Tom Raper

American businessman and philanthropist.
Died on Wednesday April 15th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Tom Raper:

@RVrentersworld: Tom Raper RV - Camping World of Richmond

@TabathaTuff: RT @GerdOZone: My favorite country band is Ohio-Indiana Line, but they only sing songs about Tom Raper RVs.

@mr_tom_desu: permana_raper: rooftop check.. nice weather.. #bandung #senja #rooftop #vape #vapeporn #vaporizer #handcheck #mod… …

@gobucks0477: RT @GerdOZone: My favorite country band is Ohio-Indiana Line, but they only sing songs about Tom Raper RVs.


@s_kelley9: Just saw a billboard for "Tom Raper's RVs".. must attract some sketchy customers #BuyAVanInstead

@StillSoup: Just crossed from Ohio into Indiana, soTOM RAPER RVS! TOM RAPER RVS! TOM RAPER RVS!

@matt_harling: Saw a sign that said. "Tom Raper's RVs" and I'm starting to think that man should find a new line of business #MattTakesNash

@CamBlanchard: "Tom Raper RVs" has to be one of the worst names you could pick in the RV business

@ihavechappedlip: I call her RV cause she came from Tom Raper #Indiana

@EvanRye: RT @GerdOZone: My favorite country band is Ohio-Indiana Line, but they only sing songs about Tom Raper RVs.

@Tshep69: I liked a @YouTube video Pabst Blue Ribbon - Tom Raper Goes Off

@kp_babyy: Wow part of Tom raper is on fire

@DarcySeward: RT @GerdOZone: My favorite country band is Ohio-Indiana Line, but they only sing songs about Tom Raper RVs.

@EthelredLittle: RT @GerdOZone: My favorite country band is Ohio-Indiana Line, but they only sing songs about Tom Raper RVs.

@raper_tom: @ABC @LMartinezABC how can this be possible????? Can the people in control of this even spell their own name????

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