Tom McLeish

English theoretical physicist.
Died on Tuesday February 28th 2023

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Tom McLeish:

@ghostscat: RT @AltePute: R.I.P. Tom McLeish Он был замечательным учёным, увлечённым и разносторонним, интереснейшим собеседником. Мы говорили с ним о… - 2 years ago

@AltePute: R.I.P. Tom McLeish Он был замечательным учёным, увлечённым и разносторонним, интереснейшим собеседником. Мы говори… - 2 years ago

@hcoin20211101: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@UnbelievableFE: Classic Replay: Does Science need God? Tom McLeish, David Hutchings & Suzie Sheehy To honour the passing of the gre… - 2 years ago


@almanack63: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@grahambradbeer: RT @ISCAST_Oz: On behalf of the ISCAST community, we offer our condolences to the family of #TomMcLeish, a friend and distinguished fellow… - 2 years ago

@ISCAST_Oz: On behalf of the ISCAST community, we offer our condolences to the family of #TomMcLeish, a friend and distinguishe… - 2 years ago

@GrahamRKings: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@BookScribbler: RT @BookScribbler: So very very sad to hear about the death of Tom McLeish. He was a wonderful colleague when he worked here at Durham, alw… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@t3dy: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@jwilson1812: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@uqpharri: RT @MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@MarginaliaROB: In memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS (May 1, 1962 – February 27, 2023). - 2 years ago

@IanRSlack2: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@MarkRoques: Tom McLeish FRS 1962-2023 - 2 years ago

@thinkfaithdo: Prof. Tom McLeish - 2 years ago

@erikacule: RT @AtheneDonald: My weekend post on the life and contributions of the late @mcleish_t . RIP Tom! - 2 years ago

@AtheneDonald: My weekend post on the life and contributions of the late @mcleish_t . RIP Tom! - 2 years ago

@CatedraCTR: RT @jscanizares: Ha fallecido Tom McLeish, uno de los grandes protagonistas del diálogo entre ciencia y religión en la actualidad. Que desd… - 2 years ago

@stevebishopuk: Tom McLeish FRS 1962-2023 - 2 years ago

@pcnbritain: PCN remembers, with gratitude, the great contribution of Thomas Charles Muckland McLeish, and extends our condolenc… - 2 years ago

@gilermelb: RT @JohnWFarrell: A beautiful tribute to the late Tom McLeish by David Bentley Hart. - 2 years ago

@robinince: RT @robinince: sad to hear that Tom Mcleish has died - had a lovely conversation when I was researching one of my books. I love that York U… - 2 years ago

@A_Barylski: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@MarginaliaROB: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@robinince: sad to hear that Tom Mcleish has died - had a lovely conversation when I was researching one of my books. I love th… - 2 years ago

@queenfan1984: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@samhailes: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@Christianitymag: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@Nicholas_Olson: RT @johnmilbank3: Tom McLeish - 2 years ago

@ahugill: Sad to hear of the death of Tom McLeish @mcleish_t - 2 years ago

@TEMguru: Despite never meeting him, I keep coming across Tom McLeish’s work in various ways. His stature in the soft matter… - 2 years ago

@johnmilbank3: Tom McLeish - 2 years ago

@erikacule: @AtheneDonald @mcleish_t Must be obituaries week on OT - sorry to hear of your and your field’s loss Athene, I’ve r… - 2 years ago

@profRoys: If you wish to hear perspectives on science and faith, listen to commentary from the sadly recently lost Tom McLeis… - 2 years ago

@JuliaHCox: This is incredibly sad but beautiful tribute to Prof Tom McLeish who sadly died this week. With much love to Julie… - 2 years ago

@LidiaBorrellDam: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@leafs_s: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@alphabetofbein2: Sorry to hear that Tom McLeish has died. I really enjoyed it when he came to speak to @CprLeeds a few years ago. May he rest in peace. - 2 years ago

