelaMayoss: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@chester_mcfly: RT @sthelensstar: Rest in peace Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@dannyfostermufc: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@Emergingvulnera: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@CaldecottSteven: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@dannyfostermufc: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@iAtif_: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@MoniqueBruneel: RT @expressceleb: Adam Rickitt and GMB wife 'gutted and upset' over tragic news 'Wish I was as nice as you' - 5 years ago

@Charl0ttePerry: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@kd55296: @stait_john @mrgordonburns @GranadaReports @lucymitv - 5 years ago

@KayBarnes11: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@M2AOK: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@KelseaWebbx: So sad about Tony Morris 😓 RIP - 5 years ago

@bminshull8: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@gibby9790: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@lenbooo: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@oldraincoat: Hats off to Lucy Meacock @lucymitv for presenting Monday nights show and the tributes to Tony Morris. Must have bee… - 5 years ago

@AdoreLM31: RT @KatiexMcGlynn: So sad to hear the tragic news of Tony Morris 😔 My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. What a legend @GranadaRe… - 5 years ago

@nomoresurfin: RT @OfficialBuryAFC: We want to send our love and condolences to @Nmozz. RIP Tony Morris, you will be missed. 💙 Tony's family are asking f… - 5 years ago

@saeedatcha: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@AndreaByrneTV: RT @GuyPhillipsITV: A very moving programme tonight by the Granada Reports team paying a special tribute to presenter Tony Morris, our much… - 5 years ago

@lee_lizard: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@MrMikeyTV: RT @OfficialBuryAFC: We want to send our love and condolences to @Nmozz. RIP Tony Morris, you will be missed. 💙 Tony's family are asking f… - 5 years ago

@OfficialBuryAFC: RT @OfficialBuryAFC: We want to send our love and condolences to @Nmozz. RIP Tony Morris, you will be missed. 💙 Tony's family are asking f… - 5 years ago

@account_arnoldo: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@MichaelJohn_66: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@TPKMcMahon: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@luciashaw123: RT @Jodiegibsonx: I'm so sad to see the news of the passing of Tony Morris. His smile and infectious happy personality on ITV news in the e… - 5 years ago

@becrobinsonpart: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@JUDYBEST_SW16: RT @angielemar: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ - 5 years ago

@alexwil47955049: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@MollieA76080476: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@Chandyy_xoxo: 💔 so sad RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@RepeatBeatPoet: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SimonJMulligan: St Helens has been paying respects to @GranadaReports presenter Tony Morris #RIPTony - 5 years ago

@katieoakes: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@sthelensstar: St Helens has been paying respects to @GranadaReports presenter Tony Morris who died aged 57 #RIPTony - 5 years ago

@CAGreaterMcr: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@ProlificNorth: An emotional and heartfelt programme aired on ITV Granada Reports last night following news that presenter Tony Mor… - 5 years ago

@ColettebBarrett: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@Vicdavictorious: RIP Tony Morris 🙏🏽 - 5 years ago

@PhilH23: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@C4PermCos: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Christi29354231: RT @Rowetta: Judging the Granada region's Pride Of Britain Awards. Tony Morris was always so warm and lovely. He always used to act like he… - 5 years ago

@margecaine: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@RachLpoll: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@AnneLouisaRix1: @arghkid That is beautiful x I’m crying even though I didn’t know Tony Morris x he lived in my hometown though ♥️ RIP 💔 - 5 years ago

@raerileymedia: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@keast_rob: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@colindewparry: RT @BBCIsleofMan: Tony Morris, the longstanding presenter of ITV's North West news programme Granada Reports, has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@lisajagger21: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@cheekybrsteward: RT @NWAirAmbulance: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the family of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony was… - 5 years ago

@johnfreeman_DTT: A lovely tip of the hat to @GranadaReports anchor man Tony Morris, who has died aged just 57. A truly wonderful and… - 5 years ago

@tcdbradford: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@JenSmith1850: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@AudreySctt: RT @angielemar: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ - 5 years ago

@dansodergren: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@NInrahim: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@tcdbradford: RT @WindrushPreston: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 Sad news today about Tony Tony Morris RIP x - 5 years ago

@PhyllisPhil: Really sad to hear of the death, of presenter,Tony Morris , too young, will really miss seeing his beautiful smile… - 5 years ago

@PaulineWinrow: RT @2_hyden: Lucy Meacock in tears at the end of granada reports after her tribute to Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@xxTracey66xx: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@nicolabaker1988: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@leaaahh_pt: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@13Pro_Am: @danscully8 Sad news Granda Reports Tony Morris has passed away. - 5 years ago

@traffordjuniors: Yesterday, we heard the sad news that TV presenter Tony Morris had passed away. He was known to us as an adoring da… - 5 years ago

@Graham63227548: Rest in peace Tony Morris the only black man who treated all skin colours as equals - 5 years ago

@TCDLeeds: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@rjmyers: Tragically sad news. I loved watching Tony Morris during my many years in the north west. A class act. Thoughts wit… - 5 years ago

@carolinecbaker: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@pacman1712: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@EdThomasNews: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@MillseyBlog: RT @joelrossradio: What an amazing tribute to Tony Morris from @Granadareports tonight. You don’t get a whole show dedicated to you unless… - 5 years ago

@lozmgcol: RT @TheWomensOrg: Heartbreaking news that presenter Tony Morris has died aged 57 💔 A huge loss for our region, which he always represented… - 5 years ago

@indiemaid68: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@TCDLeeds: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@irishmichellem: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@irishmichellem: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@sdpownall: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@SelectTheBest2: RT @Independent: ITV's Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Deadly_sub: Watched @lucymitv tribute to Tony Morris on @GranadaReports last night. What a lovely human being he was! And Lucy… - 5 years ago

@sdpownall: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@ApricotFilmsLLC: RT @Independent: ITV's Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Independent: ITV's Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@awf_liverpool: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@arj0133: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@IDickson258: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@awf_liverpool: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@mjstocks1: Really sad to hear the news about Tony Morris. I met him when he interviewed me and he was a proper gent and very p… - 5 years ago

@wesleysredgrave: RT @Daily_Express: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@masato_jones: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@Marysodateable: RT @Terrencemanyeh: Tony Morris took me under his wing when I needed aspiration and inspiration the most. He believed in @MsIbegbuna dream… - 5 years ago

@MargaretMooney5: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@Jason_MVM: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@BeddoesJill: RT @chrisshipitv: This tribute to Tony Morris has just been released by our colleagues at @GranadaReports: “You clocked off too early this… - 5 years ago

@oharakenneth: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@OliviaCrellin: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@ohara_nicola: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@teeaitchsee: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@ATVLand: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@BDLFireLtd: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@rickyboleto: I can’t believe we won’t be seeing Tony Morris on @GranadaReports anymore. He is royalty up here. Thinking of his f… - 5 years ago

@oders27: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Daily_Express: RT @expressceleb: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@sutton_pm: RT @scopelandboxer: Tony was a wonderful man, so kind & encouraging whenever I went to Granada, and his big smile & warm spirit impacted ev… - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: GMB host Kate Garraway honours late colleague in heartfelt tribute 'Warm and brilliant' - 5 years ago

@ebrey_william: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@xxTracey66xx: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@LUC3_G: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@msgmcfc: RT @reid6peter: Tony Morris great reporter, what a gentleman. RIP🙏 - 5 years ago

@KirstyLevens: RT @joelrossradio: What an amazing tribute to Tony Morris from @Granadareports tonight. You don’t get a whole show dedicated to you unless… - 5 years ago

@sallypenni1: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@Thegoodishlife1: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@Linz67Yorkie: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@PurpleRuby8: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@thenorthwestHUB: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@sallypenni1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@sallypenni1: So very sad to hear this news about Tony Morris. Wonderful man who died from kidney cancer. Sending love to his fam… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@dogscenturion: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@24IN_9797: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@mikehallitv: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@eliteboxer: RT @scopelandboxer: Tony was a wonderful man, so kind & encouraging whenever I went to Granada, and his big smile & warm spirit impacted ev… - 5 years ago

@tcdbradford: RT @IDickson258: Great to see so many tributes to the late Tony Morris, the well loved Granada TV presenter who sadly died this weekend. As… - 5 years ago

@CarlAustinBehan: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@MuthaOfTheAce1: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@mjshabba: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@TCDLeeds: RT @IDickson258: Great to see so many tributes to the late Tony Morris, the well loved Granada TV presenter who sadly died this weekend. As… - 5 years ago

@helenkaysmith4: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@SUtayl: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@CarolynManton: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@commsprouk: Shocked to read this news. The studio sofa will not be the same without him. - 5 years ago

@racheljanefoy96: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@ATVLand: RT @GranadaReports: You can watch our special tribute programme to our much-loved friend and colleague Tony Morris here. - 5 years ago

@philjjassociate: RT @christinetalbot: My love goes out to Tony's daughters, @lucymitv and our colleagues @GranadaReports. Tony was a brilliant journalist an… - 5 years ago

@RadioCityNews: An online book of condolence has been created in honour of Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@margecaine: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Ashleyheslop2: RT @tstrongy7: Sad that, been on the news as long as I can remember. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@ATVLand: RT @Nick_Metcalfe: That emotional Granada Reports in tribute to Tony Morris tonight said so much about how powerful those early evening reg… - 5 years ago

