Tom Nairn

Scottish political theorist
Died on Saturday January 21st 2023

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Tom Nairn:

@jamiedmaxwell: Had a bit in yesterday's @SunScotNational on Tom Nairn. - 2 years ago

@EuEthnic: RT @GavJacobson: 'Obituaries have hailed him as the “godfather of modern Scottish nationalism”, but this is barely even true in an intellec… - 2 years ago

@EuEthnic: RT @GerryHassan: The multiple national & sub-national crises of the UK: Scotland, Wales N Ireland, England, the nature of the British state… - 2 years ago

@George__Marron: RT @VersoBooks: Tom Nairn (1932–2023) Verso is extremely sad to announce the death of Tom Nairn, the great anatomist of the break-up of Br… - 2 years ago


@Ymgaredigo: Tom Nairn, 1932-2023: 'Britain will break up in the next 5 years' - 2 years ago

@genderisforfool: RT @JoanMcAlpine: Good to see Tom Nairn’s scholarship being recognised even by those who did not alway agree with him. Tom, who has died ag… - 2 years ago

@perequint: Tom Nairn (1932-2023), teórico republicano del desmembramiento del Reino Unido @sinpermisoinfo - 2 years ago

@Paolo09195641: RT @brun_montesano: Rip Tom Nairn, studioso del nazionalismo, storico membro della @NewLeftReview. Via @FT - 2 years ago

@brun_montesano: Rip Tom Nairn, studioso del nazionalismo, storico membro della @NewLeftReview. Via @FT - 2 years ago

@HamaikaTb: #MinutuBatean |▶️ Tom Nairn, "Eskoziako mugimendu independentista modernoaren aitabitxi intelektuala" 👉… - 2 years ago

@franjac1011: - 2 years ago

@nonchesei: Tom Nairn (1932-2023), teórico republicano del desmembramiento del Reino Unido @sinpermisoinfo - 2 years ago

@GutoOwenH2: RT @openDemocracy: Nairn’s iconic 1977 book ‘the Break up of Britain’ was reissued last year, you can read @AnthonyBarnett on its significa… - 2 years ago

@SeanCMBell: RT @SunScotNational: 'I will not tell you how to interpret Tom Nairn; I will simply tell you to read him' - 2 years ago

@SunScotNational: 'I will not tell you how to interpret Tom Nairn; I will simply tell you to read him' - 2 years ago

@kinross_london: For those who think of Tom Nairn as a dour theorist of Scottish nationalism - 2 years ago

@JaunNews: What can the Scottish independence movement learn from the late Tom Nairn? - 2 years ago

@holywullie: RT @WilliamDuguid1: 'Tom asked difficult, sometimes impertinent questions challenging orthodoxies and those with office and authority. A g… - 2 years ago

@aubachs: Ha mort Tom Naïrn, un autor que ha remenat totohm qui hagi tractat temes de nacionalisme. Des d'un marxisme heterod… - 2 years ago

@DrSeanHanley: RT @AriannaGi: V interesting piece on Nairn’s legacy and the Nairn-Anderson thesis Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 - 2 years ago

@ArthurJChapman: - 2 years ago

@WilliamDuguid1: 'Tom asked difficult, sometimes impertinent questions challenging orthodoxies and those with office and authority.… - 2 years ago

@ArthurJChapman: - 2 years ago

@SeanCMBell: A pleasure and a privilege to write alongside @jamiedmaxwell on the legacy of Tom Nairn. - 2 years ago

@SunScotNational: 'Among many proofs of Tom Nairn’s importance is the fact that so many people pretend to have read him' - 2 years ago

@JaneBryngwyn: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 via @FT - 2 years ago

@AriannaGi: V interesting piece on Nairn’s legacy and the Nairn-Anderson thesis Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 - 2 years ago

@pamela_weaver: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@GASPurves: RT @bellacaledonia: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain by @GerryHassan - 2 years ago

@Charvelman6: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@GASPurves: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain | Gerry Hassan in Bella Caledonia: - 2 years ago

@_Bleam: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@MarkHorner: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@SmartchoiceList: RT @SmartchoiceList: Sociology Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 #sociology #psychology #sociologia #history #sociologydepartment #p… - 2 years ago

@Camz99: What can Scottish independence movement learn from the late Tom Nairn | The National - 2 years ago

