Tito Traversa

Italian climber
Died on Friday July 5th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Tito Traversa:

@tripleblack_com: TRIBUTE of the Week! Featuring Tito Traversa - the climbing phenomena. RIP! Watch~ http://t.co/1hyUILZefi #climbing http://t.co/aK8bnZcquQ

@truthmiracle: Bouldering Competition to be Held in Memory of Tito Traversa http://t.co/jOi6BjBBay

@rockodyssey1: 이탈리아의 클라이밍 신동, 티토의 불행한 죽음을 기억하기 위해 2번째 볼더링 경기가 펼쳐진다고 합니다. 한 아이의 죽음도 소홀히 하지 않고 소중히 그 가치를 이어가려는 이탈리아 사람들...존경스럽습니다.... http://t.co/yHspSvk6iV

@CorpExpeditions: RT @rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2


@iloveom: Bouldering Competition to be Held in Memory of Tito Traversa http://t.co/IiGs1WwBl1

@BMC_Comps: RT @rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2

@Team_BMC: RT @rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2

@GrippedMagazine: The Tito Traversa Memorial Cup http://t.co/kbc8CJRVgx @mec @Arcteryx @IFSClimbing #climbing http://t.co/rNvvSG8lnJ

@davidf4774: RT @rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2

@AlpinistP: RT @rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2

@rockandice: Second Memorial Tito Traversa Boulder Cup, Ivrea, Italy: http://t.co/gnz88GaaCk http://t.co/ylMyzt41s2

@Planetmountain: 2nd Memorial Tito Traversa at Ivrea #climbing #bouldering http://t.co/GchTEuHGR8 http://t.co/QYHlLmEsn8

@Planetmountain: 2° Memorial Tito Traversa ad Ivrea #arrampicata #boulder http://t.co/zYsm1NMvLF http://t.co/ozplgXIx0e

@LivSansoz: RT @LaurenceGuyon: The 2nd Memorial Tito Traversa will take place at Ivrea from 13 – 14 June 2015 in remembrance of the young Italian climb…

@TopTenClimbing: 2nd Memorial Tito Traversa at Ivrea: The 2nd Memorial Tito Traversa will take place at Ivrea from 13 – 14 June... http://t.co/QkudlhgBl4

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