Tim White

British painter.
Died on Wednesday April 29th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Tim White:

@tim_donner: RT @TheDailyEdge: Cadet Bone Spurs has destroyed everything he ever inherited—including the Obama economy. Now he’s waving the white flag i… - 5 years ago

@Shessyups: @jamillaa_A @manlike_rex_ @edosartistry @OnlyOneFety @imozaddy @tim_timmyy @henree_de_8th @nectar_iv White😊 - 5 years ago

@KimK_ny: @Pudingtane @SenatorTimScott He just figured the whole thing out based on a knee jerk reaction.SMH Of course the w… - 5 years ago

@tim_fall: RT @tim_fall: Content warning: I’m going to mention white privilege and systemic harm to people of color in this pandemic. I hope you’ll li… - 5 years ago


@Cindylevy444: RT @Chadwick_Moore: @DonaldJTrumpJr I dunno, I think Omar has an deep understanding of “White privilege.” In fact his name is Tim Mynett an… - 5 years ago

@MediaWaResist: RT @SamWhite_2020: @MargaretLHuang @splcenter It's no wonder white nationalists like Owen Benjamin helped draft the #Poway shooter's manife… - 5 years ago

@MediaWaResist: RT @SamWhite_2020: @CarlyPildis @USJewishDems White nationalists like Owen Benjamin helped draft the #Poway shooter's manifesto because @Ap… - 5 years ago

@PravdaPereira: RT @spushor: Seeing is believing, but the past has revealed that Jared Kushner and Tim Cook run the show in the White House, Trump is the m… - 5 years ago

@LwPucket: RT @spushor: Seeing is believing, but the past has revealed that Jared Kushner and Tim Cook run the show in the White House, Trump is the m… - 5 years ago

@lifebanduk: RT @artw86: @Tim_Burgess @idlesband 1. London (but Sheffield will always be home). 2. White Privilege. 3. Village Underground (with the inc… - 5 years ago

@tim_lambeth: @JETobal @DeepStateExpose @DeAnna4Congress Black man leaves his country comes to another to destroy it. White peopl… - 5 years ago

@tim_swiftysspam: RT @mattmfm: Additional context to @jimmykimmel segment. With 75,000 Americans dead, Pence is joking about about empty boxes of PPE during… - 5 years ago

@RealCindy9: @IlhanMN Isn’t Tim white?? - 5 years ago

@timfowler7_tim: RT @IngrahamAngle: No way the White House should do ANY deal with our absentee Speaker Pelosi. Blue states staying closed are holding the… - 5 years ago

@soozworld: @Tim_Burgess @idlesband Cheltenham White Privilege 🤘🏼 Not had the chance - 5 years ago

@lord_curzon: RT @spushor: Seeing is believing, but the past has revealed that Jared Kushner and Tim Cook run the show in the White House, Trump is the m… - 5 years ago

@LavelleGerald: RT @Chadwick_Moore: @DonaldJTrumpJr I dunno, I think Omar has an deep understanding of “White privilege.” In fact his name is Tim Mynett an… - 5 years ago

@tim_brannigan: RT @anneursu: Of course, this is terrific publicity for a book, particularly in a genre that I believe is pretty white. Nonetheless, the ch… - 5 years ago

@leavemaralone: Thinking about Tim Hortons white blueberry tea - 5 years ago

@tim_henke: RT @QuickTake: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany confirms a member of Vice President Mike Pence's team tested positive for coron… - 5 years ago

@RTerrestre: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @AP: BREAKING: A white father and son in Georgia have been arrested and charged with the murder of a black man on a residential street,… - 5 years ago

@JeffBull5: Last but not least, #TimBurgess, formerly of The Charalatans. Turns out he's done solo stuff for a couple decades.… - 5 years ago

@RobertF16382874: The Eye of Tim was right all along. - 5 years ago

@Hill_Tim_J: RT @TheRightMelissa: @KingJames Over 90% of black men are killed by ... wait for it... other black men. Abortion kills 1200 blacks a day O… - 5 years ago

@SFiction27: Tim White - 5 years ago

@jmanuelgonzh: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@matthewmerez: @tim_username @santiagomayer_ This has been going on way before Trump. The only difference is that now, other white… - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @KaivanShroff: BREAKING: Gregory and Travis McMichael, the two white men who hunted Ahmaud Arbery Diana and murdered him while he was on… - 5 years ago

@tim_mckinley: RT @Yamiche: BREAKING: Gregory & Travis McMichael, the two white men who chased and killed Ahmaud Arbery as Arbery was jogging, have been a… - 5 years ago

@RichardKuama: RT @spikedonline: The idea that Russia put Trump in the White House was always bonkers. But it wasn’t only believed by entitled liberals wh… - 5 years ago

@beacopforaday: @IlhanMN The only white privileged is Tim Mynett who you illegal paid 100s of thousands of dollars to, then ruined… - 5 years ago

@BasedColonelReb: @IlhanMN How'd that white privilege work out for Tim Mynette? - 5 years ago

@shawnspartan: @SenatorTimScott You meant every BLACK person. Hispanics, Asians and Indians aren’t being hunted by white supremacist Tim - 5 years ago

@thames_tim: RT @White2to4: White Privilege, Racist, blah, blah, blah, Racism, blah, blah, blah. Do you come up with ANYTHING else? I mean besides when… - 5 years ago

@mypostdemise: @MavsFilmRoom Tim Duncan was entertaining to you? I said he would give anyone buckets but you were crying bc I said… - 5 years ago

@PelinoreGeryon: RT @spikedonline: The idea that Russia put Trump in the White House was always bonkers. But it wasn’t only believed by entitled liberals wh… - 5 years ago

@itscnlyright: just found a racist 17 white boy from ontario who is in 12th grade and works at tim hortons thinking about tweeting… - 5 years ago

@vlone_tim: RT @jackfrombkln: I wish white people protested when a Black man is murdered they way they do when they need a haircut. #AhmaudAubrey - 5 years ago

@haugcourtney: @Hairybeary1 @BlackPinwheel @tim_genesis funny bc ur white knighting for a care bear - 5 years ago

@Tigresa_de1810: @Billywires @_dbrown_23 @TimAnderson7 @Paula_White 😂😂😂 I read Tim's tweet and immediately thought of Billy. His girl gets around too much. - 5 years ago

@BentoTexas: RT @CrackerJackism: This is Tim Canova's petition to the White House for paper ballots. It needs 100,000 signatures. If you see this tweet… - 5 years ago

@Firbolg: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@tim_brannigan: RT @kylegriffin1: The personal valet to Trump who tested positive for coronavirus serves Trump his meals, among other duties. - 5 years ago

@luvablekylie: @alishasalfreds again the only white guys i will ever simp for is tim and ross <3 - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @dhershiser: Don’t be fooled! These protests are celebrations of white privilege, white racism and white rage fueled by the #IdiotInChie… - 5 years ago

@ige__tim: RT @PotHakutLastbun: In Italy the naked guy in the vid got tired of lockdown with his white girlfriend who wants sex all the time. He calle… - 5 years ago

@mejcb: Meet the 90s supermodel who was Tim Walker's original muse - 5 years ago

@drmagick: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@Tim_at_where: RT @Tac_Doll_HK416: You're a fucking white male living in Seattle, your takes on Japan don't mean shit to anyone with a fucking brain. - 5 years ago

@el_breez: @notinterrupted OHHHH I see it!!!! But the first thing I thought was white ppl when I think Tim burton. Lol - 5 years ago

@Dean85698122: RT @spikedonline: The idea that Russia put Trump in the White House was always bonkers. But it wasn’t only believed by entitled liberals wh… - 5 years ago

@ouranosaurus: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@ChaosShrugged: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@geist_mariep: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@red_pill_junkie: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@MemoMar01: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@WhitefordPeter: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@dreamdisaster34: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@WhHartmann: RT @doctorow: Tim White - 5 years ago

@huvinen_tim: RT @MiAmorAlia: White people have been angrily yelling at the police for like 3 weeks now and ain’t nobody died. Not even shot. That’s how… - 5 years ago

@GrelisMichael: @melblibrary Anything by Tim Winton. Bryce Courtney, most of Patrick White, any thing vampire, occult, ghosty, - 5 years ago

@TDAllonsy: ‘White Collar’ Boss, Matt Bomer Tease Plan to Bring Back Series - 5 years ago

@Mammy_white: @DobbRogers @itvcorrie I think they will miss the camera, but they did pick up the mobile phone so they will either… - 5 years ago

@norfolk_tim: RT @ONS: Using #COVID19 death registrations and 2011 Census records, we’ve been able to show that some ethnic groups have a higher risk of… - 5 years ago

@tim__gordon: RT @realDonaldTrump: The White House CoronaVirus Task Force, headed by Vice President Mike Pence, has done a fantastic job of bringing toge… - 5 years ago

@leveeohsa: @W0MANFEEDS ak tim white musk yg ungu - 5 years ago

@Nickhelme1: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@nanqis: Lapisan 2: - Tim dark cooking chocolate hingga lumer. - Rebus fresh cream hingga panas. - Masukkan cokelat leleh k… - 5 years ago

@thirdrobins: also i know barbz tim drake won the poll but i think you guys are wrong. tim drake is a loser white boy and i stand… - 5 years ago

@Melissa_Arancio: @Dudetypedude Wow. Do penguins have chewy caramel, double choc, and white choc flavours? Penguins weren’t made by gods, Tim Tams were. - 5 years ago

@Tim_Wil1iams: RT @ByDonkeys: .@BorisJohnson ignored the gathering storm, downplayed the threat then failed to act. He's not Churchill. He’s Chamberlain.… - 5 years ago

@Udontkn32740963: @swisschamp @alcott_tim @MeritLaw Absolutely not, they had absolutely NO REASON to shoot him, they wouldn't do this… - 5 years ago

@nichols_tim: RT @ByDonkeys: .@BorisJohnson ignored the gathering storm, downplayed the threat then failed to act. He's not Churchill. He’s Chamberlain.… - 5 years ago

@white_cell: People complaining that Turkey sold the UK substandard Coronavirus PPE. Christ, even Wetherspoon's let you try thei… - 5 years ago

