Todd Gitlin

American sociologist and author
Died on Saturday February 5th 2022

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Todd Gitlin:

@heyjudenyc: Brilliance, talent, love of country, love of writing, love of teaching. Todd Gitlin 1/6/43. - 3 years ago

@DerfBackderf: It seems as if I've been marking the deaths of a lot of the activists I wrote of in KENT STATE. It's that time. The… - 3 years ago

@viet_studies: Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@DCMandarin: RT @PostOpinions: “The Sixties,” published in 1987, captured a kaleidoscopic time in rich detail, but it was also great because Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago


@alternoso: Remembering Antiwar Activist Todd Gitlin / 'Maus' Author Art Spiegelman 🎙️ @nprfreshair - 3 years ago

@chris_slater: I read this headline wrong. - 3 years ago

@jcwareham: “For joining the activist camp in the face of an immensity of pain and crime, congratulations and thank you,” [Todd… - 3 years ago

@_silversmith: Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@AceWeiss: I hope this flies. What I like here, and Biden and Harris know, why he made it okay to criticize the left from a le… - 3 years ago

@stanprager: RIP Todd Gitlin, activist and scholar who shaped and chronicled the New Left, dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@WritersforDA: Today's event is dedicated to the memory of WDA founding member, our dear friend Todd Gitlin. - 3 years ago

@nypapajoe: Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@JanMcVicker: E.J. Dionne expresses a lot of my own thoughts: I admired Todd Gitlin and am sad that he has left the planet, but h… - 3 years ago

@mariano_rgt: TODD GITLIN - 3 years ago

@QtnathyW: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@dwickert: Loved his book “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage.” Need to reread it. - 3 years ago

@FerFLB: RT @manuelabat: Releyendo "The whole world is watching" de Todd Gitlin. Cómo la prensa reaccionó ante las protestas estudiantiles contra la… - 3 years ago

@BanjoAtheist: Farewell Todd Gitlin “While the Right has been busy taking the White House, the Left has been marching on the Engli… - 3 years ago

@ahmorse7: - 3 years ago

@Roger__McCarthy: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department.”… - 3 years ago

@disenosocialorg: RT @manuelabat: Releyendo "The whole world is watching" de Todd Gitlin. Cómo la prensa reaccionó ante las protestas estudiantiles contra la… - 3 years ago

@annemidd1: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - The Washington Post - 3 years ago

@manuelabat: Releyendo "The whole world is watching" de Todd Gitlin. Cómo la prensa reaccionó ante las protestas estudiantiles c… - 3 years ago

@wcshaw: Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@jimrecht: RT @PostOpinions: “The Sixties,” published in 1987, captured a kaleidoscopic time in rich detail, but it was also great because Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@kateacosta5: RT @nprfreshair: TODAY: We remember activist Todd Gitlin, who was a leader in the student protest movement of the '60s. And we listen back… - 3 years ago

@LiteratureTips: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@Raza_Altafi: RT @hammad175: #فتح_حق_کی_ہوگی I am a realist as well as an idealist, and I think that it is incumbent upon those of us in opposition to tr… - 3 years ago

@Kekaha_BAB: @anneapplebaum Todd Gitlin saw a lot of this coming - this struck me, having read you in the Atlantic. - 3 years ago

@SCOTTYSIMM: - 3 years ago

@Kaibird123: Busy Being Born - 3 years ago

@GeitnerSimmons: I worked with historian Todd Gitlin years back when he wrote an op-ed, at my request, on the history of social prot… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @jayrosen_nyu: An even larger effect Todd Gitlin had on me was his language as a writer: learned but not overly academic, politically al… - 3 years ago

@butte_tocks: RT @nprfreshair: TODAY: We remember activist Todd Gitlin, who was a leader in the student protest movement of the '60s. And we listen back… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @nprfreshair: TODAY: We remember activist Todd Gitlin, who was a leader in the student protest movement of the '60s. And we listen back… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @jilevin: Todd Gitlin Told His Truth Everywhere He Went - 3 years ago

@mdc_1: RT @spikedonline: Todd Gitlin in his own words: - 3 years ago

@raheelansari087: RT @hammad175: #فتح_حق_کی_ہوگی I am a realist as well as an idealist, and I think that it is incumbent upon those of us in opposition to tr… - 3 years ago

@DanielNavasSund: RT @spikedonline: Todd Gitlin in his own words: - 3 years ago

@spikedonline: Todd Gitlin in his own words: - 3 years ago

@Mohajir1970: RT @hammad175: #فتح_حق_کی_ہوگی I am a realist as well as an idealist, and I think that it is incumbent upon those of us in opposition to tr… - 3 years ago

@ghouri_aizaz: RT @hammad175: #فتح_حق_کی_ہوگی I am a realist as well as an idealist, and I think that it is incumbent upon those of us in opposition to tr… - 3 years ago

@ComFest: RT @thenation: By the time he died in early February at 79, Todd was the veteran of more movements than most of us can remember hearing of.… - 3 years ago

@phucprime: #Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@vancouverboomer: RT @thenation: By the time he died in early February at 79, Todd was the veteran of more movements than most of us can remember hearing of.… - 3 years ago

@thenation: By the time he died in early February at 79, Todd was the veteran of more movements than most of us can remember he… - 3 years ago

@ChikaOgbuneke: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@heyjudenyc: Todd Gitlin Told His Truth Everywhere He Went - 3 years ago

