Tony Longo

American character actor.
Died on Sunday June 21st 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Tony Longo:

@O1tvnauta: RT @bicoastalsexy: Veteran character actor Tony Longo dies, aged 53: More Celebrity News. Character actor Tony Longo dies, aged 5... http:/…

@Logan_Longo_30: My cousin Tony has his UFC debut tonight, catch it on the loop👌👊

@4evroldschool: RT @unfilteredlens1: Tony Longo, who played Rock in SIXTEEN CANDLES (right) has died at 53. "You got Caroline ... now she's a wo-man." ht…

@dvdrbrsn: I remember Tony (left) from Alice and The Facts Of Life. Sad.


@BJNemeth: @Jtillathekilla2 I'm so sorry to hear about Tony Longo. I definitely remember him as a character actor in so, so many movies. :(

@Jtillathekilla2: @BJNemeth Tony Longo who played Simpson, sadly passed away only a few days ago, at the young age of 53.

@marathonmtb: Dark horse predictions of Tony Longo or Lukas Buchli winning #XCmworlds are getting quite dark...

@quick13: RIP Rock From #SixteenCandles aka character actor Tony Longo (pic from Tumblr)

@Be_Sport: Paez e Longo inseguono una medaglia iridata alla Selaronda Hero: Leonardo Paez e Tony Longo (Bianchi i.idro DR...

@PiddeAndersson: @avadeaux Javisst. Skrev alldeles just nu en om Tony Longo. Blir även en om Norem.

@PiddeAndersson: TOPPRAFFEL! sörjer: Tony Longo #dödsfall #nekrolog #TonyLongo

@DelCiclismo: Mondiali Marathon: Tony Longo e l'occasione di una vita Sarà il mio 16esimo Mondiale tra xc e marathon, ma devo...

@lcoco37: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@popleibel: RT @Zak_Dazzle: @MuchoMacho I almost forgot Tony Longo (sp?) was on that show also! My mission - to find old episodes of 1st & Ten this wee…

@popleibel: RT @unfilteredlens1: Tony Longo, who played Rock in SIXTEEN CANDLES (right) has died at 53. "You got Caroline ... now she's a wo-man." ht…

@popleibel: RT @abutterflyloves: Very sad news. Tony Longo, a 6-foot-6, 300-pound character actor who filled the screen in such films as Splash,... ht…

@popleibel: RIP Tony Longo.

@timao_tony: Às vezes, Deus te leva pelo caminho mais longo, não para te punir, mas sim para te preparar.

@EricYvon: RIP Tony Longo and Patrick MacNee

@RubG77: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53 - Hollywood Reporter

@todtwhite: Tony Montana descansando após um longo dia na vida do crime. 😼

@abutterflyloves: Very sad news. Tony Longo, a 6-foot-6, 300-pound character actor who filled the screen in such films as Splash,...

@Tony_bh_1: RT @BrunoVicintin: Força @JudivanSilva11 o caminho é longo mas como te disse ainda vou bater muitas palmas em seus gols e vc ainda vai beij…

@AliOdella: Mía Franchesca Longo Bueno! De las cosas que hablamos con tony 💜

@solobike_mag: Mondiali Marathon: Tony Longo e l'occasione di una vita Ciao Tony. Ormai ci siamo, come ti vedi...

@btjohnny: Tony Longo.... Missed

@L_BMedia: We lost Mad Dog Spears!

@cpickett48: RT @Sharkeatingman: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53 - Hollywood Reporter

@btjohnny: RIP Big Tony Longo.... Jersey Guy

@HollywoodClown: #CharacterActor #TonyLongo is #Dead at 53. #Loved him in the movie #Fletch!

@ozigipedia: Tony Longo Dies At 53

@Draksou: ¿Si sabían que Tony Hawk iba a salir en BTTF pero ps estaba muy longo así que usaron otro patinador?

@veradeglomini: RT @MartialArtsFC: RIP Tony Longo who played the big enforcer in Rapid Fire with Brandon Lee, Nick Mancuso and Powers Boothe!...

@gsmhafiz1: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53 - Hollywood Reporter -

@kiatcebu: #RIP Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53 - Hollywood Reporter

@Starpulse: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran 'Angels In The Outfield,' 'Eraser' Character Actor Dies At 53

@Deiv90: #RIP Tony Longo (1961 - 2015)

@takeitish: NEWS: Dick Van Patten, Joshua Morrow, Pam St. Clement, Julian McMahon, Taraji P. Henson, Tony Longo...

@TVNewsandViews: #AlibiBoys/#YandR/#Days star Tony Longo passes away at 53

@Bkey313: This makes me what to watch #SuburbanCommando again Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53.

@fusdad: They say things come in 3's. Tony was another person I met when I first came here. I not posting these to be...