@tim_beverly: RT @RexChapman: A black man in Brunswick, Georgia was murdered in broad daylight by two white guys on February 23rd, 2020. Oh - and it wa… - 5 years ago

@Maqui_: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@albasoengas: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@whitehorse_id: Segenap tim White Horse Group mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Waisak bagi yang merayakan 😊🙏 - 5 years ago

@DaisyXXX15: Help! I finally decided to watch Edward Scissorhands and now I can’t get enough Tim Burton. I’m watching Corpse Bri… - 5 years ago

@missajane72: @DanaRoby2 @jamietx81 @NickyBornRocker @JamieG2019 @Suzeqspirit68 @maryjoh89454148 @TheSixxTrigger @butterflykatten… - 5 years ago

@PhilmoreRobert: @markkirin_ @EYEFOLLOWHIM @redd3451 @CareyMaga @GGlocksX @QmagaMike @CaliNeedsHelp @pjbowles4 @MattWebster_17… - 5 years ago

@angela_slotkin: Yyaayy white collar is rumored to coming back the cast is into it so is create jeff Eastin cool cool cool!! One of… - 5 years ago

@Naangel55: RT @MichaelAusiello: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease ‘A Plan’ to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@CWild73: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@Tim_Kelly: Leaked White House document projects COVID-19 deaths will skyrocket | Live Science - 5 years ago

@chris_white_101: @PaulDraper @mansunband @Tim_Burgess Attack of the Grey Lantern is a timeless classic. Thanks!… - 5 years ago

@TSlicht: RT @AbuLihyi: @GeopoliticsN @GeromanAT @Tim_Hayward_ @aaronjmate @Malinka1102 @Thomas_Binder 3/ Western distractions. - 2017: Oscar #White_… - 5 years ago

@another_tim: RT @FredTJoseph: Every single white person who considers themselves an ally or anti-racist needs to be bringing attention to the murder of… - 5 years ago

@chiwhitesoxxs: White Sox's Tim Anderson Compares Contract to Scottie Pippen in 'The Last Dance' - 5 years ago

@melissax1125: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@AbuLihyi: @GeopoliticsN @GeromanAT @Tim_Hayward_ @aaronjmate @Malinka1102 @Thomas_Binder 3/ Western distractions. - 2017: Osc… - 5 years ago

@MarkoIvankovic: @javor_ivanjica Doli Parton je pevačica, i to poznata jako, i kao što vidite, štogod se drži u 70-tim inače po meni… - 5 years ago

@bishopalreese: Now Playing: Min. Tim White & Refocused - Praise Your Name on - 5 years ago

@InspireMedia365: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@tim_fargo: RT @andylassner: This is Ahmaud Arbery. He was 25-years-old. He went jogging. A white man and his son, hunted him down and murdered hi… - 5 years ago

@CaptainBadger79: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@HobbyConnector: RT @BillPaganism: any White Sox fans want to trade.. 2 reds and 3 Foils.. Eloy, Tim Anderson, Giolito x2 or 5$ in PWE..@HobbyConnector http… - 5 years ago

@BillPaganism: any White Sox fans want to trade.. 2 reds and 3 Foils.. Eloy, Tim Anderson, Giolito x2 or 5$ in PWE..@HobbyConnector - 5 years ago

@tamilnadu09: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@JenniferCPrater: RT @TVLine: #WhiteCollar Boss, Matt Bomer Tease 'A Plan' to Bring Back Caper Drama - 5 years ago

@tim_swiftysspam: RT @DanielNewman: Why isn’t #JusticeForAhmaudArbery TRENDING?!? This Unarmed Black Boy was JOGGING and this Video shows him being Hunted Do… - 5 years ago

@BIGHURTKNAPP35: RT @jlazowski14: I think my favorite part about being a White Sox fan is seeing how worked up other fan bases get at the mention of Anderso… - 5 years ago

@blackflag_2012: RT @AdosHouston: That's what this entire wave of performative black consciousness is, from the white boy loving naturalista working at Buzz… - 5 years ago

@harkin_tim: RT @juliacarriew: There is no universe in which a 25-year-old white kid goes jogging in their neighborhood, gets shot and killed by two str… - 5 years ago

@Deliblial: @tim_of_ottawa @TheMorrigan47 @CanadensisMax And with a smattering of white nationalism thrown in for kicks. - 5 years ago

@AuntSophie1: RT @ColorArousal: If a white woman is nominated for VP and loses, people will quickly forget about her, as they have Joe Lieberman and Tim… - 5 years ago

@ColorArousal: If a white woman is nominated for VP and loses, people will quickly forget about her, as they have Joe Lieberman an… - 5 years ago

@Jonijam: RT @charliekirk11: Disgusting. A man who nearly became Vice President stood on the floor of the United States Senate and spouted Chinese p… - 5 years ago

@whyyylmao: @OutbackBro @tim_cook and the thing is; you’re not just racist, you’re wrong. please note the photos attached. thes… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Pnin: RT @spookperson: white boomer feminism, a story in two images - 5 years ago

@Gh0st_cAt: @Cut5Man @White_Locusts You should see Tim’s sailor moon cosplay - 5 years ago

@brownsugar81: @YFan914 @tim_username @Mister_Fun_Guy @DavidBegnaud why didn't they call the cops for a burglar dressed in white i… - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @NewYorker: The Trump administration's early reopening looks like a reckless gamble to get the economy going before the November electio… - 5 years ago

@Gyra_Solune: @ryanfreire13 @reply_remora @madsmaru @mviser yeah thats probably more how it goes - in particular I'm pretty sure… - 5 years ago

@xKatamari: RT @valca85: To be fair, Tim Burton usually only casts the same three people over and over again, so he's not even diverse in the white peo… - 5 years ago

@kaloyan91: @OfficialDamp @OutbackBro @tim_cook He is racist, what can you expect.. This is coming from white guy. - 5 years ago

@JohnnyWynn11: @OutbackBro @tim_cook There are both white and black. What’s the problem?? - 5 years ago

@Tim_Canova: RT @camilateleSUR: Trump on U.S. mercenaries captured in Venezuela, “I just got information. Nothing to do with our government.." (11am on… - 5 years ago

@libbylovesbooks: RT @GroundwoodBooks: Tonight's listen: Tim Wynne-Jones (@tim_wj) reading from his latest book, War at the Snow White Motel and Other Storie… - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: Couldn't Dan have sold his motorcycle for the $4,000? Sad yes, but.. #TheConners - 5 years ago

@dejadejadejaXX: Just ate a Tim Hortons farmers wrap, I feel like white trash - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @shannonrwatts: A white permitted concealed carrier in Minnesota fatally shot an unarmed Black man after a minor traffic accident. He ha… - 5 years ago

@ashjack___: @tim_blackwell Too bad, you could have been the white Larry Bird - 5 years ago

@Writer2122: @fred_guttenberg @Tim_Matheson @SpeakerPelosi If we could get Trump to tell the truth, he wouldn't be in the White… - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @AJDelgado13: I'm the child of two Hispanic immigrants, born and raised in Little Havana, with a Hispanic accent no one ever (esp in Tru… - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @GridironSchol91: @joncoopertweets @Go_Carr_Go @ProjectLincoln The NY conman has destroyed our Constitutional Republic. - Over 65,000 de… - 5 years ago

@cassley_chris: @tim_rolls White Album (or being anal -The Beatles) is now ahead - 5 years ago

@BiteSize_Bubz: @itsTimHell I’m still trying Tim.. I’m in the white boy szn now lol - 5 years ago

@NatyDiaz05: RT @huzaifakhan2004: Found @Richard_H and @Timriceoxley old teen years picture, on the white shirt its tim and in the green is Richard. @ke… - 5 years ago

@kaymaya3: RT @AdosHouston: That's what this entire wave of performative black consciousness is, from the white boy loving naturalista working at Buzz… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Matheson: RT @fred_guttenberg: What is the current occupant of the White House hiding? Great question @SpeakerPelosi. - 5 years ago

@SyndicateClaims: With great excitement, we welcome John White and Tim Mullinax to the Syndicate team. - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @Ordinary1World: I miss the days when we didn’t have to worry about who in the White House was stealing our money, trying to take away o… - 5 years ago

@lifeinbible: Tomorrow (May 6) DAY 6: PRAYER FOR THE GOSPEL For the white horse of the gospel to run and for the long-suffering… - 5 years ago

@gonzo3249: @thedanjurgens @BaileysPodcasts has Captain America ever been drawn consistently with the white eyes in his mask li… - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @DisavowTrump20: BREAKING: Three newly-released national polls show Vice President Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the race for the Wh… - 5 years ago

@USKeeper: @Tim_M_McFalls @USMNT @ussoccer_comms @ussoccer Based on how other nations do there primary identity kits for home… - 5 years ago

@BfEssex: RT @spacecentre: 💬 @astro_timpeake: "I find it very hard to describe to people is the pure white of sunlight which we never see here on Ear… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Tunden: RT @lapuntadelfin: Just on the off chance you thought white guys were somehow exempted from oppression. No. History demonstrates you were w… - 5 years ago

@Tim_M_McFalls: @USKeeper @USMNT @ussoccer_comms @ussoccer The white jersey and navy shorts look is sharp. That would be a good hom… - 5 years ago

@bbrubanosa: @FookingTru @LacyJohnsonMN @DavidJHarrisJr @IlhanMN White people like Tim McVeigh are domestic terrorists. You are… - 5 years ago

@BoozieEyedJoe: RT @DianaG2772: A woman shit on the floor of Tim Hortons when they got her order wrong and the thus far, nobody has titled the story “Horto… - 5 years ago

@Tim_McNulty: RT @LiberalMmama: When black protesters pushed towards the police in Ferguson, to protest police brutality, the cops brought out tanks and… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Nfrared: RT @ihateteena: watching the way these white people are treating the police is a reminder that it was never about blue lives matter - it wa… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Price_1971: RT @AfricaRepublic: Massive calls for @realDonaldTrump to arrest Bill Gates for crimes against Humanity intensifies in America. White Ho… - 5 years ago

@tim_kip: RT @Otieno_ogol: Long before christianity, our forefathers prayed to their God for Rains and we got Rains, calamities were stopped. But eve… - 5 years ago