@MariaXAllard: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@padremambo: I admit while I was not always aligned with Todd Gitlin on small things, I was on big things. He was in my politica… - 3 years ago

@publiczacha: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@johnrpenley: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement | Nevada Public Radio - 3 years ago

@the_point_mag: RT @GutkinLen: On Todd Gitlin, in memoriam. Plus recs from @JessSwoboda + @TorilMoi @the_point_mag, Bruce Kirmmse on Kierkegaard @hedgehogr… - 3 years ago

@MarcuswevansSr: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement: Gitlin was part of the tumultuous stud… - 3 years ago

@Chelleld16: RT @nprfreshair: TODAY: We remember activist Todd Gitlin, who was a leader in the student protest movement of the '60s. And we listen back… - 3 years ago

@BhtNewspaper: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the ’60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@GutkinLen: On Todd Gitlin, in memoriam. Plus recs from @JessSwoboda + @TorilMoi @the_point_mag, Bruce Kirmmse on Kierkegaard… - 3 years ago

@TexasDem2: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@ZTSecure: RT @akbarth3great: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@agent_guzman: RT @akbarth3great: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@JohnBeilowitz: RT @akbarth3great: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@getMazak: RT @akbarth3great: Remembering activist Todd Gitlin, who helped lead the '60s antiwar movement - 3 years ago

@MarkSmi88472647: - 3 years ago

@oldlife: let that sink in: "The leftists who held sway, he said in the book, were never prepared to govern. “Often,” he wro… - 3 years ago

@nerdosyndical: A lot of people on here never read Robin D.G. Kelley’s critique of Todd Gitlin in Yo Mama’s Disfunktional - 3 years ago

@WillaABell1: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@GerardPerry13: RT @PhilipTerzian: 'In the curious alchemy of the 1960s, in which American culture was shaken and stirred, and the Old Left was transformed… - 3 years ago

@PhilipTerzian: 'In the curious alchemy of the 1960s, in which American culture was shaken and stirred, and the Old Left was transf… - 3 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@NRoleth: RT @cefeche: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@david_wright_jr: RT @SocMovStudies: Sad to report the passing of influential social movement scholar Todd Gitlin. He will be missed! If you have never read… - 3 years ago

@david_wright_jr: RT @theprogressive: Todd Gitlin, the well known college campus activist and early leader of Students for a Democratic Society, passed on Fe… - 3 years ago

@Musketman4: RT @WritersforDA: We are heartbroken to announce that our very own @toddgitlin, founding member of Writers for Democratic Action, fierce br… - 3 years ago

@feinsod: A bit of New Left literary history: Here’s “Quartz” (1969), by Todd Gitlin, who passed away last week, from his a… - 3 years ago

@earthyfeel: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@neighbour_kx: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@FightFakeNews4: RT @PostOpinions: “The Sixties,” published in 1987, captured a kaleidoscopic time in rich detail, but it was also great because Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Todd Gitlin “made a transition that others had not, from revolutionary and radical politics to a more practical pol… - 3 years ago

@dbs1128: RT @BillKristol: “To recognize diversity, more than diversity is needed. The commons is needed. To affirm the rights of minorities, majorit… - 3 years ago

@AnitaPeck11: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@SubSDeviation: RT @PostOpinions: “The Sixties,” published in 1987, captured a kaleidoscopic time in rich detail, but it was also great because Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@raumunz: RT @cefeche: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@sailorboygreg: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@pmweisser: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@LeChatNoire4: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@Mereycat: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@DaisyDeadhead: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@BurnettCynthia: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@wildwestpie: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@AllegraMi: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@Avonan: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@Masky_Jay_Hoody: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@PaulDragonwolf1: RT @WritersforDA: We are heartbroken to announce that our very own @toddgitlin, founding member of Writers for Democratic Action, fierce br… - 3 years ago

@EricRohrs: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@changingger: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@Apples4Grannies: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@Eilonwy24: RT @NormOrnstein: Beautiful remembrance from ⁦@EJDionne⁩ . Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - The Washington… - 3 years ago

@CFitzBroadway: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@justiceseeker78: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@frannyhelen: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@VickerySec: RT @anelsona: My friend and colleague Todd Gitlin died following cardiac arrest and contracting Covid. I’m angry—he still had a lot to say.… - 3 years ago

@ladynurse1974: RT @DemonRB: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@craignewmark: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@Pughdv413: @BillKristol @EJDionne Wow, Bill Kristol retweets a tribute to Todd Gitlin. Do you enjoy living in Damascus, Bill? - 3 years ago

@caw111: Todd Gitlin, from "The Twilight of Common Dreams" (1995): "While the Right has been busy taking the White House...… - 3 years ago

@caw111: .@EJDionne: Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@fogseeker2: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@davrola: RT @spikedonline: Todd Gitlin was a radical democrat to the end, says @furedibyte - 3 years ago

@MicahLoewinger: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@Skel531: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@kinnehan: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@Boiarski: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@ETori: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual— and t… - 3 years ago

@RainbowMiner1: RT @ThePlumLineGS: From @EJDionne, a lovely eulogy for Todd Gitlin, emphasizing a side of the 60s left that's often neglected: Its embrace… - 3 years ago

