Toko Shinoda

Japanese artist.
Died on Wednesday March 3rd 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Toko Shinoda:

@lolaoltra: RT @gisb_sus: Toko Shinoda Vanguardista de la caligrafia japonesa #CadaVezMasIguales - 4 years ago

@annmacart: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@vk_igualdad: RT @gisb_sus: Toko Shinoda Vanguardista de la caligrafia japonesa #CadaVezMasIguales - 4 years ago

@Tokyo_Weekender: Take a look back at the life of groundbreaking artist Toko Shinoda, who passed away at age 107 on March 1. - 4 years ago


@FerSamani8: RT @funnomad: Toko Shinoda, "Sound" (1990), "Efflorescent" (1965), "Karigans" (1995), and "Full Moon" (1994). Japanese abstract expressio… - 4 years ago

@caj_byg: all i ever wanted and still want is to own a shinoda tōkō art piece 😭 one day, one day! i didn't know she is gone.. rip 🙏 - 4 years ago

@maytepadron: RT @gisb_sus: Toko Shinoda Vanguardista de la caligrafia japonesa #CadaVezMasIguales - 4 years ago

@gisb_sus: Toko Shinoda Vanguardista de la caligrafia japonesa #CadaVezMasIguales - 4 years ago

@GElich_music: RT @IdeelArt: Japanese artist #TokoShinoda has died at age 107, after a 70-year career of creating abstract drawings and paintings using th… - 4 years ago

@Victor_Sedge: RT @tempersgame: Toko Shinoda passed away today at the unbelievable age of 107 (almost 108!) & if you aren’t familiar with her blend of sum… - 4 years ago

@LILICHARLA: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@WendyESlater: RT @ArtisticRealms: - 4 years ago

@IdeelArt: Japanese artist #TokoShinoda has died at age 107, after a 70-year career of creating abstract drawings and painting… - 4 years ago

@BTessile: - 4 years ago

@LoriLevin: RT @LoriLevin: Today, a Toko Shinoda, who died this month at 107. Tap photo for full work. #WomensHistoryMonth - 4 years ago

@NNik90: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@SVA_News: A painter and lithographer, Toko Shinoda worked in the ancient tradition of calligraphy, using ink that was centuri… - 4 years ago

@edubesen: RT @Gravura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@LoriLevin: Today, a Toko Shinoda, who died this month at 107. Tap photo for full work. #WomensHistoryMonth - 4 years ago

@diatribe: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@CommonUo: RT @jsmauo: Last Monday, on March 1st, celebrated artist Shinoda Tōkō passed away at the age of 107. Shinoda Tōkō was a leading figure in p… - 4 years ago

@drosselgasse: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@prbeckman: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@alexandrester: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@alexandrester: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@ThreeandDog: RT @tjournal: Свой стиль Токо Шинода называла истинно японским — она соединила традиционную каллиграфию с абстрактным экспрессионизмом. Её… - 4 years ago

@goukasian1222: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Gravura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@Grellia_S: RT @tjournal: Свой стиль Токо Шинода называла истинно японским — она соединила традиционную каллиграфию с абстрактным экспрессионизмом. Её… - 4 years ago

@jsmauo: Last Monday, on March 1st, celebrated artist Shinoda Tōkō passed away at the age of 107. Shinoda Tōkō was a leading… - 4 years ago

@sptmbree: @moviemenfes 5 cm Supernova: Ksatria Putri Bintang Jatuh Cek toko sebelah The raid (ost: razors out - mike shinoda & joseph trapanes) - 4 years ago

@JBalicag: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@gqq_samya: RT @tjournal: Свой стиль Токо Шинода называла истинно японским — она соединила традиционную каллиграфию с абстрактным экспрессионизмом. Её… - 4 years ago

@dSfP76Jusgai6Ol: RT @tjournal: Свой стиль Токо Шинода называла истинно японским — она соединила традиционную каллиграфию с абстрактным экспрессионизмом. Её… - 4 years ago

@tjournal: Свой стиль Токо Шинода называла истинно японским — она соединила традиционную каллиграфию с абстрактным экспрессион… - 4 years ago

