Tom Uren

Australian politician
Died on Monday January 26th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Tom Uren:

@wikibirth: 1921 – Tom Uren, Australian soldier and politician (d. 2015). Happy 94th! #28M #wiki

@Adam_Kirk: RT @mfarnsworth: Johnson is the third Whitlam minister to die this year, following Kep Enderby & Tom Uren.

@ZSM_MiddenNL: #zsm #tom #kanaleneiland feestvierders geven veel overlast; sfeer agressief; na aanhouding: verzet bedreiging en belediging; WS 40 uren ^JL

@frankscan65: RT @mfarnsworth: Johnson is the third Whitlam minister to die this year, following Kep Enderby & Tom Uren.


@mfarnsworth: Johnson is the third Whitlam minister to die this year, following Kep Enderby & Tom Uren.

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