@sidhepleroma: RT @BanxyFamily: “For those of you disposed to pray for the repose of souls, I would ask you to add the name of Tom McLeish—who passed away… - 2 years ago

@RevArun: As we prepare for a clergy and laity study day in Leeds on science in congregations tomorrow this tribute to Tom Mc… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: RT @JohnWFarrell: A beautiful tribute to the late Tom McLeish by David Bentley Hart. - 2 years ago

@BanxyFamily: “For those of you disposed to pray for the repose of souls, I would ask you to add the name of Tom McLeish—who pass… - 2 years ago

@BookmanM68: Tom McLeish - 2 years ago

@uqpharri: RT @JohnWFarrell: A beautiful tribute to the late Tom McLeish by David Bentley Hart. - 2 years ago

@germy224: Breaking twitter Lent fast to just share this, shared by David Bentley Hart about the deeply sad passing of Tom McL… - 2 years ago

@JohnWFarrell: A beautiful tribute to the late Tom McLeish by David Bentley Hart. - 2 years ago

@SamuelLoncar: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@PopeyeKamper: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@pcnbritain: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@jeannet55041905: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@GLMosseProgram: We're saddened to hear of the passing of Tom McLeish ( - 2 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@almanack63: RT @BishopTonbridge: So sad to hear about Tom; I knew him at university. These descriptions of him as utterly brilliant and deeply kind, as… - 2 years ago

@JmjB53876529: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@UnlockingGrowth: RT @Christianitymag: "The death of Professor Tom McLeish brings to an end a remarkable chapter in the story of the fruitful interaction of… - 2 years ago

@AnjioIina: RT @smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mourn his p… - 2 years ago

@smithbarryc: Very saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish. A wonderful thinker, researcher, companion and friend. We will mour… - 2 years ago

@smithbarryc: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@RobertC78726751: RT @Christianitymag: "The death of Professor Tom McLeish brings to an end a remarkable chapter in the story of the fruitful interaction of… - 2 years ago

@smithbarryc: RT @utafrith: Saddened as well as strangely uplifted to hear of the good death of wonderful Tom McLeish FRS, Professor of Natural Philosoph… - 2 years ago

@smithbarryc: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@smithbarryc: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@NWitbreuk: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@SarahNe93195995: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@neuralengine: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@BBSRC: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@alexbrabbs: RT @UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-disciplina… - 2 years ago

@UKRI_News: We're saddened by the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. Tom played an inspirational and transformative role in cross-d… - 2 years ago

@Humblee2: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@Joepke49: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@mlmpennington: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@Ambuild2: RT @AbbieTrewin: Deeply sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. I knew Tom through my work with the Royal Society Education Com… - 2 years ago

@AbbieTrewin: Deeply sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish FRS. I knew Tom through my work with the Royal Society Educat… - 2 years ago

@DangerousGlobe: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@MichelMima: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@RCCGRoyalCity: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@Kazan702: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@Kiwi44493773: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@DrPaulSharp: RT @STFC_Matters: STFC, and particularly our team at @isisneutronmuon, offer our condolences to the friends and family of Professor Tom McL… - 2 years ago

@STFC_Matters: STFC, and particularly our team at @isisneutronmuon, offer our condolences to the friends and family of Professor T… - 2 years ago

@rimpelKoning: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@AlexDJFry: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@VrolijksC: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@JudgeTheo: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@GalgalloYohana: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@Nelliejs501: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@sarcast999: RT @WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft gehaa… - 2 years ago

@WappieSebastian: Tom McLeish: ongevaccineerde patienten gaan dood op de IC, get a vaccine. Tom McLeish die al zijn vaccins heeft ge… - 2 years ago

@Macnaghten: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@powney_andrew: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@thosbecceham: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@iamfujimura: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@nickhenninghill: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@jeremysmarshall: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@STFC_Matters: STFC, and particularly our team at @isisneutronmuon, offer our condolences to the friends and family of Professor T… - 2 years ago

