Tom Pollock

American studio executive (Universal Pictures
Died on Sunday August 2nd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Tom Pollock:

@D4NTEPOEM: @pevensiepotter livros do tom pollock #DEFENDAOLIVRO - 5 years ago

@901Ghostbusters: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@moviefreak79: RT @Bltmovies: #OTD Born 1980 Merritt Wever 1983 Chris Hemsworth 1993 Alyson Stoner Died 1937 Edith Wharton 1956 Jackson Pollock 1975 Howar… - 5 years ago

@Bltmovies: #OTD Born 1980 Merritt Wever 1983 Chris Hemsworth 1993 Alyson Stoner Died 1937 Edith Wharton 1956 Jackson Pollock 1… - 5 years ago


@Oniabominavel: Nesta segunda (10) a Netflix divulgou o pôster de “The Devil All The Time”, filme estrelado por Tom Holland, Robert… - 5 years ago

@oldmanwall: Very nice remembrance of Tom Pollock here: - 5 years ago

@Kapitol_P: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@TNGhostbusters: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@ghostbustersint: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@GhostbustersNet: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@CCGhostbusters: RT @TheCrossrip: Remembering Tom Pollock and revisiting conversation on Afterlife’s release date (especially in light of a couple Hasbro pr… - 5 years ago

@bloginterrobang: Primeras imágenes de Tom Holland y Robert Pattinson en ‘El diablo a todas horas’ la adaptación #filmnoir de la… - 5 years ago

@KhantHtal3: RT @GaysPro: Belamionline Models - Rhys Jagger, Jean-Daniel and Tom Pollock: - 5 years ago

@slipthetip: RT @GaysPro: Belamionline Models - Rhys Jagger, Jean-Daniel and Tom Pollock: - 5 years ago

@Whitestar111: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@DisneyphileLIVE: (#ICYMI) Tom Pollock, ancien avocat et président d'Universal Pictures, est décédé ce 1er août à l'âge de 77 ans. Il… - 5 years ago

@theObituaries: Tom Pollock, Former Chairman of Universal Pictures, Dies at 77 - TheWrap - 5 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: RT @JustinCChang: Some of the winners in this series were also released during Tom Pollock’s tenure: BACK TO THE FUTURE, JURASSIC PARK and,… - 5 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: RT @JustinCChang: Welcome to Week 14 of the #UltimateSummerMovie Showdown. This week's special 24-film edition is dedicated to Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@PippiTheCat1: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@RuleTheGalaxySW: RT @certainpovpod: Here's our FriYAY playlist! @RuleTheGalaxySW Ladies Night brings a certain POV @Imagine_Ears Disney Springs @RBatSWNN S… - 5 years ago

@DisneyDishPod: ICYMI: Disney Dish Sub Excl :Puppy dogs, rainbows & Rise of the Resistance Disney Dish:WDW refines reopening plans… - 5 years ago

@Rogue1movie: RT @bgproudfoot: Lawyer Tom Pollock (R.I.P.) won George Lucas #StarWars sequel and merch rights (impossible today) resulting in the cash wi… - 5 years ago

@bgproudfoot: Lawyer Tom Pollock (R.I.P.) won George Lucas #StarWars sequel and merch rights (impossible today) resulting in the… - 5 years ago

@aRuralfarmboy: RT @certainpovpod: Here's our FriYAY playlist! @RuleTheGalaxySW Ladies Night brings a certain POV @Imagine_Ears Disney Springs @RBatSWNN S… - 5 years ago

@tomeswithtea: 5 of 5 stars to Heartstream by Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@certainpovpod: Here's our FriYAY playlist! @RuleTheGalaxySW Ladies Night brings a certain POV @Imagine_Ears Disney Springs… - 5 years ago

@adamzanzie: @mattzollerseitz @FilmNerdDave If Scorsese had directed Schindler’s List, he likely would’ve directed it in color t… - 5 years ago

@Tom_Harb: RT @AbhaPaulina: The beauty of Pollock Country house and park #glasgow #Scotland #beauty @nationaltrust @VisitScotland @N_T_S @GlasgowCC ht… - 5 years ago

@basilecouzzachi: RT @fandoetlis: Drole de coïncidence l'ancien patron d'Universal studios et de l'american film institute Tom Pollock qui vient de disparait… - 5 years ago

@fandoetlis: Drole de coïncidence l'ancien patron d'Universal studios et de l'american film institute Tom Pollock qui vient de d… - 5 years ago

@bscritic: RT @MikeBarnes4: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @MikeBarnes4: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@we_are_mogul: #AnitaBusch Remembers #TomPollock: Smartest Guy In The #Movie Business - 5 years ago