@tracey31612379: RT @graham240760: RIP Tony Morris very sad news : Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@yorkshireguy: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@VickiO_C: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Pattazzuri: RT @MetroMayorSteve: Such sad news. A lovely, genuine, funny man. Deepest condolences to his family and friends. RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@EttaJamesdotNET: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Entertain_BWR: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@lemuel_risaac: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CPL_Enterprise: RT @Anonymo85203487: So sad was @GranadaReports tonight. @lucymitv did Tony Morris proud. Such a sad loss of a lovely man. Granada Reports… - 5 years ago

@baggott19: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@WoodhouseOpt: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@caramel2703: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@RobertAlanWint2: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@RabinaKauser1: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@WindrushAction: RT @WindrushPreston: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 Sad news today about Tony Tony Morris RIP x - 5 years ago

@JulieDenoual1: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@PhilDuck: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@johnammo29: RT @awf_liverpool: A beautiful tribute to an absolute gentleman. Forever in our hearts, Tony Morris ❤️ @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@1875Lambert: RT @lancstelegraph: Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@dpl2310: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@casio1234: @GranadaReports @lucymitv Rip Tony Morris, such a shock when I heard the news, watched you every evening on the nor… - 5 years ago

@MazMLWi54562381: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@LifeAnew34: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@dailystar: #GMB's Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@nicolaw29: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@RadioNorthwich: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@dailystar: GMB's Kate Garraway pays tribute to 'warm and brilliant' ITV presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@ZENITHB: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@JohnRamejkis: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@lisam2301: RT @AdeleNew4: Some people genuinely touch your heart. Tony Morris was one of them. We sat quite near him at The Axe and Cleaver in Dunham… - 5 years ago

@JakeRMN: RT @LGBTfdn: Our love and thoughts are with Tony Morris’s family, friends and everyone at @GranadaReports this evening. We will remember hi… - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: @selfconquering @ScottAdamsSays And malleable. - 5 years ago

@goodtogoat62: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@nikolaida1st: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@MrCunliffePE: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@TheresaEurope: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@efcwayner: @GranadaReports @1kevincampbell @arghkid Rip Tony Morris x - 5 years ago

@hughesat10: Tony Morris taken from us , aged 57, this world is just not fair, RIP Tony. - 5 years ago

@smallypaula: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@henson40: - 5 years ago

@henson49_50: - 5 years ago

@dpl2310: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Accio14Anna: RT @RochValleyRadio: Some very sad news has reached us this afternoon.... - 5 years ago

@lonewolf53: @lucymitv so proud of you for keeping it together last night Lucy it raw emotion shone through in the end. What an… - 5 years ago

@gypsybeef_: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@DianeDibeswills: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Ellacus2: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@1kevincampbell: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@AmielWayne: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@phil_woodford: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@televisionsouth: RT @Nick_Metcalfe: That emotional Granada Reports in tribute to Tony Morris tonight said so much about how powerful those early evening reg… - 5 years ago

@JasonBr42272055: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@andersonsangela: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@lafxii: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@PalFarrah: RT @anders_ian: God bless Tony Morris. A gentleman and campaigner for justice. - 5 years ago

@TillySm17643009: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Red_Devil87: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@ShelbyNewton94: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@dean200993: Last night's "Granada Reports" tribute to Tony Morris, in full: - 5 years ago

@grangefieldward: RT @Bill_Esterson: Thinking of Tony Morris, his family, friends and colleagues. Always brought a smile to add to his professionalism. Tony… - 5 years ago

@Dubsy_chat: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@ArdwickLongFood: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@XH487: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@ArdwickLongFood: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@yosinor34456111: RT @arianafanoffic: tony morris really did make the news not seem so bad, he will be missed - 5 years ago

@NQueenafrica: @MENnewsdesk So so sorry condolences to his family. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@spyingcactus: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@davesudhurst: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@tvlive: BBC North West Tonight: Tribute to Tony Morris: 3rd August 2020 - 5 years ago

@bigtoe63: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JedadiahLeland: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@Ciudades_: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@crumblerr: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@scoobytheboxer: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@MikeD198306: Such sad news about Tony Morris of Granada Reports #RIPTonyMorris - 5 years ago

@SouthportReport: RT @SlaveryMuseum: It is with great sadness to hear that Tony Morris, well-loved news reader for @GranadaReports has passed away Tony was… - 5 years ago

@MrsAmazinglyAce: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@MrsAmazinglyAce: Poor Tony Morris. What an exceptional man. May he be at peace. - 5 years ago

@rizalroney: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@gffcontwitch: #RIPTonyMorris i really liked Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@OfficiallyCleo: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@OfficiallyCleo: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@OfficiallyCleo: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@JoeGudgeonPhoto: @lucymitv @GranadaReports This is really sad news. Tony was a brilliant presenter and journalist. He had a great se… - 5 years ago

@4lexKhan: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@LoBatley: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@YeahISa1dit: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@stecap13: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@AngelaMortimer2: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@AngelaMortimer2: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@m_gallon06: RT @MetroMayorSteve: Such sad news. A lovely, genuine, funny man. Deepest condolences to his family and friends. RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@Katienew: RT @DJPAULETTE: #RIPTonyMorris .⁦@GranadaReports⁩ From foster kid to award-winning newsreader: Tony Morris obituary | ITV News #blackbroth… - 5 years ago

@ethanmc_1: R.I.P Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@myriad8: R.I.P. TONY MORRIS Prayers for his family. - 5 years ago

@_Any1NeverLove_: Tony morris dying of cancer is the maddest and saddest thing thats happened this yr - 5 years ago

@LordDickAdler: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@TheOrac07577704: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@LjHairdressing: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@TheOrac07577704: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@chrystaldragon: RT @kazzacoey: Crying watching Granada Reports, what a lovely man 💔❤️ - 5 years ago

@ClaireerialC18: Sad to hear Tony Morris has passed away. Always enjoyed the rapport between him and Lucy on @GranadaReports Lovely… - 5 years ago

@WarWithTweets1: #RIPTonyMorris Ok #BLM, time to riot against DEATH, Himself.. But really r.i.p. Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@popquizant: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@ParisdelaMoitie: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Eley01: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@seattleid: RT @Bfly1972: Very sad to hear about tony Morris a great presenter 🙁 - 5 years ago

@LiamEversedge11: RT @TheSunShowbiz: ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris dies after battle with kidney cancer - 5 years ago

@TheKop_Gongz: RT @Realaldo474: So sad to see the passing away of Tony Morris from Granada Reports.!What a gentleman,and great broadcaster👌We will all mi… - 5 years ago

@klcarter14: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@BallerRogue: @DStarkand @Tony_B I like Morris at 4 and AD at 5 while Bron sits. Punish the other teams bench. - 5 years ago

@klcarter14: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@klcarter14: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@klcarter14: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Notonthespot: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@ChloeLauren5: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@veniceangels: RT @takeoverOwen: Absolutely heartbroken to hear about the passing of Tony Morris, for my 18 years of life I’ve sat down most nights with f… - 5 years ago

@illdoitanyway: Rest in power Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@DStarkand: @BallerRogue @Tony_B More Morris minutes with AD would make a ton of sense. Kieff spreads the floor but can also defend 5’s - 5 years ago

@1Cole_: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@tom_catbiscuit: When the clock runs out and time is up think I'd like to be remembered like this. Legacy is not about money or thi… - 5 years ago

@gravey08334518: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@bev_wil: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@bev_wil: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@ChorltonBF: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@nat90HJ: RT @JamAntonioITV: Extremely sad to see you depart this earth, but incredibly grateful to have had the honour of knowing you. You've been b… - 5 years ago

@pault199: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@honeybeepetal: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@NeilSaleMCFC: @lucymitv @GranadaReports Nice man always had warm smile R. I. P Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@moll_sumner: Tony Morris was everyone’s fave Granada presenter even if they didn’t realise #RIPTonyMorris - 5 years ago

@luhannahx: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@HLakin98: So gutted to hear about the passing of Tony Morris. A true adopted northern legend ❤️ - 5 years ago

@Danyal_Afzal97: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@scala_ninja: @gabro27 @propensive @mapastr @alexelcu And wasn't the raison d'être of Typelevel to destroy Scalaz and Tony Morris? - 5 years ago

@ChrisLiverpool1: RT @LivEchonews: "A smile from Tony Morris always brightened everyone's day" - 5 years ago

@MPR1989LPL: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@TheTwistedSnake: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@14cooperc: RT @Nick_Metcalfe: That emotional Granada Reports in tribute to Tony Morris tonight said so much about how powerful those early evening reg… - 5 years ago

@NiamhOdell: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@AnneNewbrook: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@DerekInTorre: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Nxdif: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@adam_a_walker: Shocked that our neighbour and all round amazing, gentle and decent man died on Saturday. Incredible outpouring of… - 5 years ago

@KarlJHargreaves: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@simisolasystem_: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Avamudx: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@DrDeeMichell: RT @IDickson258: Great to see so many tributes to the late Tony Morris, the well loved Granada TV presenter who sadly died this weekend. As… - 5 years ago

@ApDeMak: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@glenncooney: @GranadaReports Just finished watching your beautiful and emotional programme dedicated to the late, great Tony Mor… - 5 years ago

@ChristianBrady: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@jennarosedunn: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@ProBettor2: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@DebrashawF: RT @MichaelStarke57: So sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. An absolute gentleman. Deepest condolences to his loved ones. ❤️ - 5 years ago

@MauraDonohoe: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@Ma1r3ad: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@iAtif_: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@JaynePSparkle67: @GranadaReports It is so sad over Tony Morris. He was a true legend. He will be sadly missed. R.I.P. Tony. - 5 years ago