@jayrosen_nyu: Here's the interview I did for @onthemedia about Todd Gitlin's influence as a media critic and public intellectual—… - 3 years ago

@NYpoet: What a life! “From his perches at the University of California at Berkeley, New York University and Columbia, Dr.… - 3 years ago

@loserbonespur: RT @BillKristol: Fine tribute by @EJDionne to the late Todd Gitlin. E.J. quotes Todd: “You’ve departed from the path of least resistance—a… - 3 years ago

@ChoptainC: RT @ThePlumLineGS: From @EJDionne, a lovely eulogy for Todd Gitlin, emphasizing a side of the 60s left that's often neglected: Its embrace… - 3 years ago

@HangleyJr: RT @ThePlumLineGS: From @EJDionne, a lovely eulogy for Todd Gitlin, emphasizing a side of the 60s left that's often neglected: Its embrace… - 3 years ago

@MaryAliceBisho2: RT @djrothkopf: Opinion | Todd Gitlin and the radicalism of small-d democracy - 3 years ago

@stlajn1: RT @ThePlumLineGS: From @EJDionne, a lovely eulogy for Todd Gitlin, emphasizing a side of the 60s left that's often neglected: Its embrace… - 3 years ago

@davidisaksen: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@aquart: RT @JoeConason: Very gratified and impressed to read @EJDionne’s heartfelt appreciation of my late friend @toddgitlin. He knows exactly wha… - 3 years ago

@StreitCouncil: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@now_justice: RT @BillKristol: “To recognize diversity, more than diversity is needed. The commons is needed. To affirm the rights of minorities, majorit… - 3 years ago

@johnpgatta: RT @BillKristol: “To recognize diversity, more than diversity is needed. The commons is needed. To affirm the rights of minorities, majorit… - 3 years ago

@jonathanalter: RT @BillKristol: “To recognize diversity, more than diversity is needed. The commons is needed. To affirm the rights of minorities, majorit… - 3 years ago

@spikedonline: Todd Gitlin was a radical democrat to the end, says @furedibyte - 3 years ago

@PeterisAvotins: RT @BillKristol: “To recognize diversity, more than diversity is needed. The commons is needed. To affirm the rights of minorities, majorit… - 3 years ago

@dbs1128: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@IanKing: RT @JoeConason: Very gratified and impressed to read @EJDionne’s heartfelt appreciation of my late friend @toddgitlin. He knows exactly wha… - 3 years ago

@beyerstein: RT @JoeConason: Very gratified and impressed to read @EJDionne’s heartfelt appreciation of my late friend @toddgitlin. He knows exactly wha… - 3 years ago

@Laurenm57: RT @JoeConason: Very gratified and impressed to read @EJDionne’s heartfelt appreciation of my late friend @toddgitlin. He knows exactly wha… - 3 years ago

@JoeConason: Very gratified and impressed to read @EJDionne’s heartfelt appreciation of my late friend @toddgitlin. He knows exa… - 3 years ago

@lifeofahunter: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@kistulentz: The great line: Todd Gitlin believed in a left that learns. Here’s hoping we can prove him right. - 3 years ago

@rebeccawilova: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@EJDionne: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@pugewok: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@ChezGreenMD: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@chints98: RT @EJDionne: The left has lost a wise and humane voice. Todd Gitlin remained true to the radically democratic commitments he developed as… - 3 years ago

@huret_romain: Dans @newrepublic, un hommage parmi d'autres à Todd Gitlin, décédé ce week-end. Son livre _The Whole World is Watch… - 3 years ago

@allanwhite: RT @newrepublic: Todd Gitlin lived a truly world historical life, and he was respected, admired, and loved by many. And now he is missed by… - 3 years ago

@touchy1_: Damn Todd Gitlin died? Rest In Peace to the world’s most irritating man - 3 years ago

@janvicteddy19: RT @democracynow: Todd Gitlin has died at the age of 79. Gitlin helped organize protests against racial segregation in the Jim Crow South a… - 3 years ago

@_DrFrusci: Todd Gitlin lived a truly world historical life, and he was respected, admired, and loved by many. And now he is mi… - 3 years ago

@newrepublic: Todd Gitlin lived a truly world historical life, and he was respected, admired, and loved by many. And now he is mi… - 3 years ago

@QuintoMovimento: RT @willgomes: Se você, como eu, se cansou da crítica ao identitarismo feita pelos liberais de direita, eis uma crítica consistente vinda d… - 3 years ago

@JohnInazu: Todd Gitlin in 2012: "It’s as if governments presume that assemblies are guilty until proved innocent. This is the… - 3 years ago

@Laurastarrett4: Requiem for a Liberal Giant - 3 years ago

@CarpenterPM: On Todd Gitlin, his changing mind, and changing times - 3 years ago

@katiemontalbano: RT @RrjohnR: Very sad to the report the passing of Todd Gitlin, a great sociologist, a fine colleague, a legendary mentor, and a good frien… - 3 years ago

@BrooklineCAN: RT @BrooklineCAN: Requiem for a Liberal Giant - 3 years ago

@NinaBernstein1: ICYMI ⁦@toddgitlin⁩ by ⁦@michelleinbklyn⁩ , with a closing that resonates. 1st century Rabbi Tarfon: “‘It was not… - 3 years ago

@sadieorganic: RT @EJDionne: Todd Gitlin quoted a quoted a first century A.D. rabbi: “It was not granted you to complete the task, and yet you may not giv… - 3 years ago