@Christianitymag: Obituary: Prof Tom McLeish was one of the world’s leading scientists. His theology of science was groundbreaking, a… - 2 years ago

@realjudyt: @BBCSoP @mcleish_t @SeanFletcherTV @durhamcathedral Tom was a brilliant scholar and so passionate about science and… - 2 years ago

@realjudyt: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@SharonDirckx: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@ErUpNorth: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@jeharbinson: RT @Christianitymag: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - 2 years ago

@AlexDJFry: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: RT @Christianitymag: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - 2 years ago

@eclasproject: RT @Christianitymag: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - 2 years ago

@almanack63: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@grantosjones: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@Snarktopia: RT @ojamsh: Sad to hear about the death of Tom McLeish FRS, who was a fantastic chair of the Royal Society’s education committee and who ch… - 2 years ago

@Christianitymag: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - 2 years ago

@AlcuinsLibrary: RT @SimonJonSmart: A really nice tribute to Tom McLeish here. Sorry to hear of his passing. - 2 years ago

@AlcuinsLibrary: RT @cees_dekker: What a beautiful exposé by the late Tom McLeish (soft matter physicist @mcleish_t, who passed away yesterday, who explains… - 2 years ago

@AlcuinsLibrary: RT @ojamsh: Sad to hear about the death of Tom McLeish FRS, who was a fantastic chair of the Royal Society’s education committee and who ch… - 2 years ago

@AlcuinsLibrary: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@TMinistryCRC: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@wnknisely: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: RT @eclasproject: Professor Tom McLeish (1962-2023): A joyful scientist and evangelist for Jesus - an obituary by Revd Prof David Wilkinson… - 2 years ago

@samhailes: A fitting tribute to one of the world's leading scientists - 2 years ago

@JDHarrower: RT @ISCAST_Oz: The ISCAST community is sad to have lost a friend and Distinguished Fellow of ISCAST, Tom McLeish. Tom was an inspiration an… - 2 years ago

@cranmerhall: RT @TalkingTheo: We are saddened to hear of the death of @mcleish_t who we have fond memories of interviewing just over a year ago: https:/… - 2 years ago

@stgilescg: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@offgridgirrl: @mcleish_t rest in peace Tom. You were always a shining light and you will continue to be one. - 2 years ago

@SimonJonSmart: A really nice tribute to Tom McLeish here. Sorry to hear of his passing. - 2 years ago

@yamakoete: トム・マクリーシュ(Tom McLeish @mcleish_t)さんが亡くなったとのこと。まだお若いのに。残念。RIP - 2 years ago

@t_david_lee: @FaithsOxford Here is the "in memoriam" for him at the ECLAS project at Durham University. - 2 years ago

@Philo_Media: RT @babette_babich: RIP, Tom McLeish (1 May 1962 – 27 February 2023), softmatter physicist and author on the intersection between faith and… - 2 years ago

@Sverre_Holm: RT @cees_dekker: What a beautiful exposé by the late Tom McLeish (soft matter physicist @mcleish_t, who passed away yesterday, who explains… - 2 years ago

@daniel170376: RT @cees_dekker: What a beautiful exposé by the late Tom McLeish (soft matter physicist @mcleish_t, who passed away yesterday, who explains… - 2 years ago

@cees_dekker: What a beautiful exposé by the late Tom McLeish (soft matter physicist @mcleish_t, who passed away yesterday, who e… - 2 years ago

@golobor: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@ojamsh: Sad to hear about the death of Tom McLeish FRS, who was a fantastic chair of the Royal Society’s education committe… - 2 years ago

@VCMarkESmith: RT @KeddieLab: Tonight I'm fondly remembering Prof. Tom McLeish's @PhysicsNews #PPG Founders' Prize Lecture while feeling the sad loss of t… - 2 years ago

@BradshawBecki: Very sad to hear the news about the death of Tom McLeish FRS. I was privileged to work with him on his book… - 2 years ago

