Tom Wolfe

American author and journalist (The Bonfire of the Vanities).
Died on Tuesday May 15th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Tom Wolfe:

@ADMiller18: "Frisson of bomb-throwing danger!!! Delicious counterpoint! Radical Chic!" Ann Wroe does Tom Wolfe: - 7 years ago

@KirstyHarrisArt: RT @HenriArmstrong: // El Vonne Brown & Fraser Muggeridge - Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, 2018, Re-use of excess DayGlo and Oralite reflecti… - 7 years ago

@kblast523: Tom Wolfe Is Dead, and I Am in Italy - 7 years ago

@DanielaCelayaG: RT @QueLeer: #QuéLeerEnUnClic Este mes también perdimos a Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago


@StephenKMackSD: For the aficionados of Tom Wolfe, read Jerry A. Coyne's review of his 'Kingdom of Speech' : - 7 years ago

@bevjoy: RT @CollegeFix: Tom Wolfe: A prophet on campus sex culture - 7 years ago

@DvFrisco: RT @holdengraber: 🔳 In Memoriam: Tom Wolfe & Philip Roth “When writers die they become books which is after all not too bad an incarnat… - 7 years ago

@GGG_says: RT @JSCCounterPunch: Tom Wolfe died too soon. It's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Meets the Right Stuff Meets Dr. Strangelove... - 7 years ago

@RotGutPulp: @paperalphabet I like Morrison. I'd tip that honor to Joyce Carol Oates, though. Barbara Kingsolver is great, too.… - 7 years ago

@GioSallusti: RT @AndreaMinuz: In una settimana ti levano Tom Wolfe e Philip Roth e ti danno il #GovernoConte. La vita sa essere spietata - 7 years ago

@DiegoCesar_95: RT @saladeprensa: El pánico que causó el método Tom Wolfe - 7 years ago

@libbyliberalnyc: RT @JSCCounterPunch: Tom Wolfe died too soon. It's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Meets the Right Stuff Meets Dr. Strangelove... - 7 years ago

@FernandodoValle: O escritor Tom Wolfe, que morreu no último dia 14, narrou no livro "O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico", de 1968… - 7 years ago

@JarpoRosi: RT @AndreaMinuz: In una settimana ti levano Tom Wolfe e Philip Roth e ti danno il #GovernoConte. La vita sa essere spietata - 7 years ago

@CAblond1: RT @Cutiepi2u: - 7 years ago

@Cutiepi2u: RT @Cutiepi2u: - 7 years ago

@flugennock: RT @JSCCounterPunch: Tom Wolfe died too soon. It's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Meets the Right Stuff Meets Dr. Strangelove... - 7 years ago

@Cutiepi2u: - 7 years ago

@petervader: Dreamt being at a party where Tom Wolfe was fixated on my shirt stain. I don’t know, Tom. Salsa I guess, Tom. It’s a picnic, Tom. - 7 years ago

@ppriolo: RT @AndreaMinuz: In una settimana ti levano Tom Wolfe e Philip Roth e ti danno il #GovernoConte. La vita sa essere spietata - 7 years ago

@joseesquel: RT @revistaanfibia: #TomWolfe tenía tres dones: la observación, la escritura y el olfato. Fue el primero en nombrar con éxito a ese no tan… - 7 years ago

@olmanrvr: Tom Wolfe Kept a Close, Comical and Astonished Eye on America - 7 years ago

@gascondaniel: RT @alomasimpe: Este perfil de Tom Wolfe que ha escrito @eduardosuarez está muy bien: - 7 years ago

@davidfolkenflik: From NYPL exhibit in tribute to Tom Wolfe - a senatorial note of thanks in reaction to the Right Stuff closes this… - 7 years ago

@cigelske: "For me, it is much more effective to arrive in any situation as a man from Mars than to try to fit in. If you're p… - 7 years ago

@NYTFashion: .@GuyTrebay remembers Tom Wolfe's immaculately tailored suits - 7 years ago

@deannakklingel: RT @BookEmNC: Remembering Tom Wolfe - 7 years ago

@yportbill: When Senator John F. Kennedy tried to get a young reporter named #TomWolfe fired @jackcoleman - 7 years ago

@laconchaseca: RT @revistaanfibia: Una escritura barroca, plomiza y directa al mismo tiempo. A veces detallista hasta la extenuación, pero cargada de una… - 7 years ago

@gtoppo: .@PennGSE's Jonathan Zimmerman reviews Tom Wolfe's writing on college #sex - 7 years ago

@juanalvarezm: RT @revistaanfibia: Una escritura barroca, plomiza y directa al mismo tiempo. A veces detallista hasta la extenuación, pero cargada de una… - 7 years ago

