Tita Kovač Artemis

Slovene-born Greek chemist and writer.
Died on Friday March 11th 2016

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Tita Kovač Artemis:

@deadpeoplecom: Tita Kovač Artemis, you will be missed - #TitaKovacArtemis #Tita #KovačArtemis #rip - 9 years ago

@SLOinGRE: Umrla je avtorica knjige o življenju prvega grškega predsednika Ioannisa Kapodistriasa Tita Kovač Artemis. - 9 years ago

@893rss: Odstrani -te/-se: ..R.I.P. Damir Domitrović Kos in Tita Kovač Artemis.. ..v Bologni grafitarji sami odstranjuj... - 9 years ago

@ZNovice: Umrla pisateljica in častna občanka Novega mesta Tita Kovač Artemis: V 86. letu starosti je… - 9 years ago

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