@euferdio_: Netflix divulga fotos de Robert Pattinson e Tom Holland em The Devil All The Time (O Diabo de Cada Dia). O filme é… - 5 years ago

@HetrickBarry: Anita Busch Remembers Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Movie Business - 5 years ago

@john_greg_gomez: RT @DEADLINE: Anita Busch Remembers Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Movie Business - 5 years ago

@joeballarini: Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Movie Business - 5 years ago

@AdiWriter: RT @MikeBarnes4: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@gkilday: RT @MikeBarnes4: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@MikeBarnes4: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@JNelsonRN: @HillaryKelly This a bit off beat and is a YA, not my usual genre, but The City’s Son by Tom Pollock is on my list. - 5 years ago

@bookish_hound: 4 of 5 stars to Heartstream by Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@ScottFeinberg: RT @ScottFeinberg: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Frank Marshall and Martin Scorsese share personal remembrances of Tom Pollock with @THR... http… - 5 years ago

@NataliaNata1974: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@lindiasari: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@Rogue1movie: RT @ikkegoemikke: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@ikkegoemikke: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@Pentaprismo: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@Iconologists: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@Roboshayka: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@budidarma: RT @MGT_RADIO: #MGTMovieInfo Robert Pattinson dan Tom Holland akan beradu akting dalam film The Devil All the Time. Robert akan memerankan… - 5 years ago

@TheTwilightFor2: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@micaelarosales_: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@Z5cathy: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@MGT_RADIO: #MGTMovieInfo Robert Pattinson dan Tom Holland akan beradu akting dalam film The Devil All the Time. Robert akan me… - 5 years ago

@cliffhangertwit: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@MT_ki0013: RT @THR: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese pay tribute to Tom Pollock, former chairman of Universal Pictures, who died Saturday http… - 5 years ago

@amy13baker: RT @katjwinston: Tom Pollock was one of the great ones -- a rare combination of a brilliant businessman and dealmaker who was devoted to ch… - 5 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Anita Busch Remembers Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Movie Business - 5 years ago

@LucasGeekFan: RT @THR: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese pay tribute to Tom Pollock, former chairman of Universal Pictures, who died Saturday http… - 5 years ago

@slumdogbabu: @maheshnbhatt I worked for Tom when I first moved to LA! Anita Busch Remembers Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Mov… - 5 years ago

@RobsFootsteps: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@fusillyjerry: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@ramalicia: - 5 years ago

@audreybenten: この追悼記事で知りました。 彼のような人が戦って守ってくれたから、私たちはスパイク・リー『Do the Right Thing』、マーティン・スコセッシ『キリストの最後の誘惑』を観ることができたんですね。 - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - - 5 years ago

@FilmTVDiversity: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@mbelilos: RT @jajacobbi: J’ai connu Tom Pollock quand il était patron d’Universal où il a fait venir avec succès bcp de grands metteurs en scène tale… - 5 years ago

@audreybenten: RT @THR: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese pay tribute to Tom Pollock, former chairman of Universal Pictures, who died Saturday http… - 5 years ago

@295media: Rest well sir. #tompollock - 5 years ago

@AltaGlobalPR: Spike Lee Pays Tribute to Tom Pollock: "The Unsung Hero" of 'Do the Right Thing' - 5 years ago

@Alisrroq: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Anita Busch Remembers Tom Pollock: Smartest Guy In The Movie Business - 5 years ago

@ph8yF8CmDsU6GPH: RT @awzotp: スパイク・リーが先日亡くなった元ユニバーサル会長のトム・ポロックを追悼。彼は私に映画を作る機会を与え、サポートしてくれた。『ドゥ・ザ・ライト・シング』が黒人の暴動を誘発すると圧力をかけられたときも彼は屈しなかった。 - 5 years ago

@BeatByMariahB: RT @THR: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese pay tribute to Tom Pollock, former chairman of Universal Pictures, who died Saturday http… - 5 years ago

@TheSpiderling16: RT @THR: Spike Lee, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese pay tribute to Tom Pollock, former chairman of Universal Pictures, who died Saturday http… - 5 years ago

@fran_pollock: @JRubinBlogger @politico Bass is the tom Kaine of this election, must be rice or Harris - 5 years ago

@athesh_sundaram: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@WinstonBaker: RT @katjwinston: Tom Pollock was one of the great ones -- a rare combination of a brilliant businessman and dealmaker who was devoted to ch… - 5 years ago

@katjwinston: Tom Pollock was one of the great ones -- a rare combination of a brilliant businessman and dealmaker who was devote… - 5 years ago

@Nupur_55: RT @esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more big names. h… - 5 years ago

@esquire: The film, based on Donald Ray Pollock's 2011 novel, stars Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, and more b… - 5 years ago