@MalcolmWebster2: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@mamallysson: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@LesBlair53: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@davidrsomme: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@andreweccles88: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@FergalLenehan: On the polticial thinker Tom Nairn, who has died. - 2 years ago

@greatantwiago: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@EAPoeEstNe19jan: @JoLassm @nomoremonarchs @PatouArt @coldwarsteve - 2 years ago

@EAPoeEstNe19jan: @JoLassm @nomoremonarchs @PatouArt @coldwarsteve 2/2 Tom Nairn est un philosophe; ses idées ne seraient jamais ven… - 2 years ago

@Kathleen_Tyson_: RT @Ian_Fraser: In 1977's The Break-Up of Britain, Tom Nairn argued that the “neo-nationalism” of the period emerged not from the “Celtic b… - 2 years ago

@ted_adorno: RT @alex_callinicos: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 via @FT - 2 years ago

@spyrosasofos: An unusual - almost telegraphic - but interesting obituary of Tom Nairn - 2 years ago

@CesariLaurent1: Nation(s) et monarchie au Royaume-Uni. À propos de Tom Nairn - CONTRETEMPS - 2 years ago

@alex_callinicos: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 via @FT - 2 years ago

@elopezdomenech: RT @SRContretemps: Théoricien marxiste écossais majeur, Tom Nairn vient de décéder à l’âge de 90 ans. Ses travaux sur les nationalismes et… - 2 years ago

@A_B_Evans: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 via @FT - 2 years ago

@esinclairwebb: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 - 2 years ago

@DGDimitrakop: Not surprised by the fact that the only obituary of Tom Nairn in the mainstream English press did not even mention… - 2 years ago

@GabyMcKay: Obituary for Tom Nairn, the godfather of the modern independence movement - 2 years ago

@CllrGwenGrahl: Very sad to hear that Tom Nairn has died. A brilliant writer whose work on emerging English nationalism was really… - 2 years ago

@seancantytxt: RT @curbset: Sad to read this obituary of Tom Nairn (1932-1923). The Break-Up of Britain (1977) remains a remarkable book. One of the two g… - 2 years ago

@BrynleyHeaven: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 - 2 years ago

@tober70986277: RT @bellacaledonia: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain by @GerryHassan - 2 years ago

@ProfTobyDodge: - 2 years ago

@OliverBWeber: RT @PBahners: Tom Nairn erschloss die Erfahrungen seiner kleinen Nation in europäischer Randlage als Ressourcen der politischen Philosophie… - 2 years ago

@GrahamSmith4: RT @Linda__Connolly: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023. Author of ‘The Breakup of Britain’ “Through the 1960s, Nairn ricocheted from… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: @y35686048 - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: RT @GavJacobson: 'Obituaries have hailed him as the “godfather of modern Scottish nationalism”, but this is barely even true in an intellec… - 2 years ago

@y35686048: Indeed - I've just written to The Guardian obits about their tardiness in recognise his passing - and paid my own t… - 2 years ago

@GerryHassan: The multiple national & sub-national crises of the UK: Scotland, Wales N Ireland, England, the nature of the Britis… - 2 years ago

@curbset: Sad to read this obituary of Tom Nairn (1932-1923). The Break-Up of Britain (1977) remains a remarkable book. One o… - 2 years ago

@Linda__Connolly: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023. Author of ‘The Breakup of Britain’ “Through the 1960s, Nairn ricocheted f… - 2 years ago

@momclu: Se m'havia passat aquesta pèrdua! Un dels autors que més em van ajudar a (i fer) pensar sobre el nacionalisme: Tom… - 2 years ago

@palashdave: RT @greenmiranda: Marvellous obituary of Tom Nairn ... come for the Gramsci, stay for the quote about kirk-going cheeseparers - 2 years ago

@prospect_clark: RT @greenmiranda: Marvellous obituary of Tom Nairn ... come for the Gramsci, stay for the quote about kirk-going cheeseparers - 2 years ago

@Mark_Freelance: This is sad news. I worked with Tom Nairn in the early 90’s in Prague when he was a visiting lecturer to the Centra… - 2 years ago

@greenmiranda: Marvellous obituary of Tom Nairn ... come for the Gramsci, stay for the quote about kirk-going cheeseparers - 2 years ago

@Bzx73527275: RT @SRContretemps: Théoricien marxiste écossais majeur, Tom Nairn vient de décéder à l’âge de 90 ans. Ses travaux sur les nationalismes et… - 2 years ago