@tim_waley: RT @RyanAFournier: BOMBSHELL: New documents released show that President Obama and the White House may have been behind the Russian Collusi… - 5 years ago

@Christinalevan3: @BradleyWhitford No it didn’t and oddly enough the Spanish Flu started in the US. I would love to know what books d… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Sliwa: RT @Lee_DaVinci: I've never had a white person call me a racial slur until I became a Trump supporter . - 5 years ago

@alan0669: @wearejames @Tim_Burgess @RealTimBooth @andydiagram Do we play the white or the magenta copy @saydemesne ? - 5 years ago

@tim_pecore: @BrandonHathaw12 Sure hope so. I want Flynn back in the White House. - 5 years ago

@tim_ic: RT @zellieimani: Same city. Same police force. Passing out masks to white folks not social distancing, while literally having their foots… - 5 years ago

@ParagonCause: RT @DJRustyEgan: @Chris_Cleverley @TobiasbenJacob @emilybarkerhalo @andywash @Keithybabey @darlingboymusic @Dannydeathdisco @goldenears @si… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @Freeyourmindkid: Lmao why have white people always been so angry!??! - 5 years ago

@bundajeongwoo: @gffynabs Se tim pake baju samaan kak🤣 terus jejer gitu. Di isac gitu gak sih ada black team, white team, blue team… - 5 years ago

@nankananaka: still livid that the sally beauty site hiccupped my shopping cart that on tim. there was an 80 cent thing of white… - 5 years ago

@timfowler7_tim: RT @NewSouthPhoto: @Rightwing_Vet @timfowler7_tim They elected Woodrow Wilson. A man that screens The Birth of a Nation at the White House… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Tunden: RT @PaxNomad: When you read Wikileaks you realize that there are foreign nations and influence that Americans need to be aware of, the whit… - 5 years ago

@NewSouthPhoto: @Rightwing_Vet @timfowler7_tim They elected Woodrow Wilson. A man that screens The Birth of a Nation at the White H… - 5 years ago

@Mugsontheloose: @Apple @tim_cook First time apple MacBook user. I am not excited and proud as much as I was when I got the sleek wh… - 5 years ago

@timfowler7_tim: RT @Rightwing_Vet: Joe Biden is an old, white, and very senile man who also happens to be a sexual predator. If you were allowed to pick t… - 5 years ago

@DJRustyEgan: @Chris_Cleverley @TobiasbenJacob @emilybarkerhalo @andywash @Keithybabey @darlingboymusic @Dannydeathdisco… - 5 years ago

@White_City: @Tim_Burgess - 5 years ago

@Tim_J_Roberts: RT @fred_guttenberg: I have no idea what the lunatic in the White House is talking about. It doesn't matter. If he is wasting OUR time tw… - 5 years ago

@tim_dragoo: RT @realDonaldTrump: I’m with the TRUCKERS all the way. Thanks for the meeting at the White House with my representatives from the Administ… - 5 years ago

@1Bog2: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@MikeSte47900009: @oolon @Tim_Draper @MikeStuchbery_ Yes that’s correct the research showed that their complaints where without merit… - 5 years ago

@info_Romulus: RT @YummyTim: Day 44. Pubs closed. We’ve waited. Patiently for 5 weeks. I’ve turned landlord come grocer. This week is time for planning… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Middleton: RT @thatginamiller: In light of the economic forecasts due to #Covid19 - shouldn't HMG not abolish the white elephant that is #HS2 ? Do we… - 5 years ago

@mahanna_tim: @Lee_DaVinci I apologize for the stupid white people infected with TDS - 5 years ago

@Tim_Poole_: RT @realDonaldTrump: I’m with the TRUCKERS all the way. Thanks for the meeting at the White House with my representatives from the Administ… - 5 years ago

@tim_sgns: RT @Chems_Sahili: Le White mais sah tu dois le manger avec un aspirateur à tes côtés frère ça fais bcp trop de bordel - 5 years ago

@tim_kallas: RT @realDonaldTrump: I will be having a White House Press Conference today at 5:30 P.M. Thank you! - 5 years ago

@tim_brannigan: RT @jewdas: Just for a second, imagine if Corbyn posted a picture of a book by David Irving on display in his home. Michael Gove has a ful… - 5 years ago

@tim_kallas: RT @realDonaldTrump: I’m with the TRUCKERS all the way. Thanks for the meeting at the White House with my representatives from the Administ… - 5 years ago

@magnumco: RT @DPAmicrophones: This week's interviews/webinars: Mon, 16 CEST / 10 am EDT Tim White (Star Wars) Tues, 20 CEST / 2 pm EDT Pete Kepler… - 5 years ago

@anndroo: @yourillus1onist Wildest Dreams, The Best Day, Better Man/ Tim McGraw, Forever & Always, The Middle/ White Horse, Babe/ All Too Well - 5 years ago

@Tim_Price_1971: RT @AmericaDuped: '#thankful #14th after the Civil War, slaves, black and white, were without citizenship to any state or government. 14t… - 5 years ago

@Tim_m_johnson: RT @realDonaldTrump: I’m with the TRUCKERS all the way. Thanks for the meeting at the White House with my representatives from the Administ… - 5 years ago

@SuperSunshine21: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@JabooldaFool: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@bhorbie: @s_wizzymalcolm Telles no doubt...but common Ben White compared to Dalot is below par. Dalot is more of a utility p… - 5 years ago

@tim__gordon: RT @realDonaldTrump: I’m with the TRUCKERS all the way. Thanks for the meeting at the White House with my representatives from the Administ… - 5 years ago

@Justloo85230955: RT @PoliBard: @AVoice12456423 @cjwcjw I see Soupy as Tim Bullshit, with wife Triggsy. "Hello Tim, how was your day?" "Bloody shambles of… - 5 years ago

@laythelogic: @CaptainWorld6 @EbbyNicolee @justpipertoo LOL just because an African American said something suporting your claims… - 5 years ago

@Lamg131: We Rock di Metal Allegiance, Mark Osegueda, Chris Jericho, Tim "Ripper" Owens, Alissa White-Gluz, Chuck Billy, Stev… - 5 years ago

@braga_tim: RT @RyanAFournier: BOMBSHELL: New documents released show that President Obama and the White House may have been behind the Russian Collusi… - 5 years ago

@Jaker69592940: RT @sistercrow: @AmbJohnBolton In early May 2018, Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, the top White House expert on global health security, had sudden… - 5 years ago

@mattvon24: RT @MoaVideos: @L0G1c9UY Evergreen pic of Tim Pool hanging out with his white nationalist buddies. Fun fact: Brittany Pettibone's partner h… - 5 years ago

@ripleydesign2: @ProstateWizard omg my gta online character was this white tim burton looking crack whore who i tried to name Crack… - 5 years ago

@venus_tim: @daveheringer @Patrickqueen_ What was your technique for turning the pants from yellow to white? - 5 years ago

@charlie_shoot: Tim (the cat) has white paws n he stepped in wine so they’re pink - 5 years ago

@ChasingCup: @unity4allkind @Ab_Synthia2 @donovanjmcnabb @andydalton14 @Jaboowins @dak @CameronNewton Acknow;edge what? That one… - 5 years ago

@bobloblaw1717: I’m old enough to remember the media dog piling Tim Thomas for refusing to visit the White House. - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: Makayla is bland #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: RT @jblanier_: That judges’ save? Olivia and Cyniah were more deserving imo. #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: At least I have Sophia, Julia & Just Sam. Ok maybe Grace too #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@HomeRunDirect: Tim Anderson Chicago White Sox Signed Baseball - Fanatics - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: We need a diva like Cyniah #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: Makayla? Oh nooooo#AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@sheabrian: Tim Murphy, a resident of Rensselaer, shares his thoughts re: frontline healthcare workers on Mayor Sheehan’s Face… - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: That was pretty strained and horrid Francisco #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: It's all the little girls voting for Francisco #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: Francisco??? Ugh no #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@WrestlingFan061: @Tim__White She's got a good Voice, but I don't care for her Personality. - 5 years ago

@sanssouci__: Tbh security breach pasti terjadi di perusahaan digital manapun karena security platform itu gaada batasnya. Defend… - 5 years ago

@Tim__White: Last spot should by Cyniah #AmericanIdol - 5 years ago

@tim_sabol: @JozefColomy @BokerJane @Joe21235278 @JRubinBlogger She’s not that bright.....her mindset is anyone but Trump, anyo… - 5 years ago

@fanly_sporting: On This Day: Sporting debuts iconic white kit in Tim Melia's vi... #SportingKansasCity - 5 years ago

@fanly_sporting: On This Day: Sporting debuts iconic white kit in Tim Melia's victorious... #SportingKC - 5 years ago

@SI_02_: LeBron is obviously a better athlete but, athleticism means nothing on the court. James White isn't dominating in t… - 5 years ago

@2066Alarm: @Timcast Tim, is 'Trump supporters' your new code for white people? Like how people have to use code for other (((words)))? - 5 years ago

@ninjabaseballs: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@SambaScott1: RT @BeatzByTeekay: Tim White🔥🔥🔥#vinnyshouse - 5 years ago

@Well1la: RT @reesetheone1: Barack wanted Tim Kaine but after Hillary Destroyed him with white no college in the primary, he decided to have an insur… - 5 years ago

@midwest_LeoMcG: RT @reesetheone1: Barack wanted Tim Kaine but after Hillary Destroyed him with white no college in the primary, he decided to have an insur… - 5 years ago

@MelodyPuppyDog: RT @reesetheone1: Barack wanted Tim Kaine but after Hillary Destroyed him with white no college in the primary, he decided to have an insur… - 5 years ago

@JesseHazell10: Chad Devarennes is Tim Duncan in small white boi form - 5 years ago

@Easy_Greatness: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@reesetheone1: Barack wanted Tim Kaine but after Hillary Destroyed him with white no college in the primary, he decided to have an… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Whelan216: @MikeKilli Actually I went with white. It’s a clean look - 5 years ago

@Robert_Mithril: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@RSlick97: It don’t make sense going to heaven with the goodie goodies, dressed in white i like black Tim’s, and black hoodies. - 5 years ago

@Wererio: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@dawtismspeaks: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@paigeisobella: Rewatching Tim burton’s Alice in wonderland and still wishing I had the white queen’s aesthetic 🤍 - 5 years ago