@tomatsudaira: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@Ggg58828130: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@Akash28313164: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@artvesti: Гениальная художница ушла из жизни: никогда не выходила замуж, дожила до 107 лет и считали картины детьми.… - 4 years ago

@vpZXZyz3r7Q7zdJ: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@GEXyLO6hPcJ99VU: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@gyokuto_cc: RT @yas_wz: TV Asahi 「Wide! Scramble」/Toko Shinoda #篠田桃紅 篠田桃紅展 とどめ得ぬもの 墨のいろ 心のかたち - 4 years ago

@RAJA340386209: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@R383266: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@Esprimo20201: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@Richard30675821: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@amin_money: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@Amit38183415: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@FatimaAllouch6: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@ruslani76: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@MMujhaid4: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@wov_esha: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@esh_dar: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@Aloosh88500294: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@SHANTA12341: RT @suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The painting falls… - 4 years ago

@get_to_know_zen: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@RandMcNallyGirl: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@NaNurken: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@hondak97: 篠田桃紅さんがご逝去。大好きなアーティストでした。@nytimes も @washingtonpost も追悼記事をだしています。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。#TokoShinoda #篠田桃紅  - 4 years ago

@khonda: My favorite artist, Toko Shinoda Dies at 107. R.I.P. Both @nytimes and @washingtonpost wrote about her. ; Fused Ca… - 4 years ago

@MasahiroMiura: #篠田桃紅  Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@againstdead: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@suzford: Great artist Toko Shinoda died last week at 107, her work revered by the world's top museums & collectors. "The pai… - 4 years ago

@nikleto39: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@19Madam61: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@19Madam61: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@RenatJunior: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@RenatJunior: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@foruandmysoul: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@vulpixxr: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@stremno_tut: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@DoctorWho_re: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@Buzina_V: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@hornstress: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@_navajdenie_: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@_navajdenie_: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@maishiro00: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@debbieflorence: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@AsP_LOGIC: RT @tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место детей, как он… - 4 years ago

@AsP_LOGIC: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@fucker_kun: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@tomuracosp: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@Diversant1987: RT @tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она умерла в нача… - 4 years ago

@tjournal: Японская художница Токо Шинода считала брак смертью для карьеры и давно решила никогда не выходить замуж. Место дет… - 4 years ago

@tweetheart4711: RT @japansocietylon: On 1st of March, calligrapher and artist Toko Shinoda died at age 107. She dedicated her whole life to art achieving s… - 4 years ago

@tjournal: «Каждое утро беру кисть и работаю. Иначе я бы не чувствовала себя настолько живой», — говорила Токо Шинода. Она уме… - 4 years ago

@ToniArte2: RT @shimizu_photo: Tribute to Toko Shinoda, amazing Japanese artist Certain forms float up in my mind’s eye. Aromas, a blowing breeze, a r… - 4 years ago

@BirdHelen: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@Snafu571: RT @hmartin151: #Art #Artist #Calligraphy #Lithography #Longevity #AbstractExpressionism #Inspiration - 4 years ago

@SimiWonderland: RT @Elisa30034: Shinoda Toko 1913 -2021 - 4 years ago

@LostToHistory: RT @margalitfox: R.I.P. Toko Shinoda, 107(!), whose art hauntingly fused the centuries-old tradition of calligraphy with the 20th-century d… - 4 years ago

@Wells_inthecity: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@Pipp108: RT @NYTObits: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligraph… - 4 years ago

@SyllaCarmen: RT @ArtisticRealms: - 4 years ago

@LaBohemiaPanama: RT @AnaDApuzzo: Toko Shinoda 1913-2021RIP - 4 years ago

@packrod2: RT @tempersgame: Toko Shinoda passed away today at the unbelievable age of 107 (almost 108!) & if you aren’t familiar with her blend of sum… - 4 years ago

@rhyartfairbasel: RT @margalitfox: R.I.P. Toko Shinoda, 107(!), whose art hauntingly fused the centuries-old tradition of calligraphy with the 20th-century d… - 4 years ago

@olgapupi: Muere a los 107 años la vanguardista de la caligrafía japonesa Toko Shinoda - 4 years ago

@SherylEddins: Even in profile her gaze energizes her fingers offering the panorama splayed just beyond the divide's crest. -- sse - 4 years ago

