Tom Kibble

Died on Thursday June 2nd 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Tom Kibble:

@jscover00: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@xeroksUK: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@DMHkatikati: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@indiegogodancer: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago


@closefrank: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@draziraphale: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@marcuschown: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@Doctor_Cinnamon: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@CarlRowbottom: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@MathIsBeauty: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@jscover00: RT @VergaraLautaro: SCIENCE A great scientist, a modest person. Obituary of Prof. Tom Kibble - 9 years ago

@VergaraLautaro: SCIENCE A great scientist, a modest person. Obituary of Prof. Tom Kibble - 9 years ago

@Niall_182: RT @grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: htt… - 9 years ago

@grahamfarmelo: Obituary of Tom Kibble by @closefrank highlights important contributions to Standard Model of this fine, modest man: - 9 years ago

@croftandi: RT @imperialcollege: Our Head of Theoretical Physics Jerome Gauntlett pays tribute to his friend and colleague, the late Sir Tom Kibble htt… - 9 years ago

@Jnan_G: RT @imperialcollege: Our Head of Theoretical Physics Jerome Gauntlett pays tribute to his friend and colleague, the late Sir Tom Kibble htt… - 9 years ago

@RACiencias: RT @imperialcollege: Our Head of Theoretical Physics Jerome Gauntlett pays tribute to his friend and colleague, the late Sir Tom Kibble htt… - 9 years ago

@imperialcollege: Our Head of Theoretical Physics Jerome Gauntlett pays tribute to his friend and colleague, the late Sir Tom Kibble - 9 years ago

@tttabata: Sir Tom Kibble obituary. 8 June 2016 - 9 years ago

@1amnerd: Tom Kibble - 9 years ago

@13SciDave: Sir Tom Kibble obituary: - 9 years ago

@Exphysicist: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary | via @telegraph - 9 years ago

@Exphysicist: RT @imperialcollege: We're deeply saddened by the death of Sir Tom Kibble (1932-2016): pioneering physicist, great teacher and colleague. h… - 9 years ago

@HayteratLords: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@HayteratLords: David Caplin: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@r_kibble: Oh, and anyone who remembers "Protect and Survive" will remember it seemed ludricrous even to a 10-year-old in 1979. - 9 years ago

@r_kibble: Dad wasn't just a physicist, he was a seasoned anti-nuclear campaigner. - 9 years ago

@telescoper: RT @ukcosmo: Ed Copeland paying tribute to our founding father, the late Sir Tom Kibble #ukcosmo - 9 years ago

@chaos_view: News: college-and-campus Sir Tom Kibble: a tribute.: - 9 years ago

@ukcosmo: Tom Kibble: a brilliant yet utterly humble physicist. We have so much to thank him for #ukcosmo - 9 years ago

@ukcosmo: Ed Copeland paying tribute to our founding father, the late Sir Tom Kibble #ukcosmo - 9 years ago

@SecNewsBot: Hacker News - Tom Kibble, theoretical physicist, has died - 9 years ago

@Tim_Jorgensen: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against #nuclearweapons - 9 years ago

@r_kibble: RT @ResponsibleSci: In memory of Sir Tom Kibble: nuclear disarmament campaigner, eminent physicist & one of our long-standing sponsors http… - 9 years ago

@BlossomSanders: RT @TelegraphNews: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@jmlandriau: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@MartinJLavelle: The socially concerned side of the late, great #physicist Tom Kibble: - 9 years ago

@angelt42: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@hiroshimaday: Sir Tom Kibble, founder of Scientists Against #Nuclear Arms, was an effective campaigner against #nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@for_Content: RT @worldscientific: Chapter by Frank Close in "#Symmetry & Fundamental #Physics: Tom Kibble at 80" will be #openaccess. limited time https… - 9 years ago

@worldscientific: Chapter by Frank Close in "#Symmetry & Fundamental #Physics: Tom Kibble at 80" will be #openaccess. limited time - 9 years ago

@worldscientific: Chapter by Steven Weinberg in "#Symmetry & Fundamental #Physics: Tom Kibble at 80" will be #openaccess. limited time - 9 years ago

@KellieRoseWick: RT @closefrank: Excellent obituary of Sir Tom Kibble in @TheTimes today and my tribute to him in @guardianobits is at - 9 years ago

@KellieRoseWick: RT @paulcoxon: Sir Tom Kibble obituary by @closefrank in @guardian: - 9 years ago

@MurrayData: R.I.P. Sir Tom Kibble physicist - 9 years ago

@ClavesDoAmaral: #TomKibble - 9 years ago

@London_Cable: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@IOPDiversity: RT @PhysicsDom: Obituary for Sir Tom Kibble. Great and most humble Physicist. - 9 years ago

@GUFlipboard: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons: Sir Tom Kibble was one of the fou... - 9 years ago

@julesvdme: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons (via @NewsfusionApps #World #News) - 9 years ago

@NuclearWeapons1: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - The Guardian - 9 years ago

@MarcEdgeley: (via @Guardian) #Blogs Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@worldnews134: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@Pele_Naani: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@christianphagen: RT @telegraphobits: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@usnews4u: Letter: Sir Tom Kibble was an effective campaigner against nuclear weapons - 9 years ago

@nigelslynch: A sad loss to the world of science and the world of good people. RIP Tom, honoured to have known you. - 9 years ago

@WorldUSNews: - 9 years ago

@bootneck: RT @TelegraphNews: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@skrthakur: RT @TelegraphNews: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@dickiewood: RT @telegraphobits: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@tm014d1009: RT @TelegraphNews: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@telegraphobits: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@TelegraphNews: Sir Tom Kibble, physicist – obituary - 9 years ago