@Amitechworld: Tom Nairn, political theorist, 1932-2023 - 2 years ago

@tambritton: RT @bellacaledonia: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain by @GerryHassan - 2 years ago

@bellacaledonia: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain - 2 years ago

@bellacaledonia: Tom Nairn: A Guide for a Journey around the Ruins of Britain by @GerryHassan - 2 years ago

@holywullie: RT @AngusRobertson: The modern classic that Tom Nairn is best known for is The Break-up of Britain. As Gordon Guthrie wrote: “The Break-up… - 2 years ago

@fae_see: RT @commonwealpk: 'Universities were run by the Scottish establishment and, in the 1960s an 1970s, still largely saw themselves as finishin… - 2 years ago

@workersliberty: Martin Thomas appreciates Tom Nairn's critical disdain for Britain. #TomNairn - 2 years ago

@commonwealpk: 'Universities were run by the Scottish establishment and, in the 1960s an 1970s, still largely saw themselves as fi… - 2 years ago

@The_Drouth: WHO WAS TOM NAIRN? A TRIBUTE A great political thinkers of his age, we mark his passing away with 2 pieces INTRO TO… - 2 years ago

@HamaikaTb: #MinutuBatean |▶️ Tom Nairn, "Eskoziako mugimendu independentista modernoaren aitabitxi intelektuala" 👉… - 2 years ago

@leoheaste: RT @AnthonyBarnett: As Tom Nairn says “It's now as if the older camp-followers have taken over the camp itself, sometimes in alliance with… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: As Tom Nairn says “It's now as if the older camp-followers have taken over the camp itself, sometimes in alliance w… - 2 years ago

@hybrid_cyclist: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@MarySummer1966: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@NeilWard586: RT @ScotNational: 'Tom Nairn consistently asked big questions and tried to understand the powerful tides of history' // @GerryHassan http… - 2 years ago

@brianlimbert: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@meglioli: -Paliza xa Alemania; hasta Trump advirtió a Merkel s/la dependencia a Rusia, y se rieron -UK insignificante en Davo… - 2 years ago

@ZeRarell: RT @la_enzina: "El librito fue producto del conflicto entre Eric Hobsbawm y Tom Nairn. Nairn, como auténtico neomarxista, creía que el naci… - 2 years ago

@la_enzina: "El librito fue producto del conflicto entre Eric Hobsbawm y Tom Nairn. Nairn, como auténtico neomarxista, creía qu… - 2 years ago

@alanbullion2: Tom Nairn turned independence from a romantic notion to a challenge to UK - 2 years ago

@Nordichorizons: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@colinmarshall: "The revolutionaries were demanding a more real, personalised, sincerely loving (etc) monarchy, in order to disemba… - 2 years ago

@Paul_E_Cohen: RT @BrendanMcGeever: Tom Nairn’s classic ‘The Break-Up of Britain’ (1977), purchased at @HousmansBooks. Page 185 is bookmarked with a board… - 2 years ago

@MoragEdinburgh: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@MoragEdinburgh: RT @AnthonyBarnett: Great salute to Tom Nairn as the roving detective of world history from ⁦@shirkerism⁩ - 2 years ago

@tonybwlch: RT @AngusRobertson: The modern classic that Tom Nairn is best known for is The Break-up of Britain. As Gordon Guthrie wrote: “The Break-up… - 2 years ago

@geonicholson22: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@Flamb1996: fantastic essay, RIP Tom Nairn - 2 years ago

@peterbroughan: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@tradougcions: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @AnthonyBarnett: WITHOUT A BULLET FIRED. This is the last time Tom Nairn spoke in public - the week of the 2014 Referendum. From 46 to 5… - 2 years ago

@brawley_hugh: RT @AngusRobertson: The modern classic that Tom Nairn is best known for is The Break-up of Britain. As Gordon Guthrie wrote: “The Break-up… - 2 years ago

@torysmasher: Tom Nairn, who has died aged 90, was a titan of the independence movement, a prolific and at times radical scholar… - 2 years ago

@David_Jamieson7: RT @thepopularpod: New clip from our Patrons' Scotland show with @David_Jamieson7 - 'Remembering Tom Nairn' - 2 years ago