@Frenpega: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Todd Gitlin, activista radical de izquierda de la década de 1960, muere a los 79 años - 3 years ago

@DemocracyNowEs: Todd Gitlin, activista radical de izquierda de la década de 1960, muere a los 79 años - 3 years ago

@imalexbeamyrnot: “He made arguments but not enemies” -- high praise indeed - 3 years ago

@gkealey: Todd Gitlin’s Work Against the Dark - 3 years ago

@bobdegroof: RT @SmirkingChimp: Jaime O’Neill: "Todd Gitlin, R.I.P." - 3 years ago

@SmirkingChimp: Jaime O’Neill: "Todd Gitlin, R.I.P." - 3 years ago

@WritersforDA: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Todd Gitlin - one of the most important critical communication scholars, really in the history of the discipline. - 3 years ago

@markskeptic: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department,” he wr… - 3 years ago

@RRLeos: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@RRLeos: RT @JoyceCarolOates: this is so sad! I realize now that I have been missing his voice for a while. I'd attended a lecture of his at Berkel… - 3 years ago

@RRLeos: RT @ddayen: Todd Gitlin died today. Over the years he wrote dozens of articles for @TheProspect, including one in my tenure, a review of Th… - 3 years ago

@RRLeos: RT @ErikLoomis: The best thing about Todd Gitlin was not his excellent writing, but that he was not a cheerleader of the left, rather deman… - 3 years ago

@BooksByKramer: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@Sysoon: Todd Gitlin: Page about Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@Sysoon: Todd Gitlin (1943 - 2022), died at age 79 years: was an American sociologist, political activist and writer, noveli… - 3 years ago

@openDemocracy: RT @BenjaminRamm: Very sad to hear of the death of Todd Gitlin, a great organiser, writer, and thinker. I interviewed him on a couple of oc… - 3 years ago

@TBlackwe85: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@Occupy_USA: From our archives: Todd Gitlin on "Back to the civil rights barricades" after the Bush-Gore election - Salon - 3 years ago

@Occupy_USA: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@luciaguimaraes: R.I.P. Todd Gitlin, intelectual, líder estudantil de 1968 e influente na formação dos estudos de mídia. Generoso… - 3 years ago

@MatteristBooks: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@MuneebPeeran: RT @harveyjkaye: via @NYTimes Todd Gitlin - one of the good guys - has passed away. - 3 years ago

@BillSou: RT @MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it influenc… - 3 years ago

@WonderG78: - 3 years ago

@GideonGradishar: RT @JoshMankiewicz: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department,” he wrote.… - 3 years ago

@WriteathomeKen: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@willmay: RT @joshtpm: I hadn’t spoken to Todd Gitlin in some time. But I think I can say that he was a friend. Todd was a deeply humane, learned and… - 3 years ago

@blackleftaf: One of the reasons I admire Du Bois so much is because he didn’t grow more conservative as he aged. Todd Gitlin, a… - 3 years ago

@nwchap: RT @AlfredLMartin: So sad to hear Todd Gitlin died. His book INSIDE PRIMETIME was so integral to my thinking about media industries and aud… - 3 years ago

@Scholarly1: RT @KevinAGray: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@MoonAndStar25: RT @KevinAGray: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@jjj5819: RT @matthewstoller: I read Todd Gitlin's work and didn't love it, and in my one interaction with him fifteen years ago he was direct and fa… - 3 years ago

@HeadlessDildo: Just saw Todd Gitlin has passed away. Years ago I read this book of his and it’s amazing. Helps to explain why thi… - 3 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @joshtpm: I hadn’t spoken to Todd Gitlin in some time. But I think I can say that he was a friend. Todd was a deeply humane, learned and… - 3 years ago

@NowZeitspur: RT @ErhardStackl: Nachruf auf Todd Gitlin in der NYT - 3 years ago

@NowZeitspur: RT @ErhardStackl: Heute ist eine große Persönlichkeit der 68er in den USA, Todd Gitlin, gestorben. Er kämpfte immer für das Richtige und er… - 3 years ago

@SHAFRhistorians: RT @JuliaRoseKraut: Thank you for your activism & scholarship, Todd Gitlin. Rest in Power. - 3 years ago

@OurPlanet2024: RT @mattduss: Like many, I encountered Gitlin's work as a student and young writer, and was impressed with the skill of his writing, and th… - 3 years ago

@HeerJeet: RT @mattduss: Like many, I encountered Gitlin's work as a student and young writer, and was impressed with the skill of his writing, and th… - 3 years ago

@SilvermanJacob: RT @ddayen: Todd Gitlin died today. Over the years he wrote dozens of articles for @TheProspect, including one in my tenure, a review of Th… - 3 years ago

@breningstall: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@rcrixter: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@WaywardWinifred: RT @harveyjkaye: via @NYTimes Todd Gitlin - one of the good guys - has passed away. - 3 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @ddayen: Todd Gitlin died today. Over the years he wrote dozens of articles for @TheProspect, including one in my tenure, a review of Th… - 3 years ago

@harehunterfield: RT @ddayen: Todd Gitlin died today. Over the years he wrote dozens of articles for @TheProspect, including one in my tenure, a review of Th… - 3 years ago