@r31458893: RT @Elisa30034: Shinoda Toko 1913 -2021 - 4 years ago

@maxfurini: RT @AnaDApuzzo: Toko Shinoda 1913-2021RIP - 4 years ago

@UniteUntil: RT @metmuseum: "When paintings that I have made years ago are brought back into my consciousness, it seems like an old friend, or even a pa… - 4 years ago

@Elisa30034: Shinoda Toko 1913 -2021 - 4 years ago

@Baga76671097: RT @ArtNow_: Nocturne (1990) | Toko Shinoda (@brooklynmuseum) - 4 years ago

@ArtNow_: Nocturne (1990) | Toko Shinoda (@brooklynmuseum) - 4 years ago

@ariellaurora: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@nPJdjzzheD2o3Dp: 篠田桃紅さん① TV Asahi 「Wide! Scramble」/Toko Shinoda - 4 years ago

@hiroshi_yok: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@ChandyEsther: What an inspiration #longevity Toko Shinoda, leading Japanese artist, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@SBzontaD23: RT @ZontaIntl: Today we celebrate the life of Toko Shinoda, who passed away on Monday, 1 March in Tokyo, Japan at age 107. As a Zontian and… - 4 years ago

@PineSpiritRiri: RT @_IanBoyden: “When paintings that I have made years ago are brought back into my consciousness, it seems like an old friend, or even a p… - 4 years ago

@GetWilder81: RT @NYTObits: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligraph… - 4 years ago

@tibzbo: RT @NYTObits: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligraph… - 4 years ago

@JeffHemlin: RT @NYTObits: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligraph… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of… - 4 years ago

@Kakimg: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Japan_Guide1: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@toranosukev: - 4 years ago

@PolvoAranha1: RT @regulaverso: F - 4 years ago

@regulaverso: F - 4 years ago

@MoscaBlanca3: RT @MoscaBlanca3: Japanese painter Shinoda Tōkō (篠田 桃紅) - 4 years ago

@ZeUS66176847: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@aqiiy8: RT @AnaDApuzzo: Toko Shinoda 1913-2021RIP - 4 years ago

@twinartist28: @margalitfox Dear Margalit, Thankyou for that wonderfully full obituary/biography of Toko Shinoda. Her artwork ca… - 4 years ago

@ironomegane: Japanese sumie artist, Toko Shinoda passed away at 107: - 4 years ago

@superbranch: RT @JMYaLes: RIP Toko Shinoda. The Abstract Expressionist and Calligraphy artist died at 107 on March 3rd. - 4 years ago

@JMYaLes: - 4 years ago

@JMYaLes: RIP Toko Shinoda. The Abstract Expressionist and Calligraphy artist died at 107 on March 3rd. - 4 years ago

@tyspirit: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@sherrydevries: RT @In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Toko SHINODA (篠田 桃紅) (28 Mar. 1913 – 1 Mar. 2021), Japanese artist working with sumi ink paintings and prints. 🇯🇵… - 4 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Toko SHINODA (篠田 桃紅) (28 Mar. 1913 – 1 Mar. 2021), Japanese artist working with sumi ink paintings and print… - 4 years ago

@EliaAbreu1: RT @EliaAbreu1: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@EliaAbreu1: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@Varun8Vijay: RT @PostWorld: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@ZontaNiagaraON: RT @ZontaIntl: Today we celebrate the life of Toko Shinoda, who passed away on Monday, 1 March in Tokyo, Japan at age 107. As a Zontian and… - 4 years ago

@Error4o4nf: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@OGrady_Texas: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 An amazing person. - 4 years ago

@SVA_News: One of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, she was sought after by major museums and galleries world… - 4 years ago

@MoscaBlanca3: Japanese painter Shinoda Tōkō (篠田 桃紅) - 4 years ago

@AlvarezA9: RT @AnaDApuzzo: Toko Shinoda 1913-2021RIP - 4 years ago

@mymosame: RT @ZontaIntl: Today we celebrate the life of Toko Shinoda, who passed away on Monday, 1 March in Tokyo, Japan at age 107. As a Zontian and… - 4 years ago