@lesmurphy6: RT @AnthonyBarnett: WITHOUT A BULLET FIRED. This is the last time Tom Nairn spoke in public - the week of the 2014 Referendum. From 46 to 5… - 2 years ago

@DerekJohnBryant: RT @BrendanMcGeever: Tom Nairn’s classic ‘The Break-Up of Britain’ (1977), purchased at @HousmansBooks. Page 185 is bookmarked with a board… - 2 years ago

@PiratiIo: The decline of a serious intellectual culture in Scotland is a broader phenomenon. Robin McAlpine is founder of the… - 2 years ago

@thepopularpod: New clip from our Patrons' Scotland show with @David_Jamieson7 - 'Remembering Tom Nairn' - 2 years ago

@gra_zer: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@toddy19: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@LetfordStuart: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@ElphinstoneJack: RT @AnthonyBarnett: WITHOUT A BULLET FIRED. This is the last time Tom Nairn spoke in public - the week of the 2014 Referendum. From 46 to 5… - 2 years ago

@ValerieBeverid2: RT @Grouse_Beater: Tom Nairn (1932 - 2023) Tom Nairn, born Freuchie, political theorist, an early forecaster of UK's break-up, concerned m… - 2 years ago

@MMontgomery19: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@PeteRamand: RT @AnthonyBarnett: WITHOUT A BULLET FIRED. This is the last time Tom Nairn spoke in public - the week of the 2014 Referendum. From 46 to 5… - 2 years ago

@MacintoshMairi: RT @LesleyRiddoch: Absolutely brilliant analysis of Tom Nairn's support for Scottish independence by @shirkerism; Nairn offered a quiet cel… - 2 years ago

@OliphantWullie: RT @AngusRobertson: The modern classic that Tom Nairn is best known for is The Break-up of Britain. As Gordon Guthrie wrote: “The Break-up… - 2 years ago

@QuiqueHerves: RT @karloskvar: Finou Tom Nairn. Pensador da New Left, defensor da integraçom europeia, independentista escocês embora crítico do nacionali… - 2 years ago

@kmflett: RT @kmflett: The insularity of UK politics & culture summed up. Tributes have been paid to the socialist thinker Tom Nairn who died on Satu… - 2 years ago

@hum_dunkin: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@Philgry: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@SkottawaX: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@thepopularpod: 🎧Just for Patrons👇 TPS133 FULLY AUTOMATED TRANSGENDER SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE | David Jamieson/@David_Jamieson7… - 2 years ago

@AschRonald: RT @hanskundnani: Sorry to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. I met him once years ago - a lovely man - and had been reading him again recentl… - 2 years ago

@spyrosasofos: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@NicCicutti: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@eswt: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@Baker_Stephen: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@otivar55: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@salem_steel: rip tom nairn - 2 years ago

@aggrieved1234: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@salem_steel: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@kevthecheff: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@aybar_sedat: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@howard_green: RT @80_mcswan: Extremley sad to hear of the passing of Tom Nairn Tom campaigned for a Independent Scotland for most of his 90 years He wa… - 2 years ago

@bloomfield1869: RT @ruth_wishart: There's not an indy minded journalist who doesn't owe a debt of gratitude to the intellectual rigour of Tom Nairn. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Nidskrivare: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@kmflett: The insularity of UK politics & culture summed up. Tributes have been paid to the socialist thinker Tom Nairn who d… - 2 years ago

@raisethegame: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@jmbryden08: @STVNews Very sad to hear of Tom Nairn's death. A great scottish thinker and human being. - 2 years ago

@SuslovsG: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@EricCorijn: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@lil_bazza: RT @AdamRamsay: Last year, @anthonybarnett argued that Nairn’s 1977 book ‘The break up of Britain’ is “the most important book on British p… - 2 years ago

@lvrwd: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@AdamRamsay: If you have a moment, it’s worth popping “Tom Nairn” into your search box and reading through the wide array of twe… - 2 years ago

@hughfoy: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@AldoDesigns: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@todog: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@chacho1906: RT @karloskvar: Finou Tom Nairn. Pensador da New Left, defensor da integraçom europeia, independentista escocês embora crítico do nacionali… - 2 years ago

@tomamcculloch: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@Camz99: RT @ruth_wishart: There's not an indy minded journalist who doesn't owe a debt of gratitude to the intellectual rigour of Tom Nairn. RIP. - 2 years ago