@herman_johansen: Never got interested in #StarWars but I recognize it's an amazing series of #films and this is a cool story. Tom Po… - 5 years ago

@omahamjf: Tom Pollock Dead: Friends, Colleagues Remember Working With Chairman - Variety - 5 years ago

@cbbnwsau: @CBR & a Tom Pollock-level lawyer. - 5 years ago

@hans0schwarz: Tom Pollock remembered Casino Do the Right Thing Born on the Fourth of July Schindler’s L… - 5 years ago

@ERemlig: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman "didn't believe in playing it safe" - 5 years ago

@RaisinaSeries: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@TarekAbderrahim: Tom Pollock Remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman ‘Didn’t Believe in Playing it Safe’ - 5 years ago

@WRFoxKidsNation: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman "didn't believe in playing it safe" - 5 years ago

@Variety_Film: Tom Pollock Remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman ‘Didn’t Believe in Playing it Safe’ - 5 years ago

@theluckyman: News from Variety: Tom Pollock Remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman ‘Didn’t Believe in Playing it Safe’… - 5 years ago

@Variety_DMcNary: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman "didn't believe in playing it safe" - 5 years ago

@Variety: Tom Pollock remembered: Universal Pictures Chairman "didn't believe in playing it safe" - 5 years ago

@FilmFansFirst: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@kindermaxxi: Netflix ha rilasciato le prime immagini ufficiali di THE DEVIL ALL THE TIME, ispirato al l’omonimo romanzo di Donal… - 5 years ago

@wanderstruck__: ya, wajah-wajah familiar tadi adalah Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson, Jason Clark, Bill Skarsgård, Sebastian Stan, El… - 5 years ago

@leosadako: RT @JustinCChang: Welcome to Week 14 of the #UltimateSummerMovie Showdown. This week's special 24-film edition is dedicated to Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@DisneyphileLIVE: (RIP) Tom Pollock, ancien avocat et président d'Universal Pictures, est décédé ce 1er août à l'âge de 77 ans. Il es… - 5 years ago

@broken_social: This just in... Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ De… - 5 years ago

@jerryasleep: RT @Breznican: You may not know the name Tom Pollock, but you know his work: Guided Ghostbusters and Animal House Greenlit Spike Lee's Do… - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @JustinCChang: Some of the winners in this series were also released during Tom Pollock’s tenure: BACK TO THE FUTURE, JURASSIC PARK and,… - 5 years ago

@prodskene: RT @fandoetlis: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 – Variety - 5 years ago

@akanerygudinha: Aaaaaa o longa que vai sair da Netflix com o Tom Holland é sobre o Donald Pollock puta que pariuuuuu to mt ansiosa - 5 years ago

@GigiLevangie: Just heard about Tom Pollock's passing. RIP to a fun, kind, and brilliant man. Only the best memories. 🙏❤️ - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @JustinCChang: Welcome to Week 14 of the #UltimateSummerMovie Showdown. This week's special 24-film edition is dedicated to Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@MorbidoAD: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@kaguado: #RIP Tom Pollock. Hollywood giant who never lost his soul. - 5 years ago

@fandoetlis: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 – Variety - 5 years ago

@Astwisa: RT @FanthaTracks: 'Star Wars' sequel rights negotiator Tom Pollock dies at 77 - - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@lyndonwise1: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@rossmaywriter: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@valsadie: RT @JustinCChang: Welcome to Week 14 of the #UltimateSummerMovie Showdown. This week's special 24-film edition is dedicated to Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@timolshefski: RT @JustinCChang: Welcome to Week 14 of the #UltimateSummerMovie Showdown. This week's special 24-film edition is dedicated to Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@protoncharging: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@del_habitacion: 💥 PRIMERAS IMÁGENES DE #TheDevilAllTheTime 💥 Una película de suspenso psicológico basada en la novela homonima de D… - 5 years ago

@KTonarella: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@SethOster: Tom Pollock was a mentor, counselor and guide for me and so many others. The wisest, most decent person in any room… - 5 years ago

@filmjammer: Tom Pollock's Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood's Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas 'Star Wars' Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@donnabalancia: Rest well, Tom Pollock. Thanks for your friendship and the good scoops. #rip #tompollock - 5 years ago

@AceFaceAndrew: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@60sfolks: Ivan Reitman Remembers Hollywood Dealmaker Tom Pollock  Vanity Fair - 5 years ago

@LucasGeekFan: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@vilgaxiuz: RT @Variety_Film: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Tallguy1977: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@_S_A_U_L: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@AdanPena_21: RT @ElMacGuffin: Han llegado las primeras imágenes de 'The Devil All The Time', la adaptación de la novela de Donald Ray Pollock, en la que… - 5 years ago