@DanimayPalmer_: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@FeistyScotland: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@seefinish: United Kingdom trends 🇬🇧 follow @seefinish for insight (Top 10) #C4Klopp #LineofDuty #thedeceived… - 5 years ago

@RogerJo04012332: RT @paulducktv: Lovely @GranadaReports tribute to our mate Tony Morris tonight. Two memories of many: Before going on air, that million d… - 5 years ago

@JazeeraBernard: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@AlbirBlues: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Fadumo_oo: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@radiodandy75: BBC News - ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 Very sad news. - 5 years ago

@JazeeraBernard: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@johnknowles83: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@ChrisChohan: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@RogerJo04012332: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@music_ash89: Goodnight Godbless Tony Morris. Character; intelligence; strength and style - what a gentleman with an infectious l… - 5 years ago

@m_icah_: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RogerJo04012332: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@williamshankly: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@djbirkinshaw: Really sad to hear the news of Tony Morris' death. He was a good man. - 5 years ago

@Funny_Bird86: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Awais74616089: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@dannycmatthews: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@GordonDalgleish: RT @Realaldo474: So sad to see the passing away of Tony Morris from Granada Reports.!What a gentleman,and great broadcaster👌We will all mi… - 5 years ago

@kellyj814: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@DeadMansHand13: RT @Sulsters_inc: For all of us here in The Northwest. Our Regional News is Iconic. Granada News - Granada Reports is an institution. Nor… - 5 years ago

@Jon_Pollock09: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@BFCJez: RT @emilycoxhead: Absolutely heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris 💛 I had the pleasure of meeting him last year. He took me… - 5 years ago

@helen07954551: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@ShahnazAsghar: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@DDGray38: Lovely poem to honour the lovely Tony Morris. I grew up watching him present every day, such a lovely man gone too… - 5 years ago

@greenbeltsal: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Angela_Grotbags: RT @sthelensstar: Rest in peace Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@harryBurtonras: RT @Fitzyfella: The Granada Reports tribute to Tony Morris absolutely rinsed me! Poor @lucymeacockitv held it together but went at the end… - 5 years ago

@Suzanne89571041: RT @AasmahMir: Oh this is so so sad. Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 | ITV News - 5 years ago

@KwameIncrease: RT @reid6peter: Tony Morris great reporter, what a gentleman. RIP🙏 - 5 years ago

@akuawood: RIP Tony Morris BBC News - ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@RunWithGeorgeUK: Tony Morris. You were the first person to ever say my name on tv. You supported me all the way along. You were kind… - 5 years ago

@GordonDalgleish: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@WrathSilvery: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Nick_Metcalfe: That emotional Granada Reports in tribute to Tony Morris tonight said so much about how powerful those early evenin… - 5 years ago

@christurner2424: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@AishRiaz: Oh God this left a lump in my throat. RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@lawrenceitv: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Boucaud1: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@KincaidDeclan: @RuthieeL I’m sorry to hear about Tony Morris my thoughts are with you, lovely to see you walking that little cutie ❤️🥰😘🐶 - 5 years ago

@LynzHB: RT @BallysBoots: Hands up who shed a tear when @lucymitv broke down at the end of the tribute to Tony Morris on Granada Reports this evenin… - 5 years ago

@Kaneo__: RT @MENnewsdesk: Granada colleagues break down in tears as they remember 'humble, kind and funny' presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@williamc120: @GranadaReports Tony Morris was so full of life, he has been the face of my local news throughout my childhood. Suc… - 5 years ago

@DavidWa50046817: @lucymitv @GranadaReports I watched Granda Reports when I have been on holiday in Cumbia and Lancashire. Brilliant… - 5 years ago

@070166rob: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@Heslop175Jo: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Hannnurrr: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago


@GamerBlinkHYLT: I always saw Tony Morris on ITV. So recognisable. Doing the news. I would never have suspected he would lose his life. That’s sad man - 5 years ago

@Chorls55: RT @chrisshipitv: This tribute to Tony Morris has just been released by our colleagues at @GranadaReports: “You clocked off too early this… - 5 years ago

@MeganThwaites1: RT @KatiexMcGlynn: So sad to hear the tragic news of Tony Morris 😔 My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. What a legend @GranadaRe… - 5 years ago

@evanmakeba: Rest In Peace, Tony Morris. Much love to his family and friends during this tough time. - 5 years ago

@Laurenedwards89: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@AndrewHegarty: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Hair4HomelessMS: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@EricNoi1: RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@Annarosa_x: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@dannyfostermufc: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@TeeBerry81: RT @CharleneWhite: Tony Morris was an utterly wonderful man, & brilliant journalist. Two attributes that his daughter @Nmozz has in bucketl… - 5 years ago

@curlytopsmac: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@patrickkmaguire: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@charlie__farley: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@pollywilson58: Top Man RIP #TonyMorris @GranadaReports wont be the same without you & your smile. - 5 years ago

@LeeSaunders72: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@LeeSaunders72: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@ThomasFrancisC8: I used to see Tony Morris in my local market. Always had a smile and a happy demeanour. A great loss. Sleep well T… - 5 years ago

@henners88: Real shame about Tony Morris. Seemed like a top bloke. RIP - 5 years ago

@daley646464: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@BlueballNigel: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@_abigaillbrown: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@bee_nicola: @GranadaReports just heard about Tony Morris, so sad , so missed; the report so touching, you could hear the tears… - 5 years ago

@JoeMackenzie16: No matter what 6pm is always @GranadaReports time here in The #NorthWest We have lost the legend that is Tony Morr… - 5 years ago

@caterinajones: RT @mrgordonburns: Shocked to hear of the death of @GranadaReports presenter and one time BBC colleague Tony Morris. My sincere & deepest s… - 5 years ago

@OliviaGomez_: Aw I feel so sad about Tony Morris you know 😓 57 is no age 😞💔 - 5 years ago

@Boucaud1: @GranadaReports @lucymitv Wow,just found out about Tony Morris, deepest condolences to his family on there sad. - 5 years ago

@mattmillin: Moving tribute to Tony Morris tonight on @GranadaReports Brilliantly done with love and compassion. The “banter” he… - 5 years ago

@VWHPortsmouth: RT @TheMancUK: Not sure how @lucymitv kept it together for so long. A true professional. She did Tony proud. 💔 - 5 years ago

@dianemodahl: So sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. I’ll remember him as a friend, the ultimate professional and an inspi… - 5 years ago

@milly13jones: RT @joelrossradio: What an amazing tribute to Tony Morris from @Granadareports tonight. You don’t get a whole show dedicated to you unless… - 5 years ago

@AlderHeyCharity: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Phil_Gwilliam: RT @sthelensstar: Rest in peace Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@aemorris1994: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@markainsworth1: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@positiveimagep: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@TomMarsland: Beautiful tribute to Tony Morris on @GranadaReports these newsreaders that have been on a while with such a a prese… - 5 years ago

@Candyooke: @GranadaReports Shocked to hear about Tony Morris. A great presenter who will be sorely missed and a work horse unt… - 5 years ago

@charlie__farley: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@keithwhale2: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@jake_smyth: Oh my... I am genuinely shocked & saddened by this news. Back in 2007 I attended a TVYP (now Edinburgh TV Festival)… - 5 years ago

@LauraPAnimator: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Samharris675: Heavy about that Tony morris, Granada reports won’t be the same again 👎🏼 - 5 years ago

@CQNNOR: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@mattknights1997: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@lmsandyshore00: @lucymitv I am so sorry to see the news that Tony Morris has passed away, he was so lovely and had a lovely smile.… - 5 years ago

@KeylineComms: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SianThomas_: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@MissKG86: Watching Granada reports now hearing them speaking about him with their voices breaking and tears in their eyes! Ab… - 5 years ago

@gkilleen31: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@LizElen1: RT @alexberesfordTV: I am devestated to hear my colleague Tony Morris has sadly passed away. He was the face of @GranadaReports for so many… - 5 years ago

@TomCritchley9: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@LeeBigley: So sad to hear the death of Tony Morris☹️ - 5 years ago

@shybott: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@PhilBLAHBLAH: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@mo_scot: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Sandybaby1900: @RuthieeL just saw a lovely clip of you and Tony Morris. What a lovely man RIP. - 5 years ago

@anthonybritland: Sad news about Tony Morris. RIP Tony . - 5 years ago

@JJpye98: Wtf big Tony Morris is dead??? I’m actually done - 5 years ago

@Ms_Nichola: RT @terrychristian: Very sad to hear of the passing of @GranadaReports Tony Morris, a lovely bloke and always fun to bump into. Just a genu… - 5 years ago

@VanessaBaffoe: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@crc4: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@BrothersofSwing: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@REELCIC: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@zackyboy14: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@janeycsi: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@AutieTeleDex: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RedArcherLive: I've actually grown up watching this man read the news for the last dozen or so years and always loved seeing him o… - 5 years ago

@altybob: RT @BBCNWT: Tony Morris, presenter of ITV Granada Reports, has died aged 57. He was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2019 and presented the… - 5 years ago

@JayIslaMilaAbel: @GranadaReports broke my heart watching the tribute to such a kind gentle man who’s face was friendly warm and reli… - 5 years ago

@FeetFe: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@Webberc5Webber: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@tkorellex: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@soylentgreen58: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@longhaul777: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@mariakiIIeen: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@Mikecunni1: Gutted to hear about Tony Morris. Very sad. - 5 years ago