@RobertTBruce8: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@lesmurphy6: RT @80_mcswan: Extremley sad to hear of the passing of Tom Nairn Tom campaigned for a Independent Scotland for most of his 90 years He wa… - 2 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@adariotacmas: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: - 2 years ago

@BillNorAngus: RT @ruth_wishart: There's not an indy minded journalist who doesn't owe a debt of gratitude to the intellectual rigour of Tom Nairn. RIP. - 2 years ago

@frankrennie: RT @ruth_wishart: There's not an indy minded journalist who doesn't owe a debt of gratitude to the intellectual rigour of Tom Nairn. RIP. - 2 years ago

@Primmy192: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@SkratchTheCat: RT @CptRabbitJenny: Tom Nairn, I salute you! He was a great thinker and a fellow participant in the great occupations of 1968 at Hornsey. R… - 2 years ago

@kumrutoktamis: Tom Nairn, rest in peace and power #tomnairn... thank you for all the ABC s you taught us - 2 years ago

@DianaYo93072168: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@FuocoSavinelli: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@LuraLim: Rest in power Tom Nairn 🌹 - 2 years ago

@David_Jamieson7: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@Garngaber: We are very sorry to hear of the death of Tom Nairn, who wrote many memorable pieces for the LRB, including this on… - 2 years ago

@meeky5656: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@heraldscotland: Tom Nairn: Tributes paid to intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism - 2 years ago

@CheekyMark1917: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@MatthewKovac: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@re_colston: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@warsame_words: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@DrOwenRoberts: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@peamacab: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@Mallipudi6: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@ghalimurtaza1: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@gairdunlop: @AuntieSyzygy @DougSRobertson The idea of 'the public intellectual' which Nairn embodied and embraced, sits very un… - 2 years ago

@mflack66: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@sans__sens: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@LazloKovacs_: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@SeanCMBell: RT @AdamRamsay: Last year, @anthonybarnett argued that Nairn’s 1977 book ‘The break up of Britain’ is “the most important book on British p… - 2 years ago

@tianran: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@dadieshak: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@karloskvar: Finou Tom Nairn. Pensador da New Left, defensor da integraçom europeia, independentista escocês embora crítico do n… - 2 years ago

@srinathraghava3: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@VoteYesSept: RT @PhilipProudfoot: One of the best thinkers writing about our soggy little island. RIP, Tom Nairn. - 2 years ago

@MattCollinspbp: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@wingnutcharlie: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@NickCohen4: RT @hanskundnani: Sorry to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. I met him once years ago - a lovely man - and had been reading him again recentl… - 2 years ago

@SeanCMBell: RT @jamiedmaxwell: Tom Nairn intuited, anatomised, contextualised, and surveyed the sheer weirdness of this state and these islands better… - 2 years ago

@FredStair: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@eloimm: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@novistenada: RT @TariqAli_News: Very sad news. Tom Nairn, one of the UK's most gifted leftwing thinkers died yesterday, aged 90. Most of his books were… - 2 years ago

@openDemocracy: RT @AdamRamsay: Last year, @anthonybarnett argued that Nairn’s 1977 book ‘The break up of Britain’ is “the most important book on British p… - 2 years ago

@mt601205: @NakazawaTatsuya 人格も優れている方だったのですね。私も読み込んでいるとは言い難いのですが、国内でももう少し注目されていいのかなと思います。僭越ですが、以下のサイトでホブズボームの教え子であるスコットランドの著述家… - 2 years ago

@Edged_In_Blue: RT @BjCruickshank: Scotland has lost a great son tonight: - 2 years ago

@fiona_fionnagal: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@philbc3: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: RT @georgeeaton: A good moment to revisit @shirkerism’s superb essay on the life and thought of Tom Nairn, who died yesterday at 90. “Nai… - 2 years ago

@make1tpos1t1ve: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@Dungarbhan: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@Treorach: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@ArthurJChapman: RT @sundersays: The long antecedents of that debate within the Scottish, British and English left were described here from the inside by Na… - 2 years ago

@roblwilson: RT @STVNews: BREAKING | 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies. - 2 years ago

@weecass1888: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@rafacastello1: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@Desiboy20300000: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@GavJacobson: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@AnthonyBarnett: RT @sundersays: The long antecedents of that debate within the Scottish, British and English left were described here from the inside by Na… - 2 years ago