@EuropeanADApool: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@zonta_of: RT @ZontaIntl: Today we celebrate the life of Toko Shinoda, who passed away on Monday, 1 March in Tokyo, Japan at age 107. As a Zontian and… - 4 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - The Washington Post 🙋 … - 4 years ago

@Shan80596018: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@LornaSimes: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@margdearaujo: Pintura. Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@PhongTranHD: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@bigezdaddy2017: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@onsLu8: RT @AlbertHerring12: Signs of Spring, Shinoda Tōkō - 4 years ago

@UsapBabaeAtbp: RT @ZontaIntl: Today we celebrate the life of Toko Shinoda, who passed away on Monday, 1 March in Tokyo, Japan at age 107. As a Zontian and… - 4 years ago

@BMai3m: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@HungwenT: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@FagAshLilith: RT @SebastianSmee: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@garethharr: RT @SebastianSmee: Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Taiseishogun: RT @richter_gert: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@richter_gert: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@trailerinformat: 03/06 17:40 #期間限定セール ☆☆☆ ▼@Mio_Kimijima @yu_shinoda @Toko_Namiki ▲ ▽ 君島みお 篠田ゆう 並木塔子 タブー大崎 LEO △ ▽△ - 4 years ago

@Odxgwu: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Khabarennet: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@T_Alexandre_: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@jo55nt1w: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@MuhammadShahir_: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@giri_ortega: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@anntonioantunes: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@delgadosonia963: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@glassspy: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@dragonf48896015: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Cryptolien1: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@nyeuman: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@samu1963: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@jsnmiller314: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@DDanzzo: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Elephant_Pool: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@jazzivalyn: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@San36580213: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@phoenixxavierre: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@cardano_journal: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@yulli3th: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@Ipc0S4BpBbY9Tko: RT @IOHK_Charles: cherry blossom petals blown by the spring breeze against the undried wall RIP - 4 years ago

@artbarubaro: Toko Shinoda (1913 - 2021) - 4 years ago

@lu57lu: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@artbarubaro: "Las formas flotan en el ojo de mi mente. Los aromas, el soplar de una brisa, el viento…el aire en movimiento, mi c… - 4 years ago

@talan: As a painter, Ms. Shinoda worked primarily in sumi ink, a solid form of ink, made from soot pressed into sticks, th… - 4 years ago

@tokonoMaria: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@ideasKathy: RT @ideasKathy: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@esquilo71: RT @ipsilononline: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@artemalvac: RT @TETERIAMURA: Fallece a los 107 años Toko Shinoda /篠田桃紅. Artista de sumi-e clásico y abstracto . #arte #sumie #japon #tokoshinoda #calig… - 4 years ago

@amatorah: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@artbarubaro: RT @TETERIAMURA: Fallece a los 107 años Toko Shinoda /篠田桃紅. Artista de sumi-e clásico y abstracto . #arte #sumie #japon #tokoshinoda #calig… - 4 years ago

@hatbooks: So grateful to have to have been able to linger before her stunning work at exhibitions and print shows in Japan ov… - 4 years ago

@Joe_stera: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@ipsilononline: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@Aiphos2: RT @Publico: Pintura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@carlosmeixidefl: RT @Publico: Pintura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@Publico: Pintura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@P_Cultura: Pintura: Morreu aos 107 anos Toko Shinoda, cuja pintura procurava “a memória elusiva do vento” - 4 years ago

@bvnnylvx: If you want to study abstract expressionism, you cannot overlook Toko Shinoda. Rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@g1girlondeck: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@MargotWinick: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@Sonja_Seear: RT @brooklynmuseum: Today we honor the life and groundbreaking contributions of artist Toko Shinoda who died March 1 at the age of 107. htt… - 4 years ago

@Nadissy: RT @BBeyern: Toko Shinoda, célèbre lithographe japonaise dont les oeuvres sont exposées dans les plus grands musées du monde, est morte lun… - 4 years ago

@kosiesco: Toko Shinoda. - 4 years ago

@paintbritain: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of… - 4 years ago

@JGCarpenter79: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@memorandumy_tw: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@ivanaguilerajur: RT @mroldana: Toko Shinoda se caracterizó por su distintiva mezcla de caligrafía y conceptos abstractos. Activa tras convertirse en centena… - 4 years ago