@loisjademchugh: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@pfft_Oviously: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Amy_Swiderski: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GagganSabh07: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Bri_S79: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@chodaxuk: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@haywoodgmp: @lucymitv @GranadaReports RIP Tony Morris. Huge loss, thoughts with family and friends. Massive well done to… - 5 years ago

@Stokesy2902: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@mckessy316: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@TPKMcMahon: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@PatsyKaneEHT: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@alexwilliams_x: RIP Tony Morris Absolute Legend - 5 years ago

@Yourstr94027454: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@benvyse: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Patrioticsally: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@NgunanAdamu: RT @LeviTafariPoet: Condolences to Tony Morris's family and colleagues @GranadaReports he will be sadly missed by one and all. His smile al… - 5 years ago

@HrvyKng: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@cath1073: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@hannahthomasitv: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@toblueeforyou: I fuckin knew Pete Price would have a photo of him and Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@JohnWri09534282: Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@TomCollins94: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Clearwatch: @bizforyourself @ForshawCarol Rest in peace Tony Morris. Will be greatly missed. A real gent. - 5 years ago

@StargazedSailor: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@mark_aofficial: RT @colourfulradio: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 | ITV News - 5 years ago

@keefmullin: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@RuthDobson7: @AndyBonnerITV can't believe Tony Morris has passed away thoughts are with you all at this time remember meeting hu… - 5 years ago

@stevedaley50: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@cool_grandad: RT @kazzacoey: Crying watching Granada Reports, what a lovely man 💔❤️ - 5 years ago

@rachelmairs: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@jennyheadey: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@orourkeclaire1: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@YNWA84: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@HopefulDoctorYT: RT @pipmadeley: RIP Tony Morris, you were always welcome on our screens, even if the news wasn't. - 5 years ago

@grimsullivan: Brilliant tribute. Great fella. Lucy Meacock in tears during touching ITV tribute to Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@clarissalangham: More very sad news. Tony Morris was such a great reporter and so likeable. A lovely tribute 😢 - 5 years ago

@BTPJoe: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Real_HipHop_14: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@tstrongy7: Sad that, been on the news as long as I can remember. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@Andr3wJamez: Tony Morris was a legend. If he was with Lucy Meacock you know you were in for a big evening bulletin - 5 years ago

@redarsebandit: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Lewisking777: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@Tina13uk: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@hydref: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@goIdcherrys: i’m so sad about tony morris what the fuck - 5 years ago

@GorgeousGeek27: RT @Joey7Barton: RIP Tony Morris. Thoughts are with his family and friends. - 5 years ago

@Tramp_crossword: RT @BeccyBarr1: Heartbreaking news. I last saw Tony last year clambering out of Salford Quays in a wetsuit as I was getting in for a swim.… - 5 years ago

@s_u_k_e_s: OMG feel so sad about this, I met Tony Morris in Heaton park & he was so so nice. Heartbreaking news 😢 - 5 years ago

@FitzpatrickKev: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@PaulaWharton: @GranadaReports Such sad news. Always knew I was home when my mum put on Granada Reports and there was Tony Morris' smile. - 5 years ago

@Bufferb2012: Beautiful, heartbreaking tribute by @lucymitv @GranadaReports 4 tony morris I'm not sure how she held it together 4… - 5 years ago

@FlintyRich: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CIoJournalist: The Sun reports: 'RIP TONY Tony Morris dead aged 57 – ITV Granada presenter dies after battle with kidney cancer.’… - 5 years ago

@FarnworthAmy: This is so unbelievably sad. I grew up watching Tony Morris present the news 😔 He had one of those faces that never… - 5 years ago

@unclebuckQPR: RT @GranadaReports: From foster kid to award winning newsreader. Tony' career broke down barrier after barrier @lucymitv reports - 5 years ago

@MelissaKarenPar: Saw Tony Morris at a train station just before lockdown. I didn't want to bother him so I only smiled. What a gift… - 5 years ago

@lbmcfc1: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@Juliebell73D: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Michael_McGuirk: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@pjsTRFC: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Michael_McGuirk: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@mshafiquk: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@Didsburylabour: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SaxonMCFC: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Juliebell73D: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@LeviTafariPoet: Condolences to Tony Morris's family and colleagues @GranadaReports he will be sadly missed by one and all. His smil… - 5 years ago

@tjtrickstar: @itvnews RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@dchisnallITV: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@b_gibson94: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@Kazwat123: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@PaulChantler: What a brilliant and poignant tribute to ITV News presenter Tony Morris on Granada Reports. Poor @lucymeacockitv on… - 5 years ago

@Mrs_Sealy_MEA: What a fabulous tribute to a truly lovely man. Granada reports was on every single night in our house at tea time,… - 5 years ago

@RhysL_J: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@sooz_78: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@SiNuttall77: RT @mcrconfidential: The always excellent @arghkid with his poem ‘Clocked Off’, in memory of Tony Morris for @GranadaReports. RIP Tony 💕… - 5 years ago

@Llktaylor: RT @Terrencemanyeh: Tony Morris took me under his wing when I needed aspiration and inspiration the most. He believed in @MsIbegbuna dream… - 5 years ago

@Emma4facs: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@CarolynPR: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@JRMcCracken: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@AlexCousins7: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@stephen72939660: RT @MENnewsdesk: Granada colleagues break down in tears as they remember 'humble, kind and funny' presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@HenninghanFiD: Rip Tony Morris from @GranadaReports he was a friendly face on screen ☹️ Regards to his family in all. #TonyMorris - 5 years ago

@RichardBunting: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@ann_mcgoldrick: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@davidcatherall2: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@MarcCorbishley: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SamSamsal1985: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@dave68therunner: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@LeeSaunders72: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Euro_Visionary: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@ClaysonPatricia: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@Josegerr_: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Nessie3151: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Politically_Seb: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@cavandavey15: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@TwoStoreyVolvo: @julieetchitv @GranadaReports @itvnews Just watched it now - trying to control one's eyes. Hard to believe that To… - 5 years ago

@newgoldsdream: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@SeanSines: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@pauljohnlyon: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@hazel3471: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@tlaindon1: BBC News - ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 R.I.P Tony... - 5 years ago

@UncleRBenson: Bloody hell, Tony Morris ☹️ - 5 years ago

@Henry07Yau: A fitting and emotional tribute for Tony Morris.... what a man. My thoughts and prayers go out to his two daughters… - 5 years ago

@galvoh: RIP Tony Morris u will b so so missed #whataman ❤️ - 5 years ago

@TheArtOfOrycol: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@btng123: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@josefleont: RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@sammiebrennan_: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@paulducktv: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@moonlightlady2: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@standardchester: Lucy Meacock, his co-presenter throughout that time, said: “He was without doubt one of the most humble, kind and f… - 5 years ago

@oliviasophiaxo: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@StyxTravel: So very sorry for your loss Rest in Peace Tony Morris - a part of growing up in Lancashire. 🙏 - 5 years ago

@kizzymay58: RT @MayorofGM: A book of condolence has been opened for the late Tony Morris, should people wish to sign: Tony's f… - 5 years ago

@samanthaskidm10: RT @KatiexMcGlynn: So sad to hear the tragic news of Tony Morris 😔 My heart goes out to his family and loved ones. What a legend @GranadaRe… - 5 years ago

@elliottwest87: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Ashleyheslop2: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@DonPhillips19: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@sarahlouu__: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RefereeHalsey: Just watched @GranadaReports very touching tribute to Tony Morris 😥😥brilliantly led by @lucymitv I remember Tony &… - 5 years ago

@foxxie75: Fundraiser for @BuryHospice in memory of Tony Morris #TonyMorris #RIPTonyMorris… - 5 years ago

@Sebmeister: RT @MENnewsdesk: Lucy Meacock has paid tribute to Tony Morris in emotional clip tonight - latest tributes to the ITV presenter - 5 years ago

@Dockatecook: RT @paulmkerrigan: Really sad news. RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@dixiedeansboots: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Alexleecodling: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@MarquezSi: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@67Snowy: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@RJD83BFC: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@HayleyFrater: RT @TheMancUK: Not sure how @lucymitv kept it together for so long. A true professional. She did Tony proud. 💔 - 5 years ago

@AmyDNesbitt: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@banjoflip: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@AmyDNesbitt: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Heshams: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@MartaNewman: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@ShayTailored_xo: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@stephenmchapman: RT @BBCFrediani: Tony Morris lit up the lives of everyone he worked with, everyone he met and the viewers who watched @GranadaReports every… - 5 years ago

@CutieVic1981: Such sad news to hear of the passing of Tony Morris 😢 - 5 years ago

@angiesliverpool: RT @awf_liverpool: Heartbreaking to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. Tony has been a huge advocate of AWF for a number of years and was… - 5 years ago

@GuyPhillipsITV: A very moving programme tonight by the Granada Reports team paying a special tribute to presenter Tony Morris, our… - 5 years ago

@Jaggy2409: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@_robjones19: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@_bethanyjw: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@hamill_nelly: Very sad news. ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CutieVic1981: RT @amandaclapham: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ You were the reason I started paying attention to the news as a teen, which was quite the skill. Than… - 5 years ago

@Vikld: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@banjoflip: RT @JonKeighren: What a shock, Tony was a true professional and a lovely guy, he has embraced regional news ever since his days at ⁦@BBCRad… - 5 years ago