@TalkingTheo: We are saddened to hear of the death of @mcleish_t who we have fond memories of interviewing just over a year ago:… - 2 years ago

@mtwsgeorge: RT @TORCHOxford: We are very sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish. Tom supported TORCH from the beginning & was an exceptional le… - 2 years ago

@IanPChristie: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@GrahamRKings: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@AJWilsonGroup: Very sad to learn this news. Tom McLeish was a wonderful person. - 2 years ago

@ruth_lampard: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@Saodionisio: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@KrisSn: RT @TORCHOxford: We are very sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish. Tom supported TORCH from the beginning & was an exceptional le… - 2 years ago

@TasminRic: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@RMLLowe: RT @MaeveSherlock: It is a testament to his goodness, kindness, creativity and sheer brilliance that Tom McLeish is being mourned so deeply… - 2 years ago

@CultEvolFunding: We are very sad to hear about the death of our valued Advisory Board member Tom McLeish @mcleish_t. Tom was a mast… - 2 years ago

@MaeveSherlock: It is a testament to his goodness, kindness, creativity and sheer brilliance that Tom McLeish is being mourned so d… - 2 years ago

@eileenmross: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@babette_babich: RIP, Tom McLeish (1 May 1962 – 27 February 2023), softmatter physicist and author on the intersection between faith… - 2 years ago

@krfox1: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@Dyffryntywi: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@TORCHOxford: RT @TORCHOxford: Here is Tom McLeish in a book at lunchtime discussion event about his book ‘Faith and Wisdom’ - 2 years ago

@EducaCyR: RT @jscanizares: Ha fallecido Tom McLeish, uno de los grandes protagonistas del diálogo entre ciencia y religión en la actualidad. Que desd… - 2 years ago

@jscanizares: Ha fallecido Tom McLeish, uno de los grandes protagonistas del diálogo entre ciencia y religión en la actualidad. Q… - 2 years ago

@guildofhealth: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@GillianStraine: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@liz_blount: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@RachKendal: We lost a great man on Monday @mcleish_t . Tom was a master of interdisciplinarity, full of infectious enthusiasm,… - 2 years ago

@carmelpilgrim: RIP Professor Tom McLeish. Your brilliant mind and gentle soul are now basking in the Source of Light. You will be… - 2 years ago

@ArnoldSikkema: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@henriquepsleite: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@AndreaDalmaroni: One of the many inspirational discussions with Tom McLeish, our dear friend and colleague. We all who knew Tom love… - 2 years ago

@howbrainsevolve: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@howbrainsevolve: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @theosnick: Very upset to hear of the death of Tom McLeish. Brilliant scientist, theologian, speaker, friend. An inspiration to all of u… - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@templeton_fdn: We are saddened to learn of the passing of our former trustee and grantee Tom McLeish. We join his family and frien… - 2 years ago

@ArnoldSikkema: RT @csca1973: We are profoundly sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend Tom McLeish. His brilliance, enthusiasm, & warmth continue to… - 2 years ago

@elizabethfoy13: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@StPaulLabyrinth: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@StPaulsLondon: RT @StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with @paul… - 2 years ago

@StPaulsLearning: We are very saddened by Tom McLeish's death. In May we had the privilege of recording him in conversation with… - 2 years ago

@ohmary11: Tom McLeish was a great man. A polymath, he loved physics, music, poetry, theology, and philosophy. He was passion… - 2 years ago

@_Ben_Franklin1: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@BloomingtonHps: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@revdrmeg: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@Monika_Staesche: RT @JohnWFarrell: I was shocked to learn of the passing of Tom McLeish. 'The Renaissance Mathematicus has lost a good friend.' ' - 2 years ago

@charlesqizhou: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@Nicholas_Olson: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @JohnWFarrell: I was shocked to learn of the passing of Tom McLeish. 'The Renaissance Mathematicus has lost a good friend.' ' - 2 years ago