@owoniyilb: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@saraswaty50: RT @BBeyern: Toko Shinoda, célèbre lithographe japonaise dont les oeuvres sont exposées dans les plus grands musées du monde, est morte lun… - 4 years ago

@JM_Segarra: RT @josepalay: Ha mort el pintor japonès Toko Shinoda, un dels grans de l’art del segle XX i XXI que va fondre la cal·ligrafia japonesa i l… - 4 years ago

@1936San: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@liberty98543: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@SacredIncognito: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@ninnynoomy: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@JHSPHOTO_: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@TylerPinkerto15: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@fahmo_mohammed: RT @nytimes: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, has died at 107. The painter and printmaker's work was… - 4 years ago

@orangesrgd: LRT RIP 🇯🇵artists Toko Shinoda, she was an artist that worked on sumi ink 🖌️. she watched a lot of #YuzuruHanyu's s… - 4 years ago

@SilberWorldNews: Washington Post - Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@megmaggio88: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@fpcjpn: #FPCJ #japannews @washingtonpost Toko Shinoda, Japanese artist who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at… - 4 years ago

@fpcjpn: #FPCJ #japannews @CNN Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@fpcjpn: #FPCJ #japannews @nytimes Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@DebGray57096580: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@annrovetto: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@wordsward: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@ArtTalkHawaii: RT @artdaily: Toko Shinoda dies at 107; Fused calligraphy with abstract expressionism #TokoShinoda #calligraphy #abstractexpressionism #art… - 4 years ago

@ArtTalkHawaii: RT @metmuseum: "When paintings that I have made years ago are brought back into my consciousness, it seems like an old friend, or even a pa… - 4 years ago

@tlane_san: RT @Peijjen: 篠田桃紅 Shinoda Toko, 107 (1913 - 2021) - 4 years ago

@Dpmch_: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@belleshuai: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@joejanecek: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@LaurenYoung: “It’s unreasonable for a Japanese to do Western art. It’s one thing to do things from the West like natural science… - 4 years ago

@StrategyBin: RT @washingtonpost: Toko Shinoda, Japanese art who merged the age-old and the avant-garde, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@a_o_s_m__: RT @metmuseum: "When paintings that I have made years ago are brought back into my consciousness, it seems like an old friend, or even a pa… - 4 years ago

@a_o_s_m__: RT @Peijjen: 篠田桃紅 Shinoda Toko, 107 (1913 - 2021) - 4 years ago

@Japan_Guide1: I just posted "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" on Reddit - 4 years ago

@reillymorgen: - 4 years ago

@DeclanSh: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@ahern_4: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@UranioMomoy: RT @la_patilla: Muere a los 107 años Toko Shinoda, la reconocida vanguardista de la caligrafía japonesa - 4 years ago

@reillymorgen: 😔 Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@daretothink53: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@RachelCoboltBlu: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@mbcogswell: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@BTFL4ND: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@DCSneider: Toko Shinoda, internationally renowned artist, dead at 107 : The Asahi Shimbun - 4 years ago

@J0nasF: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@LtUhura2017: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@_TheRealDM: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@stevesilberman: RT @stevesilberman: Rest in peace, Toko Shinoda, who merged ancient calligraphy with modern abstraction, at age 107. - 4 years ago

@lastudiolafayet: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@koffeefrkeleven: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@la_patilla: Muere a los 107 años Toko Shinoda, la reconocida vanguardista de la caligrafía japonesa - 4 years ago

@VOAStevenson: Toko Shinoda has died at 107. One of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, she was sought after by maj… - 4 years ago

@positivjunelbug: - 4 years ago

@homedesignLA: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @funnomad: Toko Shinoda, "Sound" (1990), "Efflorescent" (1965), "Karigans" (1995), and "Full Moon" (1994). Japanese abstract expressio… - 4 years ago

@LFeministe: RT @tempersgame: Toko Shinoda passed away today at the unbelievable age of 107 (almost 108!) & if you aren’t familiar with her blend of sum… - 4 years ago

@LFeministe: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@JerroldLevy: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@MOSlah71725035: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@SenDa13036816: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@365imyme: 篠田桃紅🙏 - 4 years ago