@ChloeTetlow: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@ParkinsonsImpro: RT @kazzacoey: Crying watching Granada Reports, what a lovely man 💔❤️ - 5 years ago

@KymDollL: RT @juliahaworth: A lovely tribute to Tony Morris @GranadaReports What a genuinely lovely man. Privileged to have been interviewed by him -… - 5 years ago

@charlottealiced: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@pixelpidgeon: RT @Tim_Burgess: Such sad news about Tony Morris. He took time out to look after us when we were guests and seeing his face on TV meant I w… - 5 years ago

@LettySpoghetti: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@dchandlersk2: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@andywdowicki: RT @CharleneWhite: Tony Morris was an utterly wonderful man, & brilliant journalist. Two attributes that his daughter @Nmozz has in bucketl… - 5 years ago

@mikemccluskey1: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@fran_youle: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@laurenmanual_: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@PatrickElliot_: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@kyliemoon16: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@jacquihill18: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@TommyTalksTelly: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@BobWrig47232753: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@paulschreiber20: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@jacquihill18: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Tom_Wins: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@green2angel: RT @mcrconfidential: The always excellent @arghkid with his poem ‘Clocked Off’, in memory of Tony Morris for @GranadaReports. RIP Tony 💕… - 5 years ago

@RayHennessy1: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@MattyMcc11: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@Mariecurran: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@JanetC_Osbourne: RT @DefendWindrush: R.I.P Tony Morris ❤🙏🏿❤ He had presented Granada Reports, ITV's North West news programme, for 17 years. Only 57 Mr Mo… - 5 years ago

@Equilibria: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RebeccaHindle_C: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Fitzyfella: The Granada Reports tribute to Tony Morris absolutely rinsed me! Poor @lucymeacockitv held it together but went at… - 5 years ago

@janet74165976: RT @kazzacoey: Crying watching Granada Reports, what a lovely man 💔❤️ - 5 years ago

@Di_Cheshire: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@JuneFerris8: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@danrimmer_tv: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Steph1230: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@jan_doig: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@aniimetzinger: RT @mcrconfidential: The always excellent @arghkid with his poem ‘Clocked Off’, in memory of Tony Morris for @GranadaReports. RIP Tony 💕… - 5 years ago

@conners25: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@tonyforde007: RT @reid6peter: Tony Morris great reporter, what a gentleman. RIP🙏 - 5 years ago

@EmilyBishopCor1: @RuthieeL Sorry to hear of the death of your colleague Tony Morris (Granada News). - 5 years ago

@kpg45uk: Tony Morris, shocked & stunned at the news....loved listening and watching that guy, i'll miss his smile, style and… - 5 years ago

@crc4: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@smithmoirayaho1: @RuthieeL Just to let you know that the news presenter Tony Morris has passed away and you used to work with him x 😥 - 5 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @MENnewsdesk: Lucy Meacock has paid tribute to Tony Morris in emotional clip tonight - latest tributes to the ITV presenter - 5 years ago

@JuniorCoke1: RT @tvlive: Granada Reports - Tribute to Tony Morris: 3rd August 2020 - 5 years ago

@MaisyMooCow: RT @JosefHollywood: One of the finest broadcasters ❤️ RIP Tony Morris 💟 #TonyMorris - 5 years ago

@AbbieBebe: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@1cazyb: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@Callum_OConnor8: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@goodwalkerme: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@FanOfRiverP: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@jamdodger4: This is very sad news, the death of Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@Nichola42584115: Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@salerfc1: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@cassyx2184: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@karenstewart7: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GAVTRAV: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@jacobb_perry: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@ECryans: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@shirleyhadley63: RT @GranadaReports: Watch our special programme in tribute to great friend Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@Geraldi87478922: @lucymitv such a lovely tribute to Tony Morris tonight you did him proud xx - 5 years ago

@FanOfRiverP: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@CarlEvansMCR: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@oafc617: @lucymeacockitv - that was a truly lovely and ever so respectful programme you presented for Tony Morris, and furth… - 5 years ago

@RebekahEBoyd1: RT @Bekieboyd: Thank you for sharing your time with us. R.I.P Tony Morris. @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@Drawski5: Granada colleagues break down in tears as they remember presenter Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@Davewooder: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@EFCAubs1985: Such sad news about Tony Morris. Remember watching him every night when I lived back at home. Lovely bloke, thought… - 5 years ago

@JessPartington1: Genuinely so saddened by Tony Morris' passing, the evening news won't be the same without him 💔 rest in peace ❤ - 5 years ago

@elwardo86: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@RicoWilliams27: Great tribute to Tony Morris on @GranadaReports ♥️ sleep tight big man #RIPTonyMorris - 5 years ago

@PaDDy__Ham: RIP Tony Morris, such a sad day, condolences to his family. - 5 years ago

@dallaskaren: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@MarkCue1: Terribly sad news @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@AngelaBennatt: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@prestwichpig: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@HeslopMoira: @lucymitv @AndyBurnhamGM @GranadaReports I was in tears watching Granada Reports of Tony Morris such a lovely man f… - 5 years ago

@Ann31236488: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@Celia_uk: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@paulpilkington: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@MCR7778: RT @Dead_Dead_Good_: So sad to hear the news that Tony Morris off #GrandaReports has passed away at fifty-seven years of age. Tony along wi… - 5 years ago

@Trev_Moulton: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@gazpne: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@RiaChatter: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@tomhawkins07: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@sophie_breslin: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Aurora_UK_LAH: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@johnkeyboarduk: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@stephenburns2: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@owentuson: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@Brutusmaximus: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@carlfin: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@shazza261270: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@KrisLivesey: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@mcfchick: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@fozithegreat191: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@mYsTiQuEiSbLuE: RT @GranadaReports: This poem, called Clocked Off, in memory of Tony Morris was composed by @ArghKid formed part of our tribute programme t… - 5 years ago

@DanHitch91: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@CaroleLivesey: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@itvnews: This poem is one of many tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57. Read more tr… - 5 years ago

@FenlonLaurence: @GranadaReports very sad news of Tony Morris. Had no idea, as always came across so positively. RIP Tony - 5 years ago

@billygrove2: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@JackCalvert123: Lovely tribute to Tony Morris then on ITV news, R.I.P. Tony - 5 years ago

@LfcBren77: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@markNbrogs: RT @warwickroad69: Sad news about Tony Morris today. I heard about his illness about a month ago but it was kept between his family and… - 5 years ago

@MENnewsdesk: Lucy Meacock has paid tribute to Tony Morris in emotional clip tonight - latest tributes to the ITV presenter - 5 years ago

@judithjoyce18: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@galleyslave15: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@MarkHitman6: RIP Tony Morris, my thoughts are with his family and friends. Lucy Meacock did an amazing job to keep it together t… - 5 years ago

@MisterFallon: Well done @GranadaReports and to @lucymitv in particular for a superb tribute show to Tony Morris. I never met him… - 5 years ago

@mozrover: Seemed a top man Tony Morris really sad watching that,Lucy Meacock & Tony Morris are a north west institution - 5 years ago

@Ada_Ojilibeka: Goodnight Tony Morris. You'll be missed😥😥 - 5 years ago

@DorHulse: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@ElizabethGunson: @GranadaReports @lucymitv In absolute bits at the loss of Tony Morris! Had no idea he was ill. Such a loss! Much lo… - 5 years ago

@birdman2: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@LaurenceRHarvey: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@EmilyBonnerTV: Sobbing @GranadaReports tribute to Tony Morris 😭 - 5 years ago

@DorHulse: RT @JuliaAromaReiki: @BBCNorthPR @GranadaReports So kind to our little girl - natasha still says she knows you when you appear on tv. RIP T… - 5 years ago

@Brekkietweets: So much death reported over recent months but mainly as just numbers & statistics. I think that is part of the rea… - 5 years ago

@cfcpac: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@carabyrnexxx: Tony Morris memorial on ITV Granada made me so sad. - 5 years ago

@DianaMo01393189: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@PaigeHalewood: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@DorHulse: RT @RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admiration for @… - 5 years ago

@dixiedeano7: @lucymitv how you got through the special @GranadaReports episode I don’t know. So strong and professional througho… - 5 years ago

@NikkiWarbs: Watching the tribute to Tony Morris on Granada reports tonight has literally just broke me!! What a lovely man and… - 5 years ago

@REDNILE7: Sad news about Tony Morris, always come across as a sound fella .RIP . - 5 years ago

@KellyWalker1972: Well done to the @GranadaReports team for putting together such a beautiful tribute to Tony Morris. A great guy wit… - 5 years ago

@AlepouClaire: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@BallysBoots: Hands up who shed a tear when @lucymitv broke down at the end of the tribute to Tony Morris on Granada Reports this… - 5 years ago

@maloney_oliver: RT @ajones_media: Terribly sad to hear about the passing of @GranadaReports’ news presenter Tony Morris. Tony was one of few people in the… - 5 years ago

@DannyConnor10: what a boss man that tony morris was - 5 years ago

@KarenCatterall: Well done to @lucymeacockitv and @GranadaReports for a wonderful tribute to Tony Morris ❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@Icky_84: RT @kazzacoey: Crying watching Granada Reports, what a lovely man 💔❤️ - 5 years ago

@Just_AHill: That tribute to Tony Morris hit hard. What a guy - 5 years ago

@edsaunt: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@xoxVix87: Lucy did so well holding it together through that tribute to the amazing Tony Morris 😩 absolutely heartbreaking. Fl… - 5 years ago

