Tony Kinman

American rock singer and bass guitarist (Rank and File
Died on Friday May 4th 2018

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tony Kinman:

@Indie88Toronto: Comin up..@Lightning_Seeds 1st single..Nu one f/@Houndmouth ..Respect f/Tony Kinman....say hi to @MiddleKidsMusic a… - 7 years ago

@ReadySetMusic2: RT @marvinmusic: Country Punk Pioneer Tony Kinman Dead at 63 - 7 years ago

@MeYouKeyO: RT @mogwaimeowing: the DilsのTony Kinmanさん、今月4日頃にお亡くなりのニュースがあって、ショックでしたが、よく思い出してみれば、私は2008年10月に、彼のお友達宅で開催されたディナーパーティーでのライヴ観てた!Los Trendyっていう… - 7 years ago

@bill_slawski: Coast News: A country legend, Carlsbad native Tony Kinman dies. - 7 years ago


@JayAllenSanford: RT @DaveRiceSD: Country music was a bad word - 7 years ago

@CbadKick: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@EncinitasKick: A country legend, Carlsbad native Tony Kinman dies - 7 years ago

@tomoisaacben: RT @mogwaimeowing: the DilsのTony Kinmanさん、今月4日頃にお亡くなりのニュースがあって、ショックでしたが、よく思い出してみれば、私は2008年10月に、彼のお友達宅で開催されたディナーパーティーでのライヴ観てた!Los Trendyっていう… - 7 years ago

@mogwaimeowing: the DilsのTony Kinmanさん、今月4日頃にお亡くなりのニュースがあって、ショックでしたが、よく思い出してみれば、私は2008年10月に、彼のお友達宅で開催されたディナーパーティーでのライヴ観てた!Los Trend… - 7 years ago

@mrhonorama: I will also be playing some songs in tribute to the late Tony Kinman of The Dils, Rank and File, Blackbird and Cowboy Nation. - 7 years ago

@RSCrabb: Fact of the matter, the first Rank And File album Sundown was their best and the beginning… - 7 years ago

@MusicBandWebsit: #Tony #Kinman, Country Punk Pioneer, Dies at 63 - 7 years ago

@sethlongmire: RT @richXXIII: Last night's show for those who missed it: new album by Evil Genius, new cassette release by Portland’s New Not Normals, RIP… - 7 years ago

@karudden: RT @richXXIII: Last night's show for those who missed it: new album by Evil Genius, new cassette release by Portland’s New Not Normals, RIP… - 7 years ago

@richXXIII: Last night's show for those who missed it: new album by Evil Genius, new cassette release by Portland’s New Not Nor… - 7 years ago

@coastnewsgroup: A country legend, Carlsbad native Tony Kinman dies - 7 years ago

@JeanCaffeine: Tony Kinman and the Secret History of Rock ’n’ Roll - 7 years ago

@Tripleshack: Some truth & beauty on Tony Kinman, the Dils, & how it was back then. Thanks for the heart & insight, Tim Sommer. - 7 years ago

@Tequilatattoo: Tony Kinman and the Secret History of Rock ’n’ Roll - 7 years ago

@timmysommer: True, I've jumped from Tony Kinman to Collective Soul, and who knows, next week I could be ranting about Neu! again… - 7 years ago

@DaveRiceSD: Country music was a bad word - 7 years ago

@HelenRoland12: RT @BlakandBlack: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@marvinmusic: The Dils, Rank & File Member Tony Kinman Dead At 63 - 7 years ago

@punkphotos7: Tony Kinman PLEASE DONATE - It is very important - Thank You Very Much! dw - 7 years ago

@1649digger: RIP...only saw them once, at an American Booksellers Convention party, of all things. Love both albums. .Tony Kinma… - 7 years ago

@DickAltavista: RIP Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@JwhitesideJonny: RIP Tony Kinman. My LAW vid prem post for the bothers ultimate collaboration... #punkrock - 7 years ago

@HelloKommie: "R.I.P. Tony Kinman of The Dils" - 7 years ago

@Rbantam: Very cool tribute to my dear friend Tony in peace brother #tonykinman - 7 years ago

@CassieJFox: RT @pitchfork: Country punk and alt-country pioneer Tony Kinman has died - 7 years ago

@StevieG_Blues: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@BlakandBlack: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@Rajbhagwandinhi: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@jeternthejets: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@GreenLightGoTPA: Tony Kinman, Country Punk Pioneer, Dies at 63 - 7 years ago

@firemonkeyfish: RT @VickiBangle: i was so influenced by #Rank And File - Tony Kinman was a gentleman. Sending love to Chip ❤️ "Amanda Ruth" - 7 years ago

@fabucat: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@SoulJazzBass: RIP Tony Kinman - Tony Kinman and The Secret History of Rock ’n’ Roll - 7 years ago

@Tonestar666: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@StellaWee2018: RT @crooksandliars: #LNMC: RIP Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@OccuWorld: C&L’s Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@AGARR45: RT @timmysommer: Everyone responded to this piece so warmly; please allow me to post it again. I dedicate it to Tony Kinman and all the har… - 7 years ago

@wabashC3: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@TurtleWoman777: RT @SocialPowerOne1: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@igneousidol: RT @SocialPowerOne1: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@peterstocking: RT @SocialPowerOne1: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@thejoshuablog: Via @crooksandliars: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@latikia: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman by Dale Merrill via Latest from Crooks and Liars - 7 years ago

@KittyASheehan: Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@Sadiesniece: RT @SocialPowerOne1: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@SocialPowerOne1: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@ohmyitstime: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@crewislife: Via @crooksandliars: C&L's Late Nite Music Club Remembers Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@LoganMurphy1: RT @crooksandliars: #LNMC: RIP Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@crooksandliars: #LNMC: RIP Tony Kinman - 7 years ago

@stephenhaag: RT @timmysommer: Everyone responded to this piece so warmly; please allow me to post it again. I dedicate it to Tony Kinman and all the har… - 7 years ago

@4aparet: RT @karateboogaloo: A good read. Tony Kinman RIP. - 7 years ago

@karateboogaloo: A good read. Tony Kinman RIP. - 7 years ago

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