@Tim__Brooks: @Michele_NRA_Q @DCarpenter2015 @LoudmouthLira @realDonaldTrump @PeteHegseth @foxandfriends “I’m a level 5 thetan an… - 5 years ago

@Ace_2984: @HanaHerro23 Pistons 2004, better than bad boys AI crossover is better than Tim Grant Hill in his prime better tha… - 5 years ago

@BethFrieden: @___SAMO I agree with @reviewsandtings about some Jews being white - I'm Jewish but also white. I get the concern a… - 5 years ago

@StaffordFoodSec: RT @ConnectingVets: Tim White is a Marine vet who's fighting to end child hunger in his community using strategies he learned finding terro… - 5 years ago

@BethFrieden: @___SAMO Thanks for this, I've been watching this conversation (as a white Jew) and I think you've clarified someth… - 5 years ago

@1purpledawg: RT @Stephen49090103: The 1987 All-American first team offense (1/3) Syracuse QB Don McPherson, Michigan State RB Lorenzo White, Pitt RB Cra… - 5 years ago

@sistercrow: @AmbJohnBolton In early May 2018, Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, the top White House expert on global health security, ha… - 5 years ago

@DayannaKnight: I was told by several professors [Marian Diamond being one, Tim White another] at UC Berkeley that I was 15 years t… - 5 years ago

@ame_tora: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@Nissemus: Party pies, unlimited Tim Tams and affirmative action - see what happens when white boy Trevor assimilates into a m… - 5 years ago

@SpaceshipsOver: RT @70sscifi: Tim White - 5 years ago

@lwabubakar: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@Jamz_Happi: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@GORDAPUROCORAZO: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@chidummbad: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@kaminaarii: i feel so bad for the tim hortons workers like man. they must be so tired of old white people needing a coffee every single morning - 5 years ago

@MARCOAN85206916: RT @HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@tim_username: @JeanPoole_AZ @MaryanneChisho2 I see white laces, white stripe, pink shoe. - 5 years ago

@HomeAdore: White Box by Tim Ditchfield Architects #home #interiordesign #architecture #decoration - 5 years ago

@JeanPoole_AZ: @tim_username @MaryanneChisho2 I can only see aqua and gray. Are the laces pink or white? - 5 years ago

@SolomonGlenJoh1: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@tim_tam_jim_jam: RT @game2hype: I have white friends so I think I'm allowed to say Karen - 5 years ago

@toluadewumi2: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@colin_gubbins: Ah, so let's forget..Edward Jenner, Alan Turing, Tim Berners Lee, Michael Faraday, Alexander Flemming, IK Brunnel,… - 5 years ago

@YTafiya_Jnr: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@_victory______: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@Maziucee: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@simplydehrah: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@CollinsJoseph19: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@MarvinObiri: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@Datgreatnigga: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@Queenpreshiii: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@tim_the_medic: RT @stacika_: The white man who ‘discovered’ this named it after Queen Victoria. It’s real name is Mosi oa-Tunya. Meaning ‘the smoke that t… - 5 years ago

@markq: @gatesfoundation @MSuzman Question ($5,000 REWARD) for those in white costumes: Got PROOF of a COVID diagnosis? C… - 5 years ago

@Ami_empire25: Center of My Sexual Pleasure I wondered how Tim was able to understand my sexual desire. He was concentrating with… - 5 years ago

@MadaraU59318565: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@nrockzilla: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@KigandaJoseph: RT @Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleasure. T… - 5 years ago

@Ollyhud: RT @Ed7Lee: @MichaelDunnet @Ollyhud Favourite - the blue and white striped boro shirt that saw a midfield 3 of Merson Townsend and Gascgoin… - 5 years ago

@Tim_at_where: RT @Eldritchlove: The elitist Entertainment industry really expects #gamers to identify with an privileged, emotionally stunted, white woma… - 5 years ago

@recruiterwmn1: Hot Jobs At Baylor Scott&amp;White Labor and Delivery RN Part Tim: - 5 years ago

@Ami_empire25: How it all started🔞🔞🍆🍆💦💦 He was concentrating with my nipples which have always been the center of my sexual pleas… - 5 years ago

@Jeff32778488: RT @margzstarpie: @William59760864 @Jeff32778488 @tim_make @UrsulaIreneRay1 @JackieD23444532 That's there MO. Now they're also denying whit… - 5 years ago

@CIimateBarbie: Disappearing Arctic sea ice from #ClimateChange has starving polar bears ever more desperate for food. This one was… - 5 years ago

@JackieD23444532: RT @margzstarpie: @William59760864 @Jeff32778488 @tim_make @UrsulaIreneRay1 @JackieD23444532 That's there MO. Now they're also denying whit… - 5 years ago

@Papi_tim: RT @sissythatpatch: I love seeing white people white ass shit like YASS henga dinga durga - 5 years ago

@margzstarpie: @William59760864 @Jeff32778488 @tim_make @UrsulaIreneRay1 @JackieD23444532 That's there MO. Now they're also denyin… - 5 years ago

@rkeyserling: White Collar TV Show Revival Teased By Creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay - 5 years ago

@Jeff32778488: @William59760864 @tim_make @UrsulaIreneRay1 @JackieD23444532 You so right , they even praise Mama Necklace , that's… - 5 years ago

@tim_waterman: @archifreelance Within the NHS they talk about its 'snowy white peaks', that it is a mountain of BAME staff with a… - 5 years ago

@tim_waterman: @archifreelance I wonder what the overall percentages are for numbers of BAME doctors and nurses versus WASPs ... I… - 5 years ago

@rinishoneyy: RT @saIrobs: i swear to god if tim fedex ruins gini’s frienship because of a white boy i’ll riot - 5 years ago

@DocDocwight: @streetartmagic @GillMLouise Tim Smith will seek jail for the artist & for it to be painted white! Fabulous! - 5 years ago

@stopthirstingo1: @adamstvcker Well Noah is his friend, so of course he’ll do that. It’s like Tim Burton. But while I agree with you,… - 5 years ago

@tonidinozzo: RT @skinglo_afro: Tim Westwood has been targeting young black girls for years white privilege is real because he never faces the consequenc… - 5 years ago

@The_DeVaughn: Since @MikeVanderbilt did it, here’s a few pics from prom which was a...weird day for me, to say the least lol. Got… - 5 years ago

@DallasPPA: Dallas PPA Presents “Few Things in Life are Black and White” with Tim Walden on May 12, 2020. The meeting is online… - 5 years ago

@_iramhaj: @_ThatNiggaKo Don’t makes sense going to heaven with the goodie goodies dressed in white I like black Tim’s with black hoodies - 5 years ago

@Tim_W_Kuhn: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: “It will magically disappear in April”: Government orders 100,000 new body bags as Trump minimizes death toll #corona… - 5 years ago

@PadresTop100: @TimMcCarver @Padres White women are crazy and overrated. Cmon Tim! - 5 years ago

@Tim_W_Kuhn: RT @eliehonig: This is why the McGahn decision will be so important. Congress is going to need subpoenas to get information about the Admin… - 5 years ago

@Tim_W_Kuhn: RT @CNN: Fact check: New White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany makes false claims in her first briefing - 5 years ago

@Tim_Gutwald: @ChrisRepubli11 @benshapiro What about those protesters makes you think they'd be satisfied with a little compromis… - 5 years ago

@drunken_bot: The stinko Cosmopolitan: put 7/9 of Fruit liqueur. Add 2/5 of ginger beer, and 1/2 of egg white. Add olives. Drin… - 5 years ago

@scs0216: @cmclymer Timothy McVeigh was a white terrorist. He killed 168 ppl and wounded 680. He was arrested and executed. H… - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @eugenegu: White privilege is storming the state capitol with assault rifles in the middle of a pandemic and calling it patriotism. - 5 years ago

@Ramhadji: @Hensley_he @Tim_skinny17 The goal line is not the one drawn in white, clearly that is an error - 5 years ago

@Plain_Old_Tim: @Olibabba @WatchYourRepsMN It's people on both sides who are being too black and white about this Oliver... Does it… - 5 years ago

@Nursecindy9: RT @Pebble3212: @bird_hatter @JenniferADevon @JoshuaPotash @JoyAnnReid Just like Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols Huh. Bullshit these are not… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Gutwald: @DargoSmith @benshapiro Michigan doesn't even meet the phase one re-opening requirements in the White House plan.… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @rebeccanagle: White people protesting because they want to go back to work while Black and Brown people are disproportionately dying fr… - 5 years ago

@ditzyblonde23: @bobbyhope123 @kwilliam111 @GerardBattenMEP @Tim_Roache TRIGGER WARNING: Reference to sexual assault. Remember th… - 5 years ago

@Dylan17137119: @tarheelbred81 @MLBTheShow I got Gerrit Cole for a game reward after beating the White Socks for Tim Anderson - 5 years ago

@JenniferADevon: RT @Pebble3212: @bird_hatter @JenniferADevon @JoshuaPotash @JoyAnnReid Just like Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols Huh. Bullshit these are not… - 5 years ago

@Pebble3212: @bird_hatter @JenniferADevon @JoshuaPotash @JoyAnnReid Just like Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols Huh. Bullshit these… - 5 years ago

@cwagersmcdaniel: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@k3combs: A school district in Alaska just banned a lot of classic books for things like "anti-white sentiment"&"bad language… - 5 years ago

@Oluinldn: @hammersmikey @Tim_D_Cook_ @DailyMailUK Well then research how black players were treated by white football fans back in the eighties - 5 years ago

@Boulder_Tim: RT @acnewsitics: Wow. White people can pretty much do whatever the hell they want, "protest" with guns, swear at law enforcement. Must be… - 5 years ago

@tim_brannigan: @SouthLondonGirl I had a choice of either making stew from scratch or mussels in a white wine sauce and golden chun… - 5 years ago

@Primetime_Tate: @AdamBMore Tim White and Butler - 5 years ago

@kensing45: 1. Tim Tebow, Florida 2. Darren McFadden, Arkansas 3. Glenn Dorsey, LSU 4. Colt Brennan, Hawaii 5. Chase Daniel, Mi… - 5 years ago