@Laura_Liverbird: Such terribly sad news about the lovely Tony Morris. A wonderful tribute by @lucymitv on Granada reports tonight, c… - 5 years ago

@IDickson258: Great to see so many tributes to the late Tony Morris, the well loved Granada TV presenter who sadly died this week… - 5 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @Johnrashton47: ITV Granada Reports' Lucy Meacock leads tributes to Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@fakeginger53: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@JyotixSingh: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ - 5 years ago

@EmergMedDr: Well done hanging in there till the end @lucymitv I don't know how you did it. Was a beautiful tribute to Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@DorHulse: RT @AgentCas73: Such a shock to hear how the Granada News reader Tony Morris has sadly died from Kidney cancer. The frightening thing was h… - 5 years ago

@AlanLivingstone: Really touching tributes to Tony Morris on ITV news. RIP. - 5 years ago

@RogerJ_01: On leave at home watching a really moving edition of @GranadaReports paying tribute to Tony Morris. Full of admirat… - 5 years ago

@shakersi: @GranadaReports superb tribute to Tony Morris. @lucymitv did so well. he will be missed RIP mozza. - 5 years ago

@denpen5: @GranadaReports So sorry to hear this very sad news, Tony was the light of Granada Reports I always looked forward… - 5 years ago

@JessieCrook: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@MikeLoftuss: Tony Morris tribute on ITV... 😥 - 5 years ago

@mars_pirate: Can't believe the news about Tony Morris. Who didn't love watching him & @lucymitv every evening he seemed such fun… - 5 years ago

@neilstewart73: RT @BBCNWT: Tributes are being paid tonight to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who died aged 57 in Bury Hospice after being diagnose… - 5 years ago

@Seanmufc77: RT @IDRV_MUFC: I've got to be honest here this Tony Morris tribute on Granada Reports right now is proper moving... What a brilliant lovely… - 5 years ago

@Jo53157238: Aww RIP Tony Morris 😢 💖 #granadareports #ITV - 5 years ago

@HeatonAmanda: @lucymitv that must have been so difficult. You held it together , had us all In tears at the end. Will be greatly… - 5 years ago

@ajones_media: Terribly sad to hear about the passing of @GranadaReports’ news presenter Tony Morris. Tony was one of few people i… - 5 years ago

@amynicole_xo: All of us at home are glued to @GranadaReports tonight, such a great loss. Lucy handled tonight so well 😭❤ RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@itvnews: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@moss_sirisom: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@lawrencemcnally: Well done ITV and also Lucy for that great tribute to Tony Morris . Life's a bitch - 5 years ago

@mrjordanjames_: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@chriswilson_3: @GranadaReports Such heartbreaking news, I’m so sorry to hear that Tony Morris has sadly passed away. 😢💔 My deepes… - 5 years ago

@pam_schofield: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@ashworth_gill: RIP Tony Morris - so sad. Really liked his journalism & he was clearly a lovely man. - 5 years ago

@DianeKe93653051: So so sad to hear Tony Morris has passed....... 💔😢 - 5 years ago

@ChrissieS66: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Samantha_janew: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle - 5 years ago

@Sunnyfaces1: Tony Morris, what a shock. Granada Reports won't be the same. Condolences to his 2 daughters 💔😢 - 5 years ago

@myksmaynard_: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@Boxing2479: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@dannyj14: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@goodoldMJ: RT @GranadaReports: Tony Morris was involved with several organisations working with young people, among them the @awf_liverpool. Anthony W… - 5 years ago

@OfficialCWH: Such sad news about Tony Morris. What a wonderful man. In tears watching Granada reports tonight 😭 #TonyMorris… - 5 years ago

@plentifulpics: RIP Tony Morris ❤️ Hats off to Lucy Meacock telling his story on Granada Reports xx - 5 years ago

@clarkysun: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@baracca47: RIP Tony Morris. - 5 years ago

@spabs1: RT @MENnewsdesk: Tributes are continuing to pour in after Tony Morris' sad death - 5 years ago

@NorthernWeston: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@samsepticfan: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@_adamdoyle: Proper gutted to read that Tony Morris has died, proper loved him on @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@matttpattt: What a beautiful tribute #granadareports 💔 RIP Tony Morris #ITV - 5 years ago

@DanielHewittITV: RT @GranadaReports: "What you saw on TV every evening was exactly who he was - authentic and honest in everything he did, relentlessly funn… - 5 years ago

@Groundhogg4: RIP Tony Morris. #ItvGranada - 5 years ago

@omfgshauna: In absolute bits at the tony Morris tribute 🥺❤️ rip xxx - 5 years ago

@PaddyBWFC78: In tears watching the Granada Reports tribute to the brilliant Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@MENnewsdesk: 'His smile lit up the North West': Tributes to ITV presenter Tony Morris who died after cancer battle… - 5 years ago

@McMac100: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@millypod1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Philius_Phogg: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@samuelluckhurst: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@hamerd70: @BBCNWT Such sad news, Tony was a broadcasting diamond, presented the reports perfectly with such warmth, sincerity… - 5 years ago

@xlaurensj: R.I.P Tony Morris, I feel like you were the sound of my childhood teatime with my family. May you fly high x - 5 years ago

@KatC_xx: So sad to hear 😔 RIP #tonymorris ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@NicoleMCFC: Crying my eyes out at this Tony Morris tribute 😢 - 5 years ago

@TheGuideLpool: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@JohnjoL20: @GranadaReports you have just Shxt all over Tony Morris's memory by pushing your #BLM equality nonsense #BLMmarxists - 5 years ago

@daviddownie17: The tribute to Tony Morris just now on @GranadaReports was incredibly poignant. Well done to all involved, you’ve d… - 5 years ago

@jackietvpsychic: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@SpringerSaint: What a beautiful tribute to Tony Morris on @GranadaReports He always came across as a kind, friendly, considerate m… - 5 years ago

@parkycd: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@_Tony_Morris_: My zippy little Subaru just increased in value: #Mangoré @ Austin, Texas - 5 years ago

@ANDYC2311: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GARYAshworth18: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@JB_Hewitt: So sad to hear that Tony Morris has died. A very likeable presenter in our local news bulletins, he’s left a huge… - 5 years ago

@spabs1: RIP Tony Morris. Can’t believe he was on screens a month ago and now he’s gone. What a legacy though. Thoughts with his family. - 5 years ago

@marsden64: Tony morris rest in peace you will be sadly missed... - 5 years ago

@McMac100: RIP Tony Morris. Such sad news. A huge part of #granadareports who will be greatly missed. - 5 years ago

@EttiaDew: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@ginger_scamp: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@Mogs44837883: Rest In Peace Tony Morris we will miss your calming smile. - 5 years ago

@EileenmorourkeO: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@SkylabRadio: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@LisaM_Catchpole: @GranadaReports Tony Morris will be so missed by everyone in the NW. His infectious smile was so heartwarming. RIP Tony xxx - 5 years ago

@LouiseWraith: Hearing the death of Tony Morris has really saddened me, my evening will never be the same RIP Tony, thoughts are w… - 5 years ago

@rburgessbbc: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CLOD9: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@KevLucas4: @RuthieeL just seen a clip of you with tony Morris what is your memories after his sad death - 5 years ago

@HoylandJamie: So sad watching @GranadaReports on the passing of Tony Morris, great presenter but more importantly came across as… - 5 years ago

@FurnessGirl: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@joy9kat: Just heard the very sad news about Tony Morris. So shocked. Didn't realise he was ill. RIP. Condolences to his frie… - 5 years ago

@Veggibear: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@ashnahurynag: Absolutely heartbreaking. Can't begin to put into words the love for Tony at ITV. Thoughts are with this legend's f… - 5 years ago

@mobooboo2011: Oh man, just heard Tony Morris has died aged 57. Granada Reports will never be the same . Cancer is a cruel, cruel disease 😥 - 5 years ago

@_hariett: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@helwid87: Thinking of @lucymitv today. It must be so sad to lose someone who you've worked so close with for so many years. H… - 5 years ago

@helenjonesradio: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@TPWRAFBJJ: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@AnitaDavies1: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@shayster57: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JessEastoe91: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RelaksRadio: Holy Cow what is it with 2020 ??! Tony Morris , Black British Newscasting trail blazer has died at the young age o… - 5 years ago

@GoldKiinder: RT @PaddyMcGuinness: Such sad news. RIP Tony Morris. Back in the day, being on Granada Reports meant you’d made it. Tony interviewed me on… - 5 years ago

@NewsmanKev: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@kingofthecentre: Oh no way didn't even know Granada reports legend tony Morris was sick. Felt like he was on TV for ever a local legend. - 5 years ago

@TheGuideLpool: Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris has died aged 57 after he was diagnosed with kidney cancer last year. 👉… - 5 years ago

@Evansthekolfan: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@HamzahAbbas_: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@Andy_LFC2005: @lucymitv @VFC_CiC Sorry too hear about your good friend, won't be the same without him RIP Tony morris @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@LFC_Lukn4d20th: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@helenjonesradio: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@mishybabez_: @GranadaReports @lucymitv R.I.P Tony Morris thinking of his friends and family at this sad time😭❤️ - 5 years ago

@Cannyange1: RT @Rob_McLoughlin: How very very sad and shocking. RIP. ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 Prolific North ⁦@GranadaRep… - 5 years ago