@revistaanfibia: Una escritura barroca, plomiza y directa al mismo tiempo. A veces detallista hasta la extenuación, pero cargada de… - 7 years ago

@AyyyyyyyyFonzie: Tom Wolfe wrote my favorite book which was turned into my favorite movie. #RIP - 7 years ago

@The_Millions: "His boyish, preppy head incongruously sticking out of his signature white suit and stiffed-necked collars, he kept… - 7 years ago

@LaCebraQueHabla: #Ciencia Tom Wolfe, el padre del "nuevo periodismo" ha muerto. Así lo recordamos con este texto. /Lo siento, pero s… - 7 years ago

@SlatePodcasts: RT @josh_levin: Hang Up and Listen w/@stefanfatsis: @ThompsonScribe on Steph and the Wariors, @iboudway on the Supreme Court and the future… - 7 years ago

@greciadelta: Los tres dones de Tom Wolfe - Revista Anfibia - 7 years ago

@DFirmiano: Lo siento, pero su alma acaba de morir. Por Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@RodrigoNogueira: Alberto Dines, Tom Wolfe.... lá se vão os meus sonhos de jornalismo. Obrigado pelo aprendizado senhores. - 7 years ago

@BillBrindley: RT @scjordan: RIP Tom Wolfe - if you haven't already, put EKAAT, the Right Stuff, Bonfire of the Vanities, on your reading list. - 7 years ago

@nickpistor: Unfortunately, this still happens: “Both of our editors – mine at The Times, his at the Herald Tribune – were almos… - 7 years ago

@mxyzplx: @HeerJeet @NellieBowles And Roger Stone. And Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@FranceAtlanta: RT @franceintheus: #OnThisDay in 1799, Honoré de Balzac was born. He is regarded as 1 of founders of #realism in European literature. His i… - 7 years ago

@Tobi_Sylvester: The Man in the White Suit: Remembering Tom Wolfe - 7 years ago

@AlexiaGordon: RT @nypl: NYPL will honor the life and work of literary legend Tom Wolfe with a temporary exhibition featuring material from the renowned a… - 7 years ago

@_spacetourism_: The opening lines: "'To this day, I’m not very interested in the actual exploration of space,' the late Tom Wolfe t… - 7 years ago

@Juan16C: An Appraisal: Tom Wolfe Kept a Close, Comical and Astonished Eye on America - 7 years ago

@zeldazonk2: RT @Peggynoonannyc: Hats Off to Tom Wolfe by @peggynoonannyc - 7 years ago

@MemoireByAmanda: Remembering Tom Wolfe, author of 'The Bonfire Of The Vanities' - - 7 years ago

@MilkeMark: A great piece on architecture's debt to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@MichelleSColman: There is nothing sweeter than a childhood memories of home! Tom Wolfe's Memories of His Childhood - 7 years ago

@GGeeklets: RT BookRiot: Jeff and Rebecca talk about metoo in publishing, Amazon's LORD OF THE RINGS series, mark the passing o… - 7 years ago

@markpetticord: RT @CNN: JUST IN: Tom Wolfe, the innovative journalist and author who wrote such best-selling masterpieces as “The Bonfire of the Vanities”… - 7 years ago

@razbbc: Tom Wolfe's 'Happiness Explosion' ' was not always appreciated by the “herd of independent minds." Nice tribute… - 7 years ago

@BookRiot: Jeff and Rebecca talk about metoo in publishing, Amazon's LORD OF THE RINGS series, mark the passing of Tom Wolfe,… - 7 years ago

@AEgis7697: RT @PreetBharara: RIP Tom Wolfe. One of my favorite times was discussing Bonfire of the Vanities with him at @92Y with @thanerosenbaum. Wol… - 7 years ago

@pietatsubirats: RT @BtfAlcanar: Tom Wolfe el pare de nou periodisme ens deixa, però el podrem recordar a través de les seues novel·les🖋️🖋️ en les quals apl… - 7 years ago

@davepperlmutter: 5* #WrongPlaceWrongTime reminds me of novels written by Tom Wolfe, "The Bonfire of the Vanities" or "A Man in Full"… - 7 years ago

@tweedandtales: I didn’t know Tom Wolfe died. Now this days sucks even worse ☹️ - 7 years ago

@moisesfr88: RT @veonoticia: La vida de Tom Wolfe, el gran cronista de las ambiciones estadounidenses - 7 years ago

@ArkadiuszKula: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@SinisterFeet: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@KingJoe61809596: RT @wired_jp: トム・ウルフはものを語ることについて比類なき本能をもっており、時代を先取りし、いまを反映する様式化した“声”を生み出すことで、60年代と70年代のアメリカの変革を記した。 - 7 years ago