@CoffeeWthKenobi: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@ElMacGuffin: Han llegado las primeras imágenes de 'The Devil All The Time', la adaptación de la novela de Donald Ray Pollock, en… - 5 years ago

@jpbango: RT @Alvaro_Pita: «Tom salió de la habitación, consultó con alguna gente durante un buen rato y, por un motivo que se me escapa, regresó y d… - 5 years ago

@khiljeedotcom: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and ‘Star Wars’ deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@fuertecito: Basada en la novela homónima de Donald Ray Pollock, por si queréis lectura de verano antes del estreno. Más info y… - 5 years ago

@ShowMus83508092: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@fotopak: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@fotopak: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@sueludad: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 May He R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@hanky79_10: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@sfiorata82: RT @badtasteit: Addio a Tom Pollock, l'ex presidente della #Universal che blindò nelle mani di George Lucas i diritti di #StarWars - 5 years ago

@Showbeast: RT @belloysublime: Falleció Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, y el responsable del excepcional contrato de Lucas por quedars… - 5 years ago

@Lilianouchoupi: RT @DisneyphileLIVE: (RIP) Tom Pollock, ancien avocat et président d'Universal Pictures, est décédé ce 1er août à l'âge de 77 ans. Il est à… - 5 years ago

@belloysublime: Falleció Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, y el responsable del excepcional contrato de Lucas por qu… - 5 years ago

@JennieJareth: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@helenestabrook: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@ReinadoDosNerds: The Devil All The Time, novo filme da Netflix com Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson e Sebastian Stan, teve as primeiras… - 5 years ago

@JasperLamarCrab: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@BAMOK: RT @VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@VanityFair: Producer Ivan Reitman remembers his friend and collaborator, Tom Pollock, who died on Saturday at age 77 - 5 years ago

@j_stallsmith: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@TOM_H_LOVe: RT @DarkSideBooks: #DarkBlog | As primeiras imagens de The Devil All the Time saíram! Filme é baseado no livro O Mal Nosso de Cada Dia, de… - 5 years ago

@gc161kid: #inmemoriam #TomPollock - 5 years ago

@muchaspelismx: EW compartió las primeras imágenes de 'The Devil All the Time', una película producida por Netflix basada en el lib… - 5 years ago

@xTheRoadWarrior: RT @DisneyphileLIVE: (RIP) Tom Pollock, ancien avocat et président d'Universal Pictures, est décédé ce 1er août à l'âge de 77 ans. Il est à… - 5 years ago

@ThemedReality: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@1snoke: RIP: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Alvaro_Pita: «Tom salió de la habitación, consultó con alguna gente durante un buen rato y, por un motivo que se me escapa, regr… - 5 years ago

@teraleiding1980: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@klhoughton: RT @billscher: "People forget that Tom Pollock had just went through hell with Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ when he received death… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@NickRiccardi: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@smelchakov: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@DempseySamways: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@kuang_eleven: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Dandastur: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@terrisko: Super lawyer-turned-studio chair Tom Pollock on the @starwars deal: It was about artistic control, not dollars. "I… - 5 years ago

@PhotoBinh: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 |Pollock began his career as an entertainme… - 5 years ago

@wouden_van: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 - 5 years ago

@Bryan_Kestner: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@eponysterical: Negotiated the best deal ever in movies - 5 years ago

@StarWarsCommand: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 - 5 years ago

@thehardmenpath: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@julwiki: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@obdriftwood: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@arm_urbina: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@EMartn2: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@ErnmanSellsOut: R.I.P. Tom Pollock. - 5 years ago

@frankpavich: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@leosadako: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@Rat_it_Be: RT @korimakorima: 「ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長、トム・ポロックはスコセッシ監督の『最後の誘惑』を製作した際に監督ともども地獄を見た(イエス・キリストを人間として描き、一部宗教団体が脅迫)が、彼はぜんぜん、何とも思っちゃいなかった。何一つ恐れてはいなかった… - 5 years ago

@donnabalancia: Tom Pollock was a great lawyer, producer and studio chairman but he was also my suporter, friend and inspiration… - 5 years ago

@TheDarkestMoose: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@synw1120: RT @korimakorima: 「ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長、トム・ポロックはスコセッシ監督の『最後の誘惑』を製作した際に監督ともども地獄を見た(イエス・キリストを人間として描き、一部宗教団体が脅迫)が、彼はぜんぜん、何とも思っちゃいなかった。何一つ恐れてはいなかった… - 5 years ago

@juliet316: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@korimakorima: 「ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長、トム・ポロックはスコセッシ監督の『最後の誘惑』を製作した際に監督ともども地獄を見た(イエス・キリストを人間として描き、一部宗教団体が脅迫)が、彼はぜんぜん、何とも思っちゃいなかった。何一つ恐れて… - 5 years ago