@aaquib_nafli: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@sathyasryan: RT @snapjudge: The Japanese artist Toko Shinoda’s fluid, elegant work owed much to calligraphy, but she also complemented its ancient seren… - 4 years ago

@TradGiappone: RT @italiagiappone: Arte: è morta Toko Shinoda, pioniera dell'avanguardia giapponese - 4 years ago

@HolgarHolgar: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@pksjones1: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@rsestes: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@bellasusannah09: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@jmg186: RIP Toko Shinoda 1913-2021 - 4 years ago

@Voxyldy: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@Imjustbackdated: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@jrnelsonphoto: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@NancyTousley: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@FrancisMArtUK: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@muthaiga_: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@TortoleroFM: #ULTIMAHORA #Internacional Muere a los 107 años Toko Shinoda , la reconocida vanguardista de la caligrafía... - 4 years ago

@theplatinump_: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@MShariff1: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@Japanese_Lang_: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - CNN - 4 years ago

@KenbwoyM: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, ha… - 4 years ago

@silver_razor: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - CNN - 4 years ago

@ZericTheLiolf: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@merelydesi: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@salonianlib: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@integritymylife: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@infernohimself: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@raventeller: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@harukazari: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@Sani_abdul: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@Via977FM: Muere a los 107 años Toko Shinoda, la reconocida vanguardista de la caligrafía japonesa - 4 years ago

@Emmie12750: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@jgleduc: RT @lixilamb: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@nishinogumi736: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@AM1Z1NA: RT @CNN: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the a… - 4 years ago

@suenosdeuomi: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@marinedupont75: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@bufocalvin: "Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107" - 4 years ago

@JosephAFarrell: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@doutorandarilho: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@RossAHall: - 4 years ago

@mknrui: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@FaisalKhoso11: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@Urch_mann: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@Dizzedcom: Toko Shinoda, a leading figure in contemporary Japanese art, dies age 107 - 4 years ago

@m_olin: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@JamesJu42137482: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@LlarioWrites: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@katy45249618: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@clarissabloom: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@gimpeijoe: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@maggsnaidu: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@DennisCMcMahon: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@SebastienneL: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@fumisanpls1: RT @cnni: Celebrated artist Toko Shinoda, who combined Abstract Expressionism with the traditions of Japanese calligraphy, has died at the… - 4 years ago

@pvmcinnes: RT @TylerRothmar: The artist Toko Shinoda died this week at 107. I wrote about her for @japantimes a few years back when she was a mere 104… - 4 years ago

@Danielgraphy: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@TylerRothmar: The artist Toko Shinoda died this week at 107. I wrote about her for @japantimes a few years back when she was a me… - 4 years ago

@c_youknow: For Thee, by Toko Shinoda. 1913 - 2021. #tokoshinoda #artist #abstractexpressionism - 4 years ago

@md_campion: RT @OlivierTedde: Hommage à Shinoda Tōkō qui vient de quitter ce monde à 107 ans. Lithographe et maître du #sumi_e, elle fut une artiste au… - 4 years ago

@SummerInMike: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@grimes_ce: Toko Shinoda, renowned for abstract sumi ink art, dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@themainichi: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@tphallett: Blows my mind reading about the accomplishments of the very old, in this case obituary of artist Toko Shinoda. “She… - 4 years ago

@TokyoArtBeat_EN: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@TeckiDe: RT @mahespro: Shinoda Tôkô 篠田桃紅 (1913-2021), abstrakte Malerin (vorwiegend im Bereich der durch die klassische Kalligraphie beeinflussten T… - 4 years ago

@chisato_asaoka: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@llull: - 4 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@katharine_starr: - 4 years ago

@turpin_rick: RT @berthofmanecon: "If I have a definite idea, why paint it?” - 4 years ago

@HenriNiotou: RT @margalitfox: R.I.P. Toko Shinoda, 107(!), whose art hauntingly fused the centuries-old tradition of calligraphy with the 20th-century d… - 4 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - The New York Times 🙋 … - 4 years ago

@streifenpferd: RT @mahespro: Shinoda Tôkô 篠田桃紅 (1913-2021), abstrakte Malerin (vorwiegend im Bereich der durch die klassische Kalligraphie beeinflussten T… - 4 years ago