@BloodyearGimp: @RealTimVine 1/2 Tim I grew up in Barmouth. In the sweltering summer of 1984 my family and I stood at a spot on tha… - 5 years ago

@Neutronz9: @timjacobwise baloney sandwiches are good! Little mayo and American cheese on white bread,,,,, YUMMY! Thanks Tim,… - 5 years ago

@MariaASIC: Andrew White and Tim Sillcock, partner and friends... We invested over half a million dollars in an investment tha… - 5 years ago

@dgrimard10: @Susann_G @JacinthePayant @Ez4u2say_Janis @cindyintoronto @globeandmail How is that right my nabours Bob and Tim ar… - 5 years ago

@dmbdmg: @DCExec1969 @jonNYC5yve @soledadobrien Those states will be won with huge turnout in cities, not some crossover rur… - 5 years ago

@cristiproist: @ClimateOfGavin @leafwax @mzelinka @Tim_AndrewsUK @markjwebb If you use only 2 slopes (a break point around 20 year… - 5 years ago

@vaaneshu: @mydayfess2 GATAU GATAU😭😭😭 aku tim midday tp rada oleng ke midnight😭😭😭 the black and white hits different bro😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 nangis bgt - 5 years ago

@tims50ave_tim: RT @BrierNook: @BreitbartLondon Whites can die for the NHS but can't apply to work for the BBC. Have they looked all factors..how people… - 5 years ago

@Gaydos_: Chicago White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson said Thursday he can relate to Scottie Pippen’s contract situation when he… - 5 years ago

@JamesSDean3: @timjacobwise @Kaepernick7 Tim go play the guilt ridden white guy some place else. Obama isn’t in office any longer… - 5 years ago

@KawarthaArtGall: Mostly Monochrome Exhibit by Tim Bellhouse Day 3 ON WATCH This image is a largely black and white scene taken in… - 5 years ago

@larrydavidsson: A patient was eating a Little Debbie cake and spilling crumbs on his white tee so I said 🎶I GOT CHOCOLATE STAINS ON… - 5 years ago

@WindsorLion: @skipai @Tim_the_Ecaflip Naw don't be stupid, you can't be white *and* a terrorist! /s - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @JYSexton: When Charlottesville happened, people were shocked. Some thought it was just a momentary thing that just happened, but it had… - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @keithboykin: Donald Trump is a white supremacist: Racists in Charlottesville:" very fine people" Lawbreakers in Michigan: "very good p… - 5 years ago

@Tim_at_where: RT @gnoBREAKTHROUGH: @OANN @realDonaldTrump @BillGates @RobertKennedyJr @3Myriam1 @Focusnatureweb @fatima_italia @TomFitton @chesleydohl @P… - 5 years ago

@Tim_the_Ecaflip: RT @skipai: No, let's fix this shall we. "Politicians in bullet proof vests as white terrorists storm government building." - 5 years ago

@Tim_Middleton: RT @mrjamesob: It's now a matter of fact, not opinion, that the President of the USA will condemn a black footballer for a peaceful protest… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Middleton: RT @mrjamesob: The white supremacism at the heart of Trump's success has always divided us into 3 groups. Those who can see it & hate it; t… - 5 years ago

@tim_for_peace: RT @mrjamesob: It's now a matter of fact, not opinion, that the President of the USA will condemn a black footballer for a peaceful protest… - 5 years ago

@Alis32892404: @Tim_D_Cook_ @Frost_RBLXX @Independent There are white armed protesters out there in your country right now,....but they are fine. - 5 years ago

@mocitynative: @Tim_D_Cook_ @CBSNews Because too often "Black" men are killed based off the fear and assumptions from "white" men.… - 5 years ago

@l_delfico: Samsung Galaxy S10e Tim Prism White 5,8″ 128gb Dual Sim - 5 years ago

@timothya12_tim: @realDonaldTrump So, if armed people come to the White House you'll welcome them in for a chat? - 5 years ago

@Brian_The_tim: RT @marcmcardle1: This is terrorism, simple. And if it was Muslim fundamentalists or literally any cause which doesn’t hold broad appeal am… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Audacity: RT @lyric2go: @CindyrellaOG Julia walked so all these white girls on TikTok could run... - 5 years ago

@AltanKatt: RT @GeekEliteMedia: The creator of the USA Network crime drama 'White Collar', Jeff Eastin, and cast members Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay have… - 5 years ago

@SeaAir_Uh: @ordinary_tim @UnknownEnby @kureigu21 @QasimOHabib @tha_rami Anyway. I love the games. And the historical accuracy… - 5 years ago

@tim_grossmann: @white_orchidee_ @Tara_the_witch @Fancy2M Komisch, dass ausgerechnet du das schreibst. Es reicht schon ein Beitrag… - 5 years ago

@Sean__Rhodes: Good article, the Last Dance documentary has been outstanding so far. Love Pippen but glad Anderson is not dwelling… - 5 years ago

@sherpaCato: @TPCarney Tim, see the pictures at Michigan capital yesterday? 1) All white males 2) with guns 3) many of whom belo… - 5 years ago

@PattyLehner: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@tim_maliyil: RT @RWPUSA: DOJ told Jimmy Carter that his son could not be a White House intern under the 1967 anti-nepotism statute. DOJ stuck to that po… - 5 years ago

@bomerville: RT @bomerville: Creator Jeff Eastin Says White Collar Show Can Revive With Stars Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay. - 5 years ago

@Vanessa75998849: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@farrellbruce2: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@CathleenKucz: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@docrocktex26: RT @docrocktex26: Amerikkka has intentionally made it shameful and unpopular (within the White community) to be a White ally or confront th… - 5 years ago

@Dazzlin81: @Shahleena @MisterHootie Your whole point about Tim Westwood was the fact you used him as an example of how the whi… - 5 years ago

@JoinPatriotify: White Sox’s Tim Anderson understands Scottie Pippen’s contract situation with Bulls: ‘He had to think outside the g… - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @RWPUSA: DOJ told Jimmy Carter that his son could not be a White House intern under the 1967 anti-nepotism statute. DOJ stuck to that po… - 5 years ago

@SwartzStu: THIS WEEKEND IN CHICAGO BASEBALL: May 3, 2005 - White Sox set Major League record by holding a lead in their 28th c… - 5 years ago

@daryl_granville: @tmbrown327 @shannonrwatts Spot on Tim. I should have ask why are these white people. I don't want to generalize al… - 5 years ago

@cokiea: @cmclymer Michigan white supremacists were big supporters of terrorist Tim McVeigh. He hatched the OKC bombing plot… - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @littledeekay: Going to say it again for all the folks in the back: The terrorists are within our borders. They are white, they are mal… - 5 years ago

@Rose_Gold_Gamer: RT @skinglo_afro: Tim Westwood has been targeting young black girls for years white privilege is real because he never faces the consequenc… - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @TheRickyDavila: Today, armed MAGA cultists stormed Michigan’s Capitol against stay at home orders. Had this been a group of black peop… - 5 years ago

@unworthingtons: @vnomsnke It's also very telling bcus Basira calls Tim 'the hotter one' or something along those lines, so like, CH… - 5 years ago

@ALMORAH: RT @mjtfreeze: @itskenblatchi @PreciousGNSD Tim Westwood is old enough to remember black and white television. How he clapping cheeks that… - 5 years ago

@tim_rolls: @DJClark62 @gate17marco @Millhaven_Curse @julieo25 Me. At least two white t-shirts - 5 years ago

@Seawolves97: @HTMsports @ElvinRyan_FF Butler, Emmanuel 6'4” 220 Harris, Deonte 5'6 170 Harris, Maurice 6'3" 200 Hogan, Krishawn… - 5 years ago

@MMolondrona: @drsurendrpathak 😊🌼 📷© Tim Proffitt-White - 5 years ago

@ILCitizen: @tim_schrempp @kathleen_belew The white privilege is specifically aimed at people locked and loaded outside a gover… - 5 years ago

@20leyenda: @Tim_Burgess No, but I've got one of these: #SomeFriendly limited edition in white vinyl protective sleeve.… - 5 years ago

@jamesrowles: I am sure this is special for @Tim_Burgess - I remember seeing a ch4 show years ago the white room? where he said… - 5 years ago

@sproutsfan: @helbo1 @Tim_Burgess @NickHeyward @Haircut100 @haircutjonesy @LESLIENEMES Personal message white label. Super impressive 👍 - 5 years ago

@Tim_R_Dawson: "I hope we never see a return of the hatred for old white men or the dehumanisation of older citizens as 'stale'. I… - 5 years ago

@Boulder_Tim: RT @NicolasEdny: No arrest. No death. No injuries. Terrorist white men get to go home free & alive! Now imagine armed Black men doing the… - 5 years ago

@WalkWithoutEase: @gillian_gilbert @Tim_Burgess Always liked Bernard's white shorts. - 5 years ago

@tim_herrin: RT @Politidope: If this was a room full of armed black folks demanding access to the State House floor... White privilege is a hell of a d… - 5 years ago

@frattonlad: Like #PCL I only have this on big box white #Factory #cassette so it's streaming for me again… - 5 years ago

@designbybalajee: RT @MiamiSCLC: White Collar creator Jeff Eastin has expressed desire in continuing the story of Neal Caffrey with stars Matt Bomer and Tim… - 5 years ago

@BergerBrakes: @neworder @Tim_Burgess My cassette box was minimalist and white/embossed! (No band pic) - 5 years ago

@Rrawa9857: RT @ChiSportUpdates: "His game is crazy. He's speed. He's going to be good. His groove is crazy." - White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson on B… - 5 years ago

@ChiSportUpdates: "His game is crazy. He's speed. He's going to be good. His groove is crazy." - White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson o… - 5 years ago

@Tim_jbo: RT @tropponorth: looks like a lot of aussie businesses have a large supply of white flags i suppose that were made in china also . just doi… - 5 years ago

@thereal_queen18: @melodramaticaad @Anigohikara @mona45358064 @Asheeni_wolf @arislightishere What are you getting with this. no one… - 5 years ago

@SammyApproved: white people walking around with red bandanas wrapped around their face in la of all places makes me so uncomfortab… - 5 years ago

@tim_thelion: They helped me cope in this quarantine that finishing this series made me very emotional because of my attachment t… - 5 years ago

