Tony Atkinson

British economist.
Died on Sunday January 1st 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tony Atkinson:

@clariscap: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@MarcoFrigerio81: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@mrispoli1: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@paferro: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini (una morte passata sotto silenzio in Italia) - 8 years ago


@LucianoLavecchi: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@enricabacch: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@MarieCo92176893: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@SoniaHeap: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@WhitefordPeter: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@chnaveen3: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@lgravela: "Tony Atkinson, l’europeista" - 8 years ago

@pagdavidson: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@eneuve2002: RT @PikettyLeMonde: Disparition de Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@NickdeCusa: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@petr_jansky: RT @PikettyLeMonde: Passing of Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@GMamphoria: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@NaumerOekonom: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@AusTaxProf: RT @MaxCRoser: The New York Times obituary for Tony Atkinson: - 8 years ago

@FranzFoscari: RT @lavoceinfo: Tony #Atkinson, a lui il merito di aver tradotto l’analisi economica in dibattito pubblico e prassi politica - 8 years ago

@gappy3000: People like Atkinson, Rawls, Singer, Parfit show that virtue and pursuit of truth go together. - 8 years ago

@zouhairrosli: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@zouhairrosli: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@l_perrault: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@bitacovir: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@taliartwork: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@autorfb: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@Tomharri: RT @stephenfgordon: .@franceswoolley on Tony Atkinson, her LSE PhD supervisior: "Tony" - 8 years ago

@EmirOmeragi: RT @MaxCRoser: If you want to know about Sir Tony Atkinson who died last Sunday: - 8 years ago

@steveyc29: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@tammyschirle: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@alexhimelfarb: Frances Woolley's lovely reflections on Tony Atkinson, egalitarianism and decency - 8 years ago

@hamandcheese: RT @stephenfgordon: .@franceswoolley on Tony Atkinson, her LSE PhD supervisior: "Tony" - 8 years ago

@MilesCorak: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@stephenfgordon: .@franceswoolley on Tony Atkinson, her LSE PhD supervisior: "Tony" - 8 years ago

@MarcoPalillo: RT @madmakko: un bellissimo articolo di Brandolini x ricordarci Atkinson e la sua lotta per capire e combattere la disuguaglianza - 8 years ago

@econsmalaysia: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@econsmalaysia: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@Sean_ORiain: RT @INETeconomics: Colleagues pay tribute to the late Sir Tony Atkinson, a leading light in inequality research - 8 years ago

@circuserithacus: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@Valdensius: RT @INETeconomics: Colleagues pay tribute to the late Sir Tony Atkinson, a leading light in inequality research - 8 years ago

@INETeconomics: Colleagues pay tribute to the late Sir Tony Atkinson, a leading light in inequality research - 8 years ago

@nigelwallis: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@NickFeik: 2017 is proving perilous for white male critics/intellectuals: John Berger, Derek Parfit, Tony Atkinson, Nat Hentoff and now Zygmunt Bauman - 8 years ago

@JoeyColeman: RT @craig_burley: A truly lovely tribute by @franceswoolley to Tony Atkinson, a great man and great scholar that she knew well. - 8 years ago

@msleevee: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@BritSocCrim: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@TomLong78: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@NovakMikayla: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@craig_burley: A truly lovely tribute by @franceswoolley to Tony Atkinson, a great man and great scholar that she knew well. - 8 years ago

@hrrson_bay: Moving homage by a great economist whom I hope will carry on Tony Atkinson's legacy - 8 years ago

@c0mat0es: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@Imsepp972: RT @PikettyLeMonde: Disparition de Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@Blogageco: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@kevinmilligan: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@LynchKenny: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@ProfRvach: RT @franceswoolley: Tony Atkinson on the case for a universal child benefit "children should count in their own right in our social judgeme… - 8 years ago

@DEAGiles: RT @franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@franceswoolley: Some personal reflections on Tony Atkinson's life and work - 8 years ago

@Rvandenberg1968: RT @Zac_Carmichael: In memory of Sir Tony Atkinson, economist and campaigner, 1944-2017 ( - 8 years ago