@helenseamons: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@kfholy: - 4 years ago

@mahespro: Shinoda Tôkô 篠田桃紅 (1913-2021), abstrakte Malerin (vorwiegend im Bereich der durch die klassische Kalligraphie beein… - 4 years ago

@OlivierTedde: Hommage à Shinoda Tōkō qui vient de quitter ce monde à 107 ans. Lithographe et maître du #sumi_e, elle fut une arti… - 4 years ago

@VDuponchelle: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@soavezefiretto: I'm somewhat ashamed that I only discovered Toko Shinoda's art when she died, but I'm happy I did. - 4 years ago

@EdoTokaido: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - Kyodo News Plus 🙋  - 4 years ago

@TheCurrentAffa: 4th March, Current Affairs Rajesh Vaishnaw appointed India's next Ambassador to Morocco Ajendra Bahadur Singh app… - 4 years ago

@bleachbred: @bleachbred Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@galnorthof60: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@joke2power: RT @ClydeHaberman: Toko Shinoda, a widely acclaimed Japanese artist whom I had the honor of meeting during my 1980s Japan years, has died.… - 4 years ago

@mayuki_k_: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@yGohan: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@RBarbarian2: RT @NikkeiAsia: OBITUARY | Toko Shinoda, a Japanese avant-garde artist internationally renowned for her unique style of abstract sumi ink p… - 4 years ago

@brooks_kit_: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@painting: RT @rogab314: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@CorblynD: RT @berthofmanecon: "If I have a definite idea, why paint it?” - 4 years ago

@ormiga: 2/ uh thats.. #art of toko #SHINODA mme. 107 no more - 4 years ago

@jtedeschi1968: A light had gone out with the passing of Toko Shinoda. National treasure of Japan and the global arts community.… - 4 years ago

@danwwang: RT @berthofmanecon: "If I have a definite idea, why paint it?” - 4 years ago

@rogab314: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@berthofmanecon: "If I have a definite idea, why paint it?” - 4 years ago

@DonmarAcol: RT @NikkeiAsia: OBITUARY | Toko Shinoda, a Japanese avant-garde artist internationally renowned for her unique style of abstract sumi ink p… - 4 years ago

@CianGaia: RT @NikkeiAsia: OBITUARY | Toko Shinoda, a Japanese avant-garde artist internationally renowned for her unique style of abstract sumi ink p… - 4 years ago

@NikkeiAsia: OBITUARY | Toko Shinoda, a Japanese avant-garde artist internationally renowned for her unique style of abstract su… - 4 years ago

@transheartnana: RT @jcdardart: "Signs of Spring" - a Japanese abstract painting - by Shinoda Tōkō (篠田桃江, a contemporary Japanese artist (born 1913) working… - 4 years ago

@st90jp: RT @themainichi: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@354Phantom: RT @themainichi: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@Bazzio101: RT @themainichi: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@themainichi: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@KejiaNYC: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@Kyodo_News_EN: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@beatgozon: Toko Shinoda - 4 years ago

@gmabambam: RT @ClydeHaberman: Toko Shinoda, a widely acclaimed Japanese artist whom I had the honor of meeting during my 1980s Japan years, has died.… - 4 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @RichardScheinin: The late Toko Shinoda: "The composition must be determined in my mind before I pick up the brush. Then, as they say, t… - 4 years ago

@EpicProsaic: - 4 years ago

@JaneEyreZH: RT @ClydeHaberman: Toko Shinoda, a widely acclaimed Japanese artist whom I had the honor of meeting during my 1980s Japan years, has died.… - 4 years ago

@ClydeHaberman: Toko Shinoda, a widely acclaimed Japanese artist whom I had the honor of meeting during my 1980s Japan years, has d… - 4 years ago

@PeterFPurcell1: Toko Shinoda, Japan's foremost artist of the 20th century, whose work combined calligraphy with Abstract Expression… - 4 years ago

@john_slotkin: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@PangYingwa: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@JamesJosephIgoe: Toko Shinoda - Google Search - 4 years ago