@colourthecity: @buckyswig They best cast some good no names or just like good actors that aren't white. I'm sick of the typecast o… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Coronel: RT @JesseLehrich: a random guy tweeted at Trump about making ventilators. then, on direct recommendation from the White House, NY paid him… - 5 years ago

@miaathode: personally i believe if tim robinson were a white claw flavor he would be tangerine but that’s just me - 5 years ago

@tim_proeme: @realDonaldTrump fat slob moron. You said you want to get out of the White House. The vast majority of Americans w… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Kreutz4: @BovadaOfficial Kevin White. Retired about 1/4th through his first year. - 5 years ago

@THE1_AB: @nathanwall03674 @Kamalaallday @hakeem_jeffries @JoyceBeatty @VoteYvette @LacyClayMO1 Would you suggest the chair o… - 5 years ago

@bishopalreese: Now Playing: Tim White - Just Can't Make It on - 5 years ago

@Crupe29: @ArchivesDe No problem, I will. Here's my Tim Richmond one. I think it turned out pretty well. I just need a white… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Temi: Who has the tweet of that black guy with a relaxed swoop hairstyle with his white girlfriend - 5 years ago

@surfer_sammy: RT @screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@sw4gbot: RT @DabPenBellamy: White Sox are kinda a sneaky fye MLB the show team for a franchise mode. Young prospects, Tim Anderson’s swag, Abreu/Jim… - 5 years ago

@DabPenBellamy: White Sox are kinda a sneaky fye MLB the show team for a franchise mode. Young prospects, Tim Anderson’s swag, Abre… - 5 years ago

@movie_charles: - 5 years ago

@tim_wutang2: RT @cartivstheworld: No white rapper will ever surpass Mac Miller - 5 years ago

@brehmomentum: why do people seem obsessed w making tim white - 5 years ago

@5meodmtbaby: @scrowder "CNN reports....Tim Pool is a white supremist and a nazi Our sources tell us that a unnamed person has ca… - 5 years ago

@Jillsfoodtravel: Bravo to @LEGOLAND_CA model builder Tim Sams for using 640 LEGO® bricks to build a "Thank You" message of gratitude… - 5 years ago

@LoveHurts38: RT @screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@Tim_McArthur: @Peston these posh Tory white boyes from @Conservatives party never answer the question it’s infuriating! #carehome… - 5 years ago

@fizzystrawbs: idk why those tim henman ariel washing tablet adverts are so strong in my memory i suppose getting those white tenn… - 5 years ago

@nimuesab: Nanny Donald and Roswell White Sands Doctors, I remembered Tim Catalyst with myself, Marly, Horace and Sri Horacio… - 5 years ago

@cub4nn: Tim White will be one of the top candidates for that WR3 spot. Can’t find any of his games, but his highlights are crazy. - 5 years ago

@Sentimentalgal5: @Tim_Matheson Truth to power! USA needs LEADER who cares it's just that simple! Don't have to worry abt intelligenc… - 5 years ago

@Keven_V51: @tim_thompson53 Lmao damn bruh she should be ashamed we got white boys that are more hip 😂😂✊🏽✊🏽 - 5 years ago

@ryangsims: Tim Miller’s latest word jumble is about Dan Crenshaw wrongly claiming he can hold two beliefs at once. Tim’s ups… - 5 years ago

@BIGBOSSBRAV0: Only white man to make me cry was Tim Tebow - 5 years ago

@Tim_P29: @Kierzz01 @mturk_97 I apologise on behalf of all white people...... 🤣🤣🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@Shelby_Huesario: RT @screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@stevetwilley: RT @screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@tim_dunlop: Happy Thursday - 5 years ago

@Tim_Courtney: Remove Welker, put Amendola at WR2 Move James White to Flex and make Blount the RB and there ya go 😬 - 5 years ago

@trp1908_tim: @KatiePavlich And her husband is Robert Bauer. Former White House Counsel to Barack Obama. Former partner at Perkin… - 5 years ago

@featherstonejm: @Tim_Burgess Yes but re-issued vinyl in White! - 5 years ago

@Helloedd: RT @danlcharles: .@Tim_Burgess - @Helloedd and I would very much like it if you could do a White Pony (by the @deftones) edition of #TimsTw… - 5 years ago

@AnnetteReid247: RT @screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@GODRadio1: Now Playing Dexter Walker & Zion Movement - God's Got Me (feat. Min. Tim White) - 5 years ago

@realioffe: @Tim__Brooks @cabdallas If you’d like to learn more in-depth, esp. re: data/statistics that we reference, check out… - 5 years ago

@lumsays: @TimHortons This is one from Tim’s near #Oakville GO station. I admit I was expecting blue and white sprinkles but… - 5 years ago

@danlcharles: .@Tim_Burgess - @Helloedd and I would very much like it if you could do a White Pony (by the @deftones) edition of… - 5 years ago

@Hecklers13: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@screenrant: White Collar TV show creator, Matt Bomer & Tim DeKay are all game for a revival/reunion - 5 years ago

@Tim_m_johnson: RT @Breaking911: HAPPENING NOW: President Trump Gives Remarks From The White House Watch Live: - 5 years ago

@uGospel: #NowPlaying Tim White - Expecting Greater on uGospel Radio! - 5 years ago

@Nikki65113542: Throwback to the Manchester Ritz gig in January 2012 when I abused Will outside for his white socks 😂… - 5 years ago

@davidrhode: @ringernba @ringer 80's--Isaiah Thomas 90's--Tim Hardaway 00's--Jason Williams (White Chocolate) 10's--Steph Curry - 5 years ago

@LiamRickards5: @themaccabees @Tim_Burgess Takes me back to seeing you live... went to isle of white when you were announced as headliners 😍😍😍 - 5 years ago

@RolandBates12: @anicegreenleaf Don't even get me started on Patrick White, really important to both my parents (esp. Voss and Ride… - 5 years ago

@anicegreenleaf: @RolandBates12 Ok listen I’d never heard of it but many of my fave writers - Patrick white, tim winton - are big la… - 5 years ago

@aerodogg13_tim: @JohnBonifaz @FSFP Actually, Trump has been a threat to our democracy, Constitution and our safety since November… - 5 years ago

@thomstern: Tim Pool, employee of YouTube, delf-censoring for youbux after scoring a million dollar Kickstarter to buy a white… - 5 years ago

@angel_felixv: @BernieWon2016 Ah yes all is going according to plan isn’t it, slowly completing the bait and switch, soon we will… - 5 years ago

@lordjefury: If @JoeBiden picks @amyklobuchar as his running mate he will definitely lose. Shes Tim Kaine in a dress. Buttoned d… - 5 years ago

@Munoz1Gerardo: RT @whitesox: July 8, 2017: Tim Anderson hit a game-winning solo home run in the 9th inning, the first game-winning shot of his career in t… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Ludwig: RT @kimguilfoyle: “White House senior adviser @jaredkushner on Wednesday said he’s “confident” that the US has the testing needed to begin… - 5 years ago

@Hill_Tim_J: RT @jennfranconews: #NEW The White House orders intelligence agencies to comb through communications intercepts, human source reporting, sa… - 5 years ago

@thielen_l: @JackieTorrens @Tim_Bousquet i think it has more to do with their narrow definition of 'motive': looking at each in… - 5 years ago

@dennzz: @TimAshAsh @wagners_ring @RichardHBell @Albrecht_Goes @wotanweiche @luthvind @A_G_White @sproengs @YouDidinVienna… - 5 years ago

@Sasstastic_bi: @Asheeni_wolf Listen, Harry is a cool guy. Timée has a square jaw, brown fluffy hair, blue sad eyes, is white, and… - 5 years ago

@Cambria4DD: RT @biannagolodryga: Fascinating read. @nakashimae⁩, ⁦@DavidNakamura⁩ & ⁦@CarolLeonnig⁩ with an interesting profile piece that simultaneous… - 5 years ago

@jameslofthous: Thanks @lasacapuntas_ 6 Books Heart of a Dog- Bulgakov Fame- Andy Warhol White Nights- Dostoevsky A History… - 5 years ago

@biannagolodryga: Fascinating read. @nakashimae⁩, ⁦@DavidNakamura⁩ & ⁦@CarolLeonnig⁩ with an interesting profile piece that simultane… - 5 years ago

@c_vassilakos: @charliekirk11 Slaves on a midnight tour of the Reagan White House. Then you got Tim Nolan and Ralph Shorty both 20… - 5 years ago

@duquette_tim: RT @JackNationalist: @BardsOfWar A Canadian created a - 5 years ago

@Robert09846644: @Timcast Well tim horny old guys with alzheimers typically get hornier as the disease progresses. How many white ho… - 5 years ago

@This_is_Timon_: @HERMOSA_0101 @its_orindayo @tobiberry_Ent @Donbissy @bimypet1 @Mowbeeshorla @__maymm @white_wears @____Ayoka… - 5 years ago

@shovelingferret: RT @RuthlessWe: The chef's kiss is Robert's Tim McVeigh meme. You know, the white supremacist who blew up a FEDERAL building in and killed… - 5 years ago

@azmadu: @talkRADIO @JuliaHB1 @LukeJohnsonRCP There's a lot of stupidity going around these days, none more-so than in the… - 5 years ago

@white_cell: RT @WillBlackWriter: Tim Martin is top of the trending list. My first thought was he must be dead. But no, it's that he can't wait to filll… - 5 years ago

@Tim_m_johnson: RT @OANN: Report: White House ordered Intel agencies to investigate if China, WHO hid COVID-19 information - - 5 years ago

@KevinSc67697014: Tim Cook at the JewishPower Org, the 'ADL' - working w/ BigTech to shut down #FreeSpeech of Dissidents. Economic Le… - 5 years ago

@HERMOSA_0101: @its_orindayo @tobiberry_Ent @Donbissy @bimypet1 @Mowbeeshorla @__maymm @white_wears @____Ayoka @AdejolaVictoria… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Poole_: RT @mitchellvii: Since I have so many liberals in my feed today. Hey guys, Joe Biden is your nominee. Bwaaaahahahahahah! Old rich white… - 5 years ago

@Oliver46717272: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@BrooklynYel: RT @MyLifeInPlastic: @evanrosskatz Tim Gunn describes a panel discussion at NYPL where Andre showed up and acted like a pretentious, entitl… - 5 years ago

