Tom Derek Bowden

British military officer.
Died on Tuesday July 2nd 2019

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tom Derek Bowden:

@hierbasdelplat1: RT @fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 años; q sin se… - 6 years ago

@gracohen: RT @fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 años; q sin se… - 6 years ago

@DaniERabinovich: RT @fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 años; q sin se… - 6 years ago

@SusanaMNK: RT @fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 años; q sin se… - 6 years ago


@MajoQuiroga: RT @fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 años; q sin se… - 6 years ago

@fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden. Hace pocos días se difundió la noticia d la muerte d Tom Derek Bowden, a los 97 a… - 6 years ago

@fmjai: El “Goy Inglés” Tom Derek Bowden Nota y audio➡️ #YehudaKrell #historiajudia… - 6 years ago

@mjb_consult: RT @SMGilbertLearn: A remarkable man with a remarkable story. Tom Derek Bowden lived and made history. A true hero of both the British and… - 6 years ago

@SMGilbertLearn: A remarkable man with a remarkable story. Tom Derek Bowden lived and made history. A true hero of both the British… - 6 years ago

@haaretzcom: Married five times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, the 98-year… - 6 years ago

@SteveAikenUUP: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@WeBelieveIsrael: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@ukrlaa: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@WealthCloud: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@BillSmi92858018: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@MissLauraMarcus: RT @JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspired by w… - 6 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: This week's editorial reflects on the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, 98, who fought for Israel's independence inspire… - 6 years ago

@nlygo: RT @NTarnopolsky: Married 5 times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, Tom Derek Bowden, 98… - 6 years ago

@zalmib: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the Englishman who fought for Israel - 6 years ago

@IsraelHeadlines: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the English flyboy who fought for Israel - 6 years ago

@reglash: RT @NTarnopolsky: Married 5 times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, Tom Derek Bowden, 98… - 6 years ago

@Uriel16549924: RT @NTarnopolsky: Married 5 times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, Tom Derek Bowden, 98… - 6 years ago

@NTarnopolsky: Married 5 times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, Tom Derek Bowd… - 6 years ago

@haaretzcom: Married five times, including to the secretary who helped him translate a parachute manual into Hebrew, the 98-year… - 6 years ago

@druzevets: RT @JComm_NewsFeeds: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the English flyboy who fought for Israel: Married five times, including to the secretary… - 6 years ago

@BIASCO: RT @haaretzcom: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the English flyboy who fought for Israel - 6 years ago

@haaretzcom: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the English flyboy who fought for Israel - 6 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Remembering Tom Derek Bowden, the English flyboy who fought for Israel: Married five times, including to the secret… - 6 years ago

@zionistblonde: Tom Derek Bowden, The British War Hero Who Fought For Israel - 6 years ago

@Israelkicksass: - 6 years ago

@lolasky2014: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@Stan7300: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@LoveoftheLand: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@palagi684: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@alexandria49: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@ToomaMac: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@1nomdeplume: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@shellyleibowicz: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@BeerBaron14: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@Dmonsel: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@daledamos: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@DohanyJulian: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@StndWthIsrael: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@EriSt0crat: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@JonSutz: RT @Israellycool: What a remarkable man. May his memory be for a blessing - 6 years ago

@GoldingEva: RT @JewishNewsUK: Tributes were paid at the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, a Brit who fought for Israel, who passed away last month. Israel… - 6 years ago

@debjael: Tom Derek Bowden... A truly Incredible life!! Greatly influenced by the famously pro-Zionist Christian officer Orde… - 6 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Tributes were paid at the funeral of Tom Derek Bowden, a Brit who fought for Israel, who passed away last month.… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Tom Derek Bowden is no longer with us - #TomDerekBowden #Tom #DerekBowden #rip - 6 years ago

@graciegrann: RT @JournoStephen: I wrote about Tom Derek Bowden a few weeks ago. He was a great Zionist hero and, though it’s not my place to say so, if… - 6 years ago

@AmySupranova: RT @JournoStephen: I wrote about Tom Derek Bowden a few weeks ago. He was a great Zionist hero and, though it’s not my place to say so, if… - 6 years ago

@RegHoare: Fascinating obituary of a British soldier turned Norfolk farmer - via Arnhem and Bergen-Belsen - 6 years ago

@JournoStephen: I wrote about Tom Derek Bowden a few weeks ago. He was a great Zionist hero and, though it’s not my place to say so… - 6 years ago

@zalmib: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@maybeawriter: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@drdivine: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@SETTAT777: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@IsraelHeadlines: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@haaretzcom: Captain David Appel feared 'another Belsen' - 6 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98: He was sent to British Palestine to help put down… - 6 years ago

@DavidDPaxton: RT @haaretzcom: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@haaretzcom: Tom Derek Bowden, Israel’s ‘English goy’ in 1948 war, dies at 98 - 6 years ago

@LikudUK: When good men who did great things pass into the next life, they leave an example for this one. Tom Derek Bowden wa… - 6 years ago

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