Tom Piccirilli

American writer
Died on Saturday July 11th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Tom Piccirilli:

@AlexCRenwick: RT @MartyDYoung: R.I.P Tom Piccirilli. A brilliant writer and a great guy. I only got to know him last year while he was helping...

@Radlein: RT @scottedelman: So according to his wife, this was Tom Piccirilli's last complete sentence: "Did my Stoker get to the house yet?"

@scottedelman: So according to his wife, this was Tom Piccirilli's last complete sentence: "Did my Stoker get to the house yet?"

@brettsavory: Nice little article on Pic. Though I will say the use of quotation marks around "beloved" in reference to his...


@ChristinaSng: RT @apexjason: We've raised $135 for Tom Piccirilli's widow Michelle Scalise. Let's hit $200!

@flamesrising: RT @apexjason: A wonderful tribute and discussion of the late Tom Piccirilli on @thehorrorshowBK

@apexjason: A wonderful tribute and discussion of the late Tom Piccirilli on @thehorrorshowBK

@pineirodacio1: EPITAPHS Two Novels of the Dead Past Tom Piccirilli Mystery Guild Book HC/DJ #F4

@ApexBookCompany: RT @apexjason: We've raised $135 for Tom Piccirilli's widow Michelle Scalise. Let's hit $200!

@AuthorJoeHart: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@aesiraki: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@mendezcatulo1: The Dead Letters, Piccirilli, Tom, Good, Book

@SinisterGrinPre: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@NightHaunter: La critique de La Rédemption du marchand sable de Tom Piccirilli : @EDITIONSDENOEL #Polar #Roman

@sofia_lawson5: RT @ChristophPaul_: TOM PICCIRILLI TRIBUTE - The Horror Show with Brian Keene Episode 24 - Project iRadio

@Brian_Kirk: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@BevVincent: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@BevVincent: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@ChristophPaul_: TOM PICCIRILLI TRIBUTE - The Horror Show with Brian Keene Episode 24 - Project iRadio

@derekailes: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@cbryanbrown: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@horrorbooks666: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@derekailes: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@AuthorUniverse: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@BrianKeene: RT @thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@thehorrorshowBK: Hey folks, we were on the road the last 5 days, but last weeks show is available (for those who missed it):

@NicoleCushing: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@horrorbooks666: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

@JayStringer: RT @BrianKeene: In case you missed it, there's a Tom Piccirilli Remembrance on my podcast:

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