@josepopinion: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@patrickdeudon: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@Tom_Shone: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@mattbogen: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@galaxyfarrahway: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@Nahy926: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@PGSLE: Rest In Peace Tom Pollock. It was a pleasure to go to Ivan Reitman's production company and pitch to him. He always… - 5 years ago

@Dravych: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@Killy_Log1: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very different.… - 5 years ago

@TheSpaceshipper: RIP Tom Pollock. Without him, the Star Wars license -then the modern movie industry - would have been very differen… - 5 years ago

@FarOutMag: Tom Pollock, influential former Universal Pictures chairman, dies aged 77: - 5 years ago

@Okamotoruekoo1: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@bingoplr: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@excalibur2140: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@tohoandmonsters: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@milanpaurich: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@emmanueldelfin1: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@hot21radio: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - Deadline - 5 years ago

@RangerStation: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@IndieFilms_B: Tom Pollock, Risk-Taking Ex-Universal Chairman, Dies at 77 #IndieFilms #Movies - 5 years ago

@1045and961WXER: Ellen DeGeneres Cancellation Rumors, American Idol Opts For Virtual Auditions, Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85, Be… - 5 years ago

@radiobenolson: Ellen DeGeneres Cancellation Rumors, American Idol Opts For Virtual Auditions, Actor Wilford Brimley Dies At 85, Be… - 5 years ago

@lilkay06: RT @ComicBookNOW: Former UNIVERSAL PICTURES executive TOM POLLOCK dead at 77: - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: Former UNIVERSAL PICTURES executive TOM POLLOCK dead at 77: - 5 years ago

@satrian: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@satrian: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@RealAndrewKaza: Sad to see news re: #TomPollock - a gentleman (unusual for Hollywood) whose reign as Chair at Universal overlapped… - 5 years ago

@totometalSW: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@AleMontosi: #TomPollock #Universal - 5 years ago

@AleMontosi: RT @MoviesAsbury: L’ex produttore #TomPollock, in seguito divenuto presidente dell’American Film Institute, si è spento per cause naturali… - 5 years ago

@dearborn_75: RT @MoviesAsbury: L’ex produttore #TomPollock, in seguito divenuto presidente dell’American Film Institute, si è spento per cause naturali… - 5 years ago

@MoviesAsbury: L’ex produttore #TomPollock, in seguito divenuto presidente dell’American Film Institute, si è spento per cause nat… - 5 years ago

@JournoWes: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@starwars247info: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 - 5 years ago

@GalaxieStarwars: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@jotace85: RT @josepopinion: “He oversaw Jurassic Park, the Back to the Future trilogy, Do the Right Thing, Fried Green Tomatoes, Cape Fear, Parenthoo… - 5 years ago

@badtasteit: Addio a Tom Pollock, l'ex presidente della #Universal che blindò nelle mani di George Lucas i diritti di #StarWars - 5 years ago

@swiss__lady: RT @beauflynn: Had the honor of producing #Baywatch with Tom Pollock. He was a true Hollywood legend. Learned a lot along the way. RIP Tom… - 5 years ago

@RaphWM: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@bingoplr: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@StarWarsStories: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 - 5 years ago

@Republ33k: RT @GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négociatio… - 5 years ago

@GIRODPATRICE: Décès de Tom Pollock, l’avocat de George Lucas dans les années 70 qui lui permis de sortir la tête haute de la négo… - 5 years ago

@JoyOfDachshunds: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@pulmyears: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@Happy_Flowers9: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 - 5 years ago

@iseankyle: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@iseankyle: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@1066Live: #RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@JediNewsNetwork: Tom Pollock, the Solicitor that Got George Lucas Star Wars Sequel Rights, Has Died Aged 77 -… - 5 years ago

@josepopinion: “He oversaw Jurassic Park, the Back to the Future trilogy, Do the Right Thing, Fried Green Tomatoes, Cape Fear, Par… - 5 years ago

@Satisfied_Eye: #RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@sdwahine78: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@CheloNotChloe: "In 1988, Pollock received death threats and hired bodyguards after Scorsese’s adaptation of the Nikos Kazantzakis… - 5 years ago

@JeroenHuijsdens: Oud Universal-baas Tom Pollock overleden. De man die Spike Lee de kans gaf om Do the Right Thing te maken en hem daarin bleef steunen… - 5 years ago

@iseankyle: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ZitrodArticles: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and ‘Star Wars’ deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Paulino_Cuevas: Pollock’s singular accomplishment is being the lawyer who made the greatest deal ever for a filmmaker, his first cl… - 5 years ago