@failingtofollow: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@stbarnabasUK: RT @AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great scientist-th… - 2 years ago

@almanack63: RT @Forster_Anthony: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t Very sad news @eclasproject puts it so well: Tom was a human being who demonstrated genero… - 2 years ago

@AimeTim: The ISSR 2021 Boyle Lecture by Prof Tom McLeish (& response by Rowan Williams) A great way to remember this great s… - 2 years ago

@failingtofollow: It is so sad to hear the news that Prof Tom McLeish has died. His ability to hold his faith and scientific work tog… - 2 years ago

@JuliaHCox: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@JohnWFarrell: I was shocked to learn of the passing of Tom McLeish. 'The Renaissance Mathematicus has lost a good friend.' '… - 2 years ago

@KendallHarmon6: 'Alongside his world leading scientific research, Tom also pioneered work in medieval science and theology working… - 2 years ago

@Thievesbook: RT @nathanbossoh: Very saddening to hear of Professor Tom McLeish’s passing, he was an inspirational thinker indeed who merged passion and… - 2 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @nathanbossoh: Very saddening to hear of Professor Tom McLeish’s passing, he was an inspirational thinker indeed who merged passion and… - 2 years ago

@ThomasCreedy: RT @theosnick: Very upset to hear of the death of Tom McLeish. Brilliant scientist, theologian, speaker, friend. An inspiration to all of u… - 2 years ago

@gbutrous: This is the last tweet of Tom McLeish @mcleish_t RIP. Highly recommend to attend this conference @PhysicsofLifeUK… - 2 years ago

@RozierHistorian: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@gbutrous: In his book "The Poetry & Music of Science", Tom McLeish FRS, RIP stated that the response to his question of why U… - 2 years ago

@PoL_KULeuven: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@gbutrous: May Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t) RIP; he has championed an interdisciplinary approach to scientific work, the appro… - 2 years ago

@simplysci101: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@RCCGRoyalCity: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@M_R_Shabanniya: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@KalkaSuzanne: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@rpodgornik: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@GrahamRKings: RT @Forster_Anthony: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t Very sad news @eclasproject puts it so well: Tom was a human being who demonstrated genero… - 2 years ago

@MichaelSadgrove: RT @Forster_Anthony: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t Very sad news @eclasproject puts it so well: Tom was a human being who demonstrated genero… - 2 years ago

@DanDayChem: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@UniSurreyBioSci: RT @KeddieLab: Tonight I'm fondly remembering Prof. Tom McLeish's @PhysicsNews #PPG Founders' Prize Lecture while feeling the sad loss of t… - 2 years ago

@ohmary11: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@edjyork: RIP Tom McLeish. Such a generous and kind colleague. Always supportive of things happening all over the uni from th… - 2 years ago

@profRoys: Listening to @BBCRadio3 Breakfast this morning, and remembering Prof. Tom McLeish FRS FRSC, a man of faith, science… - 2 years ago

@Forster_Anthony: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t Very sad news @eclasproject puts it so well: Tom was a human being who demonstrated gen… - 2 years ago

@StevenTobias7: So very sorry to hear of the passing of Tom McLeish. The tweet below says it all. A thoroughly decent human indeed. - 2 years ago

@mary_leng: RT @p_realism: Deeply saddened to hear that Tom McLeish passed away. A passionate advocate of cross-disciplinary knowledge and a very kind… - 2 years ago

@mac6752: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@ohmary11: RT @RichardALJones: Very sad to hear that Tom McLeish has died, too young at 60. A leading theoretical physicist of soft matter & biologica… - 2 years ago

@StevenFrench4: RT @p_realism: Deeply saddened to hear that Tom McLeish passed away. A passionate advocate of cross-disciplinary knowledge and a very kind… - 2 years ago

@MichaelSadgrove: @t_david_lee @davidwaters79 @mcleish_t @BBCSoP @SeanFletcherTV I love this hymn. And the commentary. Did you send i… - 2 years ago