@NER430: RT @ddayen: Todd Gitlin died today. Over the years he wrote dozens of articles for @TheProspect, including one in my tenure, a review of Th… - 3 years ago

@MatthewEGoldman: RT @julianzelizer: - 3 years ago

@vinfrankl: New Left Thinker and Activist Todd Gitlin Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@TrishQuintenz: RT @BillKristol: I got to know Todd last year, when (with Jeff Isaac) we met to explore collaborating in defense of democracy. Todd was a w… - 3 years ago

@RonBrownstein: RT @julianzelizer: - 3 years ago

@citizenyid: RT @julianzelizer: - 3 years ago

@ScroggDoggSunv1: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@Paul_E_Cohen: RT @colinreads: RIP Todd Gitlin. Todd was among other things a committed climate activist, and we edited a @DissentMag climate section toge… - 3 years ago

@ironworker3871: RT @MonikaBauerlein: Heartbreaking news about Todd Gitlin's passing. His book, The Whole World Is Watching, then already a decade old, was… - 3 years ago

@gregminshall: (h/t, circuitously, @ZekeFan) - 3 years ago

@colinreads: RIP Todd Gitlin. Todd was among other things a committed climate activist, and we edited a @DissentMag climate sect… - 3 years ago

@CarlMacGowan: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@roddikinsathome: RT @MonikaBauerlein: Heartbreaking news about Todd Gitlin's passing. His book, The Whole World Is Watching, then already a decade old, was… - 3 years ago

@janrobinjackson: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@MichaelTomasel2: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 3 years ago

@kristinrawls: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Todd Gitlin - one of the most important critical communication scholars, really in the history of the discipline. - 3 years ago

@dianadi58: RT @ciberfan: Lamento el fallecimiento de Todd Gitlin, analista de la cultura y los medios, comprometido siempre en la crítica al conservad… - 3 years ago

@EJDionne: RT @julianzelizer: - 3 years ago

@johnpgatta: RT @MonikaBauerlein: Heartbreaking news about Todd Gitlin's passing. His book, The Whole World Is Watching, then already a decade old, was… - 3 years ago

@solecheler: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@johntomasic: RT @MonikaBauerlein: Heartbreaking news about Todd Gitlin's passing. His book, The Whole World Is Watching, then already a decade old, was… - 3 years ago

@goodnatureart: RT @WritersforDA: We are heartbroken to announce that our very own @toddgitlin, founding member of Writers for Democratic Action, fierce br… - 3 years ago

@carolynforche: RT @WritersforDA: We are heartbroken to announce that our very own @toddgitlin, founding member of Writers for Democratic Action, fierce br… - 3 years ago

@umheritage: Todd Gitlin earned his ⁦@umichpolisci⁩ master’s degree in 1966. ⁦⁦⁩ #UMich - 3 years ago

@ems1944: "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79" I'd many wonderful exchanges with Dr. Gitlin over th… - 3 years ago

@hoto3333: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@bsaspoetry: El populismo antipolítico de los Estudios Culturales, de Todd GITLIN – Buenos Aires Poetry - 3 years ago

@quickmuse: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@kgburke3: RT @JuliaManhattan: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the… - 3 years ago

@natmoss: RIP historian Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@tonyalmq: His best-known book was “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage” (1987), a firsthand account, part history and pa… - 3 years ago

@joepeyronnin: - 3 years ago

@DeathsoftheDay: !! Death of the Day !! Roughly 180K #humans die every day on #PlanetEarth. #Yesterday, this was one of them.… - 3 years ago

@bestcoaches: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@XianAtty: RT @joanwalsh: Todd Gitlin died today. The NYT wrote Salon out of his obituary. This is one of his most important pieces for us, changing m… - 3 years ago

@arodsf: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department” --> To… - 3 years ago

@Jon_Allsop: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@jo_rex12: RT @davidrieff: Todd Gitlin RIP. He was a brilliant man, but above all he was a decent man, no small thing in this dirty world. - 3 years ago

@arojecki: RT @EricKlinenberg: My NYU colleague @MikeHoutNY just reminded me of one of Todd Gitlin’s best lines. Paraphrasing here, but it was somethi… - 3 years ago

@mattratto: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@cindylucarter: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@ScottSchnipper: RIP Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@ScottSchnipper: RT @columbiajourn: We are deeply saddened by the news that Todd Gitlin has died. "Todd was a gifted, multifaceted person -- journalist, soc… - 3 years ago

@AliPk7332: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@mass_blog_: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@BotTweet100: RT @pallavi_guha: @rwells1961 n I read Todd Gitlin’s work in our first n second semester.A towering scholar in Media Sociology, Gitlin rede… - 3 years ago

@ThomasConnors: RT @JonahDispatch: I read & learned a lot from him. I met/talked to him a few times. I had enormous disagreements w/many of his views. But… - 3 years ago

@igallupd: "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79" - 3 years ago

@MichaelMcGough3: RT @JonahDispatch: I read & learned a lot from him. I met/talked to him a few times. I had enormous disagreements w/many of his views. But… - 3 years ago

@pallavi_guha: @rwells1961 n I read Todd Gitlin’s work in our first n second semester.A towering scholar in Media Sociology, Gitli… - 3 years ago

@BillHutt1: RT @RonBrownstein: A determined activist who became a brilliant (and unfailingly generous) scholar, the author of pathbreaking works on man… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @abesilbe: Todd Gitlin has apparently passed away. Awful news. - 3 years ago