@gfasol: Sir Tom Kibble RIP - 9 years ago

@gfasol: Sir Tom Kibble RIP - 9 years ago

@dalcrose: RT @guardianobits: Sir Tom Kibble obituary. One of the world’s foremost theoretical physicists. - 9 years ago

@ukcosmo: RT @closefrank: Excellent obituary of Sir Tom Kibble in @TheTimes today and my tribute to him in @guardianobits is at - 9 years ago

@guardianobits: Sir Tom Kibble obituary. One of the world’s foremost theoretical physicists. - 9 years ago

@aastogadha: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@AtmosTech: RT @SaintMondiale: #Physics #STEM Sir Tom Kibble made massive contributions during a stellar career. Obituary - 9 years ago

@London_Cable: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@SaintMondiale: #Physics #STEM Sir Tom Kibble made massive contributions during a stellar career. Obituary - 9 years ago

@HayteratLords: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@leibliss: RT @PhysicsWorld: Fractals and infinite curves, sonified data and farewell to Sir Tom Kibble in this week's #TheRedFolder - 9 years ago

@ChelSquishBud: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@onlyabeggar: Sir Tom Kibble obituary - 9 years ago

@kintracooser: The universe won't be the same - Professor Sir Tom Kibble 23/12/32 - 2/6/16 #kibble #physics #art #physicists - 9 years ago

@TimesObits: Professor Sir Tom Kibble - his work paved the way for the discovery of the Higgs boson - 9 years ago

@cangelidou: RIP Sir Tom Kibble - Sad farewell to physicist who transformed our understanding of the universe - 9 years ago

@ScientificMoust: Sir Tom Kibble, British Physicist, passed away, known for work on Higgs, among other groundbreaking works. - 9 years ago

@webbtech: RT @BWrite100: Satan's Breed - 9 years ago

@DougJCooper: RT @BWrite100: Satan's Breed - 9 years ago

@anna_tremain: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@Irlandia: Sir Thomas Walter Bannerman "Tom" Kibble(23 December 1932 – 2 June 2016),was a British theoretical physicist. - 9 years ago

@gruffdavies: I'm deeply saddened by the news that Sir Tom Kibble, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Imperial, has died at the... - 9 years ago

@darby_weaver: RT @Telegraph: Tom Kibble, UK physicist who worked on Higgs boson dies, says university - 9 years ago

@obituarywriters: Tom Kibble, a leading British physicist whose work helped lead to the discovery of the Higgs boson, died at 83 - 9 years ago

@blogofdeath: Tom Kibble, a leading British physicist whose work helped lead to the discovery of the Higgs boson, died at 83 - 9 years ago

@mtbatchelor: RT @JPhysA: Very sad news - Sir Tom Kibble is the author of the most cited article ever in @JPhysA - 9 years ago

@brainychat: @ProfEdCopeland Just read about Sir Tom Kibble. Commiserations. - 9 years ago

@JoserraMarcaida: Tom Kibble, Physics Department, Imperial College London - 9 years ago

@samfkite: So sad to hear of Sir Tom Kibble's passing. A brilliant scientist. #RIP - 9 years ago

@MamaPhysikerin: CERN flags half mast today. For Tom Kibble? - 9 years ago

@ayhandemir1972: RT @worldscientific: Leading British physicist and our author, Tom Kibble, has died at the age of 83. #higgsboson - 9 years ago

@prezcannady: RT @mcnees: It's a shame that Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen, and Brout could not share in the Nobel Prize with Higgs and Englert. - 9 years ago

@sinayoko: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@OkMatar: RT @imperialcollege: Tributes to Imperial physicist Tom Kibble, who transformed our understanding of the universe - 9 years ago

@rbarraud: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@PeppinoVitiello: RT @ProfEdCopeland: The nicest person & most brilliant scientist I ever met passed away today- RIP Tom Kibble & thank you for everything ht… - 9 years ago

@captainnkem: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@NodeSystems: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@sixtysymbols: RT @research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@research_uk: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@higgs_bosonNews: Indian Physicist Tom Kibble Who Helped With Higgs Boson Theory Ddead - All India Roundup: All India Roundup Indian… - 9 years ago

@HEPPboardEPS: Saddened to hear of passing of great physicist Prof. Sir Tom Kibble whom we nominated as Fellow of the EPS in 2014 - 9 years ago

@Radio3scienza: con Antonio Masiero abbiamo ricordato Tom Kibble, fisico inglese, "Nobel mancato" per il bosone di Higgs - 9 years ago

@VanessaSpedding: RT @MartinRyleTrust: The Trust is deeply saddened by the death of Prof Sir Tom Kibble, celebrated physicist and long-standing MRT trustee h… - 9 years ago

@AlexConnor: RT @STFC_Matters: “A gracious, generous man”. RIP Professor Sir Tom Kibble – a truly great physicist. - 9 years ago

@mel_huang: RIP Tom Kibble: - 9 years ago

@MartinRyleTrust: The Trust is deeply saddened by the death of Prof Sir Tom Kibble, celebrated physicist and long-standing MRT trustee - 9 years ago

@jscover00: RT @mcnees: It's a shame that Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen, and Brout could not share in the Nobel Prize with Higgs and Englert. - 9 years ago

@War_Kittens: RT @mcnees: It's a shame that Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen, and Brout could not share in the Nobel Prize with Higgs and Englert. - 9 years ago

@mcnees: It's a shame that Kibble, Guralnik, Hagen, and Brout could not share in the Nobel Prize with Higgs and Englert. - 9 years ago

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