@Tim_m_johnson: RT @jennfranconews: #NEW The White House orders intelligence agencies to comb through communications intercepts, human source reporting, sa… - 5 years ago

@cjtrunchar: RT @ClaudiaRupcich: According to Dr. Tim Lant, an expert in pandemic modeling at ASU, based on White House requirements and guidelines to r… - 5 years ago

@Leary_Thoughts: @timkreismusic Tim stop trying to look cool in front of your twitter friends. You love white claw and the couch - 5 years ago

@Yxng_tim: @ahloushi I hope my sponsor saw me Rt. Because I want it in white. - 5 years ago

@TwinsJake: #TOPPSNOW Road to Opening Day Tim Anderson Chicago White Sox is also now a member of the 1/1 Club - 5 years ago

@tim_timriv: @HillaryClinton @JoeBiden Hell, he doesn’t even know what he’s running for or where he is most of the time. He’d ge… - 5 years ago

@serbin_tim: @SmokyMtnBoy1 @NightlyPolitics If only you could be married to President Trump! Just think where you'd be the white… - 5 years ago

@0ender1: RT @0ender1: Coverage of Tim Anderson before being drafted by the Chicago White Sox in 2013 - 5 years ago

@Tim_Cormell: RT @TheCricketerMag: "It's as if, when they put that Rapids shirt on, they suddenly become a very close, powerful and intimidating outfit."… - 5 years ago

@WZRD_TiM: SWITCH UP TO THE WHITE BENZ 😔😔😔 - 5 years ago

@jennmcguirk: @Tim_McDonnell 👌😁 nice variation! One would hope it's not a white top and red wine for the 'be the mop' part But p… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Ell: My first instinct would be to laugh this off as a joke when so many of us are needing a hand right now. But I recog… - 5 years ago

@ElliotAnders4: @soft_dnp @giawaholic @Margueritalita aren’t y’all coming for her opinion on Tim tho?? Lol wouldn’t that also be co… - 5 years ago

@Chrisbdg34Smith: @Justlove3332 If Joe picks anyone other than Kamala or Val that is 4 more of Dr ORANGE..Another white guy like Tim Kaine. SAVE THIS - 5 years ago

@Wolff_Tim: RT @MHartsockWHIO: Sad news today. Former Colonel White football player Bobby Martin died in an accident on his ATV last night. Martin wa… - 5 years ago

@tim_from: RT @SenSanders: We have a president forcing hazardous meat plants to reopen, threatening workers' health. We have a Labor Department sidin… - 5 years ago

@white_arrow_uk: RT @carmindabrendel: Please Listen to Tim Ballard ThisInterview he shares details of what he’s witnessed on the frontlines of an invisibl… - 5 years ago

@white_arrow_uk: RT @carmindabrendel: Saving Children: Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad over 27 million men, women, and children are slaves ,… - 5 years ago

@JRAFrost: @OmiSooreDryden @Tim_Bousquet We need to see the list. An outbreak may have started in a black community, but as Dr… - 5 years ago

@PushkinPress: RT @Laura_Wat: @PushkinPress @LondonBessie @primaryteachew #MyThreeBooks @PublishersAssoc 1) The Little White Horse, Elizabeth Goudge ❤️… - 5 years ago

@Laura_Wat: @PushkinPress @LondonBessie @primaryteachew #MyThreeBooks @PublishersAssoc 1) The Little White Horse, Elizabeth G… - 5 years ago

@Otta66: 贵了嘛,飞了 费翔 飞翔 Tim Horton's white man - 5 years ago

@dariaanne: RT @michellemalkin: 10/#SurveillanceState's biggest enablers of medical data-mining regime are embedded inside White House: Jared Kushner,… - 5 years ago

@corinag46869529: @Macgyver2921 @GarBear4Trump @Kap2582 @CrustyThoughts @werner_fred @Redchicken321 @Big_Rodster @benb7488… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Tim_2000: RT @PrinceHAK33M: The wildest part of COVID 19 has been white people acting like stay at home orders are their own version of the civil rig… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Dutson: RT @chaseejamess: Every white girl maid of honor speech ever - 5 years ago

@valeriaawatson: "White People Sh**": Anti-Racism Educator Tim Wise Deconstructs "Pandemi... - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: @GOP 1 million infected and nearly 60,000 dead. Only when GOP is in the White House do Americans die in record numbers. #bush #trump - 5 years ago

@white_cell: @JackieKane Two years? There's nae way on earth Tim Martin et al will allow that - this could be the point where Sc… - 5 years ago

@Warren_Suitor: @donniedodger25 @NewEraCap Ron Kittle, Wally Joyner, Gary Pettis, Tim Salmon, Devon White, Kirk McKaskill, Johan Sa… - 5 years ago

@Justin_D_Martin: RT @khanundrum: Why Gatsby? Sexual references. Also out: Maya Angelou's 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' (anti white) Joseph Heller's 'Ca… - 5 years ago

@Ricky_Blyberg: I’ve known Tim Rappe for a few years now. He is as good as it gets with teaching skill development. He should be a… - 5 years ago

@Sth6465: @DanyLektro @timruss2 I agree again. Now apply that logic to Tim’s statement. “Trumps followers” as a whole are “ c… - 5 years ago

@khanundrum: Why Gatsby? Sexual references. Also out: Maya Angelou's 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings' (anti white) Joseph Hell… - 5 years ago

@sapphyreblayze: Tim and Conner go to White Castle - 5 years ago

@jbacardi1: @TheFalcoholic I once had a Tim Dwight replica. I also have a Michael Vick white jersey, bought in ‘03. Hasn’t been worn much since. - 5 years ago

@SamMauch2: @laurenepowell you will be hearing from my attorney. From crying about getting peed on in the White House. To owing… - 5 years ago

@tim_stasevich: RT @SenSanders: We will not allow Donald Trump to: - Destroy 630,000 good-paying jobs - Eliminate thousands of post offices - Close hundre… - 5 years ago

@JoeMahmah3: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@TheRobGoldberg: Think about Heisman Trophy winners like Troy Smith, Jason White and even guys like Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel.… - 5 years ago

@ColorArousal: Hillary's "Stronger Together" slogan became sarcastic irony when she picked Tim Kaine for her all-white ticket. *W… - 5 years ago

@StaceyRobertsAZ: RT @ClaudiaRupcich: According to Dr. Tim Lant, an expert in pandemic modeling at ASU, based on White House requirements and guidelines to r… - 5 years ago

@tim_grossmann: @white_orchidee_ @Tara_the_witch @Fancy2M Ja hat er gesagt. Und niemals in sein Leben guten Sex erlebt - 5 years ago

@just_nez: @hey__yoh Baru mulai aja udh ngakak. Ga mau dpt tim dolphin eh malah dia yg dpt. Trs pas nebak new, white & sing be… - 5 years ago

@BKPragmat: @Tim_Patriot1 @ambertamblyn @cmclymer @MeghanMcCain Spare us because she acknowledges what white men do daily? As f… - 5 years ago

@the_tim_mcnally: RT @yashar: “Every white girl maid of honor speech” The accuracy... - 5 years ago

@AzharMarium: @dianelyssa She would be the Tim Kaine of bad VP picks. She was a terrible debater and she didn’t appear to have a… - 5 years ago

@fullofpaine: @joerogan @Timcast Tim Pool is for white people who never experienced bigotry and seem to think it doesn’t exist, s… - 5 years ago

@fymanas: The vanilla mud cake is better so as the white Tim tams is better - 5 years ago

@thames_tim: RT @YC727USA: So the New York Slimes is a credible resource Ms. Abrams regarding an investigation over the credibility of Tara Reade's test… - 5 years ago

@timfowler7_tim: RT @GeorgiaLogCabin: China sends US faulty Wuhan corona virus tests - 5 years ago

@tim_hidden: RT @Bob_of_Bonsall: @CabinetofClowns @tim_hidden @DrKarenzaMoore @knightmaker1979 @Strawbs86The @nurse_marcus @BorisJohnson_MP @MattHancock… - 5 years ago

@CWM_YGWW: The Kingscote Barn offered a magical winter vibe for Real Wedding couple Lizzie and Tim's celebrations. Find their… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Patriot1: @ambertamblyn @cmclymer @MeghanMcCain Spare us. You're the epitome of privileged white upper class. Everything you… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @Nefermira: @b_bull24 people saying "google four white teenagers" aren't getting the nuance of this issue. not only are black kids depic… - 5 years ago

@JustaJusta1ntx: RT @robertgmz5: There definitely need to be more effective tactics in questioning Trump. This piece is refreshing and went as far as invok… - 5 years ago

@Bob_of_Bonsall: @CabinetofClowns @tim_hidden @DrKarenzaMoore @knightmaker1979 @Strawbs86The @nurse_marcus @BorisJohnson_MP… - 5 years ago

@tim_jumpclarke: RT @WhiteRoseMaths: 🔷 We've added some more dates to our webinar schedule! 🔷 Choose from free 30 minute taster sessions, or a full session… - 5 years ago

@MrBosephine: @_Tim_AZ @CNN That’s high-larious. Republicans hate it when anyone other than old white males have rights. You Trumpettes are so confused. - 5 years ago

@MORPHEUS20202: @TIM______ @MySportsUpdate @postandcourier Yes I do... what country do you live in...let's not act like your white… - 5 years ago

@abigaillx0: Side note I need to pull myself from Tim Tok.. but y’all Iced Coffee 4 pumps of white mocha and sweet cream from. S… - 5 years ago

@mickmando: Gerry Paul, Tim O'Brien & Trevor Hutchinson - Black and White Rag - 5 years ago

@_1BUV: Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Minnesota on Tuesday to visit the Mayo Clinic and meet with Democrat Gov. Tim… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @gideon_ismail: @bennewmark Full offence, but none of you Brits actually ever tried to decolonize your mindset and it damn well shows in… - 5 years ago

@Tim_vanIersel: Black hat SEO 👿, Grey hat SEO 😶, White hat SEO 😇, Party hat SEO 🥳 - 5 years ago

@Tim_Hystad: @PeteButtigieg Such a “look at me and my wonder dong” alpha white man move. He’s pathetic. - 5 years ago