@balfour1234: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@joe90kane: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@balfour1234: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@PaulKirkwood4: Sad to hear Tom Nairn has died- but a life well lived. It seems a long time ago ( it is ! ) that he wrote ‘The Brea… - 2 years ago

@ABalharry62: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@MichelleThomson: Tom Nairn was an intellectual giant of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and his influence was felt far and wide. So sorry to hear of his pas… - 2 years ago

@mickmca32: RT @colinfoxssp: @STVNews Sad to hear of Tom Nairn's death. I enjoyed meeting him at the #EdinburghPeoplesFestival reception in the Italian… - 2 years ago

@kwr66: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@vinayaravind: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@Unforgiven249: RT @BjCruickshank: Scotland has lost a great son tonight: - 2 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@arash_tehran: Unbelievable that his passing is not marked more broadly — Tom Nairn was one of the most influential socialist thin… - 2 years ago

@DeborahKBurns1: RT @BjCruickshank: Scotland has lost a great son tonight: - 2 years ago

@DeborahKBurns1: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@mayee_wong: Read Tom Nairn’s “Faces of Nationalism” in graduate school before Brexit unfolded in the following years. RIP. - 2 years ago

@T33ktr3at: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@mruzumakineko: RT @joecguinan: R.I.P. Tom Nairn. Never knowingly predictable. - 2 years ago

@JetNardo: RT @gordonguthrie: Tom Nairn made modern Scottish politics. RIP The fact that his death was announced at the same time it was revealed the… - 2 years ago

@mclaren_joanne: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@MarkPerryman: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@nkreports: RT @johnpmerrick: Very sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn – vital anatomist of Britain and nationalism - 2 years ago

@MonaAli_NY_US: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@SteveNickSmith: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@SteveNickSmith: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@SteveNickSmith: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@BeachofBones: Tom Nairn was the external examiner for my PhD. He didn't like me or my work. A Marxist-turned-Scots Nat. examining… - 2 years ago

@SNPwindaes: RT @ScotNational: Terribly sad news. Tom Nairn has died at the age of 90 - 2 years ago

@vogon_laureate: Tom Nairn did not live to see his UK breakup prophecy come true 😣😖 - 2 years ago

@JackWB1: RT @DurhamSUOpps: Deeply saddened to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. He was a great theorist of the British state, and lately an Honorary R… - 2 years ago

@gara_isoto: RT @bellacaledonia: Very sorry to hear of the death of the remarkable and inspiring Tom Nairn. Condolences to all friends and family. https… - 2 years ago

@DurhamSUOpps: Deeply saddened to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. He was a great theorist of the British state, and lately an Hono… - 2 years ago

@BeachofBones: @dai_alectic Tom Nairn was my external PhD examiner. He wasn't very impressed with my thesis. "This is more anarchi… - 2 years ago

@ferryhill9: RT @DunsPitcus: @NicolaSturgeon Brian Eno said: “The first Velvet Underground album only sold 10,000 copies, but everyone who bought it for… - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @sundersays: RIP Tom Nairn. Condolences to his family & many friends. Among the most influential Scottish political writers + an incisiv… - 2 years ago

@MCHunter006: RT @STVNews: BREAKING | 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies. - 2 years ago

@MCHunter006: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@EU_Remain_2017: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@rosscolquhoun: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@billykayscot: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@EU_Remain_2017: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@DJPOKane: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@NathalieVDuclos: RIP Tom Nairn - 2 years ago

@dance_daffodil: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@rain_later: RT @openDemocracy: We’re very sad to hear of the death of the leading philosopher and friend of @opendemocracy Tom Nairn at the age of 90. 🧵 - 2 years ago

@PAlanMcMahon: RT @ConterScot: We want to express our sadness at the loss of Tom Nairn, an intellectual giant who made a huge contribution to our understa… - 2 years ago

@ABalharry62: RT @STVNews: BREAKING | 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies. - 2 years ago

@ABalharry62: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@sundersays: RIP Tom Nairn. Condolences to his family & many friends. Among the most influential Scottish political writers + an… - 2 years ago

@sandiptodg: RIP Tom Nairn. The Break-Up of Britain remains one of my favorite books on the country. - 2 years ago

@jamescappio: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@Left_Hegelian: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@DanielWinc: 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies | STV News - 2 years ago

@johnwhilley: Sad news. Tom Nairn, a towering writer and radical thinker. RIP - 2 years ago