@AudioBruce: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department,” Rest… - 3 years ago

@JC_Christian: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@razibkhan: RT @JonahDispatch: I read & learned a lot from him. I met/talked to him a few times. I had enormous disagreements w/many of his views. But… - 3 years ago

@JonahDispatch: I read & learned a lot from him. I met/talked to him a few times. I had enormous disagreements w/many of his views.… - 3 years ago

@joanwalsh: RT @RonBrownstein: A determined activist who became a brilliant (and unfailingly generous) scholar, the author of pathbreaking works on man… - 3 years ago

@JasonAHiggins: RT @MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it influenc… - 3 years ago

@JanRavensbergen: RT @errolsalamon: RIP Todd Gitlin. “Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment” was among the canonical pieces… - 3 years ago

@RaeMargaret61: RT @RonBrownstein: A determined activist who became a brilliant (and unfailingly generous) scholar, the author of pathbreaking works on man… - 3 years ago

@viamalcontenti: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@saliltripathi: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@saliltripathi: RT @satishkolls: RIP Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@bsaunders: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Todd Gitlin, former president of Students for a Democratic Society, who came of age on the left in the '60s, and be… - 3 years ago

@alex_callinicos: RT @AnthonyBarnett: The great Todd Gitlin has died. A founding editor of @openDemocracy media section and prolific contributor through the… - 3 years ago

@ArielBu83536623: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@davidlparsons: RIP Todd Gitlin, wow - 3 years ago

@DrSrivi: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@ruthiepalmer: So grateful for the life and work of Todd Gitlin. An inspiring, supportive, and kind dissertation advisor. Insatiab… - 3 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@robgreeneII: Wow, Todd Gitlin has passed. #twitterstorians - 3 years ago

@sparkyards: Todd Gitlin died. One of this nation’s bravest most thoughtful activists and public intellectuals - 3 years ago

@AnneMuntean: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@HIVplusYOUandME: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@rpierceg: RT @rasmus_kleis: Gitlin was one of my professors at Columbia - always challenging us to think about the big picture, ask why what we were… - 3 years ago

@PublicsHealth: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@rpierceg: RT @RrjohnR: Very sad to the report the passing of Todd Gitlin, a great sociologist, a fine colleague, a legendary mentor, and a good frien… - 3 years ago

@SheikYerbutti2: RT @stevesilberman: RIP Todd Gitlin, former president of Students for a Democratic Society, who came of age on the left in the '60s, and be… - 3 years ago

@pfrusso: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department.” Too t… - 3 years ago

@KevinMKruse: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@VictoriaLandau: RT @joanwalsh: Todd Gitlin died today. The NYT wrote Salon out of his obituary. This is one of his most important pieces for us, changing m… - 3 years ago

@katolbo: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@etnadac: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@textygirlredux: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@theturner: Very sorry to learn of Todd Gitlin’s passing. In addition to the work mentioned here, his book The Sixties: Years o… - 3 years ago

@deathtocrazy: RT @nycsouthpaw: “Dr. Gitlin personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a continuous readiness to confront orthodox… - 3 years ago

@N4TVM: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@JuliaRoseKraut: RT @zeynep: Saddened to hear the passing of Todd Gitlin. He was known as an outspoken scholar and activist—he certainly was that and had… - 3 years ago

@emceenoesis: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@clancynewyork: RT @RrjohnR: Very sad to the report the passing of Todd Gitlin, a great sociologist, a fine colleague, a legendary mentor, and a good frien… - 3 years ago

@haroldpollack: RT @joanwalsh: Todd Gitlin died today. The NYT wrote Salon out of his obituary. This is one of his most important pieces for us, changing m… - 3 years ago

@CurveWhiplash: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@hotdogsladies: RT @nycsouthpaw: “Dr. Gitlin personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a continuous readiness to confront orthodox… - 3 years ago

@haroldpollack: Sad to learn that Todd Gitlin has passed away. A good friend and a distinguished scholar. May his memory be a bless… - 3 years ago

@RrjohnR: Very sad to the report the passing of Todd Gitlin, a great sociologist, a fine colleague, a legendary mentor, and a… - 3 years ago

@Dragonwitch: RT @joanwalsh: Todd Gitlin died today. The NYT wrote Salon out of his obituary. This is one of his most important pieces for us, changing m… - 3 years ago

@ghostwrittn: I read "The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage" in college and invited Todd Gitlin to come speak at our dorm. He… - 3 years ago

@CookStevenD: RT @zeynep: Saddened to hear the passing of Todd Gitlin. He was known as an outspoken scholar and activist—he certainly was that and had… - 3 years ago

@joke2power: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Two ways Todd Gitlin influenced me as a critic: First, his 1990 essay for Dissent magazine, "Blips, Bites & Savvy Talk,"… - 3 years ago

@joke2power: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@ulou_urban_ed: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@LoriPerkinsRAB: RT @columbiajourn: We are deeply saddened by the news that Todd Gitlin has died. "Todd was a gifted, multifaceted person -- journalist, soc… - 3 years ago

@jamesabingaman: RT @columbiajourn: We are deeply saddened by the news that Todd Gitlin has died. "Todd was a gifted, multifaceted person -- journalist, soc… - 3 years ago

