Tito Capobianco

Argentine-born American stage director (Pittsburgh Opera)
Died on Sunday September 9th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Tito Capobianco:

@Artspromo: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 6 years ago

@KarenKanePG: Bravo, Tito Capobianco: Opera director left a cultural legacy in Pittsburgh - 6 years ago

@TheCsar: RT @OperawireNews: #RIP - 6 years ago

@BradyDelVecchio: RT @OperawireNews: #RIP - 6 years ago


@OperawireNews: #RIP - 6 years ago

@VerdiChorus: Tito Capobianco has passed. One of the maverick directors of the New York City Opera and he fostered the talents of… - 6 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Tito Capobianco, Argentine opera director, died 8th Sep aged 87. - 6 years ago

@gabyriera: Tito #Capobianco integró los elencos del Teatro Argentino de La Plata, desde 1947. Estrenó su primera dirección esc… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Tito Capobianco, who created groundbreaking productions at the New York City Opera in the 1960s and ’70s and went o… - 6 years ago

@nenesalcedo: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 6 years ago

@deploycatattack: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@piomio1960: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@__DeeL__: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@strombo: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@thedeadbeater: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87.… - 7 years ago

@MackyAuditorium: Tito Capobianco, Assertive #Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@kitchen5203: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@TOKiwanisFest: RIP #TitoCapobiano #Opera - 7 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@gabyriera: Tito #Capobianco integró los elencos del Teatro Argentino de La Plata, desde 1947. Estrenó su primera dirección esc… - 7 years ago

@babciapat: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@masteringVO: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@lellingw: RT @NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87. He also s… - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “A singer is a problem to be solved.” So said the strong-minded opera director Tito Capobianco, who has died at 87.… - 7 years ago

@CalandraItal: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@bobguildner: RT @The_News_DIVA: Tito Capobianco, Who Brought Ambitious Stagings to New York City Opera and Led Pittsburgh Opera, Dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Tito Capobianco, Who Brought Ambitious Stagings to New York City Opera and Led Pittsburgh Opera, Dies at 87… - 7 years ago

@hieros: Fifteen years of leaden potboilers for me in Pittsburgh. - 7 years ago

@nycityopera: RT @playbillarts: Director Tito Capobianco, who brought ambitious stagings to @nycityopera and led @PittsburghOpera, dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@playbillarts: Director Tito Capobianco, who brought ambitious stagings to @nycityopera and led @PittsburghOpera, dies at 87 - 7 years ago

@CatchMaullaria: RT @nytimesarts: Tito Capobianco, who created groundbreaking productions at the New York City Opera in the 1960s and ’70s and went on to be… - 7 years ago

@nycityopera: RT @JoelRMelamedMD: #InMemoriam #TitoCapobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 What An Inspired Director! His Extraordinary @NYCi… - 7 years ago

@gabyriera: Tito Capobianco, uno de los directores más exitosos y versátiles de las últimas décadas, nació en Argentina, donde… - 7 years ago

@gabyriera: A Tito Capobianco - 7 years ago

@voxoperae: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@JoelRMelamedMD: #InMemoriam #TitoCapobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 What An Inspired Director! His Extraordinary… - 7 years ago

@fcadenhead: A great artist, a great manager and a great man. My memories of his time in San Diego are always vivid. MusicalAmer… - 7 years ago

@zirigozacom: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 by - 7 years ago

@laprovincia_es: #EnPortada Muere Tito Capobianco, director durante dos temporadas de ACO - 7 years ago

@LagordaOlga: Tito Capobianco: prestigioso régisseur que dirigió el Teatro Colón - 7 years ago

@hispaopera: El director de ópera Tito Capobianco fallece a los 87 años ( - 7 years ago

@sandiegoinforme: SD Opera’s Tito Capobianco dies - 7 years ago

@jaynineanon: RT @AvonSalez: - 7 years ago

@Canozzo1: Tito Capobianco: prestigioso régisseur que dirigió el Teatro Colón - - 7 years ago

@2020SaintsAlive: RT @AvonSalez: - 7 years ago

@AvonSalez: - 7 years ago

@exchez: @serenawilliams is having a meltdown, but Tito Capobianco is just being "assertive"??? smdh. #DoubleStandards - 7 years ago

@llemj: RT @laprovincia_es: Muere Tito Capobianco, director durante dos temporadas de ACO - 7 years ago

@chezami: What does it say about me that my first thought was Barry Manilow singing: "His name was Tito. He came from Pittsb… - 7 years ago

@LiliRametta: RT @DoloresMitre: Falleció Tito Capobianco, exdirector del Teatro Colón - 7 years ago

@PERIODISMO2020: - 7 years ago

@Adam___Green: @jondmaas Weirdly, as I just discovered by Googling his name, the director Tito Capobianco died only two days ago. - 7 years ago

@lundmarija: Tito Capobianco, Assertive #Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

@FerCiclon86: RT @cementerio: Tito Capobianco, director argentino de ópera, ex director de la Opera de Pittsburgh y ex director general artístico del Tea… - 7 years ago

@jondmaas: Why has "Lolita, My Love" been ignored? - 7 years ago

@christianebuddy: Tito Capobianco, Assertive Opera Director, Is Dead at 87 - 7 years ago

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