@rampitchfork: RT @JoanMcAlpine: Good to see Tom Nairn’s scholarship being recognised even by those who did not alway agree with him. Tom, who has died ag… - 2 years ago

@ElliotDugdale: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@Machludwr: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@STVNews: 'One of the greatest thinkers Scotland has ever produced' - Nicola Sturgeon pays tribute to Tom Nairn after his dea… - 2 years ago

@dyddgu: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@davidbowman73: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@Blutooner: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@carcasswater: omg Tom Nairn died you know who's next nooo - 2 years ago

@JoanMcAlpine: Good to see Tom Nairn’s scholarship being recognised even by those who did not alway agree with him. Tom, who has d… - 2 years ago

@ifanmj: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@realcolinquinn: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@GavJacobson: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@stevenreynolds: RT @ConterScot: We want to express our sadness at the loss of Tom Nairn, an intellectual giant who made a huge contribution to our understa… - 2 years ago

@tartancobweb: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@Rootster2: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@PeterSE16Bhoy: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@Lee81565782: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@TheAlexHughes: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@stevethomas100: RT @openDemocracy: We’re very sad to hear of the death of the leading philosopher and friend of @opendemocracy Tom Nairn at the age of 90. 🧵 - 2 years ago

@nmcinroy: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@w80013783: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@kaukabstewart: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@nealrstewart: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@ballyaltonboy: RT @MatthewOToole2: A truly brilliant thinker and writer, unafraid to ask the most bracing questions about the UK state and the state of th… - 2 years ago

@mrphilipcross1: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@cheeseechips: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@EricCorijn: RT @VincentSchelti: RIP Tom Nairn (1932-2023) - 2 years ago

@cheeseechips: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@rattlecans: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@trangpang: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@MarySummer1966: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@YesWestLothian: RT @NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectuals… - 2 years ago

@MaryRoseBilson1: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@NicolaSturgeon: Very sorry to hear that Tom Nairn has died. He was one of the greatest thinkers, political theorists and intellectu… - 2 years ago

@leoheaste: RT @MatthewOToole2: A truly brilliant thinker and writer, unafraid to ask the most bracing questions about the UK state and the state of th… - 2 years ago

@logmein22: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@ElizabethMcPhi1: RT @gordonguthrie: Tom Nairn made modern Scottish politics. RIP The fact that his death was announced at the same time it was revealed the… - 2 years ago

@baboo_2021: RT @DavieGreig: Farewell Tom Nairn, Scotland's intellectual engine of civic contemporary nationalism. His critique of UKania, monarchy, nos… - 2 years ago

@joycemcm: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A huge influence on so many of us & who contributed so much to the world. - 2 years ago

@laurence_cooley: RT @MatthewOToole2: A truly brilliant thinker and writer, unafraid to ask the most bracing questions about the UK state and the state of th… - 2 years ago

@joycemcm: RT @DavieGreig: Farewell Tom Nairn, Scotland's intellectual engine of civic contemporary nationalism. His critique of UKania, monarchy, nos… - 2 years ago

@tomdaviesE17: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@BruceHistorian: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@Aontaithe2021: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@mogatrons: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@cambuslangsteve: RT @tomamcculloch: Very sad news about Tom Nairn. RIP.... - 2 years ago

@scottiona: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@MatthewOToole2: A truly brilliant thinker and writer, unafraid to ask the most bracing questions about the UK state and the state o… - 2 years ago

@alistairjegray: RT @alanferrier: Very sad to hear of the death today of "the intellectual godfather of modern Scottish nationalism", Tom Nairn. We've lost… - 2 years ago

@Jimneill11: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@DunsPitcus: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@bellacaledonia: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@Jimneill11: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A huge influence on so many of us & who contributed so much to the world. - 2 years ago

@Jderbyshire: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@ultrasoundguy33: RT @kmflett: A brief appreciation of Tom Nairn who has died at 90.Nairn was a key figure in New Left Review in the 1960s & also wrote the B… - 2 years ago

@burdynumnum: RT @STVNews: BREAKING | 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies. - 2 years ago

@macl_john: RT @shirkerism: I’m far from the only one for whom Tom Nairn’s work changed almost everything - how you could write, how you could think, w… - 2 years ago

@Jimneill11: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@VincentSchelti: RIP Tom Nairn (1932-2023) - 2 years ago

