Tom Searle

British metalcore guitarist (Architects)
Died on Saturday August 20th 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Tom Searle:

@AVENGEDSUICIDES: RT @MetalTillDeathh: Architects grubundan Tom Searle, 28 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 9 years ago

@rain96x: RT @MetalTillDeathh: Architects grubundan Tom Searle, 28 yaşında hayatını kaybetti. - 9 years ago

@afterdarks: RT @GemmaGemo: Gradually getting some vinyl on eBay. 💫✨10% to be donated in memory of Tom Searle. will be 30+ t… - 9 years ago

@joannetanton94: @RobAutumnRuin Ohhhh no im still getting over the very sad passing of Tom Searle and now this im well heartbroken this is flipping awful xx - 9 years ago


@_cece_kr_: RT @LloydStratton: For Tom | A print in memory of Tom Searle. All money donated to Hove Martlet's Hospice: - 9 years ago

@runetoothmusic: there is still good despite loss. - 9 years ago

@runetoothmusic: @Cubix_Rube I know how you feel man, this was me last week when I found out about Tom Searle, 2016 is taking too much from us. - 9 years ago

@hkanonas: RT @BucketlistMR: 2016; The Year of Death; @Architectsuk Guitarist, Tom Searle Loses Battle With Cancer - 9 years ago

@hkanonas: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@malikstarsexx: RT @babymetalnews_: Rest In Piece Tom Searle, one of the band members of #Arquitects. Architects showed a great respect for #BABYMETAL and… - 9 years ago

@loveys333: RT @Truman_Black: R.I.P Tom Searle - Big Love to @Architectsuk - 9 years ago

@dxfine_: RT @Truman_Black: R.I.P Tom Searle - Big Love to @Architectsuk - 9 years ago

@Ayana_JF: Architects, hold on, we are with you, do not lower the nose. R.I.P. Tom Searle #Architectsfans #RIPTomSearle - 9 years ago

@arcel_jan: RT @hxclife: La mala noticia del día: Falleció Tom Searle guitarrista de ARCHITECTS: - 9 years ago

@ohmissbeliever: alltså titta vilken fin poster jag beställde till minne av tom searle!!!! - 9 years ago

@rockolatubanda: Fallece Tom Searle, guitarrista de Architects - 9 years ago

@HausOfBiffy: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

@GemmaGemo: Gradually getting some vinyl on eBay. 💫✨10% to be donated in memory of Tom Searle. will be 30+ titles in total! - 9 years ago

@LloydStratton: For Tom | A print in memory of Tom Searle. All money donated to Hove Martlet's Hospice: - 9 years ago

@suburbmgc: RT @MetalHammer: Why @Architectsuk guitarist Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal: - 9 years ago

@Rocktambulos: Falleció Tom Searle, guitarrista fundador de los británicos ARCHITECTS - 9 years ago

@nikibedforddane: RT @I_The_Remover: "Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal" beautiful article on one of the greatest 💖 - 9 years ago

@I_The_Remover: "Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal" beautiful article on one of the greatest 💖 - 9 years ago

@JackWSS: The Tom Searle tribute gave me goosebumps @Architectsuk still sucha shock and a lose. - 9 years ago

@chlo__xo: RT @MetalHammer: Why @Architectsuk guitarist Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal: - 9 years ago

@I_The_Remover: RT @MetalHammer: Why @Architectsuk guitarist Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal: - 9 years ago

@RAQUEL13642: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@LHN2122: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@TheTruth24UK: RT @ReportUK: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations. - 9 years ago

@ReportUK: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations. - 9 years ago

@InHopeAndLove: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@theUnseenReaper: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@Antoineshacter: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@steadfxst_: RT @MetalHammer: Why @Architectsuk guitarist Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal: - 9 years ago

@fonseca_pinto: Architects Guitarist Tom Searle Dies Aged 28 From Cancer - 9 years ago

@kaisomevade: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@danyel19: RT @MetalHammer: Why @Architectsuk guitarist Tom Searle was one of the unsung heroes of 21st century metal: - 9 years ago

@danyyashby: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@petizouis: RT @Truman_Black: R.I.P Tom Searle - Big Love to @Architectsuk - 9 years ago

@ranmonehh: RT @tape_tv: In Gedenken an Tom Searle: Sieben @Architectsuk Songs die ihr kennen solltet ▶ - 9 years ago

@lordsarah_: RT @Krakenkrek: @Architectsuk gave us so much for all the time and its our time to make smth for you, guys. In memory of Tom Searle https:/… - 9 years ago

@shoohey: 次の @YouTube 動画を高く評価しました: - 9 years ago

@CN87MotoVlogs: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 9 years ago

@BeaCostanzo: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

@leighmeg13: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

@michaklos: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

@Slackerpop_: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

@SPUNKYCASHTON: RT @Truman_Black: R.I.P Tom Searle - Big Love to @Architectsuk - 9 years ago

@Rimpelstiltskin: RT @Krakenkrek: @Architectsuk gave us so much for all the time and its our time to make smth for you, guys. In memory of Tom Searle https:/… - 9 years ago

@ssaspirations: RT @Krakenkrek: @Architectsuk gave us so much for all the time and its our time to make smth for you, guys. In memory of Tom Searle https:/… - 9 years ago

@Krakenkrek: @Architectsuk gave us so much for all the time and its our time to make smth for you, guys. In memory of Tom Searle - 9 years ago

@paintyourbones: You Me At Six dedicaron su última canción del concierto de ayer en Reading a Tom Searle. Mucho amor. - 9 years ago

@TheTruth24UK: RT @ReportUK: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations - 9 years ago

@ReportUK: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations - 9 years ago

@YUZi_69: 次の @YouTube 動画を高く評価しました: - 9 years ago

@_dpaj: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations - 9 years ago

@NVPeople: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations - 9 years ago

@NVPeople: Hospice that treated Architect’s guitarist Tom Searle is flooded with donations - 9 years ago

@rocknroro: RT @PecksMetalPicks: Architects appreciation stream in memory of Tom Searle is happening tonight. Doing the new album + their career Star… - 9 years ago

@Laura___89: RT @ArtThouMaurice: @thexcerts were incredible yesterday, and a beautiful dedication of There Is Only You to Tom Searle. Rest easy ❤️ https… - 9 years ago

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