@DCSims28: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@_daveyH: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@CnBsNana: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ApricotFilmsLLC: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@yogoldsmith: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@aj_says: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@CheriLevesque: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@LombardLoyLand: RT @ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. There… - 5 years ago

@BjorkbackaHannu: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@Shoes4Indstry: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@sherpeace: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@lynne_segall: RT @MattBelloni: Tom Pollock LOVED to talk about the Star Wars deal. “Name for me another director contract that made the client richer and… - 5 years ago

@AdmaAnime: RT @ComicBook: Former #Universal chairman Tom Pollock has died. He was 77. - 5 years ago

@Anuyaw1: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@BuffyJoss: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@moo1946joan: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@FNLorter: RIP Tom Pollock. You don’t need me to explain the tremendous impact he had on cinema. Let his work speak for themselves - 5 years ago

@Mandelamen: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@FNLorter: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Eric_Slee: A giant. The gutsiest studio head in last 40 years. - 5 years ago

@giantroot: RT @Variety_Film: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@clubcritica: [Variety] ⒸⒸ↪ Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Valfarrelly2: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@CameronZiggy: RT @ComicBookNOW: Former UNIVERSAL PICTURES executive TOM POLLOCK dead at 77: - 5 years ago

@benny_media: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: Former UNIVERSAL PICTURES executive TOM POLLOCK dead at 77: - 5 years ago

@llstudent08: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@catobie: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@mandibloom: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@hillcrester: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@THAKUR__SHAH: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Beto10cafetero: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@yogoldsmith: RT @ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. There… - 5 years ago

@yakko1930: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@CycloneIron: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@latimes: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@TinseltownPR: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@onod9: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@callthegbs: RT @ghostbustershq: Some sad and unfortunate news to pass along this evening, long-time Montecito producer and a key player for so many of… - 5 years ago

@omahamjf: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - Variety - 5 years ago

@JoanBleicher: RT @Variety_Film: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ejunkie2014: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ejunkie2014: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@stonegasman: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@theshowbiznews: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@atc295: RT @AmericanFilm: 1/2 Tom Pollock loved movies – powerfully and passionately. His legacy will show how he devoted his unmatched legal mind… - 5 years ago

@KatchCan: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@KatchCan: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@stopsmiling: RT @Variety_Film: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@HarmonyTranquil: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Chris_Martin_95: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@yan_widjaya: RIP Tom Pollock (LA 10/4/1943 - LA 1/8/2020) salah seorang produser Universal Pictures, memproduseri 28 film, terma… - 5 years ago

@jenkers_en: Tom #Pollock, Star Wars deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@staran1981: RT @latimesent: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@andrewmarszal: RT @ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. There… - 5 years ago

@apexnerd: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@PROWL1985: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@JackBentonSr: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@Wandafay: - 5 years ago

@DannyNicholas_j: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@JulieCarmen3: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@marqc4: - 5 years ago

@BilgeEbiri: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@revcinefagia: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@IrishJayhawk66: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@kbiegel: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@MediaREDEF: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@Mummalesley: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Real_DARGI: RT @Real_DARGI: TOM POLLOCK was a Dear Friend He was always #Encouraging #OpenMinded and could see #TheBigPicture. He #Empowered so many ov… - 5 years ago

@ireadsyou: Tom Pollock, the former attorney who pulled off Hollywood's greatest deal - in favor of George Lucas - has died at… - 5 years ago

@NWeisling: RT @AmericanFilm: 1/2 Tom Pollock loved movies – powerfully and passionately. His legacy will show how he devoted his unmatched legal mind… - 5 years ago

@Kevin_entertain: RT @ComicBook: Former #Universal chairman Tom Pollock has died. He was 77. - 5 years ago

@BreakandEnterTV: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@ireadsyou: Former Universal Pictures chairman and George Lucas' attorney, Tom Pollock, has died at the age of 77 (article): NE… - 5 years ago

@nate_winslow: RT @ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. There… - 5 years ago

@L82be: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@MediaREDEF: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 (@LexyJPerez Kimberly Nordyke… - 5 years ago

@ianabailey: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@akstanwyck: RT @ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. There… - 5 years ago

@rick_das: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@Filmatelist: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@6Lockwood: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@MjolnirMK86: RT @ghostbustershq: Some sad and unfortunate news to pass along this evening, long-time Montecito producer and a key player for so many of… - 5 years ago

@Zakiyyah6: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@MargotWinick: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@TheCrossrip: RT @ghostbustershq: Some sad and unfortunate news to pass along this evening, long-time Montecito producer and a key player for so many of… - 5 years ago

@audouy: So sad to hear about the passing of Tom Pollock, who was so encouraging and kind to us all during the production of… - 5 years ago