@janewest4318: Totally saddened to hear about Tony Morris @GranadaReports such a wonderful presenter loved his presenting with… - 5 years ago

@fudenib: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@LesleyForsyth5: @itvnews Sincere condolences to the family & friends of Tony Morris 💔 It was a pleasure watching him on Granada Reports. He will be missed. - 5 years ago

@SimeonSaid_: Sad to hear about Tony Morris 🙏🏽🕊 - 5 years ago

@Jackie68152459: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@ChrispLOL: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@putthetellyon: RT @tvlive: Extremely sad news to report this afternoon. Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris has died. - 5 years ago

@Sara4Geraint: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@MTyrell_: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@laurenbwfc: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@elcookieo: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @AasmahMir: Oh this is so so sad. Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 | ITV News - 5 years ago

@geo_geo_geo1971: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@14cooperc: RT @Mr_Dave_Haslam: Terrible news about the death of Tony Morris of Granada Reports. He was as warm off-screen as on. A regular at my club… - 5 years ago

@RochAntley: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@AdamFA: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Joe_larkin_: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@ManAviation1107: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@CarlyJay20: RT @nigelmp: Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@scamerondiaz: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@MIFestival: We're deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Tony Morris. A great anchor for Granada Report, he will be much… - 5 years ago

@lou1sejane: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@CharlotteLucy_M: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@NeilPye46: @itvnews This is quite a shock and very sad news to learn. Tony Morris was a brilliant journalist, presenter and vo… - 5 years ago

@realdavedoubleu: RT @warringtonnews: "His smile brightened up the whole of the north west for 17 years." - 5 years ago

@TheMarkEnd: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@grove_village: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JonMitchell_ITV: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@MancityMiss: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@FrankdarbsTony: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 , more details : - 5 years ago

@SmallStocksJay: RIP Tony Morris. One of the best newsreaders and presenters ITV has ever had! #itv #granada #granadanews - 5 years ago

@mcfcal1424: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@choochoo45g: RT @mrgordonburns: Shocked to hear of the death of @GranadaReports presenter and one time BBC colleague Tony Morris. My sincere & deepest s… - 5 years ago

@tweetsbyjp: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@kingjameshowe: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@thepainterflynn: RT @TalentCoop: RIP Tony Morris Such a fabulous presenter and a genuinely good guy, a real loss. #GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@fayyaztai: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JenSmith1850: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@PatsyW75: Such sad news - 5 years ago

@ProfMarcus72: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@PaulHen64443905: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@kyturnbull: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Russ_Norton: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@BPreyzner: RT @LiveLancs: RIP Tony Morris - a legend of journalism in the North West - 5 years ago

@JulieJeanz: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JonMitchell_ITV: An ITV News legend of the north west. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@martina_farrow: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@1GaryFieldhouse: RT @RochValleyRadio: Some very sad news has reached us this afternoon.... - 5 years ago

@laurenkellett_: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@wilsonbwfc: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@TomMcDSays: So sad to read about the passing of Tony Morris, a brilliant news presenter and really nice guy. Was always smiling… - 5 years ago

@leeabooth: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@missemilyjayx: RT @scally_cinnamon: The iconic pairing of Lucy Meacock and Tony Morris was a staple of northern-ness 😭 - 5 years ago

@foxxie75: RIP Tony Morris. Too young. Very sad news 😢 - 5 years ago

@sllmcgrath: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Livv_27: Breaks my heart to find this out today💔 I grew up watching Tony Morris everyday before The Simpsons came on then la… - 5 years ago

@Stacker829: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@KiamaKiharu: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@laroceht: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@karen_dempster: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@iAmNK67: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@TomRMorris92: Very sad news. RIP. - 5 years ago

@Chamomi40: RT @TheSun: ITV presenter Tony Morris has died - 5 years ago

@ghwbourne: RT @itvnews: "One of the most humble, one of the kindest, funniest people you could ever meet." @lucymitv pays tribute to her ITV Granada… - 5 years ago

@redhels: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@mel_mwicks: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@SenorApple2014: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@MisterMatthewUK: I didn't realise Tony Morris had been poorly with cancer. He always came across very warm and friendly on Granada R… - 5 years ago

@KassyHall1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@AndrewAyr: Just heard the news about Tony, absolutely tragic. @AnnOConnorITV @ElaineWITV @AndyBonnerITV - 5 years ago

@WillJPatterson: Sad news. I had the pleasure of meeting Tony Morris during the mayoral campaign when he hosted the Granada debate,… - 5 years ago

@ajpointon1995: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@s9tmt: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Paula_sonny: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Chris_P_Burke: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@LynneAshton2: @GranadaReports Just heard the sad news about Tony Morris, im in total shock, what a lovely gentleman he was, my th… - 5 years ago

@Laurenelliee_: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@helenmaw_: Heartbroken, loved Tony Morris 😭💔 - 5 years ago

@rachelsian__: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@simonjv91: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@A_MayJourno: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@rosie_meehan: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@daveinrusholme: Sad news, only 57. @GranadaReports - 5 years ago

@atticusfinch104: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@14cooperc: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Rebeccagrantt1: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@HeadOfExaminers: @LivEchonews Just as I thought the week was looking up, and about to log off, when I just caught this about Tony Mo… - 5 years ago

@MLofthouseNNP: @peety1995 No way indeed. RIP Tony Morris :( - 5 years ago

@BeckyPrecky: Not Tony Morris 😭😭😭😭 could this year get any worse - 5 years ago

@CarlDaly1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@robsmithitv: RT @chrishallitv: Heartbroken to have lost a great friend and a wonderful broadcaster. The newsroom will never feel the same without his pr… - 5 years ago

@ShawTosh: Sad news 6 o’clocks won’t be the same on the TV ITV Granada Reports host Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@victoriagITV: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@AndyGrundy10: RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@alansclayton: RT @mrgordonburns: Shocked to hear of the death of @GranadaReports presenter and one time BBC colleague Tony Morris. My sincere & deepest s… - 5 years ago

@joka187899: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@1986_legend: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@CraigJones1966: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A gentleman' - tributes to Tony Morris from ITV's weatherman - 5 years ago

@J_Slater7: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@ElaineD36500068: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 | ITV News - 5 years ago

@expressceleb: Tony Morris dead: ITV Granada reports presenter dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@KevinBetteridg1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@georgiacxoxo: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@w_fallon: 🙏ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@quoonbeatz: Ah that's a shame about Tony Morris. ☹ - 5 years ago

@acpierce_67: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@romanwaltonAV: RT @pol277: @LivEchonews OMG. This is such a massive shock. I didn’t even know he was Ill. He was the face of @GranadaReports along with Lu… - 5 years ago

@catterall_simon: Aw, such sad news. He always seemed such a nice man 😔 ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Okeating: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @CroneyITV remembering the Tony Morris that we in the office, and our viewers at home, knew and loved RIP Tony h… - 5 years ago

@jwusher: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@SMPR1990: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@timbackshallitv: RT @JoshSteadITV: Tony Morris was a true friend, a mentor, a cheerleader and a constant support. He was exactly as you saw on screen - war… - 5 years ago

@VijayArogyasami: So sad and shocking. Tony Morris has been a familiar and friendly face for all us living in the North West. RIP Tony - 5 years ago

@robsmithitv: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Just_Josh_Smith: RIP Tony Morris, legend 🙌🙌 - 5 years ago

@Rob_McLoughlin: How very very sad and shocking. RIP. ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 Prolific North ⁦… - 5 years ago

@dclayson000: RT @JonMitchellITV: Very sad news indeed. RIP Tony. - 5 years ago

@MichAckerley: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Stevenjames79: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@victoriagITV: RT @itvnews: "One of the most humble, one of the kindest, funniest people you could ever meet." @lucymitv pays tribute to her ITV Granada… - 5 years ago

@mariebudgie1: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@kagsmiff: Devastated by the sad news about Tony Morris. Lit up Granada Reports for years. Thoughts with his family and friends #RIPTony - 5 years ago

@loubyren: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@kym137: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@MGreenWriting: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@KaylemWeadock: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Nmozz: RT @CharleneWhite: Tony Morris was an utterly wonderful man, & brilliant journalist. Two attributes that his daughter @Nmozz has in bucketl… - 5 years ago

@AaronDiskin1: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@i_shirl: Tony Morris. Rest In Peace. A sad loss. Condolences to his family. - 5 years ago

@mipen: I'm in shock, I've meet Tony Morris, everything people are saying about him is true. Just one lovely guy away from… - 5 years ago

@MrDanMcLaughlin: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RobMurphyitv: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@NickHeaven82: Very sad news, a lovely guy and a great talent. R.I.P Tony - 5 years ago

@GPerdikaris: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@williamshankly: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@5av1d: RT @RochValleyRadio: Some very sad news has reached us this afternoon.... - 5 years ago

@jeandpalmer: RT @terrychristian: Very sad to hear of the passing of @GranadaReports Tony Morris, a lovely bloke and always fun to bump into. Just a genu… - 5 years ago

@Brewstermonk1: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@magicdmw: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@14cooperc: RT @GrumpyHQ: @GranadaReports Absolutely stunned at such sad news. Condolences to the family, Tony Morris was such a nice guy on Granada Ne… - 5 years ago

@familymanc: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@samyarwood89: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@redalphababe: RT @terrychristian: Very sad to hear of the passing of @GranadaReports Tony Morris, a lovely bloke and always fun to bump into. Just a genu… - 5 years ago