@Portia09G: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@Duncan20212: 'Godfather' of modern Scottish independence movement Tom Nairn dies - 2 years ago

@iwasid: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@fictionarrative: RT @GerryHassan: Tom Nairn has died at 90. A personal friend over many years. He contributed so much to the intellectual life of Scotland,… - 2 years ago

@twosoulsindy: RT @ConterScot: We want to express our sadness at the loss of Tom Nairn, an intellectual giant who made a huge contribution to our understa… - 2 years ago

@ACSpinner: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@No1Gillygolfer: RT @ScotNational: Terribly sad news. Tom Nairn has died at the age of 90 - 2 years ago

@NazlinBhimani: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@IndyLiveStream: RT @ScotNational: Terribly sad news. Tom Nairn has died at the age of 90 - 2 years ago

@TomWard26061987: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@kmflett: A brief appreciation of Tom Nairn who has died at 90.Nairn was a key figure in New Left Review in the 1960s & also… - 2 years ago

@leoheaste: RT @gordonguthrie: Tom Nairn made modern Scottish politics. RIP The fact that his death was announced at the same time it was revealed the… - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@euan_page: RT @shirkerism: I’m far from the only one for whom Tom Nairn’s work changed almost everything - how you could write, how you could think, w… - 2 years ago

@HilaryBrown64: RT @ScotNational: Terribly sad news. Tom Nairn has died at the age of 90 - 2 years ago

@StuartGWhite: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@nealrstewart: RT @gordonguthrie: Tom Nairn made modern Scottish politics. RIP The fact that his death was announced at the same time it was revealed the… - 2 years ago

@leoheaste: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@ScotNational: Terribly sad news. Tom Nairn has died at the age of 90 - 2 years ago

@elise_tallaron: RT @LesleyRiddoch: 'Behind the wary eyes and granite countenance of Scotland there lies not one dream only, but a whole inheritance of drea… - 2 years ago

@melspence2: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@ferguson2811: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@CharlesEsche: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@gordonguthrie: Tom Nairn made modern Scottish politics. RIP The fact that his death was announced at the same time it was reveale… - 2 years ago

@catchafire777: RT @colinfoxssp: @STVNews Sad to hear of Tom Nairn's death. I enjoyed meeting him at the #EdinburghPeoplesFestival reception in the Italian… - 2 years ago

@uzpinaruz: Farewell Brittania, farewell Tom Nairn - 2 years ago

@R_MacGhilleAnd: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@DavieGreig: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@gordonguthrie: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@NeilDrysdale: We’ve lost one of the giants of Scottish political thinking and one of its most compelling supporters of independen… - 2 years ago

@gordonguthrie: RT @PeteRamand: From the Nairn-Anderson thesis to his biting analysis of the monarchy and theories of nationalism, Tom Nairn was an intelle… - 2 years ago

@gordonguthrie: RT @bungatuffie: Tom Nairn showed the way. He heard it coming in 1970. RIP - 2 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @MarkJSmithonMSN: Sorry to hear about the passing of Tom Nairn 1932-2023 - New Left writer who has been formative for me and many others… - 2 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @openDemocracy: We’re very sad to hear of the death of the leading philosopher and friend of @opendemocracy Tom Nairn at the age of 90. 🧵 - 2 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @daraghjgrant: Tom Nairn was an incisive critic of modern Britain. Depressing that the Labour Party has failed to grasp the early diagno… - 2 years ago

@bahman79271782: RT @GordonBrown: I am sad to hear of the death of Tom Nairn. A great writer, thinker, intellectual and good man. He disagreed with me on ma… - 2 years ago

@skelpitheid: RT @AlexSalmond: Tom Nairn’s international reach has been huge but his scholarship was vital in providing the intellectual base which turne… - 2 years ago

@70sBachchan: RT @openDemocracy: @AnthonyBarnett @AdamRamsay You can read his pieces for @opendemocracy over the years here: - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Tom Nairn, you will be missed - #TomNairn #Tom #Nairn #rip - 2 years ago

@70sBachchan: RT @AdamRamsay: Very sad to confirm that Britain’s greatest contemporary philosopher, the iconic theorist of nationalism and intellectual g… - 2 years ago

@70sBachchan: RT @GavJacobson: Very sad to hear the news of Tom Nairn’s passing. Here is an extremely good essay by @shirkerism on Nairn’s life and work,… - 2 years ago

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