@fabtext: RT @MaxCRoser: New working paper by Atkinson, Alvaredo and @fravigator: "Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century" - 8 years ago

@TPPvictoria: RT @TimNewburn: 2017 already seen the death of 2 great social scientists. Tony Atkinson - 8 years ago

@kama_yam: RT @paulkrugman: RIP Tony Atkinson -- pioneer in inequality research, founder of LIS, and a wonderful person. A tragic loss. - 8 years ago

@ilaria_armaroli: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza | A. Brandolini - 8 years ago

@MariiPaskov: RT @MaxCRoser: Added the obituaries for Tony Atkinson to his website: All are worth reading. If I missed one please… - 8 years ago

@MaxCRoser: If you want to know about Sir Tony Atkinson who died last Sunday: - 8 years ago

@MillennialsGrid: Just updated: The web site of Sir Tony Atkinson who died last Sunday - 8 years ago

@WBG_Finance: RT @wb_research: BLOG: A tribute to Sir Tony Atkinson (1944–2017) & the Measurement of Global Poverty - 8 years ago

@UoE_Economics: RT @Forster_Anthony: Flag @ half-mast @Uni_of_Essex as a mark of respect for Sir Tony Atkinson esteemed & much loved former colleague in… - 8 years ago

@Max_Deidda: RT @lavoceinfo: Tony #Atkinson, a lui il merito di aver tradotto l’analisi economica in dibattito pubblico e prassi politica - 8 years ago

@giovannidalloli: Tony Atkinson, una vita contro la disuguaglianza - 8 years ago

@ChristophLakner: RT @kaushikcbasu: With Tony Atkinson & Chico, Pete, Ravi, Andrea, Francois, Nora. First meeting of Commission on Global Poverty. Paris. htt… - 8 years ago

@vlarcinese: "una vita contro la disuguaglianza", un bel ritratto di Tony Atkinson scritto da Andrea Brandolini per @lavoceinfo - 8 years ago

@SashaRoseneil: RT @Forster_Anthony: Flag @ half-mast @Uni_of_Essex as a mark of respect for Sir Tony Atkinson esteemed & much loved former colleague in… - 8 years ago

@G_Solidarity: RT @TUDCN_rscd: The 15 Proposals from Tony Atkinson’s ‘#Inequality – What can be done?’ #SDGs #SDG10 #GlobalDev - 8 years ago

@INETOxford: RT @EricBeinhocker: Sad start to 2017 w loss of Tony Atkinson, a leading light of inequality research and a dear colleague - 8 years ago

@TUDCN_rscd: The 15 Proposals from Tony Atkinson’s ‘#Inequality – What can be done?’ #SDGs #SDG10 #GlobalDev - 8 years ago

@goldoro75: RT @lavoceinfo: Tony #Atkinson, a lui il merito di aver tradotto l’analisi economica in dibattito pubblico e prassi politica - 8 years ago

@fabriziobarca: Per chi vuole ricordare e apprendere da Tony Tkinson - 8 years ago

@alfonsomontana5: RT @lavoceinfo: Tony #Atkinson, a lui il merito di aver tradotto l’analisi economica in dibattito pubblico e prassi politica - 8 years ago

@lavoceinfo: Tony #Atkinson, a lui il merito di aver tradotto l’analisi economica in dibattito pubblico e prassi politica - 8 years ago

@ystt: “Tony Atkinson: Chartbook on Economic Inequality | unrepresentative agent: blogging about economics” - 8 years ago

@AthlosProject: #Inequality What can be done? - 8 years ago

@Uni_of_Essex: RT @Forster_Anthony: Flag @ half-mast @Uni_of_Essex as a mark of respect for Sir Tony Atkinson esteemed & much loved former colleague in… - 8 years ago

@Forster_Anthony: Flag @ half-mast @Uni_of_Essex as a mark of respect for Sir Tony Atkinson esteemed & much loved former colleague… - 8 years ago

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