@anitawrites: RT @columbiajourn: We are deeply saddened by the news that Todd Gitlin has died. "Todd was a gifted, multifaceted person -- journalist, soc… - 3 years ago

@OgheneTweets: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@RogueWPA: I knew Gitlin primarily as a media sociologist. Inside Prime Time is a fantastic production of culture ethnography.… - 3 years ago

@niksthompson: RT @zeynep: Saddened to hear the passing of Todd Gitlin. He was known as an outspoken scholar and activist—he certainly was that and had… - 3 years ago

@jkirchick: “While the right has been busy taking the White House, the left has been marching on the English department.” - 3 years ago

@StephenMolldrem: - 3 years ago

@mounumi: RT @BillKristol: I got to know Todd last year, when (with Jeff Isaac) we met to explore collaborating in defense of democracy. Todd was a w… - 3 years ago

@rjber15: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@Sasa_Jim: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@gulsinharman: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@ciberfan: Lamento el fallecimiento de Todd Gitlin, analista de la cultura y los medios, comprometido siempre en la crítica al… - 3 years ago

@JulieMommeja: RIP Todd Gitlin - “a contemplative activist,” one who “searched for ways to integrate the urgent needs of everyday… - 3 years ago

@SharonBernstein: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@voiceofD: Todd Gitlin's writings were crucial to bringing media research out of the era of minimal effects and into one that… - 3 years ago

@AryehCW: RT @republicofspin: Brilliant and kind-hearted, Todd Gitlin, ז״ל, was a great human being & public intellectual nonpareil. I read The Sixti… - 3 years ago

@jjj5819: RT @NYTNational: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a… - 3 years ago

@Siadasha: RT @zeynep: Saddened to hear the passing of Todd Gitlin. He was known as an outspoken scholar and activist—he certainly was that and had… - 3 years ago

@NYTNational: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a wri… - 3 years ago

@mkhodges: RT @BillKristol: I got to know Todd last year, when (with Jeff Isaac) we met to explore collaborating in defense of democracy. Todd was a w… - 3 years ago

@doyle_kevin: “The Whole World Is Watching” - RIP Todd Gitlin - 3 years ago

@imbeccable: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@jmittell: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@shgnbn: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@anitawrites: “The Whole World Is Watching,” still. Rest in power, Todd Gitlin. - 3 years ago

@aenorquist: RT @MonikaBauerlein: Heartbreaking news about Todd Gitlin's passing. His book, The Whole World Is Watching, then already a decade old, was… - 3 years ago

@jfrancilus: I went to Columbia Journalism School, first and foremost, because of Todd Gitlin, and I’m so glad I got to tell him… - 3 years ago

@juliasonnevend: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@PauloRe24254775: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@world_news_eng: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@MFBernier: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@LynnBerger1984: RT @mrenoch: The whole world is mourning! "Freelance agitator", "contemplative activist", "not so private intellectual" and my hard-boiled… - 3 years ago

@victory1261: RT @nytimes: Todd Gitlin, whose immersion in the student rebellions of the 1960s laid the foundation for his later work as a writer, a cult… - 3 years ago

@deanstarkman: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@Ralph42x: RT @BillKristol: I got to know Todd last year, when (with Jeff Isaac) we met to explore collaborating in defense of democracy. Todd was a w… - 3 years ago

@DigitalAgeD: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@CathyGellis: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@AsSeenOnmyTV2: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@freependentedu: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@thedailybeast: New Left organizer and critic Todd Gitlin died Saturday at the age of 79. As reported by The New York Times, he die… - 3 years ago

@MissNoir29: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@ErhardStackl: Heute ist eine große Persönlichkeit der 68er in den USA, Todd Gitlin, gestorben. Er kämpfte immer für das Richtige… - 3 years ago

@brandybeephd: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Todd Gitlin - one of the most important critical communication scholars, really in the history of the discipline. - 3 years ago

@juliasonnevend: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@ellikolani: RT @hofrench: A big loss. RIP to my Columbia Journalism School colleague - fantastic colleague and teacher. "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Criti… - 3 years ago

@GregMitch: RT @GregMitch: Todd Gitlin obit already up at NYT. - 3 years ago

@sandragionas: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @TheBrianCogan: RIP Todd Gitlin, I enjoyed being your student at NYU all those years ago. My dissertation directly used his works as a m… - 3 years ago

@EdoSteinberg: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@usdaynews: #ToddGitlin’s cause of death hasn't been clarified yet but it's said that he was hospitalized before. Born on Janua… - 3 years ago

@mike_wheezy: RT @schradie: RIP Todd - 3 years ago

@Mark_Weston: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@juliasonnevend: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@bjpeters: RT @MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it influenc… - 3 years ago

@vanessaveiga: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@terry_renaud: RT @MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it influenc… - 3 years ago

@schradie: RIP Todd - 3 years ago

@kathyfox87: via @NYTimes Todd was a professor of mine at Berkeley back in the day. He was brilliant of course, but also fun, ge… - 3 years ago

@CdnCrone: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@DanielMillstone: Todd Gitlin's NYT obit @toddgitlin - 3 years ago

@joke2power: Must read obit by @kseelye @NYTObits - 3 years ago

@josalofilms: RT @jayrosen_nyu: Todd Gitlin has died. I knew him. He had a huge influence on me, and helped me become a critic. One of those people who a… - 3 years ago