@Tim_McArthur: @NadineDorries @BorisJohnson @carriesymonds I am sad our society is so hypocritical to Praise someone who can’t rem… - 5 years ago

@AnneSch98836259: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@TiM_DiGGiTY: RT @PrinceHAK33M: The wildest part of COVID 19 has been white people acting like stay at home orders are their own version of the civil rig… - 5 years ago

@EoinRya79763334: @Tim_Burgess, any chance we could get John Cale to narrate the the first Velvet Underground album or White Light/Wh… - 5 years ago

@richrobby: RT @DianaG2772: A woman shit on the floor of Tim Hortons when they got her order wrong and the thus far, nobody has titled the story “Horto… - 5 years ago

@TheAscalonian: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@white_orchidee_: @tim_grossmann @Tara_the_witch @Fancy2M P.S gilt auch für Männer muhahaha - 5 years ago

@white_orchidee_: @tim_grossmann @Tara_the_witch @Fancy2M Schon Rubens wusste: eine Frau ist wie eine wilde kurvige Fahrt. Wunderschö… - 5 years ago

@V3rv3isdop3: RT @whitesox: July 8, 2017: Tim Anderson hit a game-winning solo home run in the 9th inning, the first game-winning shot of his career in t… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Price_1971: @BardsOfWar @minitornado86 @VP @POTUS 👆 Betrayal in the White House - 5 years ago

@bishopalreese: Now Playing: Tim White - I'll Praise on - 5 years ago

@Pinandpuller: Tim Wise thinks White Supremacists distill everything down to skin color as if it’s the only difference between rac… - 5 years ago

@tim_urbancrap: @Nigel_Farage They are lazy, have no skills, live off free handouts and make white people anxious... No, wait, that's Nigel Farage. - 5 years ago

@ApeironKnight: @Pinandpuller Tim "fellow white" wise - 5 years ago

@jenreeve190: RT @knightmaker1979: @tim_hidden @Strawbs86The @CabinetofClowns @nurse_marcus @BorisJohnson_MP @MattHancock PPE is requested by the Manager… - 5 years ago

@mjohnharrison: @tony_white_ @ForcedEnts Wasn't it great? Everyone on great form in the struggle to locate the horror of zoom's mea… - 5 years ago

@Westwood_TS: @timford1971 @lcfcawaydays_ Hi Tim, we've had red away kits through the 70s 80s and early 90s and again more recent… - 5 years ago

@Aussie_Tim_787: @SkyNews They've got chronic munchies build-up from too much hooch during the lock-down. It's not called 'Land of… - 5 years ago

@ObiWanKobeV2: @mattmoneysmith @PetrosAndMoney Didn’t know Cates’ had a sister that goes by Karen or is this what Tim looked like… - 5 years ago

@irisofae: iced coffee pero kung gusto niyo specific... tim hortons: french vanilla latte starbucks: white chocolate mocha no… - 5 years ago

@yemiashimi: @NigeriaNewsdesk IMF is part of d problem in africa. Dey encourage our leaders to b corrupt. The white folks never… - 5 years ago

@Tim_McArthur: @MattHancock @DailyMailUK Hang your head in shame! Getting a right white wing fascist paper to do your job! Well then I am not surprised! - 5 years ago

@melmiller777: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@Clarkwad: @TIM______ @MySportsUpdate @postandcourier I’m learning from a source now that one of the police officers has ties… - 5 years ago

@Tim_Poole_: RT @RobHerring: I don't know why the White House Correspondents Association @whca think the briefing room is theirs to do whatever they wan… - 5 years ago

@Tim_J_Drake: @TheQuartering So is burn notice, white collar, and royal pains - 5 years ago

@tmstrickl_tim: RT @JoeBiden: There are nearly 330 million people in the United States — and according to the Trump White House, we've only conducted 5.4 m… - 5 years ago

@TheSouthS1der20: RT @whitesox: July 8, 2017: Tim Anderson hit a game-winning solo home run in the 9th inning, the first game-winning shot of his career in t… - 5 years ago

@ShumbodyToldMe: RT @eegammings: Los Angeles talking with the White Sox about Tim Anderson. - 5 years ago

@Tim_Macaroni: RT @Nice_White_Lady: For those of you who don’t hang out there, White Twitter is arguing about the legal definition of butter. - 5 years ago

@TIM______: @Clarkwad @MySportsUpdate @postandcourier No way. And how do you know if the cops were even white ? - 5 years ago

@TIM______: @MORPHEUS20202 @MySportsUpdate @postandcourier You actually think that if a white guy was driving without a license… - 5 years ago

@RuthlessWe: The chef's kiss is Robert's Tim McVeigh meme. You know, the white supremacist who blew up a FEDERAL building in an… - 5 years ago

@Picevol: @tariqnasheed She said, “This what’s wrong with the Black community;” b/c Tariq doesn’t agree that a white person l… - 5 years ago

@Wombat58394699: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@liezelann_d: RT @whitesox: July 8, 2017: Tim Anderson hit a game-winning solo home run in the 9th inning, the first game-winning shot of his career in t… - 5 years ago

@XanaxAndTacos: RT @DianaG2772: A woman shit on the floor of Tim Hortons when they got her order wrong and the thus far, nobody has titled the story “Horto… - 5 years ago

@angt_trost: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@WCClosureTV: Yaaaaaai! Welcome back on Twitter, Tim 🥰 We bet all White Collar fans would gladly follow The Suit to the city of c… - 5 years ago

@nahurrakesh: President Trump says White House News Conferences are ‘not worth the tim... - 5 years ago

@JDinSD: @notcapnamerica @Eugene_Scott What they are trying to say is "old white lady Liz for the Bro vote, or "The Black Wo… - 5 years ago

@TikiRose: @Lawrence If @JoeBiden is deemed being "black friendly" due to being Obama's VP, then he needs to choose a 'white f… - 5 years ago

@LarryEr94572822: 2/3 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou ("'anti-white' messaging"), Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (violence… - 5 years ago

@Historian_Steve: @RustyBouseman @Dali_Watch I'd have to think back to Al Gore and think about what candidates may have had the best… - 5 years ago

@tim_ic: RT @PerlmanGerry: CNN, NBC, CBS, & ABC are set to announce that they will no longer televise Trumps announcements from the White House, say… - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Tim White (artist) @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #TimWhite(artist) add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@TimTam_got: 突然ですが【TIM TAM WHITE BROWNIE】のレシピをご紹介します。 - 5 years ago

@whitesox: July 8, 2017: Tim Anderson hit a game-winning solo home run in the 9th inning, the first game-winning shot of his c… - 5 years ago

@SoxOn35th: Tale of the Tape: White Sox 8, Red Sox 4 The South Siders feasted on Tim Wakefield's knuckler in today's… - 5 years ago

@eegammings: Los Angeles talking with the White Sox about Tim Anderson. - 5 years ago

@YoureNotAsking: @JoeBiden @HillaryClinton Do you even remember her? She wanted you out of the White House--replaced by Tim Kaine wh… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @yumcoconutmilk: This shit is just a modern day version of rich white women “taking the waters.” We’ve normalized mental distress but no… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Tim White - #TimWhite #Tim #White #rip - 5 years ago

@ThatsMrGBone2u: @PatronusVirus @RistoJK66 @nroHelttiL @fuckyouimbetter @VentaDarling @peterdaou Lol I'm just glad I never go to Tim… - 5 years ago

@DavidHarvilicz: We are lucky to have ⁦@WHNSC⁩’s Matthew Pottinger on our side. Well done ⁦@Tim_Morrison⁩ in piece by ⁦@nakashimae⁩ - 5 years ago

@tim_donner: RT @CaslerNoel: Pence refused to wear one of those white masks, but I’ll bet he’s worn one of those white hoods before. @VP - 5 years ago

@tim_of_ottawa: @chrisoxley10 @2ndCareerWriter There will be no repercussions. @andrewscheer wants Canada to know, that any critici… - 5 years ago

@uglyboy55: RT @NBCSWhiteSox: Tim Anderson came to play in our latest MLB The Show sim: - 5 years ago

@Cazalas7: RT @Curious_Normie: Tim Wise - “White anti-white like me” - 5 years ago

@RingosRunners: @Tim_Tips Very excited to watch race 1, I think both Forbidden Love and Still Reigning have “star” written all over… - 5 years ago

@Tim_ThaWhip: RT @PrinceHAK33M: The wildest part of COVID 19 has been white people acting like stay at home orders are their own version of the civil rig… - 5 years ago

@FunnyBuilt_Tim: White people hate pickin they get mf always slidin some damn where - 5 years ago

@CalciteAsh: RT @ClaudiaRupcich: According to Dr. Tim Lant, an expert in pandemic modeling at ASU, based on White House requirements and guidelines to r… - 5 years ago

@TheFrizz87: RT @TheFrizz87: 4-28-1995, the Red Sox started their season with a 2nd straight win, beating the White Sox 10-4. Rheal Cormier started and… - 5 years ago

@_ElectricInk_: Also another thing I hate about Twitter in general is people who follow you just to promote themselves. Remember Ti… - 5 years ago

@FernandoRGallo: You've got to be kidding me with this. A white senior and a white woman. Because the DNC learned NOTHING from Tim K… - 5 years ago

@GabePacheco19: RT @NBCSWhiteSox: Tim Anderson came to play in our latest MLB The Show sim: - 5 years ago

@NBCSWhiteSox: Tim Anderson came to play in our latest MLB The Show sim: - 5 years ago

@Saucy86_: RT @ClaudiaRupcich: According to Dr. Tim Lant, an expert in pandemic modeling at ASU, based on White House requirements and guidelines to r… - 5 years ago

@Tim_H: RT @ejrdavid: My kids conducted a science project (bcuz they’re stuck at home w/ me) & found that white men between 20-39 yrs-old are least… - 5 years ago

@xdamnitdean: si matt y tim vuelven a hacer white collar me largo a llorar ya mismo. - 5 years ago

@mean_tim: RT @PerlmanGerry: CNN, NBC, CBS, & ABC are set to announce that they will no longer televise Trumps announcements from the White House, say… - 5 years ago

@mynameissursha: @fistonthetable não coloquei tim e nem white álbum - 5 years ago

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