@davidwagnerasia: An icon passes.... #shinoda - 4 years ago

@ArtisticRealms: - 4 years ago

@4thalassa5: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@JoeyHorn_: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@beckysphone1981: RT @DSCDPAdmin: Some of you just in this for the hits Japanese centenarian artist, Toko Shinoda, dead at 107 18 hits, 14 solos @DSCDP h… - 4 years ago

@dianasongwriter: "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" by BY MARGALIT FOX via NYT… - 4 years ago

@JGoldsteinLawNY: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@TaiChi_John: RT @FloLake: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@FloLake: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@twitbituaries: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - - 4 years ago

@EdBuziak: Love the work of Toko Shinoda who has passed at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism #calligraphy… - 4 years ago

@JvdVos: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@4blessedbees: RT @nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of calligr… - 4 years ago

@NewYorkCity_b: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressio... (Nytimes) One of the foremost Japanese arti… - 4 years ago

@nytimesarts: Toko Shinoda, one of the foremost Japanese artists of the 20th century, whose work married the ancient serenity of… - 4 years ago

@StephanieSemle1: "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" by BY MARGALIT FOX via NYT New York Times - 4 years ago

@arches_cn: "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" by Margalit Fox | NYT #Arts… - 4 years ago

@kleinsongs: I’m telling y’all: @margalitfox is my favorite writer not related to me by blood or marriage. The days her obits po… - 4 years ago

@canoe21: "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" by Margalit Fox via NYT - 4 years ago

@JRosen707: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@carolla_michele: Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism - 4 years ago

@ellenerich: "Toko Shinoda Dies at 107; Fused Calligraphy With Abstract Expressionism" by Margalit Fox via NYT - 4 years ago

@fjrbalsera: RT @faustianovich: Adiós (con 107 años) a Tôkô Shinoda, artista abstracta japonesa que hizo maravillas con la tinta china. Sus pinturas apa… - 4 years ago

@DSCDPAdmin: Some of you just in this for the hits Japanese centenarian artist, Toko Shinoda, dead at 107 18 hits, 14 solos… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Toko Shinoda - #TokoShinoda #Toko #Shinoda #rip - 4 years ago

@kyodo_english: Renowned Japanese sumi ink artist Toko Shinoda dies at 107 - 4 years ago

@WarGit: Very sorry to hear that Shinoda Toko has died, a few weeks short of her 108th birthday. An important artist who lea… - 4 years ago

@shakebiblio: RT @DarrenAFurniss: "Signs of Spring" - a Japanese abstract painting - by Shinoda Tōkō - 4 years ago

@DarrenAFurniss: "Signs of Spring" - a Japanese abstract painting - by Shinoda Tōkō - 4 years ago

@EksieKitchin: RT @mfaboston: The prints and paintings of Shinoda Tōkō apply the aesthetic principles of traditional ink brushwork to abstract composition… - 4 years ago

@EksieKitchin: RT @harvartmuseums: Tōkō Shinoda is a Japanese artist whose sumi ink paintings & prints have been exhibited all over the world. At 104, she… - 4 years ago

@dicki_shinoda: RT @RacunProduk: Kumpulan toko dekor lantai berbahan vynil yang recommended nih Bikin lantai rumah kalian terlihat bersih & rapi. Semuany… - 4 years ago

@cbarterdavies: RT @DfsStubbs: @JapanTraCul My #portrait of Toko Shinoda. #watercolour on paper. - 4 years ago

@easytoynmr1: TV Asahi 「Wide! Scramble」/Toko Shinoda 今108歳の篠田桃紅、墨を手段として、抽象画の世界にかくしゃくとして生きる・・・ - 4 years ago

@joseph55423221: RT @JapanTraCul: Gratitude by Shinoda Toko (1913-) #abstract #japan #art - 4 years ago

@DfsStubbs: @JapanTraCul My #portrait of Toko Shinoda. #watercolour on paper. - 4 years ago

@Taiseishogun: RT @JapanTraCul: Gratitude by Shinoda Toko (1913-) #abstract #japan #art - 4 years ago

@padakitty: RT @JapanTraCul: Gratitude by Shinoda Toko (1913-) #abstract #japan #art - 4 years ago

@JapanTraCul: Gratitude by Shinoda Toko (1913-) #abstract #japan #art - 4 years ago

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