@philosofoyle: Absolutely gutted to hear this news. Tom McLeish was a truly remarkable human being. RIP. - 2 years ago

@VaughanSRoberts: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@ohmary11: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@JudgeTheo: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@ohmary11: Tom McLeish was a great man. Lover of physics, music, poetry, theology, and philosophy. He was smart, kind, insight… - 2 years ago

@BVLSingler: RT @TORCHOxford: We are very sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish. Tom supported TORCH from the beginning & was an exceptional le… - 2 years ago

@TORCHOxford: Here is Tom McLeish in a book at lunchtime discussion event about his book ‘Faith and Wisdom’ - 2 years ago

@TORCHOxford: We are very sad to hear of the passing of Prof Tom McLeish. Tom supported TORCH from the beginning & was an excepti… - 2 years ago

@ninadeaks: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@BookScribbler: So very very sad to hear about the death of Tom McLeish. He was a wonderful colleague when he worked here at Durham… - 2 years ago

@sararonca77: I discovered this morning with great sadness about the loss of a great scientist. Condolences to his family. RIP To… - 2 years ago

@mckeagns: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@skydog811: The Poetry and Music of Science - Professor Tom McLeish - 2 years ago

@reformedbear25: RT @zachary_ardern: One of the rare genuinely great academics. Tom McLeish, FRS. A polymath, encourager, biophysicist-philosopher-theologia… - 2 years ago

@mbkearnes: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@glassyben: I am heartbroken to hear that my dear friend, the supreme @mcleish_t has died at 60. A giant of science, faith and… - 2 years ago

@natxopago: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@GuySechrist: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@sw_cardwell: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@csca1973: We are profoundly sad to hear of the passing of our dear friend Tom McLeish. His brilliance, enthusiasm, & warmth c… - 2 years ago

@AHSChaplaincy: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@BhavKhatri: Although it was expected, I am deeply sad that Tom McLeish passed away yesterday. My love and sympathies to Julie a… - 2 years ago

@silvervoter: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t I met Tom on a study day at Durham University. It was clear to me that he was graced hi… - 2 years ago

@gerardpatrick: RIP Tom McLeish | 1962-2023 - 2 years ago

@S_K_Wilson: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@johnvs7: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@GrahamRKings: RT @StJohnsDurham: It is with great sadness that the College learnt of the death of Professor Tom McLeish, for many years a great friend to… - 2 years ago

@GrahamRKings: RT @MichaelSadgrove: Desperately sad to read this news. @mcleish_t was a great colleague & friend in Durham days. I have personal as well a… - 2 years ago

@HStiles1: RT @rli22: A tweet can't do justice to the inspirational Tom Mcleish who lived the dream of being a prof of sciences & arts at the same tim… - 2 years ago

@davidwaters79: RT @BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirational interv… - 2 years ago

@BBCSoP: We at Songs of Praise are very sorry to hear of the death of Prof Tom McLeish FRS @mcleish_t & recall this inspirat… - 2 years ago

@RevJMW: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@AbhiS_Case: RT @KeddieLab: Tonight I'm fondly remembering Prof. Tom McLeish's @PhysicsNews #PPG Founders' Prize Lecture while feeling the sad loss of t… - 2 years ago

@mjahore: RT @KeddieLab: Tonight I'm fondly remembering Prof. Tom McLeish's @PhysicsNews #PPG Founders' Prize Lecture while feeling the sad loss of t… - 2 years ago

@archaeometer: I'm sad to hear that @mcleish_t died yesterday. There's a nice tribute from @eclasproject summing up his wide range… - 2 years ago

@davidwaters79: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@rebeccahoyle: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@esgrid: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@SamuelLoncar: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@t_david_lee: @davidwaters79 @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t @BBCSoP @SeanFletcherTV Very sad news indeed. I well remember the… - 2 years ago

@oponiak: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@lukebarnesastro: RT @ISCAST_Oz: The ISCAST community is sad to have lost a friend and Distinguished Fellow of ISCAST, Tom McLeish. Tom was an inspiration an… - 2 years ago