@ManchesterRTs: RT @SurvivorsMcr: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of @GranadaReports #TonyMorris. Tony had interviewed our CEO @MrMadrigalOBE a… - 5 years ago

@LBCbackOnDAB: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@aaron_bwfc: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@louisdw_: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GravenerPhil: RT @mrgordonburns: Shocked to hear of the death of @GranadaReports presenter and one time BBC colleague Tony Morris. My sincere & deepest s… - 5 years ago

@FrancineCalrow: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@mylesie: RT @itvnews: "One of the most humble, one of the kindest, funniest people you could ever meet." @lucymitv pays tribute to her ITV Granada… - 5 years ago

@StevenNott: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@leguape: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Ben1977_: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@Juledog21: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@TheMadMidlander: RT @MENnewsdesk: 'A wonderful interviewer and first class journalist'. Tributes are being paid to Tony Morris after his sad death - 5 years ago

@sianthesiansian: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@ManchesterRTs: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@Ffyncwraig: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Luchalegend: Tony Morris, Brilliant Broadcaster and Genuine Nice Guy. 😢 #RIPtony #tonymorris #granadareports - 5 years ago

@ian4city: Jesus....Tony Morris,sad times - 5 years ago

@wordsbyhadley: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@RossGTSykes: @GranadaReports @lucymitv I am absolutely shocked that we have lost Tony Morris. My Prayers and thoughts are with… - 5 years ago

@Samanth26469668: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@KershawsHospice: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. - 5 years ago

@E_Marsh15: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@robboavp79: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@adrianstixs: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@gazpunch: RT @itvnews: "One of the most humble, one of the kindest, funniest people you could ever meet." @lucymitv pays tribute to her ITV Granada… - 5 years ago

@donamarie72: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@artsonthemoveco: This is really sad. He was one of the best, most personable, smartest and funniest news presenters. He'll be missed… - 5 years ago

@Minaal_98: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@dafyddjonesITV: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@DanielRosney: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@i_am_stockport: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@mark_andrews: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@josh__hartley: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@gazpunch: Sad 😢 I didn't even realise he was ill. A really good presenter - 5 years ago

@little_missy100: How sad and so young. RIP ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@guyatolla: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JackMcd79398796: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JRSecretarial: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@super_meg90: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@GimbleBaby: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @LiamLiamwgc: @GranadaReports @lucymitv Everyone here at BBC North West Tonight would like to express their heartfelt condolences to the… - 5 years ago

@JamAntonioITV: Extremely sad to see you depart this earth, but incredibly grateful to have had the honour of knowing you. You've b… - 5 years ago

@oppositejohn: @lucymitv so sorry to hear the news about your friend and colleague, Tony Morris. A great presence on NW tv screens… - 5 years ago

@georgiepiehead: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@JimSummersNews: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Prestonphonebox: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@sgordon_the87: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@JoshBolt: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Lakers_newsnow: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@iainmcquillan: RT @Apuforu: Can’t believe it just heard Tony Morris from Granada Reports has died , he’ll be sadly missed , lovely bloke and great report… - 5 years ago

@UpperGwladysBlu: RT @mrgordonburns: Shocked to hear of the death of @GranadaReports presenter and one time BBC colleague Tony Morris. My sincere & deepest s… - 5 years ago

@discojo1: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@mistizababe: @GranadaReports Such sad news! Loved his sense of humour and personality on the Granada News at 6pm. Will be solely… - 5 years ago

@rachbraundITV: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JurgensTeeth: Tony Morris from @GranadaReports has died. I didn't even know he was ill and explains why I've not seen him on the… - 5 years ago

@abbiefen: Tony Morris was a north west news icon. Proper sad that - 5 years ago

@timstorrie: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@clarero49640014: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@MUDDYW0LF: Wow I'm really sorry to hear this :/ I'm not a big fan of watching the news but Tony took alot of the doom and gloo… - 5 years ago

@Apuforu: RT @BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. Tony, who was… - 5 years ago

@sophiehrMEN: Very sad to hear this news today. RIP Tony Morris - 5 years ago

@trobbo65: @Nmozz @RebeccaMorris90 I shall miss your father he came into our living room like an old friend rip tony morris - 5 years ago

@timscottitv: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@MHbaggins: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@unclear_edge: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@dtwalsh83: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@LepreCorkin: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@M60Programmes: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@BBCNWT: We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the daughters of Tony Morris, and everyone at Granada Reports. T… - 5 years ago

@ClareAOB: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@rosaleenmward: RT @JonMitchellITV: Very sad news indeed. RIP Tony. - 5 years ago

@thisisourmcr: So sad hearing about Tony Morris. One of my favourite news readers. Love goes out to his family at this sad time… - 5 years ago

@RolandGent: RT @MENnewsdesk: ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@IanBilko72: RIP Tony Morris, my thoughts are with his friends & family - 5 years ago

@Stabler6times: Granada reports presenter Tony Morris has died...Shocker that.. R.i.p Tony. - 5 years ago

@MJDuffs: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@nickbieber: Devastated to hear of death of ITV Granada presenter Tony Morris 💔 I met him when a 19-yr-old me went on work expe… - 5 years ago

@RozieBreen: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@apexworldnews: RT @apexworldnews: BREAKING NEWS: ITV Granada Reports British presenter Tony Morris has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@jess_keighleyx: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@ljhenshall: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@natalie_17: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@il_James_li: RT @TheMancUK: Incredibly sad news - 5 years ago

@SaffronOtter: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@simonjohnmorris: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@MikeLord_: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@firebobby2010: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Darren__1996: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@saibot24: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@M60Programmes: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@Ryan_Davies_: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@RWindscheffel: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@redmedic56: Just read Tony Morris off #Grandareports has just passed away, so sad to see this RIP - 5 years ago

@apexworldnews: BREAKING NEWS: ITV Granada Reports British presenter Tony Morris has died aged 57. - 5 years ago

@simonjohnmorris: @itvnews RIP Tony Morris you bought a coolness to the news, with your impeccable charm and million dollar smile. 6p… - 5 years ago

@DonnaRichmondS1: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@News4Trafford: Granada reports presenter Tony Morris dies aged 57 - 5 years ago

@TheGuideLpool: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@ClareE_D: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@JakeChallender: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@vicnewms: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@MirrorTV: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@hinesh87: RT @kemoywalker: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on ITV Granada Report… - 5 years ago

@TomSheldrickITV: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@MirrorCeleb: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@DailyMirror: RT @MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@MirrorBreaking_: BREAKING ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris dies at 57 - 5 years ago

@misscaterneeds: Thank you Tony Morris for making our sons day presenting with you for autism awareness day RIP to a true gentleman… - 5 years ago

@LFCRyan96: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@NathanMort2: We love you Mozza and Granada Reports will never be the same again ❤️ RIP Tony Morris 😭❤️ #GranadaReports… - 5 years ago

@SecondCtyCoffee: So sad to hear about the passing of Granada’s Tony Morris. Sleep peacefully 📺 - 5 years ago

@__Creg: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@jayne_hollins: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@ch88ris: #RIPTony what very sad news @GranadaReports @lucymitv respected and liked Tony Morris , died too young - 5 years ago

@jayne_hollins: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@jakeowens2001: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@Zenflick: ITV Granada Reports host Tony Morris dies aged 57 - Tragic news. He was always a favourite of mine, and brought som… - 5 years ago

@GeoffreyClewes: RT @TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@BBBrogan_x: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@SamanthaOdessa: @itvnews What a terrible shame for Tony’s family, friends & colleagues. Tony Morris was a great presenter and will… - 5 years ago

@ChrisChohan: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@TankardLiz: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Tony Morris has passed away - #TonyMorris #Tony #Morris #rip - 5 years ago

@kemoywalker: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on ITV Granada… - 5 years ago

@carollowe98: RT @BBCNorthPR: We are all heartbroken to hear the news today of Tony Morris' death. A fantastic broadcaster, ultimate professional and inc… - 5 years ago

@senornewman: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@JamieBowman77: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@LiamJPMc: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@clmcefc: Actually very upset to hear about the passing of Tony Morris He always came across as a throughly nice fella. Thoug… - 5 years ago

@lawrencecg: Very sad to read the news about Tony Morris. RIP. - 5 years ago

@TheBoltonNews: Very sad news. RIP Tony...Tributes paid to Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@harrisjacob1996: Saddened to hear about the passing of Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, a familiar face on my TV screen growin… - 5 years ago

@ChrisChohan: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@PaulFaulkner2: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@OldBlackHack: Colleagues from ITV Granada lead tributes to Tony Morris. They say; "We'll remember him and share more tributes on… - 5 years ago

@clare_curious: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@siriannethomas: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@wand_merlins: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@tismond91: RT @itvnews: Tributes to ITV Granada Reports presenter Tony Morris, who has died aged 57 - 5 years ago

@natalie_17: RT @GranadaReports: Here's @lucymitv leading the Granada team's tributes to Tony Morris. We'll remember him and share more tributes on the… - 5 years ago

@Trev_Moulton: RT @GranadaReports: Everyone here at Granada Reports is heartbroken at the death of our great friend Tony Morris: - 5 years ago

@chiefmessiah: RT @Rowetta: Really sad to hear of the passing of Tony Morris. A wonderful newsreader, presenter and interviewer on @GranadaReports and a b… - 5 years ago

@Rossiterltd: So sorry to hear of the passing of ITV Granda Reports' Tony Morris. A true gent and a real pro who will be sadly mi… - 5 years ago

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