@BillDesowitz: Tom Pollock, Risk-Taking Ex-Universal Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@QQueen102712: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@mymackie: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@_______Y_______: Top story: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - Variety - 5 years ago

@YHSPodcast: RT @ghostbustershq: Some sad and unfortunate news to pass along this evening, long-time Montecito producer and a key player for so many of… - 5 years ago

@McSchlossberg: RT @jonhurwitz: In addition to being a brilliant Hollywood legend, Tom Pollock was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in this industry.… - 5 years ago

@OneFortyReviews: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ClintOMovies: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@PeterFields2: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@bbu: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - Variety - 5 years ago

@URBANTIAN: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - Deadline… - 5 years ago

@PolledMovie: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@jacobswartfilms: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@erinjoneswesley: RT @AmericanFilm: 1/2 Tom Pollock loved movies – powerfully and passionately. His legacy will show how he devoted his unmatched legal mind… - 5 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@EmpireDynamic: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@LMCFF: RT @THR: Spike Lee also has given Tom Pollock credit for not only greenlighting but also standing behind what would become his 1989 masterp… - 5 years ago

@keelee231: Open SmartNews to read 'Former Universal Executive Tom Pollock Dead at 77' here: - 5 years ago

@adamzanzie: RIP Tom Pollock. He helped me out on my Schindler's List video essay, providing me with clarification on his side o… - 5 years ago

@rtalalay: I was fortunate to have Tom as the EP on my current movie. RIP, legend. Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Pictu… - 5 years ago

@ScottFeinberg: Classic 27-year-old @AKStanwyck story about Hollywood male exec bonding excavated in her Tom Pollock remembrance. T… - 5 years ago

@RobertFranke: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal… - 5 years ago

@jameskick: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@TokyoBiff: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@NJD316: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@Real_DARGI: RT @Real_DARGI: TOM POLLOCK was a Dear Friend He was always #Encouraging #OpenMinded and could see #TheBigPicture. He #Empowered so many ov… - 5 years ago

@TunjiOA: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@ThatJunkman: The guy that helped make it happen. RIP - 5 years ago

@teamryry32: RT @ComicBook: Former #Universal chairman Tom Pollock has died. He was 77. - 5 years ago

@Rozz_Hardy: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@erydejong: @cassianelwes I second that, I'd love to hear the full Tom Pollock story and all of the 'permutations' as a produce… - 5 years ago

@Katj512: RT @SVNewsAlerts: #BREAKING - Tom Pollock, the former chairman of Universal Pictures and the American Film Institute, died Saturday in Los… - 5 years ago

@CommChickLana: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@TarekAbderrahim: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@JacobMartin: RT @zeitchikWaPo: Field of Dreams, Babe, Old School, Jurassic Park, Back to the Future, Do the Right Thing, Twins, Backdraft, Cape Fear, Pa… - 5 years ago

@ComicBookNOW: Former UNIVERSAL PICTURES executive TOM POLLOCK dead at 77: - 5 years ago

@Khord16: RT @ComicBook: Former #Universal chairman Tom Pollock has died. He was 77. - 5 years ago

@ComicBook: Former #Universal chairman Tom Pollock has died. He was 77. - 5 years ago

@fragglewriter: RT @cassianelwes: Tom Pollock Dead:/ really liked and admired him. He had a soft approached that belied a smart deal maker. I will never fo… - 5 years ago

@enbowen: RT @ScottFeinberg: Sad news just in about Tom Pollock, universally loved lawyer-turned-exec who got Lucas the rights to STAR WARS merch, gr… - 5 years ago

@AmericanFilm: 1/2 Tom Pollock loved movies – powerfully and passionately. His legacy will show how he devoted his unmatched legal… - 5 years ago

@deanshimauchi: Tom Pollock - 5 years ago

@Angel_City_Buzz: Tom Pollock, former Universal chairman and 'Star Wars' deal maker, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@JayRockerz: RT @Variety: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@deanshimauchi: RT @Variety_Film: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Pictures Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@shian_rock: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@laughing_place: Tom Pollock, the attorney who brokered the Star Wars deal for George Lucas, has passed away at the age of 77.… - 5 years ago

@Dieter117: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@rsgaddy18: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@rsgaddy18: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@guerrero_sa: RT @ScottFeinberg: Sad news just in about Tom Pollock, universally loved lawyer-turned-exec who got Lucas the rights to STAR WARS merch, gr… - 5 years ago

@MoviesMoviesMo4: RT @ScottFeinberg: Sad news just in about Tom Pollock, universally loved lawyer-turned-exec who got Lucas the rights to STAR WARS merch, gr… - 5 years ago