@chifelices: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@McIntireDeborah: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@ForgeRat: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@J_Morgenstein: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@mlazarusdean: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@ChuckNo88243754: RT @larryelder: R.I.P. Tom Wolfe In "Bonfire," he brilliantly satirized the race-hustling Al Sharpton (Rev. Bacon) and ridiculed media for… - 7 years ago

@Denizzlei: RT @camilocnn: 'Nada alimenta tanto la imaginación como los hechos reales', decía Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@sergioantillano: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@MMacMusic: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@MiglenaK21: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@RylanDogg2: What the fuck!? Tom Wolfe died last week?!? - 7 years ago

@RougeNASA: RT RogueNASA: RT NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he rea… - 7 years ago

@MrSchwenn: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@Cainam: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@msulli1: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@Lukman_HARP: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@Em0d: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@ezedozitt21: RT @CNBC: Commentary: Everybody on Wall Street knows Tom Wolfe's 1987 novel, 'The Bonfire of the Vanities,' but his 1968 book, 'The Electri… - 7 years ago

@disciple78: @FreeBeacon: Tom Wolfe and Fashion via @Alec_Dent - 7 years ago

@darthur111: RT @larryelder: R.I.P. Tom Wolfe In "Bonfire," he brilliantly satirized the race-hustling Al Sharpton (Rev. Bacon) and ridiculed media for… - 7 years ago

@tradnews_: RT @CNBC: Commentary: Everybody on Wall Street knows Tom Wolfe's 1987 novel, 'The Bonfire of the Vanities,' but his 1968 book, 'The Electri… - 7 years ago

@CNBC: Commentary: Everybody on Wall Street knows Tom Wolfe's 1987 novel, 'The Bonfire of the Vanities,' but his 1968 book… - 7 years ago

@kenf: Architecture's debt to Wolfe - 7 years ago

@JennaLynn88: .@continetti via @NRO the Tom Wolfe-style satirical battle for intellectual honesty: “What makes intellectuals spec… - 7 years ago

@sharoonabeja: RT @nexosmexico: Ha muerto, a los 88 años, Tom Wolfe, uno de los padres del nuevo periodismo. Escritor cáustico de pluma afiladísima, su ob… - 7 years ago

@VG_ROSS: RT @nexosmexico: Ha muerto, a los 88 años, Tom Wolfe, uno de los padres del nuevo periodismo. Escritor cáustico de pluma afiladísima, su ob… - 7 years ago

@optixwiz: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@OurMissingNews_: Hats Off to Tom Wolfe by @peggynoonannyc - 7 years ago

@POS_QUIM: Tom Wolfe: The Rolling Stone Interview - 7 years ago

@coesign: "The Beatles want to hold your hand, but the Rolling Stones want to burn down your town." ~ tom wolfe - 7 years ago

@pierrepont: RT @pkedrosky: • Golden Handcuffs and Corporate Innovation • Tom Wolfe on Muhammad Ali • Ho… - 7 years ago

@nexosmexico: Ha muerto, a los 88 años, Tom Wolfe, uno de los padres del nuevo periodismo. Escritor cáustico de pluma afiladísima… - 7 years ago

@LupitaMpio: RT @saladeprensa: Tom Wolfe visto por The New Yorker: uno de los principales creadores de la prosa moderna en EU - 7 years ago

@ThinkersSociety: RT @lmlangdon: Iconoclast Tom Wolfe smashed Darwin to smithereens, but no one is talking about it a week after he died. #RIPTomWolfe https:… - 7 years ago

@marketneutral77: RT @GoogleNewsHub: Tom Wolfe author of But That Ass Tho - 7 years ago

@tom_m_wolfe: RT @cyncooperwrtr: Fascism Watch moves closer to midnight as Trump 'demands' investigations into political opponents - 7 years ago

@maxmac666: RT @NRO: Jonathan Swift in a White Suit - 7 years ago

@shortwave8669: RT @NRO: Jonathan Swift in a White Suit - 7 years ago

@FutbolyPazCOL: RT @lauragamba52: Muere este genio. Por muchos criticado, por otros admirado. Pero a nadie le queda duda de que marcó un hito en el periodi… - 7 years ago

@naveen_mandava: RT @tientzuo: Touched by this amazing story from astronaut Scott Kelly on how author Tom Wolfe changed his life - 7 years ago

@thehutchster: RT @NRO: Jonathan Swift in a White Suit - 7 years ago

@dshameer: Columnist Paul Greenberg on the electric Tom Wolfe ... - 7 years ago

@NRO: Jonathan Swift in a White Suit - 7 years ago

@OIMChile: RT @Revista_Sabado: En esta edición: "El esperado retorno de Joane Florvil a Haití", Sábado viajó a su funeral en la isla. Además, "La eleg… - 7 years ago