@frankendodo: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@frankendodo: Here's the Obituary from @eclasproject - 2 years ago

@ISCAST_Oz: The ISCAST community is sad to have lost a friend and Distinguished Fellow of ISCAST, Tom McLeish. Tom was an inspi… - 2 years ago

@SunjieYe: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@bonlab: @SoRheology @mcleish_t Sincere condolences to Tom's family and friends from all of us @bonlab - 2 years ago

@KeddieLab: Tonight I'm fondly remembering Prof. Tom McLeish's @PhysicsNews #PPG Founders' Prize Lecture while feeling the sad… - 2 years ago

@OutiLab: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@MirandaTHolmes: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t Really sad, Tom was the nicest man. - 2 years ago

@davidwaters79: @MichaelSadgrove @mcleish_t This is enormously sad. I interviewed Tom for @BBCSoP with @SeanFletcherTV for Epiphany… - 2 years ago

@JohnBryant1404: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@JohnBryant1404: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@LabRichter: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@ProfTomMole: Saddened to hear of the death of Tom McLeish, who I got to know when I was a fellow of the IAS in 2013. - 2 years ago

@danieljoachim: behind locked laboratory doors. We don't have a cultural story for what science is." – Tom McLeish (From our 2018-… - 2 years ago

@ScienceHums: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@Thievesbook: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@MichaelSadgrove: Desperately sad to read this news. @mcleish_t was a great colleague & friend in Durham days. I have personal as wel… - 2 years ago

@atinybitwaring: RT @RichardALJones: Very sad to hear that Tom McLeish has died, too young at 60. A leading theoretical physicist of soft matter & biologica… - 2 years ago

@AlexDJFry: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@golobor: RT @RichardALJones: Very sad to hear that Tom McLeish has died, too young at 60. A leading theoretical physicist of soft matter & biologica… - 2 years ago

@WadsworthFabian: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: RT @theosnick: Very upset to hear of the death of Tom McLeish. Brilliant scientist, theologian, speaker, friend. An inspiration to all of u… - 2 years ago

@StJohnsDurham: It is with great sadness that the College learnt of the death of Professor Tom McLeish, for many years a great frie… - 2 years ago

@babette_babich: @mcleish_t RIP Tom McLeish (1962-27 Feb 2023) - 2 years ago

@FaithsOxford: ⚫️ In memoriam . . . It is with a heavy heart that we announce the sad news of Professor Tom McLeish's @mcleish_t… - 2 years ago

@DavePiperDJ: So sad to hear of Professor Tom McLeish's passing - praying for family, friends and colleagues (including all at… - 2 years ago

@hannahmerich: RT @theosnick: Very upset to hear of the death of Tom McLeish. Brilliant scientist, theologian, speaker, friend. An inspiration to all of u… - 2 years ago

@theosnick: Very upset to hear of the death of Tom McLeish. Brilliant scientist, theologian, speaker, friend. An inspiration to… - 2 years ago

@UnlockingGrowth: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@allegedlycam: RT @diarmidf: Shortly after my previous Tweet I received the very sad news that Professor Tom McLeish FRS died yesterday. Tom's essay in Co… - 2 years ago

@JuliaHCox: Very sad to hear of the sad death of Professor Tom McLeish - a wonderful man, brilliant scientist and an inspiratio… - 2 years ago

@drgavinm: A good interview with Tom, from last year, is available here - 2 years ago

@jeremysmarshall: @Seb_Falk @mcleish_t So sorry to read that Tom was a wonderful man - 2 years ago

@jeremysmarshall: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@DrJEaton: @Seb_Falk @mcleish_t I’m so sorry to hear this. Tom was such a lovely and kind person, who gave his time and wisdom so generously to others. - 2 years ago