@nyceverywhere: RT @jmartNYT: “Dr. Gitlin personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a continuous readiness to confront orthodoxies… - 3 years ago

@ssnbbr: RT @MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it influenc… - 3 years ago

@redcirclearmy: RT @timjeby: Rest In Peace Todd Gitlin. - 3 years ago

@TLoveSpeaksss: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Todd Gitlin - one of the most important critical communication scholars, really in the history of the discipline. - 3 years ago

@MikeKoncewicz: RIP Todd Gitlin (1943-2022). I recently re-read The Sixties. It's such an important book, especially because it inf… - 3 years ago

@cscottjames: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@Citizensnews: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@ochiengwally: RT @hofrench: A big loss. RIP to my Columbia Journalism School colleague - fantastic colleague and teacher. "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Criti… - 3 years ago

@_mikesand: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@ppopiel: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@BenKail: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@bcunyc: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@OAKJRNAL: RT @jelani9: I’m very saddened to hear of Todd Gitlin’s passing. He was a generous, supportive colleague who was as quick to offer helpful… - 3 years ago

@j11975090: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@Skoknic: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@andrewmendelson: RT @sivavaid: I can’t think of anyone who guided me in learning and life like Todd Gitlin. He has passed away at 79. He was my colleague… - 3 years ago

@rfbogardus: RT @republicofspin: Brilliant and kind-hearted, Todd Gitlin, ז״ל, was a great human being & public intellectual nonpareil. I read The Sixti… - 3 years ago

@jaybags01: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@maggieNYT: RT @jmartNYT: “Dr. Gitlin personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a continuous readiness to confront orthodoxies… - 3 years ago

@MattNoahSmith: Oh wow. - 3 years ago

@MatthewPMcAllis: Other notable Todd Gitlin's works for me: The Whole World Is Watching of course is a key citation of both coverage… - 3 years ago

@bretisrael: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @DrLisaCorrigan: RIP Todd Gitlin. We had such a lovely time at this conference in Middlebury on May '68. So much generative provocation.… - 3 years ago

@DearStefania: RIP Todd Gitlin. Inside Prime Time remains such an important book for me, and teaching it has always led to great d… - 3 years ago

@madoccassia: RT @billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought hard to… - 3 years ago

@Mandahl: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@jmartNYT: “Dr. Gitlin personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a continuous readiness to confront o… - 3 years ago

@MediaHistoryNow: RT @DevorahLeah: I was on several media criticism panels with Todd. Always respected him, and quoted from his work in some of my classes. M… - 3 years ago

@DaraWehmeyer: "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79" by Katharine Q. Seelye via NYT - 3 years ago

@billmckibben: A great voice silenced (and very glad he got to see Harvard divest from fossil fuel last fall, because he fought ha… - 3 years ago

@DrLisaCorrigan: RIP Todd Gitlin. We had such a lovely time at this conference in Middlebury on May '68. So much generative provocat… - 3 years ago

@haberledik: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@DevorahLeah: I was on several media criticism panels with Todd. Always respected him, and quoted from his work in some of my cla… - 3 years ago

@coffeesnotenuf: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@AdvocacyLabs: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@DailyABCs: Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79 - 3 years ago

@BookLockdown: RT @GregMitch: Todd Gitlin obit already up at NYT. - 3 years ago

@BitchR: "Todd Gitlin, a Voice and Critic of the New Left, Dies at 79" by BY KATHARINE Q. SEELYE via NYT New York Times - 3 years ago

@Elizabeth_Calo: RT @MatthewSitman: - 3 years ago

@willthewordguy: RT @bjpeters: I’m heartbroken to learn that Todd Gitlin has passed at 79. I know of no one who has had the same kind of influence, verve, p… - 3 years ago

@robertslawrence: RIP Todd Gitlin, who, as @kseelye writes, "personified the cultural and political ambitions of the ’60s, with a con… - 3 years ago

@dahliasc: Who else could write like this? And given that this piece is framed around music - well, those who know me will get… - 3 years ago

@marcportermagee: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@MatthewPMcAllis: Very sad to hear this news about Todd Gitlin. In a graduate-level course, I still assign his article "Media Sociolo… - 3 years ago

@marcatracy: My teacher and encourager. The country will miss him, and so will I. - 3 years ago

@RiffRaf979: RT @republicofspin: Brilliant and kind-hearted, Todd Gitlin, ז״ל, was a great human being & public intellectual nonpareil. I read The Sixti… - 3 years ago

@tanyalokot: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@dem8z: RT @sivavaid: I can’t think of anyone who guided me in learning and life like Todd Gitlin. He has passed away at 79. He was my colleague… - 3 years ago

@PeckReece: RT @EricKlinenberg: The great sociologist and public intellectual Todd Gitlin has died. Todd was a massive influence on scholar-activists a… - 3 years ago

@NancyWingfield5: RT @joshshepperd: RIP Todd Gitlin - one of the most important critical communication scholars, really in the history of the discipline. - 3 years ago

@LydiaMaher: RT @DavidHirsh: BDS "presumes the Green Line has no meaning. Its implicit demand is: Israel, out of everywhere. In effect, it maintains—con… - 3 years ago

@naomiruthsmith: RT @EricKlinenberg: Some of Todd Gitlin's great books: *The Sixties* *The Whole World is Watching* *Inside Television* *Twilight of Common… - 3 years ago

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