@MiraMews: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@NamVietNetwork: Tom Wolfe, cơn ác mộng của Hoa Kỳ - 7 years ago

@tritonfrenflnhs: RT @franceintheus: #OnThisDay in 1799, Honoré de Balzac was born. He is regarded as 1 of founders of #realism in European literature. His i… - 7 years ago

@CraftyCandy: Author and Richmond native Tom Wolfe dies at age 88 - - 7 years ago

@burritosound: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@agendasamaria: En @eccultura: Tom Wolfe: la barra libre del Nuevo Periodismo ha dejado una gran resaca - 7 years ago

@YWDurham: RT @DurhamWASP: "An intellectual is a person knowledgeable in one field who speaks out only in others." Tom Wolfe Tom Wolfe and Kurt Vonne… - 7 years ago

@AshmoreEllis: RT @StationCDRKelly: How Tom Wolfe Changed My Life - 7 years ago

@LaVanguardia: Tom Wolfe y el ‘radical chic’ - 7 years ago

@alduque: RT @prada_rodolfo: Cuatro grandes se nos fueron esta semana del escenario de los medios y la comunicación: - Tom Wolfe, periodista - John… - 7 years ago

@ThetaIrewyk: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@barbkat: RT @BeschlossDC: Tom Wolfe (1931-2018): - 7 years ago

@E_M_Elizabeth: RT @NYTScience: Scott Kelly writes that he was a terrible student with attention problems. Then he read Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and h… - 7 years ago

@Shalom555222: RT @SteveForbesCEO: Tom Wolfe wrote two essential pieces about the American economy. - 7 years ago

@sana_jaweria: RT @LettersOfNote: Here's the end of a typically polite letter from Hunter S. Thompson to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@brentbarson: RT @michaelbierut: One more thing on Tom Wolfe, specifically as a graphic design critic. Did you know he was a judge for the 1972 @AIGAdesi… - 7 years ago

@RobertAntwone: RT @sxsw: This week's #SXSW Daily Chord highlighted various legal disputes defining the future of music and included profiles on Lyor Cohen… - 7 years ago

@MicheleKearney: Michele Kearney's Snuffysmith's Blog: Tom Wolfe, pioneering ‘New Journalist,’ dead at 88... - 7 years ago

@am_rosenberg: RT @LettersOfNote: Here's the end of a typically polite letter from Hunter S. Thompson to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@raysawhill: A left/lib's tribute to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@BarronBizNR: RT @EddieWootenNR: - 7 years ago

@country_vince: RT @LettersOfNote: Here's the end of a typically polite letter from Hunter S. Thompson to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@Ed_Hardin: RIP Tom Wolfe. The folks in Wilkes County still think he wore out his welcome back in 1965. - 7 years ago

@SusanSuskow: Tom Wolfe: Writing Nonfiction 'Became A Great Game And A Great Experiment' - 7 years ago

@Pablouruguay: RT @BUSQUEDAonline: “La corrección política es marxismo desinfectado”, fue una de sus sentencias más polémicas. Para Tom Wolfe, hacer perio… - 7 years ago

@dmathewson66: @dkahanerules @KurtSchlichter Here's Peter Robinson's interview with Tom Wolfe on Back to Blood. - 7 years ago

@CWaddington504: @AliceTeller Tom Wolfe moved to New York in 1962 & never left. I wonder why? - 7 years ago

@ChelleDorado: RT @LettersOfNote: Here's the end of a typically polite letter from Hunter S. Thompson to Tom Wolfe. - 7 years ago

@jdguardiola: RT @ABC_Cultural: J. L. Garci rememora las fiebres de Mayo del 68 a través del libro de Albiac mañana en @ABC_Cultural. Entrevistamos a Mar… - 7 years ago

@blanca_mora60: RT @nievesclaqueta: Escucha #laclaqueta de este fin de semana en @radiomarcabcn y @RadioMARCA repaso a los estrenos, homenaje a Mercero, To… - 7 years ago

@Matthaber: RT @kevin2kelly: In 1996 I tried to recruit Tom Wolfe to write for Wired. He replied "maybe" in a handwritten letter to me as dandy as his… - 7 years ago

@__ROZNER__: RT @Mark_Beech: Tom Wolfe RIP: He was an artist and art commentator as well, you know #tomwolfe | BLOUIN ARTINFO @artinfodotcom by @Mark_B… - 7 years ago

@Ingtotof: RT @Mark_Beech: Tom Wolfe RIP: He was an artist and art commentator as well, you know #tomwolfe | BLOUIN ARTINFO @artinfodotcom by @Mark_B… - 7 years ago

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