@danieljoachim: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@RushtonDr: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@scienceadvocacy: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@MarkJSmithonMSN: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@BRWLTZ: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@JohnNCoupland: RT @amandarees9: In Memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS – ECLAS - 2 years ago

@frestagn: RT @AtheneDonald: RIP @mcleish_t . Desperately sad news to hear Tom has died after months of illness. He contributed so much to soft matter… - 2 years ago

@frestagn: Watching this amazing lecture by Tom McLeish is a good opportunity to think about his incredible talent and pedagog… - 2 years ago

@irmorus1: RT @amandarees9: In Memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS – ECLAS - 2 years ago

@ApsDsoft: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@edumlerw: Deeply saddened to hear that a dear friend and colleague, the lovely and brilliant Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t has died… - 2 years ago

@edumlerw: RT @uqpharri: Deeply saddened to learn of the death of Prof Tom McLeish, FRS. Tom was an inspiring interlocutor and a wonderful human bein… - 2 years ago

@Seb_Falk: RT @RichardALJones: Very sad to hear that Tom McLeish has died, too young at 60. A leading theoretical physicist of soft matter & biologica… - 2 years ago

@Neilwitten: RT @AtheneDonald: RIP @mcleish_t . Desperately sad news to hear Tom has died after months of illness. He contributed so much to soft matter… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Tom McLeish has passed away - #TomMcLeish #Tom #McLeish #rip - 2 years ago

@CGRobertson168: RT @SoRheology: With great sadness, we mourn the passing of our kind and curious friend Tom McLeish, @mcleish_t, our 2010 Bingham medalist… - 2 years ago

@EveRidgeway: RT @eclasproject: It is with great sadness that we announce our friend and co-investigator Professor Tom McLeish died yesterday. Our love,… - 2 years ago

@StephenKhan: Shocked and saddened to read this. @mcleish_t was a superb editorial board member in the early days of… - 2 years ago

@EmilNovis: RT @amandarees9: In Memoriam: Professor Tom McLeish FRS – ECLAS - 2 years ago

@JTECook: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@JoshRosenau: RT @Seb_Falk: Thinking of Tom McLeish FRS (@mcleish_t), who died yesterday. Physicist, historian, musician, theologian, philosopher—he live… - 2 years ago

@petejvickers: RT @CHESS_DurhamUni: We are deeply saddened to hear that Tom McLeish has passed away. He will be dearly missed and our thoughts are with hi… - 2 years ago

@DynamicsSIAM: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@DouganGroup: @PhysLifeYork @PhysicsofLifeUK Deeply saddened by the passing of Tom McLeish. His warmth and kindness will be fondl… - 2 years ago

@JoshRosenau: RT @frankendodo: My heart really aches at this news - Tom McLeish (@mcleish_t) died yesterday afternoon. Tom was such a kind, and intelli… - 2 years ago

@Cyberplasm: Very sad to hear of the passing of Tom McLeish, a giant in the field of Soft Matter Physics. I remember watching hi… - 2 years ago

@Annmarieinyork: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@JenCormack: RT @rli22: A tweet can't do justice to the inspirational Tom Mcleish who lived the dream of being a prof of sciences & arts at the same tim… - 2 years ago

@cjrw: RT @JohnBryant1404: Very sorry to hear of the death (from pancreatic cancer) of Tom McLeish - his contributions to the science-arts and sci… - 2 years ago

@snevinoj: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@JohnBryant1404: Very sorry to hear of the death (from pancreatic cancer) of Tom McLeish - his contributions to the science-arts and… - 2 years ago

@RevRachelMann: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@leggett_graham: RT @PhysLifeYork: It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague Tom McLeish died peacefully at home yesterda… - 2 years ago

@rli22: A tweet can't do justice to the inspirational Tom Mcleish who lived the dream of being a prof of sciences & arts at… - 2 years ago

@barbkiser: @Seb_Falk @mcleish_t Yes, I knew Tom through my work at Nature and had many lively conversations with him, on Grosseteste et al. RIP. - 2 years ago

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