@HicariItalia: Tony Longo guiderà la squadra italiana Mondiale Marathon di #MTB:

@howardcasner: Tony Longo, 'Splash' and 'The Last Boy Scout' Actor, Dies at 53

@BathgateAnthony: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@alogan937: RT @FuzzySoulTiger: Rest in Peace: Christopher Lee, James Horner, Tony Longo, Buddy Landel. This song is for you RT:

@fusdad: We lost another great guy.




@AbeVigodaFan: #RIP James Horner, Dick Van Patten, & Tony Longo. #SadWeek #InMemorium

@heycoffeeeyes: Tony Longo: Veteran Character Actor Dies At 53 : News : Headlines & Global News

@WeLoveSoapsTV: NEWS: Dick Van Patten, Joshua Morrow, Pam St. Clement, Julian McMahon, Taraji P. Henson, Tony Longo

@dokmartin2: Tony Longo,also a friend to a Ded man. Thanks for the laughs, big fella,

@iggyfan12: @HulkHogan did you hear about tony longo passing away a few days ago? He was great with taker in suburban commando #RIP

@GoodHLWD: Tony Longo August 19, 1961 – June 21, 2015 Tony Longo, a 6-foot-6, 300-pound character actor who filled the...

@netwrkguy: RIP Tony, You will be missed but never forgotten! Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@angiejoa66: RT @unfilteredlens1: Tony Longo, who played Rock in SIXTEEN CANDLES (right) has died at 53. "You got Caroline ... now she's a wo-man." ht…

@MSU_Corey_UNC: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@rossboyask: RIP Tony Longo. Sad news.

@dokmartin2: RIP: Tony Longo: 1961-2015. Linebacker, actor, Intergalactic bounty hunter, pseudo-gangster and all around decent cat. Have fun in heaven.

@MartialArtsFC: RIP Tony Longo who played the big enforcer in Rapid Fire with Brandon Lee, Nick Mancuso and Powers Boothe!...

@sajmeister: RIP Tony Longo - he would have been an amazing #Kingpin in the new #SpiderMan :D

@renenaranjo: @Super_8mm @dmbatlle Se nos fue Tony Longo!

@filmdeculte: Disparition de l'acteur Tony Longo, gueule du cinéma américain

@sajmeister: #RIP Tony Longo, amazing actor who played many memorable characters. Another great talent gone!

@Gloredhel78: RT @THR: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53

@lorenavedon: RIP Tony Longo (August 19, 1961 – June 21, 2015) who died age 53 Amazing character actor who was also known as a...

@Whiteboii_ENT: Tony Longo, 'Splash' and 'The Last Boy Scout' Actor, Dies at 53

@BlueSwim: Bing has a news article stating "Character Actor Dies" with a movie screenshot featuring Tony Longo with The Undertaker.... Yeeeaaaah. @bing

@Amariel2: #MovieNews via Yahoo!: Tony Longo, Splash and The Last Boy Scout Actor, Dies at 53

@danotable: #MovieNews via Yahoo!: Tony Longo, Splash and The Last Boy Scout Actor, Dies at 53

@KennyOlson642: RT @Deadline: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@buddyboy1131: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53

@FuzzySoulTiger: Rest in Peace: Christopher Lee, James Horner, Tony Longo, Buddy Landel. This song is for you RT:

@JeffKattan: RIP Tony Longo.

@crazystingray: RT @willmckinley: Tony Longo (1961–2015) prolific film and TV tough guy for 35 years

@FreshPrinceNews: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran 'Angels In The Outfield,' 'Eraser' Character Actor ...

@Steve_Ronda: Just found out about Tony Longo a little while ago. May he R.I.P. I always liked the rolls he played.

@Starpulse: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran 'Angels In The Outfield,' 'Eraser' Character Actor Dies At 53

@starhistorian: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53

@HandsomeRandall: Thug or lovable lunkhead, he mastered them all Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53

@baron_pam: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53

@JoeFilippone: Another great gone. Rest in peace Tony Longo

@Xonslaught: Tony Longo died

@rugcernie: RT @willmckinley: Tony Longo (1961–2015) prolific film and TV tough guy for 35 years

@KarolWojtylaRec: #RIP Tony Longo

@willmckinley: Tony Longo (1961–2015) prolific film and TV tough guy for 35 years

@TheKittensMeow: RIP Tony Longo

@phoenix_elvis: RT @GrantmanC: Sad day today. We not only lost the brilliant #James #Horner but my old friend, the wonderful character actor #Tony #Longo. …

@joelewis28: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran Character Actor Was 53


@dr2red: #RIPTonylongo

@DDSyrdal: Character Actor Tony Longo Dies at 53

@Ponchrunnin: Tony Longo, 'Splash' and 'The Last Boy Scout' Actor, Dies at 53

@IamPoliSci: RT @YahooNews: Character actor Tony Longo dies at 53



@InspiredGospel: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran ‘Angels In The Outfield,’ ‘Eraser’ Character Actor Dies At 53

@NewsCenter_NG: Tony Longo Dies: Veteran ‘Angels In The Outfield,’ ‘Eraser’ Character Actor Dies At 53

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