@Sahidkapadia3: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@RobyDianaroby02: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@theReal_Rebel: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@ryanoc4u: Rest in Peace to Montecito Pictures Co Founder Tom Pollock. Smartest thing I ever did interning was go into his off… - 5 years ago

@straysauce: - 5 years ago

@ScottFeinberg: Sad news just in about Tom Pollock, universally loved lawyer-turned-exec who got Lucas the rights to STAR WARS merc… - 5 years ago

@PazUtzin: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@ellenlebowitz: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@FromPage2Screen: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@green_cissy: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@westinghouse565: RT @moviewalker_bce: 元弁護士でUniversal Pictures会長も務める等、業界に多大な貢献をされたトム・ポロック氏が亡くなりました。享年77歳でした。謹んで哀悼の意を表します - 5 years ago

@alcan7: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@DetroitDeeDee: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@KondohYasuaki: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@cinemaofdreams: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@CBDWELL1: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@fafafafafafabi: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@erinjoneswesley: Tom was a wonderful mentor and friend of mine these last few years as I transitioned from the sports world into fil… - 5 years ago

@Danii211: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@yashar: RT @kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park) and dow… - 5 years ago

@BenMakesTV: @patrickcotnoir @GLucasTalkShow @connorratliff @GriffLightning BREAKING GEORGE LUCAS NEWS - 5 years ago

@TheRyanParker: RT @Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandising rights… - 5 years ago

@AuthorClaudette: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@chaos_amethyst: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@shibahama: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@kimmasters: As a lawyer, Tom was brilliant and had the best client list. As an exec, he had all the biggest ups (Jurassic Park)… - 5 years ago

@moviewalker_bce: 元弁護士でUniversal Pictures会長も務める等、業界に多大な貢献をされたトム・ポロック氏が亡くなりました。享年77歳でした。謹んで哀悼の意を表します - 5 years ago

@tmiyaco: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Fatale31452318: Tom Pollock is fatally dead. #TomPollock #BillClintonIsAPedo Wilford Brimley Walter Reed Moesha - Add some flowers… - 5 years ago

@Borys_Kit: Tom Pollock started as an entertainment lawyer and made the history-making deal that gave George Lucas merchandisin… - 5 years ago

@MikeBarnes4: Tom Pollock, Former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, Dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@theluckyman: Deadline News: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’… - 5 years ago

@PereVallK: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@TheHeman9: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@alwaysthebestM: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Maqui_: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@bibliotaku: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@19fashion69pool: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@Char13348022: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@barbarosa69: RT @THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@THR: Tom Pollock, former Universal Motion Picture Group Chairman, dies at 77 - 5 years ago

@Jm76Mendoza: RT @DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights - 5 years ago

@DEADLINE: Tom Pollock’s Legacy: Lawyered Hollywood’s Greatest Deal, The One That Gave George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Sequel Rights… - 5 years ago

@showbiz411: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@Arlamae3230: - 5 years ago

@dgttouzinsimi: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@DavidPoland: Sad to hear about Tom Pollock. He was really one of the great transitional studio chiefs connecting the past of the… - 5 years ago

@brandonqp1: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@Anurag87192808: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Tom Pollock dies - #TomPollock #Tom #Pollock #rip - 5 years ago

@Joshbryan321: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@Tiiduka: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@KAIcycloid: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@broken_social: This just in... Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ De… - 5 years ago

@chiyomimg: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@orenama: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@mymackie: Tom Pollock Dead: Former Universal Chairman Was 77 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@dirryuto: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@Chica_Chubb: RT @eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@eigahiho: 弁護士として『スター・ウォーズ』でジョージ・ルーカスに続編とマーチャイダイジングの権利を認める契約をまとめ、ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの会長も務めたトム・ポロックが77歳で亡くなった。RIP... - 5 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Tom Pollock Dead: Former Universal Chairman Was 77 – Deadline - 5 years ago

@frankp316: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@mixdkins: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@cashewsndrkchoc: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@YigaFahad10: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @Karaszewski: Tom Pollock was a good guy. Green lit our first film. And then he covered his face at the first test screening “What did I… - 5 years ago

@justplaindro: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@Friar_Fest: RT @DEADLINE: Former Universal Chief & Superlawyer Tom Pollock Has Passed Away: Made George Lucas ‘Star Wars’ Deal - 5 years ago

@adamspong: RT @SnarkyAna: @Foyles Tom Pollock - The Skyscraper Throne trilogy (urban fantasy that brings London alive in a different way). Elisabeth M… - 5 years ago

@adamspong: RT @MaryEstherJudy: #bookelves19 Heartstream by Tom Pollock: a gripping story that causes consideration abt the depth & amount of online pr… - 5 years ago

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